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Public Enterprise Department recently informed parliament that Eskom is in trouble, and advised the power utility is in the brink of bankruptcy the coffers will run dry in April 2019 if no life-line is afforded to the utility. Eskom’s power woes are a threat to township business, load-shedding cost over 2 billion rand a day and most at risk are township businesses including black employees are at risk. The persistent of power cuts will cost SME’s money the impact of low productivity will ultimately leave businesses with no option but to retrench. Any retrenchments will affect black communities more and this will increase the number of unemployed and plunge black communities to more poverty.

The President expressed his shock and anger to the announcement that Eskom was implementing stage four load-shedding on the 11 February due to failure of six of its power generating units. In his state of the nation address the President conceded the power utility is in crisis. Eskom’s National Spokesperson Khulu Phasiwe acknowledged the power grid is severely constrained and that load-shedding is coursing investor uncertainty for the country. This was the sentiment share as a concern by the rating agency. Moody’s said, is concerned that that the financial woes of the utility will not be solved by the unbundling of the power giant, and that the company’s challenge for the next year will be on generation of more and

sustainable power. Ramaphosa cautioned the power utility could damage the economy. “The consequence may be painful, if we delay in taking action, in responding to this crisis.” Said the President. His interest is to minimise and adverse economic cost to the customer and the taxpayer Without giving much detail the President has pledged the govern ment support to Eskom, more details on the financial support that government will afford the troubled Eskom. As to how much will this help be, the answer to that lies in the upcoming budget speech, by Finance Minister Tito Mboweni on the 20 Feb 19. Eskom has applied for a 15 percent price increase for the electricity

tariff from the National Energy Regulator from the year 2019-2020 and we know the regulator has been holding public hearing on the matter. Now the National Energy Regulator of South Africa has referred the matter for public comment. Whatever the outcome of the National Energy Regulator of South Africa, it is clear South African citizens will pay out more for electricity. In his speech the President said, relating to Eskom “it will need more revenue through affordable tariff increase” this is one of the urgent steps to help the power utility in the country get on track hopefully to its glory years where the electricity giant was profitable with surplus in the bank and the grid.

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Once is mistake, twice is a coincident and thrice is a commitment and a mark we are here to stay. This is our third instalment of our publication. The joy it brings us to be your newspaper of choice for your entrepreneurial news fit for you.

This is an entrepreneurial publication aimed for you our township hustler, a dreamer and the hopeful lover of entrepreneurship. The publication seeks to provide township entrepreneurs with relevant and compelling business content and a glimpse on the issues impacting

Isaac Mavuso Publishing Editor and influencing the economy, as what you liked and what you would well as to know what is happen- love to see in the future. Please sign ing in relation to entrepreneurial up to receive the electronic version events, support, motivation and de- of the publication on your smart gadgets. velopment l www.isaacWe would love to hear from you, engage with us on social media. comments about the publication



- One Book at A Time -

that have stood the test of time and are relevant today as they have been years ago. They carry secrets of ages which billionaires and millionaires or our time have read, used and were hooked. Many rich people claim and attribute their success to these books. We can’t promise you will be a millionaire, but we promise you can be the same after reading these books. You will be introduced to basic yet profound principles that will radically transform your life.

We are inviting entrepreneurs to build their oasis, a conner of in- Some of the books are available as formation and empowerment for free downloads on the internet or you can buy, invest in your growth your growth and development. development. I am so EXCITED. Book Number 2: “If we encounter a man of rare inThe Art of WAR by San Tzu tellect, we should ask him what

We celebrate the dedication and commitment of Soweto Gospel choir for their third Grammy Award. This one is very special because you shared with the world our melodies, songs that kept the black people encouraged and united throughout South Africa. It was staff of hopes and dreams. FREEDOM is what we achieved through those songs and passionate chants. We thank you for being the Ambassadors of ART AND CULTURE for South Africa all around the world.

TO ADVERTISE WITH US | | 081 571 1658 BizBulletin is compiled by the BizBulleting Team, Edited and Published by Isaac Mavuso. Layout and design by Jemito Khoza. Contributor Marang Marekimane Found of Business Process Machenics

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books he reads.” Ralph Waldo EmThis a very old and intriguing book, erson but the content is a relevant as Reading is an empowering expe- it was then if not more today. It rience and exercise, you dive in a speaks of leadership and strategies world of a writer to learn about to achieving great results in battle authors perspective and approach or war. What I really like a bout the to things, their thought hopes aspi- book, it really tackles strategic leadrations, hunger, pain, joys their lives ership about winning battles and journey and more in just a bind of wars with minimal yet strategic effort. But hope that going to war as a a book. last resort and a need that is essenWith every publication we are going tially an engagement you must have to suggest and introduce a book to win even before you get in to battle. buy and read for the month. We in- The book was a guide for generals vite you to read one book a month and war leaders, but its relevance and start building your library. The comes down to individuals, groups books we are going to share are and businesses. It is a must have and a must read and share. books treasures BBTeam

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S H OW C A S E T H E O R G A N I S AT I O N N OT T H E I N D I V I D UA L S ORGANISATIONS SUCCESS LIES IN A WELL DEVELOPED AND COHERENT MANAGEMENT ON THE SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURES SET FOR THE EASY FLOW OF COMMUNICATION OF THE ORGANISATION, INTERNALLY AND EXTERNAL. Business can be a brutal game that favours the bold and dedicated to have their names written in the books of life. It is a bout mastering the basic and looks. Organisations must work in uniform and all their documents must be standardised to maximise the organisational presence, the brand as well as the professional look and feel of the business. One part of that is how the business manage It’s CV’s and profile of the individuals and the team in the business. One of the lessons I have learnt when I was working for a consulting company in a built environment was the importance of professional documents and standard presentation of individuals documents yet creating a coherent presentation that showcase the organisation rather than individuals in the team. This article is hoping to help you do that. Business spend a lot on branding and takes for granted things like CV’s and profile management and are surprised when their teams are headhunted because when they present their team they are showcasing individuals and less the capacity their business has. Our wish for this CV/ Profile, I hope to help you present your team and the capacity as well as the composition of the unique skills and strengths that sets you apart as a Business. It is important that as a company you show and present a unified standardised view of the company and it must be managed well. In todays world the company’s also needing to present their image in different formats and platforms such as hard copy, online and social media. Such can be a bit confusing, you can employ someone to

manage assist you and your company present a professional look. BBTeam

informed entrepreneur

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6 THINGS TO REMEMBER WHEN STARTING A BUSINESS A business is a multi-dimensional journey that demands for a dynamic individual who is a visionary, pregnant with the spirit of I CAN and filled with POSSIBLILITIES. There are, things one needs to consider and remember when they choose or are chosen to pursue entrepreneurship. Here are some of the things to consider and remember. 1.THE WHY # At the heart of every business there lies a BIG WHY, the purpose of it all, the reason you will choose wake-up in the coldest winter morning and over-ride all the excuses you could have and

recognise them as such – EXCUSES. It is only the greatest compelling WHY that will propel you to greatness and secure you a spot at the table of EXCELLENCE where the greatest commodity is the level of influence you have or is assumed you have. What is YOUR WHY? 2.SOLVE PROBLEMS FOR CASH # Business is simple, it is about people – people have needs, problems, pains and aspiration. At any given time, people have an itch and this itch needs a form of a scratch. So, if you want to empower your WHY you must establish your opportunity and needs you want to fulfil for people and be paid for it.


This will inspire you and awake your creative spirit because your work pays.

Successful businesses develop systems and later make it a template for growth.




# Running a business is one thing and building a successful business is about systems. Many businesses fail not because their idea was bad, but they ran a business with-out systems. Business needs order and your job is to manage and to enhance this order.

# Many businesses owners are hoping to get paid and that becomes an uphill struggle to realise for some reason, those who employ make it a point to pay staff but not themselves. Paying yourself must be a priority and it must be standard wage.

It’s about your product or service the cost, packaging, how does it get to customers, customer experience and how transactions are made as well as managing the revenue all the way to dealing with suppliers. Remember success is not a random thing it is deliberate.

# What ever your dreams and aspirations are, however good your plans are means absolutely nothing if they are not brought to life and for that you need action – whether you work hard or smart it does not really matter the only thing that matters is results, does you action yield results and desired results for that matter. Remember excuses in most cases justify poor performance, while results celebrate power performance. No-competition just DEDICATED DRIVEN RESULT ORIENTATED PERFOMANCE. << ACTION >> BBTeam

# What is your solution, how are you planning to solve people’s problems? Well in business you will only be doing one of the two or both for some, 1. Service 2. Product. The question is are you providing a SERVICE or a PRODUCT? It could be both.



and in chains. They are trapped in the prison of poverty. It is time to set them free.” Nelson Mandela. Setting people free means giving them an opportunity and basic resources to participate in the economy fairly and in a sustainable way and BUSASAGATE alone has betrayed our people and robbed us of an opportunity to learn to grow participate and to replicate.

SOUTH AFRICA, THE PROMISE LAND TURNED A NIGHTMARE, CORRUPTION MALADMINISTRATION. This year, South Africa will be celebrating twenty-five years since our country’s dawn of freedom. Our freedom a significant moment a dream coming true, where every living beings, black people, the celebration was joyous and deeply sad on the other hand when we remember those who died and would have loved to see this moment and to join in the celebrations. None the less the living filled with gratitude and swore to protect and to safe

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guard this freedom in honour of those who fought for it, the living and the dead and for generation to come. Twenty-five years later the dream feels like a very bad dream, a nightmare. The revelation on the commission of enquiry on State Capture are telling a dismayed dream.

years of that has been spent in unscrupulous dealing involving the very protectors of our freedom who are entrusted to creating an enabling environment for economic participation and emancipation for all the citizens of the country, the previously disadvantaged black communities.

The latest evidence provided by former BOSASA COO, Mr Angelo Agrizzi, he claims that the corrupt engagements and dealing by the company are alleged to have been happening for the past twenty years. If we are twenty-five years in the democratic state and twenty

Small business is big business, yet it seems like the government has not fully understood this and realised that the solution to business and entrepreneurship excellence is not a one size fit all type of a solution. Just like people we are not the same and, as such the approach to

business solutions. Some will be slow some will be fast, some will be slow and run sustainably and further some will be faster to growth and burn and fail dismally. It does not make it a bad thing but an experience. To combat poverty in the in South Africa entrepreneurship must be at the forefront and as tool and vehicle to develop communities and to eradicate the triple challenges our country is battling with. “In this new century, millions of people in the world’s poorest countries remain imprisoned, enslaved

We are twenty years behind on just one of the many unfair dealings that has made few politicians the ELITS and the rest of South Africans mainly black will remain in the vicious cycle of poverty secured by our own back people who are supposed tobe our night and shining armours. Our very own are managed to serve the white master the very fight they waged against oppression.

Today they are oppressed by consent because of greed. Little skeletons are coming out, will there be a recourse. HOPE IS THE ONLY COMFORT WE HAVE. BBTeam

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SPEAKER, AUTHOR AND SALES SPECIALIST Themba Nkuna, a prolific speaker an impactful facilitator dedicated to changing people live for the better and a thought-provoking inspirational speaker, as if that is not enough he is an authority in a few subjects that are close to his heart. This dynamic man is above all a God-fearing person.

informed entrepreneur

Themba Nkuna is a published author with several books under his name, tittles include: The truth about you, l Never give up on God l Building Wealth Through Forex Trading l Step out from your comfort zone and So, What makes successful entrepreneurs? He is sure an authority with strides and stripes that earned him the respect he commands.

All this experience and lessons learnt forms the very basis of his passion to helping individuals and groups as well as budding entrepreneurs to become good and to master sales. A subject he knows very well and has become an expect and an authority. Themba Nkuna, a prolific speaker an impactful sales facilitator and expect has shared his skills and expertise with some of the power house organisations in the country, such as The South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA), Blackapearl, Wits University , Risk Flow and SDL to name just a few.

The township born and raised hails from Lulekani in Phalaborwa. From humble beginning to a bachelor’s degree in Information Science from the University of Pretoria. The visionary only worked for two years and deciding to pursue his dream on entrepreneurship fulltime and this became his career of choice be- When asked, what is the drive to ing in business. teach sales? He said, “To help entrepreneurs and business owners how At age 23 Themba decided to fully to apply fundamental sales stratefocus on start and building his own gies to make more sales and also to businesses. Well, it was long time build a resilient mindset to achieve since his entrepreneurial journey their aspired business goals.” began from a tender age of eight selling icing sugar, ice block at nine and water drums in his community at 11 to selling shampoo and soaps at University. He sure can sell any thing he put his mind to.

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Themba Nkuna with the beautiful ladies of Palesa Pads, a reusable sanitary pad, a stride towards healthy and uninterrupted schooling for girls.

National Development Agency conducting a workshop an assesment workshop for organisations lead by elderly people and people living with disability organised by Laurancia Morweni from Health and Social Development. Community Directorate in Katlehong

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Pule Moloi founder of Bokamoso Foundation hosted the prayer for Cancer Survivors and remembered those who died

Charities for Change different Organisations present what they do and how they impact the world one person at a time.

On the Horizon Business Indaba in Santon hosted by the University of Stellebosch Business School

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HOW TO SECURE A MEETING WITH THE DECISION-MAKER By Marang Marekimane Found of Business Process Machenics

As entrepreneurs, most of our efforts are geared towards meeting the right people – the Decision-maker. Someone that can invest their resources, elevating you to the next level. Customers invest by purchasing. Some offer financial investment, while others offer their skills to work for or with you. Then there’s social capital – that opens doors for you to meet all the others. “These are all influential people. Don’t waste their time” While face-to-face meetings are important to build relationships,

they are also very costly. You might not see the actual cost per meeting because it’s accepted as part of our sales process. The logic is the sale makes up for the expense. Truth is, you don’t always make the sale, so some of it is a loss. Here are some tips to avoid wasting time and money. MEET THE DECISION-MAKER Do some research on the companies and people you want to work with. The more you know, the easier it is to foster a relationship. MEETING REQUESTS

People are willing to meet when they know they can assist. This means you must know what you want. When requesting a meeting, include some sort of an agenda. Beyond informing the next person what you want to discuss, it helps them decide: • Is the meeting necessary – some things can be answered via email or a quick phone call; • Are they the right person to speak to – especially if you’re engaging with a large corporation. It may also influence who else needs to join that meeting;

On the day of the meeting, respect the time limit. SUBMITTING PROPOSALS Bear in mind, “who asked you to send the proposal?”. You can get away with a lot if someone asked you to submit a proposal. If you’re shooting in the dark, you’ve got to be clear on the following: • What do you want to achieve? – if this isn’t clear, it creates the impression that the meeting will be a brainstorming session; • Why THIS PARTICULAR

PARTNERSHIP – much like a customer would like to know “why buy from you and not the competitor”, decision-makers want to know why you chose them to work with. This is where you show off how much you understand of their mandate or the business objectives. Help them do their work and you have a deal; • Social capital is as financial. This does not change the need for some sort of synergy to get buyin. The less guessing on how to work with you, the more likely they are to agree to work with you.

… W I N E MAKERS, P R O M O TERS, SELLERS,BRING US YOUR WINE,TEACH US ABOUT IT,WE ARE POT EN T IA L FANS TURN US TO LOVERS AND S U P P O R TERS OF YOUR WINE… Fellow Hustlers and lovers of Entrepreneurship we know you are always out and about doing entrepreneurhip things and gathering, and we also know you capture the moments with your nice gadgets. We have a two page on our newspaper dedicated to sharing those captured moments. All you have to do is send in your higher resolution pictures with a nit of detail about where, what was happenig and who’s CAPTURED... in the picture of course. Send them to

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Growing a business demands an intentional and dedicated effort driven by the business owner. Entrepreneurs and business owner must also understand as well as distinguish the difference between building and growing a business.

Construction is the process of constructing a building or infrastructure. i.e. a house. WIKIPEDIA

bottom line or profitability of the operation by minimizing costs.

Growing the business is on the other hand is about the exploitation (in a good way) of the existing customers, for example introducing a new product and or encourage customers to buy more, you buy two get one free.


What is the difference between Building and Growing? As an entrepreneur this must be as clear as day from night. Building is about establishing and making sure the business is grounded with established clients. The Wikipedia use the definition from a construction view. DIFFINITION:

DEFINITION: The process of improving some measure of an enterprise’s success. Business growth can be achieved either by boosting the top line or revenue of the business with greater product sales or service income, or by increasing the

informed entrepreneur


a. To grow your business, you need to establish if there is a need or a market to exploit and looking at the size of the market, timing and the duration to which you can take advantage of the opportunity. 2.


a. An important part of growing a business. You never wake up and just decide you want to grow and exploit the market. There are people who “somaar” decide to increase prices based on the looks

and what the potential customer drives, that is robbery. 3. ADVERTISED AND PROMOTION a. The growth and development of technology has made it super interesting to finding and persuading customers to buy. Yet a customer could be sitting at home yet be part of a bigger community of people with the same interest yet have never met at the same time are friends. So, the question is which media platforms you can find the customers. 4. IRRESISTIBLE OFFER: a. Customers love and enjoy a good bargain it is for this reason

some people will buy something they don’t need but will buy because it is a good bargain. Your buy one and get one free. It is all about being creative. 5. TION


a. Over the year’s technology has made it possible for a business to promote and sell their products and services to a specific market, those who are interested thanks to the technology and algorithms we don’t need to understand but will for you. think of face book you can choose who can see you advert “Targeted advertising.” Go get them tiger… BBTeam

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BOOK REVIEW ENDURE BEFORE YOU ENJOY i n f o @ b b u l l e t i n . c o . z a w w w. b b u l e t t i n . c o . z a

Author Loyiso Majola Only when you have been on a rock and a hard place can you claim boldly attest ‘’where there’s a will there a way.’’ This has been the life of Loyiso Majola. Hes life has been entangled in situations where he felt empty, aimless and ineffective. There are so many things he wanted do and achieve but without means to do so. He’s had good ideas and the will, yet without resources. In such an experience it seemed like dreams may never be realised. Challenges he’s overcome are testament to the abilities within us to endure life’s challenges and obstacles, ultimately to enjoy the fruits of our labour. Many are times we come up with excuses why we are not able to pursue our dreams, to this effect he is a living example that passion and determination, we can achieve all that God has destined for us. Interestingly the book was written using a Huawei phone. This is a book that is dedicated to all the people whose trials and tribulations have kept them from achieving their dreams. Endure Before You Enjoy is not a memoir but rather a motivational book that aims to inspire and motivate people. “I hope to inspire everyone who reads this book, to push to-wards

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their dreams and never build obsta cles but rather see opportunities in every challenge.” Loyiso Majola, (32) man of God founder and a Pastor at Light-house Kingdom Advancement International a ministry dedicated to the revival of the spirit, soul salvation as well as mentoring people using biblical principles to impact growth and personal development. Mr Majols is also a Founder and Chairperson for Boys Be Men Schools Mentorship Program, a schools’-based initiative aimed at empowering boys to be men of excellence and integrity. He truly is a passionate leader. An entrepreneur at heart, Loyiso the founder of Intathakusa Lifestyle Solutions, a company that focuses on offering creative communications solutions and manufacturing, as well as facilitation and business seminars. Loyiso believes that he was born to unlock the God-given potential in people to awaken their leadership potential and to inspire them towards spiritual growth and innovative pursuit to leave the world a better place. This book a must read. Connect with the man of God via WhatsApp: 081 537 4469 or E:


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FREE B-BBEE i n f o @ b b u l l e t i n . c o . z a w w w. b b u l e t t i n . c o . z a

C E R T I F I C A T E The not so new BEE legislation advised that companies with a turnover less than R 10 million do not need a BEE verified BEE Certificate they are exempted enterprises or customers can apply for a B-BBEE certificate on the eservices website or at the CIPC Self Service Terminal on registering a new company or when paying your annual returns for your company. Alternatively download a B-BBEE Affidavit for Exempted Enterprise at CIPC or cut out the one on this paper. The following must be done to make you B-BBEE Sworn Affidavit compliant: 1. Fill in 1-3 very clear with our scratching or making mistakes 2. To complete it, part 4 -6 take it to police station where you will swear and sign to commissioner he or she will sign and put a stamp it. 3. The Affidavit will be valid for 12 months. informed entrepreneur

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