BizBulletin Newspaper

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Palesa Mafego


Honourable Lindiwe Zulu, Minister responsible for The Small Business Development Official launched The South Africa’s Global Entrepreneurship Week . The Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) celebrates entrepreneurs who are innovative and creatives as well as job creators. start-ups that launch and bring ideas to life, drive and impact economic growth and expand human well being. MOSOTHO MILLIONAIRE RAND BUSINESS


For one week in November, (GEW) inspires people everywhere, local, national and globally with activities designed to help them explore their potential as self-starters and innovators. These activities range from largescale competitions and events to intimate network gatherings, which connect participants to potential collaborators, mentors and even investors - introducing them to new possibilities and exciting opportunities. GEW is more than just an awareness campaign, it is a platform for connection and collaboration, engaging all players in the entrepreneurship spectrum and strengthening ecosystems around the world.

The initiative is supported by doz ens of world leaders and a network of more than 15,000 partner organizations. Over 20million people participate in GEW activities globally. GEN Africa encourag es various ecosystem partners to host events in their com munities and cities and seek partnerships from big and small businesses to support their activities. The Department of Small Business Development (DSBD) in partnership with GEN Africa and various other private and public sector partners, will launch the 2018 GEW activities on Monday 12th November 2018 at the 22 on Sloane start-up campus. The event aims to attract start-ups,

accelerator support network and policymakers. A combined total of around 4000 – 5000 delegates are expected to attend the week-long celebration. Programme for the week: •Monday 12 November – Launch and Policy day •Tuesday 13 November – Manufacturing and Agro-processing day •Wednesday 14 November – Tech day •Thursday 15 November – Youth and Social Entrepreneurship day •Friday 16 November – Funding day Minister Zulu said that “In the first 11 years of celebrating Global Entrepreneurship Week, we learned a great deal about the potential of

entrepreneurs and the ability of our societies to work together and create great value. Through broad support from the government of South Africa and the rest of the African continent, as well as private sector leaders, we hope to shape a community of promising entrepreneurs and connect them to the resources they need to succeed”. The Minister will also participate in other GEW events in various cities and townships across the country. The GEW South Africa will also see pitching sessions of over 300 tech start-ups, in which 100 will be selected for residency at the 22 on Sloane start-up campus in January 2019.

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DEAR ENTREPRENEUR It truly gives me the greatest pleasure to introduce to you our baby, The Biz Bulletin newspaper (broadsheet). This is an entrepreneurial broadsheet for you our township hustler, a dreamer and the hopeful lover of entrepreneurship. At the core of any community is its development and that growth lies in the economic capacity for productivity and efficiency in proportion to the size of the commu

nity, considering their needs and nature of its infrastructure. On the other hand of community development and growth provides access to relevant and practical usable resources and information. The BizBulletin broadsheet will thrive to become a helpful resource our township entrepreneurs will trust for information and guide to their entrepreneurial growth and development. BizBulletin will be a monthly

publication in and around Ekurhuleni and ultimately our ambition is to see our broadsheet enjoyed nationally. The publication seeks to provide township entrepreneurs with relevant and compelling business content and a glimpse on the issues impacting and influencing the economy, as well as to know what is happening in relation to entrepreneurial events, support, motivation and development.

Closing this year with a bang, getting ready for the new year, 2019 here we come! This is our inaugural publication and we would love to hear from you, comment about the publication what you like and what you would love to see in the future. Please sign up to receive the electronic version of the publication on your smart gadgets.


Ten tips to survive THE FUEL HIKE The Department of Minerals and Energy adjusts fuel prices every month, whether to increase or decrease fuel cost in South Africa. These adjustments are prompted by various international including local factors. Some of the major factors that impact and continues to affect such adjustments is the fact that South Africa imports crude oil as well as purchase finished products at the dollar rated price tag and this includes shipping costs and tariffs. South African’s are trying to adjust and make sense on the recent all-time high fuel hike in the beginning of October this year. And while we are still gasping for air in disbelief reality hits as we go to pumps and the petrol gage struggles to climb as we know it

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should. Just like that, ‘BAM’ we are tossed yet into another fuel hike, diesel and illuminating paraphing has gone up increasing and bit of a relief for petrol users. This is a dilemma since most business use diesel, with that in mind this could influence an increase on product affecting and customers. Over the past eight months fuel cost has resin to almost R4,00 surely we are living in tough times or tough times ahead. For the township entrepreneur it is going to be an uphill battle that requires a tactical approach to ease the inevitable impact of fuel hike. Let us look at some basic thing we can do to minimise and to manage the impact. Here are some tips, ten things you can do to ease the impact from your pocket. This calls for a creative mind and be

havioural change, we have to dothings in a certain way to achieve our goals and fuel hike should not herald the end of a dream. TEN TIPS TO SURVIVE IT… 1. Review and revise your personal as well as business fuel costs you’re your monthly budget. 2. Be aware of how much will the new fuel price cost per litter and review how much will this reduce your kilometres per litter. 3. Plan trips and routs beforehand and make sure to avoid traffic and rush hour congestions. 4. If you have two cars drive the lighter one when you are running errands. 5. Review your insurance and see if you can negotiate for a lesser insurance premium and this might mean getting new quote from other insurance providers. We are chasing maximum benefit and to save a bit. 6. Try to park your car on a shade to manage the cooling of the car. And make sure the windows are closed where driving in high speed. 7. Travelling long distance, if you can, get people who are going in the same direction or place travel together and let them contribute on fuel and tolling cost, it is important to manage the load. 8. Whenever you can take walk or a taxi where it is cheaper to do so, the time to show off is over. 9. Keep your car clean especially the interior, a bad smell equal open window which will could slow you down. Aerodynamics. 10. Make sure your car is serviced well and regularly, make sure your tyres are well inflated. Successful entrepreneurs are known for saving. I guarantee you it is not easy to change your behaviour, if you work on changing your behaviour you will needs to be dedicated and highly discipline. Only then you will see the results. Happy saving.

2018 South African


“LAND EXPROPRIATION WITHOUT COMPENSATION” Findings for the word of the year are research based, conducted by observing South African media Newsclips. Factual statistics collected from credible media sources such as print, broadcast and online media. The words were tracked from 1 January to 15 October 2018,

managed by Pan South African Language Board (PanSALB) in association media research companies This year’s word was revealed live on ENCA on the 16 of October in celebration of world Dictionary Day. The winning word beat Commission of inquiry and Thuma mina.

Tsohang Youth Project host the 10th Annual General Meeting the importance of comliance. Congradulations newly co-opted member to join the Executive. Mr Aaron Mashaba, Precious Sitholeand congratulations to Mr Themba Gogela for being the new Chairperson of the Organisation

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Township entrepreneurs are in for a treat. It is common knowledge that township entrepreneurs the most challenged on how start, manage and running productive as well as compliant business and leading it to profitability. It is this observation that inspired Isaac Mavuso to write the book and three years later, a practical aid for township business packaged as Building a Successful Kasi Business and a call for the rise of a township entrepreneur. The book discusses the ten elements aimed at empowering entrepreneurs to understand the concept of entrepreneurship and running a business. The book includes basic tools and to inspire a mind-set fit to run and manage a compliant business. THE ELEMENTS 1. Self-awareness 2. Have a vision 3. Plan & Be organised 4.Sales/ Selling 5. Money Matters 6. Delight Customers 7. Personal Development 8. Strive for compliance 9. Get a mentor 10. Growing your Business


Included in the book are practical activities, helpful articles and tools such as basic financial management, to inspire you to start better or become better than you are now. At the core is to help you run a compliant business. What I like most is that you don’t have to apply these elements in a chronological order; you can start with the one that is important to you and your business.

it organisations and Cooperatives. Comments about the book: A comment from business developmental mind, “This is not only a great contribution to the ever-growing township economy, but a legacy project that’ll continue to speak beyond the lifetime of the author.” - Pearl Maphumulo, Managing Director at The Business Development Agency

The book is written by Isaac Mavuso who is a dynamic Facilitator l Speaker l Coach and the founder and publisher of The Facilitator Online Magazine, and The BizBulletin Newspaper for kasi entrepreneurs. He is 2017 South African Man of The Year Award finalist for the entrepreneurship category. Served as ward committee for the business portfolio in ward 49.He is dedicated to empowering novices and aspiring Kasi business as well as social entrepreneurs. Isaac has more than ten years facilitating, speaking and consulting experience, a practical strategist for Kasi Businesses, Non-Prof

“A new book by a rewound speaker and facilitator, unveils how to start and build the best township enterprise” Mapepeza Media “Get his self-help book on building a successful kasi business it comes with nots and motivation.” Sindy Mabe The book was featured on Kaya FM on the 16 October 2018 on the show with Tuli Magubane


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Giving township entrepreneurs access to market and customers retail at your doorstep In South Africa, our economic challenges must be met with creative resolve. It is a duty of every man and woman in every community to contribute in their own special way, and this is exactly what The BoxShop South Africa has done. Two years ago, an idea was born an initiative taken, introducing a lifestyle retail store in the township, for township entrepreneurs to have some access to market. This year, 2018 marks 2 years since the launch of the first Box Shop SA the flagship store based in the most iconic street in the world Vilakazi Street in Orlando West, Soweto. The initiative was founded with a primary objective to solve one of entrepreneur’s greatest challenges in south Africa and the world over which is access to market. Many of the Small to Medium Enterprises fail just because they don’t have access to market. Such undertaking can only be realised through strategic partnerships. The Boxshop SA come alive from a partnership led by Technoserve as an implementing partner as well as Game as a technical partner and the funding from Citi Foundation. The BoxShop initiative is driven by a strong desire to disrupt the South African retail environment by adopting non-conventional retail strategies and approaches like the Omni Channel Retail. This approach needs to adopt multiple distribution chan nels into the model. It ensures thatconsumers are met at their door step. Currently The BoxShop brand

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Marvin Manaswe, The head and Supplier Development specialist for The BoxShop, Technoserv South Africa. is present across three retail platforms a Physical Retailer, a Pop-up store as well as an online store. The BoxShop procures products from more than 80 local township brands. All are small black owned start-ups as well as Cut Make and Trim manufactures primarily in Gauteng. The Box Shop SA recently opened a second store at Shanty Town Lifestyle Centre in Midrand, where local brands from different sectors house their products. The BoxShop’s dream is to open at least 10 stores across the Gauteng by 2021.The BoxShop brand retail offering reflects a strong sense of brand and township diversity. Mostly the focus is on apparel, coffee and food, deco and homeware products. All the brand offerings are local entrepreneurs who share passion for fashion and taste for quality. Based on The Box Shop fun damental model of being a social retail enterprising brands and the belief in entrepreneur’s ability to use their initiative as well as their

creative flair to build strong businesses’ and brands, which will elevate proudly South African products, giving customer easy access to exclusive products and the best value for money. The BizBulletin had a conversation with Marvin Manaswe, The head and Supplier Development specialist for The BoxShop, Technoserv South Africa. Q] From where does The BoxShop draw its entrepreneur/ Suppliers. A] We draw our entrepreneurs from the townships within Gauteng Q] Who can apply for the opportunity to supply The BoxShop who can apply what are the requirements? A] Anyone can apply, provided they are an operating and registered business. To apply entrepreneurs can advise on the interest by send a profile and business registration documents to info@theboxshop. Once we have received your communication, within a week we will send you our application form. The form must be completed in a week and returned to our office for

consideration. We also share opportunities on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, ohhh do follow the The BoxShop on social media. Q] The BoxShop is an enterprise development program, how does it work? A] Successful candidates will beinducted and learn about product presentation.During the session all the entre preneurs will make presentations and do one on one business analysis process and subsequently product presentation to ensure the quality of their products. They are supported throughraining and assigned a coach to help them navigate the business vision and support while pursuing it. Q] Unsuccessful applicants what happens to them? A] Everyone wins at The BoxShop (We train them and equip with them with skills to be supplier ready and an opportunity to apply later. Q] Who manages the Boxshop? A] A team of great individuals with a range of diverse skills (supplier Development, Product Development, Operations, Marketing and Project Management. In conclusion, The Box Shop Incubation Programme offers Business Development Support •To enable youth businesses to become suppliers into the retail sector, empowering their ability to supply high quality, on time, and in line with mainstream retail sector needs. •To run a sustainable test market for youth businesses in a structured and professional facility. •To inspire and to link local entrepreneurs to become suppliers to markets outside the Box Shop

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Dreams are possible, Mosotho Moshoane is the living proof running a million-rand business at 23. South Africa can be a land of milk and the results seven figure baland honey, but only for those who ance in the business account. His envision it for themselves and are next is to pursue the million-rand determined to pursue their goals. balance into his personal account. Mosotho Moshoane (23) runs a million-rand business, the Pretoria born entrepreneur is the founder and CEO of a google certified Marketing company Beatrootpine with foot print in Botswana. His success has not been a smooth sail his had to deal with lack of support form his close circles and some feeding doubt from a genuine concern while others really don’t want to see one progress. The young man is an author of an inspirational book 15 Pages and a thought-provoking motivational speaker. At 21 he set himself a goal to be a millionaire at 24, a goal he reached at 23 for the business, talk about vision plus action

informed entrepreneur

When asked what drives him? “The feeling of achieving and that feeling never gets old,” says Mosotho, “keep an accomplishment report and review your accomplishments every week” he added. He believes when you feel good you make the right decisions. He’s advice to aspiring millionaires is “set small goals and hit mini destination, chase the feeling of accomplishment.” On the 3rd of December 2018 he will be launching yet another book Business is a Language co-authored with Bonolo Seakamela. The event will be held at Platto in Midrand Carlswald, from 17:30 till 21:00. Entry fee is R200 and tickets are available at Pick n Pay Stores.

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WHAT IS YOUR NEXT, WHAT IS YOUR 2019 PLAN? 2019 IS AROUND THE CONNER, ARE YOU READY FOR THE NEW YEAR. WHAT IS YOUR NEXT OR WHAT IS YOUR PLAN FOR THE YEAR. Success is very much an intended consequence of a deliberate action to achieve or reach a de� sired objective. We don’t fall Onto success, we journey into it, period…

achieving your goals even header to sustain the success. Yet you could loose all you have built in just a minutes. It is our responsibility to act and behave in a cordial manner. Well we can learn and choose to grow, work on your issues and seek help if you need. BACK TO OUR YEAR AND PLAN: Entrepreneurs are achievers by nature, and they are building form one success to the next. Dedication, drive and focused mind will remain the back bone of your success. Below let’s look at what you need to do now to be able to claim 2019 as your year. Let’s also remember we are not all going to succeed at the same time and from the same experiences.

LET’S TAKE A DETOUR: While you are working on your business consider your attitude. Entrepreneurs must understand there is a fine line between confidence and arrogance. I believe entrepreneurs must be hungry. Hungry not desperate. it is this hunger when channelled well that will secure your spot at Delight-Ville of success and see you in the circles of influence as a force of inspiration.

Some will be call it lucky while some will seem flooded by a string of rejection failures and more. Never allow your self to be discourage keep going look at each day a blank page and every action or non-action is a writing daily. What would you like your story to reflect? It’s a choice you need to make daily. Below is a I am an achiever goal driven me, as you plan and consider your year ahead these are some of the things to thinks about.

It is very important to exercise restraint particularly when you are not as confident because arrogance could look like confidence in your eyes. From where others are sitting that confidence could look be viewed as disrespectful. In your entrepreneurial journey you will appreciate how tough it is

The are three things to focus on the first being what is the vision embedded on it is your why you do what you do? The Second one is The Plan how are you planning to achieve you goal to empower you why. And lastly you need to taka action Massive action in that.

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Tsogo Sun Entrepreneurs Graduation in October 2018 entrepreneurs celebrated their 1st year, 13 graduated and 2nd year to Alumni status &Lowe Furniture & Decor from Jhb won the 2018 Achiever Award

Grrenfield Primary School in Partnership with Bokamoso Foundation organise a Cancer Awareness Campaign empowering parents and learners a touching event

Steven Reed concludes a Business training for members of local media from around Gauteng

Minister os Small Business Development Mrs Lindiwe Zulu and her team along with MC Sindy Mabe and Prof. Dr . Ambassador Tap Edgars at the National SMME Policy Colloquim 2018 at the Birchwood Hotel in Borksburg

Retailers Development Graduation at ABInBev head office in Santon Technoserv facilitators catch up and unwind informed entrepreneur

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Palesa Mafego quits her fulltime job to focus on a primary school boy child ests and aspirations as an individual in a community and at school. • port

Provide financial supto learners in need.

• Create awareness on the prevalence of drugs and the dangers of illicit substances and how to lead a drug free life. • Educate boys to understand their bodies and sexuality to curb teenage pregnancy and risk of HIV infections. • Educate learners on lifeskills to inspire a positive living and to identify traps that could lead them to living a negative life. • Empower the boy child along with their parent or guardian.

H er mother ’ s dying wish was a re q uest f or her to ta k e care o f two boys her brothers Palesa Mafego quit her fulltime job to follow her heart and to fulfil her long-time dream, inspired by her mother’s words “take care of my boys.” A mother dying plea to her daughter. Palesa or shall I say pastor Palesa “I called to empower, support and to develop a boy child” she said. Pastor Palesa was born in Lesotho and bread and buttered in Katlehong Ekurhuleni in Gauteng. She went to Sonqoba Primary School and completed her matric at Eden Park in Alberton. She is no strang Before her mother passed she

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gave her a verse that kept her going over the years, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart. Never rely on what you think you know. Re-member the LORD in every-thing you do, and he will show you the right way.” Prov 3:5-6 It was her mother’s words that kept her going when at times she felt as if she was moving against the current. At age 21 she had to drop out of an IT class at tertiary to care for her brothers. “It was though having to do part time jobs and to do part time schooling” says

Palesa. Today she holds a qualification in office administration and she is an adult education facilitator as well as a qualified coach. Palesa worked for companies like Nashua, Panasonic, Africa cables, Fuchs, Renault, CBI and Legal-Wise. In her life she has felt the wrath of life, this young woman has been down and out losing everything. Her tenacity to live and the words of her dying mother became her moral compass. She learnt earlier on in life that when you are down and out. You only have one way to go and it is up.

Tulips Male Child primary focus is on grade sevens. Her organisation Tulips prepares boys for the transition from primary school going to high school with a vision. High school is not easy and even more challenging nowadays with rise and prevalence of social ills Tulips gives support to the boys and she also prepares parents to get ready for a high school teenager.

After leaving her Job and the only source of income she had. Palesa went on to register a Non-Profit Organisation Tulips Male Child (TMC) to pursue her community development passion in empowering primary school boy child.

Most interesting, while the world only wants to reward the “A” students leaving out the so-called trouble-some one’s, and those are the ones she dedicates her life for. A handful she has committed to secure them a tertiary spot all she asks to perform academically.

OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT • To guide learners to realise the importance on decisions they make and to see opportunities to start and build a successful career. • To provide counselling to help the boys cope academically and identify professional inter

This faithful lover of the lord shared “I have seen the hand of God in my life. life is tough, but God is tougher and ever so faithful.” Palesa Mafego, what an inspiration her life is a testimony a demonstration of resilience, strength and power of a visionary woman.

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STAY ON TOP O F In business there will always be tough times ahead and how you deal with them will determine whether you will go under or live to tell the story. A lot of SMME’s especially kasi (township) businesses think they are the only ones experiencing challenges; well I invite you to watch business news daily and you will learn two things: the first one is the challenge of starting a business and the second one is keeping afloat and profitable. These challenges cut across and are experienced by all small, medium and big business. This is an uphill battle that really needs a sharp confident and dedicated mind. The FNB and GIBS Report highlights; Start-up fail nine in ten over a two year of operation. The recent VAT and continued fuel

hike increase are nothing to what is coming, Should the country fail to curb corruption and to create more jobs. This will change a lot things, especially in the way in which small business run their daily business operations, cash flow will be impacted. Remember such increases tend to have a far-reaching consequence as they have a butterfly effect. For some businesses though this may well be the very devastating blow that will sink the ship. Apart from increases and other challenges that you could think of; at the at the core of business failingis poor planning. Thousands of busi nesses never take time to really plan. They live on day-to-day’s eventualities without control of their destiny, and such behaviour fuelsthe inevitable failure therefore.



Let me ask this question, as a small business since the breaking of news on VAT and Octobers fuel increase what have you done apart from complaining about the price increase? Believe you me only a few thought of going to the drawing board to establish what these increases will mean and how they will impact on their businesses including their personal lives, to make informed decisions that are well thought rather than emotional and rushed and reactive decisions. The decision may not necessarily be about you and increasing your prices or buying less quality and a quick fix that will compromise your business in the future. If you want to survive you need to go back, begin to take stock of what’s happening and how to deal with such proactively and to employ proper

This can be a tricky thing since it is not as straight forward as you could hope. You will need a combination of things, your passion or hunger to grow and unwavering dedication, problem solving skills and your tenacity in action. Your action must be focused to the following:

planning and strategies to enable you to stay afloat as you strengthen your business to a profitable future. At this point many business strate gies and plans including yours if you have one, are long due for serious indepth review to adjust the financials projections.

•Know your business and be clear on the state of affair of your business •Research: what do you know about your business and the industry •Identify key industry players from the biggest and smallest. •Be clear who is you customer and what interest them. •Finally review your prodTough time means accessuct and service also identifies ing loans will be a challenge how you can improve on it? and high repayment plans will be the business of the day. To get to greater heights you canThis calls for you to revisit the businot do thing as they are or were ness vision and the objectives to see done you need to redefine stateif they are still relevant to the initial ments such as business as usual by goals considering these changes being on top of your business. The and other influencing factors such best thing is to know how to get as customer behaviour and buying help, building and nurturing relapatterns in such economic times. tionships. Turn your cell phone to a useful resource a management tool HOW to stay on top of and a mobile research resource. your business?

P u b l i s h e d b y : I s a a c M a v u s o i n f o @ b b u l l e t i n . c o . z a w w w. b b u l e t t i n . c o . z a / L ay o u t D e s i g n b y : J e m i t o K h o z a

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