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Story of Kampung Braga

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Kampung Stone Buildings Municipal’s Land Cikapundung River Kampung Braga


Kampung Braga in 1933

Kampung Braga is classified as inner city kampung which has been planned since 1933, located in Braga Quarter and has existed since 19th century (Wihadanto et al., 2017).

Braga Quarter has become one of the most prominent areas in Bandung since the colonialization. In the beginning of the 20th century, urban renewal program was executed responding to the growth of the city. In 1930s, new infrastructure was erected to improve the urban environment quality in Braga marked by art deco and modern architecture. As a result, in 1940s, Braga Street was transformed into high-end shopping street and used as the European’s community centre (Martokusumo, 2002)

The Dutch placed Kampung Braga along Cikapundung River as the backstage of colonial and commercial buildings. As development in Braga expanded, Kampung Braga has shrunk and been encroached by private development.


Residential Commercial Civic Building Mixed-Use Place of Worship Nature Reserve Cikapundung River Kampung Braga

Kampung Braga in 2019

Current land use map presents the shrinking of Kampung Braga compared to the map from 1933. Moreover, the area is subject to Incentive Zone which encourages the intensification and densification of development by providing public benefits in return, for instance open space, access to clean water, or sanitation improvement.

Actual evidence shows the current demolition in RW8 around Apandi Alleyway. The site is suspected to be converted into commercial buildings however after one year since the demolition, the plan is still unclear and the demolished land is still unutilised. Another issue is the closure of Apandi Alleyway which crosses through Braga Street under a heritage building from Kampung Braga. Apandi Alleyway is pivotal to the residents for access and evacuation route (Mauludy, 2019b). It illustrates how significant Kampung Braga is which has existed even before the heritage status applied in Braga Street.

This is our homeland! This alleyway has long existed. We are not tourists here.

We support the rejection of the Apandi Alleyway closure. Apandi, now and forever!!!

Historical Siginificance

Kampung Braga, silently, does have a rich but woeful historical significance. According to Daily Article from Pikiran Rakyat News in January 2019, Kampung Braga used to be the quarter of Indonesian warriors during the ceasefire in November 1945. At that time, Bandung was split into two zones with the railway became the demarcation line. The Dutch occupied the north, and Indonesians protected the south. Kampung Braga was selected as quarters due to its proximity to railway so it could seve as a security post.

Since the Dutch could not trespass the line, but still planned to attack the Indonesians, they opened the water gate in the upstream of Cikapundung River. As a result, Kampung Braga was wiped out by the floodstream resulting in casualties not only from the warriors but innocent residents. The corpses were temporarily laid on Apandi Alleyway’s entry point because it was covered and located in higher elevation thus the corpses could remain dry (Mauludy, 2019a).

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