Automated Guided Vehicles in Finishing UCIF – Italian Surface Treatment Equipment Manufacturers’ Association Milan, Italy
n the last article published on ipcm®, we dealt with the new
This also translates into the possibility of linking them with MES
technologies and dynamics required of industrial surface treatment
systems to run automatic cycles with fleet control for the safe
processes by the market1. These do not involve only materials,
movement of multiple AGVs through natural navigation and active
surfaces, and cost optimisation, but also modularity, digitalisation, and
control of obstacles on the route with collision avoidance and, if
automation. This brings us now to the topic of design and integration of
feasible, autonomous route change features. This ensures safe
smart AGV systems for internal logistics.
interaction even in the presence of sudden obstacles and/or people
AGV stands for Automated/Automatic Guided Vehicle: the name itself
thanks to their stop functions. Precise positioning to within +/- 10 mm
suggests the idea of an object capable of moving autonomously, which
is also ensured.
is the actual purpose of AGVs. This technology has existed for many
On the other hand, one aspect that needs to be assessed during
years, from simple models with elementary drive units to modern
project development is that of AVGs’ energy supply, as no physical
systems with natural navigation, which are able to move autonomously
connections can be put in place during movement. Actually, there exist
within production departments using various technologies, from
various solutions, such as recharging on special fixed stations with
odometry to laser detection and, in some cases, GPS. In the automotive
autonomous management of these phases exploiting idle time, or
industry, AGV systems are used for a variety of tasks, such as
recharging systems at workstations using super capacitor technology,
transporting workpieces among different points on workstations.
or even inductive charging both on the move and on fixed stations.
It is indeed no coincidence that, in coating departments, their use is
Another advantage of AGVs is the possibility to offer various
becoming more and more widespread for transporting chassis, with
configurations, from integrated lifting systems to bi-directional
clear advantages in terms of flexibility compared with conventional
roller conveyors and on-board 6-axis robots. The world of AGVs is
handling systems, such as overhead or floor conveyors, belts, or roller
undoubtedly evolving and their use in various industrial sectors is
conveyors. Benefits also include these vehicles’ safe interaction with the
becoming increasingly widespread due to their ability to transport
surrounding environment and, above all, with operators, through the
even bulky and heavy objects. This can take finishing processes to the
use of laser scanners and presence sensors.
next level – and the Italian companies represented by UCIF are already using these technologies to make their solutions faster and more
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N. 75 - MAY/JUNE 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine