Bridge Repairs Streamlined Thanks to Waterproofing with Polyurea The Kaarepere bridge’s pavement in Estonia was stressed by varying weather conditions as well as constant loading due to the heavy traffic. It was repaired in the summer of 2020 and waterproofed with the TEKNOPUR polyurea coating system by Teknos.
n the renovation of the Kaarepere bridge, the bridge was
especially by HGVs. Therefore, the bridge pavement is stressed by
waterproofed with a sprayable Teknos polyurea coating system. The
varying weather conditions as well as constant loading. There was
highly waterproof, elastic and resistant polyurea forms a seamless
extensive damage to the bridge pavement, such as dents, humps and
waterproofing film that adheres firmly to the surface of the bridge’s
concrete deck and lasts well in Estonia’s extreme temperature
Bituminous film materials, which are traditionally used as waterproofing
materials and applied to concrete, act like an adhesive and adhere
The bridge was kept open to traffic while under renovation and
firmly to the substrate during the installation phase when heated by
waterproofing was renewed within less than a week.
fire. However, heat also exposes the surface to changes. In addition, the surface of the concrete is never perfectly smooth. When two materials
Damaged pavement of a heavily trafficked bridge in need of renovation
glued together are stressed, air pockets may be left between the film
The Kaarepere bridge is located in Estonia, where temperatures can rise
In the hot summer heat of Estonia, the temperature of the black asphalt
above +30 °C in summer and drop below -20 °C in winter.
road can rise up to +70 °C, and even the smallest air bubble between
The Kaarepere bridge was constructed in 2011 and is heavily trafficked,
the waterproofing material and the concrete collects heat, which in
and the concrete.
© Teknos
© Teknos
In Estonia, 11 bridges have already been waterproofed with Teknos polyurea. In the waterproofing of bridges, the use of polyurea elastomer is an innovative method and is rapidly becoming more widespread.
N. 40 - 2021 DECEMBER - ipcm® Protective Coatings