5 Things to Do to Improve the Website’s Usability Ilaria Paolomelo eos Mktg&Communication Srl
In the current competitive scenario, in which consumers are increasingly connected but less willing to accept errors, problems and long loading times, the usability and ease of use of a website have become important differentiating factors. In this article we delve deeper into what usability is and how to make your website easy to navigate.
hen developing or restyling a website, one of the main factors to
fundamental goal for every business, as it allows to increase visits,
consider is usability. Developing a digital product that is visually
conversions and improve the ranking of our site on the Search Engine
appealing or a web page full of interesting content is not enough if we
Results Page (SERP).
want to win over users and encourage them to use our products again.
Fortunately, there are techniques to be adopted when developing a
The first rule of having a good website, in fact, is to ensure that it is as
website that allow you to improve its usability. So, here are the 5 things
beautiful to look at as it is easy to browse.
to put into practice to optimize your website navigation.
It seems obvious, but it is not. Just think, for example, of how many times we landed on a site and got lost navigating it without finding what we
What is usability?
were looking for; or to all the times we have encountered problems in
Jakob Nielsen, web usability consultant and founder of the American
loading a web page.
consulting firm for UX Nielsen Norman Group, defines usability as a
Being able to make user interactions – and, in general, the user
quality indicator that defines how simple an object/platform is to use.
experience - as simple and intuitive as possible is therefore a
More precisely, it outlines the degree of learning and efficiency for
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