DD M1 Journal

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Digital Design - Module 01 Semester 1, 2019 Peiyao Li

940463 Joel Collins + Studio 21

Week One

Reading: Zeara Polo, A. 2010. Between Ideas and Matters.

According to Zeara-Polo, the diagram does not play a representational role in the design process but provides an organisational and can have a performative quality depending on how it is deployed. Explain how Diagram is different from Signs and Symbols? (100 words Maximum)

The role of signs and symbols is to represent dynamic objects in a formal way. This kind of interpretation does not have a performative quality due to its immateriality and arbitrary. Diagrams is not about representation. Based on the deployments, diagrams turns complicated ideas into physical images which is easier for the viewers to understand.


Week One

Precedent Analysis



Fig1. Powers, Richard. In Architecture Australia, 25, 2016. Fig2. Isometric view



Fig3. Top view without texture Fig4. Right view

My modelling process starts with tracing the diagrams (elevation, floor plan, and roof plan) of the MPavilion designed by Amanda Levete in Rhino. These diagrams help me to determine the height and locations of each “petal“. To create the top of the petal-like structures, I went to Dockland in order to take a closer look at it. Then, I simply rotate a group of paralleled lines to mimic the glowing effect.


Week Two

Reading: Hertzberger H. 2005. The in-between and The Habitable Space Between Things, from Lessons for Students in Architecture. Herzberger discusses how design should not be extreme in its functionality. Use your precedent study to explain how the pavilion allows for an appropriation of use. (100 words Maximum)

M Pavillion designed by Amanda Levete is an open platform that is suitable for diverse usages. It is made up of petal-like structures which include two parts: petal-like shelters that are aiming to mimic tree canopy and poles. The sheltering part forms a semitransparent layer that allows sunlights to goes through. This feature allows the encounters to appreciate the lofty structure of M Pavilion in natural light, and also enjoy breeze under the roof as under the tree canopy. Moreover, the void space between the poles that distributed uniformly is available for urban life such as morning meditation, music worshops, yoga, and parties.


Week Two


MPavillion - Amanda Levete The key idea of this pavilion is to refigure a parkland with a small scale architecture. Amanda Levete, the designer, uses structures which have the shape of petals to mimic tree canopy. This is aiming to form a scene of being in a natural place to the visitors. Apart from keeping sense of naturality, this pavilion also increases the liveliness of this parkland. Within the parkland atmosphere, the place beneath the shelter allows people to conduct various activities to enrich their urban lives. The thresholds of this pavilion re quite unapparent due to the vague boundary between the parkland and the pavilion. This feature makes it easy to move inside or outside the pavilion.


Week Two Diagrams

Threshold This MPavilion is made up of two kinds of petal-like structures. One’s roof has 6 angles, the other has 3 angles. The 6-angle one and the wood floor under it form the center of the pavilion. The 3-angle one and vegetation around it forms a transitional place between the pavilion and parkland. To get inside, the visitors need to pass through the thresholds within the transitional place.


Circulation The most crowded places inside the pavilion are the locations of the four thresholds and that of the three boxes. To pass through the pavilion, there are over 6 ways to go through.



By referring to the potographs and the roof plan of the MPavilion, I made the 3-angle structures first. The texture on the roof is made of 15 lines which have been rotated 24 times based on the center.

The 6-angles structure is based on the 3-angle structure on the left. For the top part, I rotate the texture I made for thr 3-angle structure for 3 times and modified the excessive lines. For the poles, I also rotate the structure of 3-angle one for 6 times, and delete the excessive parts.


Appendix Process

I learned the way to do neat diagrams by watching online tutorials from Achistar. Firstly, I used Make2D command to get all the curves of my diagram and export them into illustrator. Secondly, I rendered my model to get the shadow on each layer. Then, I place them under the curves in illustrator.




To make the vegation, I download a image of grass(PNG file) from the internet. At first, I rotate the image to fit the border of the vegetation area. However, my tutor found that rotation makes the grass seems falling down. To fix this issue, I use the skew function of photoshop to turn all the grass being straight upward.


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