BizBulletin Newspaper issue 8

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APRIL 2020 | ISSUE #8

COVID-19 HIT SOUTH AFRICA w w w. b b u l le t i n . c o . z a





2021 GRADE 1 & 8




MZANTSI IS ON LOCK DOWN Image by: Moleli Molefe, Limpopo Office of the Premier: President Ramaphosa Declares State of National Disaster amid growing number of positive case in the land on the 23 0f March he puts the country on lockdown for twenty one days as of 26 March – 16 April 2020

Coronavirus hits South African shores. The Minister of Health Dr. Zweli Mkhize reported the first positive test of coronavirus on Thursday 5, March 2020 from a 38-yearold man from Kwa-Zulu Natal (KZN) and since the number is rising at least 38 cases have been confirmed in South Africa spread over the provinces and Gauteng is leading with infected cases.

An urgent cabinet meeting was a call by the president on Sunday the 15th March 2020 the meeting was called to discuss the growing concerns amid the growing number of positive tested cases of COVID-19 in the country, they were 61 then. The President, honourable Rama phosa addressed the nation on 15 March 2020. In his address the president declared South Africa the State of National Disaster putting restrictions on human and good movement in the country. This is to deal with

coronavirus pandemic in the coun- terms of the try. This includes a list of restrictions to curb the spread of the virus in the Disaster Management Act.” Any country. person who has visited high-risk countries will be denied a visa, the To date South Africa has over 1000 president said. “South African citiconfirmed cases of people infect- zens returning from high-risk couned with the virus, and atleast one tries will be subjected to testing and death. The number is expected to self-isolation or quarantine on rerise in the coming days and weeks,” turn to South Africa.” said the president. He continues to The president further advised that say “This situation calls for an ex- the Government is working with traordinary response; there can be colleges, universities & other public no half-measures,” facilities such as Parliament, pris“We have now declared a national ons, police stations & military instalstate of disaster in lations to intensify hygiene control. Story Continues on Page 3

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EDITORS PIC By Nhlakanipho Gabriel Mbhokane

EDITORS NOTES Isaac Mavuso Publishing Editor

FELLOW ENTREPRENEURS AND HUSTLERS COVID-19 continues to impact our country and the world every day. New cases are rapidly plummeting, this is our reality now, and it is the first for us as citizens and the first for our government. It seem it will get a bit worse before it gets better.

Most will be starting from below zero, seemingly, with nothing. Well irrespective you will have to rise and rebuild as a breadwinner and entrepreneur. It will not be easy. We are in dilemma, let this time be spent productively and proactively. I am inviting you to empower yourself and your business during this lockdown. Create a to-work-on list Small business will suffer a devastat- for the duration of a lockdown. ing blow and township businesses will be the hardest hit. Most small - TACKLE A PROJECT YOU’VE business survive on the economic PUT OFF. spinoffs, the outbreak and the gov- - CHECK YOUR ANNUAL REernment’s response and measures TURNS AND BUSINESS STATUS. impose already is putting a strain - DECLUTTER YOUR PC AND in the local and international trade. HOME OFFICE. Customers are on the survival mode - REGISTER ON E-FILING. and this means spending is reduced - REGISTER ON CENTRAL DAto the utmost essentials. TABASE. - DEAL WITH THAT PAPER SME’s are going to die unless they WORK YOU HAVE BEEN IGNORING. sell. Even though our government - REVIEW AND UPDATE and business have introduced some YOUR BUSINESS MODEL AND BUSIkind of business relief for SME’s NESS PLAN. most township business won’t - LET’S READ ONE BOOK A qualify for obvious reasons – they WEEK IN THIS THREE WEEKS. are not banked, some are not reg- - GO ONLINE AND LEARN istered, think of a woman selling THE HOW TO’S, fruits and vegetables at a taxi rank she will lose income but she won’t o WRITE A BUSINESS PLAN qualify for the relief funds. o PRESENTATION SKILLS o ELEVATOR PITCH We are between a rock and a hard place. Everything is collapsing and This tragic episode of our lives will beyond this we are still going to pass and when it does we must be find ourselves confronted with the standing empowered. If you have greatest task of rebuilding this will not check our previous newspapers be a challenging time, a test of our you can learn a thing or two. God faith and resolve a people and a Speed. country.

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STATE OF AFFAIRS Our country is embattled with the triple challenges from the past and the economic challenges and frustrations in recent years leaves a lot to be desired. Our ailing economic woes are a gift that keeps on giving, unemployment is rising, and the fuel levy will be up in April. While we are at it is seems like the government is cutting important infrastructure development to aid the failing our state-owned entities

Our country seem to be slipping in and out of technical recessions every year, soon it will be normal in such a way that if it did not happen we would feel like we did something wrong. Right now, at this moment it is not the fourth industrial revolution that threatens jobs and the economy, it is our own doing. In the mix is CORONAVIRUS out-brake putting a tight squeeze on trade in the world and bring the world currencies and economies in distress. It’s a go slow. Please! Wake me up, and tell me this was just a


nightmare and it is over. The country is still reeling from the corruption that has penetrated our stateowned companies sucking them dry leaving us in disarray. Politicians are politicking all the way to secure their salaries and pension while the rest of the poor communities are dealt a devastating blow.

confirm who is guilty or a suspect. The give us a run-around.

Everything is getting expensive and with the continuous rise of unemployment, it is going to be tough. The February Sats SA report advised that South Africa is in a technical recession. The report revealed that the unemployment rate is very Communities and family relations high with an unemployment rate of are threatened, stress, frustration, 29.1%. More jobs will be lost in light and depression are growing ene- of the outbreak mies. A wise man once told me that, “when poverty comes through the The national average belies the door, love, patience, and tolerance deepness of unemployment in cerflies out the window.” A democratic tain parts of the country. In some state creates a conducive environ- communities, it is as high as 60%. ment pregnant with opportunities to establish enterprises, first creat- State enterprises such as South Afing self-employment and later cre- rican Airways, Eskom and SABC are ating employment for the rest of contemplating job cuts. This will communities where entrepreneurs lead to thousands of more job losscome from. es, unions are hearing none of it, kaze iyozala nkomoni. Over the past year a lot has been revealed, mostly a sheer display of dis- Should this happen it will put the regard for ordinary and struggling country on a dive of further poverSouth Africans. The only thing that ty and a recession. Load-shedding politicians can acknowledge is that compounds this dilemma renderthings are not right. They concede ing our country risk for investments there is a problem, our country is that could create jobs. struggling, corruption, state-owned enterprises are a money-draining pits, yet on the same breath, they have no backbone to point or

informed entrepreneur

w w w. b b u l e t t i n . c o . z a COVER STORY CONTINUES HERE

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For as long as we can remember, this is a historical fact of biblical proportions, the human race has always been thrown a curveball of deadly plagues and viruses that have consistently shaken, challenge the human resolve and the universal medical fraternity, under the leadership of the World Health Organisation (WHO). It looks and sounds like a game of dominos where you work hard to build but falling in no time, just to start re-building again. Battles are everywhere when others are battling an outbreak, Scientists and medical researchers for years have had their fair share of differences over definitions for the outbreak the question being is it a pandemic or an epidemic? At least they are in agreement that whatever the


word epidemic or pandemic expresses a widespread occurrence of a disease (outbreak), this is an abnormal spread to any geographical area. The government has taken a stand and made a decision to repatriate South Africans who were based in China. This task was given to the SANDF to manage the process. On Saturday, 14 March 2020 an SANDF chartered aircraft that landed at the Polokwane Airport bringing home 146 South Africans from Wuhan. The group will be at The Ranch Resort in Polokwane where they will be in quarantine for 21 days, this includes all who were on the plane. The minister has advised that all the passengers have been

tested before in China, and all of them tested negative for Covid-19. In light of the persisting and growing cases of Covid-19 in South Africa the government has decided to impose a forced lockdown in the country as a means to curb the spread of the disease. On Monday State President made an announcement to lockdown South Africa for the 21-days from midnight Thursday 26 until 16 April 2020. Following is the governments published info-graphic rules we need to fallow for the duration of the lockdown: Tough as it is, the reality is, plagues and viruses will crop up as and when they like and this reality will remain with the human race for as long as the human race stands.

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WORST PANDEMICS TO HIT HUMANITY growth of the 19th century.

04. THIRD CHOLERA PANDEMIC (1852–1860) Death Toll: 1 million, Cause: Cholera: Generally considered the most deadly of the seven cholera pandemics, the third major outbreak of Cholera in the 19th century lasted from 1852 to 1860. Like the first and second pandemics, the Third Cholera Pandemic originated in India, spreading from the Ganges River Delta before tearing through Asia, Europe, North America, and Africa and ending the lives of over a million people.


Every time the human race is pressed between the a rock and a hard place, that give us a very sporadic moment, an opportunity to reflect on where we come from what we have survived and hopefully a dose of courage to face and tackle the beast ahead. Let’s take a look at where the world’s catastrophic pandemics that have dealt a devastating blow to humanity. Here are the ten worst pandemics to strike the world. These were taken from 10. HIV/AIDS PANDEMIC (AT ITS PEAK, 2005-2012) Death Toll: 36 million, Cause: HIV/AIDS: First identified in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 1976,HIV/AIDS has truly proven itself as a global pandemic,

killing more than 36 million people since 1981. Currently, there are between 31 and 35 million people living with HIV, the vast majority of those are in Sub-Saharan Africa, where 5% of the population is infected, roughly 21 million people. 09. FLU PANDEMIC (1968) Death Toll: 1 million, Cause: Influenza. A category 2 Flu pandemic sometimes referred to as “the Hong Kong Flu,” the 1968 flu pandemic was caused by the H3N2 strain of the Influenza A virus, a genetic offshoot of the H2N2 subtype. From the first reported case on July 13, 1968, in Hong Kong, it tookonly 17 days before outbreaks of the virus were reported in Singapore and Vietnam, and within three months had spread to The Philippines. 08. ASIAN FLU (1956-1958) Death Toll: 2 million, Cause:

Influenza. Asian-Flu was a pandemic outbreak of Influenza A of the H2N2 subtype that originated in China in 1956 and lasted until 1958. In its two-year spree, Asian-Flu traveled from the Chinese province of Guizhou to Singapore, Hong Kong, and The United States. 07. FLU PANDEMIC (1918) Death Toll: 20-50 million, Cause: Influenza. Between 1918 and 1920 a disturbingly deadly outbreak of influenza tore across the globe, infecting over a third of the world’s population and ending the lives of 20 – 50 million people. Of the 500 million people infected in 1918 pandemic, the mortality rate was estimated at 10% to 20%, with up to 25 million deaths in the first 25 weeks alone. What separated it was striking down hardy and completely healthy young adults while leaving children and those with weaker immune

systems still alive.

03. THE BLACK DEATH (1346-1353) Death Toll: 75 – 200 million, Cause: Bubonic Plague. From 1346 to 1353 an outbreak of the Plague ravaged Europe, Africa, and Asia, with an estimated death toll between 75 and 200 million people. Thought to have originated in Asia, the Plague most likely jumped continents via the fleas living on the rats that so frequently lived aboard merchant ships

06. SIXTH CHOLERA PANDEMIC (1910-1911) Death Toll: 800,000+, Cause: Cholera. Like its five previous incarnations, the Sixth Cholera Pandemic originated in India where it killed over 800,000, before spreading to the Middle East, North Africa, Eastern Europe and Russia.

02. PLAGUE OF JUSTINIAN (541542) Death Toll: 25 million, Cause: Bubonic Plague, killing an estimated 5,000 people per day. Thought to have killed perhaps half the population of Europe, the Plague of Justinian was an outbreak of the bubonic the plague that afflicted the Byzantine Empire and Mediterranean port The Sixth Cholera Pandemic was cities, killing up to 25 million people also the source of the last American in its year-long reign of terror. outbreak of Cholera (1910–1911 “Asiatic Flu” or “Russian Flu” as it 01. NTONINE PLAGUE (165 AD) was called, this strain was thought Death Toll: 5 million, Cause: Unto be an outbreak of the Influenza A known. Also known as the Plague virus subtype H2N2, though recent of Galen, the Antonine Plague was discoveries have instead found the an ancient pandemic that affected cause to be the Influenza A virus Asia Minor, Egypt, Greece, and Italy subtype H3N8. The first cases were and is thought to have been either observed in May 1889 in three sep- Smallpox or Measles, though the arate and distant locations, Bukhara true cause is still unknown. in Central Asia (Turkestan), Athabasca in North Western Canada, and Greenland. Rapid population


informed entrepreneur


This month we celebrate and salute Ramona Hood, the newly appointed FedEx CEO and she is the first Black woman to take the reign in the history of the company’s. Hood, MARCH / APRIL 2020

gradually rose in the ranks from the humble beginnings it was in 1991 when she started as a receptionist all the way to being the Vice president of the company, as the saying goes the rest is her-story. Today she is at the helm of a one the giant and global cooperation. In her new position, Ramona Hood brings more than 28 years in the field and in

FedEx experience. This diamond is ready willing and able and learned for this role, she holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Management from Walsh University, as well as an Executive MBA from Case Western Reserve University. Dallas Weekly News

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DEFINED Words are a tool we use to convey a massage and if a work is not understood the massage will be incomplete and a communication breakdown is inevitable.


asymptomatic Adjective: showing no symptoms of a particular disease: • asymptomatic HIV infection • evidence suggests that many Ebola infections are asymptomatic. • most people with chlamydia are asymptomatic and do not seek testing.

symptomatic Adjective: showing symptoms of a particular disease: If something bad is symptomatic of something else, it is caused by the other thing and is proof that it exists: Jealousy within a relationship is usually symptomatic of low self-esteem in one of the partners. • symptomatic AIDS patients • symptomatic influenza • a doctor who had treated an Ebola patient may have been symptomatic when he boarded the plane. The words defined are taken from the Cambridge Dictionary

THE TEAM Isaac Mavuso – Publishing Editor Jemito Khoza – Layout Design Tel: 081 571 1658 E-mail: Website:

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Since 2016 the Department of Education has launched the online registration for grade 1 and grade 8 learners this is the future and practice for the foreseeable future. In 2019 for 2020 registration the GDE online registration recorded almost 290 000 in the first day, the system is capable of taking at least 50 000 simultaneous online activity for registration.

could not even get in-online. Many got in but did not have all the necessary information to complete their registration. The 2021 registration will soon be open and the rush will begin, if you are not prepared you will surely suffer the consequences.

That is progress yet it is not without it gremlins and challenges. Some of the challenges include parents receiving a wrong response form while others got log out and others

While we are waiting for the announcement for the GDE online registration to open, get your documents and the necessary information here are the steps that you will have to fallow for the online

The department has not yet been given the date for the 2021 registrations. It is anticipated the department will announce the date shortly after the Easter weekend.




Required documents for South African citizens: • Parent/ legal guardian’s ID • Proof of home/ work address • Child’s birth certificate • Clinic card Required documents for non-South African citizens: • Child’s asylum-seeker/ refugee permit • Child’s birth certificate • Parent/ legal guardian’s passport • Proof of home/ work address • Clinic card (if available) 6. Wait for the admissions process to close 7. The schools/district will be in contact with you

1. Log on to: www.gdeadmissions. 2. Fill in your and your child’s info in order to register an online profile 3. Select up to 5 schools of your choice (Please select more than 1) 4. Print out/ make a note of the reference numbers 5. Take the reference number/s to the schools you selected, with the required documentation and complete their application process (within 7 working days) Please note: School will not be held responsible for the enrolment for any grade 7’s or 8 into the various High Schools, this is your responsibility as the parent.

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FUEL The Automobile Association (AA) made an announcement that rings relief for motorist. On Friday 27 March 2020, AA advised that on the 1st April, South Africa will experience the largest fuel price drop. The fuel decrease is due to the dropping price of crude oil. This is the raw material used to produce petrol, diesel and other kinds of fuel, like paraffin. These good news come at the backdrop of the Covid-19 outbreak that brought the on a lockdown. In their statement AA said “this was due to the low demand for oil as the global economies retreated due to the COVID-19 pandemic.” The 93 be R2.05 less. All grades of diesel are expected to drop by R1.65 while unleaded 95 petrol could drop by R2.18 less per litre and illuminating paraffin is expected be R1.98 less. This fuel price decrease will be more significant, however there is an 18 cent fuel levy underway by government also in April.


FOR SME’S The Minister of Small Business pronounces a small business relief fund for qualifying enterprises, applications open on the 24 March 2020 on On Thursday 19th March 2020, the minister of Small Business Development, Khumbudzo Ntshavheni announced the relief fund for SME’s The Business Growth or Resilience Facility.

South African Small Medium Enterprises are peddling in uncharted territory amid the spread and growing positive cases of Corvid-19. These are unprecedented times and challenges demand unprecedented responses and this is exactly what our government is doing.



The fund is aimed in assisting South African SME’s who can prove they are directly impacted by the pandemic to keep afloat during the Corvid-19 pandemic in the land.

Minister Ntshavheni explained that “Government understands that SMMEs will be affected on two levels as businesses, when the economy slows down and as suppliers of Hard hit entrepreneurs can apply products and services during this online for the relief. “In future, the period. As an Entrepreneur, you database will also be used to apply must prove the Corvid-19 outbreak

On Tuesday, March the 10th there was a joint sitting – press briefing between the communication giant Vodacom and the Competition Commission. They announced that Vodacom will embark on almost a 40% price cut on data as of April 1st, 2020. This is no April fool’s day prank, it is real, data is falling. In his address to the media Dr. Mohamed Shameel Joosub Vodacom CEO said “the cuts come as a result of the concerns raised by the Competition Commission on the high prices of data in the country.”

informed entrepreneur

is the reason you are unable to ser- for both financial and non-financial vice your debt or loan. support, access information about business opportunities and market “The Debt Relief Fund is aimed at access support,” she said. providing relief on existing debts and repayments, to assist SMMEs Should you be in need of the fiduring the period of the Covid-19 nancial aid or support, you must state of disaster”. She said. There use a centralized system whereas are three main things the fund can an SME’s you will have to register help relief for entrepreneurs, the on and your first is to service the business debt needs screened. The minister has and loan and the second is assist also instructed all provincial ecowith business to pay employees nomic development MECs to assist wages and salaries and the third is in ensuring that as many small busibuying raw materials, stock and oth- nesses as possible receive support. er operational costs. The Business Growth or Resilience This apply only employees who are Facility said Ntshavheni, was meant South Africans Citizens. The funds to “enable continued participation are made available from a “Debt of SMMEs in supply value-chains, in Relief Fund” Ntshavheni said. “To particular those who manufacture mitigate the impact during the ex- (locally) or supply various products pected economic slowdown, the that are in demand, emanating department is finalizing the SMME from the current shortages due to support intervention comprising of Covid-19 pandemic”. the Debt Relief Fund and Business Growth or Resilience Facility”.


The data cuts move is one of the price MTN would charge for a gig most welcomed news by South Af- of data. Even though the competiricans. tion was a bit surprised by the announcement they welcome it. On a surprising move, MTN drops its data prices, South Africa CEO God- The data cuts from both the providfrey Motsa on Friday announced ers are as a result of the commisthe data cost drop. He said that the sion’s findings in a report that was price of monthly data bundles for released by the Competition Comcustomers will now pay no more mission in December 2019. than R99 for 1GB, this is 33% lower than what they previously where The watchdog ruled that Vodacom 1Gig costs a little under R150 charge and MTN should reduce its data for 1Gig. prices by between 30% to 50% giving the two months to do so. The These exiting data cuts changes Competition Commission has been will be effective as from April 15, in negotiation with these communisaid Godfrey Motsa. At the briefing, cation giants. Motsa said R99 will be a maximum

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SARS SCAM ALERT w w w. b b u l e t t i n . c o . z a


SARS advised members of the public, how scammers will randomly send false “spoofed” emails made to look as if they were sent from SARS, but are in fact fraudulent emails aimed at enticing unsuspecting taxpayers to part with personal information such as bank account details. Examples include emails that appear to be from or indicating that taxpayers are eligible to receive tax refunds. These emails contain links to false forms and fake websites made to look like the “real thing”, but with the aim

of fooling people into entering personal information such as bank account details which the criminals then extract and use fraudulently. These hustles are being hustled and scams are unwavering to nail you, just like a fishing scam the will send emails and text to as many people as possible with pure anticipation that a handful will take the bait. SARS has put together a list to taxpayers of things they should take note of when receiving an sms or an email 1. Do not open or respond to emails from unknown sources.

2. Beware of emails that ask for personal, tax, banking and eFiling details (login credentials, passwords, pins, credit / debit card information, etc.).

5. Beware of false sms’s. 6. SARS does not send *.htm or *.html attachments. 7. SARS will never ask for your credit card details.

3. SARS will never, request your personal or business banking details in any communication that you receive via post, email, or SMS. However, for the purpose of telephonic engagement and authentication purposes, SARS will verify your personal details.

The revenues services has created a section on their website where they will post updates of any scams they learn about. Similarly, they are inviting you to tell them about any communication emails or any other you think is a scams or phishing. Report or to get more information on phishing, by send an email to or call the Fraud and Anti-Corruption Hotline on 0800 00 2870.

4. Importantly, SARS will not send you any hyperlinks to other websites - even those of banks.


GET PAYMENT HOLIDAY As of the 1st of April 2020, for 90 days standard bank will offers a payment holiday relief to qualifying small and medium businesses in an effort to ease the business obligations burden amid the covid-19 pandemic crisis and to help to keep businesses afloat. If you are a standard bank business clients, and your business is impacted by the current outbreak of the coronavirus the bank has announce business relief strategy for the SME’s

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to keep afloat while the country is of April and strives to support small battling the Covid-19 pandemic. and medium-sized business with a payment holiday for 90 days” Stan In their statement that advised, dard bank said on their statement. during these challenging times, they would like to reassure their clients To access the relief you must be the SME’s that their team are dedi- Eligible and the following is the cated to helping entrepreneurs and criteria you must meet. You are elbusiness with practical advice and igible for the Coronavirus Business assistance for any contingency plans Interruption Payment Scheme if: during this period. • Your business is South AfThe bank has a range of options rican based, with a turnover of no available to support businesses, more than R 20 million per year. this including the Coronavirus Busi- • Your Business Current acness Interruption Payment Scheme, count, Bizlaunch account and Busiwhich will provide payment relief ness Lending accounts are paid up to businesses for a 90 days period. to date. “This scheme will launch on the 1st • Your business is in good MARCH / APRIL 2020

standing. The initiative has been welcomed

by The DA, Geordin Hill-Lewis shadow minister of finance calls on all other banks to match this relief intervention as soon as possible. Nedbank has also introduced the payment holiday for its clients even though is not so clear they say they are committed to assisting business during this COVID-19 period. The invite entrepreneurs and SMES to contact the bank to explore their challenges and kind of assistance they could afford.


Mr, Nathi Mthethwa made announcement on Wednesday that his department has allocated at least R150 million for this quarter to help the creatives and sector amid the Covid-19 outbreak. The pandemic has left performers without work and projects canned. The minister said the department will explore the performances without audiences by using free live streaming. The Minister said the sector was the hardest hit by the outbreak as events, where events and live performances and sporting events such as matches have been cancelled or indefinitely postponed. Mthethwa said: “We have redirected an allocation at national level to avail R150 million to provide a much-needed relief to practitioner’s ninth sector.”

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The lockdown will afford us that rear opportunity to shut down mind body and connection. It is the great time think to reflect, to review our lives and careers without the hustle and bustles of the day.

In a day or two our bodies will begin to calm down the mental noise will subside, and this will rise and the opportunity to meet yourself and your families. So, let’s use this time well and be productive. Here

are some of our previous articles for you to enjoy and to use during the lockdown. Hopefully they will help you to plot your informed future and life well.

FOUR WAYS TO FIND TENDERS AND RFQ’S Government advertise their tenders and quotes in various platforms such as newspapers, tender bulletins, website (local, provincial and national) and many will be posted in the government procurement offices and some in municipal offices as per the need.

national publications),you just need to make sure you learn which publications contain tenders and RFQ’s relevant to you and get those.

When you search you must write RFQ in South Africa or Johannesburg and you can also add a month and the year.

2. Online Search: Make time to searching on the internet for available tenders. You will find plenty of available RFQ’s. There are few challenges though. You will find out dated RFQ’s. When you search online 1. Print publications: Newspapers, a you need to realise first when you lot of tenders and RFQ’s are adver- search for RFQ’s you will be directed tised in newspapers and other pub- to overseas ones. lications (local, provincial or

3. Government: Government puts tenders and RFQ’s using a tender bulletin a large file that is put out weekly from The NationalTreasury with all the available tenders and RFQ for that week. The bulletin is free from the Department National Treasury’s website (www.treasury.

4. Corporates Parastatals : Corporates use their own bulletins to publicise tender bulletins and on their websites as well as other online platforms (tender websites and newspaper) So all you need to do is find a way to constantly check out on their websites for updates and tenders and RFQ’s relevant to you. These could be out on daily basis; big companies including parastatals can have a lot of things happening from different departments and advertised on different time, so be on the lookout.

Inconclusion: The other way is to register online on tender bulletins and websites some will send an alert when a tender or RFQ is out. There are a lot of free one’s and some might ask you for a fee to subscribe on their sites, your choice, if you not sure look ask around. Don’t forget to register on the database of the companies and organisation you hoping to do business, and make sure your things are in order.


WHEN STARTING A BUSINESS A business is a multi-dimensional journey that demands for a dynamic individual who is a visionary, pregnant with the spirit of I CAN and filled with POSSIBLILITIES. There are, things one needs to consider and remember when they choose or are chosen to pursue entrepreneurship. Here are some of the things to consider and remember. 1.THE WHY # At the heart of every business there lies a BIG WHY, the purpose of it all, the reason you will choose wake-up in the coldest winter morning and over-ride all the excuses you could have and recognise them as such – EXCUSES. It is only the greatest compelling WHY that will propel you to

informed entrepreneur

greatness and secure you a spot at you will only be doing one of the the table of EXCELLENCE where the two or both for some, greatest commodity is the level of influence you have or is assumed you have. What is YOUR WHY? The question is are you providing a SERVICE or a PRODUCT? It could be 2.SOLVE PROBLEMS FOR CASH both. # Business is simple, it is about people – people have needs, problems, pains and aspiration. At any given time, people have an itch and this itch needs a form of a scratch. So, if you want to empower your WHY you must establish your opportunity and needs you want to fulfil for people and be paid for it. 3.SERVICE OR PRODUCT # What is your solution, how are you planning to solve people’s problems? Well in business

4.GOAL IS GETTING PAID # Many businesses owners are hoping to get paid and that becomes an uphill struggle to realise for some reason, those who employ make it a point to pay staff but not themselves.

# Running a business is one thing and building a successful business is about systems. Many businesses fail not because their idea was bad, but they ran a business with-out systems. Business needs order and your job is to manage and to enhance this order. It’s about your product or service the cost, packaging, how does it get to customers, customer experience and how transactions are made as well as managing the revenue all the way to dealing with suppliers.

Paying yourself must be a priority and it must be standard wageThis will inspire you and awake your creative spirit because your work pays.

Remember success is not a random thing it is deliberate. Successful business develop Sys tems and later make it a template for growth.




# What ever your dreams and aspirations are, however good your plans are means absolutely nothing if they are not brought to life and for that you need action – whether you work hard or smart it does not really matter the only thing that matters is results, does you action yield results and desired results for that matter. Remember excuses in most cases justify poor performance, while results celebrate power performance. No-competition just DEDICATED DRIVEN RESULT ORIENTATED PERFOMANCE. << ACTION >>

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HOW DO I KNOW, I AM ENTREPRENEURIAL 14-POINT CHECK LIST TO CHECK IF I HAVE ENTREPRENEURIAL FLAIR Many people worry, and they are concerned if they have what it takes to be an entrepreneur, a successful one at that. Entrepreneurs are shakers and movers in their own ways and this can happen anywhere and at any given time when an opportunity present itself. Let’s look at the way a person who is entrepreneurial functions and how they respond to situations. While we are at it, I am understanding that there are people who are entrepreneurial but are somewhat restraining themselves for one reason or the other. Now, let go in to the list and if you have more of thefollowing traits you sure have an entrepreneurial bone in you. Remember to have legs does not mean you are a great runner,

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5. EMBRACE FAILURE – They are not afraid to fail, they rise fast and 1. VISIONARY – Entrepreneurs are with a plan when they fall, they successful driven and they have don’t give up even though they something they are working to- might change interest. wards, they might not share it honestly (THEIR WHY), but they have a 6. CIRCLE OF INFLUENCE – Entregreater purpose. Some might have preneurs adopt a learning attitude a fear of something like poverty or and surround themselves withintelother. ligent, successful people and they are not shy to celebrate them and 2. CREATIVE – People who see a to bother them. problem and jump to ‘work on a solution are entrepreneurial. 7. SELF-MOTIVATED – No time to sleep, a challenge for them is a dare 3. ACTION DRIVEN – They want to they will face head on. do things now, they get an idea and already think who can assist and 8. FEARLESS – The truth is no pergive a call immediately. son alive is without episodes of fear, but we characterise them as fear4. ODD ONES OUT - They feel like less because entrepreneurs will act they don’t belong and not well un- despite the feeling of fear. Some, derstood. the greater the fear the more determined they are. potential is not DILIVERY.


9. EXPLORES – They are happy to explore and try new things10. WORK HARD AND PLAY HARD – When they work they work and when they play the really play. 11. CASH FLOW OBSESSION – They are very practical they want to see money exchange hands and enjoy the promise it brings and look forward to making it. 12. PRONE TO RISK – They would rather apologise than ask for permission, they are not reckless but do take risk. 13. FLEXIBLE – Entrepreneurs are fixed on a prize but are realistic that there is no one way to achieve a gaol, therefore the develop an easyto adapt and move with the follow when the need arise.

14. ENERGETIC – Entrepreneurs are full of energy, they can’t sit still once they have an idea. 15. CRITICAL OF SELF – Most people who possess entrepreneurial qualities are not afraid to look and be critical on themselves, it is the first step to personal growth. Which ones do you have, and which ones do you still need to work on. Remember entrepreneurship is a journey and not a destination, on your journey don’t forget to enjoy the trip.

informed entrepreneur

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