bits & bobs FOREIGN LANGUAGES DEPARTMENT 2010-2011 a pick of the 8th graders ’ work and reflections on this year
The work you are about to enjoy is entirely students’ own work. It has not been edited. Compiled by Aylin Geron, Özer Gülen, Sema Tekdoğan, Özlem Bora
We read The Breadwinner.....
Our reflections ...
We wrote more reflections on a wallpaper....
We wrote stories....
We wrote essays...
on different topics....
We wrote in our journals.....
We’d like to congratulate Beril Çetin from 8G for the great story she wrote .... ( the second – runner up in the 2nd English story writing competition )
What I Lost In The War It was a windy day. The weather was snowy and cold. Very cold. It was the beginning of November, but there was snow everywhere. I would’ve been happy, if everywhere was white. But it wasn’t. It was red. My mum didn’t let me out from the window, though but I could guess. I could hear crying babies, begging woman and terrifying gun noises. I’m Lucas by the way. I’m only 7 but I’ve seen lots of things that a child couldn’t even imagine. The noises have always freaked me out but I had a family. I had a mother, a father and two brothers. For now. Before everything got worse, I should make everything clear. I live in a country called Nevolvka. It’s on the north of the Earth. Most of the time it’s very cold but actually we didn’t mind. Our home was warm enough to live in it. One month ago everyone started to talk about a tresure. A tresure lying under Nevolvka. They said there were millions of gold. My dad works at the government and he said it was true. Unfortunetly we were a poor country. We didn’t have the machines to get them out. Then my dad told us that we should be ready for an attack. He said ‘If we can’t get them out, other countries would like to do it. Everyone in this country should keep it as a secret.’ He was right. After he said this, the army of Glimlord came. It was a country down at the south. That’s how the ‘The War 1813’ started. We were getting used to live like that but one night there was a knock at the door. My mum immediately sent me and my brothers to a room back at the house. My dad opened the door. I could hear ……
Follow the link if you want to read the rest of the story …
As we read HOLES we designed t-shirts for the camp with catchy slogans...
our comments on Holes....
We learned about different cultures and their celebrations....
We prepared a collage on the topic of
We had a Scrabble tournament in the school. Nil Berke and Eren Ă–cal represented our school in a competition.... Congrats to Eren as he took 4th place...
farewell notes from friends.....
Now that you've graduated, Your adventure has begun. Your schooling has prepared you For the race life has you run. We praise you for your efforts, And send good wishes, too, For a future filled with happiness, And your fondest dreams come true.
farewell 8th, not 7th! glorious steps reciting the joy and sorrow together. dare not utter endless cries yet to defy the whole world. corner stone of our lives oncoming difficulties reminding themselves one by one neither easy nor difficult yet eligible to be overwhelmed by us
yearning to learn and improve owe much to teachers here with urging steps for our future ready to go. Ă–zer GĂźlen
our last words before we say goodbye... (the following quote is taken from HOLES)
You’re all special in your own way. You’ve all got something to offer. You have to think about what you want to do , then do it.. . .