t abl e of cont ent s
Ta bl e of Con t en t s By : K ha l id T. . . . Cover . . . .by. Valeria . . . . O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illustrations . . . . . . .by. Winfield . . . . . C.. . . . News: In-Depth: 3
Our Staff
Where We Learn
4 What happened to Pre-K?
The Lack of Use in OUR School Library
Indulge in Budget-Baked Bread At Zaafran Bakary
The New Yearbook Club
Opinions: 6 Word in the Halls: New Perspectives 7 Who White-Outed The Wall? 8 To Eat or to Pray? No Work, No Teachers, Let's Cheer From The Bleacher
Minecraft In, Fortnite Out? 19 SKSKSKSK AND I OOP-
Entertainment: 18 School Related Memes of the Month 20 Riddles and Puzzles
Teacher Look-Alike 9 From Hole in the Wall to IKEA Design Showcase: The New Watering Hole
Sports: 10 It's Sports Season 11 Getting to Know our New P.E Teachers
Editorial Policy: "Covered" strives to present the news in a fair and unbiased manner. Any column, editorial, or letter to the editor expresses the opinion of the author and not necessarily the entire staff. The staff editorial does not necessarily reflect the view of the entire staff. "Covered" is a public forum written and produced by the students of ISG Jubail School, and they are solely responsible for its content. Students, staff, faculty, and members of the community are welcome to submit letters to the editor of 300 words or less. Letters may be edited due to space limitation, obscenities, or libel concerns. Covered will verify the authenticity of any letters sent on behalf of school organizations or groups. All letters must be signed and either placed in adviser Jon Netzler's school mailbox or emailed to netzl.j.05@isg.edu.sa.
sept ember - oct ober , 2019
Our St af f
Photo Credit to Valeria O. And M. Ammar H.
By Valeria O.
Mr. Netzler
Valeria O.
"One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful."
"I'm not clumsy . It's just that the floor hates me, the tables and chair are bullies, & the wall gets in the way."
- Sigmund Freud
- Anonymous
John A.
Nivedha N.
"Joergen was like a father to me... I loved him like a son..."
"I made a huge to-do list today. I just can't figure out who's going to do it."
- PewDiePie 2019
- Anonymous
M. Ammar H.
Jacques M.
"Sorry losers and haters, but my I.Q. is one of the highest -and you all know it!"
"To be or not to be " - William Shakespeare
- Anonymous
Claudia K.
Aisyah H.
"There are two rules for success: 1. Never reveal anything you know."
"My shyness has ruined so many good opportunities."
- Anonymous
- Anon
Pedro S.
Sebastian P.
"My dad works for Epic Games so you better watch it.?
"Always remember that you're unique. Just like everyone else"
-9 year old
- Anonymous
Khalid T.
Jackson B.
"If you fall behind, run faster. Never give up, never surrender, and rise up against the odds"
?Don?t be pushed by your problems. Be led by your dreams.? ? Ralph Waldo Emerson
- Anonymous Winfield C.
Arron B.
"I have a dream"
"I used to think I was indecisive, but now I'm not too sure."
- Martin Luther King
- Anonymous
new s
What Happened to Pre- K?
Pic t
John Almudin and Nivedha Natar aj
"However, despite having a reduced income we still needed to fund the After the shocking discovery of the missing staffing and resources to make it run, Pre-K class, we wanted to get to the bottom of making it not viable as it was. We did it. discuss the idea of increasing the fees, but we recognized that we were unlikely Mr. Shan Ahmed, head of the Elementary to have families willing to pay this Department, said the main cause of removing increased amount to make it financially the class was the fees. viable, due to the current trend in ?The fees paid for this class were significantly enrollment in the KG1 and KG2 classes.? lower than the other grade-level classes. Even though it was a half-day program, it was not half of the cost of the other grade-level classes in the ES. " Pic t
Ye a
Mrs. Abigel Tomsits, the ex-Pre-K teacher, mentioned that while she didn?t mind teaching another class, she felt as though she had a lot more to learn by teaching Pre-K. ?Since I came to the school I was teaching Pre-K for 3 years? when I heard that there is no Preschool anymore, I was kind of felt sad? I felt that the learning wasn?t finished yet for me? at the same time I was curious to how it was to teach other grades.?
The Lack Of Use In
Ye a
?Since I came to the school I was teaching Pre-K for 3 years? when I heard that there is no Preschool anymore, I was kind of felt sad? I felt that the learning wasn?t finished yet for me? at the same time I was curious to how it was to teach other grades.? Mrs. Caitlin Wingers, whose son was to attend Pre-K this year said that she had full belief in the teachers of the Creche. ?The ladies over at the Creche, who take care of our children, are amazing. They arrange their day the same way it would be in Pre-K.?
OURSchool Library
M . Ammar Haikal and Jacques M ar ais Ever since the food ban in the library was imposed in 2017-2018, student numbers declined significantly. A rough estimate (by Ms. Weir) shows that less than 50%of students check out a book every week. In this article we interview Ms. Phelia Weir on this issue. -
Jacques, Ammar: How does the ?Bring your own laptop?policy af f ect the number of visits to the library?
Ms. Weir: ?You guys have your laptops for research?, ?...less than 50%of MS/HSschool students come to check out a book each week.? -
J, A: What purpose do the non-f iction books serve in the library?
W: ?You guys have your laptops for research. Students use non-fiction books as a source for class projects because teachers might require one source that is not off the internet? -
J, M: Which students visit the library more f requently? W: ?It is more used for academics by the IB students.?
These shelves contain aging non-fiction books and at the back are library computers lined on top of black tables. -
J, A: Why is there a f ood ban in the library, and what can students do to lif t it?
W: ?If students are responsible for cleaning up after themselves, the rule would be removed but there were mass amounts of trash left behind when students were eating.?
J, A: What type of improvements would you make to the library? W: ?I would like to see more students to come to the school library ? promotion of new books. I would like students to use the library staff more ? I?m free for suggestions towards the library?
sept ember - oct ober , 2019
1 2 3
New t it l es in t he l ibr ar y
DETAILS Yearbookisan after-schoolclubopentoall MS/HSstudents.For thepast four years,the yearbookclubhasmet almosteverySunday afterschoolfrom3:10-4:30.Theyearbook clubgetstoknoweachother,setsteamgoals, enjoysfoodtogether,andlearnsabout yearbookjournalismtogether.Mainlearning topicsinclude:photography,interviewing, writing,pagedesign,andavarietyof tech.
HARDWARE Yearbooksfor thepreviousthreeschoolyears areavailableasPDFson isgjtoday.com Limitednumbersof printedcopiesof yearbooksfor thepreviousthreeschoolyears arestill availablefor purchasein room503 fromMr.Netzler.
PEOPLE Duetonewteachingandleadership responsibilities thisyear,Mr.Netzlerwill no longerbeabletoadvisetheyearbookclub. A newyearbookadviserhasnot yet been selected.Studentsareeagertomakethe yearbookprojecthappen!An updatewill be printedin next month'smagazine. ? FULL LIST ? http://bit.ly/2oCvq5J
CreativeSchools: TheGrassroots Revolution That'sTransforming Education A Dogin theCave: TheWolves Cress WhoMadeUsHuman Dragonball: 4, 5, 6 A ThousandSisters: TheHeroic Edgeof Chaos: Why Democracy Is Airwomen FailingtoDeliver Economic Growth-- andHowtoFix It All theLight WeCannot See El Capitรกn Alatriste An Affair of Poisons Astrophysicsfor Peopleina Hurry El coronel notienequien leescriba Ghost Story Becoming GuinnessWorldRecords, 2019 Buriedin theBitter Waters HomoDeus: A Brief History of Closingof theAmericanMind: HowHigher Education HasFailed Tomorrow Democracy andImpoverishedthe HowSheDied, HowI Lived Soulsof Today'sStudents Human RightsinFocus: Human Trafficking
AishahN., grade11 "I dothinkthat it should beaclass,but alsoan after-schoolclubfor the IBstudentsthat want to doyearbookfor CAS... I wouldliketolead yearbookif it'spossible."
InventingVictoria Kingdomof Ash My Brilliant Friend: Childhood, Adolescent Onceandfor All OneThousandWhiteWomen: TheJournals Our Magnificent BastardTongue: TheUntoldHistory of English Outliers Predictably Irrational: The Hidden ForcesThat ShapeOur Decisions Prisonersof Geography: Ten MapsThat Tell YouEverything YouNeedtoKnowAbout Global Politics
MenaH., grade11 "I thinkwereallyneed one... A schoolisn't a schoolwithouta yearbook.It showshow theschoolprogressed throughtheyears,all the eventsthat happened."
Quiet Power: TheSecret Strengths of IntrovertedKids Resist! HowtoBean Activist in theAgeof Defiance Salt: A WorldHistory Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind ScienceMatters: Achieving ScientificLiteracy Stephen Hawking: A Biography Story of a NewName StrangetheDreamer TheAmazingStory of Quantum Mechanics TheBottomBillion: Why the Poorest CountriesareFailing ...
W hat's something simple that represents you or your friends?
How has your first month at ISG Jubail been?
Edwin Santhosh
Yasmeen Saleh "Well it is going great, I have made really good friends and I really enjoy coming to school every morning."
Muhammad Tariq
Winf ield Callender "The first month of school was stressful for me because it was hard to get to know new people."
Sebastian Pena "My first month here has been good. I have made new friends here in just one month. There are a lot more things in this school compared to my old school."
Word In The Halls
Abdul Raf ay Tahir
New Perspect ives By: Valeria Olivera Art credit to Luis Enrique Sanchez Baute
Vicktoria Szucs
Jacques Marais
"My first month here has gone well. School days are longer here then they were at my old school. And I have made a lot of new friends."
Adriana Pena "My first month here in ISG has been a hard experience but thanks the ISG people i could manage to adapt very quickly, the beginning was difficult because not only the language but the entire system was new for me, but the students and the teachers have been very helpful and nice to me."
Alanais Farinas Alinas
sept ember - oct ober , 2019
w ho w hit e-out ed t he w a l l ? By: M. Ammar H., Nivedha N. and Jacques M.
Art by Will C.
Art by M. AmmarH.
Because no one took a picture of the painted wall, all that remains is a poorly rendered, hand drawn, reenactment of what took place on the day the MCC staff painted over the wall . Photo by M. Ammar Haikal and illustrations by M. Ammar Haikal and Winfield Callender
Now I am usually not the one to notice the small details in life, for example little, hidden easter eggs in movies, but when I stared at the remnant of what once was a beautifully illustrated vocabulary wall and a semi-decent painting of the Timms (former long time teachers at ISG Jubail), I noticed something odd. Instead of a wall bursting with color, I was met with a blank ?canvas? with a small picture frame hanging somewhere near where the vocabulary wall and an illustration of the Timms previously were. What happened?Who white-outed the school wall?
Mr Andre Nunes, a part of the school staff, finally answered. This shed light on our white-out victim. Q: Why was the wall painted over? A: Over the past three years, the pictures over the wall were cracking and fading out. The wall was painted as part of summer projects to give ISG Jubail a clean and neat look. Q: Who was it done by? A: The MCCteam. Q: Who directed them to do so? A: The Business Services Coordinator.
I did some investigating. I roamed around the dark depths of the school corridor and gmail searching for answers. For days I emailed various teachers asking them various questions, like a private investigator straight out of a black and white 1950's movie, dawning an oversize trench coat, tie, hat and giant cigar (don't worry I didn't do that). Patiently waiting for an answer, I waited. Days and days passed by with no reply. I became desperate and sent more emails . Then procrastination had struck and I suddenly became reluctant to finish this article. Until a reply finally surfaced... "NO WAY!" I exclaimed. Just in the nick of time too. One measly day before the second, and FINAL draft was due.
Q: When was it painted over and over a period of how many days? A: It was painted during the Summer Break so the smell could dissipate before the staff return from vacation. It took one day to paint the whole wall. So what did I learn? I know you might be thinking, but half of that was a recollection of your experiences while writing this article. My response is that you are absolutely correct. But as the saying goes, "It's about the journey, not the end result." Was that even the correct quote?No?Okay.
Teacher Look- Alike
No Wor k, No Teacher s, Let ?s Cheer f r om t he Bl eacher s! JAGUAR JUMP OFF!! By: Clau dia K.
By: W inf ield Callender & Valeria Olivera What is it?- A day of student-created fun activities. Kiran Bedi I had a clear vision: if I take up an assignment, I'll do full justice to it; otherwise I'll walk away. Roger Federer Having twin girls is a life changer that's for sure. But I like getting up and changing diapers. It's the things you do.
When is it?- October 20th, 2019. How It Will Work? - Follow the schedule to the activity you were placed in.
A Student Council Member?s Point of View For more information, we went to one of the senior student council members, Safi Mian. He told us that he thinks that the Jaguar Jump-Off is a ?great idea to get students involved in taking responsibility and leadership for their own teams.?A lot of the background of the Jaguar Jump-Off has been hidden behind the amazing high school student council members and their leaders. The student council members and leaders set an intention for what the Jaguar Jump-Off is meant to teach the students. Safi said that he ?...wants the students to learn is that if they do something that is out of their comfort zone, they may discover that it is actually enjoyable, fun, and meaningful.?
ToEat or ToPray? By: Aisyah H.
"If the lunch hour extended, I would be happy because I don?t have to worry about replacing the two prayers at home and have a struggle to pray and eat." - A.H
Mr. Winger's Opinion A: If you were able to, would you consider extending the lunch period for the students who want to pray? Mr. Wingers: At this point, I would not extend the lunch period because of the impact this may have throughout MSHSand school-wide. With an extended lunch time, an earlier start or a late finish may be necessary, which impacts ASAs, sports, transport, and a whole host of other items, including teaching schedules and alignment between the ESand MSHS.
A: Why do you think they made the lunch time not compatible with the prayer time, considering we are in a Muslim country? Mr. Wingers: I feel that we do the best we can to accommodate a rich educational experience and a very diverse student body, while maintaining respect for our host country culture. With prayer times shifting across the year, it is difficult to find a one-size-fits-all solution, however, we are open to more feedback and suggestions that students, staff, and parents may have.
A Muslim student is deciding whether to eat or pray first. Art Credit: Winfield C.
Would you prefer a longer lunch hour?
91 students said yes, whereas 7 said no.
Fun Fact: There are about 230 Muslims school-wide!
sept ember - oct ober , 2019
From Hole in the Wall to IKEA Design Showcase: The New Watering Hole By: John A. & Claudia K. The watering hole was once a barren and dusty entryway that contained only parallel bars and mats. It was then transformed into a seating area. Its walls yellow, its seating uncomfortable, and its decor lifeless. The watering hole has since then transformed. It has blossomed into a beautiful room where students are able to talk to one another comfortably and relax, all while being at school. Walking through the hallway, if you shoot a glance over at the watering hole during lunch, you will see the smiles of the students who are enjoying its relaxing feeling. PTO Piece We are thankful that the PTO was able to make the transformation of the watering hole possible. They started the planning of the redesign of the watering hole in March of 2019. They purchased some of the furniture and decor before school ended but the actual change of the watering hole began two days after school ended.For more information on the redesign we interviewed Tawnia Amleh, the leader of the redesign for the watering hole. When asked why they re-did the watering hole she said ?The PTO decided to spruce up the watering hole for the MS/HSstudents and teachers.They wanted a place everyone could use and relax in. Whether it was studying, eating lunch, class with the teacher, or creating, our goal was a relaxing, peaceful place.? The PTO would meet after school many times throughout the school year in order to plan different events. A few of those meetings were dedicated to the watering hole and its budget. The PTO voted to approve the agreed budget for the redesign, once that was set Mrs. Tawnia started planning and shopping. Although the PTO planned the redesign, they had helping hands. During the three days it took to paint the walls, hang the photos and clocks and move all of the furniture Mrs. Tawnia gives credit to the MCCstaff, Mr. Andre, and Mr. Matthew, she says, ?They were the most dedicated staff in making my vision come to life. I applaud them!!!?
St uden t Opin ion s Sami Yakan: ?I?m really enjoying it, it?s much better than the old one? but I did like the last one [too] because it made the [new] watering hole what it was? The yellow and black was fine, but it was too bright? it was nice at first but over time it became a bit worse... I like the blue and everything? " Sami has been at the school since 2006. When asked about what he remembered of the changes to the ?Watering Hole?he said," [the] first time it changed was a couple years ago when they made it into room. I think that this is the next time it changed? this [ the new watering hole] is like the new revamp over the last revamp...?.
Nikita Fisher: ?I think that the watering hole is more cozier than [how] it was, whenever I?m in there, it?s a calm environment... it?s more accessible for more people being there other wise it would just be 4 chairs around one table and a couch... " During an interview with her, she mentioned that she got an early sneak peek of the plans for the new watering hole. The PTO has requested her to do a piece of artwork to add on the decor of the Watering Hole, so she came over during last summer and made the World Map paintings. She said that If the PTO were recognized for their hard work for the Watering Hole, it would be nice if her name was credited because her work is still a part of the watering hole.
Message f rom the PTO We, the PTO, hope everyone is enjoying the watering hole. It gave us great joy to make it a relaxing student/teacher space f or all of you. Personally, I?m sad I?m not there this year to enjoy it as well.
In-Dept h
W her e W e By Pedro Si bl esz, Sebasti an Pena and M r Netzl er
T he Cool est y et Hot t est Pl a ce at School 10
sept ember - oct ober , 2019
e L ea r n
Our brains remember where we learn as much as (or even more than) what we learn or f rom whom or with whom we learn. Where we learn is where our f uture nighttime dreams (or nightmares) about school will be set. We learn not only in ISG Jubail?s classrooms, but also in the hallways, bathrooms, of f ices, playgrounds, gym, cage, pitch, mini-pitch, shared spaces, multi-purpose rooms and library, music, drama and f ine arts rooms. These spaces af f ect us deeply, whether we realize it or not. The ISG soccer pitch is one of the most attractive places to be. It is not only for playing soccer, but also for hanging out in the surroundings, relaxing, having lunch, or talking with friends. But perhaps one of the most attractive elements of this field, its wide open space, is one of its limitations. According to the World Meteorological Organization, the Mean Daily Maximum Temperature for August is 44.7 Celsius degrees for the Saudi Arabian Eastern Province, and 41.7 for the month of September. the people use the soccer field during winter because it's too hot during summer, which is the main reason that students prefer other places around the school, and one of the main down-sides for the area.
In-Dept h
W hen go t o t 10
in doubt , he l ibr a r y .
? Ron Weasley in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling sept ember - oct ober , 2019
UNESCO School Library Manifesto 1999 states, ?The school library equips students with life-long learning skills.?For all students, the school library meets important human needs. From leisure reading to deep investigation for research, the ISG Jubail library has it all. According to ISG Jubail's website, there are more than 20,000 library items, including books, DVDs, and professional development titles. Adriana P., grade 7, says, ?I like to go to the library because I feel free. I like to sit down for a while and read in this quiet place.?It?s a common feeling among the students. However, Ms. Phelia Weir, from Jubail ISG School, thinks that a school library had not over. Libraries in the future "will incorporatemoretechnology, makerspace, andfreechoicesof how tousethelibrary." So, it's fair to say that we can count on the school libraries for a very long time.
spor t s
I t 's Spor t s Sea son ! By : K ha l id T. Are you interested in participating in any sports this year? Here's a list of when each sport starts & ends and when each SAIKAC will take place. Mark it on your calendar and get ready to represent our school, ISG Jubail. Bring along some friends and most importantly: HAVE FUN! Vol l eybal l : -
U14 Volleyball: September 22 - November 10 > SAIKAC: November 14-15 U16 Volleyball: September 8 - October 20 > SAIKAC: October 10-11 U19 Volleyball: September 8 - October 20 > SAIKAC: October 17-18
?I feel hypedabout thisupcomingseason, andI think that our teamhasgreat potential. WithMrs.Holly'scoachingandpractices, I believeour teamcan get far.?- Omar Tanbedawy, 11thGrade
Tabl e Tennis: -
U16 Table Tennis: September 8 - October 20 > SAIKAC: December 14 U19 Table Tennis: September 8 - October 20 > SAIKAC: December 14
Foot bal l : -
U14 Football: November 10 - February 23 > SAIKAC: February 27-28 U16 Football: September 22 - December 15 > SAIKAC: November 28-29 U19 Football: September 22 - December 15 > SAIKAC: December 5-6
?I feel very excitedfor theupcomingseason andvery thankful tohavemoretimetopracticethis year. I I think we'll dobetter thisyear asall of ushaveimprovedsincelast year.?- Arsalaan Siddiqui, 11thGrade
Cr icket : -
U14 (Boys) Cricket: April 19 - May 31 > SAIKAC: June 4-5 U19 (Boys) Cricket: December 1 - February 2 > SAIKAC: January 23-24
Basket bal l : -
U14 Basketball: January 19 - April 12 > SAIKAC: April 16-17 U16 Basketball: December 1 - March 8 > SAIKAC: March 5-6 U19 Basketball: December 1 - March 8 > SAIKAC: March 12-13
?I amexcitedfor thisyear'sbasketball season, andI think theteamisgoingtobedecent. Withsomegoodpracticeandteambuilding, I think our teamcan dogreat.?- HarisHassan, 10thGrade
Badmint on: -
U16 Badminton: January 19 - April 12 > SAIKAC: March 2-3 U19 Badminton: January 19 - April 19 > SAIKAC: April 22-23
sept ember - oct ober , 2019
G e t t i n g t o K n o w O u r Ne w P . E. T e a c h e r s John A. and Nivedha N.
Ms. Holly is from England, U.K
Mr. Kern is from Wales, U.K Both Mr. Kern and Ms. Holly taught in ISM (International School of Manila) for 8 years. They taught for 11 years in total
Prefers individual sports like swimming, boxing, martial arts, and cycling.
Mr. Kern Cruddas
Loves competitive and team sports like swimming and netball. Ms. Holly Cruddas
When asked questions regarding their teaching styles and what they?re looking forward to this year, here?s what they had to say. Their responses have been edited lightly for space and clarity. John and Nivedha: Did you have an Idea of how to teach your classes? Ms. Holly: We did a temperature check [scale survey]. We kept all those post-it notes that every student gave a temperature check of how they felt about PE, so that was a really good way to guide us, and that was a really good way in terms of how were going to set up [the classes]. J and N: What are you looking f orward to the most this year? Mr. Kern: Getting to know the students better find out what works best for us and the students fine tune the program really making it an enjoyable experience for everyone. J and N: How do you f eel being the new Athletic Director without having any support f rom the previous Athletic Director? Ms. Holly: I did have support from Mr. Penner . He left me a document with a lot of information. Since Ms. Holly is our school's new Athletic Director, she explains how sports events were held back in ISM, and the plan for getting a better idea of how SAIKAC works in our school. Ms. Holly: The conferences I was in before, I assist with 6 schools, and you played three set seasons, and you play the sports in those seasons, and then you'd compete at the end of those seasons, so SAIKAC being competitions staggered throughout the year, hopefully the SAIKAC map I've made that will help [with] organization. I'm going to the SAIKAC meeting on Thursday [Sept. 12], so then I'll get to know more, so the only challenge for me right now is trying to get my head around exactly how it works, but hopefully this week I should be more in tune and ready to go. J and N: If students wanted more work-out-oriented classes, would you have changed how classes would go? "What's important to us is to incorporate all aspects of P.E ... so when you see the overview, there is a part about personal fitness [personal reflections], and we'll be looking into that as well and we will give a lot of opportunity for feedback from students."
r est aur ant r eview
I n dul ge I n Budget -Ba k ed Br ea d A t and M. Ammar Haikal Za a f a r a n Ba k a r y NivedhaNataraj Food Reviewers Zaaf aran Pastries as it's known in Goolgle Maps (directions from ISG below) sells an assortment of quality, savory bread products at an affordable price. This location is not known by many people, but what sets this place aside from other bakeries is the price. The bakery offers individual, stone-oven baked bread at a price range from 2 riyals to 7 riyals. Bread sets (which gives a mixed portion of all the different breads) can range from 42 riyals to 67 riyals with small, medium and large sizes.
A Picture of the cheese-olive bread. Pictured above is the bread we received.
Service: Now, before you search up the restaurant online, and call their number, BE WARNED, because if you have a party planned and want some quality bread delivered to your house, (spoiler) you can?t! When the team working on this article rang the bakery?s phone number attached to their Google Maps profile, they said that they did not provide delivery to homes. It?s also Journalism students grabbing a piece of the recommended that when you go to this assorted bread. establishment, be ready for the fact that they do not speak English very fluently. Be ready Ser vice for a lot of back and forth conversation if you Pr ice want to specify something with them.
A Picture of The Zaafaran Bakary logo.
t ast e Operating Times: Zaafaran Pastries also has very inconvenient opening and closing times. A Journalism student eating bread. They operate with two separate timings. The Pr esent at ion Quotes: first part of their shift starts at 5 a.m. and Final Opinion "It smelt great in the car." closes at 11 a.m.. The latter timing starts operations at 4 p.m. until 11:30 p.m. If you?re ?This looks delicious? looking to go there in the afternoon, don?t go, Images by Pedro Siblesz and Valeria Olivera. ?The cheese is a little overpowering? because you?ll be met with a big, fat closed Rating infographic by M. Ammar Haikal ?Delicious? sign and a locked door. ?It?s pretty good? How Was The Food?The food we were Screenshot of Google Maps by Google ?I like the meat one and cheese rating was based on reheated goods (by one? microwave) that was brought in by one of ?I?m not big on the falafel and the our staff. At that point the food was one garlic cheese one is pretty good? day old.With this in mind we felt like over ?It tastes good? all the food was amazing! The soft and ?It smelled really good? crunchy crust was sweet and they had "The egg bread is weird" amazing texture. Our picks for this set are "I would love to eat this again" labneh with cheese, garlic cheese and "It is beautiful" zaater breads. They had an amazing savory taste. Some breads that could use Overall Impression: Customer improvement were the falafel, which interaction would be something to needed more moisture and spice and the improve. Taste was great with a few onion and spice, which was too sour (it left exceptions (probably due to the an unpleasant smell in our mouths microwave removing some of the afterwards). They presented their food in a moisture) and the amount of food for organized manner. Also, the amount of the price of 67 riyals was a steal! Our food (over 12 individual breads) was great, team recommends checking this place A simple map to the bakery with directions. considering price and quality. at least once in your stay in Saudi.
3.5 St ar s
sept ember - oct ober , 2019
M ojan g
Epic Gam es
M in ecr af t in , For t n it e ou t ? By: Ar r on Ben son an d Jack son Bat em an Minecraft and Fortnite, two giants of the video game industry, have been going head to head, battling for the top spot in the 2019 gaming scene. Minecraft, an iconic and classic video game that has had millions of players hooked ever since mid-2009, has just come back into the spotlight after a long and slow decline in popularity in an attempt to dethrone Fortnite. Players have been left awe-struck and have been extremely supportive of the blocky adventure game?s ?re-rise?to fame throughout summer 2019.
A graph (from forbes.com representing player count of Minecraft and Fortnite (red line - Minecraft, blue line - Fortnite) -
With that said, now we can get to the big question, which video game is better?We asked some students here at ISG Jubail about what they thought about the two video games and their battle for the top spot. We interviewed two students here at ISG to ask them what they thought about Fortnite ?dying?and Minecraft gaining popularity again, considering they enjoy playing both games. Ian Caraballo, an 8th grader, said, ?I think Fortnite is dying because of the sweats and toxicity in the game. Everyone who plays is so good at the game now,?For those who don?t know, ?sweats?are players who take the game more seriously than others, thus putting forth their maximum effort. This makes it difficult for new, more inexperienced players, to Ian Caraballo, 8th enjoy the game and get into it. We asked Zafir Ali, a 9th grader, why he thinks Minecraft is gaining popularity again out of nowhere. ?Obviously entertainment services like Youtube and Twitch are helping it grow. I think Minecraft?s brand new update also helped it grow in popularity because it offered a lot of features.?Streamers and entertainers on the internet use platforms, such as Youtube or Twitch, to show themselves playing different games and showing their skill and/or opinions on said games. More and more of these entertainers have picked up Minecraft again to ?ride the wave? of popularity in order to attract more viewers and followers. Zafir Ali, 9th It is obvious that both games have their pros and cons, as does pretty much everything, but which video game is, in fact, better?To us, the answer seemed pretty obvious; it all depends on you and your personal opinion. With that said, which do you prefer, Minecraft or Fortnite?
Right now, Fortnite is way past its peak and it is slowly declining and a lot of people have theories about why that is happening. Fortnite has 250 million registered players and that amount nowhere near a small number of players to have played Fortnite. To put it in comparison, let?s look at another popular game, like Overwatch; another game which a lot of students from our school are familiar with. It is a first-person shooter game focused on close-quarters combat. It was released on May 24, 2016, so it is fairly old being a bit over 3 years now and it was reported to have peaked and 40 million players. That?s a 6.25:1 ratio when you compare Fortnite?s peak to Overwatch?s. Even when you look at Minecraft?s peak, it?s still doesn?t surpass Fortnite even though it had an 8-year head start. It is still extremely impressive for a video game. Minecraft?s peak was around 200 million so that?s a 1.2: 1 ratio. Since Fortnite was able to achieve this number in the span of almost 2 years, we now see how impressive that A pie chart from reddit.com showing actually is.
which platform Minecraft has the most sales on
ent er t ainment
School -Rel at ed M emes of t he M on t h By K ha l id T. & J a ck son B.
sept ember - oct ober , 2019
By:Claudia K.
What is a VSCO girl? A VSCO girl is a young girl, typically in middle or high school. Now, there are different types of VSCO girls. There are 3 VSCO girl types that are easily diagnosableRetro You are the epitome of retro. You don't care if something is from the ?40s, ?60s, or ?80s, you?ll buy it and definitely turn it into something trendy and perfect. And you most definitely have a polaroid camera. Dark You?re a new and improved e-girl. You?re not goth or emo but you definitely like dark and serious moments. You have checkered Vans, fairy lights in your room, and you definitely listen to Billie Eilish. Earthy Saving the world is your goal. Whether it is carrying around metal straws or re-posting pictures of the horrible injustices that are happening around the globe, you will do everything you can to make the world a little less dull. How did it start? It started with the VSCO app. Then it turned into a persona from there. Girls who used the VSCO photo editing app all looked/dressed very similar. So, the app TikTok took the trend and was overrun by girls and boys making fun of the personality of VSCO girls. The trend/meme became so popular that people would go to school dressed up as a VSCO girl for fun. VSCO girls are known for saying ?sksksksk?and ?and I oop-? Definitions of ?sksksksk? The sound a person makes when they are experiencing shock or surprise. ?Camila Cabello and Shawn Mendes are together sksksksk.? A sound people make when they are excited or laughing. ?BTSis going to Riyadh, sksksksk? Definition of ?and I oop-? A phrase people use when something crazy happens and/or you are caught off guard. *hydro flask falls* ?oh no, and I oop-? VSCO Inf luencers Some influencers have been found having the traits/characteristic of a VSCO girl. Emma Chamberlain, a YouTuber with 8,460,00 followers, was seen wearing an oversized shirt and scrunchies with her friend group. Haley Pham, another YouTuber with 2,250,000 followers, has been recognized as a VSCO girl. Haley Pham has made a couple of videos about transforming into a VSCO girl and buying items that VSCO girls are famous for having.
https://knowyour meme.com/photos/1535196-vsco-gir l
ent er t ainment
Riddl es a n d Puzzl es By : K ha l id T. & J a ck son B.
Riddl es:
Back To School Wor d Sear ch:
https://www.riddles.com/best-riddles 1. I am the beginning of the end, and the end of time and space. I am essential to creation, and I surround every place. What am I?
2. If a rooster laid a brown egg and a white egg, what kind of chicks would hatch? 3. Why can you not trust Atoms? 4. What has a head, a tail, is brown, and has no legs? 5. When does Christmas come before Thanksgiving? 6. If you throw a blue stone into the Red Sea, what does it become? (3: Becausethey makeupeverything) (2: Roostersdon?t lay eggs) (1: Theletter E)
(6: Wet)
(5: In the dictionary) (4: A penny)
Fal l Cr osswor d:
Across 2. associated with the change of season, these things turn red, orange, and yellow during the fall season. 6. sweet dessert, filled with a delicious fruit filling with a crunchy crust. along with pumpkin pie, eaten more around fall. 7. used to collect leaves. 9. holiday tradition in the United States. celebrated once a year in the fall season. 10. orange, typically eaten during fall. used in pies. Down 1. piece of fabric worn typically around your neck, used for warmth. 3. typically placed in fields to scare away birds from the crops. 4. traditional autumnal dessert. filled with a flavorsome and sweet orange filling. 5. stacks of dried and cut grass and other plants used as animal feed. 8. type of nut. typically roasted and served around fall and winter.
https://milnefruit.com/pumpkin.html https://www.zoro.com/seymour-midwest-structron-leaf-rake-26-tines-fiberglass-handle-40872/i/G5155991/ http://clipart-library.com/backpack-cliparts.html http://clipart-library.com/free-pencil-cliparts.html https://www.clipartwiki.com/iclip/hRh_falling-clipart-leaves-transparent-background-fall-leaves-clipart/
sept ember - oct ober , 2019