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Coating Inspections - Inspection of Steel Surface Preparation, Part 3 Massimo Cornago NACE International Certified Coating Inspector, NACE CIP PEER Reviewer
s mentioned in our previous article1, we will now discuss other
or “pitting” traces on the surface to be protected. Although many
surface preparation systems and their related inspections to be
different initial conditions can be found, SSPC has divided them into
carried out during the works themselves, starting with the inspection of
four construction conditions based on the rust grade classification
hand tool and power tool cleaning operations based on the appropriate
of SSPC-Vis 1 “Visual Standard for Abrasive Blast Cleaned Steel” and
three maintenance conditions based on SSPC-Vis 3 “Visual Standard for Power- and Hand-Tool Cleaned Steel” for already painted surfaces.
Initial steel conditions The amount of time, work, and effort required to achieve any particular
Inspection of hand and power tools
degree of surface preparation largely depends on the initial conditions
Hand cleaning tools include wire brushes, non-woven abrasive pads,
of the surface to be cleaned. It is necessary to take into consideration
scrapers, chisels, knives, and chipping hammers. When hand tool
the amount of “rust”, “old paint”, “contamination”, and “active corrosion”
cleaning is included in the project specifications, the Coating Inspector
1 https://www.ipcm.it/en/open/protective-coatings/2021/37/46-47.aspx. Editor’s note: In this article, we delve into the NACE Standard No. 5/SSPC-SP 12 “Surface Preparation and Cleaning of Metals by Water-Jetting Prior to Recoating”, which has been edited and replaced with the following standards in 2012 and 2017: NACE WJ-1/SSPC-SP WJ-1 Waterjet Cleaning of Metals—Clean to Bare Substrate (WJ-1) NACE WJ-2/SSPC-SP WJ-2 Waterjet Cleaning of Metals—Very Thorough Cleaning (WJ-2) NACE WJ-3/SSPC-SP WJ-3 Waterjet Cleaning of Metals—Thorough Cleaning (WJ-3) NACE WJ-4/SSPC-SP WJ-4 Waterjet Cleaning of Metals—Light Cleaning (WJ-4). However, we chose to do so because the earlier standard is still internationally recognised and used.
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