Preempting Market Needs: Mirodur’s Forward-Looking Vision From an interview with Marco Vitelli, Massimo Vitelli, and Riccardo Vitelli © Mirodur
Mirodur factory in Aprilia (Italy).
he world of paints and coatings has always been extremely
How was Mirodur created?
competitive and carving out a place for one’s own company in this
Marco Vitelli: Our father, Ugo, together with his brothers Mario
environment is no easy task. Italian firm Mirodur has managed to do
and Renato, founded Mirodur in 1957. They bought a patent from
so thanks to its ability to innovate and preempt the needs of the sector
a Belgian company that had developed a paint used to protect
through both new technologies and new products, thus establishing
mirrors. Hence the name Mirodur, from “miroir durée”, referring to
itself in the international market and getting included on the vendor
the durability of mirrors guaranteed by this coating. They started
lists of leading companies such as Gazprom.
producing this paint in a small factory on the outskirts of Rome and
ipcm® had the opportunity to interview two of the three generations
they were immediately successful, especially because this sector did
carrying on Mirodur’s story: Marco Vitelli and Massimo Vitelli, sons of
not exist in Italy at the time. This opened up new growth prospects for
one of the company’s founders and its current directors, and Riccardo
our father and uncles, thus enabling them to move to a larger factory
Vitelli, its marketing and communication manager, belonging to the
in Pomezia. The range of paints offered was also extended to include
third generation of the family.
industrial coatings. In 1982, it became necessary to move to an even larger building in Aprilia, which is still our headquarters today. In 2016, finally, we acquired the industrial branch of Turin-based Albesiano-Sisa Rossi, bringing its production operations here to Aprilia.
N.38 - 2021 JUNE - ipcm® Protective Coatings