COVERED We've got you
Cover by Andres S. & Uwais F.
Cover ed, Apr il - May 2019
By: Zan e Am leh Pg.3 - " Dead Fish"
Pg. 4- Senior Column M ou n ik a
Pg. 5- Senior Column Zan e Am leh
Pg. 6 Senior Column Ch elsea A.
Am m ar
O Pg. 7 Senior Column Sh aeh zeen
Pg.11- Senior Column Hassan
Pg 8. Senior Column Uw ais
Pg. 12 Sen ior Plan s
Pg 9. Senior Column Hu ssein
Pg .10 Senior Column M ar iu m
Pg. 14 Cr yst al Ball
Maryam R.
Pg. 13 Sen ior Plan s cont.
Maryam S.
Maryam R.
Hassan I.
Hussein M.
Maryam S.
Chelsea A.
Shaehzeen A.
Hussein M. Pg. 15 Cr yst al Ball
Pg. 16 Senior Column Nabeeh a
Pg. 17 Senior Column Yu sr a
Pg.18 Senior Column Rish aad
Shaehzeen A. Hassan I. Chelsea A. Pg. 19 Senior Column M ar yam R. Pg.20 Senior Column M ar yam S. Pg.21 Senior Column An dr es Pg. 22 Teach er s Leavin g Nabeeha K. Yusra M.
Pg. 23 Teach er s Leavin g con t . Nabeeha K. Yusra M.
Pg. 24 Love Letter to ISG Ju bail M r . Bor isk o
Special Thanks To Im an S. (Peppa)
As I was casually sitting down on the green benches at the front lazily waiting and talking to my friends during tutorial, something very odd struck my eye. I had observed
a black trash can with a plastic tube that went inside it. As I got closer to see, I noticed that the tube was actually part of a air-pump system, with a light blue motor making a soft purr
STUDENT,TEACHERAND EXPERT RESPONSE Sumana Amir, IPACC (Improvements Around Community Club) President: "I kinda felt like the pond was under-maintained... planning was really poor, no offense... It's kinda devastating, you'd think that they would take care of the fish especially since they don't have a pond anymore. But they didn't.
that progressively got louder as I made my way forward. I got shocked when I saw inside (below). It stank of the rotting bodies of fish and foul water. There were a few bodies still
inside swimming around... Why were they there?Where did they come from?After that, I went to search for people to look for answers.
EVIDENCE The trash can pictured here with the tubing blowing air into the water.
Mr. Treska, Middle School Math Teacher and Aquarium Guy: "When there are people taking care of it, like Mr Thanh (Mr Dinh former chemistry teacher) , it seemed alright. But now nobody's taking care of it (pond), I'm a bit concerned...nobody's out there to take of it, to make sure the water's clean, and that the fish are eating. It's not appropriate. Online Sources, Professional Information: According to the goldfish sanctuary website: " Dirty water holds less oxygen. Ammonia build-up can poison your fish... can be prone to disease. " Also according to practical fishkeeping: fish's "body will quickly rot in the warm bacteria-laden water. A corpse will pollute the tank risking health of other fish in the tank."
A closer look reveals an unmaintained pool of water filled with dead fish. Photo Credit: John Almudin
Eventually, I contacted Mr Matthews (which I was informed was the person to ask about this matter) and asked him if me and my friends could take some of the fish home. I found out that these, in fact were actually the pond fish, and ever since they covered it they didn't know where to put it. He said that he didn't know what to do with them and gladly gave me the opportunity to rescue all of them if I wanted to. After the rescue (you'd probably better off not knowing how I got them out), with the help of some of the IPACC members (which I'm a member of too) we buried them and took the remaining 8 alive home with us. Sadly as of writing this article, one of the two that I took home died to poor health due to being in the dirty water (RIP pond fish) . Last comments: Any plans from IPACC? Sumana - We might rebuild the pond given enough time What do you think of these photos ? Mr Treska - In some ways this goes back to a bigger problem in the school... at times we don't have the right amount of teaching to help people understand to take better care of their environment. Last comments?Mr Treska - Gonna shoot me?
Cover ed, Apr il - May 2019
Photo Credit: Mohamad Ammar Haikal, John Almudin
To the left a picture of the fish right after rescue
To the right the fish living comfortably in their new home links:,
senior col umn
Senior Year
Roses M ak i n g so m an y am azi n g f r i en d s t h i s y ear Pl ay i n g Sp or t s W OW W eek
Mounika A.
Th or n s
Un i v er si t y Ap p l i cat i on s M ov i n g aw ay f r om d ad Som e p eop l e
Cover ed, Apr il - May 2019
Senior col umn
Z ane A ml eh Th orns 1. Seni ori ti s 2. Losi ng Fri ends 3. Goi ng to th e of f i ce w i th my f ri ends
Roses 1. New Fri ends 2. Lasti ng M emori es 3. M eeti ng my boi M uh i b
D o I n eed to be l i ked ? A bsol u tely n ot. I l i ke to be l i ked . I en joy bei n g l i ked . I h ave to be l i ked , bu t i t's n ot l i ke th i s com p u l si ve n eed to be l i ked , l i ke m y n eed to be p r ai sed . ? Michael Scott
Cover ed, Apr il - May 2019
Senior Col umn
i owe it all to Hey. Hi. It's Nikole with a K, sending positive vibes your way. If you are familiar with this line, then you probably have seen one of my YouTube videos. Hello. My name is Chelsea, and I am an aspiring YouTuber. I was born in Saudi and spending every summer here gets very boring. Though this may be the case, I've grown to love and accept the tranquility of my lull/free time: after schools, weekends and breaks. I usually spend my days on this amazing website called YouTube. Not being able to go out due to strict parents and lack of activity in Saudi forced me to learn and develop most of my social skill and talents through YouTube videos. I learned how to speak my mind through react channels such as FBE and Cut. I learned how to cheer people up through comedians Ryan Higa and smosh. I learned how to persistently
perfect my talents through talented dancers and singers like Megan Batoon and Christina Grimme. I didn't realize how big of an impact YouTube has had on me until last year. Academically, I started off my junior year a little weak. I found that I immersed myself in YouTube videos rather than summative assessments. My time was consumed by the next video. Before progress reports came, I had to stop and reflect on what was going on. I realized that I had been binging on YouTube videos to mask the sadness I was feeling from the previous year. Tenth grade was when 90 percent of my friends left Saudi Arabia, so when summer began, I went to a place where I knew I would gain much joy- you guessed it: As much as I wanted to continue watching YouTube videos, I knew moderation must happen.
Fast forward to March 2017, the day I joined YouTube. My bio reads: "Hey! Hi! It's Nikole with a K, sending positive vibes your way :) I'm trying it out, figuring it out...i'm trying to figure it out. God bless, thank you for the support! Nikole~ " My aim for my YouTube channel is to share my talents in singing, dancing and filmmaking. I want my videos to be a source of positivity for all.
If you want to watch me grow as an artist and watch my YouTube career unfold, please subscribe to me at If you want to to see short singing or dancing clips please check out my instagram @_nikoleA. I hope you join me in this journey. Thank you! God bless. :)
Roses - Kabsa - Garlic Sauce - Compound hangouts with friends <3 <3 <3
Thor ns - Friends leaving -Me leaving -Not being able to come back
Cover ed, Apr il - May 2019
Senior col umn
Sha ehzeen A r sha d Whentaskedwithcreatinga pagethat summedupmy senior year, theonly thingthat cametomindwastheonecharacter play I wrotea whileagofor my CreativeWritingclass.
One Character Play About Writing a One Character Play, and Other Adversities. Every story needs a conflict. It?s the fuel that keeps the story moving. It?s the reason why people keep reading past the first page. A story without a conflict is like chicken without seasoning. Bland. But what happens when you have a conflict, but no story? That, my friends, is my conflict. See, in my humble opinion, I think I?m a pretty good writer. So I took a creative writing class. Makes sense, right?It would?ve been an easy A, since I was so good at writing and all. But sitting in a class and having to write with a due date for a grade completely sucked the good writing out of me. I don?t know why. I don?t like to write anymore. Every time I sit down to write for this class, I can?t think of anything. I always finish my assignments an hour before they?re due. I?ve seen this with other subjects too. I enjoy graphic design, so I took AP Studio Art. You can choose to do a graphic design portfolio. And I did. But it sucked all my motivation and design skill out of me. That class is where I have created my worst works yet. I guess you shouldn?t mix school with the things you enjoy. But I made that mistake already, so now I?m stuck here, sitting at my desk, racking my brains for any sort of inspiration o motivation. I?m proud of myself for doing this early though. There?s still a week left before it?s due. I?ve never done any assignment this early. But I am swamped in work right now, and desperate times call for desperate measures. I?ve still got to start on another play for this class, and do a 2000 word essay for my
Cover ed, Apr il - May 2019
English class. Still don?t know what possessed me to take 2. Actually, I don?t even know if it?s 2000 words. I?ve heard some people say it?s only 1000. I?m not sure, I still haven?t looked at the assignment post on Google Classroom yet. That?s also due this week, by the way. I have an AP Biology mock exam in 2 days as well. I haven?t started studying for that. I also have to make 50 prom invitations by tomorrow. I already started a few, but they?re just so ugly, I can?t bring myself to finish them. I hate making ugly things. I?ve also got less than a month to complete my art portfolio. I?ve still got 6 pieces left to do. Don?t know how that?s going to get done. And I?m working on this mini documentary for the school about week without walls. I?ve done a first version, and got 5 pages of feedback on what to add and fix, but I just can?t find time to finish it. I?m also supposed to be writing a story for Journalism that I haven?t started yet either. Hey, don?t look at me like that. I try, okay. Yeah maybe I do procrastinate a little, but when I do sit down to work, I can?t seem to focus. Yes, I have tried putting my phone away, but that doesn't do anything. My mind doesn't stay in one place long enough to complete anything. I have all this work piled up, but all I really want to do is yearbook. I?m making a smaller version of the yearbook for seniors only, which is a book dedicated to our grade and recapping our year. Everyone senior gets it for free. I?m very excited about it. I?ve spent
very excited about it. I?ve spent months meticulously designing every page, and writing and rewriting the stories of our senior year. It combines the two things I?m best at: writing and design. And the best part is I don?t get graded on it! And I have no deadlines, other than to have it done before the end of this year. Whenever I show my friends or family the work I?ve poured so much time, effort, and love into, all they tell me is, ?Stop spending so much time on this, you?re not even going to get graded.? Well that?s the point, stupid! That?s what makes me want to do it so much. Every time I sit down to do some other work, my mind wanders back to page designs. I just don?t know how to make myself focus. Even now, I started writing this about not having a story idea, but now I?m here talking about all my other problems. Great. I?m almost at the end of the page though, so this is good. I?m not even going to bother going back to reread it and check for mistakes. There?s just no time. We?re on the last line! Finally! Now I can go buy more colored paper for the prom invitations. Never mind, just remembered I have to format this. Ugh. -Meeting new friends (Bhinawa)
Roses: - Getting to work on yearbook - Ice Cream was only 5 SAR- Statistics Tests
Thorns: - Waking up early - Late
Senior Col umn
Experience in Digital Media and Journalism
By; Uwais Fir as
It has been a fruitful year being Digital media and journalism. I remembered having the first day in the class, and we had a group photo in the green room which is now the background photo of the Google classroom. The first month we had was digital media and honestly, it was as bad as expected. The reason was that I am not good at editing videos so I expected editing to be really hard and so I was scared I would not do well in the class. After Ms. Gorneau mentored me and helped me enjoy editing videos. From just editing birthday videos and other projects I have learned so much about being original, creative and ALWAYScite and give credits to respective individuals or parties. Being a good editor is about having discipline and being responsible for the videos you make. -
Thor ns -
Sprained my ankle while playing basket ball Blamed and punished for something I didn't do Won't be able to see my friends no more :(
Roses -
Won a TV during spring spec Went to the Bahrain trip with friends Met koila?
The second month is where it has an significant impact on me. We had 2 weeks, 6 working days, to finish the whole magazine. It was a crazy experience and I?m very proud of my classmates to pull it off. I had to travel places to interview and take photos for food reviews and interviews. We had lots of responsibility in our hands and the months? magazine was in our stake. I am overall better at editing videos than making stories or writing for a page so it was a struggle. I overcome my fears with the help of several friends and Mr. Netzler. They were in good help when I was having complications with my page even though they had theirs. This class has been an amazing one and it is very unfortunate that it?s the last one. I hope my experience would share the good light of what this class has meant to me and how it has improved my experience in ISG Jubail. Thank you Mr. Netzler and Ms. Gorneau! Cover ed, Apr il - May 2019
Senior col umn
roses: FRENS!
homework yearbook execution
Cover ed, Apr il - May 2019
Senior Col umn
Seni or Year M ariumH assan SpendingtimewithFriends Planningmeet-upsfor goingout Cardgamingsessionduringlunch
Testsandassignments APPhysics1 Year comingtoanend
H a d t o d r a g m y s e lf t h r o u H I GH s c h o o l. . . N o w U N I V E R S I T Y !!!
Cover ed, Apr il - May 2019
e s n e, " I e s m h w " a a g. d e
s e e a y y e a. w o t e f n s y g d r s e e d n n e, s, ! t I e h e
Senior Col umn
Hassan Imran I t old people n ot t o sleep on t h e h at , so t h ey sat on it .
Roses: -
Variety of Cultures Small Community Teachers Brotherhood Brasa Fifa Fren <3
Th or n s: -
People who steal your essay ideas Stats Senioritis People leaving Graduating
Cover ed, Apr il - MAY 2019
new s
b r eak i n g d i st an ces By: Hussein M., Maryam R, & Maryam S.
Holland Bhinawa R.
Zaar ay K.
Nabeeha K.
Anna O.
Rishaad Q. Sena T. Mar yamS.
Hussein M.
Baihaqi A. Zane A.
Mar yamR.
Hamzah Y.
Yusr a M.
Iman S. Suyash D.
Mounika A. Daniel A. Rhyt hmP. kshit ij J. Af ter twelve long years of foundational education, our seniors take a step into a world of universities, independence, and pressures to make an impact as young adults. We'll pack up our belongings, drive by the beach and restaurants where we hung out multiple times, drive by the hospitals that took care of f us, and drive by the little nooks and crannies of Jubail where we made our memories and grew. We bid farewell to our temporary Saudi home and we break distances f rom one another.
University of Sheffield
Texas A&M University University of Houston Virginia Tech
University of Edinburgh
University of Ottawa
UCSanta Cruz
University of Teeside
Purdue University
UBC Queens
University of Waterloo
University of Chichester
INDIA Anna University
Cover ed, Apr il - MAY 2019
new s
Pak i stan Mar iumH.
Indi a
Hassan I. Shaehzeen A.
Phi li ppi nes
Dhar un S.
Kyl a G.
Imaan U.
Angel G. Chel sea A.
Si ngapore Syaf iq A. UwaisF.
M alaysi a South Afri ca
Australi a
Andr ésS.
Ler at o M.
Muhib H.
De La Salle University
University of Adelaide
University of Pretoria
University of Batangas
University of Melbourne
Ateneo de Manila
UAE American University of Sharjah
HOLLAND Cover ed, Apr il - MAY 2019
University of Twente
cr yst al bal l
Suyash Sav es th e Day
By: Hassan I . & Sh aeh zeen A .
It is the year 2050, and the class of 2019 had enters the room from behind Yusra. "Here, planned on meeting up for a reunion and their old take this pamphlet and go to bed in the back. school . Most of themhavearrivedat thebuilding. Try these stretches. They'll make your back feel much better and help you relax." "Hello? Hellooo????" Hassan Imran, the prime Meanwhile, Hassan and Rhythm make their minister of Pakistan, throws his phone at the gravel-like, now blackened-yellow, watering way to Mrs. Gorneau's room in an attempt to hole wall. "Everything has gone to crap. We've search the internet for clues as to what is been targeted. We are under attack. going on. "Dude, you're thirty," says Rhythm. Ahhhhhhhh, Pakistan will not tolerate this!" Rishaad Quaiser spins his chair and stares at Hassan yelled. Watching from afar, Yusra Hassan and Rhythm. "Well, I make more Maryam notices the stress that has overcome money than both of you playing professional Hassan. She rises to her feet and rushes from League of Legends," says Rishaad. "Do you the courtyard into the watering hole. "Hey, have any idea what's going on?" asks Hassan come on now. Let's breathe. What wrong? Oh "Yeah the world is ending or something," my, you didn't enroll into another statistics replies Rishaad. "Well did you look it up!?" course, did you?" "Pakistan has been vaporized!" Rhythm exclaims. "Ummm, I can after this Hassan exclaims. "I have nothing left! When I game." Rishaad puts his headphones back on find out who did this ohhhhhh...""Listen, you and begins to click the mouse vigorously. look stressed right now. Take a seat. I've "This is the worst high school reunion ever!" studied stress management for years, and I'm a Hassan cries. professional. Here, give me your hand." Yusra "You think you have it bad?I was supposed to reaches for Hassan's hand and applies pressure be at a shoot right now, but I decided to come in a distinct area of his palm. "That should help here instead. And this is what I get!" Zaaray you relax, and we should also get some fresh air." The two of them walk out of the watering Kazi yells. "Yeah, and you know how many hole, down the hall, and past the counselor's followers are waiting for me to write about his corner. As they open the doors to the middle photo shoot on my fashion blog??? A lot!!!!!" and high school entrance and walk out, the two says Iman Shahid. "Hey, don't step on my are met with the most frightening of sights. shoe man!" says Zaaray. "Oh, sorry!" Kyla and "Whatever you do, do not leave this campus," Lerato cry in unison. "We were just practicing Rhythm Patel's voice is heard from the green our dance routine for the show tomorrow," bench to the right."What the heck is going on ?" Lerato explains. "What's up with all of you?" Yusra asks. "From what I've witnessed in my Kyla asks. "Guys! What are you doing? We year-long space exploration journey, I have no need to keep practicing for the show! My vocal idea. I've never seen anything like it. If I had to, cords need a break soon. We can't waste time I'd say it's the end of the world or something. like this!" Baihaqi screams. "Do you know how It's the apocalypse. It's doomsday." The sound many hits I have on Spotify?I'm a star baby, a of tires screeching is heard as a McLaren sta--" MCL33 skrts across the parking lot. The driver takes his helmet off. "Bro, I looked all over bro, "GUYS! OMG! GUYS! OMG!" Nabeeha Kazi there's no way out bro, no matter how fast you runs in panting. "What happened!" Yusra go, bro. It doesn't matter if I drive my formula asks. "My plane just crashed! There's a raging one race car or a tricycle, we stuck here," says hail storm outside! I don't even know if the Hamzah Yousaf . "I'm gonna keep looking other hostesses made it or not!" Nabeeha around for another way." Hamzah drives off begins to sob. "I think I broke my arm too!" past Mr. Timm's parking spot and in front of "Let me look at that" Maryam Sheltami the crĂŠche building. Now also stressed, Yusra offers. "A lot of my clients get similar injuries. runs back into the building and to the MPR. I can tell if it's bad or not." "Thank you," She enters the nurse's office in search of a pain Nabeeha says, as she wipes her tears. "That's killer. "I need a Panadol, I need a Panadol, I all well and good, but my country is still need a Panadol!!" "Relax, and straighten that vaporized! What are we going to do about back before you end up like that," Kshitij Jain that! Why is no one--" SNAP! SNAP! "Hey! Stop that!" Hassan says as he covers his eyes to
try and not be blinded by the flashing of the camera. "The prime minister of Pakistan! This could get me thousands!" Marium Hassan murmurs. "Marium! Could you send me those, please! TIME magazine would appreciate them!" Hussein says. "Sure, no problem! I'll share once I upload to Drive!" "Does no one care that the world is ending???" Hassan yells. "I DO!" shouts Zaaray. "This contract is worth millions! I am not missing out on this for anything!" "I'm with him! I have a match tonight! Do you know how much money I would lose if it doesn't happen!" Syaf iq Alwi adds. The back door opens as Sena Turan walks in. "Now, if we were living in a communist world, this wouldn't be happening. I'm so stressed." Infuriated, Hassan, Syaf iq, and Zaaray head outdoors to check on how the weather outside is. "Yo, let's go to the cage, we'll be safer there," says Syaf iq. Hassan and Zaaray agree and head to the cage with Syaf iq. As they enter the cage, they see Rhythm and Bhinawa Raja competing in a basketball match. Bhinawa is ferociously dunking. "What are you guys doing?" Zaaray asks, "The sky is grey and red and orange and..""Dude, just take a chill pill," says Bhinawa. "But the real question is, when did you learn how to dunk?" asks Syaf iq. "Bro you gotta be able to do it to make it in the big leagues. They don't take you in the NBA if you can't dunk. It's like one of the amateur skills," Bhinawa responds. "If we were on the moon, I would be able to play in the NBA. I've dunked there," Rhythm whispers to himself. "What's up guys, welcome back to my channel! So today's vlog is going to be something a little different! We're doing an end of the world vlog series!" Chelsea exclaims. Everyone gives her a hard look. "Really?" Bhinawa asks, dropping his basketball. "Don't judge! Maybe you should take a chill pill!" Chelsea snaps back. "Did someone say chill pill! I've got a whole line of gum called Chill Pills!" Shaehzeen says. "Where did you even come from..?" Syaf iq asks. "Yeah, have you seen this weather?" Zaaray adds. "It was a rough ride, but I came on a private jet!' Shaehzeen responds, popping a Chill Pill into her mouth. "What! Where did you get a private jet? Even I didn't come in a private jet here!" Hassan exclaims. "I know people," Shaehzeen smirks. "By people, she means me," Anna Ostrowski says as her high heels click on the floor of the cage. "Good to see
Cover ed, Apr il - May 2019
you all again, but I'm afraid we won't have much time to catch up. I'm not sure if you noticed, but the world seems to be ending." "FINALLY! Someone who cares!" "Ok, what do we do about it?" Hassan inquires. "Well, I propose--"Anna begins. "YUUH" Danyal Al Harthi interrupts. Everyone stops and stares. "Where do they keep coming from?" Syaf iq whispers. "As I was saying, our priority should be--" "SKRRT!" Danyal yells. "Danyal, what are you doing?" Hassan asks sternly. "Oh hey, guys! How you all doing. I just landed here for the reunion! Thought I'd spit a few ad libs as well. How do you guys like them?You should drop by the studio, Anna. I could get you on a track. Album drops May--" "Ok thank you Danyal," a voice cuts him off. Everyone turns around to see who it is, and standing there in the darkness is Angel Guanzon. "Hi, Angel! Fancy seeing you here!" Syaf iq greets her. "Thank you! I am so glad to see all of you safe. This storm is crazy. I have traveled the entire world, documenting everything for my upcoming documentary, but never have I ever seen a storm this bad. It even destroyed my camera. I won't even be able to include this in the film!" "Oh dear," everyone murmurs. BAM! Suddenly, a flash of lightning hits the side of the cage and lights up the night, erupting into flames. The former Jubail students stand shocked and watch in horror as the cage slowly becomes engulfed in flames. "WHAT!!??" Danyal yells. "Who leaked my album!!" "RUNNN!" Zaaray screams. Together, they all charge towards the building door, but it is stuck. Syaf iq pounds on the door with all his might. "Let us in! We're going to burn alive!" Shaehzeen stops sobbing for a minute to point out a speck in the sky. "Hey guys, what's that?" she says between sniffles. "It's a bird..." says Hassan. "It's a plane? " adds Zaaray. "It's MUHIB THE SURFER!" yells Chelsea, jumping up and down. "MUHIB! OVER HERE!" Suddenly, they are all drenched in a wave of icy water. The roar of the fire has been silenced, and the cage is filled with the smell of ash and dust. The flames that are licking the walls of the cage, threatening the former students, have been put to bed. "Hoiii gooiiisss!" "MUHIIB!" Everyone cheered! "Oh my! You saved the day! I could kiss you!" Hassan says while wiping his tears. "Huehuehue, thanks guys. But the day hasn't been saved yet. I just left Australia. As I was cruising the oceans, I turned around and saw my home vaporized right before my eyes. Something is happening, and it's happening fast. We need to act quickly if we want to save ourselves from the same fate." As they all nod in silent agreement, a faint voice can be heard from a distance. The pounding of sandals on burnt gravel gets louder, as someone yells "MUHIB BHAIIIII!" in the distance. Suddenly, a man clad in blue charges into the cage and launches himself onto Muhib. "MUHIB BHAAAAI!" he screams again. "Hoi Dharun,
Cover ed, Apr il - May 2019
how are you doing! Nice uniform, where'd you get it?" Muhib asks. "This is my uniform! I just heard yesterday that I made it onto the Indian cricket team!" Dharun Senthilkumar responds. "Wow, Dharun! That's amazing. Congratulations!" "Thank you, Bhai, but I am not sure I will ever get to play. What is happening to this world?" Dharun asks sadly. Muhib puts a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry, Dharun. We will find our way through this. Together." "Yes, we must get inside to discuss our further plan of action." Anna chirps in. "Yes, let's do it," everyone murmurs in unison. Zaaray reaches to open the door and pulls as hard as he can, but the door will not budge. "Here, let me." Syaf iq offers. He grunts and puffs as he yanks at the handle, but the door will not move an inch. "We're stuck here!" Chelsea wails. "I'm going to be late on my upload schedule!" Suddenly, a voice booms throughout the cage. "Thuhthuhthuhthuhthuh." Confused, everyone turns around. Standing before them is something more than a man. It is a beast. "How are you all doing today?" the beast asks. "It can't be? " Zaaray whispers. "It is? " Syaf iq adds. "UWAIS! Thank god you're here. Do you think you could help us with this door? We need to open it so we can go inside and discuss how not to die." Anna says eagerly. "Of course. My bodybuilding training has finally come in handy!" Uwais Fared walks up to the door, and with one hand, knocks it right off its hinges. Everyone stares in shock and awe. Suddenly, a javelin soars through the air. "Man, I was going to do that. Thanks for stealing my thunder, Uwais." Hakeem Bin Zakaria says as he shuffles into the cage to join everyone else. "You think I was going to let a man wearing a bunch of ugly necklaces show me up?" Uwais asks. "These are not necklaces you fool! These are all my Olympic medals. This one's for running, this one's for javelin throw--" "That's wonderful dear, but we must head inside now. The outdoors keeps getting more dangerous," Anna says. Together, everyone walks inside and piles into the conference room. Someone is already sitting there. "Hello?" Hassan asks. The figure turns around. "Imaan Uddin?" everyone asks. "What are you doing here?" Zaaray asks. "Well, I was working on an electromagnetic shield that would protect the school and its perimeter for at least a year so we would have sufficient time to create and execute a plan to save the rest of the world," Imaan responds. "Wow, our hero!" Chelsea cheers. "Thank you," Imaan smiles, "but unfortunately the equipment I found in Mr. Paul's room isn't sufficient. The lab I was able to create after winning the Nobel Peace Prize for physics would have the right materials, but unfortunately, it was destroyed by the storm," Imaan says as tears form in her eyes. "There, there," Shaehzeen comforts her. As everyone takes a seat at the conference table, two figures stroll into the room. "Elementary, my dear Mounika," says a voice. "Ratemi?" Hassan asks into the distance. "Yes,
cr yst al bal l
hello everyone," Maryam Ratemi calls out. As she walks into the room, a shiny badge on her shirt glints under the light. "What are you doing here?" asks Chelsea. "Well, Mounika and I were trying to solve the mystery as to what is going on in this crazy world." "She's a great detective!" Mounika Abbineni says as she plays with a deck of cards. "Thank you, Maryam. I am glad you're here. You will be of great assistance to us," Anna says warmly. "Who wants to bet on how many of us will die by tonight?I could set up a game of blackjack," Mounika says. "Die?" Chelsea wails. She begins to sob hysterically. Another figure storms into the conference room. "Mounika! How many times do I have to tell you to stop doing that! Do not mess with people's trauma. And gambling is not a healthy way to cope with stress," AndrĂŠs Siblesz scolds. "Hey, it's my livelihood mister," Mounika snaps back. "Well, my livelihood as a psychologist is making sure everyone's mental state is well and good. Here, have my card," AndrĂŠs offers. "She already has 52," a voice calls out. Laughing at his joke, Zane Amleh strolls into the room. "How's everyone doing on this fine day?" he asks. "This day is anything but fine Zane!" Angel says. "I know, that's the joke," Zane replies. "Well it wasn't a very good one," Mounika says. "Well, the people at my sold-out comedy shows seem to think I'm pretty good, so what do I care what you say," Zane snaps. "GUYS! We need to focus!" Anna insists. "We came in here to discuss our plan of action, so we don't end up vaporized. Anyone have any ideas?" No one says a word. "We could postpone the storm," a deep voice booms. Everyone turns around. Standing there is Suyash Dubey. The Dubey. As in the man who founded Dubey's Law, one of science's most significant achievements in the 21st century. "How did we not think of that!" Imaan cries. "We could've just applied Dubey's Law to the storm!" "Uhh, what's Dubey's Law anyway?" asks Zane. "You fool! How could you not know? It's that anything that can be postponed if you ask enough times," Imaan says. "Revolutionary discovery!" Imaan adds, beaming at Suyash. "Thank you, Imaan. So what do you guys say?Shall we give it a shot?" Suyash asks. "Let's do it!" says Hassan. Everyone piles around the conference room window as Uwais snaps it open. Gusts of wind and dust hit them in the face, but the former students stand strong. "O, great storm!" Suyash begins. "Could you please postpone our imminent deaths! We had more than three summative assessments on the calendar today, so we didn't get time to prepare. It's not fair if we have to do it today." Suddenly, the wind stops. The sky clears. In an instant, the dust is gone, and the birds come out and sing a beautiful song. The storm is over. "YAAAY!" everyone cheers. "SUYASH SAVED THE DAY!" "You know it!" smiles Suyash. With that, the class of 2019 marches off to Applebee's to have a celebratory dinner. THE END.
Senior Col umn
Pr anks over t he year s By: Nabeeha K.
Over the years I have played many fun tricks on my friends. So let me share a few with you. But I promise you, I AM a nice friend! :D My friends and I had gone out and earlier that day my friend had played a trick on me, so to get even with her, I did something bigger. We went to my friend?s compound, and we were sitting by the pool. My friend decided to just lay down on the ground. With the help of another friend, we both grabbed her legs and arms, and put her in the kids? pool. She was soaking from head to toe, and she didn?t have dry clothes.
Many of us have stolen our friends?locks and locked it back on backwards on the locker. What I have done in the past is take the lock without the person knowing, I would either lock it onto their jackets, or onto their backpack. Often they would go crazy looking for where their lock went, but would laugh in the end when they found it.
Birthday blast!! Two of my friends birthday were very close by, and so we decided to celebrate both, at the same time with double the trouble! We told one of the friends that we were going to throw water and glitter at the other friend. We told our other friend we were going to throw water and flour at her. They both were expecting the other to get the hit. Instead they both got flour, glitter, and water thrown on them. It was quite amusing to see their faces in the end!
Have you ever stolen shoes?No, seriously. Not like stealing your friend?s brand new Yeezys and wearing them. I mean, like steal your friend?s shoes and put them in random spots. Steal your friend?s shoes while they are changing and tie them to the pull up bar, or if they are short, just put it up somewhere up high.
ROSES * Meeting such great people from around the world, and making amazing friends
THORNS * Having to say goodbye to friends suddenly
* Playing on the school sports teams
* Crazy amount of school work, and always worrying about grades
* Playing cards or UNO with friends
* Having no motive 2nd semester
Cover ed, Apr il - May 2019
Senior col umn
ISG from 2009 - 2019 from the eyes of Yusra I I often think about my first day at ISG and how tightly I had my hands gripped to both my parents as refused to let them go. 10 years have passed by from that day, where I would always say to my parents, ?Can we go back to my old school?or ?I don't like it here?. Gradually all those statements changed to, ?I never want to leave from here?as I had made many so many friends here. My elementary school years is packed with fun memories which always give me joy as I think about them. In grade three I was chosen to play the role of Cinderella in my school?s play. I recall working on a bridge made of Popsicle sticks in grade five, and winning first place. Winning the best book trailer in grade six. I still remember by big buddy and how I used to earnestly wait for them every week since the entire class would always have fun with them. I have seen our school go through the transition from the British curriculum, where classes like history and computers were referred to as IPC, and ICT. Then our school began following the American curriculum to now the IB program. I really miss all the skits that I had performed in seventh grade history and in grade 5 from the Story Town books. I have spent 10 valuable years of my life at ISG Jubail. Throughout the years I have seen this school transform and change to what it's become today. I remember having races with my friends at recess where the new gym building stands today. There were tracks painted for having races, which are still visible today. I remember how authors and singers would visit and entertain our school. Jim Valley?s catchy lyrics have still remain with me, and I clearly recall how every student would be humming his playful songs for weeks after he would visit once a year until 2011. In the year 2009, our school was completely different. Our track as better known as the clay pitch as it had red sand embedded on the ground. The spring spectacular had a different aura to it; the custodian workshop outside the drama room used to be the PTO shed where hot dogs used to be sold. In fact, when I came, the new gym and art building didn't even exist. There used to be just piles of sand and a sidewalk where the art room building stands today. No spring spectacular was complete without climbing on the rock climbing wall which was monitored by both the Timms?. Alongside many other changes, one thing that remained uniform was my maintenance of friendships with people who I met in 2009. Over the years they have become my most dear friends. Having a good friend circle made my journey at ISG more memorable and fun. I have had so many fun memories to look back to. My friend circle has made me a better person, in terms of having confidence in myself and having a more positive outlook in life. Over the years, I've realized that the community at ISG is so unique and I've been privileged to be a part of this wonderful journey. While walking down the elementary school hallway now I have a gush of memories hitting me, as I see little kids running to the lunch room. This school will always remain close to my heart as I've had many memories attached to it. No matter where I go I will always keep memories of ISG close to my heart.
Roses: Playing cards and eating lunch with my friends at every lunch period. Going to my friends houses?and to other places with them.
Thorn: Managing my time for studying for big assessments alongside working on projects and assignments.
Cover ed, Apr il - May 2019
Senior Col umn
Roses and Thor ns - Rishaad Quaiser - Supportive teachers have really helped me to increase my academic ability. - The availability of Hershey's chocolate in the nearby stores really helped with the desert experience. - The religion of Islam is heavily supported here, which really helped me enrich my cultural background.
- School starts way too early. I nearly pass out during the f irst 10 minutes of class every day. - The caf eteria should have been more accessible to students, we should've been able to not pre-order f ood. - I have nothing else to say, sadly.
Cover ed, Apr il - May 2019
Senior col umn
MY SENIORYEAR maryam ratemi
- memories made with friends
- university applications
- card games at lunch
- senioritis
- peppa
Cover ed, Apr il - May 2019
- stress
Senior Col umn
Tal es of Ti tuba By: M aryam S.
Meetingthebunnies: Kai& Qif
NewSubjects: Digital Media, Stats,Econ
FirstSurpriseParty of Senior Year
Yearbookislikeworkingin customer service.
Th orns Image Credit:
1. Internship 2. CaringTeachers 3. Friends
Image Credit:
Image Credit:
Thememethat getsme throughtheday.
FavoriteYear of HighSchool: SophomoreYear
1. Gettingtomylocker 2. Wakingupearly 3. Bathrooms Cover ed, Apr il - May 2019
Senior col umn
A ndres S iblesz From the moment I arrived, I was met with kindness, compassion and love by the students of ISG Jubail. I wish to return that kindness with a small saying that has defined me my whole life. An original mantra that perfectly describes everything I wish to leave those that shared the final years of schooling with me. Something that I hope helps many of those people out...
"I haveyet tolivea day whereI haven't been sad, and I have yet tolivea day where that has stopped me frombeing happy."
- Good times that I spent with my friends here. - Adventures that I had while here, such as traveling. - Having the opportunity to experience life in another country. - Finding out where my true passions lie in terms of working. - Meeting all of the kind people here at ISG Jubail.
- The stress of senior year and all the work that comes with it. - The struggles in friendships, and making sure that everyone is happy. - Having to say goodbye to all of my friends here in Saudi Arabia. - The struggle of living in Saudi Arabia, with all the rules and customs that apply.
Cover ed, Apr il - May 2019
NEWS Best Memory: My best memory at ISG Jubail was International Day because it made me happy to see so many nationalities being represented.
Best Memory: For the last 8 years I gained new family members: staff, students, and parents.
Best Memory: The day I watched my daughter graduate in the first class in the history of ISG Jubail
Future Plans: To develop my gained experience with ISG by having an expertise certificate from a well known institution.
Future Plans: Teaching at another international school in Myanmar.
Future Plans: I will be pursuing further studies Years at ISG: 3
Years at ISG: 8
Years at ISG: 6 Mrs. Zeinab, Arabic Teacher ES/ Library Assistant
Mrs. Lopez, 4B Teacher
Mrs. Fiona, Executive Secretary
Best Memory: We have enjoyed working with such an inspiring and diverse community of colleagues and young learners. Creating the Me 2 We Compassion Club has also been extremely rewarding. We truly feel blessed to have been a part of the ISG Jubail family. Future Plans: The Tenzythoff-Yoon family will be traveling to Hanoi, Vietnam. We have accepted positions at the Hanoi School . Ms. Tenzythoff has accepted a position teaching grade two homeroom and Mr. Yoon has accepted a position as EAL teacher in MS/HS.
Best Memory: My best memory at ISG Jubail will be the wonderful students and staff who have added so much to my life, both personally and professionally.
Years at ISG: 7 Mrs. Tenzythoff & Mr. Yoon
Future Plans: Next year, I am moving to another ISG school, DHS, teaching Mathematics.
Grade 2B Teacher & Learning Support Teacher Grade 5
Years at ISG: 2
2007 VS. 2018
Mr. Sexton, IT Teacher MS/HS
Best Memory: I will always remember the support and love I was surrounded with as I became a new mom. Future Plans: I am moving to Panama and will take a few years off teaching to stay home with Freiya! Years at ISG: 3 Mrs. Larson HOD Social Studies / Social Studies Teacher MS Best Memory: Bringing my boys to school on their first day.
Future Plans: Teach in Korea
Future Plans: My family and I are headed to Jeju Island for a new adventure.
Years at ISG: 12
Years at ISG: 12
Mr. Borisko HOD English / HSAdvisory Coordinator
Cover ed, Apr il - May 2019
Best Memory: My best memory at ISG Jubail was watching the first graduating class toss their caps into the air.
Mrs. Bahen English teacher MS/ PE Teacher MS
NEWS Best Memory: Concerts, frantic times, See the students growing, Louie's kindness, Akila's running after me for subbing, Fadilah correcting my few words in Arabic, talking with Leif and Lorelei, and many more.
Best Memory: I will always remember the great musical experiences with students at the SAIK Music Festivals.
Future Plans: Settle down back the whole family in France, participate to the local PTO, to non profit organization, finish my Music conservatory curriculum.
Future Plans: My family and I will be moving to Panama, where I will teach band at the International School of Panama.
Years at ISG: 5
Years at ISG: 3
Mrs. Laurent, Choir Teacher MS/HS
Best Memory: Latest Spring Spectacular Future Plans: Provide excellent teaching of Arabic Years at ISG: 4 Mrs. Yousef, Arabic Teacher ES
Best Memory: Water Day in Elementary Future Plans: Returning to the U.S. and starting a new business. Years at ISG: 3 Mr. Gorneau, 4A Teacher
Mr. Larson Band Teacher/ HOD Arts MS/HS
Best Memory: Building amazing relationships with the staff and students here.
Future Plans: Moving to Ras Tanura to teach at the Aramco Middle School. Years at ISG: 2 Mr. Penner, HOD PE / PE Teacher MS/HS
Best Memory: Hard to pick just one as the best; overall my best memory is working with the students at ISG Jubail; they just made my day ! Future Plans: My new position will be taking me to ISM (International School of Manila) as a high school learning support teacher.
Best Memory: Getting to meet so many wonderful people, living in a unique place, and improving as a professional. Future Plans: We will be teaching at the International School of Yangon (ISY) in Myanmar next year.
Future Plans: To retire Years at ISG: 2
Best Memory: My first day of school at ISG Jubail, I was walking down the school corridor and all the students said hello, good morning, welcome! Future Plans: I am starting a new adventure on the east coast of the U.S. where I can re-purpose, recycle and recreate unwanted items. Years at ISG: 3
M "W fo ta ta e
Mrs. Gorneau, IT Coordinator/ IT Teacher MS/HS
Mr. Franz, PE Teacher MS/HS
Best Memory: My best memory is taking a wonderful Spring Break trip to Georgia with my colleagues; it was full of fun and bonding. Best Memory: Wonderful times with colleagues, letters from the children that I will cherish the rest of my life, friendships that developed. Future Plans: To be a dedicated wife to my husband and the best mother I can be for the twins.
Future Plans: I want to continue working with, and inspiring young minds to enjoy reading and learning new things. Years at ISG: 5 Mrs. Humaira, Library Assistant
Years at ISG: 10 Mrs. Penner, KG1B Assistant
S P p t d
Years at ISG: 6
Ms. Bennett, Learning Support MS/HS
Best Memory: International Day
Mrs. Liehanie, Grade 5 Assistant
Cover ed, Apr il - May 2019
L A S e W M b d h th L
Don' Think T ice i 's Alrigh C
M. B i k
I emembe he m men clea l . A ell n eca d in make hif mailb , an in i a i n in e ie f In e na i nal Sch l G . I emembe a ing M . Bahen, The e i n a ea e m ing Sa di A abia. We can e hi in e ie a a ac ice. I emembe alking f he ai f he ime and nde anding he h ile im lica i n f h midi and hea . I emembe m da in m 504, he mile and g ee ing f m c i den , he ha d n nce name and c m e ha ill fea ed c m ac di k and dial- in e ne . The e i m ch emembe . F
el e ea I ha e been a f he ISG na a i e, a c m le c n e a i n f ll f i and n . The ch l e i ed bef e me and i ill e i l ng af e I make m nal e i . I am n c nce ned ab m legac , I ha e n eg -d i en madne hink ha I made m ch f a diffe ence. I did m be . F me i a en gh, f he , i a n . Tha i he eali f being a eache . I nl h e ha I facili a ed g h and lea ning, ha I ened a fe mind and ha I enc aged c i ical hinking. B h fm b e e b n in Sa di. J bail i he nl h me ha he ha e e e kn been a g ea h me. I ill n mi he f d.
he hea , he c a
d i ing
he b ea c ac . I ill mi
n. And i ha
he c mm ni , he ch
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In a fe ea , I ill n l nge e i a ISG. All f m den ill ha e m ed n. I ill be a face in a ic e, an anecd e ld b a f me c lleag e. And ha i ne. I am e ci ed j in a ne c n e a i n, la a le in a ne na a i e. I i h he ch l ell. A f M . B, d n hink ice, I ll be al igh . Wi h l e, C M. B i k