2022 Social Media Trends: Everything There is to Know Barbara Pennati eos Mktg&Communication Srl
In this article, we summarize the most important 2022 social media trends that will drive digital content and strategies next year.
e have reached that part of the year in which the major marketing
TikTok will continue to grow and other apps will adapt
players publish reports on the main trends in the digital world
TikTok was the first non-Facebook-owned app to reach 3 billion
for the following year. Important data and insights – obtained through
downloads globally. Just by this we should understand the power of this
surveys and interviews with industry experts – which help us fully
social network, which is based on user-generated content (UGC), leading
understand the digital world and adjust the focus of our communication
to very high levels of engagement and cross-platform sharing. When we
spoke of 2021 social media trends, we mentioned the importance of such
So, let’s inaugurate this series of articles on next year’s marketing trends
content, the role that TikTok plays in promoting it and the fact that more
by talking about 2022 Social Media Trends.
and more apps will adapt to try to imitate TikTok, as Instagram has already
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