BizBulletin Newspaper #11

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STATE PRESIDENT CYRIL RAMAPHOSA: THERE IS NO REASON WHY A COUNTRY LIKE OURS – WITH THE SKILLS, CAPABILITIES AND RESOURCES WE HAVE AT OUR DISPOSAL – SHOULD HAVE TO ENDURE A SHORTAGE OF ELECTRICITY. The on the 11 July 2022 President Cyril Ramaphosa in his weekly newsletter tried to take the country to his confidence amidst the massive rolling black outs in the country over the past two weeks, unprecedented stage six load shedding has threatened to destabilise our ailing economy. This was caused by the sudden loss of over 18,000 megawatts (MW) of generation capacity

due to unit breakdowns and an unprotected strike by Eskom workers. After more than a decade of electricity shortages, South Africans are right to feel frustrated and angry. At times like this, it can feel like there is no end in sight. Yet, while load shedding appears to worsen, the reality is that we have already taken several important actions to address the shortfall in electricity supply. Our immediate priority is to stabilise the

electricity system. As the system recovers and generation capacity is restored, Eskom will be able to reduce load shedding to lower stages. The agreement reached between Eskom and labour unions will enable critical repairs and return additional units to operation. The transmission line from Cahora Bassa in Mozambique has been restored, adding 600 MW to the grid, and Medupi Unit

6 returned to service on Saturday, adding another 720 MW. Additional units will come back online during the coming week, further easing the current shortfall. At the same time, law enforcement agencies are working hard to tackle sabotage, theft and fraud at Eskom to address the threat that these criminal actions pose to the electricity system.

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I N T E R E S T R AT E H I K E On Thursday 19 May 2022, the SA Reserve Bank under the leadership of Governor Lesetja Kganyago raised the interest rate for South Africa by a substantial 50 basis points which is half a percentage point. This is the highest increase since January 2016. This puts the prime interest rate (Basic interest rate for commercial banks charge for their loans issued for credit worthy customers) currently is 8.25%.

When COVID-19 landed, and the first case was announced in South Africa and we thought things couldn’t get worse. Little did we know that we will survive COVID? Only to be plunged into an economy that promises nothing but absolute poverty for the most vulnerable. These are really trying times, left, right and centre seem like we are between a rock and a hard place, Kaze iyozala Ekonomi? For the first time we land on stage six loads shedding, it is now the order of the day. KZN is battling devastating floods that are digging deep leaving a trail of deaths and chaos. Our president’s scandal, a shocking unexpected twist to a straightforward movie. The scathing Zondo reports on how deep and structurally entrenched corruption has been. The reports seem to leave none innocent in the ruling party. Youth and teenagers died in numbers in the Enyobeni tragedy. The death of the six-year-old boy falling into a manhole in Soweto. Social relief grants turned a bleeding wound. Yahoo! hayin bethu nana. The unemployment is still high on the backdrop of improved GDP recovery to before COVID 19. Come down the mask and hello monkeypox. Fuel prices are at a record high yet promising to go higher. Electricity price is at their peak. The food basket is getting ever getting expensive, cooking oil is a commodity on its own.

The increase is also influenced by the global trend and events around the world such as the COVID-19 Pandemic that halted the world economic activities and the latest is the invasion of Russia to Ukraine which puts a strain on supply chains increasing fuel and food prices drastically.

South Africa’s annual inflation held at 5.9% in April, just shy of the 6% maximum target set by the Reserve Bank. But in recent years the bank has been clear that it considers the middle of its target range, 4.5%, to be an appropriate level for consumer inflation or CPI, and ongoing price rises – especially for petrol and diesel – will make that extremely hard to attain in coming months. The Reserve Bank Governor Lesetja Kganyago said “Economic and financial conditions are expected to remain more volatile for the foreseeable future. In this uncertain environment, policy decisions will continue to be data-dependent and sensitive to the balance of risks to the outlook,” This could mean another increase in the near future. BizBulletin.


Cover story Continues

In the end, the bottom line is that we need to add more capacity to the grid. This will create space for Eskom to undertake critical maintenance and increase the reliability of its fleet. It will also create a buffer so that even if several units experience breakdowns at once, other sources can be used. One of the first steps I took in 2018 was to re-

vive the renewable energy procurement programme. The increase of the licensing threshold for new generation projects to 100 MW means that private investors do not require a license to build generation facilities up to this size. Eskom has made land available next to existing power stations for private investment in renewable energy projects. Design modifications have been completed to improve the performance of Medupi units 1, 2 and

3 and are underway in units 5 and 6. While these actions are significant and will bear fruit over the coming months, they are clearly not enough to address the crisis that we face. What the past two weeks have demonstrated is that we need to do more and do so with the utmost urgency. Over the past two weeks, we have been working with the relevant Ministers and senior officials on a range of additional measures to accelerate all

efforts to increase our electricity supply. He said measures have been taken to secure the supply of reliable and affordable electricity into the future. He also advised that detailed work and consultations needed to finalise these further measures. And soon a comprehensive announcement with set of actions to achieve faster progress in tackling load shedding. Load shedding is a crisis wrote the president in his newsletter.

We are in for a high jump of our lives. Challenging times have befallen us and we have to be unified. Our leadership should take a lead and guide us to cooling waters with a sound and clear programme of action. Big business is going to make a killing and small businesses will suffer more and more and die a slow yet painful death. This is the time for our leaders to unite and to stair this beautiful county into a place where the sun shines bright. Lets roll up our sleeves and get to work.

2 June/July Informed Entrepreneur

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The Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) in July 2020 will be starting with phase two (2) of the online registration for learners that will be starting grade one (1) and advancing to eight (8), for the 2023 academic year.


Isaac Mavuso – Publishing Editor Jemito Khoza – Layout Design Tel: 081 571 1658 E-mail: Website: CONTRIBUTOR Ms Busisiwe Nkosi

Informed Entrepreneur

The Gauteng Department of Education is inviting parents and guardians to apply and upload the required documents onto the system. Parents and guardians to apply by submitting the required documents to the school they applied to within seven days of applying. In September 2021 department recorded 351,169 total applications in phase one.

The department advised “We are also glad to announce that parents and guardians, who were not able to apply on time during phase 1 for learners in Grade 7 at public schools in Gauteng, will be able to apply under phase 2,” “We have outdone ourselves this year, not just as the department but as stakeholders, parents and guardians in having made the new two-phased approach a success so far. We wish every parent and guardian applying under phase 2 the very best and we assure them that our team will be there to assist them every step of the way,” said MEC, Lisufi. Panyaza Lesufi, expressed his


gratitude to parents and guardians who managed to successfully apply, and for the patience, they displayed throughout the process. He also thanked the GDE team who helped to make phase 1 applications a success. Here’s what you need to apply in phase 2 all you need to do is prepare the following documents you need and you must ensure they are certified and correct. 1. Parent and child ID or pass port 2. Refugee Permit (for non-SA applicants) 3. Asylum Seeker Permit 4. Permanent Residence Permit 5. Study Permit 6. Your South African Birth Cer tificate

7. Proof of Home Address 8. Proof of Work Address 9. Latest School Report 10.Clinic Card/Immunisation Card (Grade 1 only) “The application period will start on 22 July 2022 at 08:00 AM for Grade 1 and Grade 8 applications, and it will close on 19 August 2022 at 00:00 AM. To apply, visit www.gdeadmissions. Parents and guardians will receive SMS notifications of placement offer to either accept or decline from 3 – 31 October 2022,” the GDE said. The GDE team will be available for an assistance call centre on 0800 000 789. BizBulletin


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The State Capture report shines the light on unseen levels of corruption as per the evidence revealed by the witnesses and all share the corruption was strategic and well-coordinated. To think about it they have created industries that spoke to the South African vision to create meaningful jobs and advance the BBBEE in the quest to encourage black leaders to participate and own businesses and industries in South Africa. However, all that was smoke and mirrors while the poor and the middle class in South Africa are left to deal with the fallout in taxes and other increases for the country to afford itself.

South African politics are truly a page from a bestseller, they make a riveting blockbuster movie. This movie, this TV series is a gripping one indeed even Oliva Pope is scrambling for my audience considering the sheer drama in our parliament, and the media briefings within news platforms as well as the twist and turns. Looking back from where our country comes from, I have never thought that our beloved country will be entangled in such a corrupt web filled with so many accounts of lies where every turn of explanatory events leaves one more confused than ever.

Like any great movie or TV series it will have a focal point – the storyline, with many twists and turns that will leave your jaw dropped and hungry for more while your emotions are thrown all over. I must say, growing up Saturdays and Sundays were peaceful days without political drama. Nowadays, the political drama is without end 24/7 – 365 there is no dull day in SA, the twist the turns the back stabbing and all the lies when challenged politicians will claim were taken out of context. You miss a day of news you miss a lot, and too bad there are no omnibuses for this drama. The catch-ups available such as a week in one are not enough.

Our political series began in 1994 and with historical characters and background going so far back in time, for now, it stops with Jan Van Riebeek. Where we are now, we are dealing with the most amazing, thought-provoking story a sophisticated storyline “State Capture” top of all that is a ruling party divided by a hungry beast devouring itself. The amazing part of this story has been the rise of a family that everyone thought were the most upstanding citizens or let’s say reputable business people to be safe, it can be confusing even the people involved can’t keep up nor explain who’s who in this drama.

They have since gone below the radar and were a no show at the State Capture hearings. Thought-provoking, over the past twelve months, as the drama unfolds we have learnt how deep a family has penetrated and got hold of our most stateowned entities even the private sector has been found wanting, in-waist-deep and that is the level of influence one family has had. Including landing a civilian plane at a national key point full of unprocessed foreign guests. That is POWER. The most sophisticated capture. I believe this is the staff the Guinness book of world records is made of. The staff legends stories to be told, yet if someone told the story, you could appreci-

ate and enjoy the story and the passion, but you will not believe it. On the other side, it was revealed that an institution spent 70 million rands in bribes over a 16 year period. Some of the recent dramatic and devastating events in South Africa, like electricity challenges and increase, escalating load shedding can be attributed to this very family and corruption. The increase in VAT the current fuel increase as well as the butterfly effect that will follow will be devastating to the rest of the country’s citizens. And the word in Ukraine does not make it easy it compounds the expenses, cooking oil and fuel are skyrocketing. The Family seem to have the power to oust a sitting president and influence parliamentary appointments as well as strategic state-owned appointments such as the boards, CEO’s and CFO’s. With a few strokes, they plunged us into a technical recession and unprecedented downgrades with effects that left the 104-year-old organisation divided. What you will appreciate about this family, is how intentional and dedicated they are to their cause. They have been very quiet, off the spotlight. In the process, the rest are trying so hard to explain what is happening and getting tongue-tied in the process. What drama!



Siyabonga Mthembu is an entrepreneur, who has been hustling for more than 15 years. He is a firm believer in the possibilities of entrepreneurship. Over the years through his business acumen and dedication he’s risen to the most illustrious lifestyle having all and losing it all. One can think he’s failed but no he has learnt the most valuable lesson in business coming full circle. He regards himself as a PATHFINDER, a radio personality and now a published author.

With these lessons lingering that entrepreneurship is sure a at the height of COVID-19, Mr way to be self-reliant” The book Mthembu had some time to re- has two parts Starting a Busiflect on his successes and fail- ness and Closing a Sale five ures. He was inspired to pen a chapters each. Topics such as book that would be helpful to Entrepreneurship, Capital, Marthose who choose to walk the keting, Focusing On the Buyer entrepreneurial path and the re- and Closing a Sale. sults of Starting a Business and Closing Sales He hopes this will be a practical step-by-step and guide to establishing a business whilst increasing sales ultimately being profitable. I hope to inspire readers to become self-reliant through this book, “ P i c b y T i r o S e l e p e ” he said. He continues “I believe



4 June/July Informed Entrepreneur

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Words are spoken or PROCRASTINATION written tools we use to convey a massage and /prə(ʊ)ˌkrastɪˈneɪʃ(ə)n/ if a word is not under- Learn to pronounce stood the massage will Noun be distorted leading to inevitable communi- The action of delaying or postponing something. “Your cation breakdown. As first tip is to avoid procrastinasuch this can cause tion” conflict. Definitions from Oxford Languages

QUOTE OF THE MONTH South Africa Rise! Africa here we come, son of the soil Theo Baloyi, Bathu CEO and founder was Honoured with Young Business Leader of the Year award by Forbes CNBC Africa on Tuesday, 07 June2022.

Theo hails from Alexandra and his brand is recognised in the continent and is ranked number 10 in the top 100 of Africa’s Most Admired Brands. His hustled his way to prominence from selling perfumes in Alexandra to selling his Bathu sneakers from the

boot of a car, all the way to being recognised as a Pan African leader in business. He sure is a force to be reckoned with. BizBulletin CELLEBRATES AND SALUTE YOU THEO.

Procrastination is the thief of time: Year after year it steals, till all are fled, and to the mercies of a moment leaves the vast concerns of an EDWARD YOUNG eternal scene.


Isaac Mavuso – Publishing Editor Jemito Khoza – Layout Design Tel: 081 571 1658 E-mail: Website: CONTRIBUTOR Ms Busisiwe Nkosi

Informed Entrepreneur



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Past Events KZN Disaster Relief Contributions On the 6-9 June 2022, Princesses Hlengiwe and Tshepi from Gauteng visited KZN Cato Manor one of the communities were affected by recent floods. They brought gifts of clothes, books, toys and men’s shoes, donation gathered from various contributors from SA Royal Princesses Network and friends. In KZN they were hosted by Bishop Fikile Zungu at her home in Cato Manor, Ensimbini.

For communities to thrive in challenging times they must build bridges to find one another and for leaders and influential community members to consciously make an effort to make a difference where they are and Heart Lines is the force behind Building Bridges

On the 24th June 2022, Get Informed Youth Development Centre at Phomolong Recreational Hall in Tembisa hosted a YOUTH AND BUSINESS DAY for their previous and current students as well as the public. On the stage is Lerato Mashiane giving a talk on Drug awareness and how to achieve goals.

Ithemba Community Organisation based in Vosloorus Ext 28 is a drug and alcohol awareness advocate helping communities especially youth to understand the dangers inherent in the use of drugs and illicit substances. On the 5th of July 2022 held an awareness campaign at J Dumane in Vosloorus featuring two young designers KKiddo Fashion from Palmridge and S’the Wise-K Designs to show case their designs. Supporting the events is AYDF and Thick Goddess. Join the young designers on the 17 August 2022 showcase again at Ithemba.

Education is a key to success and when the other is limping it is upon all of us to land a hand and inspire them … with the words from the movie Maid in Manhattan “it is not how you fall that matters, it is how well you rise after you fall that matters.” With the invite of the School and the blessing of the District Dr Mgobhozi a team or students from different school, business and social entrepreneur and Gauteng Liquor Board were in attendance to empower the Rondebult High School learners to roll-up their sleeves and work hard towards achieving their academic year.

The National Association of Car Wash Operator (NACWO) was briefing car wash enthusiast and operators in Katlehong on the 14th July 2022 at the Katlehong Family Skills Centre in Ekurhuleni. The association seeks to help formalise the car wash operation as business and to stand a chance for business support and funding available from their partners and stakeholders.

6 June/July Informed Entrepreneur

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Upcoming Events


Isaac Mavuso – Publishing Editor Jemito Khoza – Layout Design Tel: 081 571 1658 E-mail: Website: CONTRIBUTOR Ms Busisiwe Nkosi

Informed Entrepreneur



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EVALUATE REFLECT AND GROW YOUR BUSINESS Let’s establish this, for anyone to succeed and achieve goals one must be intentional in doing and in reflection where you take time and look back where you come from to understand how you got there, whether you like or dislike or just want to improve your current circumstance. The word reflects means simply to mirror back. So when you look at yourself in the mirror, you expect to see your reflection as you know it. The same applies when you have set a goal. It is important to check for progress to see whether your goal resembles what is intended. For example: if your goal is to build a house you will need a plan to express the intended end result, the plan must be as detailed as possible. Building the house the reflection would be the am I doing what is on the plan is the progress in accordance with set goals. Success is not just the action you take daily, but the ability to sit down on a regular basis to evaluate yourself, your plans including your progress and this must be honestly done without reservation. So, let’s reflect on your goal, what is your goal? Is your plan clear? Evaluation is another tool you can use to check the progress and the development however evaluation is more technical call it deep if you will. Evaluation will assist you to look a bit deep such as, are you following the plan? Are you on the course? Or are you changing as you go? This is

more about stages of the goal set, i.e. foundation, walls and roof that is a house. Looking at the example of a house the first thing is building a foundation, and this starts a bit messy and all over. So as a milestone you will look at things like the right skills, and measurement, are you framed with in the laws as impressed in the plan?

Ask yourself: What was the task? ____ _________________________ ____________ What did I do well? How was your performance? Did you achieve the set goals? YES, l NO l what are the challenges? How can you improve? What is the practical plan of action you can do and implement now moving forward? This does not have to be a huge document but one to five things to do as things improve to get better results in the future or tomorrow. True success lies in the ability, to be honest when reflecting. Looking at yourself in a critical way is the most powerful thing a human being can do. Reflecting and evaluating honestly will help you find a better way. What are you really looking for? When you first start evaluating or reflecting on a task, you will look at the results - what and how you did on the given task. Then you’ll get to the exciting stuff that people overlook every time – identifying a pattern.

When you look back, you will realise that a pattern will emerge based on your results. Decide whether that pattern is good or not. What can you learn from such observation? Good: 1. Do I achieve set targets or goals? 2. When do I perform bet ter? 3. What inspires my achievement? Not good: 1. 2.

Why I don’t achieve What makes me strug gle to perform? 3. What demoralises me and causes me to not achieve? 4. The way forward – what is my plan? If you have a conflict within it will reflect in your behaviour. Procrastination can be one creepy crippling thing that can secure your demise indefinitely.

Evaluation tips: 1.

Never procrastinate on evaluation or reflection. 2. Do it constantly and with structure 3. Take lessons, don’t be selective. 4. Implement promptly 5. Celebrate wins If growing a business was easy, everyone would be rich with a holiday home overlooking the beach somewhere. The key to growing your business is a combination of all that we have discussed, but comes down to five things: 1. Growing your income a. Increase from 2% to double your profit: b. What can you do that won’t cost you money? Look into your business daily activities and review them, starting with your personal expenses and cost, remember saving costs does not mean poor quality or service.

2. Growing your networks a. Join forums and attend networking sessions b. Attend at least two sessions a month, connect with people talk find out more about them don’t try to strike a deal it is about mutual beneficial relations. 3. Product / Service (development) a. Improve your product or service from quality to packaging all the way to customer experience. Customers appreciate and enjoy the creative touch of their product or service. A different packaging or a little extra, like a sweet on a birthday or business anniversary, will ma a difference. Think creatively.

8 June/July Informed Entrepreneur

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CONTRIBUTING TO MENTAL ILLNESS With July being Mental Health Awareness Month, the City’s social workers share their insight on mental health, and how it presents itself in society. The role of the City’s social workers is to equip families and communities with information that will empower them to handle matters better, to know available resources and seek help on time. Being informed helps in minimising the stigma associated with mental illness or conditions. There are multiple other benefits associated with being informed on the subject of mental health. Some of these benefits are; people getting informed of services for treatment and support, seeking treatment early resulting in possibility of reducing the severity of some conditions and families providing support. Furthermore, knowledge on the subject reduces the stigma associated with mental illness and helps to avoid the onset of some preventable mental conditions, as will be discussed below. Lastly, knowledge on the subject addresses other social ills resulting from myths or being misinformed such as domestic violence, gender-based violence and seeking

Informed Entrepreneur

remedies that could aggravate some conditions. It happens a lot in African communities that if a person suddenly presents with mental illness, a person would be identified to have cast a spell on the ill person, which has caused the illness. The identified culprit would suffer revenge, which could be deadly in other instances. Some of the myths associated with mental illness are: Witchcraft – as explained above A need for a ritual to be performed, with the belief that the ritual would appease the ancestors Interpreted as a curse that has befallen the family A punishment for wrongs committed by either the parents or others in the family lineage. Some of the actual but not all factors that contributing to various types of mental illness are: Substance abuse – dagga, cocaine, i.e. psycho-active substances do cause or trigger mental condition, referred to as substance-induced psychosis. A person can get derailed thinking, acting DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNICATIONS AND BRAND MANAGEMENT

Address: 15 Queen Street, Germiston, 1401, Tel: 011 999 0067/0169 Fax: 011 437 2023 strangely and his sensory functioning being affected such as seeing visions/ things that aren’t there, hearing voices, feeling things crawling under the skin, having an altered smell or taste. Familial causes – this refers to mental conditions that run in the family, the cause herewith being genetic factors. Some of these conditions lie dormant and need to be triggered by a particular factor such as drugs or other factors discussed below. Herbal poisoning – the use of some poisonous traditional herbs either used incorrectly or overdosed can shut the functioning of the kidneys. The malfunctioning of the kidneys leads to accumulation of electrolytes like urea and creatinine in the body and the blood system. One of the signs of their accumulation of such electrolytes may lead to temporary derailment of the mind. A person may present with hallucinations but these symptoms may be cor-


rected if the causative factor or effect on the kidneys is attended to on time or the damage is not severe. AgingThere are other conditions that are caused by the degenerative processes of the brain that comes with age and these are prominent in the elderly, not all elderly people though. These are conditions like senile dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, to name just these two. The danger with these conditions is that, the sufferers are often subjected to abuse of different sorts; financial, emotional and physical. In instances especially with Alzheimer’s are even accused of witchcraft and could even be victims of vigilante behaviour of being torched or stoned to death. Traumatic/ near death incidences – experiencing trauma such as being mugged, being shot at, rape, natural disasters and different other kinds of trauma may cause a condition called Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Prolonged and/or repeated stress – can cause or trigger a dormant mental condition.

brain. This mental condition is called neuro-syphilis. In unborn babies, if the mother has syphilis and doesn’t get treated in the early stages of pregnancy as this may cause permanent damage to the development of the unborn baby causing a condition called congenital syphilis. This condition presents with one of its symptoms as intellectual disability. Foetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) is a form of an Intellectual Disability that can be prevented. This condition is caused by consumption of alcohol by a pregnant woman in the early stages of pregnancy. Unfortunately, the damage caused by alcohol on the brain of the unborn child is permanent and irreversible. I will also emphasise, this condition is preventable by abstaining from alcohol during pregnancy. There could be other causes of mental illness that are not mentioned in this article. However, in other instances the causes of some mental conditions may be unknown. Article compiled by: Busisiwe Nkosi Social worker at the City of Ekurhuleni

If left untreated can have adverse permanent damage to the


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KEREKE TSAMAPOSTOLA ORGANISING THEMSELVES TO PROVIDE A MORE ORGANISED AND PROFESSIONAL SPIRITUAL SERVICE FOR SOUTH AFRICANS EMAKASANA LAPHO BEKHONA. The Apostolic faith is as old as the Apostles themselves, the followers of Jesus the body that took the good news to the world after Jesus’s death and or Jesus’s ascension to the heaves as it is said in the bible “to sit on the right hand of the Father” (God). The Apostolic faith believes in the baptismal in the name of Jesus Christ the son of God. The latest challenges and the scandals of the church the abuse and the deaths under the banner of faith. All this have really put pressure for church’s to organise themselves hence the establishment of the Cultural, Religious and Linguistic

(CRL) Commission. This also inspired the Ekurhuleni Apostolic community to come together and to formalise a structure that will help member build each other and be accountable to as leaders. As the founding of the South African Apostolic Council, founded 2019 with almost 90 affiliated to the council. The organisations exist to regulate Mapostola Churches to ensure compliance in church strategy, service delivery from chaplain, oath, marriage officers and to foster education through skills development, Life coaching, Leadership in ministry. Foster values of theology as well as youth development stating

ministry with the Sunday school children. The other important aspect is developing church administration skill for a more professional approach in church management, proper financial management as well as providing proper counselling services for the members in need. Some of the objective of the council include fostering unity and to reclaim and to professionalize apostolic churches. The council intends to give expression to Lordship of Christ in aspect life through promoting the spiritual, social, intellectual and physical welfare of all people.

Key activities that the council will be focusing on • Workshop / Seminars / Roundtables / Booth camps • Training & Development (Including Chaplain, Marriage and oath officers) • EDC/Sunday School / Feeding scheme / Outreach renamed after our living and departed legends • Lobby and facilitate the street names and facilities renamed after our departed and living legends • Church, Brass band, Youth, Women & Men Booth Camps • SAAC Annual Awards – Affiliates (Including Brass

Bands) For more information please contact or office, details below: CONTACTS Tel:010 065 1498 Cell: 083 457 0279 Head Office: Khotsong Nurses Homes, 2013 Khotso Street, Nhlapo Section, Katlehong, Germiston, Gauteng 1431 Email website: FACEBOOK

E M P O -W E R I N G O A S I S O n e B o o k a t a Ti m e We are inviting entrepreneurs to build their oasis, a conner of information and empowerment for your growth and development. “If we encounter a man of rare intellect, We should ask him what books he reads.” Ralph Waldo Emerson Reading is an empowering experience and exercise, you dive into a world of a writer to learn about the author’s perspective and approach to things, their thought hopes aspirations, hunger, pain, joys lives journey and more in just a bind of a book. Reading has phenomenal ben-

efits realised with every word, line, and paragraph all the way to the pages of the book. You grow mentally as you improve and strengthen your vocabulary. Township entrepreneurs are not stupid or dumb they are limited and reading will unlock the limits you shall be dynamic, a creative problem solver and you will be recognised as a thought leader. BizBulletin invites you, hustlers and lovers of entrepreneurs to start reading and to build your oasis corner of the information library.

With every publication introduce two books you could read for the months. We invite you to read one book a month and start building your library. Some of the books are available as free downloads on the internet or you can buy, and invest in your growth and development. I am so EXCITED. -

Read, Learn and Grow -

10 June/July Informed Entrepreneur

SIGN LANGUAGE SA’s 12TH OFFICIAL LANGUAGE w w w. b b u l e t t i n . c o . z a

South Africa’s has eleven languages that are constitutionally recognises as official languages, there are: Sepedi, Setswana, Sesotho, isiXhosa, isi-Swati, Afrikaans, isiZulu, Tshivenda, Xitsonga, English and isiNdebele. The bill out for public comment could include sign language as the 12th official language in the land. Cabinet has recently approved the Constitutional 18th Amendment Bill for public comment. The bill seek to include Sign Language in South Africa, the 12th official language in the country.

The Department of Basic Education has plans to incorporate sign language as an option within the school curriculum. This will have the sign language recognised as an opportunity for all South Africans with interest not only in specific special institutions such as schools for the deaf. Dr. Lorraine Mgobhozi, believes that making the South African Sign Language as the 12th official language will assist in making communication more effective “Given that even in our department we have the special schools such as the one in Katlehong for the Deaf and blind community, She added.



Isaac Mavuso – Publishing Editor Jemito Khoza – Layout Design Tel: 081 571 1658 E-mail: Website: CONTRIBUTOR Ms Busisiwe Nkosi

Informed Entrepreneur

Gone are the days when banking was just a point of deposits a bank-book and a thirty days wait for your bank statement to see in suspended real time your bank balance as well as debits that went through. Over the years the banking system has evolved and the innovative developments give power to the customers. The introduction of remote banking apps as well as the Immediate Electronic Transfers are an easy access transect at the comfort of your home doing everything from paying accounts to sending money family, friends or i-stockfell. These Apps have revolutionised


banking as well as access and the ease to control your banking experience.

This revolutionary technology is enjoyed and appreciated by all who are using it but it comes at a cost. Let’s look at the main banks in South Africa’s and lest have a glance of what you are paying for on your FET transections compared to other banks. Times are tough and saving is the game. To save on immediate EFT fee, you make payment to another bank account early in the day before 15h00 for the payment to reflect on the same day.


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12 June/July Informed Entrepreneur

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