BizBulletin Newspaper

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JUNE 2020 | ISSUE #9

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SME Relief Centre




Essential Travel


BUSINESS JOHANNESBURG - The data modelling for COVID-19 team presented projections by Dr Sheetal Silal on a recent virtual meeting chaired by Department of Health Minister Mkhize. The brief was unsettling, to say the least. Her projections on the progression of COVID-19 infections and anticipated deaths a shows a chilling future ahead.



What is going on now, is like grey clouds are forming and these pregnant clouds are growing dark wide and think, soon it will not just rain it will pour, and people will fall instead of rain droplets. The projections paint a devastating picture with an estimation of a million to 1.5 million infections cases and over 40000 people will die from the virus in November. To-date over 37,000 confirmed cases and nearly 800 deaths including a two-day-old infant in South Africa, with at least 1500 new cases recorded at the time of publication the numbers would have changed as you are reading. The team also advised that the death toll could go over 400 at the end of the month

of May 2020 with at least infections leading Scientist in his advisory committee Prof Glenda Gray “We rising to 30,000, done and dusted. will keep emphasising this: as govDr Sheetal Silal of The Modeling and ernment, we do not claim to have Simulation Hub advised on a pro- it all figured out when it comes to jected scenario what to expect in Covid-19. No country does.” He the short term,it is a grim unsettling said. and chilling prediction, the infection part is palatable the projected He continued to say “The president deaths hit right in the bone with has constantly and correctly stated that we are in uncharted waters. fear. But we are committed to doing evThis is what, the Dr said concern- erything in our powers to protect ing the short term projections. “We the lives of our citizens.” do project that by the end of May, that there will be 30,000 detected The modelling team said the lockcases. We are estimating that by the down has had a positive impact it end of the month, the accumulative reduced the rate of infections by death projection will be 475.” While 60%. This was a piece of good newsthe country finds it’s self between but such did not last because of the a rock and a hard place, Minister easy of lock-down level 4 will reduce Mkhize had to fend the brewing it by 35%, meaning this is the beginning of the infections and death. storm in a teacup from a

The professor a member of the Ministerial Advisory Committee on COVID-19, appointed by the Minister Dr Zweli Mkhize, turned a corner in an interview she did with the News24 recently. She claimed that the country’s nationwide lockdown that the government’s lockdown strategy is not based in science and is completely unmeasured. We know now that the level 4 and 3 lockdown are Uncostitutional with the HighCourt directing CoGTA to revise the amendments of the lockdown. The Ministers response was that what the Prof said is factually incorrect and unfounded statements. The minister said it is “important to publicly place on record that made factually incorrect and unfounded statements”. Interesting.

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ELECTRICITY EDITORS PIC By Nhlakanipho Gabriel Mbhokane

EDITORS notes Isaac Mavuso Publishing Editor

While South Africa is still trying to get to grips with the impact of COVID-19, the virus rendered everything to a standstill and such puts a strain on the lives of many South Africans, rich or poor all have had the impact of this virus.

39000 cases and at least 800 death. Strick two prediction will render current statistic a walk in the park. The projection show over a million infections and over 40000 death in November.

While the projections are pointing to a dark and gloom future it seems the government is determined to make a grave mistake in sending children back to school. One question of the sited projections of 40000 death what portion of that will be teachers and students. I believe this is a waste of time and Well by the look of things this is money. strike one since the announcement of the first confirmed Covid-19 case Schools should only Open next year period in March South Africa has over Many in the country have been resourceful in extending a helping and to straggling communities and poor families whos lives were hard hit with hunger. Billions have been spent by government, businesses and individuals.

PRICE INCREASE On 9th of March 2020, The National Energy Regulator of South Africa (Nersa) approved Eskom’s allowable revenue from standard tariff customers to be increased by 8.76% which was expected to be implemented on 1 April 2020 for Eskom’s direct customers and 6.90% for municipalities which will be implemented on 1st July 2020. Due to the COVID-19 impact Eskom will revise the plan by September 2020.

in the 2018-2019 Eskom recorded a state of maladministration and rife shortfall of 27 Billion for the 2018 – corruption has brought this pride of 2019 financial year our nation to its knees. Even though the increase will be a heavy burden to South Africans who are already cash strapped. COVID-19 will make things harder for both Eskom to raise the money since it will be a difficult hill to climb for Eskom’s customers. Business are holding on by a thread and it employees seem to be a moment away to losing their jobs.

This is going to be the hardest year for business and individuals even more so for the utility having to deal with the steady increase of electricity in the coming months with the easing of the lockdown and increased power use by business.

Andre De Ruyter, Eskom CEO said “After lockdown, we will see the intial 31 days of stage 1 load-shredEskom is given a lifeline to raise about 13.2 Billion Rand from its cus- The Utility’s finances have been rav- ding that we anticipate for the next aged by a devastating quarter”. tomers through electricity hike,


to over R1.10 this will see a litre of 95 unleaded petrol up to R12.67 in the coast and up-to R13.37 per litre for inland Such the current projection continue through to the end of the week of May.

While the price of petrol is a like a soccer game, take whatever comes and deal with it. Petrol has a few taxes and levies totalling to 49% or more which that goes to government and its departments. Let’s get a glimpse of where the money goes charged per litre. There few levies such as the General Fuel Levy and The petrol price has dropped twice Road Accident Fund Levy. from around R16.16 in January to just around R12.22 in May. Earlier Currently it is estimated that govin the month Central Energy Fund ernment will pocket over R135 bildata showed that petrol price will lion from levies alone. Filling station increase of around 56 cents per li- take over R2.00. The estimates are tre. for inland prices and does not cos-

Fuel price in South Africa is a very sensitive issue that has ripple effects which influence the economy. Covid-19 has been a bit of a game changer for South Africans while the country was in a panic mode and price fixing and mask price change overnight. In June tal. Petrol will go up and a price cut for The revised price cost is setting mothe Diesel. torists for a higher price increase

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BACK TO SCHOOL DELAYED TO 8 JUNE 2020 citing departmental readiness reports from the department and stakeholders. GRADE 7 AND 12 THE SCHOOLS TO REOPEN grades will be phased in overtime.

The Minister of Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga change her tune on Monday 1 June 2020 and failed to brief the nation on a schedule briefing for the 31 May 2020 at 18:00 after the Tuesday, 19 May 2020 announcement that schools will be re-opening on the 1st June 2020. KZN lost millions worth of protective gear on rout to schools. During the question and answer session with the media and everyone on a live broadcast she told South Africans and the neighbouring countries whose children are studying in SA that she “CANNOT GUARANTEE” that every single pupil will be safe from being infected with the Covid-19 virus when the grade seven and twelve return to school and as the rest will be phased in from July 2020.

On Wednesday 20th of May 2020, Mugwena Maluleke General Secretary of the South African Democratic Teachers Union (Sadtu) spoke on an interview with ENCA putting the view of the union he said they satisfied with the education department’s plan to get school kids back on classes from on the first of June. “We believe the first of June is too early for what we have seen in the plans.

grim as this situation we find our country and its citizens in it is not as doom and gloom for a wise leader. The situation is presenting us with a rare opportunity for our leadership to address and redress some of the back-locks we have in the country’s infrastructure to development and to strengthen before the schools resume.

Our public schools in the townships and rural areas have been struggling and the-none and deteriorating infrastructure. The great numbers that make teaching a challenge, the teacher skills set and experience will render the reopening of the schools a super difficult thing to manage We are not ready and a few that are, and to handle. are not speaking for the majority like Eastern Cape is opening today Top of mind the Minister plans to reopen the schools by phasing and claim they are ready. As



We are not convinced they will be able to meet all the preconditions laid out in the Covid-19 regulations.” The opening of school this early on is a waist and unnecessary expense. Hope Students and teachers are insured for this. I can see insurance companies decline payments claiming negligence. The EdThe Ministers said learner should ucation Department has lost round put their mask for the duration of one as advised and admitted in not the day, this is new and what are so many words by the Minister. the risks since learners will breathing in and out the same breath. Are teachers expected to also wear masks throughout the day? Does this mean the teachers will look like surgeons when marking learner books, also will teachers be allowed to take learner books home? Will the bathrooms have regular cleaning and sanitizing more so for the girl’s toilets. ingrades starting with grade 7 and 12 as per the disaster regulations classes must be not more than twenty learners per class, to observe social distancing, this means one child one desk for everyone I believe city, rural or otherwise.

SOCIAL MEDIA EXPERT’S ADVICE, WHATS-APP GROUP ADMINS IN SOUTH AFRICA SHOULD BE CAREFUL ON WHAT THEY SHARE FROM THEIR MEMBERS SINCE THEY COULD BE HELD LIABLE FOR SHARING FALSE INFORMATION ON THEIR GROUPS. Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic information is key, authorities give timely updates, and the saying news travel fast did not consider fake news. Fake news travel faster and leaving a trail of panic and fear. The disaster management regulations are clear

informed entrepreneur

JUNE 2020

that fake news spread with malicious intent, and therefore the administrator is expected to know that the information he or she is shared is false. It is now your responsibility as an administrator of the group to authenticate the information before sharing or else you will be held liable. WhatsApp is expected to ‘immediately’ remove fake coronavirus news under new rules and the authorities to deal with the authors. According to the South African coronavirus disaster regulations, the Whats-App groups Administrators may face a criminal charge for distributing

GDE 2021


APPLICATION The Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) will open the online application for admission for Grade 1 and Grade 8 in June. The Online Application for 2021 academic year set to open in June 2020. GDE Application dates: Application will open will open on 25 June and applications will close at midnight on the 25 July 2020. How to apply, the first thing is to know the right website in blue, as a parents or legal guardians of the child you must log on to the system at . Follow below these easy steps: STEP 1: Enter details of a parent STEP 2: Enter learner details STEP 3: Apply to a school with available space Remember the old saying The early bird catches the fattest worm.”

fake news about the novel coronavirus (Covid-19) in their groups. They should be knowingly aware that the information they are shared and distributing is false. This is the law as prescribed in spreading false information, colloquially known as fake news with intent to deceive is a crime with up to 6 months imprisonment. Lucien Pierce a communications lawyer said What-sapp group administrators who were aware that false information is being shared may also be held liable. BE CAREFUL.

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What is the National State of Disaster? The 2002 Disaster Management Act facilitates co-ordination, mitigation and recovery following a disaster, defined as a “natural or human-caused occurrence that causes disease, damage to property infrastructure or the environment or disruption of the life of a community”. In a national disaster, Section 26 of the act makes the national executive “primarily responsible” for coordinating measures for the mitigation, prevention and recovery and rehabilitation from disaster. How is the State of Disaster declared?


In terms of Section 27 of the Disaster Management Act, it’s the co-operative governance minister. The president under Section 4(1) establishes, in the case of a national disaster declaration, an intergovernmental committee on disaster management to co-ordinate efforts. The president chairs this committee. Section 27(2) allows the issuing of regulations that not only provide relief to affected persons but also for the control in the affected areas of the movement of people and goods, the provision, use or control of emergency accommodation and the sale of alcohol. A national State of Disaster lasts three months. However, the co-operative governance minister may cut it short at any time. A national State of Disaster may be extended one month at a time Daily Maverick By Marianne Merten• 19 March 2020

The Team Isaac Mavuso – Publishing Editor Jemito Khoza – Layout Design Tel: 081 571 1658 E-mail: Website:

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If you are a South African, you are in the country but you work or are studying overseas you can now travel back to those countries according to SA Home Affairs. T/C apply The Home Affairs Minister Aaron Motsoaledi on Saturday 23, on a virtual briefing the minister gave South Africans tha are working, studying, seeking medical attention or living abroad an opportunity to return to the countries where they are based in if they wish. The Home Affairs Minister in his announcement said “South Africans who wish to leave the Republic are permitted to depart only for the following reasons: work, study, family

reunion, take up permanent resi- such as essential goods and serdency and receive medical atten- vices. tion,” Should you fall within the category As the country continues to ease of people who wish to travel as an the lockdown and to get the coun- essential need, you will have to fulltry in to economic activity the home fil the following. affairs has to play its part and that is what the Home Affirs Motsoaledi 1. You must produce a valid copy of did after diliberations and consider- a South African passport ation with the National Coronavirus Command Council, the Department 2. Produce a letter confirming their of International Relations and Coop- admissibility under the current cireration. cumstances from the embassy or other diplomatic/consular reprePresident Ramaphosa imposed trav- sentative of the country they want el restrictions as a way to fight man- to travel to. If returning by road or age and reduce the opportunities connecting via flights, the proof for infaction as well as the spread of submitted needs to include permisCOVID-19 virus in the country, even sion from each transiting country. though there were allowed travels between countries for activities

JUNE 2020

3. Provide proof of means to travel such as air or bus tickets as well as the intended date of departure.”South Africans who fall in these categories and satisfy the criteria can send an email to Covid19travel@” Advised Home Affirs. 4. In reponse Home Affirs will email confirmation letters to grant the permition to travel those who meet the criteria. Only then can the proceed with their travel arrangements. The department has also advised that “People applying as a group can send one email with the supporting documents for each member of the group.”

informed entrepreneur

VUSI MABENA w w w. b b u l e t t i n . c o . z a

Vusi Mabena a 27-year-old poet, writer and author of two books is nominated for 2020 International South African Poetry Awards (ISAPA)., The young man from Dennilton outside Groblersdal is also a motivational speaker.

Mabena the author has produced two books “Tears of Life” which was released in October 2019 and followed shortly “The Tears of the Crawling Hustler & Dreamer”, released this year, has been nominated on both his books in the best author and best book category. The vibrant lad said his nomination for ISAPA came as a result of him being the first young author to release two books in a short space of time in the South African writing industry.



A ray of hope arises amidst the Covid-19 virus pandemic, a deal that promises an empowering growth for business and entrepreneurs. In a constantly changing world, that demands entrepreneurs to be IT savvy.

Huawei and Vusi Thembe kwayo’s partnership is about to close that gap. informed entrepreneur

Businesses must partner with each other or pioneering individuals to create an empowering and enabling experience for the many struggling yet creative entreprenues desperate for market access in South Africa the continent and the world. The Founder of My Growth Fund Vusi Thembekwayo is a global speaker dubbed the Rock start of Public Speaking, could not contain his excitement as he took to social media to announce his partnership with

the second largest tech giant in the world between his firm and Huawei. The greatest challenge for entrepreneurs has been adapting and employing technology and to reap the benefits that come with it and this partnership seem to have that in the bag. Huawei also made this statement: “It’s just another way that we’re ensuring that businesses and entrepreneurs are armed with the technology they need to succeed.” JUNE 2020

“To be honest, the first time I received a call from International South African Poetry Awards organizers, telling me that I am nominated, I could not believe it because I just released both books a few months ago and am now nominated on the biggest awards in South

Africa. This nomination inspires me to write more books and proves to me that nothing is impossible as long as one puts their mind to it and work hard, which pays off,” smiled Mabena.

Mabena requested his readers, especially those in Limpopo, to vote for him as many times as they could because he was nominated with big names such as Linda Ntuli, Unathi Msengana, Masoja Msiza AKA Nkunzi in popular soapie Uzalo and other South African poets and writers. “Please vote for me as you would know that charity begins at home. I am requesting everyone to vote for me as many times as they can because every single vote from them counts. I want to bring this award home in Limpopo, Sekhukhune,” appealed Mabena. ISAPA’s ceremony is envisaged for the Durban ICC in October this year. To vote for Mabena, SMS ISAPA KA 174 to 45633. Thapelo Motseo

There are people who “somaar” decide to increase prices based on the looks and what the potential customer drives, that is robbery. 3. ADVERTISED AND PROMOTION The growth and development of technology has made it super interesting to finding and persuading customers to buy. Yet a customer could be sitting at home yet be part of a bigger community of people with the same interest yet have never met at the same time are DEFINITION: friends. So, the question is which The process of improving some media platforms you can find the measure of an enterprise’s success. customers. Business growth can be achieved either by boosting the top line or 4. IRRESISTIBLE OFFER: revenue of the business with great- Customers love and enjoy a good er product sales or service income, bargain it is for this reason or by increasing the bottom line some people will buy something or profitability of the operation by they don’t need but will buy beminimizing costs. www.businessdic- cause it is a good bargain. Your buy one and get one free. It is all about Growing a business demands an intentional and dedicated effort driven by the business owner. Entrepreneurs and business owner must also understand as well as distinguish the difference between building and growing a business.

1. OPPORTUNITY: To grow your business, you need to establish if there is a need or a market to exploit and looking at the size of the market, timing and the duration to which you can take advantage of the opportunity.

being creative.

5. LOCALIZE YOUR PROMOTION Over the year’s technology has made it possible for a business to promote and sell their products and services to a specific market, those who are interested thanks to the technology and algorithms we don’t 2. PLANNING: need to understand but will for you. An important part of growing a busi- think of face book you can choose ness. You never wake up and just who can see you advert “Targeted decide you want to grow and exploit advertising.”Go get them tiger… the market.

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COVID-19 uniting people and inspiring many, what a glorious site when humanity stands together to save fellow beings. When darkness fall little lamps rise and like the galaxy hope is renewed dignity restored.AMAZING things will happen when people come together.

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informed entrepreneur

JUNE 2020

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Bid Number: ERW202005/021 SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF FLEECE JACKETS Bid Validity Period: 90 days Closing Date: 2020-06-04 12:00 pm Compulsory Briefing: No Issuing Department: Supply Chain Management Contact Person [Supply Chain]: Zanele Contact Nr: 0119297050 Contact Person [Technical]: Dipuo Mohlala BBBEE CERTIFICATES Contact Nr: 0818150761


BBBEE The not so new BEE legislation advised that companies with a turnover less than R 10 million do not need a BEE verified BEE Certificate they are exempted enterprises or customers can apply for a B-BBEE certificate on the eservices website or at the CIPC Self Service Terminal on registering a new company or when paying your annual returns for your company.

Entrepreneurs Note:

Alternatively download a B-BBEE Affidavit for Exempted Enterprise at CIPC or cut out the one on this paper. The following must be done to make you B-BBEE Sworn Affidavit compliant:

2.QSEs (turnover between 10 and 50 million) we accept a BBBEE sworn affidavit if the QSE is at least 51% black-owned or a BBBEE certificate issued by a SANAS Accredited Agency if it’s less than 51% blackowned.

1. Fill in 1-3 very clear with our scratching or making mistakes 2. To complete it, part 4 -6 take it to police station where you will swear and sign to commissioner he or she will sign and put a stamp it. 3. The Affidavit will be valid for 12 months.

If you are or wish to supply goods and services by tendering or by responding to Request for Quotes (RFQ) this part you must know the following information which applicable your BBBEE certificates:

Bid Number: ERW202005/020 SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF SELF CONTAINED BREATHING APPARATUS(SCBA) AT ERWAT HEAD OFFICE: Bid Validity Period: 90 days Closing Date: 2020-06-03 12:00 pm Compulsory Briefing: No Issuing Det: Supply Chain Management Contact Person [Supply Chain]: Zanele

1.Generic companies (turnover above 50million) we accept BBBEE certificates issued by SANAS Accredited Verification Agencies.

Contact Nr: 0119297050 Contact [Technical]: Enock Mkhondo Contact Nr: 0659914399

3.EMEs (turnover up to 10 million) and start-ups we accept the EME sworn affidavit or a BBBEE certificate issued by (CIPC) 4.Joint Venture, Partnerships and Consortiums must submit a BBBEE certificate issued by a SANAS accredited BBBEE verification Agency.



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a traditional class. This is a great opportunity for us to earn a Huawei International certificate, which will Huawei has taken its ICT Acad- open a lot of job opportunities withemies which are run in several in the ICT industry – and also get an South African tertiary institutions, extra R500.” online to ensure that students do not miss out on crucial learning TWO ONLINE TRAINING OPTIONS ARE AVAILABLE TO STUDENTS: WELduring the Covid-19 outbreak. INK LIVE TRAINING: “By registering for these courses online, students can make good use Students can join a class run by a of this potentially disruptive period Huawei certified ICT Academy into gain certification from Huawei structor. They will have access to and make themselves more attrac- online learningmaterials, lab practive to employers. Given the uncer- tice, discussions, and interactive tainty that lies ahead, this is more sessions. Online Self Study: valuable than ever,” says Tsholofelo Students can download learning Llale, Huawei’s ICT Talent Develop- material and online tutorials, along with simulation tools, lab guides ment Manager. and mock exams from the Huawei “The online training has been very Talent platform. Huawei is offering informative. I have learned just as the following incentives to encourage students to complete the much as I would have learned in

JUNE 2020

Bid Number: ERW202005/019 3 YEAR SERVICE FOR SKALAR 3000/5000 ANALYSER Bid Validity Period: 90 days Closing Date: 2020-06-03 12:00 pm Compulsory Briefing: No Issuing Dept: Scientific Services Contact Person [Supply Chain]: Gugulethu Contact Nr: 0119297000 Contact Person [Technical]: Mr S. Nhlapo Contact Nr: 0119297014 training and pass the exam: A R500 data bundle, to be paid after training. One free online exam after training through Huawei e-Learning platform, available to students who pass the mock exam with 80/100 or above. R500 cash to students who successfully pass the exam.Huawei has thus far opened nine Huawei Certified ICT Associate (HCIA) online courses in Routing and Switching. The course launched on the 13th of April 2020, training more than 160 students from Tshwane University of Technology, University of Venda, and Think Tank. Students have been actively participating in online training and have shown great interest in learning more about Huawei certification. The training will be valid until June 2020, this may be extended if necessary.

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The South African Revenue Service (SARS) is deferring tax payments without penalties. COVID-19’s devastating impact to small business in the country is yet to be seen, with many government institution trying to make sense and to find ways to bring some sort of relief for SMES and ordinary people. Unfortunately the pandemic’s impact does not absolve small business from their legal obligation, more so when government’s help is dependent on collecting taxes from its people and businesses. Baker McKenzie advised that “The aim of deferring tax payments without incurring penalties is to alleviate the cash flow burden of tax compliant businesses during the pandemic economic crisis”

NSBC LAUNCHED A SPECIAL PROJECT FOR SMALL BUSINESS RELIEF, THE COVID-19 SMALL BUSINESS RELIEF CENTRE, DUBBING IT “YOUR PARTNER DURING THE CORONAVIRUS CRISIS” The COVID-19 Small Business Relief Centre has been launched by the National Small Business Chamber to assist small businesses during this crisis. With the collaboration of experts in various business fields, this centre hopes to help small businesses weather the current coronavirus storm successfully. The objective of The COVID-19 Small Business Relief Centre, a NSBC initiative, is to help small businesses by taking their pain away during this crisis. Some of the key areas the centre will focus on include: low-in property leases, increased cleaning, disinfecting and hygiene protocols, digital

marketing strategies in a time terest disaster recovery loans, moratoriums on vehicle and equipment leases, bond repayments, supplier negotiation and communication, landlord negotiation with regards to of crisis, quick digital migration for meetings, business continuity plan creation, etc.

For every small business now is the time to look critically at your business and create a business con tinuity plan. If there’s one thing small business owners and entrepreneurs share it is being resilient and resourceful in times of adversity. Negotiate and stay in contact with suppliers, think about how you can adjust your offering, and look at how you could weather the fi nancial implications ahead. We are all aware of the saying ‘two minds are better than one’ so involve your team in a powerful brainstorming and strategy session today and put a plan in place.

To all the experts out there, please join us in helping small businesses survive and prosper. Your contribution, suggestions, tips and advice to add value to The COVID-19 Small Business Relief Centre to help small businesses get through this crisis, especially those in dire needof financial relief and general business survival, will be well received. We need to come together to ease the “Small Business is the mainstay of pain for every small business


BP Southern Africa announced the appointment of their new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Taelo Mojapelo, she stepped her new role on June, 1st 2020. Taelo has a wealth of commercial and operational experience including supply chain she

informed entrepreneur

out there.

our economy and the future of job creation. We need fast action to make the thousands of small businesses throughout South Africa more resilient to coronavirus-related economic disruptions. Small businesses are vital economic engines. More than two-thirds of the working force work in a small business today. This is why we need to make sure we bridge businesses through these tough times. Our goal is to make sure businesses stay in business and that we keep workers employed. Although this is a time to be careful, it’s not a time to panic and stop shopping locally, it’s the time to stand together” – Mike Anderson: National Small Business Chamber (NSBC) Founder & CEO. -NSBC site-

The South African Revenue Service (SARS) has recently published details that outlines a process businesses that are operating in the country could adhere to in arranging for paying what is due to SARS without incurring penalty charges, it will be instalments but no penalties will be incurred. Virusha shared that “This option applies to both small and larger businesses, as well as multinationals operating in South Africa” Like everything else T&C’s apply to qualify for the tax relief Taxpayers must prove that they are experiencing financial hardships due to the impact of Covid-1“Penalties will only be remitted if taxpayers are able to successfully prove the serious impact of Covid-19 on their business” added Subban

BLACK EXCELLENCE also held a number of operational and senior leadership supply chain roles in companies like African Breweries, Kellogg’s and DHL. Taelo holds a Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in chemical technology from the University of Natal, a Master’s degree in JUNE 2020

environmental engineering from Cambridge University and an MBA from the Gordon Institute of Business Science. In addition, she is a certified supply chain professional, a certified director with the institute of directors (IoDSA) as well as a university of Witwatersrand sessional lecturer in modular supply chain.


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A business needs to be bases on a some form of a plan to guide the vision as well as operations to achieve the goals. Whether you call it a business plan as strategic plan or use a business model, the most important thing is that you a structured approach for you work business. All of these plans are working documents, call it a map or a guide it is the something.


VISIONARY LEADER OR PROPHET It is said history will judge us and Tambo was really the epitome of black EXCELLENCE his foresight was unparralled: In 1977 Oliver Tambo spoke these words to his comrades

process, be prepared to learn from other people’s revolutions. Learn from the enemy also. The enemy is not necessarily doing everything wrongly. You may take his right tactics and use them to your People will be expecting a lot of advantage. At the same time, avoid services from you. You will have to repeating the enemy’s mistakes.” “Comrades, you might think it is satisfy the various demands of the very difficult to wagea liberation masses of our people. In the struggle.

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Wait until you are in power. I might be dead by then. At that stage, you will realize that it is actually more difficult to keep the power than to wage a liberation war.

informed entrepreneur

BOOKS TO READ w w w. b b u l e t t i n . c o . z a

& EMPOWERING SITES TO KNOW AND TO BROWSE The Box Shop is a business incubator promoting up-and-coming Soweto-based clothing and design brands. It is located at the top of Soweto’s famous Vilakazi Street. The distinctive two-storey contemporary building was built entirely from shipping containers and is envisaged as a space where local en trepreneurs can grow and develop their brands.

informed entrepreneur Alison offers over 1,500 free online courses across nine distinct categories. The types of courses across the categories include: Certificate Courses, Diploma Courses and Learning Paths.

small to medium businesses in the world. We provide loan finance ranging from R500 000 to R50 million to all business owners who have a viable formal business and require finance for expansion, working capital, equipment, takeovers, ty, franchises or management outs. We’re one of the leading business loan and equity providers for viable JUNE 2020

BizPortal is a platform developed by the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) to offer company registration and related services in a simple seamless digital way which is completely paperless. It was developed in response to the quest of improving the ease of doing business in South Africa, specifically, starting a business.

The South African Institute for Entrepreneurship (SAIE) helps to address poverty and unemployment through entrepreneurially focused initiatives. The institute was born out of the Triple Trust Organisation (TTO) in 1996 in recognition of the critical need for easily accessible business literacy training materials for both the small enterprise sector and for schools.

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informed entrepreneur

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