BizBulletin Newspaper

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The ground-breaking Township Economic Development Bill was officially signed into law by Premier David Makhura on Friday 29 April 2022. The Act is part of the Gauteng Provincial Government’s effort at establishing and formalising township businesses to be simpler, easier seamless and to promote a sustainable township economy via funding and infrastructure. “Today, I am filled with deep emotions as I sign into law a historic piece of legislation, the Township Economic Development Act. This Act is a timeless monument to the resilience & tenacity of towering pioneers of the Township Economy such as

Ntate Richard Maponya,” said Makhura. The Act is built on the Township Economic Revitalisation Campaign held between 2015 and 2016, in which SMMEs from over 50 high-density townships were consulted. Then, township businesses raised their challenges such as lack of access to formal markets, lack of proper commercial districts, land and affordable financial support for business expansion and formalisation. The new Act provides a regulatory framework that makes it possible for entrepreneurs living in townships to establish viable and thriving businesses, small

enterprises, and co-operatives in a less bureaucratic environment making it easy to climb the economic ladder. It introduces an enabling framework to ensure that township-based retail malls and supermarkets partner with local service providers and manufacturers in sourcing products. The Act establishes specific procurement rules and programmatic support that allows government and its main contractors to spend a certain percentage of their procurement spend on township-based enterprises or co-operatives. Addressing small business entrepreneurs at the Orlan-

do community hall in Soweto, Makhura said the by-laws enabled by this law also make it easier to incentivise the installation of broadband in township enterprise zones and empower township-based internet service providers. He added that the law will also outlaw the harassment of traders. “The law outlaws the harassment of informal businesses by law agencies that go around harassing mothers who are selling to generate income for their children. We know that it happens in the townships, but now there will be no government official arbitrarily coming to close down businesses.”

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COVID-19 hit us when we were already limping as country, even though we have lost thousands I really got to truly understand the statement “what doesn’t kill you make you stronger.” Challenging as things are those of us still standing, we have a chance to recreate our lives, improve our families and straggling communities. One thing we need to agree on is that, this won’t be a walk in the park and might feel like we are going against the tide with the cost of living shooting of the roof, everything is getting expensive as reported on the 28 Feb 2022 — The index shows the average cost of the household food basket is R 4,355.70 for February. A year ago the same basket cost R 4,001.17 a 9% increase from the previous year. We have to get back in to the battle ground of Hustle-Ville and grind like never before if we want to survive the increasing life and living conditions, fuel, electricity, municipal rate, food and transport as well as all else is rapidly increasing, we have to build profitable businesses that can provide meaningful employment. But for now is to run a business that employs the owner fulltime with sufficient income to have a significant impact in your life consistently.

COMMUNICATION MINISTER KHUMBUDZO NTSHAVHENI The State of the Nation Address (SONA) debate was robust and the game changer was the unexpected announcement by the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies Khumbudzo Ntshavheni as she committed government, as she promised to provide every household in South Africa with 10 Gigabyte (GB) of free data every month. “At some point, South African households, despite whether you are rich or poor, whether you are employed or unemployed, will have access to 10GB per month without failure because that’s what this government will deliver.” Said the Minister.In an interview with Newsroom Africa

My Broadband Editor Jan Vermeulen said “this will level the playing field in terms of access to the internet and digital services.” Jan also anticipate that the data will significantly reduce data cost. This is a mammoth task that the minister is undertaking and one that South Africans will appreciate should it materialise fully. In her speech the minister has not disclosed any plans moving forward on how and when this will be done. We also understand that the minister has engaged treasury on the mater. Minister Ntshavheni said that the 10GB basic data allocation will be given to all households regardless of income.

The Minister likened the internet data access to basic municipal services such as water and electricity. “Data has become a new utility like water and electricity that our home needs,” she said. She continued… “Currently, indigent households qualify for a free 6,000 litres of water, free 50kWh of electricity, and free sewerage and sanitation”. Clearly the success of this project will mean a lot a game changer for the SMME’s in the country. The provision of free access to 10 gig of internet data will empower entrepreneurs and social entrepreneurs by saving basic cost of data and enable continuity.

Let’s get a glimpse of what this means by looking at the Published article by Saifaddin Galal in Jul 15, 2021. The report shows that in 2019, the number of households in South Africa increased and amounted to approximately 17.16 million, roughly 490,000 more than in the previous year and the highest volume in the given time period. How will the allocation be done? Is the big question, as well as how will it be funded? Ntshavheni did not provide timelines for the rollout of the basic data service.

2 May/June Informed Entrepreneur

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Picture from twitter

TRANSPORT MINISTER FIKILE MBALULA The challenges experienced in the past year or so by motorist struggling to renew their car licences and general access of services by the department have inspired the department to think creatively on car licence and related services. On Thursday, the 17th of February 2022 Transport Minister Fikile Mbalula launched digital online services for motorist to renew their drivers licence at the comfort of their home. Even though motorist will still have to

Cover story Continues Given the influx of people at taxi ranks, the Act promotes incentives for municipalities to develop taxi ranks into micro-central business districts, enabling the taxi economy to use its scale to grow supporting value chains and industries. Through its wide implementation, the Act will provide an R800 million Township Part-

nership Fund to support township-based businesses, the Taxi Rank economy, Backyard Real Estate developments, and township Retail Businesses. Makhura who mirrored the Township Economic Development Act with the Obama Care Act, has set a target of boosting the fund to more than one billion rands by the end of the year. “When President Obama was signing the Law called the Obama Care, it included the last section of Americans who

do the eye test and fingerprints at their nearest driving licence testing centre. This will improve efficiency and lessen the time a person spends in the queue. Said, Transport Minister Fikile Mbalula. The department aims to enhance the online renewals and bookings to create a seamless experience when doing an online booking services. The launch follows what Mr Mbalula indicated in January when he said “Through were left out of the health care system. This Act includes the last section of township-based businesses that are left out of the mainstream economy. This is our Obama Care for the township economy,” Makhura told the packed hall. Through this law, Makhura said government wants to see township-based firms entering the mainstream economy and taking up space in the Special Economic Zones across the Gauteng City Region. In

Informed Entrepreneur May/June

the RTMC (Road Traffic Management Corporation), we are augmenting the capacity of Driving Licence Testing Centres (DLTCs) and will be launching online services in February 2022 to improve service delivery and minimise the need for a motorist to visit a DLTC a number of times.

He also said that motorists and businesses can register opening online accounts to renew and to make payments for their driver’s licence card renewal also register a notice for change of vehicle ownership as well as obtain crash reports online.

The Minister advised that motorists will to access most of the services at online from the comfort of their homes for services they had to do at the centres at times on long queues. this regard, Makhura said the Act allows national, provincial and municipal governments to release land for business purposes. “For those who want to expand and create more jobs, we will release land on a longterm lease so that you can grow food,” said Makhura. Gauteng MEC for Economic Development Parks Tau said the Act marks a paradigm shift to realise economic emancipation for townships and informal settlements where unemploy-

ment, poverty and deprivation are still concentrated. “This Act will allow township enterprises access to developmental opportunities, access to finance, training, equipment, and new markets directly. It is a developmental legislative framework that addresses economic, geographical, technological and social inequalities.” Rofhiwa Marubini-Tshitahe Office of the Premier



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COVID-19 pandemic really tested everyone’s resolve and faith. For the first time in history churches had to shut their doors to the public at the time when people needed the spiritual uplifting and assurance the most. All in that challenging moment this book was taking shape and getting ready for publish. The Book is an easy and friendly companion which you can start anywhere you are you feel led.

IN JUNE THE PRICE OF PETROL IS ANTICIPATED TO PASS R24 MARK South African motorists have been hit with the fuel price increase last month and this month the price for diesel is estimated to increase again to be more than 88c inland and 94c coastal per litre. This is following the record high increase in March 2022 which has set a continuous motion for goods and services to increase their prices due to transportation cost not forgetting electricity increase. With a little reprieve for petrol with a slight decrease of 12c per litre on the 4th May 2022. Things are getting expensive! The Automobile Association (AA) released statement on the back of fuel price data by the Central Energy Fund (CEF), that warned diesel motorist and the country of another fuel hikes of 80 cent this after R1 per litre for all grades of fuel increase in March 2022. Already the fuel price is on the all-time high. A little relief is for petrol users. The govern-

ment cushioned motorist with a R1.50 fuel tax holiday that will expire end of May. Following are anticipated projections for the increase. The Coastal estimated fuel price for June 93 will be R24.11 for 95 octane petrol and 95 will cost R24.40 per litre. While diesel is estimated to rocket to R24.80. Inland increases will be a bit heavy with the price of 95 octane would cost R25.15 per litre. 93 grade will cost R24.76 Diesel will hurt at a cost of R25.45 per litre, and paraffin would stretch to unobserved clearly high levels. The cost of living is rising by the minute. The poorest will be hard hit with the increase cost of paraffin, many use this a basic source for cooking, lighting as well as heating. Most of these people will be blown a double whammy with a direct cost of paraffin increase and all the indirect cost the will be influenced by the increase of all kinds of fuel business always

pass the cost to the consumer. This time last year In March 2021, paraffin was R8.45 per litre this year it will be R13.19 per litre. AA is pleading with the minister of finance. “We again call on the Minister of Finance to strongly consider calls not to increase the General Fuel and Road Accident Fund levies in his Budget Speech next week. Any relief, even in the form of non-increases, would be welcome to a consumer base already reeling from economic hardship.” Also they are calling for fuel price review.

For a Christian child it’s a call to strengthen our faith and resolve to pray and to worship in private. First it is to practise and to live the word as it is written in the book of Matthew 6.6 “When you pray, go in to the inner room, close the door and pray to the father who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will rewards you”. Said Palesa.

The book was written by Palesa Mafago a dedicated servant of God, ordained pastor a founder of Tulips a non-profit organisation dedicated to helping young at school township boys to grow a responsible and ethical leaders. Palesa is a dynamic and practical leader a qualified coaching with an administration qualifications. For orders and Bookings, call Palesa on 081 363 0836

This book is a devotional book that is aimed at helping people to develop a habit of prayer and deep worship alone guided by the word of God using the bible.


HIKE THIS YEAR The cost of living in South Africa is getting higher and higher and power is one of the sources to this ever rise in the cost of living through electricity and other energy sources. This year we are seeing another hike of electricity and this will send shock-waves to the rest of businesses and the kneejack reaction to this hike will be increased prices for food and transport. This will be devastating for the poor communities.


The National Energy Regulator in South Africa has approved a 9.61% electricity price increase for the year 2022-2023. The increase took effect from the 1st of April for Eskom clients that will

be followed by the municipal clients on the 1st of July 2022. Well the question in your mind is, why the increment is effected months apart? The answer is simple in South Africa electricity is supplied in two ways, direct from Eskom to customers and the other way is through a third part in this instance it is the municipality that supply their community. The delay for Municipalities is that they will still have to factor in their own mark-up and only then will they publish their tariff increment for the electricity. This means it will be 9.61% plus.

4 May/June Informed Entrepreneur

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RACHEL WANDIA, MARKETING COACH AND CONSULTANT AT MARKET CONSULT LIMITED, We have been dealing with a medical emergency that has truly tested our spirits and I got thinking of how as a business owner you have to cope with what life throws at you while at the same time keeping the focus on your business. Well, allow me to share with you not as a marketing coach but one human to another, one business person to another business person to share some of the coping mechanisms that I have used in the past and that will definitely help me through this. Perhaps they will be of value to you if you are facing a personal challenge big or small! 1. TAKING A MOMENT TO BREATHE AND REGROUP: I do find that when you are in the midst of a crisis you need to take a moment to yourself and just breathe This helps you to see yourself as human and also lets you put some emotional distance even for just that moment to help you give your mind a break from it all and just focus on breathing and clearing your head.

Pray, meditate, cry, take a nap, listen to a song you love. Take care of your spirit.

member to help you see a different perspective of things or even get fresh ideas on how to handle the situation. You will real2. DELEGATE AND TAKE ize that someone else may AN HOUR, A MORNING help shine some light in a OR EVEN TAKE A DAY situation that looks bleak OFF: and hopeless to you. I have realized that for me, sharUnfortunately, when dealing ing the burden helps me with a personal crisis, your know that I am not alone mental capacity to handle and helps me deal with isyour business needs prop- sues better. erly may not be quite as 100% as during other days. 4. REMEMBER THE You can take some time off GOOD AND GIVE GRATIto distress and delegate TUDE: some tasks to your employees. Unfortunately, that is Isn’t it funny the way when not possible for very small we are in a crisis we forget business owners who may all the good things still exbe handling everything by isting in our lives and just themselves. It is ok to take get overwhelmed? I like some time off, nothing gets calling myself for a mental done properly when your meeting with myself (lol) head is not in the game and and evaluate all the other that just proceeds to stress great things that happened you out even more. You to me and then I give gratmay realize that a day off itude for as many of them to handle the crisis at hand as I can. Nothing is too big will rejuvenate you and you or too small for my gratican go back to building your tude list! I am even thankful business with a clearer and for the cup of water I just more rested mind. drank and that it is easily available to me. Phew! Af3. TALK TO SOMEONE: ter that somehow, I am able to see that I also have good It takes a village! Talk to still happening. This helps a trusted friend or family me change my perspective

Informed Entrepreneur May/June

and gives me the strength to carry on. 5. THIS TOO SHALL PASS: Remember all the things that happened to you or to someone else and they came and passed and you survived! So remember this too shall pass and even if it leaves some scars, you will heal and you will grow. Trust yourself and trust the process. 6. GET BACK TO WORK! When I have gone through the 5 steps above, I am then able to get my head back to work and even thou I am still dealing with whatever issue it is, I am able to focus on doing what I love best, helping my clients to grow their brands and get more customers. If I start to get overwhelmed again, I repeat steps 1-5! So tell me, how have you a businessperson dealt with personal issues so you can get you back to a place of productivity? I would love to hear from you!

The National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) launch their 1st Annual Integrated Youth Development Strategy (IYDS) Summit. Theme, “Tracking youth development interventions in South Africa”, held at the Radisson Hotel and Convention Centre in Johannesburg. About 250 young people from different society structures, political youth formations, government and business, convene to discuss and reflect on the implementation of youth development in the country as guided by the Integrated Youth Development Strategy (IYDS). The NYDA committed to drive accountability for the implementation of the National Youth Policy 2030. It committed to annual update on the progress made during implementation of the Strategy. IYDS is a legislated mandate of the NYDA Act 54 of 2008 and aims to enforce government and private sector policies and programs to prioritise the development of young people, with clear monitoring and evaluation tools against which these sectors will account on the impact of their policies on the lives of young people. The Summit takes place within the background of growing youth unemployment, compounded by the Covid-19 pandemic. This is an opportune time for sectors of society to asset their pledge and efforts to improving the lives of young people.


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STELLENBOSCH UNIVERSITY STUDENT ENTREPRENEURSHIP COMPETITION The Stellenbosch University (SU) LaunchLab hosted Stellenbosch University’s internal round of the EDHE Student Entrepreneurship Competition. Congratulations to the winners (listed below) - we look forward to working with you on the #RoadToFinals! And a huge thank you to our wonderful judges, Nolene Singh, Este Burger and Lynne Rippenaar-Moses for taking the time to work with our awesome student entrepreneurs! A further thanks to Prof Sibusiso Moyo, Sandile Shabalala, Ncebakazi Galada, our friends from Innovus Technology Transfer

and our own Daniel Maloba for being there to support and inspire our students! The Stellenbosch University internal round winners over 4 categories are: Existing Business - Social Impact - Jeanne Hugo - Kelebogile Merabe Existing Business - Tech - Lunga Hamilton Momoza (Basket) - Wihan Joubert Existing Business - General - Dewald Pieterse - Lesedi Monnanyane Innovative Business Idea - Takunda Gwanzura - Gerhard Arnold Hattingh

Mshefi4Life local entrepreneur specialising in anything wood, furniture as well as for hire with the Keketso Primary School young men in Phoko Section advising them on what he does and to start.

All smiles: beautiful people, entrepreneurs gathered at the Manlyn Hotel. Who are they and what is this joyful gathering about? All you have to do is visit www.smeseries.

Yenze Foundation in Partnership with Perfecting Word of Truth Family Church hosted a Career Expo in Kwa-Thema.

Social Entrepreneurs, Non-Profit organisation and the Mayer Tania Campbell in Ekurhuleni were appointed to serve Local Drug Action Committee at the Launch held in Banquet Hall in Germiston.

6 May/June Informed Entrepreneur

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Informed Entrepreneur May/June


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8 May/June Informed Entrepreneur

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The Standard Bank Group announced the appointment of Ms Nonkululeko Nyembezi as the New Chairperson designate for the Standard board, she will head Bank Group and The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited (SBSA).


Ms Nyembezi is take over Group and SBSA Boards chairmanship

WORDS DEFINED: Words are spoken or written tools we use to convey a massage and if a word is not understood the massage will be distorted leading to inevitable communication breakdown. As such this can cause conflict. Entrepreneur (Noun)

An entrepreneur is a person who undertakes a profitable or a social development endeavour and assumes full responsibility for the success and failure of that endeavour thereof, in-short an entrepreneur is a visionary that acts to realise the vision, remember assuming full responsibility of the results whatever that might be. Isaac Mavuso –

including Chair of the Directors’ Affairs Committee, starting from the 01st June 2022.

Ms Nyembezi was appointed to the boards of Standard Bank Group and SBSA in January 2020 as an independent non-executive director. She is a seasoned and respected leader with extensive experi-

Informed Entrepreneur May/June

The boards celebrates and congratulate Nonkululeko for her appointment and are looking forward to her leadership. 10th May 2022


Basic Entrepreneurship and Business Plan Development workbook. The word entrepreneur could be traced as far back as the early 16th century to an Irish/ French man, Economist ‘Richard Cantillon, the word comes from the word entrepreneur “entre” and “preneur” meaning “in-between” and “jobs”:

ence in diverse industries.


“The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.” 9

SUCCESS IS w w w. b b u l e t t i n . c o . z a


YOU DON’T FALL INTO SUCCESS. YOU INTENTIONALLY PURSUE YOUR GOALS, WITH YOUR ALL. IT IS A MIND BODY AND SOUL THING AND THE RESULTS WILL BE SUCCESS, ACHIEVER ETC. SUCCESS IS NOT A BIG OR SMALL THING IT IS A FEELING YOU GET FROM ACHIEVING SOMETHING YESTERDAY MY PAST: Where you come from is important but it is not the ultimate. Your past does not determine what you can be or become. Jesus was born in an hours stable, was that his purpose and was that his life? This is where you must realise and learn that you can do be anything you set your mind to. TOMORROW MY FUTURE: Ready or not it will come I will only get there only when I understand and make peace with my

yesterday and work towards tomorrow. HERE AND NOW IS ALL I HAVE: Today is the only thing you have to secure a productive today and a palatable tomorrow. Life is not as difficult as we make it to be nor shall it be as easy as we will it to be: what you must do is to choose you to succeed, you must be your chosen one. Understand that success is a collective of small activities turned in to habits practiced over time. Good or Bad SUCCESS IS ABOUT CONSISTENCY a big rock will succumb to a consistent drip of water. It is BIRTHED IF A VISION Your Goal – be clear on the thing you want to achieve what it is? What it looks like and what it will feels like when it’s achieved. Success is also FUELLED BY YOUR

WHY – Your purpose your drive of WHY you want to succeed and in most cases it is inspired by the WHO? A person /persons. The way to success can be a very tricky journey and can also be confusing at times. There are many things that will stand on your way and there will be others that will lure you out of your way and some will appear like a faster and shorter way to your success. You will meet people who will tell you it can done and yes they look the part as people who have walked the path and against all odds the overcame and Whooalaaah! They epitomise, the very principles and character of success in the mean while they are not telling the whole story the facts as the happened following their achieved success. They are editing the most important ingredient in the recipe for their success. Some people will be telling you what not to do and prescribe

you the principles and sheer sacrifice the unwavering resolve and uncompromised dedication you need to have, how there in substitute for hard work. That is what would have be the advice accompanied by what you should not do like don’t sell your soul to the devil, don’t prostitute yourself, do not bribe, telling you to be careful not to fall In the trap of corruption never sell out your comrades and moral decay in pursuit of your success. The will stand on the moral high ground and talk about their faith and how God is their rock and hard work was their salvation and all. You will be fooled because they don’t look like they can lie to you, they will lure you to use you in the name of helping you achieve your goals, the funny part you will get crumbs while the get the big bucks and depend on them to get your bread crumbs.

YOU SEE 90% of it, is filled with actor’s people in character. We want to keep up with the Kardashian. Remember 80 of the people don’t care what you are going through they are busy trying to deal with their lives caring less about you. On the other hand 20% are glad it is you going through it. Who is poor than them, dealing with a drug issue, with a child who fails at school etc. In this life we are accompanied by our demands our limits that you will never know off. They are not public matters. Don’t be easily swayed – be woke, be informed. Learn to separate facts from information – People must think twice before they approach you. Apply universal principle. LEARN TO BE COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN-


10 May/June Informed Entrepreneur

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FIND US HERE No 120 Chikwakwa Street Vosloorus Ext 28 CONTACT MPHO 067 641 8922

Informed Entrepreneur May/June


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Youth Day is a South Africa national holiday celebrated on June 16th. If Youth Day falls on a Sunday, a Monday will be observed as a public holiday. This day was previously known as Soweto Day. The Day marked the beginning of the Soweto uprising in 1976.

Afrikaans. The issue was not so much the teaching in Afrikaans, but rather the whole system of education which was characterised by separate schools and universities, poor facilities, overcrowded classrooms and inadequately trained teachers for the black majority.

The uprising was a result of government’s ruling making all teaching in black schools including township to be delivered in

On June 16th 1976 nearly 30,000 pupils from Soweto joined a protest march. After several clashes with the police and sporadic vio-



lence over the next few weeks, approximately 700 people, many of them youths, had been killed and there was widespread destruction of property. The iconic picture of a black schoolchild shot by the police (Hector Pieterson), Hector Pieterson, was 12-years-old at the time he was one of the first children to die during the student protest. According to SA History Online, a post-mortem revealed that Pieterson was killed by a shot fired

directly at him and not by a bullet “ricocheting off the ground” as police claimed.

26 June the world observe as the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking as an expression of its determination to strengthen action and cooperation to achieve the goal of an international society free of drug abuse.

treatment of drug dependency. Alcohol abuse is a complex issue that requires a multi-stakeholder and integrated approach towards a drug free society, captured in the National Drug Master Plan. Creating awareness of dangers of the substance abuse in society and effecting behavioural change are integral parts of the National Drug Master Plan.

habilitate. Be a good role model and empower young people to deal with life challenges to buffer substance abuse. Provide factual information on the effects of substance abuse. The carnage on South Africa’s roads can be reduced drastically if adults drink responsibly. Don’t drink and drive - Arrive Alive! Celebrate holidays soberly and responsibly:

Government Invites South Africans to volunteer for implementation of the national programme of action against substance and alcohol abuse.

Don’t turn a night out into a nightmare. Say NO to drugs.

The UN selects themes for the Day and launches campaigns to raise awareness on the scourge. The Prevention and Treatment of Drug Dependency Act (Act 20 of 1992) and the Prevention of and Treatment for Substance Abuse Act (Act 70 of 2008), provides for the establishment of programmes for the prevention and

A photo, taken of Pieterson’s lifeless body being carried by Mbuyisa Makhubu with his sister Antoinette Sithole nearby, became the iconic image of the 1976 Soweto Uprising — one that made its way around the world and highlighted the brutalities of the Apartheid regime to many people within and outside

South Africa. Youth Day commemorates the challenging times experienced by students of the day and the resilience of the youth taking a stand an event was made news world over. That was a changing time in South African politics and this day is a reminder of that rich history.

Community support is extremely important to prevent, treat, re-

12 May/June Informed Entrepreneur

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