ipcm Protective Coatings n. 37 - April 2021

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ISSN 2282-1767

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Interpon Redox The right choice in corrosion protection Ready. Steady. Coat.



Tip top: our corrosion protection is thinner than a single hair. And easier to maintain! Despite the wafer-thin coat thickness, our coatings achieve excellent results and offer a high level of protection. And even better: we address your wishes and requirements individually, instead of brushing you off with standard service. www.doerken.com


in this issue © Hempel



2021 trends in the corrosion industry


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Combat pipeline corrosion by adequate surface preparation


26 © Adobe Stock

30 36

26 INNOVATIONS: PRESENT&FUTURE An innovative technology for automatically shot blasting the internal surfaces of electric water heaters




A high-performance waterborne coating system to protect steel valves for an Egyptian oil storage facility

34 INNOVATIONS: PRESENT&FUTURE Assured corrosion protection for wind energy units

36 INNOVATIONS: PRESENT&FUTURE Reducing VOC emission by using Dynasylan SIVO 140 and SILIKOPON EF


Butterfly valves corrosion protected


Coating inspections: inspection of steel surface preparation, Part 2

42 BRAND NEW 44 THE MARKETING CORNER B2B Marketing: how to set up an effective multichannel strategy


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A L L I A N C E S FO R A S U STA I N A B L E E N E RGY F U T U R E w w w. o m c . i t B I O F U E L S - C A R B O N C A PT U R E - C C U S - C E RT I F I C A T I O N - C I RC U L A R EC O N O MY C L A S S I F I C A T I O N - C L I M A T E - C O R R O S I O N - D I G I TA L I S A T I O N - D R I L L I N G - E F F I C I E N C Y - E L E C T R I C A L - E N E R G Y - E N E R G Y S T O R A G E - E N G I N E E R I N G - E N V I R O N M E N TA L E X P L O R A T I O N - G A S - G O V E R N M E N T - H E A LT H - I N S T R U M E N TA T I O N - L N G - M A I N TA N E N C E - M A R I N E - P OW E R SYST E M S - P RO C E S S I N G - P RO D U CT I O N - R ECYC L E - R EG U L A TO RY - R E N E WA B L E S - S A F E T Y - S U B S E A - S U S TA I N A B I L I T Y - T E L E C O M M U N I C A T I O N S TRANSITION T R A N S P O R TA T I O N VESSELS WA S T E MANAGENT exhibition@omc.it / conference@omc.it LINKEDIN @Offshore-Mediterranean-Conference

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he pandemic has undoubtedly affected all aspects of our lives and all economic sectors alike, including the corrosion prevention one. Contrary to what one might think, however, not all of its effects have been

negative. Apart from the devastating impact of the supply chain failure, which is still a major problem also in terms of rising raw material costs, some trends have emerged (partly exposed by an article from “The Coating Inspector” blog, which you will find at the beginning of this magazine) that are forcing companies to hit the gas on R&D, with undoubted benefits on the evolution of anti-corrosion coating (passive protection) systems. One of them is the demand for greater efficiency, durability, and effectiveness of paints. Alongside this is the opportunity-turned-need to reduce dependence on oil derivatives for the formulation of coatings, as well as to reduce VOCs. Epoxy paints (largely derived from renewable resources and therefore more sustainable) thus got centre stage, even offering the possibility of incorporating additional properties (antibacterial, for example). The use of water-based coatings is also gaining ground in sectors traditionally associated with the use of solvent-based systems, such as the oil industry. A fascinating case study on valve coating by a well-known Italian company bears witness to this. The spread of powder coatings in parallel with that of water-soluble products also proves that it is possible to reduce VOCs without sacrificing performance, which is crucial in the

anti-corrosion sector. This move away from traditional high-solvent technologies is also evident in the marine sector, with the latest generation of anti-fouling paints. Finally, this issue of ipcm_Protective reiterates once more the importance of surface preparation for a high quality, durable, and fully functional anti-corrosion coating: we deal with this in an extensive article analysing the available mechanical preparation processes and in another chapter of our “Inspection LogBook”. Unfortunately, we will have to wait until 2022 to see all these technologies on display at a trade fair open to professionals. This is yet another disheartening negative effect of the pandemic: all strategic exhibitions planned for 2021 have been postponed to 2022 or turned into online events, which however tend to lack the power of relationships and networking that underpins a trade fair’s success. Hopefully, this is the last time we will have to talk about this aspect of the pandemic on social and commercial relations.

Alessia Venturi Editor-in-chief

ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2021 APRIL - N.37



2021 Trends in the Corrosion Industry Scott Menzies The Coating Inspector – Hamilton (Ontario), Canada


This article has been published on the following blog: https://thecoatinginspector.ca/blog. It is republished here with kind permission of the author.

Last year we predicted some major Corrosion Industry Trends like unique technologies, environmental protection, engineering and design and using raw materials sourced from the earth. Here are the 2021 trends in coating inspection.


f course, 2020 wasn’t exactly what we had all anticipated, but

in a way that they have never done before. These special types of

it did end up shaping way for new technologies, designs, plans

coatings can be cured in low temperatures, are resistant to abrasion

and overall, new industry trends.

and chemical influencers and can be easily recoated. They are

Now that we’re in 2021, we can look back and reflect to see what

definitely a trend that is quickly becoming regular practice in the

trends held up, what ones were set aside and how has 2020


impacted the way we are going to do things in the corrosion protection and paint industry in the new year.

2.COVID-19 disrupts the supply chain and demands & market growth slows down in 2021

Here are our top 5 corrosion and paint industry trends for 2021:

Many industries have felt the impact of COVID in one way or

another. Most industries are working with a reduction in staff, lack

1. Moisture cured coatings in severe environments

of access to materials, limited distribution processes and lockdowns

Moisture cured coatings, such as polyurethane coating technology

resulting in suspension of manufacturing processes. Not only does

is a wonderful choice for demanding exterior applications, such as

this impact come at the cost of businesses, but it also impacts the

bridges, stadiums and other large structures.

economy as well. Many companies are working with day-to-day

Working with moisture cured coatings help businesses with assets

strategies and short-term plans that are cost-controlled.

that are in severe environments, such as outdoors or water, to work

We are also seeing a significant impact on raw material supply

© The Coating Inspector


N.37 - 2021 APRIL - ipcm® Protective Coatings

© The Coating Inspector

MARKET CLOSE UP crude oil price instabilities economic pressure being put on the

moving towards epoxy coatings and will eventually phase out the more

global market. The construction industry has also presented delays

conventional materials that are being used within the coating industry.

in activities and high level of debt. For corrosion inspection and

Polymer coating materials (polymer coat and a substrate adhere to

protection, supply from China is limited, however, large players such

each other) allow for additional properties to be incorporated into the

as AkzoNobel and Sherwin Williams aren’t expecting much harm when

process. Properties that help these coatings with sustainability such

compared to smaller chains.

as antimicrobial properties, enhanced conductivity and durability from radio frequency or electromagnetic interferences have been at the

3. Demand for high-efficiency and high-performing coatings

forefront of research in order to provide the industry with a coating

When considering the implications that COVID has brought, the

environment presents.

change in strategies, operations, day-to-day processes and budgets

Epoxy resins also have excellent chemical and corrosion resistance,

are now a leading source of a high demand for efficient and high-

are cost-effective and diverse in their application processes (and

performing coatings.

where they can be used). They are also flexible and highly resistant to

For example, the increase of the use of enhanced oil recovery (EOR)

chemical solvents, and they consider the environmental impact they

methods in the oil and gas sector has created the requirement for

have. Using epoxy-based coatings helps to limit the dependance of

coatings that can endure high temperatures and pressure efficiently

petro-based chemicals (without impacting performance), which means

and ensure long-term protection of structures.

that they are more bio-based and are more environmentally friendly

Harsh conditions, issues with the supply chain and budget adjustments

than traditional materials.

that is long-lasting and intuitive to all of the hazards that the organic

in the oil & gas, marine and infrastructure sectors have also increased harsh conditions, just like what we’re seeing in polyurethane coating

5. Corrosion assessments and surveys to improve budgets and reduce spending


The best place to start with any corrosion protection plan is a survey.

the demand in development activities for coatings that can withstand

We like to use something called the human engineering factor that

4. Epoxy coatings will replace conventional coatings

allows our clients to be involved in the survey and planning process.

Just as we discuss a demand for efficient and high-performing coatings,

Believe us when we say, it’s harder said than done, but it helps develop

we need to look at the type of coatings that will be a big driver of

a plan that is sustainable. Corrosion assessments and surveys also

results in the upcoming years. We know that the market has been

help to reduce spending and improve budget control. ‹

© The Coating Inspector

ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2021 APRIL - N.37


© MONTI Werkzeuge GmbH


Combat Pipeline Corrosion by Adequate Surface Preparation J.F. Doddema MONTI Werkzeuge GmbH – Hennef, Germany



urface preparation of steel before external coating application is the foundation of any corrosion control program. Any

compromise made in the degree of surface preparation will usually compromise the field applied coating performance as well, regardless the technical quality of the pipeline coating. Surface preparation is defined as the cleaning and/or pre-treatment of the metal and adjacent coating surface ensure the best possible bond between the surface to be coated and the coating to be applied. Coating degradation problems that lead to the creation of a corrosion risk within the design life of a pipeline can be attributed to one of the following causes: • An inappropriate specification for the coating material and/or

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coating process • Poor surface preparation and/or application • Interaction with the operating environment. Poor surface preparation and poor coating application practices can lead to premature coating degradation, particularly loss of adhesion, and increased risk of corrosion. Appropriate standards have been well defined for many years but do not appear to be applied, or applied correctly. There are many degrees and methods of surface preparation ranging from simple dusting or blowing away of loose dirt and rust, to the complete removal of all contaminants. The methods include the use of steam cleaning, laser cleaning, oscillation cleaning, chemical cleaning, hand tools, power tools such as grinders and needle guns, bristle blasting, water-jetting and loose abrasive blasting for e.g. loose abrasive grit blasting or sponge-jetting. Preparation grades as included in ISO 8501-1 (Sa 1.0 – 3.0) have been used for many decades to describe the surface cleanliness level achieved by the abrasive blast cleaning method as described in ISO 8504-3. Blast-cleaning grade Sa 3 is deemed as the cleanest possible surface finish from the blast cleaning method and it is normally produced in a plant-applied pipeline coating


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Cordless Prepper Q4 – ca. 8 m2/hour.


environment using engineering controls and automated blast cleaning machines with metallic abrasives. Blast-cleaning grade Sa2½ is typically achieved on working sites, where access is sometimes difficult and temporary provisions such as encapsulation, heating and dehumidification are used to control the works. An important rule to remember when selecting both the degree and method of surface preparation is that the service and life expectancy of a given field joint coating or coating system is directly proportional to the degree of surface cleaning done prior to field joint application.

Prepare what’s important The first objective of surface preparation is to remove surface contaminants that will affect the performance of the pipeline coating. Some of these are: • oil and grease. These can inhibit good coating adhesion and should completely be removed • soluble salts. These can increase moisture penetration by osmotic pressure through the coating and can accelerate the rate of corrosion • dust and dirt. These can inhibit good coating adhesion • rust usually cannot be penetrated by most coatings resulting in uneven layers with exposed metal where corrosion can take place • mill scale. These cannot be penetrated by most coatings and will eventually break free from the substrate taking any coating with it

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• delaminated coating can be present at edges-backs and can inhibit corrosion prevention. The second objective is to remove surface imperfections in accordance with the ISO 8501-3. Some of these are: • weld spatter • sharp edges • burrs • slivers • pits • crevices. All visible surface imperfections of substrate caused by the girth welding operation, such as welding slag and spatter, sharp edges or burrs that could damage the coating, detected before or during surface preparation shall be removed by an approved grinding method, welding and/or appropriate filing polymer and/or techniques according to the following grades. Grinding of steel defects shall not reduce the wall thickness below the specified minimum wall thickness of the pipe. The third objective of surface preparation is to provide an ‘anchor pattern’ or ‘surface profile’ which improves the bonding depending on the adjacent coating adhesion mechanism such as epoxies, Bristle Blaster Double – ca. 3 m2/hour.

polyurethanes, fusion bonded-epoxies and it increases the surface area.

ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2021 APRIL - N.37



© MONTI Werkzeuge GmbH

Bristle Blaster Cordless – ca. 1 m2/hour.

Take extra care and time before coating in the field

The level of these hygroscopic salts remaining on the substrate should

The ISO 8501 relates the cleanliness of the surface to its visual

not exceed 20 milligram per sq. meter. The level shall be measured in

appearance only. In many instances, this is sufficient for the purpose

accordance with the requirement of ISO 8502-6 or ISO 8502-9.

of atmospheric applied coatings, but for field joint coating exposed in

Contamination by soluble salts can be mitigated by washing the

severe environments such as water immersion and continuous wet

substrate by demineralized water to avoid false total salts readings.

conditions, special attention should be given to the following factors,

Attention should be given to habitat conditions in order to prevent

requirements and tests.


Presence of moisture

Dust contamination

Many types of coating require a dry surface and do not allow water to

Dust is a type of contamination that can originate from different

be present on the substrate. Condensation can appear on the substrate

sources. This includes - but is not limited to – soil, abrasives used for

when the substrate temperature is below the dew point of ambient air

surface cleaning, removed corrosion products, and delaminated plant

although it may always not be “visible moisture”.

coatings. They all have in common that they are rather loosely attached

Dew point and probability of condensation should be checked in

to the substrate. Dust can have a number of detrimental effects on the

accordance with an internationally accepted standard (e.g.

coating performance, e.g. adhesion strength and occurrence of coating

ISO 8502-4), and as agreed. Presence of continuous condensation

voids during application.

can be reduced by using special drying systems.

The degree of dust remaining on the surface should be assessed in

Water may also originate from different sources not related to

accordance with the requirements of ISO 8502-3 or other agreed

condensation such as from rain or from submersion. Water/moisture


can be mitigated by waiting for the surface to dry or by creating a water-

This contamination can be mitigated by cleaning the substrate according

tight habitat (when necessary).

to instructions provided by the manufacturer. Attention should be given to habitat conditions in order to prevent recurrence.

Contamination by soluble salts Soluble salts present on substrates are mainly originating from salts

Contamination by oil, grease, and other petroleum-like products

containing chlorides. Soluble salts contamination is therefore often

Oil and grease predominantly consist of hydrocarbons. They all have in

designated and measured as chloride contamination. They can have a

common that they are relatively non-polar compounds being insoluble

detrimental effect on the long term coating performance and should

in water, and that they stick very well to the substrate. They form a

therefore be limited on the substrate and adjacent coating, to a quantity

film on the substrate that impairs proper adhesion with many types of

that does not affect the performance of the new coating. Compatibility

coating, or - when adhesion could be realized – impair long term proper

with substrates having determined levels of salt contamination shall be

performance of the coating. Substrate contamination by oil, grease, and

demonstrated in a technical assessment.

other petroleum-like products should be tested in accordance with an


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internationally accepted standard (e.g. ASTM F22).

Time constraints

Oil, grease and wax shall be removed by solvent cleaning in accordance

The surface preparation method should allow coating to be applied

with SSPC-SP1, steam-cleaning or by a suitable detergent.

in time to prevent flash rusting. Flash rusting occurs when freshly

This contamination can be mitigated by washing the substrate with

abrasive blast cleaned steel are exposed to high humidity, rain or a

water jetting techniques using detergents and/or by solvent cleaning

corrosive atmosphere. The time involved in getting rust back can vary

using a suitable solvent, according to instructions provided by the APS.

from minutes to weeks. As a rule of thumb it is always advisable than a

Attention should be given to habitat conditions in order to prevent

loose abrasive blast cleaned surface to Sa 21/2 in accordance with the

recurrence. Attention should also be given to precautionary measures in

requirements of ISO 8501 Part A1 (visual assessment) should be coated

order to prevent health, safety and environmental issues.

within 8 hours. Under no circumstances should the steel be allowed to rust before coating is applied regardless of the time elapsed. However,

Compatibility with existing coating

an exception to the rule would the use of surface tolerant coatings

If the selected coating overlaps the existing coating, it shall be

or surface preparation methods which are not changing the surface

compatible with the existing coating and show proper adhesion to

tension of the steel surface, for e.g. Bristle Blasting.

prevent air or water ingress. In case there is no overlap, a small gap may remain at the interface which should then be coated with a third


compatible material.

For a coating job in the field, it is advisable to check the PQT quality

Compatibility between field joint coatings and existing coatings should

of surface preparation versus the coating quality in the field for all

be tested by assessing at least adhesion before and after accelerated

machines, media and or tools used.

ageing procedures at room temperature and at maximum service

Whatever the level of surface cleanliness required, e.g. Sa 2½ in accordance with the requirements of

temperature, as described in this part of ISO 18797.

© MONTI Werkzeuge GmbH

ISO 8501 Part A1 (visual assessment),

Attention should be given to existing

the correct hardness, size and angularity

coatings with irregular surface profiles

of loose abrasives as a method, or the

and the feathered edges.

correct method of bristle blasting could be used. A dense, regular, and angular

Feasibility of surface cleaning

profile (anchor pattern) is required in

The level of possible surface

order to obtain the largest, cleaned

preparation may be impacted by local

surface area and maximum adhesion of

regulations, environmental concerns,

the coating to the cleaned and profiled

and skills of the work forces. In case

substrate according the requirements

of impossibility to remove all traces

of ISO 8503-5 (Replica Tape), or other

of the former coating (e.g. primer or

methods ISO 8503-1, 8503-2,

paint when loose abrasive blasting is

8503-3, 8503-4 correlating with

not an available option or forbidden),

ISO 8503-5 may be used. A rounded,

alternate methods for loose abrasive

dished profile is not acceptable. In areas

blasting according ISO 8501-1 can

where the roughness of the profile does

be considered such as for e.g. bristle

not meet the requirements, the surface


shall be re-blasted. The peak-to-trough height of the anchor

Space and access constraints

pattern, the Rz-value, should be minimally

The space required to perform the

governed by the thickness of the applied

surface preparation and coating

liquid coating who depends on the

application should be taken into

adhesive mechanism via an anchor

consideration when selecting surface


preparation method and coating type. The space around the pipe should be sufficient and stable enough to ensure a safe and proper work area.

Substrate Temperatures Pneumatic Bristle Blaster (ATEX) – ca. 1 m2/hour.

During the coating application (installation and curing, if needed),

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© MONTI Werkzeuge GmbH

Bristle Blaster Subsea – ca. 0,5m2/hour.

temperatures shall be within limits as stated by coating manufacturer.

Surface Energy

Relative humidity can be of interest for the coating application process

Surface energy is more important for bonding. Areas in a loose abrasive

within 8 hours after surface preparation to avoid flash rusting and shall

and/or bristle blasted surface are not flat but three-dimensional,

not exceed the minimum and maximum humidity as specified in the

roughness of a three-dimensional surface cannot be accurately

PDS. In cases when the relative humidity exceeds permissible limits,

characterized by using a single roughness parameter in linear length.

habitats/tents or other containments should be set to allow the air

Parameters that characterize surface profiles Ra, Ry, and Rz, or peak

treatment inside. When using cleaning materials such as water jetting

count are two-dimension parameters. Although they are widely utilized

or wet abrasive blasting, the cleaned surface will rust very rapidly. It is

in different applications, they are not really able to provide the full

therefore essential that a ‘rust inhibitor can be applied to the surface

information on the three-dimensional surfaces. Mostly important, these

itself immediately after cleaning, or mixed in the water being used

linear length parameters do not form a linear relationship by themselves

during the actual cleaning process.

to surface area or surface energy. 3D roughness profile tester are on the market.

Adhesion Mechanism of Various Coatings Adhesion mechanisms can be divided basically into mechanical

Damage during Handling

interaction, thermodynamic mechanisms, van der Waals forces and

During handling, turning, laying, damage to the field joints welds,

chemical bonding. Among these different adhesion mechanisms, a

edges and to the surface by the use of sharp-toothed clamps should

significant amount of contributions is due to mechanical adhesion.

be avoided by taking precautionary measures. Touch-up and repairs

Mechanical adhesion in a loose abrasive blasted substrate or a bristle

can easily be handled by the Bristle Blasting Method and subsequent

blasted substrate relies on the curing (hardening) of the coating inside

coating systems.

the surface profile and asperities of the substrate surface and physical anchorage resulting therefrom. Mechanical bond may be assisted by

Cleanliness at Site

contact friction between substrate and coating in areas where the actual

Just as surface cleanliness before the first coating layer is fundamental

adhesion is inadequate. It is important to note that mechanical adhesion

to performance of the complete system, so is the cleanliness as

in tension differs significantly from mechanical adhesion in shear. For

important of the coated surface prior to the application of subsequent

example, a high interface roughness may improve shear bond strength,

coating layers within a system.

whereas tensile mechanical bond strength primarily depends on vertical anchorage in the surface profile.

Cleaning methods without anchor profile generation In order to remove rust, dust, and contaminants, cleaning methods such


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as laser cleaning, oscillation cleaning, the following cleaning methods

Surface preparation of the substrate

can be used. These methods do not create a roughness profile.

Prior to the coating application, the surface shall be dry and free of any contamination (such as detritus, dust, non-adhering particles, grease, oil,

Pure Strength Cleaner/Degreaser:

soluble salts) detrimental to surface preparation or to adhesion of the

Removes dirt, grease, oil, adhesives, road tar. Agitate for one minute

coating on the steel.

before use. Apply directly on the surface, rub with a brush or cloth, and

Oil, grease and wax shall be removed by solvent cleaning in accordance

rinse thoroughly with clean water or wipe with a damp cloth. For large

with SSPC-SP1.

jobs dilute Cleaner/Degreaser with water. All surfaces should be dry

All visible surface imperfections of substrate caused by the girth welding

before coating is applied.

operation, such as welding slag and spatter, sharp edges or burrs that could damage the coating, detected before or during surface

Steam Cleaning:

preparation shall be removed by an approved grinding method or filing

Recommended for removing grease, oil, salt, acid, alkali, and similar

techniques according to the following grades.

chemical residue from large areas. For maximum effectiveness, steam cleaning should be used in combination with alkaline cleaning. The surface should be thoroughly dry and free of residue before it is coated.

Loose abrasive blasting cannot be normative in a standard for coating in the field Selection of a suitable method is necessary to achieve the required

Alkaline Cleaning:

standard of surface preparation. In this field joint standard it is not

For removal of dust, dirt, wax, grease, oil, fat, salt, acid residue, etc.,

normative to use only the method of loose abrasive blasting to achieve

scrub surface with a strong commercial detergent solution such as

ISO 8501-1 Sa 1-3 grades. In this standard the loose abrasive blast

trisodium phosphate (TSP), then flush thoroughly with fresh water.

cleaning method ISO 8504-2 is informative. ‘Sa’ is the designation for

Surface should be completely dry and free of any residue before it is

blasting cleaning by loose abrasives only.


Surface preparation methods by hand- and or power tools such as needle guns, or wire brushing are designated by ‘St’. Descriptions are

Volatile Solvent Cleaning:

given in ISO 8504-3 for cleaning, including treatment prior to, and after.

Make certain the area is well ventilated. Apply solvent to the surface with

Preparation grade St is not included, as it would correspond

cloths, sponges, or brushes and scrub to remove grease and oil. Several

to a surface unsuitable for field joint coating.

successive wipings are usually necessary, using clean cloths and solvent

Abrasives used in the preparation of field joints shall comply with

each time. For optimum results follow with Alkaline Cleaning.

ISO 11124 or ISO 11126.

© MONTI Werkzeuge GmbH

Monti Cleantech Prepper on pipe.

ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2021 APRIL - N.37



© MONTI Werkzeuge GmbH

Monti Cleantech Prepper.

Compressed air for blast-cleaning shall be free of oil, condensed

• Sa 3 is approximately equivalent to NACE No.1/SSPC-SP5 (White metal

moisture and any other contaminants, and shall conform to the

blast cleaning)

requirements of ASTM D4285.

• Sa 2½ is approximately equivalent to NACE No.2/SSPC-SP10 (Near-white metal blast cleaning)

Bristle blasting, the alternative method

• Sa 2 is approximately equivalent to NACE No.3/SSPC-SP6 (Commercial

This method for removal of mill scale, rust, old coating and creating

blast cleaning).

a profile is mechanical by a handheld pneumatic, electric power

Bristle Blasting, depending on the brush and the type meets also the

or water-driven tools and semi-automatic or automatic machines.

requirements of power tool cleaning and the current normative loose

During operation, the Bristle Tips will create a dense, angular, regular

abrasive method to achieve a Sa 1 till 3 cleanliness. General rule of

roughness profile of more than 50 micron Rz and a cleanliness equal to

thumb or production is that 1 operator can prepare 1m2 per 1 hour by

requirements of ISO 8501-1 Sa 21/2.

1 Bristle Blaster of 23mm width. Bristle Blaster Double offers 3m2 an hour per person as surface preparation power. Prepper Q4 and Prepper

10,000 strikes per second without heating up the surface per 23mm belt

Q10 are available in wider configuration. Also subsea bristle blasting is availability based on water hydraulics.

The core feature is the accelerator bar. It suspends each separate bristle bristle tips impacting the surface. The system combines the ability to

Other power-tools cleaning according ISO8501-1 grade St2/3

produce an abrasive blasted finish with the high mobility and flexibility of

Coating in the field requiring minimal surface preparation, the surface

a portable hand-held tool.

shall be prepared according ISO8501-1 grade St2/3.

The procedures prior to bristle blasting and after are similar to lose

Tightly adhered mill scale, rust, coating can remain provided it cannot be

abrasive blasting.

removed with a dull putty knife. Please note that tightly adhered invisible

The applicator should wear glasses. Visual sight during the operation is

mill scale can affect the adhesion and performance of the coating

possible to check the cleanliness. The bristles can be reclaimed and dust


control vacuum machines can be attached.

Hand tool cleaning can be an ideal method to prepare small areas,

Compressed air for bristle blasting by a pneumatic tool shall be free of

areas with difficult access, or areas where the use of blast cleaning is not

oil, and condensed moisture.

permitted or it is impractical. There are many different tools available to

during rotation and accelerates it to increase the kinetic energy of the


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manually prepare surfaces; some of the most common include: • Rotary wire brush - available in various forms to fit specific machines, including cup and radial form, knotted or crimpled tips. Wire brushes have good resistance to wear and tear. • Reciprocating impact tool (needle gun) - this tool consists of a group of steel needles that are struck by a piston, like a chisel. The needles project out of the gun simultaneously and they will strike the surface individually and hence adapt to irregular surfaces. This is most effective on brittle or loose surface contaminants.

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• Grinders or sanders - for example, cutter bundles or stars are hardened steel washers that are grouped together on an axis and rotate individually. These are used in metal and nonmetal surface preparation, grinding concrete, and for generation of non-slip surfaces. • Rotary impact or scarifying tools - generally consist of an abrasive

VpCI® Coatings protect a multitude of metal products. Applying VpCI® Coatings provides fast and economical protection for exterior and interior surfaces.

material spinning at high speeds, using centrifugal force to project cutters or hammers against the surface. These tools accomplish most cleaning jobs rapidly and leave surfaces fairly smooth, but frequently leave oil or grease on the surface. The surface shall be cleaned of oil and grease before using rotary cleaning tools. While it is possible to achieve an acceptable standard of surface cleanliness with power tools, the surface profile is unlikely to be the same as that achieved with abrasive blasting because they do not produce a uniform pattern. • Tools without generating a profiling but well-equipped for removal of polypropylene, polyethylene, glue residues or vinyl without damaging the primer are technologies like the Vinyl

Zappers based on butyl or silicone for wearless properties. ‹

© MONTI Werkzeuge GmbH

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Monti Vinyl Zapper Ultimate.



Bele Bartoka 29, 31300 Beli Manastir, Croatia Phone +395 (0)31 705-011, Fax +395 (0)31 705-013 info@ecocortec.hr http://www.ecocortec.hr/en/


Cortec Launches EcoShield VpCI-380 Topcoat for Industrial Painters Cortec has launched EcoShield VpCI-380, a DTM fast drying, water-based fluoropolymer modified acrylic one-coat system that provides corrosion protection and weatherability on metals in harsh outdoor environments.


he latest addition to Cortec® Corporation’s portfolio of

steel and top-coated over a wash primer (e.g., VpCI®-373 Green) on

Micro-Corrosion Inhibiting CoatingsTM is EcoShield VpCI -380 ®


stainless steel, galvanized steel, and aluminium.

topcoat for industrial painters, a fast drying, water-based fluoropolymer

It shows excellent 5B adhesion and even adheres well to some

modified acrylic one-coat system that can be applied direct to metal and

engineered plastics for greater versatility. It is thixotropic and exhibits

provides corrosion protection and weatherability on metals in harsh

alkyd-like gloss, flow, and levelling properties with good resistance

outdoor environments.

to sag. It can be tinted to most custom colours and has a VOC

The EcoShield VpCI -380 system provides UV resistance (colour and

of 1.6 lbs/gal (192 g/L).

gloss retention), and gives optimal outdoor performance without

Originally designed for the railcar industry, EcoShield® VpCI®-380 is

cracking or chipping upon prolonged exposure to sunlight. Its hardness

an alternative to solvent-based, zinc rich coatings and can be used in

(H-2H Pencil Hardness), moisture resistance, and fast-dry properties

a wide range of industrial painting markets such as refineries, power

make it particularly suited for air-dry/force-dry industrial finishes. The

plants, outdoor storage yards and for any other metal equipment

coating also provides corrosion protection, having passed more than

application to achieve protection against corrosion in harsh outdoor

1,000 hours in ASTM B117 salt spray conditions and ASTM D1748

environments. It can also be used for mass-produced parts needing

humidity conditions at 4.0-4.5 mils (100-112.5 µm) DFT.

to be force-dried with a high durability, high gloss coating for outdoor




Fields of application of EcoShield® VpCI®-380 EcoShield® VpCI®-380 can be applied direct to metal (DTM) on carbon

For further information: www.corteccoatings.com

© Cortec


N.37 - 2021 APRIL - ipcm® Protective Coatings


AkzoNobel Supplies Powder Coatings for the Pearl River Delta Project AkzoNobel will provide Resicoat R2 coatings for the coating of potable water pipes’ interior, as part of the Pearl River Delta water resource allocation project in China.


kzoNobel signed an agreement with Guangdong Water to provide

Director of AkzoNobel’s Powder Coatings business. “We’re excited to be

high-performance Resicoat R2 coatings for the Pearl River Delta

contributing to this significant project by supplying products that will

water resource allocation project, a major infrastructure project in

provide comprehensive protection to the new water pipeline.”

China, for the coating of potable water pipes’ interior.

Resicoat R2 features

About the Pearl River Delta Project

Resicoat R2 coating is specially designed to be used in the drinking

Designed to ensure the supply of clean and safe potable water to

water industry, typically being applied to valves and fittings and water

more than 50 million people, the landmark project will feature the

pipelines. The product’s high density and high hardness provide robust

highest water transmission pressure and the longest shield tunnel

abrasion resistance, anti-cathodic stripping, anti-bending,

in the world. It consists of a mainline, a branch line, three pumping

anti-corrosion and adhesion, all of which combine to help prolong the

stations and four storage reservoirs. In fact, the Pearl River Delta is one

lifecycle of pipelines. Resicoat R2 has also received the drinking water

of the world’s most densely populated areas and the water supply has

safety product license in China.

to be continuously expanded. The water resource allocation project

“Applying safe, environmentally friendly coatings to potable water

is designed to channel water from the Xijiang River in the west to the

projects is fundamental to ensuring water quality throughout the

eastern Pearl River Delta. As well as helping to prevent water scarcity, it

delivery process,” adds Karen Yin, AkzoNobel Powder Coatings’ Regional

will create emergency water reservoir for the Southern areas in China

Commercial Director for North Asia. “Our Resicoat range can therefore

including Hong Kong.

play a vital role in drinking water sanitation and the reinforcement of

“We have rich global experience in drinking water and pipeline projects

regulations and environmental protection.”

and will continue to play our part in improving people’s lives through our eco-premium and high-performance solutions,” says Daniela Vlad,

© AkzoNobel

For further information: www.akzonobel.com

© AkzoNobel

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Jotun, HHI and HMM Collaborate to Challenge Biofouling and Ensure Green Proactive Hull Cleaning Hyundai Heavy Industries has signed an agreement with Hyundai Merchant Marine and Jotun to ensure cleaner, more efficient and greener vessel hull performance and optimal environmental protection.


n December 8 2020, Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI), which

entire sustainable fleet that will allow the company to achieve zero

controls 10% of the global new construction market, has signed

CO2 emissions by 2050. “Jotun’s solution is perfect for achieving

a MOU with container line giant HMM and marine coatings supplier

this ambitious project”, commented Jong-Chul Choi, Executive Vice

Jotun to use its Hull Skating Solutions (HSS) on a number of new

President of HMM.


Oh-Min Ahn, HHI’s Executive Vice President, further added:

This technology, launched by Jotun at the beginning of the year,

“Sustainability is at the heart of our business and we are focused on

consists of HullSkater, which adheres to ships and gently deletes all

partnering with pioneering owners and suppliers to pave the way for

biofouling, the SeaQuantum Skate antifouling, and proactive condition

a cleaner, greener industry that can set sail towards achieving IMO’s

monitoring using a proprietary big data algorithm tailored to the

decarbonization goals. It will be very interesting to see HullSkater

needs of individual vessels.

solve the biofouling problem once and for all. We are convinced that

According to Geir Axel Oftedahl, Jotun’s Director of Business

this development can significantly contribute to changing the future in

Development, HSS is “the ideal combination for vessels facing the

the marine coatings market.”

toughest biofouling conditions and perfect for protecting new builds

Jotun estimates that if all ships facing severe biofouling problems

in the outfitting and testing phases.” Biofouling is in fact an important problem that affects ships that are

adopted the proactive HSS approach, marine CO2 emissions could be

reduced by at least 40 million tonnes per year.

inactive for long periods. But, HSS is able to clean the hulls before biofouling forms, eliminating associated drag, fuel consumption and

For further information:


emissions, protecting ship linings and safeguarding ecosystems from potentially invasive species seeking to populate them. HSS’s unique robotic cleaning units are controlled by specialized Jotun operators via 4G connections.

A joint effort in the name of sustainability “HHI and HMM have understood the importance of the problem of biofouling and are committed to better environmental protection by signing a unique MOU. The innovative technology will be used to tackle the biofouling challenge simply, effectively and with minimal disruption and maximum impact. We believe this is a new way of working for a new generation of forward-thinking owners and shipyards and we are happy to be involved in such an important industrial project”, said Morten Sten Johansen, Regional Marine Director, North East Asia. HHI is currently committed to building a series of state-of-the-art 16,000 TEU container ships for HMM and the HSS technology will be used to ensure that the ships meet environmental key performance indicators, keeping hulls clean, pristine coatings, providing optimum efficiency and limiting any potential release of biocides. The HullSkater will move from hull to hull during the main stages of outfitting. In addition, HMM has stated that it is committed to building an


N.37 - 2021 APRIL - ipcm® Protective Coatings

© Jotun


Evonik Launches VP 4200, a New Structure Modified Silica Type for Anti-Fouling Coatings Evonik has launched VP 4200, a new structure modified silica type for anti-fouling coatings to reduce biocide content. The new product allows for a more controlled release of biocide, which is needed in lower quantity for the same performance, and ensures a low thickening effect and easy incorporation.



vonik’s latest addition to the silica-based AEROSIL® product group is VP 4200, a new structure modified silica type with free OH-groups

that enables formulating more eco-friendly, cuprous oxide containing anti-fouling coatings. VP 4200 is tailor made for both CDP (Controlled Depletion Polymer) and SPC (Self-Polishing Coating) coatings. Thanks to its ability to form a complex with Cu2O, VP 4200 ensures

a better control of the release of the biocide. The performance is

guaranteed by its formulation with only 10 pbw% cuprous oxide and 4 -6 pbw% VP 4200, which leads to the same performance as the standard type with up to 50 pbw% Cu2O.

VP 4200 has a relatively low thickening effect, so higher amounts can easily be incorporated into the systems, especially in combination with TEGO® Dispers 1010.

For further information: www.coating-additives.com

© Shutterstock


MATE-XT is the exoskeleton that brings the qualities of MATE to an eXTreme level. The new MATE-XT is the latest version of the Comau exoskeleton that has been vastly improved, taking its benefits to the next level and adding important new features. Resistant to water, dust, UV rays and high temperatures, it is ideal for applications in difficult environments.. MATE-XT is easy to put on, easy to adjust and easy to use, ensuring the worker: • Reduction of muscle fatigue • Improved posture and comfort MATE-XT è l’esoscheletro che porta le qualità di MATE ad un livello eXTreme. Il•nuovo MATE-XT è l’ultima Comau che è stato estremamente Reduction of versione risk dell’esoscheletro from biomechanical overload migliorato, portando i suoi vantaggi a un livello superiore e aggiungendo nuove importanti funzionalità. certified with EAWS methodology Resistente all’acqua, alla polvere, ai raggi UV e ad alte temperature è ideale per applicazioni Better quality of work in•ambienti difficili. MATE-XT è facile da indossare, facile da regolare e facile da usare, garantendo al lavoratore:

• Riduzione dell’affaticamento muscolare MATE-XT works when, where and how you do.

• Postura e comfort migliorati • Riduzione del rischio da sovraccarico biomeccanico certificata con metodologia EAWS • Migliore qualità del lavoro

Come and find out at comau.com/mate MATE-XT lavora quando, dove e come fai tu. Vieni a scoprirlo su comau.com/mate


Cortec Launches the World’s First Compostable Corrosion Inhibiting Stretch Film Adding to its commercially compostable film technologies, Cortec has recently launched EcoStretch, a corrosion-inhibiting stretch film powered by Nano VpCI.


coStretch by Cortec is the world’s first

equipment or components that need to be kept rust-

commercially compostable corrosion-inhibiting

free while minimizing the environmental impact of

stretch film, which combines commercially

traditional plastic packaging. Therefore, it can be used

compostable resins with Vapour phase Corrosion

for warehousing or shipment of metal parts, metal

Inhibitor Technology (VpCI®) for corrosion protection

equipment or steel coils in the appliance, automotive,

of multiple metal types, including aluminium,

electronics, energy, engine and turbine, marine,

galvanized steel, carbon steel, silicon steel, stainless

manufacturing, mining, structural steel and tubing and

steel, copper, brass, and cast iron.

pipe industries.

How it works

© Cortec

Due to its high elasticity, operators can increase the tension of EcoStretch as needed. The selfadhering film bonds each layer to itself for added strength. Once the metals are wrapped, EcoStretch

EcoStretch powered by Nano VpCI is the world’s first commercially compostable corrosion-inhibiting stretch film.

will provide contact, barrier, and vapour-phase

Laboratory Compostability Study in accordance with ASTM D6400 and EN 13432 EcoStretch meets the ASTM D6400 standard for commercial composting1 and may avoid tariffs, fines, and tip fees in areas where polyethylene is prohibited

corrosion inhibition while also helping keep dust, dirt, and moisture

or restricted.

off warehouse stock.

EcoStretch is available for worldwide distribution from Cortec

EcoStretch is self and curb stable and will retain its integrity until

Advanced Films (Cambridge, Minnesota) in North America and

disposed of properly. After use, the EcoStretch can be sent to a

EcoCortec (Beli Manastir, Croatia) in Europe.

commercial composting facility to turn into a soil amendment for future use.

For further information: www.cortecadvancedfilms.com

Fields of application


EcoStretch is particularly suited for stretch-wrapping metal

This product is intended to be composted in a commercial composting facility operated in accordance with best management practices. Check locally to see if such a facility exists in your community and if they will accept this product. Not suitable for backyard composting.

© Cortec

Laboratory Compostability Study in accordance with ASTM D6400 and EN 13432: From left to right – Day 1; Week 3; Week 6.


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Spray Galvanising as Essential for Motorist Safety Numerous accidents have been caused by the corrosion of bridge and tunnel support structures. Hot spray galvanising is a useful protective solution that ensures that both structural and non-structural elements have a service life of more than 80 years.


he death of a truck driver in the Lehigh tunnel in Pennsylvania (USA), occurred

on February 21, 2018, was caused by the detachment of a lighting fixture from the vault due to the breaking of a corroded support bracket. The analysis conducted by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) confirmed that the PVC coated bracket was completely corroded. Subsequent inspections found that other similar support systems were corroded and these were immediately replaced. It is worth noting that spray galvanising is the most effective corrosion protection system in such highly corrosive environments, not only for structural elements, such as the iron reinforcements of reinforced concrete, but also for non-structural ones, including lighting systems, sign posts, gutters, etc. Indeed, spray galvanising is the only system that enables to apply zinc coatings up to 300-500 microns, guaranteeing a service life of more than 80

© Wikipedia

years before first maintenance is required. For further information: www.colimet.it

1 – The entrance to the Lehigh tunnel in Pennsylvania (USA), where in February 2018 a lamp broke off causing the death of a truck driver. 2 – In December 2019, a part of the ceiling of the Berté tunnel along the A26 motorway in Italy (Genova-Gravellona Toce section) collapsed, fortunately without consequences for the drivers of passing vehicles.

© Motorionline S.r.l.

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© Monti Group

Monti Group Expands with MontiPower Brasil MontiPower Brasil is a new joint venture between MontiPower America’s Inc. and Tecnofink LTDA created with the aim to market the entire range of the Monti’s surface preparation products and services to the South American country.


ontiPower America’s Inc., the North American subsidiary of Monti Werkzeuge GmbH, has entered into a joint venture agreement with

Tecnofink LTDA, the Monti’s long-time distributor in Brazil, to market the company’s surface preparation solutions - including the patented Bristle Blaster - in the South American country. The new venture, which is based in Macaé in the Rio de Janeiro state, will be called MontiPower Brasil and it will introduce the entire range of Monti surface preparation products and services under the Monti brand to the Brazilian market. Dirk Pohlmann will move from Tecnofink to MontiPower Brasil to take up the role as General Manager of the new venture. Monti Group CEO J.F. (Frits) Doddema said “Brazil is an incredibly interesting market for us across several key industry segments and we are very pleased to be able to combine forces with Tecnofink to serve these growing markets. Tecnofink is an experienced industry leader in the coatings industry in Brazil and this combination under the Monti brand will give us a stronger and more focused platform for our surface preparation technologies. We see great opportunities in Brazil, and we are excited to get underway as MontiPower Brasil”. Emilio Castro, CEO of Tecnofink LTDA, added “It is always an honour to work with the Monti technology in Brazil, and I am very pleased that Thomas Fink and I are able to take this step today with Monti and create MontiPower Brasil. Tecnofink has an important position on the Brazilian market and this new venture under the MontiPower brand will better allow us to pool our collective resources and educate and grow the surface preparation market. Monti is a company with a unique vision of this market and over the past couple of years it has introduced many new innovations and tools that we will bring to Brazil. We look forward to working together with MontiPower’s international team to develop and build the MontiPower Brasil business”. For further information:

The Brazilian team in action.


N.37 - 2021 APRIL - ipcm® Protective Coatings



AkzoNobel Partners with Polar Pod for Pioneering Scientific Mission in Antarctica AkzoNobel is the exclusive paints and coatings partner of a pioneering scientific expedition which will send an oceanographic platform around Antarctica to study the Antarctic Circumpolar Current.


olar Pod, created

© AkzoNobel

from project construction through to the completion of

by explorer and

environmentalist Jean-Louis

its three-year mission, which is

Etienne, will enable scientists

expected to start in December

and explorers to study the


Antarctic Circumpolar Current,

This collaboration has a strong

which has a great influence on

link to AkzoNobel’s 2030

the Earth’s climate and contains

“Planet” ambitions, which

a reserve of marine biodiversity.

include reducing carbon emissions by 50% and moving

How Polar Pod works

towards zero waste as a

Polar Pod is a 100-metres high


platform, thus taller than the

“This is a really exciting

Statue of Liberty, that will be

partnership and a fantastic

towed horizontally to its first

example of how we’re prepared

study area and tilted vertically

to go to the ends of the

by filling seawater ballast tanks

Earth to help our customers

– when most of the structure

and discover pioneering

will be submerged. As it

ways to become even more

gradually makes it way around

sustainable,” says AkzoNobel

the Antarctic continent, driven

CEO, Thierry Vanlancker.

by the circumpolar current (thus

“It represents an intriguing

ensuring zero emissions), it will

blend of visionary thinking

allow the acquisition of data

and environmental ambition which fits perfectly with our

and long-term observations that will be transmitted to researchers, oceanographers, climatologists and

own People. Planet. Paint. approach to sustainable business. We’re

biologists at 43 scientific institutions in 12 countries.

extremely proud to be involved.” “As an industry leader in sustainability

Operating in an area that sailors refer to as the Furious Fifties

and a global market leader in marine and yacht coatings, lowering

(between 50° S and 55° S), studies will include: air/ocean exchange

our environmental impact on the planet and contributing towards

measurements, in particular related to CO2; wave dynamics; plankton

ocean preservation are key aspects of our strategy,” adds Jean Michel

collection and evaluation of the impact of acidification; acoustic

Gauthier, Director of the company’s Marine and Protective Coatings

inventory of marine fauna; validation at sea of satellite measurements


and aerial observation of marine life. The Polar Pod will be supported

“Sponsoring the Polar Pod expedition is a great way for us to help

by a dedicated offshore supply vessel, which will be permanently

advance scientific knowledge of the pivotal role the Southern Ocean

assigned to the mission. It will leave the nearest port to join the

plays on the Earth’s climate and marine biodiversity. We’re looking

platform on its drift course as it crosses the Indian, Pacific and Atlantic

forward to supporting the team and raising awareness of the program


as the mission begins to gather momentum.”

AkzoNobel’s sponsorship

For further information: www.akzonobel.com

AkzoNobel will sponsor the 1,000-ton platform for the next five years,

and www.oceanpolaire.org/en/polar-pod/

ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2021 APRIL - N.37



Managing Hidden Risk Simon Daly Hempel A/S – Cwmbran, United Kingdom


Analysing customized coatings’ solutions is essential to hinder the corrosion under insulation (CUI) phenomenon. In this article Simon Daly explains how Hempel, one of the corrosion protection coatings world leaders, supports the applicators to overcome this issue.


he problem of corrosion under insulation (CUI) is one that

This severe and particularly disruptive form of corrosion occurs

affects a wide range of industries but is particularly common

on insulated carbon and low alloy steel as well as stainless-steel

in equipment used within the petrochemical, refining, offshore

equipment that operate at a temperature range between 50-175°C,

and maritime industries which must contend with particularly

and as it is located out-of-sight is particularly difficult to detect

corrosive environments. CUI, a localised form of corrosion, occurs

and treat. If left undetected, CUI can result in catastrophic leaks or

when moisture becomes trapped between insulating materials and

explosions, equipment failure, prolonged downtime due to repair or

pipework, ductwork, valves and other key external equipment vital to

replacement, and safety and environmental concerns.

the operation of many hydrocarbon facilities.

The issue of corrosion under insulation (CUI) is particularly common in equipment used within the petrochemical, refining, offshore and maritime industries.


N.37 - 2021 APRIL - ipcm® Protective Coatings


Protecting against CUI

leading to corrosion. Repeated drying and wetting cycles can result in

Therefore, ensuring the correct protective coating systems are

concentration of salt species furthering corrosion.

applied to piping and equipment at the point of construction is vital.

Protection from CUI and maintaining of asset integrity is reliant upon

However, as temperatures vary considerably across the constituent

four key barriers:

parts of each asset – be it a refinery or a pipeline, or adjoining

• Weathering barrier, the combination of insulation and jacketing/

processing and distribution infrastructure, temperature requirements


usually require to be accounted for separately and protected with a

• Coating barrier, the protective coating applied to protect the

suitable coating system. There is rarely a one-size-fits-all approach

metallic surface.

for selecting a coating solution. This makes preventing CUI across an

• Material barrier, the choice of the equipment material itself, steel,

asset and specifying a simple coating solution to meet the precise

stainless-steel etc.

needs of each piece of equipment a challenging process.

• Design barrier, the combination of piping diameter, configuration

While there are asset-specific reasons for its development, CUI is

and wall thickness.

most often caused by external water seeping through leaking or

While damage tends to occur slowly, localised pitting corrosion

poorly maintained joints in outer cladding, or condensation formed

may ultimately compromise the pressure integrity of the piping and

within the insulation during process operations. As this moisture

equipment if allowed to progress unchecked. Additionally, it is very

accumulates beneath the insulation, the water does not have the

expensive to detect and correct. This is why it is worth dedicating

opportunity to evaporate and so settles on the metal surfaces in the

time to working with a coatings supplier that will create a specification

space between the insulation and the equipment substrate, in time,

for each asset is a valuable use of project resource. While the

© Hempel

© Hempel

CUI occurs when moisture becomes trapped between insulating materials and pipework, ductwork, valves and other key external equipment.

ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2021 APRIL - N.37



© Adobe Stock

If left undetected, CUI can result in catastrophic leaks or explosions, equipment failure, prolonged downtime due to repair or replacement, and safety and environmental concerns.

requirements for each project will differ in oil, gas and petrochemical

of the drawbacks, such as sensitivity to over application.

processing and storage facilities, there are three types of coating

Zinc silicate systems, meanwhile, can also resist a wide temperature

systems that are commonly used. These are epoxy/epoxy phenolics,

range – up to 400°C. However, the drawback with this solution is that

zinc silicates and inert multi-polymeric matrix type materials.

zinc silicates are ‘sacrificial’ in their defensive approach, and degrade rapidly when exposed to hot, wet CUI environments. Overcoating

Understanding protective systems

them with thin film silicone paints - based on silicone resins – has

Epoxy/epoxy phenolic coatings systems offer excellent performance

not been typically successful due to their inability to provide suitable

when operating in the CUI temperature range, generally defined as

corrosion protection ultimately resulting in breakdown and exposure

being between 50-175°C. However, when temperatures exceed this

of the lower zinc layer to the CUI environment.

range, or cycle, above and into this temperature range the coating is

Inert multi-polymeric materials such as Hempel’s Versiline CUI

more likely to crack. This means water and moisture can get below

56990 have been specifically designed to combine excellent high

the coating and directly onto the surface material, which is then

temperature performance with resistance to CUI conditions, without

susceptible to corrosion.

some of the drawbacks of other coating types.

Historically epoxy phenolic (or Novolac) materials have been used

The product is a fibre-reinforced, single component, inert modified

extensively due to their proven performance in “wet” conditions

inorganic copolymer. In simpler terms, the Versiline CUI 56990 has

however recent years have seen the development of numerous pure

been developed to provide better resistance to CUI as well as a

epoxy systems which offer equivalent performance but without some

unique resistance to micro-cracking.


N.37 - 2021 APRIL - ipcm® Protective Coatings


© Adobe Stock

An example of the CUI phenomenon.

Providing additional reassurance An inert multi-polymeric matrix type material, the Versiline CUI 56990 coating contains a silicone backbone that delivers a high temperature resistance. This means that in combination with its unique fibre-reinforced filler package, it is applied in thicker films and has superior barrier properties than thinner film silicones, which offer limited corrosion protection. The coating is formulated for resistance against temperatures of between -196 and up to 650°C, making it suitable for all types of assets processing hydrocarbons where corrosion under insulation can occur. An additional advantage with inert multi-polymeric matrix type materials is simplicity for applicators. Inert multi-polymeric matrixes can be specified for several temperature and performance categories, making them ideal for bulk items such as pipework and valves, or any items where the exact operating temperature may not be known at the design stage. Additionally, as the product is a single component it does


© Adobe Stock

According to a recent study, in a typical refinery piping is responsible for nearly 80 per cent of the hydrocarbon leaks but only receives 10-20 per cent of the inspection operations.

not suffer from high levels of wastage which may occur with

10-20 per cent of the inspection “effort”. Whilst clearly these

2-component materials due to the pot life being exceeded, which

numbers will differ from facility to facility, they highlight a real need

makes it ideally suited for tie-ins and field repairs where multiple

to ensure that everything that can be done to help prevent CUI from

locations require to be treated.

a new construction stage will assist with the overall facility return on investment. The issue of corrosion under insultation is one that

Managing lifecycle costs over build costs

impacts the profitability of every asset in the downstream supply

According to the most recent IMPACT Study, developed by NACE

chain. While the impact may not be sudden, and can go undetected

International, the not-for-profit professional organisation for the

for many years, the costs incurred can be considerable.

corrosion control industry, savings of between 15 and 35 per cent of

Therefore, investing in the right protective coating solution to protect

the cost of corrosion could be avoided or recovered by using suitable

against CUI should therefore be considered into the total cost of

corrosion control practices. This saving was calculated to be in the

ownership of the asset.

region of USD $375 and USD $875 billion annually on a global basis.

The cost savings from early corrosion control, and through the

This is of course a wide estimation across all industries, but it does

implementation of a robust corrosion management system will be

give an indication as to the scale of the problem.

returned. With the application of the most suitable CUI coatings,

A recent study also suggested that whilst piping accounts for 50-60

properly installed, maintenance costs will decrease over time, with

per cent of the surface area in a typical refinery it is responsible for

the additional benefits of less production downtime, and – most

nearly 80 per cent of the hydrocarbon leaks but only receives


N.37 - 2021 APRIL - ipcm® Protective Coatings

importantly – a lower risk of harm to people or the environment. ‹

Shotblasting Washing Air-blasting

Gritblasting Wet-blasting Shot-peening

Descaling Surface preparation Mechanical pickling Paint preparation

From 5,5 kW direct drive motor and 330 mm disk diameter...

...up to 110 kW spindle drive motor and 500 mm disk diameter

Tel. +39 02 97289696 www.itfcorporation.com itfgroup@itf.it Str. Enrico Mattei n°20 20010 Mesero (MI) Italy


The shot blasting system designed and manufactured by ITF for domestic boilers.


An Innovative Technology for Automatically Shot Blasting the Internal Surfaces of Electric Water Heaters Davide Silva ITF Srl, Mesero, Milan, Italy



oating the inside of their tanks is essential to protect electric

mechanical pre-treatment through shot blasting and enamelling with

water heaters from corrosion, since, by their very nature,

a liquid or powder product. The coating lines required for finishing

their internal surfaces are cyclically in contact with water, whose

boilers can be semi-automatic or automatic. These are faced with

aggressiveness increases as the operating temperature rises.

several critical issues, including the significant dimensional variability

Typically, indeed, the finishing cycle of these devices for domestic

of tanks, the need to work with a continuous flow and a high

use focusses on the internal surfaces of their tanks and it involves

efficiency degree, and the high coating quality required.


N.37 - 2021 APRIL - ipcm® Protective Coatings


ITF, a company active in the production of shot blasting, industrial cleaning, and deburring equipment, has developed very innovative, advanced automatic shot blasting lines for electric water heaters that have already been installed all over the world. These are highly efficient and they can be easily integrated with downstream process steps (i.e. enamel application and curing), thus creating fully automatic enamelling plants manned by a few operators who handle the loading and unloading of tanks.

Main features of the automatic shot blasting system Electric water heaters consist of a carbon steel tank with an enamelled inner surface. Shot blasting enables the tank’s metal surface to be properly prepared for subsequent enamel deposition, especially when using the powder enamelling technology. The plant developed by ITF is a multi-station system (four or more, depending on production requirements) with a step-by-step movement that does not involve rotation of boilers. After being loaded onto the overhead conveyor, the tank stops at an external station where sensors perform a dimensional check to select the most appropriate shot blasting recipe; this includes specific movements for each lance, which depend on the tank’s diameter and


Chamber view of shotblasting machine with eight stations.

THE INDUSTRY JUST GOT QUICKER TankFast linings are formulated to allow your tanks to return back to service quicker than ever before, with excellent chemical resistance capabilities. It’s about time your tanks were earning to their full potential. It’s about time you opted for TankFast. Find out more at jotun.com/tankfast

Take care of business from the inside.




Multi-stage powder enamelling machine.

Oven for enamel conversion.

height. This guarantees the use of the right program, thus avoiding

multi-station system conceptually similar to the shot blasting one.

any selection errors by the operators.

The powder deposited in this way is transformed into enamel

Afterwards, the tank is transferred to the first station of the shot

by moving the tank through a curing oven with an operating

blasting chamber. Each station has a centring system to align the

temperature of 850 °C. After leaving the oven and cooling down, the

bottom hole of the tank with the shot blasting lance. The lances

tank is unloaded from the conveyor and sent to the assembly line. All

feature special nozzles at their upper end; each plant actually comes

HMIs of the machines in the line are interfaced with each other for

with three different types of blast nozzles that differ in the angle at

just-in-time exchange of signals.

which the grit is ejected, in order to guarantee total coverage of the tank’s inner surface.

Lance rotation: a guarantee of quality

Each lance is attached to a motorised shuttle positioned under the

The use of a rotary joint on the shuttle that moves the shot blasting

shot blasting chamber; the shuttle enables the lance to be moved

lance is a special feature of ITF’s shot blasters for domestic boilers.

vertically and it is controlled by a laser system, in order to respect

This technical choice was dictated by the will to avoid the rotation

the positions set in each recipe and ensure that the tank is only

of boilers because these are never perfectly balanced due to the

moved when the lance is out of the way. A rotary joint attached to

presence of side connectors, which complicates the alignment

the shuttle enables the lance to rotate as it moves in and out of the

between the tank hole and the lance; moreover, the connectors may

tank. Such combined movement guarantees a homogeneous shot

interfere with the blast chamber’s centring devices during rotation.

blasting process on every surface area. Each tank is processed in

The use of rotary joints also simplifies the design of the conveyor’s

several consecutive stations to prepare its whole surface.

hooks, thus reducing the investment cost and guaranteeing a

After shot blasting, the tank stops in a station similar to the previous

much more stable system. All these advantages translate into a

ones, where compressed air is used to remove any dust and grit

stable, accurate process not only in the shot blasting machine

deposited at its bottom. This means that the tanks leave the shot

but also along the entire enamelling line. Finally, ITF’s system is

blasting chamber correctly prepared for enamel deposition and free

designed according to a modular concept. The number of stations

of any impurities that could pollute or hinder the following stages

is determined by the productivity required by each user, while the

integrated in the line.

distance between one station and the other and the height of the

The subsequent powder enamelling process occurs within a


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chamber are defined by the maximum size of the tanks treated. ‹


CorrVerter MCI Rust Primer: Cortec’s Solution Against Rebar Corrosion in Concrete Repairs To provide a solution to mitigate rebar corrosion, takcling reinforcement surface preparation and ongoing protection, Cortec has developed CorrVerter MCI Rust Primer.


orroded reinforcement is the chief cause of concrete deterioration, which prompts

subsequent repairs. For repairs to be sound, contractors must ensure adequate adhesion of new patch repair materials by proper preparation of exposed reinforcing steel, which should be free of any materials such as concrete, dirt, and corrosion products that could interfere with repair material adhesion, although a tightly bonded light rust on the rebar surface is usually not detrimental to the bond of patch materials. To tackle this challenge and mitigate rebar corrosion, Cortec has developed CorrVerter® MCI® Rust Primer, which can be applied to

© Cortec

rusty or poorly prepared steel surfaces where further corrosion protection is required and good surface preparation is difficult to achieve. CorrVerter® MCI® is a formulation of chelating agents combined with a high-solid waterborne latex with extremely low water vapour permeability. This fast drying, singlecomponent primer converts surface rust into a hydrophobic passive layer and offers excellent protection against re-rusting of metal surfaces. Reinforcement coated with CorrVerter® MCI® Rust Primer has similar bond strength to concrete compared with uncoated rebar. CorrVerter® MCI® Rust Primer data reports 500 hours of corrosion resistance in salt spray testing (ASTM B-117) at only 3-5 mils (75-125 µm) DFT (applied at 8.7-14.5 mils [217.5-362.5 µm] WFT). For further information:

© Cortec


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A High-Performance Waterborne Coating System to Protect Steel Valves for an Egyptian Oil Storage Facility Marco Trentini Ti.Pi.Ci. S.a.s. Technology in Protective Coatings – Arenzano, Italy


The PetrolValves Group has chosen a coating system consisting of waterborne paints produced by the Italian company Ti.Pi.Ci. Technology in Protective Coatings for the anti-corrosion treatment of 140 valves for an Egyptian oil storage facility.


n this article, we would like to highlight the strategic initiatives

friendly protection systems that protect the health of people and the

undertaken by the PetrolValves Group, a leading provider of

environment and meet the highest safety standards. A very effective choice in the field of anti-corrosion treatments for

engineering of valves, actuators, and control systems. For some time

the flow control sector are waterborne, high-build, long-lasting, and

now, the PetrolValves Group has been placing particular emphasis and

overcoatable coatings that, in addition to the corrosion protection of

interest in investing in the continuous improvement of its business

steel substrates exposed to marine environments, are characterised

through the adoption of innovative technologies and environmentally

by non-flammability, which is crucial for the operational aspects of

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flow control solutions for the energy industry, specialising in the


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Table 1: System 1 required in the specifications.

Table 2: System 1 composed by selecting qualified products.


Sandblasting to grade Sa 2.5


Sandblasting to grade Sa 2.5


50 – 75 µ


50 – 75 µ


Zinc-rich epoxy coating



75 µ



75 µ


High-build residue, epoxy coating with micaceous iron oxide




200 µ


200 µ


Polyurethane coating




50 µ


50 µ


325 µ


325 µ

paintshops. Waterborne coatings developed specifically for use in the

The 140 valves produced by the PetrolValves Group were intended for

protective sector are now well established in both new construction

exposure in a C5 environment, as defined in the standard ISO 12944-

and maintenance projects. Ti.Pi.Ci.’s technology for this specific

2:2017. Consequently, the protective system was designed by selecting

purpose has been perfected over the last few decades and it has

high-performance waterborne products that belong to coating systems

already achieved considerable successes, among which the experience

qualified according to the strictest international standards, such as ISO

of the PetrolValves Group stands out.

12944:2017 and NORSOK M-501 Rev. 6 (Table 2). Surface preparation and coating were carried out by System Car Srl

The specifications of the international order

(Carpaneto Piacentino, Piacenza, Italy), a company established in 1987

This international order concerned the supply of 140 carbon steel

that extends over an area of about 100,000 m2 (of which about 50,000

valves intended for an oil storage facility in Egypt.

m2 are covered) and currently employs more than 200 people. The

The specifications for the selection of the protective system was drawn

work was carried out on two types of parts: the primary component,

up by a well-known Egyptian engineering company and the protective

composed of the valve and the bracket, whose function is to connect

system required was System 1 (Table 1).

the valve to the secondary component, that is, the actuator. The

© Ti.Pi.Ci.

Valves awaiting surface treatment.

© Ti.Pi.Ci.

The detail of an assembled bracket.

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function of the actuator (supplied already coated with an unknown

therefore understandable that the Egyptian company owning the plant

protective system) is to “actuate” the valve, thus enabling the flow of fluid

asked for a zinc-rich epoxy primer to be applied. The product chosen by

in the storage system to advance or stop.

Ti.Pi.Ci. to meet this need was HYDROGUARD Zinc 78. This is a fast-drying, two-components, waterborne, zinc-rich epoxy

Surface preparation

primer with 78 (±2)% zinc on dry film in accordance with the SSPC Paint

The surface preparation started by visually examining each valve,

20 Level II regulation, supplied with ASTM D520 Type III zinc dust. It was

checking for any surface defects such as sharp edges, non-optimal

chosen among all zinc-rich epoxy products offered by Ti.Pi.Ci. because

bending radius, and so on. Then, the surfaces were cleaned to remove

it can be used as a primer in a variety of systems qualified according to

any oils and greases remaining after the testing and assembly operations

ISO 12944:2017 for exposure in C5 environments, as well as in NORSOK

carried out in the production departments of the PetrolValves plant in

M-501 qualified systems and for structures immersed in salt water

Gerbido (Piacenza).

(System 7B).

This crucial preliminary phase was then concluded by checking for the presence of soluble salts using the Bresle test. The subsequent

Second layer

sandblasting operations were performed using garnet abrasive, thus

The second layer required by the specifications was a high-build epoxy

obtaining a medium (grit) roughness profile. The coating phase was then

intermediate coat formulated with micaceous iron oxide (MIO). Since a


thickness of 200 microns in a single layer was required, the choice fell on a product from the HB (High Build) range.

Coating of the 140 valves

This unique waterborne product line is currently one of the highest

First layer

technological expressions of the know-how of Ti.Pi.Ci. HYDROGUARD HB

As mentioned, these valves were intended for a structure exposed in

MIO is a waterborne epoxy primer-intermediate coat with a dry residue

a C5 environment, as defined in the standard ISO 12944-2017. It is

by volume of 74%, which can be applied in a single layer up to 250 dry

© Ti.Pi.Ci.

© Ti.Pi.Ci.

Components treated with the waterborne, zinc-rich epoxy primer HYDROGUARD Zinc 78.


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The detail of some brackets following the application of the first layer.


microns. Another distinguishing feature is its high percentage of MIO on

A new environmental vision for the oil industry

dry film, around 30%.

For over twenty-five years, Ti.Pi.Ci. (Technology in Protective Coatings) has been striving to open the way to possible applications of

Third layer

sustainable protective systems in the Oil&Gas and Offshore industry,

The third and final layer required by the specifications was a

where it is still mistakenly believed that the only way to protect

polyurethane topcoat in the RAL 7035 (Light Grey) colour.

structures is the use of solvent-based products – with the consequent

In this case, the HYDROTHANE finish was selected, a waterborne

worsening of environmental pollution, which, unfortunately, has been

polyurethane coating with a glossy appearance.

going on for too long. The PetrolValves Group has long since decided

The range of finishes formulated by Ti.Pi.Ci. is very wide-ranging and

to join this philosophy, as have other major multinational groups

it offers to customers and international engineering companies many

using Ti.Pi.Ci.’s technology not only in Italy but also abroad, including

different solutions, in terms of both gloss (and therefore aesthetics)

in the USA, the Middle East, and Northern and Eastern Europe. The

and chemical and physical characteristics (as in the case of fluorinated

PetrolValves Group’s choice to market itself as a promoter of green

finishes). HYDROTHANE represented the beginning of the entire

solutions, actively pursued by its technical, production, and quality

range and it was selected for this project not only to enhance the final

departments, proves that a vision focused on protecting people and

aesthetics of the valves, but also and above all for its excellent chemical,

the environment can be readily accepted by international engineering

physical, and mechanical characteristics.

firms. At the same time, such environmental choice made by

This topcoat is in fact used in numerous systems qualified according to

contracting entities enables applicators (better technically prepared

the ISO 12944:2017 standard for exposures in CX environments, as well

than others and ready to comply with the increasingly binding

as in NORSOK M-501 qualified systems, both in the System 1 and for

European regulations) to achieve a higher safety degree in their

structures immersed in salt water (System 7B).

plants, significantly reduce their emissions (which is no mean feat), and save money. ‹

© Ti.Pi.Ci.

Some valves painted with the waterborne protective system developed by Ti.Pi.Ci.

© Ti.Pi.Ci.

The detail of a finished valve.

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Assured Corrosion Protection for Wind Energy Units Laura Saure Dörken Coatings GmbH & Co. KG – Herdecke, Germany coatings@doerken.de

High-performance corrosion protection for screwed fasteners in high-tensile steel enables wind energy units to be largely maintenance free. Zinc flake systems have proven their reliability in the area of rotor blade fastenings for over 30 years.


he rotor blades are fundamental, key components of a wind energy unit. They are used to extract energy from flows of air and

move this to the generator. The blade lengths of up to 85 metres and a weight of up to 25 tonnes mean that the fastening of the rotor blades to the rotor hub is particularly significant. This is achieved using fasteners, consisting of so-called double ends, barrel-nuts and hexagonal nuts, typically in the M30 to M36 dimension range.

Diverse stresses and requirements The rotor blades and thereby also their screwed fasteners are subjected to extreme climatic as well as dynamic stress from wind load and the operation of the unit itself. This is joined by static forces from prestressing of the bolts and the mass of the connected elements. As a consequence of the high level of stress for the screwed fasteners, the choice of corrosion protection is especially important. The protective coating needs to meet specified coefficients of friction in order to guarantee problem-free fastening on the construction site, typically with considerable time pressure and under difficult conditions. In addition, the coating must offer highly-effective and long-lasting corrosion protection to ensure the long-term, reliable operation of the unit.

Corrosion protection with multiple benefits The best solution is therefore a coating system like the extremely thin zinc flake coatings from Dörken. They fulfil all of these requirements and consist of a basecoat and an organic or inorganic topcoat tailored to the respective components. The zinc-containing basecoat determines the corrosion properties and is responsible for the cathodic corrosion protection. In addition to adding further protection, the tailored topcoat enables the observance of defined coefficients of friction and therefore safe and fast assembly.


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© Dörken

Rotor blade fastener comprising double end, barrel nuts, hexagonal nuts and washers.

A further advantage of the zinc flake systems: coated screws and

of this process the bolts or barrel nuts are fixed to a rack or multiple

bolts do not display setting behaviour, meaning that cost-intensive

small supporting points, or alternatively placed individually in a basket

maintenance work is reduced and service life increased. Even the

with grille.

risk of application-related, hydrogen-induced stress corrosion

After this, the unit is dipped in the coating medium in the scope of

cracking can be avoided, due to the fact that no hydrogen is

a precisely-defined process. This ensures that the smallest hollow

involved in the coating process. In addition, the low cross-linking

spaces are reliably coated. After the rack has been removed from

temperature of around 200°C avoids changes in the properties of

the bath, the centrifuge is utilised. The intensity and duration of

the high-tensile components. The highly-effective and long-lasting

this spinning process depends on the geometry and desired coat

corrosion protection offered by zinc flake systems is displayed

thickness of the parts. All excess material in the area of the interior

in comprehensive outdoor weathering tests conducted at the

spaces is effectively spun off. In the last step the entire unit including

Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik

the rack is subjected to the

(DIBt) and the Federal Institute

drying and cross-linking

for Materials Research and

process. In this the coated parts

Testing (BAM).

are hardened and cross-linked in a special oven with a defined

Efficient coating with the racked dip-spin procedure

temperature and duration. This

The size of the rotor blade

coating that enables problem-

fasteners in particular means

free and secure fastening to the

that the proven racked dip-

rotor blades of the wind energy

spin procedure is advisable

unit in subsequent use.

for coating the components.

In conclusion, high-performance

This application technology

coating solutions help to extend

enables even, high-performing

maintenance intervals and

results in an even and adhesive

protective coatings to be achieved. Following extensive pre-treatment, at the beginning

© Dörken

The racked dip-spin process has proved itself in the coating of the components.

working life of wind energy units, whilst also increasing levels of efficiency. ‹

ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2021 APRIL - N.37


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Reducing VOC Emission by Using Dynasylan SIVO 140 and SILIKOPON EF Edited by Evonik Industries AG Essen, Germany


Zinc dust paints based on Dynasylan SIVO 140 and ultra-high solid topcoats based on SILIKOPON EF enable the formulator developing low VOC coating systems. The VOC emission can be reduced from 120 g/m² to 20 g/m² compared to a common solvent born coating system. This reduction is environmentally friendly and protects steel from corrosion.


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ore than any other sector, the corrosion protection market

This technology provides coating systems with significantly less than

illustrates the impact the use of perfectly tailored binder and

250 g/L VOC (sometimes even less than 100 g/L) and moreover permits

pigment systems can have on the function of the coating as a whole and

isocyanate-free crosslinking.

furthermore on the protection/durability of valuable objects. The combination of two especially eco-friendly binder systems is

Reduction of three to two coating layers


In order to reduce from three to two coating layers, a combination of low-VOC zinc dust primer based on waterborne silane binder and top

Primer based on a waterborne silane

coats based on a silicone hybrid resin can be used.

The waterborne silane system was developed for use in two-pack zinc

This two-layer system showed in Figure 1 spares costs and time, in

dust paints, which are the coating of choice for long-term corrosion



• material cost

The binder contains special organofunctional groups which can interact

• labour cost

with the filler and stabilize the formulation. Formulations based on the

• production time.

waterborne silane binder can be used to formulate nearly VOC-free zinc

By reducing the film thickness, less coating materials are needed and

dust paints (Table 1).

labour costs are reduced significantly2. Moreover, the working time is considerably reduced due to less coating layers and less curing time.

Silicone hybrid resin for corrosion protection applications Conventional coating systems for heavy corrosion protection are based

Eco-friendliness (VOC-regulations)

on a three-layer system, specified in ISO 12944 (C5, high). The abilities of

Zinc dust paints that are formulated with this innovative binder and

the intermediate epoxy layer and the PU top coat can be combined by

ultra-high solid top coat based on the silicone hybrid resin, enable the

a one-layer formulation of the silicone hybrid resin cured with an amino

formulator to develop low-VOC coatings systems without compromising

alkoxy silane (Fig. 1).


B. Bröskamp, F. Böss, S. Herrwerth, Ch. Cova-Hög, Ressource Efficient Corrosion Protection, ECJ 03/2015.




M. Hallack, Flyer, Perfect Team for Eco-friendly Corrosion Protection Systems, ECS, 03/2019.

© Evonik

© Evonik

Table 1: Guiding Formulation based on waterborne silane-based binder.

Figure 1: Advantages of silicone hybrid resins.

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© Evonik

The VOC emission can be reduced from 120 g/m² to 20 g/m² compared to a common solvent borne coating system. This reduction not only protects the substrate, it also protects the environment. The eco-friendliness is obvious, because of the reduced coating thickness and hence less material using less solvents (Table 2).

Test results The corrosion protection performance was investigated with coatings on blasted steel, according to DIN EN ISO 12944-6 (C5 high, test program 1). A standard three-layer coating, a commercial 2-pack zinc dust epoxy-primer, a 2-pack epoxy-intermediate layer, and a 2-pack polyurethane top coat (in total: 280 µm dry film thickness, Fig. 2a) were compared to the two-layer combination of the waterborne silane-primer with the 2-pack silicone hybrid top coat (in total: 185 µm dry film thickness, Fig. 2b). In the humidity chamber test, carried out according to ISO 6270-1, no difference could be detected. Both coating systems showed no blistering after 720 hours exposure. However, the adhesion on the two-layer system was better (GT 0-1 versus GT 2). Another advantage, which is achieved with top coats based on silicone hybrids, is the higher chemical resistance. The coating was exposed at room temperature to 10% solutions of sodium hydroxide and of sulfuric acid; no damage was evident on the paint surface. Surfaces based on silicone hybrids also show a good performance in terms of easy-to-cleanproperties and good abrasion resistance.

Summary The high crosslinking of coatings based on a silicone hybrid resin qualifies this binder-technology for highly durable coatings - extraordinary gloss, colour retention and weather resistance. Compared with a conventional © Evonik

© Evonik

three-layer system, this two-layer system has better corrosion protection, even though the dry film thickness is 95 µm less. In combination with the waterborne zinc dust primer, based on silane, we achieved an eco-friendly coatings system, which offers a brilliant solution for the reduction of solvents and material and thus the reduction of costs and additionally provides a long-lasting protection against the formation of micro-channels. ‹

Table 2: Guiding Formulation based on the silicone hybrid resin. Figures 2a and 2b: The results after 1440 hours of neutral salt spray test, according to ISO 9227: 2a (left) - Three-layer coating system: 2-pack zinc dust epoxy-primer, DFT: 80 µm + 2-pack epoxy-intermediate layer, DFT: 120 µm + 2-pack polyurethane top coat, DFT: 80 µm. 2b (right) - Two-layer coating system: Zinc dust primer based on waterborne silane, DFT: 60 µm + 2-pack silicone hybrid top coat, DFT: 125 µm.


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Butterfly Valves Corrosion Protected EDF Energy called on Corroserve in order to manufacture and protect against corrosion two butterfly valves to put into operation at the Toreness Nuclear Power Station.


DF Energy, a British energy company, requested the manufacture

resistance. A topcoat of Corroglass EB was then applied to reach a total

and corrosion protection, against pitting and cavitation, of two

DFT of 2500μm. Corrocoat EB is ideally suited for brush application to

1600mm NB butterfly valves to extend their service life. In service, at

areas subjected to sea-water or other aqueous immersion. The coating

Toreness Nuclear Power Station, the CW valves would be subject to

also provides good cavitation resistance.

constant exposure to sea water. The body and blade of the butterfly

In order to provide all round protection the external surfaces of the

valves were cast using BS3100: Grade A1 cast steel. The shafts were

valves were coated with Plasmet ZF, a surface tolerant coating, before a

manufactured using BS970-431-S29 high strength stainless steel.

final coat of Corrothane AP1 was applied.

Following suitable surface preparation the blades were coated with Corroglass 600 to a minimum DFT of 1500μm and when cured were

Full corrosion protection

thickness and spark tested. The shafts were also protected against

After curing the valve body and blade were thickness and spark tested

corrosion using Corrocoat Armagel to prevent any pitting corrosion in

to identify any holidays and ensure the professional quality of the

service. Armagel is suitable for immersed environments where good

coating work.

resistance to chemical attack combined with resistance to abrasion are

Coating the valve with specialist protective coatings will significantly

requires such as pipes, chutes, process tanks, valves, etc.

increase the expected service life and protect the valves exposure to

The bodies of the valves were also suitably prepared before being

seawater and from pitting and cavitation corrosion in particular.

coated with multiple coats of Plasmet HTE to a minimum m DFT of 1500μm, HTE is used in areas requiring abrasion (and chemical)

For further information:

www.corroserve.com © Corroserve

Industry Nuclear power Environment Seawater service Plant Coated Butterfly valves Preparation Sa2½, profile 50 μm Coating Armagel, Corroglass 600, HTE, Corroglass EB, ZF, AP1 Application Hand and spray DFT 1500 μm and 2500 μm QA Thickness & spark testing

From top left and clockwise: Body & blades post abrasive blasting - Spray coating of blades - Hand application of EB to valve body - Completed, corrosion protected, valve body.

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Coating Inspections: Inspection of Steel Surface Preparation, Part 2 Massimo Cornago NACE International Certified Coating Inspector, NACE CIP PEER Reviewer cornago@ipcm.it


s mentioned in our previous article1, we will now examine the most common surface preparation systems.

We will begin with the “water cleaning” method. This is often used in the preparation of both metal and cement surfaces, using quality-controlled industrial water that can be heated and used with the addition of a detergent, which optimises the cleaning action, or with abrasives, which can be injected into the water flow – in this case, the correct term is “water blasting”. Depending on the pressure used, water cleaning processes can be further defined as “power washing” or “water jetting” and classified according to SSPC-SP12/NACE 5 as follows:

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• low-pressure water cleaning, under 34 Mpa (5000 psi) • high-pressure water cleaning, in the range 34-70 Mpa (5000-10000 psi)

Equipment inspection

• high-pressure water jetting, in the range 70-170 Mpa (10000-25000

The equipment used for water cleaning is quite complex.


Its main components are as follows:

• ultrahigh-pressure water jetting, above 170 Mpa (25000 psi).

• A power source to operate the pump • A pump to pressurise water

Advantages and disadvantages of the two techniques

• A hose and fittings to delivery water to the nozzle

Although the water cleaning operation requires the addition of a

• A high-pressure nozzle

corrosion inhibitor to prevent flash rusting, it has the advantage

• A control valve system to enable to the operator to start and stop the

over conventional abrasive blasting of removing soluble salts as well.

water flow.

Environmentally acceptable sodium and potassium nitrite inhibitors are generally added.

If the job specification requires the water cleaning equipment to

Low-pressure water cleaning is effective in removing visible dirt and

be inspected, the manufacturer should be consulted for specific

mould on coated metal and it is generally safe for any adjacent wood,


concrete, and masonry (although it is always necessary to carry out

In each of the major components, some of the items that may require

a specific check first). High-pressure water jetting is generally able to

inspection are as follows:

remove loose rust and the majority of intact coatings: the very high-

• Power source and pump. It should be sufficient to maintain the

pressure jet can remove coatings and even rust. Water blasting cannot

required pressure during all the work phases. Only clean water should

be used to remove scale and roughen metal surfaces. Steel cleaned with

be used. Filters should be in place and working properly in order to

water will not be roughened, without any abrasive injection.

avoid clogging the system. • Hose and fittings. They should be of the right size and pressure rating and free of excessive wear. The fittings should be compatible with the

M. Cornago, Coating Inspections - Inspection of Steel Surface Preparation, Part 1, in ipcm Protective Coatings no. 36 (December 2020), pp. 40-41.




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hose and tested as a unit.


coatings, and foreign matter. 3. WATER JETTING WJ-3: the surface should be cleaned to a matte finish with at least two-thirds of the surface area free of all visible residues (except mill scale) and the remaining one-third containing only randomly dispersed stains of previously existing rust, coatings, and foreign matter. 4. WATER JETTING WJ-4: the surface should have all rust, loose mill scale, and loose coatings uniformly removed. Nonvisual surface preparation definitions (SSPC-SP 12/NACE 5) 1. SC-1: an SC1 surface should be free of detectable levels of contaminants as determined using available field test equipment with sensitivity approximating laboratory test equipment. For purposes of this standard, contaminants are water-soluble chlorides, iron salts, and sulphates. 2. SC-2: an SC2 surface should have less than 7 µg/cm2 chloride contaminants, less than 10 µg/cm2 of soluble ferrous ion levels, and less than 17 µg/cm2 of sulphate contaminants as verify by field or laboratory analysis using reliable, reproducible test equipment. 3. SC-3: an SC3 surface should have less than 50 µg/cm2 chloride and sulphate contaminants as verify by field or laboratory analysis using reliable, reproducible test equipment. Inspection of solvent cleaning (SSPC-SP 1) Solvent cleaning is a method for removing all visible oils, greases, soil, drawing and cutting compounds, and other soluble contaminants from steel surfaces. • Nozzle and control valves. They should be in working order. The

The methods of solvent cleaning included in the SSPC-SP 1 are:

nozzle should be of the appropriate type for the job. Special nozzles are

• Wiping or scrubbing the surface with rags or brushes wetted with

sometimes required for inside pipes or floor gratings.

solvent, then using clean solvent and rags or brushes for the final wiping.

Testing for surface cleanliness

• Spraying the surface with solvent, using clean solvent for the final

The inspector should verify that the specified level of surface cleanliness


has been attained. Both SSPC and NACE, now AMPP (Association for

• Vapour degreasing using stabilised chlorinated hydrocarbon solvents.

Materials Protection and Performance), have developed a written

• Immersing completely in a tank or tanks of solvent. For the last

standard that addresses the degree of cleanliness, type of equipment,

immersion, using solvent that does not contain detrimental amounts of

operating procedures, and safety factors associated with water jetting.


The actual SSPC-SP 12/NACE 5 standard contains visual (WJ-1,2,3,4) and

• Using emulsion or alkaline cleaners. After treatment, the surface is

nonvisual (SC-1,2,3) definitions of various degrees of surface cleanliness,

washed with fresh water to remove detrimental residues.

as follows.

• Steam cleaning, using detergents or cleaners, followed by steam or fresh water wash to remove detrimental residues.

Visual surface preparation definitions for the water jetting

It is intended that solvent cleaning be used prior to the application of

of steel (SSPC-SP 12/NACE 5)

paint and in conjunction with surface preparation methods specified

1. WATER JETTING WJ-1: the surface should be free of all previously

for the removal of rust, mill scale, or paint, such as hand tool and power

existing visible rust, coatings, mill scale, and foreign matter and have a

tool cleaning and abrasive blast cleaning.

matte metal finish. 2. WATER JETTING WJ-2: the surface should be cleaned to a matte finish with at least 95% of the surface area free of all previous visible residues and the remaining 5% containing only randomly dispersed stains of rust,

In the next article, we will discuss other systems of surface preparation and the related inspections to be carried out. ‹

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Airbus and University of Surrey Develop Coating to Protect Satellites Against Oxygen Damage A nano-level coating developed by Airbus and the University of Surrey can protect satellites in low-Earth orbit from ultraviolet radiation and atomic oxygen.


ngineers from Airbus Defence and Space and the Advanced

stack to overcome several issues previously reported in space, like

Technology Institute, a research centre of the University of Surrey,

coefficient of thermal expansion mismatch or surface undercutting

have developed a breakthrough nano-barrier and custom-built deposition

erosion, as a result providing a complete nano-barrier protection for

system that bonds to the surface of polymer or composite materials,

advanced polymeric and composite materials in LEO.

protecting them from the erosion caused by atomic oxygen, which is

By applying a combination of a buffer and highly-dense amorphous layers

created when O2 molecules break apart, a process made easier in space

the thermal cycling and intrinsic stress effects are reduced. This enables

because of the abundance of ultraviolet radiation.

moisture and outgassing protection in tandem creating a dimensionally

The new nano-barrier allows for large-area, conformal coating on complex

stable platform, and thereby preventing material degradation. Further

3D structures such as spacecraft and optical mirrors. This eliminates the

oxide nano-layers are used to both enhance atomic oxygen/UV protection

risk of contamination and the need to wrap instruments with multi-layer

and simultaneously improve thermo-optical properties of the substrates

insulation, opening up opportunities to increase satellite performance.

by controlling the optical band gap of the entire nano-barrier stack. This

“This breakthrough technology is an enabler for extremely agile, high

effectively facilitates radiative cooling by minimising the heat that could be

performance space borne radar missions. It should have a huge positive

built-up on the surface and degrade materials.

impact on overall mission performance by offering higher flexibility in

The new deposition system built by Airbus and Surrey’s Advanced

the acquisition as well as increasing the possible imaged area – giving

Technology Institute, ensures a complete conformal coverage of the

our instruments greater performance”, said Christopher Hess, Head of

nano-barrier at room temperature, so sensitive polymeric and composite

Microwave Instruments at Airbus Space Systems.

materials can be coated without approaching their glass transition temperatures.

How it works

The teams from Airbus and Surrey’s Advanced Technology Institute are

In a paper published by the scientific journal ACS Applied Materials &

now working on the next stage leading to industrialisation of the coating

Interfaces , engineers showed how they have constructed the multilayer

to enable the first LEO missions to be treated from 2022.




© Airbus

For further information: www.airbus.com

30 giugno e 1-2 luglio 2021


giornate nazionali

corrosione e protezione

XIV edizione

torino 2021

Organizzate da

Con il patrocinio di


Media partners

Protective Coatings ®

presentazione AIM, APCE e NACE Italia Milano Section vi invitano al più importante evento nazionale dedicato alla corrosione e protezione dei metalli! Per garantire la sicurezza e la salute dei partecipanti, la XIV edizione delle Giornate Nazionali sulla Corrosione e Protezione si svolgerà in modalità esclusivamente online (webinar), nei giorni 30 giugno, 1 e 2 luglio 2021. Le Giornate rappresentano l’evento di riferimento a livello nazionale per la discussione ed il confronto sulle questioni scientifiche, tecnologiche e produttive, nell’ambito della corrosione e protezione dei materiali. In particolare, il Convegno prevede la presentazione dei risultati raggiunti da vari gruppi di studio e da numerose aziende del settore.

aree tematiche principali • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Corrosione delle strutture metalliche esposte all’atmosfera Corrosione e protezione delle reti idriche interrate Corrosione negli impianti industriali Protezione catodica: progettazione, collaudo, gestione e monitoraggio Comportamento a corrosione di leghe di titanio, nichel e acciai inossidabili Corrosione delle opere in calcestruzzo armato Corrosione dei beni culturali Corrosione negli impianti Oil & Gas Degrado e rilascio dei biomateriali metallici Rivestimenti e trattamenti superficiali Inibitori di corrosione Impatto delle nuove tecnologie produttive sulla corrosione Tecniche di studio e monitoraggio della corrosione Meccanismi di corrosione Case histories

iscrizioni Tutte le informazioni, le quote e le modalità per effettuare l’iscrizione e prendere parte alla XIV edizione delle Giornate Nazionali sulla Corrosione e Protezione sono disponibili online sul sito www.aimnet.it/gncorrosione/ Per ulteriori informazioni è possibile contattare la Segreteria organizzativa dell’evento.

segreteria organizzativa Via Filippo Turati 8 20121 Milano t. +39 0276021132 · +39 0276397770 info@aimnet.it · www.aimnet.it


B2B Marketing: How to Set Up an Effective Multichannel Strategy Ilaria Paolomelo eos Mktg&Communication Srl


Cross-media marketing has always been considered a key factor in ensuring the effectiveness of a corporate communication strategy. But how to set up a multichannel marketing strategy, especially in a sector like B2B, which is dominated by more complex promotion, sales and purchasing dynamics? How to choose the online and offline channels that best suit our needs? Here are the steps to put this into practice.


he digital transformation has completely

very important role and it is destined to

by setting up a multi-channel strategy, that is,

revolutionized consumer habits and

continue to do so in the future, as we have

by identifying the tools necessary to achieve

the ways in which companies manage their

already discussed when we analysed the

the goals we have set ourselves and creating

marketing and sales activities.

2021 social trends.

a synergy between digital and conventional

And if this revolution has swept over the

What to do then? How to set up a marketing


B2C sector, made of companies that sell

strategy in such a particular sector as B2B by

So, let’s see what are the steps to take to

products or services directly to the end user,

combining digital transformation with more

define and manage a successful cross-media

B2B, which instead refers to the commercial

traditional forms?

marketing strategy.

relationships that exist between companies

The answer is simpler than one would think:

located in different points of the production chain, stood by and watched, perhaps due to its very technical and specialized nature, which often requires a more conventional approach to selling and buying. But digital transformation was not (nor will it be) the only event that changed the way we communicate. In fact, the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic has led us to an almost paradoxical reflection: if on the one hand digital transformation is the future, on the other digital and non-traditional means of communication are actually still essential today1 and the desire for a return to the past and to forms of communication capable of filling the informational gap perceived online and widened with the pandemic, prevails. From newsletters to podcasts, from technical and specialized magazines up to trade fairs and events: what we thought we could easily replace with increasingly advanced, almost futuristic forms of digitization, still plays a https://eosmarketing.it/en/social-media-trends-2021-theultimate-guide/



N.37 - 2021 APRIL - ipcm® Protective Coatings


1. Define the goals

make sure it’s worth it;

understand our customers better and get

The first step to take to set up any marketing

• TIME-BASED: foresee a deadline for each

closer to their mentality: the more we know

strategy aimed at the business development

goal in order to define all the necessary steps

our target, the more we have the opportunity

of a company is to define the goals to be

to be carried out in a predefined time frame.

to tell them the right thing.

encompasses the five fundamental qualities

2. Define the target through the buyer personas

3. Identify the channels on which to set up your marketing strategy

that a goal should have:

A good marketing strategy should put the

• SPECIFIC: the goal must be well defined and

customer and his needs at the centre.

The website

tangible and should answer the questions

Firstly, let’s think about who our potential

Although there are some companies (a few,

what, how and why we want to achieve it;

customers could be and what their needs

fortunately) that have not yet landed on the

• MEASURABLE: in order to verify the

are, then let’s ask ourselves how our

web, most B2B companies communicate

achievement of the goal - in the long or

company can meet these needs.

through their website: whether you get there

short term - it must be measurable. For

To do this, we can create Buyer Personas:

through search engines, a business card

example, we could express it numerically: “I

fictional but realistic figures through which

or social profiles, the website is one of the

will respond to requests from my customers

we can identify the needs, even unexpressed,

fundamental touchpoints for any business,

in less than 48 hours” or “I will end a task

of our potential customers. In a nutshell, let’s

and in all likelihood the first source of

tomorrow at 10.00”;

identify with our potential customers and

information about a company, its products

• ACHIEVABLE: the goal must be realistic and

ask ourselves who they are, what needs and

and services.

appropriate to the resources we have;

desires they have. Let’s give them a name,

However, simply having a website is not

• RELEVANT: before spending time, money

a face, a personal and work experience to

enough: we have to make it functional for

and resources, we must carefully evaluate

make them as realistic as possible.

both users and search engines. Therefore,

the benefits we will get from our project, to

Creating these identikits allows us to

organizing and structuring the contents, also

achieved. To be effective, these objectives should be SMART – an acronym that

from an SEO (Search Engine Optimization) © Adobe Stock

perspective, is essential not only to offer users who browse the site all the information they need in a clear and direct way, but also to position ourselves better on the SERP (Search Engine Results Page), both against our competitors and for the most relevant keywords to our business. Once we have created a website that is effective in terms website navigation of both visitors and search engine crawlers, the benefits we can obtain are numerous. Here are the main ones. Brand awareness Reputation and authority, primarily of the brand, are two fundamental factors both offline and online. A well-structured and positioned website can help us increase awareness of the brand and all the values associated with it. This will not only encourage interaction with our audience but can also significantly affect purchasing choices.

ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2021 APRIL - N.37


Lead generation

© socialbakers

Social media

Both in the online and offline

Although social media

world, it is increasingly

weren’t created as a

difficult to collect high

business promotion

quality leads: we have to

channel, over time

optimize communication

companies have been able

activities on all our channels

to obtain an increasingly

- from the website to email

functional and complete

marketing, up to social

space on most platforms.

media - to attract contacts

This has helped to make

who are really interested in

social media an essential

our company, products and

tool for any company, a new

services. Lead magnets can

touchpoint, like a website

also come to our rescue. They can be free, useful

Example of a Buyer Persona.

or a booth at the fair. In fact, 75% (https://business.

content or incentives that attract the attention of the public with

linkedin.com/content) of B2B buyers, early on their buying journey,

the aim of convincing our audience to leave the email or any other

use social media to find the ideal supplier. Therefore, these channels

personal information necessary to create a contact list.

represent an excellent showcase for companies, as well as a way to get in touch with potential customers and maintain direct contact with

Positioning ourselves as an authoritative source

existing ones.

Regularly publishing valuable content that can help our customers

However, not all social networks are right for us in terms of target and

deepen the potential of our products and services - perhaps through

type of content.

a blog - or sharing customer success stories can help us engage our audience and cultivate a solid and long lasting relationships with our

How to choose the right platforms


The most popular and widely used social network in the B2B industry is LinkedIn. With over 675 million professionals, LinkedIn was created

The newsletters

with the aim of connecting professionals from all over the world.

One of the most effective, popular and cheapest digital tools for

During the registration phase, each user can enter their background

staying in touch with your audience is email marketing, which is one

and career experience, and connect with other professionals in

of the most traditional digital tools. Creating a marketing strategy

order to build a highly specialized network of contacts. Furthermore,

that includes periodic newsletters allows us to retain our target and

on LinkedIn it is possible to create a company page through which

constantly communicate with our customers/suppliers, keeping them

presenting our products and services to all the social network users.

up-to-date on new products, offers, initiatives and activities carried

In second place among the most used social networks in B2B we find

out by our company. It also allows us to generate traffic on the

Twitter, the social media known for the brevity of the messages that

website and promote our brand at the same time.

can be posted (max. 280 characters) and which boasts 330 million

Consistency and quality are the main success factors: we must not

active users and 500 million Tweets per day (www.dsayce.com/social-

overwhelm our audience, especially if our communications do not

media/tweets-day). Many B2B companies have decided to use this

offer added value. However, neither can we send out a newsletter

platform to speed up the Customer Care service and provide users

every 2 months: with 2.9 billion emails (www.campaignmonitor.com/

with quick answers to solve problems and doubts.

blog) sent every day, our audience could forget about us, not open the

In third place, we find Facebook, used by about two sevenths of the

newsletter or, even worse, decide to unsubscribe.

world population and which strength is represented by the possibility

Creating a calendar and identifying possible topics to be discussed is

of favouring direct interaction and strengthening the sense of

the first step for setting up an effective email marketing strategy. To

community through textual posts, images, videos, links, chatbots and

learn more, read our complete guide on how to create a successful

instant messaging.

newsletter .

In fourth place there is YouTube, Google’s social network that best


responds to the need to communicate in depth the characteristics and uses of products and services through explanatory videos, guides 2



N.37 - 2021 APRIL - ipcm® Protective Coatings

or tutorials of any duration.


Finally, we find Instagram,


we shake the hand of our

perhaps the social media with

potential customer, that

the highest visual impact,

everything that we have built

which allows us to share

in terms of communication

photos and videos and take


advantage of very trendy

4. Monitor the performance

formats such as Stories, Reels and Live.

The last step to take when Technical press

it comes to multichannel

Another conventional but

marketing is the constant

highly effective mean of

monitoring of the

communication, especially in B2B, is technical press,

performance. The most popular social media used in the B2B industry.

To do that, we can use

which has evolved over time,

monitoring platforms such

implementing both more traditional forms, such as printed copies,

as Google Analytics, analyse the data offered by social networks and

and digital tools and channels.

the various newsletter tools but, above all, we have to listen3 to our

Just as LinkedIn is the social network on which it is easier to meet

audience, both online and offline.

a professional target because it was created with this purpose, technical magazines are the most direct mean to reach a highly

One does not exclude the other

specialized target, precisely because they are created to represent

In this article we talked about four fundamental steps to develop

a particular sector, they “speak the language” of that industry (often

a B2B marketing strategy, starting from the analysis of the goals

very technical and specialized) and are perceived as authoritative

and target, choosing the right channels up to the monitoring of the

within the sector.


For a company, relying on the technical press at an editorial and

The message that I hope you have grasped by reading this article is

advertising level can be an opportunity to really reach its target,

the following: if we want to create a truly effective marketing strategy,

promote its brand and present its technologies and products in an

we cannot think of communication as a dichotomy between old and

in-depth way, certain that those who read that content will be able to

new, between conventional and innovative.

fully understand and appreciate it.

In marketing, not only are there no certain formulas, but also what

Being present in sector magazines allows us to exploit the editorial

we label as outdated can rise again, just as what is trendy does not

material not only to create content for digital platforms (social media,

necessarily entail a good return on investment.

newsletters, website) but also for direct meeting contexts such as

This happened with podcasts, which disappeared ten years ago only

fairs and events, during which editorial material can be used as a

to rise again now, so much so that the number of podcast listeners on

tangible and comprehensive promotional tool.

Spotify has doubled since the start of 2019 (https://podcasters.spotify. com). It happens with Twitter, which is often declared dead or in

Fairs and events

decline but that is still today one of the most used platforms together

Event marketing, which includes all the activities of planning,

with Facebook and Instagram. It happens with TikTok, an innovative,

organization and participation in an event (both in person and online)

fun and absolutely trendy platform to which many have subscribed

in order to promote a brand, a service or a product, played and still

without so much as a second thought but also without getting the

plays a fundamental role.

desired results, especially in terms of business opportunities and ROI.

Despite the difficulties of the period, which caused many

It is therefore good to pause and carefully analyse the situation so as

cancellations and a completely different approach to events, being

not to make the mistake of excluding some communication channels

present in conventions, seminars or conferences is still one of the

in favour of others and in order to identify those that best suit our

most effective ways for B2B companies to get in touch and build

communication and sales objectives. ‹

a direct relationship with potential buyers, create greater brand awareness and generate leads and sales. Therefore, we must take events into consideration to create an effective cross-marketing strategy: it is on this very occasion, when



ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2021 APRIL - N.37



IVS Postponed to May 2022 The fair, originally scheduled on 26th and 27th May 2021 at the Bergamo Fair Centre (Italy), has been postponed due to the development of the pandemic situation.


onfindustria Bergamo and Ente Fiera Promoberg have decided

IVS is the most important event of the Bergamo exhibition calendar and

to postpone the fourth edition of IVS Industrial Valve Summit,

is vital to the economic sustainability of the fair organisation”.

the international fair dedicated to industrial valves and flow control

Fabio Sannino, Chairman of Ente Fiera Promoberg, says: “I endorse the

solutions, to 26th and 27th May 2022. The summit, initially scheduled

words of Confindustria Bergamo General Manager. To restart in 2022

for 25 and 26 May 2021, will still be held at the Bergamo Fair Centre

with a greater international event will be an extraordinary opportunity

(Bergamo, Italy) as originally planned.

for our fair and for our city. The summit will relaunch its mission with

The delicate and persisting situation linked to the effects of the

specialised operators from all over the world and Bergamo will take the

COVID-19 pandemic prompted the organisers to postpone the

spotlight of international markets with its leadership in quality industrial

exhibition to next year, to protect people’s health and safety as well as


to respond to the travel restrictions and to the impact on the global

Industrial Valve Summit will keep in contact with the industrial valve

valve industry. The decision has been taken after close and deep

community. The organisers are working to enrich the contents of the

consultation with IVS exhibitors, partners and all the players of the

IVS 2022 programme of conferences and conventions, and to empower

industrial valve supply chain.

communication efforts. The event will be an opportunity to discuss

“We have taken the decision - explains Paolo Piantoni, General Manager

actual issues and trends and examine strategic developments in the

of Confindustria Bergamo - in view of the exceptional challenge that the




world is facing and of the development of the epidemiological situation. Our priority is to guarantee the availability of Bergamo Fair Centre for

IVS in numbers

the hospital set up to face the coronavirus emergency. In our view it

IVS has grown by number of visitors, exhibitors and traffic on

is an essential facility in the service of Bergamo community and shall

communication channels year by year, since its establishment in 2015.

continue as such for as long as necessary”.

The third edition of the summit attracted over 250 companies and

Paolo Piantoni emphasises that “the fourth edition of the Industrial Valve

almost 11,000 visitors to Bergamo: the growth stood at 36%, compared

Summit will have great symbolic value and will represent a moment

to the 8,000 accesses recorded in the 2017 edition and tripled

of rebirth not only for the exhibition and for the supply chain but

compared to the 3,500 accesses of 2015. The visits to the IVS website

also for the entire area of Bergamo, that has been hit so hard by this

quadrupled in the months leading up to the last exhibition event.

unexpected and shocking crisis. In perspective of IVS 2022 we will invest in ensuring the growth of the event in terms of exhibitors and visitors.

© Promoberg


N.37 - 2021 APRIL - ipcm® Protective Coatings

For further information: https://industrialvalvesummit.com/

© Promoberg


© Easyfairs

StocExpo Live Exhibition Postponed to March 2022 StocExpo, the leading tank storage event, has been postponed from June 2021 to 8-10 March 2022. Nevertheless, a digital conference was held on March 16-17, 2021.


he leading event for tank storage, StocExpo, has been postponed from

brands were able to connect with forward-thinking specifiers to cover

June 2021 to 8-10 March 2022 in a decision made in consultation with

innovation and digitalisation trends.

the industry and due to the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic situation and

“We’re thrilled to be able to announce the return of StocExpo; we know

the consequent measures taken by the Government.

how valuable it is to the industry and it’s great to be back in Rotterdam”,

StocExpo will therefore return to Rotterdam in 2022 to provide the

said Lourda Derry, COO of Easyfairs UK & Global. “We understand how

community with networking opportunities and insights of some of the

important it still is for us as humans to connect and continue to foster key

industry’s leading experts on a wide range of trends and issues impacting

relationships face to face. We are confident that, in 2022, we will be able

the industry, from cyber security to LNG and beyond.

to bring the community back together in a more powerful way than ever!

Alongside the usual live exhibition, conference and associated awards, the

In the lead up to the exhibition, StocExpo will build a community around

event will also feature a brand-new Emergency & Response Zone, a next-

not only the live event, but also a year-long experience of relevant and

gen roundtable debate, with input from StocExpo’s Forty Under 40, as well

insightful content and collaboration by the industry and for the industry,

as a critical post-COVID-19 market analysis.

started with The Terminal of Tomorrow.” “Tank storage was already in a time of transition before the pandemic

The 2021 digital conference

struck, so now collaboration and knowledge sharing are more important

In the meantime, to still provide the industry with interesting insights and

than ever before; it’s the key to the sector’s ongoing success. StocExpo

content, StocExpo scheduled a digital conference on March 16-17, 2021:

2022 will be the event for everyone to regroup and reassess and move

‘The Terminal of Tomorrow’.

forward into the future with confidence”, concluded Derry.

The conference aimed at providing the knowledge, resources and tools terminals need to prepare for 2021 and beyond. On day 2 innovative

For further information: www.stocexpo.com/en/

ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2021 APRIL - N.37



ptc 2021 Successfully Converted into Online-only Event with Record Attendance With around 1,000 participants and an above-average number of participants from pipeline operators, the Pipeline Technology Conference (ptc) is a unique meeting place for the exchange of operator knowledge across national borders and continents. This defining characteristic was confirmed again this year at the purely online ptc.


total of 861 conference delegates from 64 different countries

from this unprecedented pandemic situation,” Dennis Fandrich said at the

attended the online version of the 16 Pipeline Technology



Conference from March 15-18, 2021. Two-thirds of the participants came

Complementing this, Marian Ritter added, “Even with our best efforts, we

from pipeline operators around the world. In addition to the traditionally

cannot completely replace a real event, but that has never been our goal.

strong participation from Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America, this year’s

In a digital environment, the objective must be to hold a digital event, and

registration included many representatives from the U.S. and Canada.

we think we have succeeded well.”

Dennis Fandrich as Director Conferences together with Marian Ritter

The 16th Pipeline Technology Conference took the key success factors of a

as Director Exhibitions opened the conference part of the virtual ptc on

face-to-face event and transferred them to the virtual space.

March 16 with a short review of the last face-to-face event and the wish

The results of this year’s ptc will again be transferred to the ptc Pipeline

to meet again next year live in the conference, at the exhibition and at the

Open Knowledge Base. In addition to the abstracts and papers from the

evening events.

last 15 years of ptc, many recordings of the presentations will also be

“We all had to learn a lot of new things during the last 12 months. I am

published this year. The database is freely accessible via the ptc website.

sure that I am not the only one for whom home office from time to time

The upcoming 17th Pipeline Technology Conference will adopt many

means taking multi-tasking to a whole new level. But it’s working and we

elements of the online event and will be held as a hybrid event in Berlin,

all know that this pandemic made the whole world to adapt to the new

March 7-10, 2022. The call for papers will open in May.

challenges of remote work and restrictions on the freedom of movement. Many of the presentations will pay special attention to the lessons learned

For further information: www.pipeline-conference.com

© 2021 Philip Wilson / EITEP

Video streaming of Session 2.2 “Hydrogen”.


N.37 - 2021 APRIL - ipcm® Protective Coatings


EUROCORR 2021 Will Be Held Virtually EUROCORR’s organising committee decided to cancel the in-person congress, scheduled for September 2021. This year’s edition of the fair will be transformed into a virtual event.


ue to the ongoing global health concerns and travel restrictions

© Eurocorr

resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, the local organising

committee of EUROCORR 2021, in consultation with the EFC, decided to cancel the physical EUROCORR 2021 congress scheduled for September in Budapest.

Nevertheless, the organizer decided to transform the congress into a virtual event to provide the international corrosion community with a networking and exchange opportunity. The new registration fees and revised information for the virtual EUROCORR 2021 congress have been published on the event’s website. For further information: https://eurocorr2021.org/

ICC INTERCORR WCO 2021 Presents its New Virtual Format 21st International Corrosion Congress & the 8th INTERCORR International Corrosion Meeting will be held from 20th July to 23rd 2021 in a virtual edition.


he Organizing Committee of the edition of ICC INTERCORR WCO

The moment we live today highlights the importance of fostering such

2021 has been monitoring the control of COVID-19, with the

an event, bringing together renowned experts from around the world,

enormous challenge of facing this pandemic and also reducing the risks

seeking solutions to contribute to the recovery that the industrial

arising from agglomerations. The current global scenario has clearly

sector needs. Maintaining asset integrity, minimizing operational and

shown us that travel should be avoided until a vaccine is available to

maintenance costs, are extremely pertinent concerns to our daily


routine that have a direct impact on corporate budgets.

Thus, ABRACO communicates that the event will be held in a virtual

It will be an opportunity to keep abreast of innovations and the most

edition, in the same period, from 20th July to 23rd 2021, aiming at

innovative corrosion prevention technologies that are important for the

guaranteeing the health and safety of the participants.

professional performances.

Brazil returns to host one of the major worldwide events of corrosion, ICC – INTERNATIONAL CORROSION CONGRESS. In 1978, the 7th edition

For further information:

of the congress was held by ABRACO, in Rio de Janeiro, under the


command of our respected Dr. Aldo Cordeiro Dutra, as president of the Executive Committee. As we could not do differently, the 21st ICC will be held together with our traditional INTERCORR, the most representative Brazilian corrosion prevention event. With no doubt, this online meeting will also be an ideal opportunity to be in virtual contact with the greatest worldwide corrosion masters.

ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2021 APRIL - N.37


Protective Coatings ®

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Prof. Massimiliano Bestetti

Massimo Cornago

Department of Chemistry, Material and Chemical Engineering, Politecnico of Milan - Section of Applied Chemistry and Physics

Edoardo Tevere

ISSN 2282-1767

Protective Coatings ®

ipcm_PC digital on www.myipcm.com


Prof. Paolo Gronchi Department of Chemistry, Material and Chemical Engineering, Politecnico of Milan – Chemical Engineering Section

Oil & Gas Specialist

Indipendent Nace inspector lev. 3 QC/QA

Ing. Luca Valentinelli Materials Engineer, PhD, Nace inspector lev.3

EDITORIAL OFFICE PAOLA GIRALDO giraldo@ipcm.it MONICA FUMAGALLI fumagalli@ipcm.it MATTEO SOTTI sotti@ipcm.it BARBARA PENNATI pennati@ipcm.it

Interpon Redox The right choice in corrosion protection Ready. Steady. Coat.

ILARIA PAOLOMELO paolomelo@ipcm.it



GIORGIA RICCHIUTI segreteria@ipcm.it

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Elisabetta Venturi




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It is forbidden to reproduce articles and illustrations of “ipcm® Protective Coatings” without authorization and without mentioning the source. The ideas expressed by the authors do not commit nor magazine nor Eos Mktg&Communication S.r.l and responsibility for what is published is the authors themselves.


O Abrasive blast finish with a hand-held tool O Removes corrosion, mili scale and coatings O Economical & eco-friendly O 10,500 impact per second O ATEX approvai far use in Zone 1



Electric power

Cost savings

ATE X approved


User comfort

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