BizBulletin Newspaper

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JUNE - JULY 2019 | ISSUE #4

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The President Cyril Ramaphosa has finally appointed his new cabinet and announced it on the 29 May 2019. The new cabinet for the sixth administration includes the new a Minister of Small Business Development Khumbudzo Ntshavheni. Khumbudzo hails from Sibasa in Limpopo, South Africa not new in the political, leadership and entrepreneurial space she is the former Managing Director at Phore Farms, was non-executive Director at Denel SOC she is a Trustee at Bokamoso Ba Rona Investment Trust, work as Chief Operations Officer at State Information Technology Agency (SITA), she led Ba - Phalaborwa as a Municipality Municipal Manager, Chief information officer at Dept of Local Government and Housing a Former Spokesperson for the Premier and a former lecturer at UNISA.

The new minister is not just talk but she can back it up as a learned woman with a d Degree, Master of Business Administration, business management The Department of Small Business Development has in a statement issued last week welcomed Minister Khumbudzo Ntshavheni and Deputy Minister Rosemary Capa. The Department of Small Business Development was established five years ago and was led by the outgoing Lindiwe Zulu. The ministry said the new Minister together with the Deputy Minister will be leading a critical ministry in the economic cluster tasked with the responsibility to empower and develop Small to Medium enterprises as well as Cooperatives. THE DEPARTMENT HAS FOUR SERVICES: 1. The Black Business Supplier Development Programme (BBSDP)

is a cost-sharing grant offered to black-owned small enterprises to assist them to improve their competitiveness and sustainability to become part of the mainstream economy and create employment 2. The Co-operative Incentive Scheme (CIS) is a 100% grant for registered primary co-operatives (a primary co-operative consists of five or more members). The objective of the CIS is to improve the viability and competitiveness of co-operative enterprises by lowering their cost of doing business through an incentive that supports Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment. 3. The Shared Economic Infrastructure Facility intends to leverage public sector investment that would provide necessary infrastructure by creating an enabling environment for businesses to crowd in investment,

mostly in townships, rural areas and the inner city where there is clear business activity taking place. 4. The National Informal Business Upliftment Strategy (NIBUS) seeks to uplift informal businesses and render support to local chambers/ business associations and Municipal Local Economic Development offices to deliver and facilitate access to upliftment programmes. The focus will mainly be on designated groups, i.e. women, youth and people with disabilities, in townships and rural areas of South Africa. The strategy advances Government priorities of speeding up growth and transforming the economy to create decent work and sustainable livelihoods through inclusive growth. The portfolio of Small Business Development is supported by two agencies The Small Enterprise Finance Agency and the Small Enterprise Development Agency (Seda)

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EDITORS NOTES Isaac Mavuso Publishing Editor

Youth month is upon us and the celebrations and commemorations will the order of the day. There is going to be lot of talk on youth empowerment and the development of youth. There will a rhetoric in some instances to combat unemployment and to ignite en trepreneurship, the woman empowerment and so forth.

FACT: There is more than ten million unemployed youth in the country and the drop of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) performance by 3.2%. This means some industries are not performing well due to lack or low consumer spending, people are careful

in spending mainly due to the high cost of living we also are aware on the recent hikes on electricity, rates and taxes, food, VAT and even the recent petrol hike. As well as the threat that if things don’t change we are headed for a RECESSION and this has implication. Another great recipe for further job loses and a dive to more poverty.

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p e o p l e

A big SALUTE to the IEC for delivering yet another successful, credible election, what a responsibility and you carried it with great pride and elegance. To the media well done for bring South Africans and the world informative election coverage without fear and favour. A bigger honour and respect go

h a v e

s p o k e n ”

to the sons and daughters, South Africans here at home and abroad who brought this democracy to life by exercising your democratic right by voting sending leaders of your choice to the legislatures and to parliament. The people have spoken, SALUTE Biz Bulletin Newspaper would like to congratulate

the African National Congress (ANC) for the overall victory on the 2019 National and Provincial Elections, the people have spoken. We also celebrate the all the political parties that have been mandated by the masses to represent them in their different constituencies to hold office provincially and nationally.

I am inviting young people in all corners to simply make a commit on a vision to growth and personal development, helping each other and to be better than where you are today this time next year. Yes, we are having challenges, I invite you to dig deep and to harness your will and to rise above the circumstances. This time next year what story do you want to tell?

TO ADVERTISE WITH US | | 081 571 1658 BizBulletin is compiled by the BizBulleting Team, Edited and Published by Isaac Mavuso. Layout and design by Jemito Khoza. plastic man book review by Dolly Phogole

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TEN ESSENTIALS THAT ATTRACT INVESTORS taken from the book: building a successful kasi business by Isaac Mavuso

Entrepreneurships is an interesting space to be in and by far it is not a one size fits all kind of environment. However, it is place that demands full awareness. Whomever is acquainted with these principles coupled with perseverance will sure succeed. While many entrepreneurs struggle and are frustrated with the lack of funding on the other hand research shows the that there are many institutions and investors ranging from government, non-profit organisation, private sector all the way to individuals and venture capitalist with abundance of recourses and capital but say, they simply don’t find proposals that interest them investors.

The following highlights what is missing from proposals, essentials every entrepreneur must understand and be clear and that you must be able to articulate with conviction and skill. 1. VISION: A substance of things hoped for and unseen. This is what to you want to achieve? It is important to be very clear what it is and what it looks like as the end-result. 2. PASSION / DESIRE: Investors are very observant and good at looking and seeing authentic passion from faked one. It is then important to show without reservation your passion for your dream and the desire to win. Are you fired UP?

3. CURIOSITY: Investors want to know and see your eagerness to know and to learn something new. Are you able to take criticism, are you open and willing to grow? 4. PRODUCT/SERVICE: Do you have a good product or Service? Is it relevant to the market you want to introduce it to? Does it solve a problem or a pain? 5. PLANNING: Investors want to see a practical plan with a series of bite size actions to be followed. They want to know what the plan is?. And what will happen if the plan falls apart? 6. PRO-ACTIVENESS: The is also one other important thing that investors would want you to demonstrate as an entrepreneur,




EFFECTIVE PEOPLE by Stephen R. Covey

informed entrepreneur

it is your perspective to the world and how you respond to challenging situations. Do you think before you act, or you act and think later? Can you think on your feet without losing site of the vision? 7. MARKET SHARE: Customers are key to your business; they determine if you are going to make it or not. This part must be clear, what is the market like who and what the customer looks like? What is the percentage in sales volumes you can have from the market? What is your potential share you will exploit, be specific? 8. RETURN ON INVERSMENT: Every business is about profit. Investors want to know, if their resources

are invested in your business they will yield returns. So, does this opportunity show signs of profitability or not. 9. EXPERIENCE: It is very important for investors to know your personal capacity to realize this goal. what skills and experience you must pursue your goal and your knowledge of the industry 10. MORAL STANDRADS: Are you a men or woman of substance? What do you value, is it people or not? Are you a man or woman driven by honesty fairness and integrity?.

An amazing self-help book, if you The Habits want to sharpen your skill on being effective and efficient individual or 1. Be Proactive as a leader. 2. Begin with the End in Mind 3. Put First Things First The author is setting a premise that 4. Think Win-Win we want success the argument that 5. Seek First to Understand, we are people with fixed principles Then to Be Understood that will help us be successful or 6. Synergize prevent us for achieving. We see 7. Sharpen the Saw the world based on a perspective that gives us the view. Overall the book looks a successful The lesson to take from the book is people think and approach life in a that if you are not achieving things certain way that enables you to beyou must change the yourself come effective. The book is a must and to change ourselves we must read it is practical and engaging. You change the way we view the world don’t have to read it from cover to and ourselves our perspective. cover you can choose a habit and focus on it.

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A township brand with flavours’ fit for your taste buds. Starting a business is not a one size fit’s all kind of inspiration, it is a dynamic and can be abstract process. Just like that there are many reasons why people start their business; some of the reasons include things like poverty, independence, the joy of being and entrepreneur and more. The good thing about these inspired moves to start a business whether by accident, plan or struggles it is a welcomed move by government since it deals with the unemployment in a way. In a country embattled with 27% of unemployment any move to start a business is win. This is the case with Tebogo Melithafa co-founder of the Diva Diba Enterprises the manufactures of Diva Sauces as a principal product for the enterprise. Diva Sauces “Ibaba Kamnand” is a township brand that was inspired by the love of chillie taste by Tebogo’s husband, losing a job and the love of cooking and exploring with ingredients and WHAALA, Diva Sauce was born: as they say the rest is history.

When asked about the vision of the business Tebogo said “they would like to be the world class manufacture and suppliers of choice of Diva Sauces in the world.” “If you are a fan of nice taste and you want to explore a taste a township brand sauces fit for your taste buds Divalicious Diva Sauces are a must.” Said Mr Melithafa. Today Diva Sauce produces five different flavours and are ranging from mild to extra hot, namely the 1. LaDiva Epholile – Mild, 2. LaDiva Peri Peri – 3. Hot Habanero Habashwe, 4. Extra Hot BBQ - Nama Monate, 5. Pele Pele - Sweet chillie sauce.

R481.6 MILLION for small businesses

Tito Mboweni Finance Minister gave SEDA over 481 million rand for SMEs Finance Minister, Tito Mboweni, delivered his first Budget Speech in Parliament – Cape Town on the 20th February 2019. The minister announced that government has allocated R481.6 million to the Small Enterprise Development Agency. The fund is allocated to empower and expand small business incubation programme in South Africa. The Small Business Development Agency has been mandated to empower small business and to come up with a clear frame work on how the fund will be used and managed to ensure it impacts the length and breath of South African entrepreneurs who are deserving of the opportunity hopefully a plan to put a dent in the unemployment challenge we are in as a country.

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ELECTIONS HAVE PASSED READY OR NOT, HERE WE ARE. The 2019 National and provincial election have come and gone, and the results are out. Ready or not, here we are. Irrespective of how you feel we must move on and move forward.

Government has in numerous occasions expressed the importance of helping and developing SME’s and a somewhat focus on the township enterprises and the township economy. The National Development Plan (NDP) carries a 2030 vision which aims to combat and to reduce and to eliminate as well as inequality in South Africa in 2030. The NDP identifies the challenges and limitations on growing and improving socio-economic issues and the plan serves as a guide to create a more inclusive economy that will address the country’s socio-economic inequalities namely the triple challenge. Now that the elections have passed it is to work and begin the building process for the development and growth of our communities, the only way were going to combat the triple challenge in south Africa

informed entrepreneur

it is through Entrepreneurship. Radical Economic Transformation has been a reality but for a few, and the most part in it was fuelled by incomparable corruption, that has left our state-owned enterprises hanging paralysed and on life support.

Talking points in our communities today are about the longing of a well-run state. We have seen from the political focused groups that people say they want an environment that will support their aspiration and to have meaningful contribution. People want to work; people want to start business and to earn a decent living in a fair and a moral competitive environment.

What now? This is the responsibility of everyone in the country young and old, we must be harnessing our will sharpen our minds to pursue our African Dream of being financially independent to leave a life where we can all afford and to gain access basics such as good education, food, electricity and more, as well as contribute meaningfully to the countries economic development. Entrepreneurship is the only way we can achieve such.

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BizBulletin is compiled by the BizBulleting Team, Edited and Published by Isaac Mavuso. Layout and design by Jemito Khoza.

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We are like looking for a smart, clean and someone who know what he wants forgetting that we don’t really know what we want or who we are. I so wish that all those experiencing some form of abused who are neglecting themselves but good at looking after and taking good care of their partners can read this book. It will awaken you and reads like a chick flick “lady”.

The Plastic Man, this is an interesting book it is not an easy book to read especially the introduction it demands time patience and real focus or as reader you can be thrown off, a bit confused and discouraged to reading further.

Nomasonto explores a social stereotype that assume you can never have it all, be beautiful and be cleaver at the sometime. The Belief beautiful people are uneducated or ugly people are not educated.

But through changes that she had to make found the beauty of LIFE that she almost completely forgot about. Nomasonto Portia Zwane is a Self-consciousness teacher, a speaker and a relationship coach, who empowers people to better their relations with themselves and others. She helps individuals and groups identify invisible blind spots they carry within themselves that prevent them from experiencing the love they long for.

statements your children hear the most from you are you building The Self-Published author is successself-esteem of destroying it is sub- ful businesswoman, a family builder tle. married to a “lovely husband” her words, blessed with three hand“The book is about the imaginary some boys. She is a firm believer person that serves as a distraction that for impactful change to happen This is a lie we believe as woman. in one’s life preventing one to see in the world, it must start you. Her the beauty of life.” Said In the book motto in life is: “be the change you Going through the book reading it page by page it began to engage me I start- These are things that attack our the author explores limiting beliefs want to see because everything in confidence and our self-esteem, ed enjoying it. Reading the book, some parts hit home, and it felt like was like I and how they impact her and others your life starts and ends with you” parent this speak to the words and was looking at myself in a mirror. Especially when the author was talking about around her. you worrying about the next person when we choose a life partner.

IDEAS EXPO SKINNY SBU A vision to impact 5000 township entrepreneurs

ENTREPRENEUR SIBUSISO NGWENYA WELL KNOWN AS SKINNY SBU AND FOUNDER OF SKINNY SOCKS. Entrepreneur Skinny Sbu founder of Skinny Socks will host an “Ideas Expo the biggest of its kind ekasi on Friday, 28 & Saturday 29 June 2019 in Tsakane, Esihlahleni, between 09h00 – 17h00. This is largest platform in the East in Ekurhuleni that brings together experienced businesses in divers industries pioneers and thought leaders in their own right to engage with the township entrepreneurs.

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The Expo will bring a master classes delivered by SA’s best and hustlers who understand the challenges of a township entrepreneur. The classes are aimed at empowering the delegates on how to move from the idea phase to running a successful business. They will deliver a ten-part series with ten influential South Africans entrepreneurs we know, love and respect. The speaker will be tackling “Things I Wish I Knew At 20.” Tickets are available at www.

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UNEMPLOYMENT i n f o @ b b u l l e t i n . c o . z a w w w. b b u l e t t i n . c o . z a

e c o n o m i c Unemployment in the country is spiralling out of control every day, fifteen years ago the number of unemployed people was due to the lack of education for the majority, and now the number of unemployed graduates is on the rise, still no JOBS. Lack of unemployment means no income and that means can’t afford that means limited choices and no participation in the country’s economy and growth.

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put experience aside, but a new challenge arise, the economy of the country is not growing, it is shrinking and this contraction continues to squeeze people out of JOBS and economic participation.

All of this, the increasing number of unemployment, the shrinking economy as well as the international impact such as fuel hikes and annual increase make life and living a more expensive. Remember with busiThis is a clear case of economic op- ness any increments that comes to pression. The growing numbers of them will always be passed down to unemployment does not mean pric- the consumer. es are reduced for the unemployed even for essentials such a fuel, food, The real solution to the challenge electricity, transport and technolo- is empowering and enabling towngy. It will be harder and harder to ship entrepreneurs to really take a live under these conditions. lead and build a sustainable income stream from staring and building Education was an issue and a chal- businesses and to encourage those lenge seemingly a course for unem- who somewhat fail to fail fast and to ployment, this was the reason and fail forward. If we want to succeed the term used was people were un- in improving our socio-economic employable, now I believe they are and to deal with poverty and unememployable, ployment.





EDWARD MOTHIBI WINNER OF THE 94TH COMRADES MARATHON Edward Mothibi bags is first win taking the lead on the 94 comrades marathon. It is a race that test one’s strength, patience will and durability. This is second run-up for Edward, in 2018 he finished fourth. This will he humbles three-time champion Bongmusa Mthembu who finished second in this race. The Minister of Sport Nathi Mthethwa did not waste time to congratulate the winners Edward Mothibi as well as Gerda Steyn, she won the winners in the woman category, the minister congratulated both for winning the 2019 Comrades Marathon in a issued by government. Social media was a buzz with congratulations for both the winners. While runners and athletes are not realy seen entrepreneurs they are enterprises, we see a runner, but we don’t see the rest of the team and sponsors behind them. After his win Mothibi said I’m very happy about the win, I never thought I was going to win I just gave it my all”. The winner also shared “I am excited. All I have to say is, thank you to the people who have supported me through thick and thin.” CONGRADULATION, BizBulletin SALUTE You.

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A R T S The South African MminoWa-Clap N Tap Music Arts Council had its inaugural Annual General Meeting (AGM) on the 18 of May 2019 at the Alberton Civic Centre in the old Council Chambers with the award-winning Mr Mojalega Thebe as the guest speaker. The Council was established in 2018 founded by Moses Gama, Tebogo Mashego and Mr Steven…. The AGM aimed to report the vision and the work done so far as well as carving the way forwards by electing the new executive for the Gauteng chapter which will serve as a benchmark for the rest of the province. The committee will also be tasked to establish the national structure for the Clap N Tappers. “This organisation is a culmination of many conversations and plans to register such a council to and to formalise Mmino-Wa-Clap and Tap by forming a structure that will be recognised by the music industry and to building the Clap and Tap to become a platform for showing tal ent and to empower members to



explore and create economic spins for their groups and members.” “In his talk Mr Mojalefa Thebe said that the clap n tap music has influence a lot of people including him but has realised that the music and the people making the music have not evolved and that is the challenge, if you want to be recognised you must be creative and partner with other in the industry” said Mr. Thebe. There was another guest who was focusing on branding, Mr Jemito Khoza a Brand Consultant and Graphic Designer said the groups must find way to be relevant even in their marketing and in promoting their events. He also added thinking people don’t have money is not true and made an example that the very community that you think can’t afford is the same that can afford a Casper Nyovest ticket, people are attracted by the brand and its consistency. After a long informative day, the members elected the first Gauteng Executive to lead the organisation. Co-founder Mr. Gama “Congratulations are in order and our warm welcome goes to the newly elected

leaders National Clap N Tap Arts Council Gauteng Executive Committee: The following are the Newly appointed: Chairperson Mr Patrick Monareng, Deputy Chairperson Mr Tebogo Chauke, Secretary Ms Sarah Modiba , Deputy Secretary Mr Deco Kgoedi Treasure Mr Karabo Masilela. The newly appointed chairperson wasted

no time and share with the members “the mandate is clear to unite and create a Clap N Tap industry where we can express our talents and live from and live well” said Mr Patric Monareng.

members and the council with economic activities. This is lead, by Mr Thabo Banda as the president and supporting team includes Mr Mojalefa Thebe, Ms Lerato Thubela, Mr Mokaptene Funani, Mr Tshogefatso Molefe , Mr Jemito Khoza and, Mr The council also initiated the Busi- Lesiba Mothoa, Mr Mathews Tshidness Chamber to help and focus on zumba. Let the music and economic empowering freedom live on.



PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Southern Africa recently announced the first black CEO appointment, Shirley Machaba to oversee Southern Africa business, she is taking over from Dion Shango who has been elected as a new Africa CEO PricewaterhouseCoopers is a multinational professional services network with headquarters in London, United Kingdom. PwC ranks as the second largest professional services firm in the world and is one of the Big Four auditors, along with Deloitte, EY and KPMG. – online WE CELEBRATE THE RISE AND THE STRENGTH OF IMBOKODO, BLACK EXCELLENCE.

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