RECYCLING AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY FOR PEDIGREE DEVELOPERS For Garden Cities NPC (RF), a Cape-based housing developer and leading member of Master Builders SA, the ultimate goal from its developments is “zero waste to landfill”. The developer was also one of the first in the country to implement SANS 10400-XA energy-efficiency across its projects and celebrates its centenary of being in the housing industry. According to Renier Smith, group manager: engineering and planning for Garden Cities: “We’re hoping to create the required awareness among our residents, contractors, suppliers and consultants alike, the latter resulting in a cumulative approach to achieve the zero waste goal.” In implementing SANS 10400-XA over the past decade, an important aspect of every new home built has been energy-efficiency. Hence, a bulk insulation – made from recycled newsprint which has been
(Top, from left): An installation rig on the site of a Garden Cities precinct in Sunningdale, A view of a recent Sunningdale development shows the emphasis placed on greening by the developer and a typical Garden Cities home in Sunningdale. (Above): Eco-Insulation is also involved with Gap Housing. (Right): Pumping cellulose fibre insulation into the roof. Insulation installation is easy this way and 100% efficient – a true turnkey operation.