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Womens month affords us (the country/ South Africans) a moment to reflect on progress in all aspect of leadership and meaningful contribution by women. In 1956 at the height of oppression and racial discrimination. Twenty thousand women from all walks of life marched to Union Buildings in Pretoria to protest against pass laws and submitted 100 000 signed petitions, it was given to then prime minister JG Strijdom. The event challenged the political status-quo setting women on a path to unleash their yearning and longing for a greater contribution in the world of business and the discovery

(reality that men are everywhere dominating every industry there is and coming in to the space means breaking the walls first before building. The march was coordinated by the Federation of South African Women (Fedsaw) led by four women: Lillian Ngoyi, Helen Joseph, Rahima Moosa and Sophia Williams De Bruyn. Since then, woman have never looked back and that does not mean it was a walk in the park. Women have made strides with challenges. In 2005 President former Thabo Mbeki appointed Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcula the deputy president of South Africa after relieving Jacob Zuma of his duties. This a though time but a big progress for women and an opportunity for women to ascend the highest office in the land but we know what happened, politics.

“No government in South Africa could ever claim to represent the will of the people if it failed to address the central task of emancipation of women in all its elements, and that includes the government we are privileged to lead.” said former President Thabo Mbeki in 2004. To all the women in the country and the world, there is a lot you have done and still a cry to do more, and yes “you can” what you need to do is pursue your aspirations without being apologetic. As women you have the power to do and be anything the evidence is in the wall yet you have continued to compromise and betrayed the stand made by the women in 1956. The statement made by Ms Baleka Mbete, Former National Assembly Speaker on national radio on SAfm was unfortunate and apologetic at best.

Baleka Mbet e believes South Africa is not psychologically ready for a female president. Mbete was asked if South Africa was ready for a female president 25 years into democracy, her esteemed respond was: “I don’t think so, I think regrettably South Africa has proved that it is not ready psychologically.” Even though she believes there are capable women who can lead. Mbete added “this was overshadowed by the mindset that women are not the type of people to lead”. She continued to say, “I think there are lots of women who are ready, great and better than many male leaders but South Africa believes women are not the type of people who must be leaders although they see them doing great things but they believe otherwise”. Were there any men ready to lead in 1994?

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TERRY PHETO AWARDED, BEST ACTRESS AT THE BRITISHURBAN FILM FESTIVAL British Urbun Film Festival (BUFF) on the SATURDAY 7TH SEPTEMBER 2019. Creating a social media buzz as South Africans join in congratulations to the winner, our “Terry”

EDITORS PIC By Nhlakanipho Gabriel Mbhokane

EDITORS NOTES Isaac Mavuso Publishing Editor This is insult to our democracy, who will want to invest their time and money in such communities, what will be of our economy when such travesty rains on our women and children.

Woman’s month concluded and the spring sprang with a very dramatic turn and tragic deaths of women allegedly at the hands of men, first is the Kwazulu-Natal man who is accused of hanging his three biological children and his stepdaughter.

A moment to Exhale in South Africa amidst SA woes, the rife gender based violence and the violent attacks on non-nationals in South Africans: Terry Pheto lifts our spirits with an international accolade.

“I’m elated that my talent not only continues to cross borders but is recognised amongst the best on international platforms.” The actress also thanked the Faces team for an The Star is recognised for her role amazing experience. SALUTE sisi. in the award winning feature film, ‘FACES’, directed by the British-Nigerian filmmaker and creative, Joseph Adesunloye. Terry Pheto, wins the best actress award, the talented actor and award winging star bags the award at the

Even though we are flooded with such tragic news women and some men are shining the light of hope in their own way creating a South Africa we all hope for the land of opportunities where women are economic players and men honour the women who touch and contributed to their lives.

On the other side a man confessed to the rape and murder of University of Cape Town student Uyinene Mrwetyana, as if that is not enough ENCA breaks the news. In the wake of President Cyril Ramaphosa’s an- “I commit to treat the women in my nounced plans to deal with femi- life and around me with Absolute cide, news has emerged that three- Respect” - Isaac Mavuso women were murdered in the Cape Flats.

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production, publishing the flagship magazine and digital content, specializing in print and digital. Publishing, photography, graphic design as well as events and experiences. Our plan is to make the greater part of the business digitally oriented, with a YouTube channel in the pipeline. We see ourselves dominating the female focused content both on digital and print platforms,” says Seekoei.

The Ekurhuleni Executive Mayor Cllr Mzwandile Masina call Ekurhuneni residence for calm in the wake of looting and violent incidences as well as xenophobic attacks within the metro.

The company has already started building its name in the lifestyle events space with the Thaba Nchu, Wine and Lifestyle Show and the second instalment of the event will take place in September 2019.

Mayor Masina has called for calm and an immediate return of the rule of law and has called upon law enforcement agencies to monitor the impacted areas until normality is restored. “Lawlessness of any kind will not be tolerated in the City of Ekurhuleni. Issues facing our communities must not be hijacked by thugs who wish to create an environment of anarchy for their own material benefit” said the Mayor. He also I appealed to citizens to respect public and privately owned property.

We asked her what lesson has she leant in pursuit of her new journey in business, “Entrepreneurship will humble you. It forces one to take a step back and truly understand the mission and purpose of the journey” She says. The hardships she faced in building her company she would not have developed the tenacity and discerning character to continue when the uphill road seems impossible. KAMOGELO SEEKOI: CEO, KANNA MEDIA AND FOUNDING EDITOR IGNITED WOMAN MAGAZINE


WHAT IS THE DRIVING Being humble and not look- this as she builds a legacy through women game changers daring to FORCE ON YOUR INITIAing down on anyone is a Kanna Media and Ignited Woman raise the Its standards, careers, TIVES? magazine. She says the concept of businesses, money, health and their winning formula in building the magazine came last year when lifestyle. “My intention with Ignited Woman a business, as different peo- she lost her job after The New Age and Kanna Media is unearthing talple bring different skills to newspaper unceremoniously shut Her magazine entered the market in ent from even the peripheral areas any project or business. This down. “When the company abrupt- February 2019, the magazine aims of the country and continent and is according to Ignited Wom- ly closed shop and I was instantly to create brave new content that telling the world what Africans are unemployed, I sat down to rethink will reshape and inspire the thinkan magazine founding editor the previous project I was working ing of young women in South Africa. doing,” she says, adding that her purpose is to unearth astute womand Kanna Media CEO, Ka- on as side hustle while I was still at It will be going to retail stores that en who are winners in their own mogelo Seekoei. include Exclusive Books, Spar and lane. She is driven by her love for the employ of the New age.

Isaac Mavuso – Publishing Editor Jemito Khoza – Layout Design Tel: 081 571 1658 E-mail: E-mail: Website:

Kamohelo has over 12 years’ experience in the print media industry. Seekoei is ready and set to make a name for herself in the sector and to contribute to the narrative of empower and empowering women all

Masina continued to advise that “any act of vandalism, theft or looting will be met with the full-might of the law.”

informed entrepreneur

In the process I was inspired to relook at the magazine and to reposition it and then she came up with the title in that thought process gave birth to Ignited Woman Magazine, a glossy print publication for

CNA from August.

Ms Seekoei, is not just a magazine founder, she also is a woman with a passion for media in general and owner of Kanna Media a specialist multi-media

storytelling, the word of God and her


Basetsana Makhalemele

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The greatest mistake in life is to see life from a clock’s perspective. To think that every tick and tuck on the clock impacts it in anyway is a lie. Time is not going anywhere; it is here to the ends of this world. Time does not age, you and I do.

time, the worst thing people do with their time is consuming it comparing themselves to others. A cow eats grass and gets fat but if a dog eats grass it will die. Never compare yourself with others. Run your race. What works for one person may be that which will kill you. Focus on the gifts and talents that God gave you and don’t be envious of the blessings He gave others. You are one in a billion, priceless.

(your time so to speak). Don’t waste your time, human beings time is a finite gift, it has a definite end. It is you that grows old and die. Time doesn’t. So, make better use of your

fessional hunters, but a Lion cannot hunt in the Ocean and a Shark cannot hunt in the jungle. That a Lion cannot hunt in the ocean doesn’t render it useless and that a Shark

cannot hunt in the jungle doesn’t also make it useless. They both have their own terrain where they thrive.

A rose smells better than tomatoes, that doesn’t mean a rose can make a better stew. Don’t try to compare yourself to others, it is a futile exercise. You also have your own strength, look for it and build on it. All animals that exist, were in Noah’s ark. A snail is one of those animals. If God could wait long enough for snails to enter the ark; His door of grace The phrase time is going is miswon’t close till you reach your expected interpreted, it is you that is going Both the Lion and a Shark are pro- position in life. Never look down on yourself, keep looking up. Remember that Broken crayons still colour. Keep on pushing, you never can tell how close you are to your goal.


Over the years South Africa has been seen as not a reading nation. All that is to some extent changing since the introduction of mobile phones and technology. We are a growing nation that is influenced by the growing use of technology instant communication powered by social media and easier access to information through search engines, people are in constant communication reading and responding. 2017 Global Attitudes Survey reveals that over 59% of adults interviewed have access to the internet and that 51% owned a smartphone. This means we do consume a lot of information though in bite-size reads, over time its plenty. What is the last (night) and first (morning) thing people with phones do and when they can’t sleep, well a teddy-bear has been replaced by these gargets. What is interesting, is the increase of creativity with the use of the internet and smartphones, yet it is evident that the writing skills have declined due to the creative use of social media-inspired, using limited characters for maximum impact by social media.

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I would say we are a reading people. Are we reading and writing right that is another #oursories to explore? The fourth the industrial revolution has been anticipated for some time, and now it is here, what does this mean is simple – there will be a shift, which is already happening from how we gather, disseminate and consume information. The way things have been done is changing and those who embrace this change will profit and benefit while the rest will cry foul. The bulk of print is replaced by digital, which provides news and information with speed and little cost even though data and internet connectivity is a different beast we need to deal with. You don’t have to look very far. How many papers and books have you read today and how much information have you consumed. Look at our township schools, are gradually converting and embracing technology, yes they are a little behind, but smart boards and tablets are becoming the mode and means and method of the day. We are here now, what will twenty years from now look like. Well look around you and what you see multiply that developmental progression by ten, KUZOBA LIT, WENA?

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THABISO MOLOI i n f o @ b b u l l e t i n . c o . z a w w w. b b u l e t t i n . c o . z a



August 31st Last day of month, closing the women’s month, gospel start Thabiso Moloi launched his single at Niki’s Restaurant titled “Yehla Moya Oyigcwele” (Come down Holy Spirit) and at the end of the launch, the event was celebrating Mosadi Wa Afrika.

Clementine Mosimane was the guest speaker. A woman of God and a pioneer for gender issues, not forgetting her new accolade Best Actress for the upcoming movie Poppie Nongena from KykNET Silwerskermfees 2019 Awards. Thabiso Moloi honoured three women, Clementine Mosimane, Lerato Ramutla and Deneo Jafta, whom have played a significant role in his personal life as well as the professionally. Women’s month is a very sad reminder for the star, eleven years ago his mother was hacked to death with an axe by his boyfriend at the time. Thabiso Moloi came to Johannesburg the city that never sleeps to explore his talent and to his role

model Dr Rebecca Malope, like the saying goes dream do come true, Thabiso found his role model and his career started to blossom. While on cloud nine Moloi tragically lost his mother after his stepfather brutally murdered his mother. Thabiso’s stepfather axed his mother to death during a quarrel about food, the stepfather found Thabiso eating and started insulting him about eating more than him and when Thabiso’s mother tried to stop him he became violent and took an axe, chopping Ms Mantoa Moloi’s skull, leaving Thabiso to take care of his younger sister. But that didn’t stop Thabiso from Pursuing his dream,

Moloi worked with the likes of Malope as a backing singer and dancer for some years and they both became close. He also worked with the likes of Sechaba, Lundi and many other household names and was also featured as a leading actor on one of Mzansi’s biggest comedy movie (Madluphuthu 2 & 3) produced and directed by Sello Chicco Twala. His hard work has not gone without notice in 2018 Thabiso was nominated for the ingoma award in the traditional gospel category. The proceeds of the Launch will be shared with a struggling 58-yearold woman, Sar ah Shabangu from Germiston, with no Identity Document, unemployed with no prospect of accessing grant.

Thabiso Moloi is a powerful singer and a philanthropist at heart always willing to lend a helping hand to the needy. Thabiso Moloi who is now known as The Royal Prince has also been able to make news in his quest to stardom; he’s managed to be featured on both print and electronic media such as Sowetan, Daily Sun, The Star, and many other local newspapers. Radio: Ikwekwezi FM, Lesedi FM, Ligwalagwala FM, Ukhozi FM, Radio Pulpit, and other local radio stations.TV: Its Gospel Time, Big-Up, One Gospel, Dumisa, Ezomoya Gospel Gold, Amahubo, and many other TV programs, it is clear Moloi is destined for success and his footsteps are really making leaving real marks wherever he is.

BLACK EXCELLENCE YOLANDA informed entrepreneur


MTN appoints Yolanda Cuba the new Chief Digital and Fintech Officer. The former Vodacom Ghana CEO takes the lead after the resignation of Stephen Van Coller in 2018. The appointment was welcomed by BMF “We are confident that Cuba will do well in this position as she is a highly experienced executive

and has been involved in the areas of digital services and fintech for several years”, said BMF President Andile Nomlala.

She joins MTN Group to lead the strategic expansion for the group’s financial services and digitat solutions operation.

Yolanda has extensive experience in telecommunications and her leadership track record is cast in stone, in 2018 she was named Telecoms CEO of the year.

The newly appointed is said to have a robust track record, “we wish her every success in her role”, Nomlala concluded. BizBulletin Newspaper celebrate Black Excellence.

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The Gauteng MEC for Education Gauteng Panyaza Lesufi unveiled the improved the Katlehong Technical Secondary School on Tuesday, 20 August. The school will champion engineering school of specialisation: Manufacturing, transportation as well as logistics.

Tshepi Motloung founding Director of Future Lift was the face of the ATEKER International Convention 2019 in Germany. Developing Communities through Cultural priciples and conservation with Royalties on how to impact communities with sustainable development.

KAOFILA Gala Dinner 23 August 2019 in Katlehong, with a powerful line up of speakers which included - the likes of Mathe Moshoeshoe of Mathe Properties, Chris Sefate of Wolsch, Audrey Mphela from Lead In Tune MC’s Rolihlahla Melitafa and Tebogo Mabula from Deva sources.

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South African Men of the Year Awards host an African powerhouse speaker and patriot Professor Lumumber at Eco hotel in Johannesburg at a Gala Dinner.

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B O S S , By:

Jess Mouneimne


Entrepreneurship is a fulfilling venture and very challenging at the same time. Many businesses are failing because they believe in the fallacy that as an entrepreneur you can do anything any time whenever you want. that is the very reason many are falling and dismally fail without recourse. Jess Mouneimne, entrepreneur and owner of a marketing agency and a proud mom, learnt that the first 1000 days of running your own business are a little like raising a child: “It needs to be nurtured, fed, mollycoddled and disciplined if it is to survive and grow” she said. Having established and run three successful SMEs, Jess has faced adversity, failure, betrayal and personal demons, but she has managed to overcome them and live to tell the tale. A keen boxer, Jess likens business to being in the ring. You need to know how to roll with the punches, avoid those left hooks and above all, have someone in your corner to ad-vise and encourage you throughout the fight. If you have your own small or medium enterprise, or if you are thinking about starting a new venture of this kind, then you need to read this book. This is where theory meets practice an experience that provides you this practical advice delivered in inimitable, humorous way.

This is not just another generic business book. Through Jess’s personal experience and stories, you will learn about establishing and running an SME specifically in the South African market. Just like the wealth of this country, the content of the book is gold dust – it’s worth sifting through to find the invaluable nuggets that will enable you to find personal wealth and professional success. “Being Boss” will teach you how to be just that, the head of your own company without going insane or broke in the process. The book is only available in Cape Town and online purchase at loot. Email: za Office: +27 76 053 7018 www. The Facilitator Magazine.


MASTER THE BASICS AND YOU’LL BE ON YOUR WAY UP Developing a business plan requires time, patience, information (research) as well as consultation. A business Plan is a Project not a one day one hour session. To develop a good business plan, it is advised that you seek professional assistance during the process of developing a thriving and well-balanced business plan for your business and for your idea. The Business Plan Development process is an individualized activity, it is advisable that you start now or the moment you are hit with an idea. Keep a notebook or an exercise book to work on your idea. Do it on a regular basis and it will help you own and keep connected to the idea while making the business plan process easier and practical. If you feel like you are ‘hitting a wall’, it’s okay. Don’t stress, don’t give up, just move away from the document or the project. Go and do something different - get a cup of coffee, watch a move that will lift your spirit, listen to music, read a magazine, take a walk or exercise. Later, when you are rested, you can start again. It is important to keep moving forward. Don’t spend more than two days without doing something on the project. Or it will fade.


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business need (even making tea requires some skill)? You will have to This is a high-level overview of the decide what you will pay for their entire business plan which intro- contribution, considering the SA laduces your business, your vision, bour laws and regulations. and mission, the keys to success. A brief, outline the nature of the busi- DISTRIBUTION AND SUPPLIERS: ness opportunity which should be Based on the nature of your proddone last, concluding the plan. uct or service, how will it reach the intended customers cost effectively PRODUCT / SERVICE: and on time? Who will supply you, Clearly, when you are starting a how regularly and in what way? Inbusiness, you already have a prod- clude payment options and methuct or service in mind, what it is and ods in this section. what unique features it possesses. Developing a business plan provides MARKETING PLAN: clarity and articulates the best way to make, market and sell your prod- Once you understand your target uct and service to customers to en- market, competitors and personnel sure the business profitability and plan (human resources), you can formulate a plan to promote your sustainability. services to entice and inform your customer. Outline a strategy includTARGET MARKET: ing what form of the communica This identifies and profiles who your tion you will use to achieve this. potential clients are. In this section of the business plan, you will explore FINANCIAL PROJECTIONS: their background, demographic, in- come, interests, and needs. Under- This is a very important element standing your potential customers that, if not done properly, heralds will help you to provide a relevant the demise of great ideas and businesses. Financial projections should product or service. show what it will take to run your business successfully. Establish how COMPETITORS: much capital you have, how much Every business has competition, you will need, from where you will near or far, depending on the na- get it and how will you repay it (if ture of the business. Who are they? it’s a loan)? Where are they based? What are, the STRENGTHS and WEAKNESS- ANNEXURES ES of their product? Identify their competitive edge and their unique This is a list of important documents selling point. Define what your com- that might be required in support of petitive advantage is, as well as your your business plan, this will include unique selling point. This will set but it is not limited to, company registration, tax clearance, professional you apart from your competitors. certificate i.e. CIDB and quotations. Also, consider what stake you will be PERSONNEL PLAN: willing to give to potential investors. In this section, you will identify the Establish a break-even point and a kind of help and support you will time frame towards profitability in need to achieve your business goals your financial projection. (call it workforce). What kind of expertise and experience does your

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Many people struggle to have a productive meetings making it difficult to reach the intended objectives. First is to understand the basic science to this. A working meeting is solution driven, you are not having a meeting to pan a meeting. A meeting is a gathering of people organised with a specific purpose. A meeting can be a formal or an informal discussion intended to reach a particular objective. Let’s distinguish the formal and informal, a formal meeting is mostly planned and the discussions are recorded for future reference – some the recording of the meeting (minutes) can also have legal consequences, since its decisions are binding in nature. The second one is an informal meeting – this is a very interesting one, because the decisions are not necessarily binding, but are important for the establishment of a formal conversation that could be recorded (minutes). To have a productive meeting it must be purposefully

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driven to achieve the intended objective: How to facilitate a productive and result driven meeting. We must understand the basics. The three important activities to consider. A working meeting is progressive. Introducing a topic, discussion and action with time frames. Let’s unpack them. Remember to simplify every time. Confused planning will have a confused meeting. ACTIVITIES: 1. PLANNING Pre-meeting Activities, what is the purpose of the meeting, setting an agenda and inviting members for a discussion. 2. THE DISCUSSION- This is quite important and many mess it up, a meeting to be productive it must be held at a conducive environment. The meeting must have a dedicated leader for the duration of the meeting and someone to keep record for a meeting. 3. CONCLUSION- At the end of the meeting before everyone leaves the chairperson must summarise the meeting and the points of discussion and actions to be taken by whom. Post Meeting Activities – Submit minutes a follow up to on the progress of actioned items and provide support.

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WOMAN The 21st century woman; has a pioneering spirit, her ambitions go beyond the famous saying “a woman’s place is in the kitchen” limited to baby-making, care and being a symbol of man’s mama I made token.

“Greatness is not a function of circumstance. “Greatness, it turns out, is largely a matter of conscious choice, and discipline.”―Jim Collins

“It is only when all black ”WOMEN” groups, join hands and speak with one voice that YOU “WOMEN” shall be a bargaining force which will decide its own destiny.” – 1976 Winnie Mandela

First is asking questions on how you got here as women. This is a triple-action view, call it the 3D perspective if you like; it is about looking at the past, the present and the understanding what the aspirations of the future for the women and by the woman.

Women’s emancipation and the battle for equality, respect, equal pay, and equal opportunity will never be realized until the woman is fully awake and emancipated in full awareness of their power, their rights, responsibility, and practice.

Let’s start with the end in mind and bring it to sight The FUTURE and to understand what kind of a Future do women want, what does it look and feel like: To do that; women must explore and articulate their aspirations

FRIDAY, 06/09/19 AT JOHANNESBURG SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT CALLS FOR A STOP TO GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE, PRESENT AND IN SOLIDARITY WAS THE MAN’S FORUM SA MEN AWARD. their pain and frustrations; what do you long for? They must curve the vision of how the 22nd century woman look and feel like? Remember the future is secured in the present and enjoy by generations and most of those generations might have no clue what you have done, yet delight in the bosom of your blood sweat and tears. The PRESENT - where are you and how you got here? Is it where you want to be? Are you sure that generations of women to come are safe and secured in the silent teachings as well as in writings and spoken word? What are you standing for?


a fragile state economically. Economist warned that we must tread carefully during this time. What is GDP - The gross domestic product (GDP) of a country is one of the main indicators used to measure the performance of a country’s economy. The Macmillan dictionary defines the economy as the system by which a country’s trade, industry, and money are organized. GDP can be thought of as the total value of all goods and services produced withTHE SOUTH AFRICA ECONOMY IS REALLY RIDING A TROUBLING ECONOMIC in the borders of a country during a specific period of time, usually a WAVE AND SURVIVE A TECHNICAL RECESSION IN THIS SECOND QUARTER. It was not long ago our econ- on morning live 05 June 2019 said year or a quarter. omy hit a down ward-spiral that politicians inconsistent mas- Investopedia explains, “Economic sage make potential investors want when the economy shrank a country and an economy that is production and growth, what GDP by a -3.2% and jobs were lost functioning to make up their minds. represents, has a large impact on nearly everyone within [the] econin the process, a repeat of this would have plunged us A few months later we narrow- omy”. When GDP growth is strong, ly missed the devastating impact firms hire more workers and can afinto a recession. when our economy recovers miss- ford to pay higher salaries and waging a recession. I this quarter we get es, which leads to more spending by consumers on goods and services. Economist say our economic woes a sigh of relief as our gross domestic are due to a number of reasons this product (GDP) rose by 3.1% of 2nd includes things such as policy uncer- quarter of 2019. Even though we have survived the fall we are still tainty, Vusi Thembekwayo

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What is your pain as a woman at this time? How the girl-child is raised, what expectations are placed on her shoulders what is she learning as a child that will enable her or disempower her when the time comes. The importance of family the role of marriage and the responsibilities and rights you have when you get married. What teaching (imiyalo) does the girl get as she is being ushered into married life or a long term relationship.

the most deprived. Your voice has no power unless a man endorses it. You have to beg for your right and you are a majority. This is what I call crazy.

I would like to put a challenge to women instead of just protesting and picketing to host a mother of all women’s convention the land has ever known and to establish and articulate a mandate to enable women and to live and feel emancipated, the convention should start on 9 August 2020. You must be the change Women, Black, coloured Indians, you wish to see in South Africa- Mawhite and all, are all challenged and hatma Gandhi edited “world” to technically stranded in the patriar- South Africa Isaac Mavuso chal society.The funny part you are a majority in South Africa yet you are

QUOTE OF THE MONTH “Inequality is a political choice. No matter how long it takes, woman can defeat it” John Falzon

ANNUAL RETURNS SUBMIT YOUR ANNUAL RETURNS ON TIME OR INCUR PENALTIES OR RISK DEREGISTRATION Every company registered in South Africa under the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) has a legal obligation to submit an Annual Return (AR), this is required on every anniversary of your company registration, if you company was registered in July you will have to file your company Annual Returns every July.

registration will result in a penalty, the return is R100 with a penalty of R50. There is a risk involved to companies that do not file their annual returns, that is called non-compliance the first risk is deregistration which mean your company will be scraped from registration, the second one, your company will be found non-compliant when you want to do business with any instiThe otherreason for filing an Annual tution be it corporate of governreturn CIPC can know that you com- ment. “If you think compliance try pany is still active. Failure to submit non-compliance.” Paul McNutty your company returns in the month of your

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HOW TO REGISTER ON C E N T R A L S U P P L I E R DATA B A S E ( C S D ) What is the CSD? A Central Supplier Database (CSD) is a single portal that serves a source of all supplier information for government departments.

The businesses who would like to do business with the state are required to put their information as a suppliers. The supplier/ business information will be verified with institutions such as the South African Revenue Service, Companies and Intellectual Property Commission including the Department of Home Affairs and others depending on the nature of business and compliance Suppliers must complete required information on the CSD website complete with accuracy and comprehensive. The must haves to register on the CSD? Because there are different types of business and Depending on the supplier type, the following is important:

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• A working cell phone number to receive your One Time Pin (OTP); • A valid email address; • Company registration documents. • Supplier contact Details such as referred contact name, email address, cell-phone number, telephone number Ensure that details you providing a correct and you have access to at all times. • Supplier address information e.g. country, province, municipality, city, suburb, ward and postal code; • Banking Details if relevant to ensure future payments; • Supplier tax information where required • Director’s details such as full-names, identification number of directors, contact details if different from office details. • Your Services and product information with accuracy • Accreditations a supplier is associated with like CIBD, SETA, and professional bodies etc.


How do I obtain a registration report? • Click on Report, followed

by Registration; Reference Number; • Enter your Supplier num • Click View Report. ber and the Unique Registration

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