CELEBRATION OF THE 32nd ANNIVERSARY OF THE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION OF PHARMACY STUDENTS OF PERU IN TIMES OF PANDEMIC. This ceremony consisted of a virtual meeting between current and past members. The ceremony began with the opening remarks of the current president of the national board. Next, the words of one of our founders, Dr. Amelia Villar, who expressed her congratulations and recalled a bit of the work that we have been doing since 1989, she also expressed her joy mentioning that turning 32 is not an easy task in an institution. She also stressed that she is quite pleased with the work we have carried out in science and that she was glad that we had not left public health behind, "We are first a professional health career and we still have a lot to develop to our country." She emphasized our pharmaceutical role and how much more we can improve by training and acquiring competencies and hand in hand with our Pharmaceutical Chemicals college.
The national board was congratulated for taking the reins of the association. Then we listened to the Pharmaceutical Chemist Johan, who greeted us from the Capital of our country, Huancayo. Dr. Johan congratulated the work done in the First Hispanic American Congress of Pharmacy Students, followed by a congratulation to the past members and current members. “ACEF is part of our pharmaceutical genetics. We must continue with the tradition of being an acefist and continue at the forefront of public health. Being a member of the ACEF family is synonymous with support”, mentioned Dr. Johan.