Comau’s New MATE-XT: A Robust, Lightweight Exoskeleton to Support Coating Operators and Reduce Muscle Strain Stefania Bernabeo Comau, Grugliasco (Turin) – Italy
Finishing operations require considerable physical effort from operators. Comau’s MATE-XT reduces the fatigue experienced by coating line workers even in less than ideal conditions and environments, without sacrificing convenience and safety. Certified EAWS by the Ergo Foundation, the MATE-XT exoskeleton effectively reduces the biomechanical risks encountered by coating operators, typically involved in loading/unloading or manual painting activities. It is now available in a more light and slim, and highly breathable version, offering more adjustment options and providing an excellent, measurable improvement in ergonomics.
he work performed on a coating line subjects operators to continuous
require ever-higher quality and effort levels. Finally, Comau’s global sales
muscular and bone strain, which can lead to health problems, mainly
network enables it to quickly meet any user needs and solve any issues
in the back area, and general fatigue. Both while hanging parts on frames
that operators may face when using its exoskeletons, wherever they may
and during manual coating activities, the physical effort and repetitive
movements required of workers are high and constant. At the beginning updated version of its wearable exoskeleton, which is particularly suitable
Certified, measurable physical wellbeing of coating operators
for supporting operators during finishing processes.
MATE-XT is currently the only exoskeleton available on the market to
of December last year, Comau presented MATE-XT, a revised and
be included in the ergonomic risk evaluation index of EAWS (Ergonomic
Reducing physical effort
Assessment Work-Sheet) issued by the Ergo Foundation, which attests
Comau has been developing industrial automation systems and
to a system’s ability to reduce biomechanical loads while carrying out
products for almost half a century, specialising also in wearable and
particularly demanding work. More than half of the workers who wore
collaborative robotics solutions that reduce operator fatigue during
this exoskeleton said that they felt a much lower level of exertion – the
coating operations. With the aim of helping companies, whatever their
muscular activity of shoulders decreased by 30%, and a considerable
size or sector, to improve the quality and productivity of their processes
back support is guaranteed – which led to positive improvements in the
and at the same time the wellbeing of their workers, the development
quality of their working day.
of this type of product has been an absolute priority for this company. By providing support during physical activities, Comau’s exoskeleton
Improved efficiency: a positive side effect
reduces the effort required, thus making operations less burdensome
In addition to the health benefits for workers, Comau’s new product
and improving operators’ health. Thanks to its very thin, lightweight
also reduces the risk of painting defects due to operator fatigue. In fact,
carbon fibre structure and its extremely intuitive adjustment system,
from an operational point of view, MATE-XT promotes higher precision,
MATE-XT can be quickly adapted to any body type, from the slimmest to
quality, and performance. Customers can easily calculate their return on
the largest ones. By replicating the physiological movements of human
investment (ROI) through measurable ergonomic performance factors.
operators and providing optimal upper body support, it facilitates any
Comau itself carried out studies with its customers using the EAWS
coating operation while greatly reducing the effort required.
calculation method and it found that its MATE-XT exoskeleton can help
In addition, the MATE-XT exoskeleton does not require batteries, motors,
to increase work precision during activities involving continuous arm
or other devices to operate, which could hinder the workers’ movement
lifting by 27% and speed of execution by 10%. Moreover, cycle times are
and make the equipment heavier. There are currently 8 different levels
reduced by at least 5%.
of support available, which can be set or changed quickly even while the
Resistant to water, dust, ultraviolet rays, and high temperatures, MATE-
activity is in progress, thus guaranteeing a high degree of convenience
XT is particularly suitable for industrial, non-industrial, and outdoor use
during use. An exoskeleton of this type, therefore, facilitates the day-to-
in finishing and coating operations, but also for carpentry, construction,
day operations carried out during finishing and coating processes, which
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