The COOL POWDER Coatings will be Displayed at the Next Fuorisalone 2022 Enrico Dall’Igna ST Powder Coatings SpA – Montecchio Maggiore (Vicenza), Italy enrico.dalligna@stpowdercoatings.com
ST Powder Coatings will display the COOL POWDER coatings’ series at Fuorisalone 2022 from 6 to 12 June as part of the Urban Matter(s) collective exhibition, curated by Materially.
he studies conducted by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panelon
This is also the path chosen by ST Powder Coatings, a company
Climate Change) have clearly and unambiguously established that
specializing in the powder coatings manufacturing, which will display its
the reduction of CO2 emissions (as envisaged by the Kyoto protocol)
COOL POWDER series developed with a sustainable approach during
is a mandatory path to ensure a liveable world for future generations.
the next Fuorisalone in the Urban Matter(s) collective. Urban Matter(s) -
Manufacturing companies are the first to be called up on to implement
Material Reduction for a Lighter City is the concept as well as the name
new production processes and/or use new materials that allow a
of the collective exhibition curated for the next Milano Design Week by
reduction in the energy consumed, and therefore a reduction in the
Materially, a social enterprise that helps companies in the development
amount of CO2 emitted into the atmosphere, a sign of responsibility and
and promotion of sustainable innovation starting from materials, and of
respect for the environment.
which ST Powder Coatings is an exhibitor partner.
© ST Powder Coatings
© ST Powder Coatings
N. 75 - MAY/JUNE 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Interior of the ST Powder Coatings plant.