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2019 is a year of the youth and greater prosperity for entrepreneurs. Tso call for Entrepreneurs to Play a Part in Creating Employment in SA

The start of the New Year brings hope and opportunities for entrepreneurs across the globe.

It is very critical and important that young people consider entrepreneurship is a viable career option. This will ensure that we stimulate our economic growth and create much needed jobs. The National Youth Development Agency (NYDA), as an agency tasked with youth development is responsible to direct the youth into an entrepreneurial journey.Best wishesand welcome to entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepre neurs into 2019, a year of the youthand greater prosperity for entrepre neurs.

Our government has singled out nurturing small businesses as keyto grappling the es calating unemployment rate which has left more than27 percent of the labour force without jobs, especially young people. Entrepreneurs must be at the fore front in cultivating our ailing economy. The NYDA has ensured that they are available wherever young people need them. We further urge young people toimplore more opportunities which will ensure that they expand their growth. According to a survey by SME South Africa, 10.7% of entrepreneurs saidthey want to expand into the agriculture industry, 10.4% said manufacturing, a total of 6.0% want

to go into education and 5.6% cited the technology sector as an industry of interest, and for real estate 5.5% said they want to expand into this industry. It is very important that entrepreneurs are cognizant to the latestdevelopments and opportunities which the help them increase latitude in the industry that is dominated by large corporates. Part of the focus for young entrepreneurs is the consideration of the impact of the Fourth Industrial Rev olution, which presents opportunities and well as a significant threat. The NYDA has in response to the demand for the agrarian reform (thatis land debate currently underway) and technological development in creases its funding to up to R250

000 for entrepreneurs within these sectors. All our branches are Wi-Fi enabled for better use and increase path to opportunities for the youth. Entrepreneurs should take advantage and be at the centre of overseeing the implementation of policies of redress as adopted by government. The procurement quota that is due to young people must be implemented. Also the important undertakings by large multinational corporation during the Africa Investment Summit and the Presidential Jobs Summit must be a guide to how entrepreneurs maneuver in their quest of becoming employment creators and lead the charge on economic growth.

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EDITORS COMMENTS Fellow Entrepreneurship Hustlers complements of the new year and welcome to 2019. Biz Bulletin we bring you our second publication, what a joy, this is an entrepreneurial publication aimed for township hustler, a dreamer and the hope¬ful lover of entrepreneurship.

The publication seeks to provide township entrepreneurs with relevant and compelling busi¬ness content and a glimpse on the is sues impacting

and influencing the economy, as well as to know what is happening in relation to entrepreneurial events, support, motivation and development. We would love to hear from you, comments about the publication what you liked and what you would love to see in the future. Please sign up to receive the electronic version of the publication on your smart gadgets. l

Published by: Isaac Mavuso w w w. b b u l e t t i n . c o . z a / L a y o u t D e s i g n b y : J e m i t o K h o z a

CONGRATULATION TO THE CLASS OF 2018 The BizBulletin celebrates Matriculants, The Class 2018, over two hundred thousand learners sat for their final, National Senior Certificate examination. You are champions! We salute all those who passed their exams and wish them well for the road ahead.

We also want to encourage and strengthen the champions who did not complete their grades in the current year and we say, failure does not define you, take a deep breath and remember it is not how you fall that is importantbut how well you rise after a fall.

Nelson Mandela said “Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world” We are encouraged on the progress and dedication of the department of education and the supporting institutions in South Africa, for your support in pursuit

of quality education in the country. We salute the school leadership, principals and the teachers who work tirelessly some in challenging and under re-sourced schools but managed to impact children positively with education the only solution to

help families and communities rise out of the chains of poverty. And the class of 2019, congratulations you made it this is the season, your time has come to begin your shine, it is in your hands now. Whatever you will reap you have planted.

Entrepreneurship is the most challenging undertaking and its challenge comes mostly from the entrepreneurial independence, the freedom entrepreneurs think they have is taken literally and many miss the level of discipline entrepreneurship demands from the entrepreneur, as such the dangling

unsatisfying results show for many . Let’s look at how you can achieve your goals using the seven tips. Setting up, first you need to identify what is the most important thing you want to achieve this year. Write it down and be clear about it. It will also be helpful for you to understand if the goal you have is a

new one or from an existing vision. Let’s set it for twelve months, so it means you must achieve your intended results in December 2019 and then you must look at what needs to be done and set out a plan going backwards 12 – 6 months, 3 months, 2 months, one month, 2 weeks, one week, day one. From here you then go on the track

you have set all the way to achieve your goal.

3. Hustle your way through - there is no wrong or right way. 4. Use what you have, to start and to grow your, business. 5. Build your networks they are your bridge to success. 6. Honour your relationships. 7. Know your limits.

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Here is how you can do the practical staff to achieve your goal. 1. Set clear achievable goals and set a specific to-do-list 2. Put massive action, there is no substitution for sweat.

informed entrepreneur

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RADICAL ECONOMIC TRANSFORMATION For a while now, South Africans have been introduced to the term Radical Economic Transformation, more interesting is the word “Economic” it is this word that has South Africans interest captured and at times restless to what is the real meaning of this well welcomed term.

The wonder of what it looks like in real life for the rest of South Africans, mostly the black communities entangled by the triple challenges. In the coming months the restlessness will be more evident as compounded by the recent announcement of the country’s dive in to technical recession and revised credit rating status to one notch above junk a questionable term by George Herman he suggests Junks Status should rather be sub investment level. Anyway in this article we are going try and bring some meaning on the Term Radical Economic Transformation and then we will look at how can it be approached from a facilitators perspective to achieve its intended objectives. Lastly we will look at five elements to pursue this Radical Economic Transformation. In radio 702 interview conducted by Stephen Grootes the African National Congress’s (ANC) subcommit tee Chairperson on economic transformation, Enoch Godongwana said

there is still no clarity around

the phrase Radical Economic Transformation. Even though he is confident that once it is properly defined, people will rally behind it. Let’s understand the meaning of Radical Economic Transformation from the online English |Oxford Dictionaries.

Universities associate professor of economics Christopher Malikane.

His statements elaborate the meaning on Radical Economic Transformation as changing the composition of output that the economy is producing and ownership and control patterns – who owns the entities that are making most of the production in the economy, and RADICAL: adjective who is manages, who makes the decisions about investment patterns, 1.(especially of change or action) employment patterns, pay in the relating to or affecting the fun- labour market. damental nature of some-thing; far-reaching or thorough. ‘a radical Around 2016 the challenge about overhaul of the existing regulatory radical transformation and the ecoframework’ nomic element around it was a confusing one. Statements from govECONOMIC: adjective ernment, when the ministers and the governing party including the 2.Relating to economics or the then president talk to the mass economy. ‘the government’s eco- es, the term used was, South Africa nomic policy’ (of a subject) consid- needs Radical Economic Transforered in relation to trade, industry, mation and the very same people and the creation of wealth. when they address business and investors locally as well as internaTRANSFORMATION: noun tional people the massage seem to 3.A marked change in form, nature, change to inclusive growth. or appearance. ‘South Africa underwent a radical transformation in Now, in my opinion, within Radi1994’ cal Economic Transformation you must find Inclusive Growth if that a.A sudden dramatic change of is the intention of the transformascenery on stage. Putting the defi- tion, therefore Radical Economic nitions together and getting a clear Transformation cannot be ‘Inclusive meaning to the term let’s use the Growth’ the two terms cannot be meaning elaborated by the Wits synonymous to each other.

The nature of this confusion about Radical Transformation and Inclusive Growth is unsettling for the haves and the have nots. Our developing state has sophisticated tensions due to uncertainty and clarity, the tensions will continue to bring a rift particularly the blacks and whites. One might ask what needs to be done? The answer to this will be “A VISION” and the ability to articulate this vision and how will it translate to South Africans, as well as investors and business.

When delivering his lecture on the 27 January 1987 in Georgetown University Oliver Tambo shared the vision at the time and that vision is what South Africa should be, he said “We seek to create a united Democratic and non-racial society. We have a vision of South Africa in which black and white shall live and work together as equals in conditions of peace and prosperity”. The vision was clear. Radical Transformation is a Structured Journey not a destination, and this will require proper planning and a clear vision with sound objectives. It is important to realise the massive resources needed to pursue such an ambitious project. In a country that is recovering from a brutal corruption that plagued our government

departments and some business in SA including the executive. From a facilitation point of view this is what could have been done, first was to have a clear vision and let it be known. There are four elements to consider whenever you are transforming. The truth about transformation is that it is not easy, such that it must be very clear the benefit over the cost. FOUR ELEMENTS 1. What is the need or challenge – this will be your what and the why 2. Research to understand the structure and nature of the current system and resources. What is there, how has it been used and what has worked and what did not work. 3. Planning – how, the to create a change to the status quo, you need think tanks and industry giants, who will champion the change. 4. Action we need to roll up our sleeves and get dirty, as we create the state we want to live and leave for generations to come. For most entrepreneurs we you are the radical economic transformation you need, it is in your hands, if it is to be , then it is up you. Remember I can, I will, and I am a success. While government is dealing with the rest do your part.

At the core of Radical Economic Transformation is ‘change‘ and change must be managed. Remember the one thing that is constant in life is change, you can either pro actively embrace ,engage and lead the process of change or change will change YOU at its will.

informed entrepreneur

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TO T H E F O R T H I N D U ST R I A L R E VO L U T I O N The 21st century has distinguished itself as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, ICT is taking over and the few with the skill are making a killing while the rest are wondering what is happening. Disadvantaged black communities are the last to know about the important developments of such.

Palesa Mahlangu founder and Managing Director of THECH SAVVY KIDS SA is driving an agender to give disadvantage children a chance and an opportunity to contribute in the future development of ICT. A few years ago, technology was available for a few elites. Growing up in township a landline was a luxury, photos for a party would be a job for professionals only, you could only take so much. The ICT has changed all that to real time experience. SMART is the game. The rise and use of technology in the world, is getting better and better, phones are getting smaller thinner, smarter and interactive. We are in the world that demands we keep up or lose out. Right this moment the ones losing out more are children from the poverty-stricken areas, townships and rural areas. “Technology is the most beautiful

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thing that everyone must have access� says Palesa Mahlangu, Managing Director of TECH SAVVY KIDS SA. The project seeks to level the status quo. She established an organisation TECH SAVVY KIDS SA with an aim empower young people from disadvantage communities between the ages of 10 -18 years from the township schools. Since the beginning the organisation has touched over 2600 children in Gauteng. Our vision is simple to provide the children with skills to make then TECH SAVVY, equipping them to be role players in the ICT developmental arena and not just end users of technology. They are taught skills such as coding and scratching the ability create game and programmes. TECH SAVVY has partnered with the likes of IBM research Lab at the Tshimologong Precinct in Braamfontein the second biggest facility in the continent after Kenya. It is in this world class facility where TECH SAVVY SA held their launch and open day showcasing what they have to offer and of course the tour of the IBM facility with the biggest touch screen in the continent if not the world, children were in for a treat a feast of technological gadgets. Children have been exposed to global standard TECH events in SA and in the continent such as The Next Einstein Forum in Kigali, Code in the Bushveld Hackathon, MTN Global Tad-Hackathon where the young TECH enthusiast went head to toe with the experienced company executives, University students from different organizations, a TECH dive where they emerged with a 3rd prize for the rising star category.

TECH SAVVY KIDS expirience the joys and unparalled opportunities in the IT world in SA and the continent

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Business is a language; the inspired title emanates from a comparison between learning and speaking languages as well as running a business or are starting the business. The Book is co-written by two dynamic inspirational young entrepreneurs running successful businesses and dedicated to building a legacy and share their success, challenges and lessons learnt in starting, running and managing a business. The young men are authors in their own rights and are also recognised

Business is a language is a great book an easy read. The primary aim for the book is to inspire people who are pursuing an interest in entrepreneurship. The book provides a basic understanding of the business and the concepts thereof.

paid speakers established in South Africa. Both are business owners into a variety of business ventures. Their work and business experience led them to collaborate, they are young, vibrant and eager to share their life business lessons and perspectives in the business wold hoping the reader will learn, grow and make informed calculated business decision. The book is available on Amazon and from the authors.

Mosotho Moshoane (Malume Business) , Bonolo Seakamela (The Bondo)


14-POINT CHECK LIST TO CHECK IF I HAVE ENTREPRENEURIAL FLAIR Many people worry, and they are concerned if they have what it takes to be an entrepreneur, a successful one at that. Entrepreneurs are shakers and movers in their own ways and this can happen anywhere and at any given time when an opportunity present itself. Let’s look at the way a person who is entrepreneurial functions and how they respond to situations. While we are at it, I am understanding that there are people who are entrepreneurial but are somewhat restraining themselves for one reason or the other. Now, let go in to the list and if you have more of the following traits you sure have an entrepreneurial bone in you. Remember to have legs does not mean you are a great runner, potential is not DILIVERY. 1. VISIONARY – Entrepreneurs are successful driven and they have something they are working towards, they might not share it honestly (THEIR WHY), but they have a greater purpose. Some might have a fear of something like poverty or other.

Not for persons under the age of 18, Entrepreneurs responsibly drink

informed entrepreneur

2. CREATIVE – People who see a problem and jump to ‘work on a solution are entrepreneurial.

3. ACTION DRIVEN – They want to do things now, they get an idea and already think who can assist and give a call immediately. 4. ODD ONES OUT - They feel like they don’t belong and not well understood. 5. EMBRACE FAILURE – They are not afraid to fail, they rise fast and with a plan when they fall, they don’t give up even though they might change interest.

10. WORK HARD AND PLAY HARD – When they work they work and when they play the really play. 11. CASH FLOW OBSESSION – They are very practical they want to see money exchange hands and enjoy the promise it brings and look forward to making it. 12. PRONE TO RISK – They would rather apologise than ask for permission, they are not reckless but do take risk.

6. CIRCLE OF INFLUENCE – Entrepreneurs adopt a learning attitude and surround themselves with intelligent, successful people and they are not shy to celebrate them and to bother them.

13. FLEXIBLE – Entrepreneurs are fixed on a prize but are realistic that there is no one way to achieve a gaol, therefore the develop an easy to adapt and move with the follow when the need arise.

7. SELF-MOTIVATED – No time to sleep, a challenge for them is a dare they will face head on.

14. ENERGETIC – Entrepreneurs are full of energy, they can’t sit still once they have an idea.

8. FEARLESS – The truth is no person alive is without episodes of fear, but we characterise them as fearless because entrepreneurs will act despite the feeling of fear. Some, the greater the fear the more determined they are.

15. CRITICAL OF SELF – Most people who possess entrepreneurial qualities are not afraid to look and be critical on themselves, it is the first step to personal growth.

9. EXPLORES – They are happy to explore and try new things.

Which ones do you have, and which ones do you still need to work on. Remember entrepreneurship is a journey and not a destination, on your journey don’t forget to enjoy the trip.

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Annual National Development Agency recognising Facilitators and Trainers Nationally 2018 event held in Limpopo

XUNDU Street came to a stand still Endingilizi in Dobsinville Soweto when Entrepreneurs displayed their services and the buzz of entertainment from the locals

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The Top Three Grade 12 offender learners with the Top Two achievers in Northern Cape Province

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Isaac Mavuso Book Launch Ezenkeni in Katlehong

Precious Sithole Book Launch and guest ladies at Alberton Civic Centre

Tsohang Youth Projects facilitators and coaches closing party at Alberton swimming pool

Celebrating young achievers NYDA South Africa Youth Awards in East London

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We are inviting entrepreneurs to build their oasis, a conner of information and empowerment for your growth and development.

- One Book at A Time -

realised with every word, line, paragraph all the way to the pages of the book. You grow mentally as you im prove and strengthen your vocabulary. Township entrepreneurs are not stupid or dumb the are limited and reading will unlock the limits and you shall be dynamic, creative problem solver and you will be recognised as a though leader.

“If we encounter a man of rare intellect, we should ask him what books he reads.” BizBulletin and Isaac Mavuso invite Ralph Waldo Emerson you, township hustler and lover of Reading is an empowering experience and exercise, you dive in a world of a writer to learn about authors perspective and approach to things, their thought hopes aspirations, hunger, pain, joys their lives journey and more in just a bind of a book. Reading has phenomenal benefits

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entrepreneurs to join in and build your oasis conner of information library for the next 12 months. At the end of the year you should have at least 12 books and access to the wisdom of ages and thoughts of the phenomenal authors. With every publication we are going to suggest and introduce a book to

buy and read for the month. We invite you to read one book a month and start building your library.

The books we are going to share are books treasures that have stood the test of time and are relevant today as they have been years ago. They carry secrets of ages which billion aires and millionaires or our time have read, used and were hooked. Some claim their success to these books. We can’t promise you will be a millionaire, but we promise you can not be the same after reading these books. You will be introduced to basic yet profound principles that will radically transform your life. Some of the books are available as free downloads on the internet or you can buy, invest in your growth development. I am so EXCITED

Book Number 1: The book talks about change and the choices that must be m a d e when the time comes. The book discusses four characters’ (mice) who live in a maze where they survive through cheese and eventually the chees run out, and their world is shaken, choices and decisions must be made. action taken The book reveals how different characters respond to change, when the cheese is finished immediately two of the characters’ go into the maze looking for new cheese and the other two remain complaining, blaming and hoping for some mir

acle cheese. The third one decides to go in to the maze to look for the cheese. While in the maze he writes notes on the wall hoping the fourth character will find and follow the writing on the wall leading to the third character, who eventually finds the cheese and the other two characters. The is a clear lesson here about change as a constant promise we must expect and adapt to when it happens. The cheese is a metaphor representing the need dreams and aspiration people have in life. This can be a finding a job or running a business including relationships. It reminds me of a biblical principle “Seek ye shall find”- Read, Learn and Grow -

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OUT OF YOUR DAY? Success is intentional, to achieve take it one day at a time. If we all have 24 hours every day. Then how come some people seem like they have more hours than the rest? The answer to that I found from observing and reading successful people’s habits and through attending seminars, workshops such as goal setting. I learnt how successful people behave around time, they are methodical and pragmatic. It was clear is how successful people choose to use their time and most importantly the commitment and dedication they invest to execute a task at hand. Most of the people I leant about they are entrepreneurs. The challenge in entrepreneurship is that you must control how you spend your day.

Every win and every mess hit home faster and that could be the end of you. The most important thing now is to know and to understand about any given day is that you have 24 hours with two kinds of events and activities to manage, the PLANNED AND UNPLANNED.


Our greatest struggle as people, we want to live a balanced life and what I have learnt about life is there is no such, we can never have a balanced life, we only juggle priorities. What is important today might not hold the same value over time, so it’s not a bout balance, it’s about priorities.

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What is your priority today? What are we dedicating our time on?

What are you trying to achieve for the day and this could be linked to your greater vision, hence it is important to understand the WHY, the reason behind the day’s activities.

It a choice you need to make and make every day. What is clear is that you must be in-charge of the day and control over the events that affect you.



GOOD PLANNING: When the goal is clear, you can begin to set out the HOW to achieve the goal.

Remember planning is about understanding your goal and setting out what needs to be done (wish list & to do list) and what resources you will need to do so. It can start as a yearly, quarterly, monthly, weekly to daily goal setting activity. The secret is simplicity. PRIORITISING

Remember we are juggling priorities of the day so on your to-do-list you need to select what is important for the day and focus on that. Make sure you’re clear and you make a list that is small and don’t overwhelm yourself CLEAR ACTION Once you have a clear to-do-list, you will have to allocate enough time to each task and give it your all. Unfortunately,

action is the only thing that will bring you closer to the goal. TIPS TO A PRODUCTIVE ACTION # Have an early start—morning # Exercise and breakfast # Eat the frog— do the challenging task first. # Work 25 min on a task uninterrupted and take a 5 min break. # Set out any extra recourses and references you might need. # Put phone off or on silence and have the courage to say sorry I can’t talk or see you now.

For continued productive days and guaranteed success it is important for you to find your style a system that works for you and to build your own productive habit.

P u b l i s h e d b y : I s a a c M a v u s o i n f o @ b b u l l e t i n . c o . z a w w w. b b u l e t t i n . c o . z a / L ay o u t D e s i g n b y : J e m i t o K h o z a

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South African Men of The Year Award Honouring Men’s positive contribution in our society.

Gender base violence has engulfed our society, tragedy, pain and absolute horrific and heart-breaking stories of woman abuse in the hands of men, some in the name of love. The awards seek to shine a positive light to SA Men

The awards have ten categories a that recognise different contributions men have that impact their different committees. The categories are Health, Sports, Education, Community Development, Entrepreneurship, Arts and Culture, Leadership, Youth Development, Science and Technology and the overall SA Men of the Year which recognise an all-round dynamic multifaceted man is South Africa. All these categories are nomination based when anyone can recognise a man they believe is a role model and is worthy of such recognition.

South African Men of The Year Awards is a national annual campaign an initiative of the Department of Social Development men’s forum, in partnership with other sector players, in men’s movement. The prestigious event seeks to recognise and affirm South African men with a positive contribution in the society. The awards recognise positive male role models in pursuit to inspire other men.

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The South African Men of the Year Award is a value driven initiative, and the form the very core of values the project wants to entrench which are transforming, empowering and to unite as well as to celebrating South African men, dedicated

to impact our communities positively the best way the know-how. “Through the SA Men of the Year Awards, we are encouraging communities to identify men role models, with positive behaviour. There are honourable men who are al

leviating suffering and preserving humandignity through various roles they play. The SA Man of the Year Awards are not about achievement, rather they are character awards.” Said Mr Mgomane, Chairperson of the Awards.

Furthermore, the initiative has a special Legend Award that recognise a special calibre of men who are in their sixties and above, accomplished in their own right and have been upstanding citizens and have dedicated their lives to building a legacy and have contributed their time and resource to community upliftment and development.

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