The islander february 2018 (web)

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N o . 2 4 6 - F e b r u a r y 2018

AVIVA © Stuart Pearce




DEAR ISLANDER Dear Islander, As I am writing this in midJanuary, the Volvo Ocean Race leg 4 from Melbourne to Hong Kong is drawing to a very interesting conclusion. With around 3 days to go, it looks very much like the leg will be won by Scallywag, the Hong Kong entry which should make for a huge welcome for the homebased boat. Two days ago, though, they had a big scare when one of their crew members fell overboard. Fortunately for him it was daylight and the crew were able to affect a rescue in 7 minutes. He had failed to tether himself to the boat, or tell anyone what task he was about to perform. He’s a very lucky boy! Poetically, in second place is Dongfeng, the Chinese entry, which will again make for another big party! This, of curse is not yet confirmed, but will be a great coup for Asia if it stays this way. Current overall leaders are the Spanish yacht, Mapfre who currently occupy 5th place in the 7-boat fleet. Closer to home, the refit season continues unabated with our local shipyard STP working absolutely flat out. Most sectors of the industry seem to be reporting good levels of business. One sad piece of news is the reports of an increasing trend of yachts sailing off into the sunset before settling their debts. This can have a devastating effect on contractors, both large and small. The recent demise of Burgess marine in the UK is a case in point. Apparently, the business failure is due to the

non-payment of one major refit project. This is very sad for the business and its employees who seemingly have done nothing wrong. Maybe the diligence of payment schedules need addressing. The recent London Boat Show seems to have been a huge success, reduced to just a 5 day show for the first time in its history. Although the overall numbers were down considerably, the average daily attendance was up significantly pointing to a success in the new format. The standholders were very complimentary and enthusiastic about the changes and many companies have already confirmed for 2019. Nice to see the show making a positive comeback. Next week sees the doors opening for “Boot”, the huge Dusseldorf Boatshow which will see many of our local businesses making the trip, and we wish them all success.

fair winds

Islander Magazine S.L. - CIF B57952517 Calle San Magin 22, Entre Suelo, Santa Catalina 07012 Palma de Mallorca, Baleares, España Deposito legal: PM 146-1997 Editor: Simon Relph (+34)607 911 898 Sales: Damian Raxach (+34)615 992 203 Accounts: Helen Relph Whilst the publishers have taken every care to ensure that the contents are correct they cannot take any responsibility for any losses incurred by readers as a result of any editorial or advertisement. The opinions do not necessarily reflect those of the publishers who therefore cannot take any responsibility for any opinion expressed. All rights are reserved and no part can be reproduced or stored without written permission. La revista The Islander no se hace responsable necesariamente de todas las opiniones vertidas por sus colaboradores.


Captains of Industry – David Ireland It’s a shame that Michael Aspel isn’t still thumbing through his big red book, as David Ireland would make a great This is Your Life candidate. Fearless, adventurous, comical and carefree, his life has been rich and rewarding – yet he’s still only 45. Born in the seaside town of Hoylake on the Wirral in Merseyside, David was an internationally-competitive windsurfer and also made the British team in Cadet Class sailing. He used his talent for water sports as a form of teenage rebellion and swerved studying in favour of windsurfing on West Kirby Marine Lake. Such was his confidence to not fall in – he did it in his school uniform. Unsurprisingly, age 16 and with no qualifications, David’s headteacher asked him to leave. David’s disgruntled father decided to remove him from his comfort zone, away from his friends and sailing community, and enrol him at Shrewsbury College of Arts and Technology some 70 miles away. David reluctantly retook his failed GCSEs and embarked on a foundation course in engineering to teach him (in the words of his father) ‘how to focus on resolving problems’. Later, he graduated with a BTEC in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering from the University of Westminster – but, in true David Ireland style, everything is not always as it seems.



“I contracted contagious measles at the time of my finals and had to sit exams in my room,” recounts David. “An invigilator mine-swept my immediate surroundings for cheat sheets and notes then sat quietly downstairs with a cup of tea. Somehow they failed to spot a fax machine on my desk, so I did the entire exam in collaboration with a friend who had recently

graduated in the same subject. I wouldn’t have passed it without him. Well, my father did tell me to ‘focus on resolving problems’.” The day after graduation, David headed to Pwllheli in northwest Wales to join a 75ft sailing boat on a passage to the Canary Islands. He then spent two or three months day working in the Spanish sunshine before being offered a delivery job to the Caribbean on a homemade catamaran. “The owner was a 28 stone Brit, he could hardly move, and needed help to cross the Atlantic,” explains David. “All went well until we got hit by lightning just off the coast of Barbados and our electrics went on the blink. Of course we’d given up plotting a few days prior and weren’t quite sure exactly where we were - apart from being close to Barbados. We used a local reggae station as a directional finder, studying how the signal hit the aerial of a small portable radio, and eventually navigated our way into Carlisle Bay.” Having fixed up the lightningstricken catamaran, David bade farewell to Barbados and took on his next role, a quick delivery trip from St Lucia to Antigua on a 68ft Oyster sailing yacht. With a professional crew of three, it was David’s first glimpse of the superyacht industry; up until now he’d only known about family boats - he wanted more. The Oyster’s crew helped David type up a CV and lent him a uniform so he could go dockwalking in Antigua. As he strolled purposefully past Blue Attraction, he heard a familiar voice – Nick Flashman. David had sailed with Nick as a kid in West Kirby and here he was, a deckhand on a luxury motoryacht in the Caribbean. Sadly Blue Attraction had no vacancies, so Nick shouted to the boat next door, it was a ‘no’ from them but they quizzed their neighbour, 51 metre Feadship Double Haven – they had a vacancy.

CAPTAINS OF INDUSTRY – DAVID IRELAND “The captain gave me a quick interview and complimented me on my smart short haircut,” recalls David. “I hadn’t the heart to tell him I’d been trounced at strip poker in the Canaries and the last thing I could take off was my hair. I got the job.” David stayed on Double Haven for four years, progressing from deckie to second engineer then bosun and finally first mate. He went round the world twice and had coffee with the US-born Hong Kong-dwelling owner most mornings. “I met him at 5:30am on the owner’s deck. He made the coffee and I cleaned up, that was the deal. It was something we both enjoyed, but I had to scarper before the captain woke as he didn’t condone such fraternising.” “I resigned from Double Haven 12 times in four years, but the owner kept paying me more to stay. Myself, the captain and chief engineer were the only constants on the boat and he needed us. I was trying to get out of yachting, I was getting cabin fever, and I craved a house with a driveway and a cat. So one day, in San Diego, I got off the boat and phoned to say I was coming home.” A friend of David’s father asked if he could do him a quick favour on his way back, pick up that 75ft sailing yacht from Pwllheli (now in Florida) and deliver it to the British Virgin Islands. He agreed, and accidentally stayed on board for six months doing day charters. “Eventually I did make it home. I recall being stopped at the airport for not wearing any shoes, they told me I couldn’t fly without them, but I hadn’t really been wearing any for the last half year. So I bought some flip-flops, and then they asked me to take them off to go through security. It ended in a row. It was clear it was going to take me time to acclimatise to landlubber life.” Now age 26, David went into

the family business – the motor trade. His father had a Mercedes dealership and put him on the sales team. It wasn’t long before David got the sack. The police breathalysed him outside the pub while picking up his Dad. David hadn’t even been in the pub, but he was over the limit from the night before. He lost his licence and company policy meant his contract had to be terminated.

licence, the plan was to buy a yacht brokerage - it seemed like a perfect fit. I lined up a few interviews and took Lucy away with me for the weekend.”

For his licence-free year David decided to go to Hong Kong to find work. He knew people there and, being a British colony, he didn’t need a visa. On day two he got a job selling life insurance, and one year in Hong Kong became three.

The brokerage businesses were unsuitable for one reason or another, so the agent asked if they were interested in a clothes shop. The answer was a flat ‘no’. What if it was a clothes shop for yachts?

“Dad called and asked me what I was planning on doing – stay in Hong Kong or come back to the family business. It was my Gran’s 80th birthday that weekend so I made a decision there and then and left the next day for England.” David spent a few years back at the North Wales dealership until Mercedes antagonised his father by forcibly amalgamating showrooms. He took them to court, won, and sold up. David sidestepped to Liverpool Mercedes where a certain young Lucy was on a university placement working in the HR department. They started dating and, with Lucy able to tip him off about the best upcoming roles, David progressed from corporate sales to manager of the West Kirby dealership followed by heading up the group preparation centre. A senior position became available at Mercedes-Benz Trucks, but David sensed he had been in the UK too long – he turned it down. “I’d holidayed in Mallorca in my teens, I liked it, our family had a boat in Andratx, so I started to look for a business here,” explains David. “I felt I needed to get back to boats, it’s where I felt at home, so with my engineering and motor trade background, plus a captain’s

“We’d just landed and in the taxi Lucy said ‘I feel at home already, I could live here, let’s move’ - I confessed that was exactly what I was planning. She’s always had a knack for knowing things before they happen.”

“I asked if it was Deckers, and it was”, says David. “I knew Deckers, we ordered our Double Haven gear from them, but they were now teetering on bankruptcy and in need of rescue. In January 2005, Lucy and I jointly signed a purchase agreement, on 6 April we got the keys to Deckers’ Santa Catalina office. We’d moved to Mallorca.” The Deckers of 2005 was a small locally-focussed concern. Last year it was a two-millioneuro turnover enterprise with 80% of business coming from outside Mallorca. How did the Irelands (Lucy and David married in 2008) do it? “In 2010 we were asked to quote for a well-known Russian gentleman’s fleet, five boats. In reality it was way out of Deckers’ league, but when it started to look promising we put a deposit on a new premises and machinery so we could fulfil the potential order. If there was no deal, we’d just forfeit the deposit. We got the deal. This was a massive turning point for us. Up until then our annual turnover was around 200,000 euros – this contract alone was worth half a million.” Supplying to the biggest boat in the world (at the time, 180m Azzam now has that accolade) earned Deckers great credibility and they were able to launch a

new build department. David and Lucy then worked very hard to secure fresh business, undoubtedly helped by a growing industry – including the megayachts themselves. Deckers Barcelona opened in 2011, Antibes in 2014. Deckers’ second turning point began incubating around five years ago. “Over the years we have constantly pitched against Dolphin Wear. We’re pretty much identical – same product, same customers,” recounts David. “Owner Patrick Gilliot and I were introduced about five years ago at Antibes Yacht Show. Neither of us was too keen to meet the other, but we shared a bottle of wine at a Chinese restaurant and tried to find some common ground. As the banter and wine flowed, we decided we got on quite well and would find ways to work together rather than against.” Last year, in 2017, the two companies merged to form DWD Uniform Solutions. Same staff, same premises, but shared resources and, of course, shared costs. “We only really started as DWD Uniform Solutions on 8 January this year, so just weeks into our new structure and format,” finishes David. “But we know we have a stable, reliable business and the client can have 100% confidence in us. There are not many clothing companies out there large enough to handle huge orders. Take Eclipse as an example, it has around 106 crew each needing perhaps four pieces of every uniform item - thousands of pieces in all different sizes. No normal supplier carries that amount of stock – we do. We are a formidable force in crew uniform and target a five million euro turnover in 2018.” Deckers’ rags of 2005 have certainly become the DWD Uniform Solutions riches of 2018 - not bad for a lad who was kicked out of school.


MALLORCA YACHTING INDUSTRY NEWS number of charter days and an estimate of the income of these yachts, VAT collected, the expenses of the yachts and other disbursements. A detailed work has been carried out by contacting the representative of each yacht to know the exact number of days that the boat has been chartered in Spain during the summer of 2017. The charter revenues are a close estimate of reality, since depending on each owner and duration of the charter, the prices are somewhat negotiable.

Photo © Klaus Jordan

Huge Increase in VAT Raised in Spain from the Superyacht Charter Industry in 2017 For the fourth consecutive year we have prepared a report to track the development of the large yacht charter market. On the 30th October, 2013, the Law 16/2013 of the 29th October was published in the BOE which, among other tax measures, modified the Special Tax on Certain means of transport (IEDMT) extending its exemption to any yacht intended exclusively for charter, without limit of length.

a permanent establishment located in Spain, without modifying the circumstances that gave rise to the exemption from the IEDMT. This query in effect regularizes the private use of yachts dedicated to charter and brings us closer to legislation in other EU Member States. From these two important

facts we have seen a growing interest from owners in chartering their yachts and on the side of clients in “chartering” in the Balearic Islands. This report contains the results of the changes in the legislation: yachts that have obtained a charter license in the Balearic Islands, the total

* Yacht expenses: mainly includes: fuel, berths, beverages and foods. 30% of the charter price for motor yachts and 25% is calculated for sailboats. ** Other expenses: An estimate of 5% for other disbursements that the passengers spend out of the boat: shops, restaurants, hotels, golf, beaches, clubs. *** 21% VAT is applied on the charter price. In some cases, charters have started in France or Italy, so the VAT was

At the end of March 2014, a Binding Consultation of the DGT (General Tax Directorate) was published which confirms that yachts owned by a nonresident entity, dedicated to charter, can be chartered by individuals linked to the leasing company, provided that these individuals are not residents of Spain or have

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not collected in Spain. This explains why the VAT charged on the charters is not exactly 21% of total charters.

Compared to last year, the results improved by 40%, both in local expenses and in VAT tax revenue.

Sources: – (Commercial intranet of MYBA) – Brokerage companies members of MYBA – Brokerage subscriber companies to – Independent yacht owners

It is an extraordinary result, especially when we consider that we do not compete on equal terms with neighboring countries:

The report collects the results of all the yachts over 20 meters that are offered in the charter yacht market by the larger international companies. There is data missing from a number of yachts that are only offered in the local market. In 2017 the number of yachts with a charter license has risen to 170. This does not mean that all 170 have made all, or part of their, charters in the Balearic Islands: 52 of them, 30%, have spent the season in other destinations. The charter revenue is an estimate, depending on the owner and the duration of the charter, the prices are somewhat negotiable. The charter revenues are an estimate very close to reality, conditioned to each owner and the duration of the charters. Of the 170 yachts, 38 have a length exceeding 45 meters – in 2013 no there was none. 65 yachts have a length over 35 meters, compared to 5 in 2013. It is important to highlight that in 4 years the income has multiplied by more than 10, both those for the local economy and those of the VAT collected.

• The main obstacle is the 21% VAT. In France and Italy you can apply a reduced VAT for international charters: 10% in France and 6.6% in Italy. • The bureaucratic procedure to obtain a charter license is still quite complicated compared to neighboring countries; It usually takes about 2 months while in France it takes one month and in Italy, only three days. • The legislation and the fiscal regime regarding charter in Spain are complicated and open to interpretation. This leaves the owners in a certain situation of legal insecurity. In short, the charter of large yachts is a sector that has a huge margin to grow and the international sector is betting on the Balearics. Of the eight largest companies in the world dedicated to luxury yachting sector, six have offices in Mallorca, which supports the above. The dynamising aspect of the sector in the local economy (€ 13,472,462 in local expenses) is not limited to summer. The yachts that are already in Spain for the charter season tend to spend the winter here to do their maintenance work and refits, thus contributing to the creation of direct and indirect employment and lengthening of the season.

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MALLORCA YACHTING INDUSTRY NEWS marine growth prevention systems (MGPS) and ICCP hull corrosion protection systems, plus the new ‘tank-in-tank’ hot water system which eliminates limescale and ensures that plenty of hot water is available at peak times.

Echo Marine – Cathelco’s New Service Centre for Yachts in the Mallorca In 2017, Cathelco acquired Echo Marine Service, the service centre for Hydro Electrique Marine (HEM) desalinators based in Palma, Mallorca. The opportunity arose due to the retirement of Erik Hansen, a Danish Navy engineer, who set up the business in 1986 and later became an agent for HEM gaining huge experience in the service and repair of watermakers. Cathelco are well known in the superyacht industry through their marine growth prevention systems (MGPS) which prevent blockages caused by barnacles and mussels in seawater pipework serving engine cooling systems. They also produce ICCP corrosion protection systems which safeguard the integrity of steel and aluminium hulls. More recently, as the result of IMO and USCG legislation, they have developed ballast water treatment systems with particularly small footprints which are designed for the superyacht market. The acquisition of Echo Marine was a logical step for Cathelco following on from the purchase of Antibes based HEM in 2015. HEM desalinators and water treatment equipment are widely used on superyachts with a record of more than 4,000 installations over a 8


period of 30 years. “Palma is a major hub for the superyacht industry and we are keen to maintain and expand our presence on Mallorca drawing on the experience of the Echo Marine team who have built a strong reputation for their expertise in all aspects of watermakers”, said Justin Salisbury, managing director of Cathelco. Echo Marine employs 8 people including a team of 6 engineers who are available to install and service water treatment equipment. “Echo Marine have been working closely with HEM for over 30 years, so I see the Cathelco takeover as a natural progression and am very pleased that our treasured clients will continue to be in good hands”, said Erik Hansen. The company installs and services a wide range HEM desalinators and water treatment systems. In addition, facilities are available for testing water to ensure that it complies with MCA and general manning regulations, and the subsequent treatments in case the water does not comply. Sam Wand, sales manager of Cathelco’s Superyacht Division, has been based in Palma since the autumn. “Due to its location in the western Mediterranean, Mallorca is often a stopping off point for superyachts

crossing the Atlantic and this puts us in a good position to get servicing and repair work”, said Sam Wand. The other important factor is that Echo Marine’s office and workshop are very close to the marinas and main shipyards in Palma which means that they are ideally placed for installing or repairing equipment on superyachts which are undergoing refits or major repairs. “At the height of the season there will always be yachts which require emergency repairs to their water treatment systems. Echo Marine have a 24 hour helpline which means that if a problem occurs at night, we will have an action plan ready for the morning”, Sam explained. In addition to developing the service and repair work, Echo Marine has the potential to become a showcase for Cathelco’s portfolio of yachting products in Mallorca. These include the

One of the problems with conventional direct heating systems is the amount of scale produced in the cylinder, mainly on the heating elements themselves. This reduces the efficiency of the system and results in the inconvenience and expense of changing the elements. “Water taken on-board from the mains supply in the Balearics tends to be quite ‘hard’ and if your yacht is berthed here for long periods of time, the problem of scale forming on heating elements can lead to the need for premature replacement”, Sam commented. With a range of new products from Cathelco and HEM, plus a team of highly experienced engineers to carry out installation and servicing work, Echo Marine is looking towards 2018 with renewed sense of enthusiasm. “Over the coming months Echo Marine will be having a complete facelift with fresh exterior signage based on a new corporate identity scheme”, said Sam Wand who sees a bright future for the company through the wider possibilities for sales that are generated by the Cathelco and HEM network.

MIKE REYNOLDS FEATURE opens out before you. Soon you are confronted by an extraordinary sight: Earthships seeded from the dreams of renegade architect and sustainability visionary Michael Reynolds. Within the four Earthship communities around Taos, you will see a pyramid, a castle, an ice cream coloured confection, a structure resembling an oilrig and others that could have landed from Mars.

Mike Reynolds

By Rosalinda Much

Mike Reynolds More than seven hundred miles from the nearest ocean, the high desert of Northern New Mexico seems an unlikely place to find answers to the problems of coastal communities devastated by hurricanes and other natural disasters. Nestling against the folds of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains and spread across a wide valley, lies the town of Taos. Long before Hispanic settlers founded the town, around a thousand years ago Taos Pueblo became home to the Tewa, a Native American tribe of farmers and craftsmen. Many legendary figures have found their way to Taos. The author DH Lawrence, photographer Ansel Adams and the painter Georgia O’Keefe all lived there. The iconic movie Easy Rider was shot partly in Taos and the town hosts KTAO, the world’s first totally solar powered radio station. It would seem that Taos was, is and probably always will be, a place for rebels and revolutionaries. If you head out of town up Pueblo de Paseo Norte and drive towards the Rio Grande Gorge Bridge, the vast expanse of the mesa 10


Graduating from architecture school in 1969, Michael Reynolds was highly critical of conventional architecture, which he believes adheres too closely to out-moded theory and practice rather than focusing on quality of life. Reynolds maintains that, instead of focusing too much on the aesthetics of a structure, a creative builder must be prepared to experiment and fail in order to find better solutions. He wanted to produce autonomous buildings that would ‘take care” of the occupants, offering them freedom from the infrastructure and the burden of utility bills by using natural and recycled materials while not imposing stress on the planet. Moving to Taos, Reynolds built Thumb House in 1972. Educated in a brick based culture, he combined earth, wood and glass with bricks made from used beer cans

that created thermal mass, which, once established, maintains heat. This build also taught him the importance of south-orientated windows to catch the best of the sun. Now recognized and reproduced all over the world, Earthship Biotecture is based on six core elements to enable a sustainable, autonomous life: building with natural and recycled materials, solar and wind power, thermal/solar heating and cooling, rainwater harvesting and filtration, self contained sewage treatment and food production within the structure itself. (To see more visit www. Nearly half a century later, Reynolds’ theory of architectural evolution through trial and error has not only come to fruition but is more relevant than ever. Earthship Biotecture is the number one eco-construction and self-sufficient living company in the world but this was achieved via a courageous and at times punishing journey involving difficulties that would have defeated lesser men. To enable this progress through experimentation, clients were needed which often involved a risky gamble when testing new ideas that might not work. Due to the angling of the windows, Reynolds’ first attempt to build a two-storey home created too much heat even in winter. So extreme was the

temperature that the owner’s heritage typewriter literally melted into a pool of plastic! Among other potential risks, running sewage through a living room proved costly when things went wrong! These experiments have meant that occasional lawsuits have been an integral part of Earthship evolution, though happily those times have passed. Most problematic of all was the temporary loss of Reynolds’ state and national architectural licences when his building methods came under fire, as they did not align with existing legislation. Forced to surrender his licences to avoid prosecution for malpractice, Reynolds took it upon himself to become a Trojan horse within the system. This involved him in long years of negotiation and legal battles with various authorities. Having regained his architectural licences, Reynolds now refers to himself as a biotect. To allow his company and others to experiment with unproven methods, Reynolds forged new legislation establishing the right to use land as ‘building test sites’. The manifestation of Reynolds’ vision has come a long way since he constructed Thumb House and went on to develop the Earthship concept. Built in Taos in 2005, The Phoenix requires no power, gas lines or water coming in, no energy is used, sewage management is internalized and up to 6,000 gallons of water can be stored. The house provides a beautiful setting while maintaining a year round temperature of 70F, impressive considering that outside it can swing from 30F below to over 100F, yet there are no utility bills to be paid. More than half of The Phoenix’s floor space is devoted to food production.


There are water features and an internal jungle where twenty-foot trees grow with tropical birds, insects and bugs living amongst the foliage. Tilapia, other fish and turtles swim in a pond. Outside there is space for ducks, chickens and goats. The Phoenix can support a family of four without the need to leave the house for anything! It offers its residents totally autonomous living or freedom if you prefer. Alongside its commercial work, Earthship Biotecture has developed Biotecture Planet Earth, a not-for-profit wing through which they teach people to build autonomous houses, they organize sustainable development, disaster and poverty relief projects around the world as well as enabling the public to learn about sustainability through their visitors’ centre and nightly rentals of Earthships. Based in Taos, the month long courses at Earthship Academy focus on Earthship design principles, construction methods and philosophy. Led by Michael Reynolds, top Earthship builders, electricians, plumbers and plant specialists teach students from around the world through a combination of classroom studies, laboratory, tours and hands on construction experience.

In response to Hurricane Mitch in 1999, Michael Reynolds led a team to Tegucigalpa, Honduras, to build “Hut”, which demonstrated hurricane resistant building methods designed for warmer climates and small, affordable projects. Since then the team have undertaken a variety of sustainability, poverty and disaster relief projects in places such as Uruguay, Little Andaman Island, Mexico, Nepal, Malawi, the Philippines, Easter Island and Haiti.

Speaking about the project, Michael Reynolds says, “We want to teach as many people as possible how to build very low-cost, hurricane resistant buildings that can be used as shelters. Depending on how much money we can raise, we will have various teams working at the same time to construct as many buildings as possible and teach participants how to do this themselves.”

To cover the initial five-day build, Earthship Biotecture raised $5,000 to cover clearing the land, materials, flights and salaries for the key crew. Twenty international volunteers and a group of locals complete the team. The land has been donated and there is more on offer when the necessary finance is in place to produce additional buildings. Local government representatives and many of

Using as much waste as possible, these ventures are undertaken by a core crew from Earthship Biotecture, assisted by academy graduates, other volunteers and local residents to enable them to build and teach others how to construct the buildings themselves. Last September, along with other Caribbean islands, Hurricane Maria decimated Puerto Rico, destroying homes and leaving thousands of people without shelter, water or electricity. This February, with Earthship Biotecture’s senior foreman Phil Basehart, Michael Reynolds will lead a small disaster relief trip to Puerto Rico where they will build a hurricane resistant Earthship demonstration building in San Juan.

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the island’s seventy mayors will visit the build. The design is based on a five-petal flower. While each is slightly different, the fivepetal model was used in Sierra Leone, Malawi and Easter Island. The design works well in warm and tropical climates where it is unnecessary to position buildings towards the sun. It creates a lot of shelter with a large roof area to catch and store rainwater. Although the initial build will produce two structures, Reynolds intends to return to complete the remaining petals and install the necessary infrastructure including a bathroom once funds are to hand. It is a testament to the passion and loyalty that he inspires that academy graduates and other volunteers are prepared to fly in, cover their own costs plus a donation and follow him all over the world, so hungry are they to keep building. Reynolds claims that, if the

funds are available, he could bring an Earthship army a thousand strong to work continuously until the whole of Puerto Rico is rebuilt with hurricane resistant buildings. Like other Caribbean islands, tourism that includes attractive moorings for yachts, luxury hotels, elegant homes, glamorous restaurants, entertainment venues and other infrastructure is an essential element of Puerto Rico’s economy and character. Earthships capable of withstanding future natural disasters can be designed for these and other purposes. How amazing would it be if the response to these disasters could result not just in recovery but transforming coastal communities into inspirational examples of the way forward worldwide? Impressive as it is that Earthship Global has the expertise, ability and manpower to reconstruct whole islands, the organization requires the means to buy and transport supplies and personnel plus access to other expertise and local knowledge dependent on where they are working. Who has the funds, connections, manpower and inclination to enable this? Is this an opportunity for the yachting fraternity that is so reliant upon coastal communities for its livelihood and pleasure cruising?



Captain of the sailing yacht

VIVID for twelve years and General Manager of YachtAid Global, Tim Forderer sees the connection between the yachting and coastal communities as a karmic relationship; “All of us need to take part in a discussion about the lessons learned from the last few months. We must recognise how essential it is for the yachting community to support a full time humanitarian organization that represents the entire boating fraternity in support of the world’s coastal communities upon which we rely for our destinations and from whom we receive so much.” Founded ten years ago, in collaboration with a worldwide network of volunteers, approved NGOs and disaster relief experts, YachtAid Global ( coordinates the acquisition and delivery of humanitarian aid to coastal communities in need or impacted by natural disasters. It also provides disaster relief management. In 2018 YachtAid Global is expanding its mission to support coastal communities through on going humanitarian initiatives that yacht owners, crews and industry leaders can participate in. To do this, they are collaborating with AYSS, a global collective of the best super yacht agents. While all agents offer standard information to yachts, Estela Shipping has an outstanding book about Palma and the Balearic Islands featuring bunkering, provisioning and more. YachtAid Global is encouraging other agents to produce similar books that will also promote how to become more involved in local culture and identify potential volunteering opportunities worldwide for owners and crew plus other issues. By making this information readily available, when the next storm comes, the industry can be efficiently

proactive rather than reactive which will allow the right aid to get to the right people at the right time. To enable their expanded mission, YachtAid Global is looking to yacht owners to step up and make significant contributions in the form of a YachtingPledge. This pledge is based on the GivingPledge. org model created by Warren Buffet and Bill and Melinda Gates. Through GivingPledge. org, between one hundred to one hundred and fifty of the world’s ultra High Net Worth philanthropic families are making a public commitment to give away a large percentage of their financial worth. Some thirty of those individuals are yacht owners. YachtAid Global is asking them to channel some of their energy and resources to YachtingPledge. This contribution will also include expertise and knowledge to ensure assets are used to their greatest potential. Forderer hopes that, through YachtAid Global and other enterprises, the habit of making a humanitarian contribution will become deeply rooted within the entire yachting sector. He says, “I truly believe that when a yacht crew looks back on their time at sea, they won’t so much remember hundreds of nights in the pub as they will installing clean drinking water filters or solar lighting solutions so that kids can study into the evening.

MIKE REYNOLDS FEATURE These are the memories they will cherish.” Basehart echoes Forderer’s sentiments. Having finished construction on his own Earthship with no mortgage or utility bills to pay, he realized that he could enable others to do the same and, through that, change their lives for the better. Travelling with the Earthship Biotech crew to majority world situations, he saw how people with very limited incomes are caught in a cycle of renting inadequate homes and paying for utilities from which neither they nor their children or grandchildren can escape. Basehart’s life mission now involves helping such people. As he points out, those who experience natural disasters soon find themselves in such conditions, which happened in Puerto Rico. While Michael Reynolds looks to bring an Earthship army

with the force of a hurricane to rebuild Puerto Rico, YachtAid Global’s vision is to make Dominica the world’s first totally resilient country, a place where Reynolds’ team are already in discussion with tribal elders! Looking out across the Bay of Palma, home to Europe’s largest marina, it is easy to see how important a contribution the yachting fraternity can make to answering the needs of the disaster stricken Caribbean islands and other such places. However, as Tim Forderer states, “The time for competition outside sport is over and, instead, it is time for us all to build unity.” So the question must be quite what could be achieved if two such powerful forces as the global yachting community and Reynolds’ Earthship army were to work together? For sometimes, as Reynolds says, “It takes a disaster for the

world to prepare.” Whether you are a billionaire owner, a newbie deck hand or a landlubber who gets seasick when you step on board a pedalo, here is an opportunity to be part of a world changing crew. Alongside the possibilities that the yachting sector offers, you could help through a donation to Biotecture Planet Earth, volunteering on a

disaster build or attending the Earthship Academy. (To donate to the Puerto Rico Disaster Build, visit www.biotectureplanetearth. com/donate) Each one of us has something we can bring to this remarkable odyssey, and as Michael Reynolds says, “It will be a shot heard across the world.”


Steve Colley

Oyster Service Centre The Oyster Service Centre in Palma has been growing steadily over the last couple of years under the care of Mark Durham, successfully evolving into a committed and dynamic team that aspires to uphold the reputation for Oyster customer care and to build on the heritage of the parent companies, Oyster Marine and Southampton Yachts Services.

Evelyne Dupont

There are now up to 20 people in the team able to take on a variety of different projects, helping owners and crew with refit and maintenance. Investment in facilities includes a fabrication workshop run by Marcel Rothe, a tender service and storage operation, and two workshop containers for use on site with refit projects. Steve Colley recently joined OSC Palma as Service

Manager from Oyster UK after eight years in Southampton in a similar role. Steve runs the service team of engineers, shipwrights, electricians and painters and is always available for advice when required. The guardienage team, run by Mike Barnes (ex Royal Navy and professional mariner), look after 20 boats of varying sizes motor or sail up to 90ft. This diverse service offers owners ease of ownership, helping them to maintain and manage their yachts from a distance. This can also give the chance for crew to take time off during gaps in a busy season. The Palma team also act as a gateway for larger special projects – either for completion in Palma, or for work back at the Southampton shipyard. Hamish Burgess-Simpson, well known amongst Oyster owners for his great knowledge and passion for the yachts, has proved to be a great asset in the team. Hamish managed the build in Turkey of the two Oyster 100s – Sarafin and Penelope – and the Oyster 125 Twilight. As these yachts become due for their 5-year Lloyd’s Classification surveys, the owners and skippers value having Hamish’s depth of knowledge locally available. Led by Hamish, the OSC team completed the Sarafin Lloyd’s survey and associated maintenance and refit work

in spring 2017. Work is now complete for the same survey for Penelope and she is on her way to the Caribbean for her busy charter season. Twilight will be back in spring 2018 for her survey. In between these projects, Hamish likes to pretend he has actually retired to his farm in South Africa! The office is run by Evelyne Dupont who is able to speak four languages fluently and oversees the administration team. Her team can assist with all manner of enquiries including berthing and freight. As the reputation of the OSC team has grown they have worked on yachts from other build yards – Wally, Yachting Developments, Persico/ Maxi 72, X-Yachts, Swan, San Lorenzo, Hallberg-Rassy and Sabre to name a few. In fact, the phone number for Mason Jones, senior engineer and well known in the yachting industry, seems to be the helpline of quite a few skippers and owners looking for advice and guidance of a mechanical nature. Current OSC team projects include an engine room refit for the Wally Tilakkhana, working alongside various other service companies under the direction of the skipper. And at the other end of the size range, in Can Pastilla, other members of the team are assisting with the refit of a 30 year old Oyster Heritage 37.


Horizon Marine Electronics Steve Worrall (+34) 673 549 200

Horizon Marine Electronics Ends 2017 on a High The last working day of 2017 gave cause for great celebration at Horizon Marine Electronics as the company was successfully accredited with the latest quality management systems standard - ISO 9001:2015. It was a fitting finale for an exciting last quarter which also saw the appointment of two new key staff members. “As we continue to develop and widen our portfolio of services, and expand our highly-skilled workforce, the need for a structured and controlled quality management system became more pressing,” explains Steve Worrall, Operations Manager for Palma de Mallorca-based Horizon Marine Electronics. “We started the process of acquiring ISO 9001:2015 in July last year and, thanks to great effort from all the team, spearheaded by our Accounts Manager Sandra Llinás, we received the good news just as we were closing for the festive break – a wonderful early Christmas gift.” Steve continues, “Instead of trying to cut corners by opting for a less prestigious certifying organisation, we stayed true to our marine roots and elected to work 16


with Lloyd’s Register for our ISO certification, the leading international provider of classification and compliance to the marine industry. It makes our achievement all the more satisfying.” Horizon Marine Electronics has also welcomed two new faces to its growing team. In September, Veronique Boissier took up her position as Purchasing Manager. Previously employed by superyacht refinishing giants Pinmar, she is fluent in French, Spanish and English and has already proved herself to be invaluable. Veronique played an integral part in achieving the aforementioned ISO certification. Service Technician Daniel González came onboard in October. Having worked for a Horizon Marine Electronics competitor for more than four years, Daniel has extensive technical knowledge, experience and initiative. Hailing from Barcelona, he is also the business’s first ‘local’ technician – hopefully the first of many. Steve finishes, “We’re fortunate to be receiving glowing testimonials from both owners and crew alongside deserved recognition from suppliers for achieving and exceeding sales targets. 2018 is looking very bright indeed and we will be launching new products and services in the coming weeks.”

Sanlorenzo Spain Sanlorenzo Yachts Balear SL C/ Benito Feijoo, Local 7 Puerto Portals, Calvia (+34) 971 676 930

24.6m Sanlorenzo SL78 Sold by Sanlorenzo Spain In a very positive start to the new year, Sanlorenzo Spain, the exclusive agents for Sanlorenzo in Spain and the Balearic Islands, are proud to announce the sale of a new build SL78 unit to a Northern European client. Hull 682 is currently in construction in Sanlorenzo’s Ameglia facility and is scheduled for final delivery in June 2018, after which she will cruise to her home berth in Puerto Portals, Mallorca, Spain for the first time. This new build unit was sold to a very experienced yacht owner who is new to the Sanlorenzo brand. SL78-682 is the 13th hull of the Sanlorenzo SL78 model, which was first introduced to the market at Cannes Yachting Festival 2016. Sanlorenzo has carefully designed the SL78 to adhere to its ‘innovation into tradition’ philosophy which acts to maintain the heritage styling which allows each Sanlorenzo to be easily identifiable and timeless. As with all Sanlorenzo yachts, each SL78 can be tailored

Adopt a rescued dog in 2018! (+34) 637 242 228

to each owner’s exacting customisation requirements, contrasting other ‘production style’ yachts in this category. Her specification has been carefully tailored to meet the requests of her owner, who plans to cruise extensively in the Mediterranean over the next few seasons. This new build unit will be powered by the more powerful twin 1622 HP MTU 10V2000M96L engine option, which can achieve a maximum speed of 29 knots. Luxurious accommodation for eight guests is divided into four cabins - her spacious owner’s stateroom is located amidships on her lower deck along with a VIP stateroom and two twin berth cabins. There is additional crew accommodation on board for up to three crew members. Her flybridge boasts spacious and uninterrupted relaxation spaces due to the storage of the tender in an innovative aft garage system. A jet tender of up to 3.95m can easily be deployed using an innovative hydraulic launching system. Unparalleled natural light is achieved throughout her interior, including her main deck living area which benefit from optimised bulwarks, allowing sunlight to cascade through large windows and contributing to unhindered panoramas of the surrounding coastline.


Prestige Appoints Dealer for the Balearics Ancasta International Boat Sales will Represent Prestige Motor Yachts in Mal and Ibiza. Ancasta International Boat Sales in the UK has strengthened its relationship with Prestige Motor Yachts, becoming dealers for Mallorca and Ibiza in the Balearics. Prestige sales and servicing

will be available through Ancasta’s Palma office, as well as the new Cala d’or office that opens early 2018. “Prestige is such a strong brand, the company’s growth speaks volumes about its popularity and reputation,” says Ancasta Prestige brand manager Nick Hatfield. “There is huge potential here and this new relationship in the Balearic region will enable us to cater for those who wish to

buy or keep their boats in the Mediterranean.” Prestige claims to be the fastest-growing motorboat brand in the world. The

company says it plans to release six new models for 2018 that will further cement its position as a major player in the motoryacht market.

MALLORCA YACHTING INDUSTRY NEWS condition on arrival, ready for a memorable experience in the perfect cruising area of the western Mediterranean. Investment in YachtQuarters creates a four-partner ownership structure that lasts for four years, after which the boat is sold and the structure dissolved. If, after a minimum of two years, an owner wishes to opt out, they can sell their share as a liquid asset.

YachtQuarters M. (+34) 689 536 802 T. (+34) 971 234 140 henning.price@

Princess Motor Yacht Sales - London Boat Show: Princess Motor Yacht Sales Launches YachtQuarters A unique yacht-sharing program that takes all the hassle out of yacht ownership. Princess Motor Yacht Sales (PMYS) announces the launch of YachtQuarters, an innovative new way to live the Mediterranean dream on a superb Princess Motor Yacht – with none of the traditional headaches involved with owning a large yacht. YachtQuarters is a unique shared acquisition program where every aspect of the yacht’s operation, maintenance and management is looked after by experienced permanent crew and the professional management team at Princess Motor Yacht Sales, the world’s largest Princess distributor and a leading European maritime service provider for over 50 years. The initial launch features a stunning new Princess 75 Motor Yacht, Maltese-flagged and based at Port Adriano in Palma de Mallorca, just 30 minutes’ drive from the airport. She boasts eight berths in four luxurious ensuite cabins, and separate quarters for two or three 18


crew. The YachtQuarters yacht manager will ensure that each owner enjoys a total of eight trouble-free weeks onboard during the year: two in summer, four in spring and autumn, and two off-season. This ensures that owners get maximum value from their investment. Outgoings such as servicing, maintenance, repairs, storage etc. are predictable based on costs the previous year, and shared equally between all owners. Individual owners will be responsible only for their consumables such as food, drinks and fuel. The crew can replace the owners’ personal effects and ensure food and drinks preferences are onboard prior to arrival to ensure that the owners feel at home as soon as they step aboard their yacht. YachtQuarters’ budgets include permanent crew for the Princess 75 and her toys (jet tender, water skis, banana boats, Seabobs, snorkling gear etc.), complete management and operation, as well as reserves for unexpected expenses. In comparison to charter, the total cost per week with YachtQuarters is approximately 65% of a corresponding charter. The yacht will always be kept in superb condition through the meticulous management of the crew and Princess Motor Yacht Sales’ after care service, safeguarding the investment. This will ensure the yacht is in perfect

YachtQuarters will launch at the boat shows in London and Dusseldorf in January on the Princess stand.

Jim Lotz - Vicente Libertini Sales and Marketing Director (+34) 607 828 391

Vc Metalwork USA Open for Business Vc Metalwork starts production in the USA to service both sides of the Atlantic. Following a decade of service to the sail and motorboat world in Palma de Mallorca, Spain VC Metalwork has expanded its operations to service the the USA. Vicente Libertini (founder of Vc Metalwork) has relocated to Pompano Beach where he and his team are poised to embark on projects starting January 2018. This prime location allows Vc Metalwork to provide service to yachts and business up and down the coast including Miami, Fort

Lauderdale, West Palm beach and beyond. Within the facility Vc Libertini LLC will be capable of conducting projects including certified welding, machining (turning and milling), metal fabrication, coded pipework and polishing. As with the Palma de Mallorca location Vc Libertini LLC offer a depth of experience in working with all common marine materials including Steel, Stainless Steel, Titanium and Aluminium. “With more and more yachts conducting annual trips between the Mediterranean and the East coast of the States we decided to replicate our facility here in America to ensure excellent service to both new and existing clients” explains Vicente Libertini, “Vc Metalwork has become the ‘go to’ company for metal fabrication, machining and welding in Palma and we are ready to do the same here.” Vc Metalwork was started in 2008 by Vicente Libertini in Palma De Mallorca, Spain. Joined by James King and Jim Lotz adding valuable technical/on water experience, Vc Metalwork focusses on high end, technical projects. The company’s expertise and knowledge has helped grow the business and client list to include the fastest and most impressive boats on the water today. Customers in the USA can expect the same, professional level of service as in Spain with an emphasis on turn key engineered solutions, on time and budget delivery as well as excellent customer service.

Daniela Weber, Pierre Oberon, Helen Stachini

Palmawatch Looking Forward to 2018 As we head towards another sailing season in the Mediterranean, Palmawatch are celebrating their long association with the yacht maintenance and refit sector in Palma, having been established for 16 years, and being based right in the heart of the action at the bustling and ever busy STP shipyard. We asked Pierre Oberon, Managing Director for some thoughts on the future, and to share some highlights from 2017. “Last year was very successful for us, in terms of consolidating the capabilities of our team, both from a hands-on skills perspective, and also within our administrative and customer service functions. This puts us in great shape to continue growing the business, whilst offering the most comprehensive range of quality driven services to our clients in 2018 and beyond” said Pierre. Almost exactly a year ago, Palmawatch announced that Helen Stachini had joined the company to look after the Client Liaison side of the business. Pierre said, “Helen’s contribution to the business development has been a real asset. With her many years previous experience in the yachting industry, and a friendly, positive attitude, she epitomises the approach that has helped us to gain our reputation for reliability.” Later last year Pierre announced a logical extension of the Palmawatch capability

with the formation of Palmafits about which he said, “with this latest development, and our solid background in smallerscale yacht refits, we aim to fulfil the demand for larger refit projects, with our usual professionalism and attention to detail.” “The Palmafits philosophy is based on the premise that every aspect of a refit project, from the initial enquiry through to sea trials is professionally managed, with effective communications between all interconnected parties being at the core of the business. And equally importantly we have invested in having a fully supportive team in place to provide effective communications and wellcoordinated administration. In this respect, the incorporation of Daniela Weber is a real asset for Palmafits due to her long experience managing TPA’s and yacht agency services” To further support their future operations, Palmawatch have also made sure to keep their inhouse trade skills and expertise at the highest possible level. For instance, their Metalwork, Plumbing and Engine Service departments are manned by highly qualified tradesmen with many years experience in the marine industry. All of this is backed up by continuously adding to their portfolio of reputable material supplies, where Palmawatch actively represent leading marine equipment manufacturers such as Exit Engineering (Carbon Fibre wheels, swim ladders and Gangways) and Lewmar to name a few.



By Josh Richardson Superyacht Tenders and Toys

Adding Charter and Sales Value With so many yachts listed for charter and sale, what makes them stand out? Is it overall size, deck layouts, the chef or captain, swimming pools and spas? Increasing we are finding that it is the tenders and toys package. This is in part due to clients becoming more aware of the options for different tenders and that it no longer needs to be just a 5m Zodiac running them ashore, but it also comes down to more active lifestyles and an increased appreciation for the time spent on board a superyacht maximising fun and enjoying being on, in or above the water on tenders and toys! Superyacht Tenders and Toys (SYTT) are a trusted partner of Burgess, YCO, Hill Robinson, Imperial, Ocean Independence and other management companies as they appreciate the value in outfitting yachts with the best packages that enable clients to most enjoy their time afloat. Having the right toys setup also assists with the sale of the vessel, a notable vessel recently sold that was fully outfitted by Superyacht Tenders and Toys is MY Ulysses which was the largest sale of 2017. On this project SYTT agreed the tenders and toy package from concept at the right budget 20



to ensure that the vessel was desirable by new the owners but without going crazy with custom carbon builds such as limousine tenders as these are something very personal and are often purchased by owners themselves. In this case, large tenders capable of long distance cruising as well as amphibious craft and watersports tenders meant that there was a perfect tender for every task (one of the joys of working with the larger explorer boats that have space for multiple tenders and do not need to compromise on having just one or two boats to do all roles such as beach landing, limousine, watersports and towables). Superyacht Tenders and Toys will take into account the intended use of the yacht – whether it is to be chartered, sold or used privately- and suggest tenders and toys that will add to the value of the yacht or the value of the owner’s or charterer’s time onboard. Many of the most successful new charter yachts such as MY Cloudbreak, MY 11.11 and others have been outfitted with toys by Superyacht Tenders and Toys during the build specifically with charter in mind. These yachts appreciate that the moments guests love are when they are interacting with the water, learning a new skill and creating lasting memories with friends and family. Whether this is having their first Flyboard lesson, a secluded trip to a cove in



Toys on transom

Wajer 38 S HR 4

Jet Ski

a kayak, an 80mp/h blast on a jetski, Scuba-diving or swimming safely with the children. All of these boats had an agreed budget and SYTT worked to the GA designing storage space and recommending the right package for their needs, based off real experience of what gets used the most. This ensures that the right equipment, quantities, ratios and sizes are provided avoiding situations where boats have a lot of idle, unused equipment.


There are a number of classic toys required for charter which are the minimum to be expected on a charter yacht. These are listed on the charter literature and include items such as jetskis, Seabobs and towables. Increasingly, one of the most popular items requested for charters are yacht slides alongside other inflatables such as climbing walls and Blobs. SYTT stock adjustable slides ranging from 4-9m high as this is without doubt the most regularly asked for last-minute charter request. Inflatables design and manufacture has come a long way in the last 10 years with new materials in use meaning that these items are better value, lighter and more manageable than previously. This has made them easier to store, rig, recover and use than ever before. The introduction of Rapid Flate valves means they are faster to pump air into and there is less time taken by crew setting these up. Other

items often listed by boats are some or all of the wind sports including kitesurf equipment, windsurfers or a Tiwal or Laser dinghy if space allows. Quick-fix watersports such as electric surfboards, Jetsurfs and electric bikes like the GoCycle are always popular items. Many toys and tenders are available for rental as well as purchase which is great if you have a one-off charter requiring something specific. SYTT has over 30 rental tenders in the Med ranging from small 5m RIBS to 16m luxury chase boats with cabins. Adding a chase boat can add a huge dimension to any guest trip, giving them a more luxurious trip ashore or greater range in possible destinations to explore. In a crowded marketplace having some toys to make your yacht stand out from others really helps. Despite the relatively low value of the toys themselves the value that they add when marketing the yacht is high. Tenders and toys create the lifestyle imagery and photo shoots required to advertise the yacht in the best possible way enabling people to imagine themselves onboard. Whether you are after a wakeboard, a slide, inflatables, Seabobs or more SYTT is ideally placed to offer the best value packages in the industry together with superb after-sales support.

. 21


Roger Horner - E3 Systems (+34) 971 404 208

Technology Update The New Space Race There’s a lot going on in the world of satellites and in this issue we’ll be taking a look at a few of the latest developments. One change that is all set to benefit us all will be the vast increase in the number of Low Earth Orbit satellites (LEO) that will happen over the next few years. Sitting less than 1,000 miles above the earth LEO satellites are used primarily for data communication and are much smaller than their geostationary counterparts which sit more than 22,000 miles up. They also require a network to provide continuous coverage. There are currently around eleven hundred LEO satellites orbiting earth, with several thousand more scheduled to launch over the next couple of years. Telesat is leading the pack with the planned launch of its mega-constellation of around 120 high-technology satellites scheduled to begin next year. With high-capacity optical links between satellites, Telesat LEO will be a global mesh network capable of delivering fast broadband to both fixed and mobile customers, regardless of location. It’s great news for the yachting world as they will be able to dynamically allocate capacity where it’s needed, such as in remote ocean regions, using advanced beam forming technology. OneWeb has also received 24


approval from the FCC for its planned launch of 720 LEO satellites in 2019. Remarkably, much of the capacity for OneWeb’s constellations has already sold and the company is already talking about exercising its option on almost 2,000 more satellites. And last but by no means least, Elon Musk’s SpaceX currently has an application in with the FCC for the launch of more than 4,000 LEO satellites over the next five years - so it’s all set to get very busy up there.

even more crowded in LEO. There’s a real fear that that objects in LEO are so plentiful that any collision could create a runaway chain reaction known as the Kessler effect. And when you consider how heavily we rely on satellitebased technologies, this is a catastrophe we could do with avoiding.

Keeping Track

Currently, the U.S. Space Surveillance Network keeps track of all these satellites. However, it’s not easy to distinguish between satellites which in turn makes it hard to predict where they’re going, and whom to alert if they need one satellite to dodge out of the way of another. In the US, the Los Alamos National Laboratory is working hard to change that. They’re developing an optical “license plate” that they hope will one day be the size of a postage stamp and travel aboard every object that goes into outer space - allowing observers on the ground to know exactly what kind of satellite it is, what company or country owns it and what orbital path it follows.

There’s a lot of stuff whizzing around out there and with all kinds of space junk, as well as new launches, it’s going to get

Called an Extremely Low Resource Optical Identifier or ELROI, they emit a unique pattern of blinks which can

This is good news for those of us back on planet earth who should start to see faster speeds, true global coverage and a decrease in costs. However to achieve this, the industry knows there needs to be advances in ground terminals to fully take advantage of the capabilities of such constellations. Nextgeneration electronically steered antennas such as the Kymeta flat panels will be perfectly placed to help achieve this, so that’s even better news for e3 customers.

be automatically checked against a database. ELROI could prove particularly useful when it comes to removing space debris. Scientists are currently developing robots to remove defunct satellites and other space junk from orbit. However, you can’t just grab it without obtaining permission from the owner. ELROI will make this a lot easier and do make LEO a little safer for all the satellites whizzing around out there. Blast off with SpaceX Very possibly blasting off as we go to print, SpaceX’s new Falcon Heavy rocket is another step towards the company’s domination of space exploration. It will launch from Kennedy Space Center’s fabled Pad 39A - the one-time jumping-off point for space shuttle and Apollo moon missions. The Falcon Heavy can lift over double the payload, or cargo, as the next closest rocket, as it’s been designed for potential human spaceflight. According to SpaceX, it has a thrust at liftoff equal to approximately eighteen 747 aircraft at full power and will be the most powerful operational rocket in the world by a factor of two. Never one to go by the book, Elon Musk’s rocket will carry an extraordinary payload as he announced on Instagram: “Test flights of new rockets usually contain mass simulators in the form of concrete or steel blocks. That seemed extremely boring, Of course, anything boring is terrible, especially companies, so we decided to send something unusual, something that made us feel. The payload will be an original Tesla Roadster, playing David Bowie’s ‘Space Oddity,’ on a billion-year elliptic Mars orbit.” Autonomous Ships First we had self-driving cars and now we have the prospect of autonomous

TECHNOLOGY UPDATE ships. Rolls Royce and Google have just announced a partnership that is all set to see ships become smarter and self-learning thanks to advanced machine learning algorithms. Under the agreement Rolls-Royce will use Google’s Cloud Machine Learning Engine to train Rolls-Royce’s AI-based (Artificial Intelligence) object classification system – a software suite intended to detect, identify and track surface objects. By combining this technology with on-board cameras all around the ship, the AI could improve on the human lookout, and in the longer term completely relieve humans from this task. While intelligent awareness systems will help facilitate an autonomous future, they can benefit maritime businesses right now by making vessels safer, easier and more efficient to operate by providing crew with an

enhanced understanding of their vessel’s surroundings. It will also bring Rolls Royce’s vision of a fully autonomous ship setting sail by 2020 a step closer to reality. e3 Innovations It’s been a splendid start to the year at e3 with several innovations all set to make their mark in the coming months. Any day now we will be launching a revolutionary new version of our new Med

Roaming SIM which will be one of the best on the market - so check our website for details. The Kymeta single panel solution with KĀLO airtime is available in both the Caribbean and the Med, with several yachts now actively using the service on a daily basis with great success. There’s also some great progress on the multi-panel solution, so for news on this and all our latest innovations watch this space.


Carey Secrett Marketing & Development Manager Professional Yachting Association +33 (0) 4 93 34 91 16

The 2017 PYA Christmas Ball – A Night to Remember! 2017’s PYA Christmas Ball was the biggest one to date. A record number of 220 yachting professionals came to the Carlton Hotel in Cannes to celebrate in style on Friday 15th December. Described by one guest as ‘THE Christmas ticket to have’, the PYA Ball is now firmly established in the yachting calendar as an unmissable event. The evening began with a drinks and canapé reception in the Côte Bar, and we were treated to live jazz music from Eric Fillou. Afterwards, guests were directed to the iconic Grand Salon, an extravagant ballroom with gold and marble decor, ornate ceilings and chandeliers. The ballroom looked more beautiful than ever, thanks to the amazing flower arrangements and Christmas crackers offered by Gourmet Deliveries and the stunning lighting and staging generously installed by Lifestyle Events, a new professional events company established by yacht crew Mark Barrowman and Shelley Butler. PYA CEO Andy Crawford welcomed the guests and toasts were made with the sparkling wine kindly donated by Riviera Wine. This was followed by an exquisite 3 course meal accompanied by more live music. Meanwhile the photobooth opened and wigs were donned, poses were struck and much amusement was had. As one of the many modernising changes that have been 26


made to the event in recent years, we now provide direct social media sharing stations, meaning that guests were able to immediately add their pictures to Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. After dinner, the results of the fundraising raffle were announced. There were some excellent prizes, kindly donated by yachting companies, including cases of champagne, cameras, weekends away, food

hampers, gadgets, beauty treatments and more. The main event of the night was when infamous local band, Blah Blah took to the stage to play. Always a crowd-pleaser, the awesome foursome kept the dancefloor filled with their fantastic performance and energy. Thanks to everyone who came to the ball and made it such a great night! We’re looking forward to 2018’s event already!

With huge thanks to Burgess Crew Recruitment, MYBA and Kitts and Nevis Uniforms for their generous contributions to the cost of the ball, without which the event would not have been possible, and to Gourmet Deliveries, Riviera Wine and Lifestyle Events for kindly providing their topnotch products and services for the event. It really was the best one ever!


Karen Passman Impact Crew T. (+44) 1425 614419

Leading Millennials So what is a ‘Millennial’ and what makes them so different and difficult to manage compared to previous generations? Words that are often used to describe Millennials include ‘privileged, disrespectful, expectant and ambitious’. But aren’t these the same words that previous generations have used to describe the next? Think of the Baby Boomers who emerged into the workplace with a backdrop of Mods and Rockers, or generation X who surfaced through a clamour of Punks. Sorry Millennials, it would seem that being different is a generational right of passage, but let’ take a few minutes to explore what makes you unique. Born sometime after 1980 and before 2000 Millennials are rapidly filling a range of positions on board. While the doctrine of good leadership means that regardless of age, race or gender, we should treat each person as an individual, this has never been more necessary than



for the Millennial generation. We should not assume that all crew of this cohort will conform to the stereotype. However, there are idiosyncrasies concerning the environment that Millennials have been brought up in, and this has undoubtedly had an impact on their approach to working life. The fast pace of life that Millennials have grown up in, means that they are eager for new experiences; so as leaders and managers we need to help them to find opportunities to develop new skills. They are ready to take responsibility sooner than we are ready to give it! Empower them and give them the opportunities to stretch and prove themselves. Millennials have been brought up in an environment where learning and development leads to progression. It’s important that they can see where their careers are heading; using short term goals, career planning and regular feedback will help maintain their levels of motivation. Multi-tasking is what they do, technology has been an integral part of their childhood, a phone or piece of technology attached to some part of their body 24 / 7, ready to occupy them at a moments notice; they don’t do boredom. Find opportunities to challenge them and use the full range of their skills and education. Even if this means encouraging crew to develop

each other in other fields, such as sports or hobbies, it’s important that they feel able to contribute and are valued.

performance reviews twice a year, it’s important to give them meaningful recognition regularly in between times.

Nobody likes to be told what to do and your Millennials are no different, what is different is that they have also been brought up to speak out. Millennials have had little experience of hierarchies; a good yardstick is to respect them as you would like them to respect you. Spend more time listening and supporting, rather than telling and commanding, get to know them as individuals. Lead them instead of managing them, encourage them to speak up and value their input and views. Don’t micromanage or be overly authoritarian. Obviously, there is a time and place when you have no option but to direct, such is in a crisis or a safety critical scenario. However, where possible be flexible, empower and involve crew in the decision making, maybe take a leaf out of General George Patton’s book “Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity.”

Finally, find your cause. Millennials want to make a difference in the world, so what can you do to help them achieve this? Some may argue that the Superyacht world is one of decadent indulgence, for Millennials it can be hard to see the bigger picture or identify their purpose or “why”. However, many owners are also great philanthropists; finding a charity or purpose which strikes a chord with your crew, can be both motivational and uniting. What about ridding our oceans of the plastic that is destroying the very environment we call home?

Millennials need more recognition than previous generations, primarily due to the parenting and teaching styles that they have experienced. Much of their life (or at least the best parts) are played out through social media and they have a genuine need for approval from both their superiors and peers. If you hold

Most of our suggestions here are nothing more than sound management practice, the difference perhaps is that previous generations of crew were more forgiving of poor leadership, whereas Millennials are more likely to highlight your shortcomings. Sometimes, they can be outspoken, but quite often they will simply vote with their feet. If you would like to turn good intentions into everyday great leadership habits, give Impact Crew a call to discuss the various ways we can support you as you lead your Millennial crew.


Jens Oomes (+34) 674 83 83 68 Skype: Jens Oomes invisiblecrewyachting

Our Pocket Superyacht Management Application is Now Available! Just like last month we can share an exciting development at Invisible Crew. In the January issue of the Islander we announced that our training “How to (find) work on Pocket Superyachts.” will start this year. At the time when this issue appears our first online sessions will be in full swing. This month we are proud to let you know that our Pocket Superyacht Management Application is finally tested and ready! Simple and relevant. We have developed an



easy-to-use and relevant web application that allows owners and crew to keep a close eye on the crew’s and yacht’s paperwork, the yacht’s maintenance schedule, the budget and expenses and its calendar. After lots of research and testing over the past few years we realised about 13 months ago that none of the existing ships management systems were fully relevant to Pocket Superyachts. They were too bulky. They contained a lot of segments related to regulations that don’t apply to smaller yachts. We also looked at corporate CRM systems. Again, containing too many irrelevant bells and whistles on one hand and important features missing on the other, it was just not going to work. The system had to be easy to use on your phone, tablet or computer from both the nav station as well as the bilge. The Pocket Superyacht captains are also the

engineers and the deckhands on board. They don’t have the liberty to spend many hours a day at their desk. In fact they generally loathe the admin side of the job. So we decided to develop a simple, relevant, lean and easy-to-use system. The key to continuity. The soft skills and communication that we offer as part of our management services contribute tremendously to crew retention. But crew changes at some point (usually after 2-3 years) are inevitable. At that point the hand-over procedure is highly important. In reality there isn’t always a great amount of time available. A perfect example came up, just like week, when one highly professional crew was about to hand over to another. The new crew’s flight was delayed by two days and right away the planned handover time of 3 full days

was cut short to just a couple of hours. This is why it is important to have a system in which you can easily record and oversee the history of all the yacht’s system. Simply hovering over the completed maintenance tasks will inform the new captain of all the peculiarities about the systems. For example how a generator’s raw water impeller consistently wears out before its scheduled maintenance period due its location in the yacht. These are the little, less obvious pieces of information that are often not transferred in a (rushed) handover. More relevant features. The system contains more relevant features that make the lives of crew easier which I will explain in future articles. The application is designed take away certain worries from owners and, again, with an easy overview helps them understand how money and time are being spent while they are not on board. This is yet another contribution to worry-free Pocket Superyacht ownership.

CREW MATTERS short ship-to-shore transfers by day and at night, with duty of care as a major element of the course. The course will run over two days and one evening and will usually run on a weekend, however private courses can be tailored to suit. The nighttime training will be held on Day 2 after the candidates have prepared a passage plan to be executed under the hours of darkness. Aigua Sea School (+34) 871 230 373

Superyacht Tender Driving There is a practical training course within the RYA powerboat scheme that appears to be little known here in the Mediterranean, but is of great benefit both to the individual and to the yachting industry. The course title is Superyacht Tender Operator and is the product of a collaboration between the Professional Yachting Association (PYA) and the Royal Yachting Association (RYA). Their aim was to meet industry demands and create a course tailored specifically to yacht crew in their role as a tender driver. The course was originally intended for crew responsible for ferrying passengers between superyachts and the shore, and has been extended to suit anyone operating a powerboat day, or night, with responsibility for carrying passengers.

The course is best suited to the individual keen to get into the superyacht sector who holds the Level 2 certificate and recognises the requirement for further training, and therefore uses this course as a means to i) enhance their skill set ii) show evidence of their commitment to the sector iii) put their CV at the forefront; and to existing tender drivers, in possession of the RYA Powerboat Level 2 certificate who may never have received any formal training in the operation of carrying passengers, and critically, the operation of such an activity at night. This course totally addresses that shortcoming. With the backing of the RYA and PYA it is understood this qualification will become the default qualification for tender drivers in the superyacht sector. The course includes plenty of time to practice working with a crew member and operating short-handed. In navigation terms, the emphasis is on

The syllabus will include safety, day and night navigation and pilotage and associated theory, people management, local regulations, passenger safety and comfort, embarking and disembarking passengers, docking situations and anchoring, and understanding the additional hazards of moving passengers, by water, in the dark. This course is only available through Training centres

that hold recognition for Advanced Powerboat training, and currently, within the Balearic Islands, Aigua Sea School and Palma Sea School are the only training centres with authorisation to run this course. Training will be under the care of an Advanced Powerboat Instructor. The candidate must hold the Level 2 Powerboat handling certificate, a VHF/DSC marine radio operator’s certificate and a First Aid certificate. Crew size is a maximum of three to one Advanced Instructor. For further information on this course, the Level 2 Powerboat Handling course and Advanced Powerboat please contact training@ or call the school office on +34 871 230 373. The free-of-charge navigation theory classes that run monthly at Aigua Sea School will further assist your preparation to succeed in this course.

CREW MATTERS crew and guests. It is essential to seek employees that maintain a polite respect for others – both emotionally and physically. 5. Well-Mannered & Discreet

What Makes the Best Yacht Crew? 10 Personality Traits With the turn of the year, many Captains and Yacht Owners will be taking the opportunity to consider the issue of yacht crew placement. With so many worthy candidates on the market, recruiting a full crew is easy but the challenge lies in forming a dependable team of deckhands, chefs, mates, engineers, and interior crew who show exceptional quality, skill, dedication, and an unfaltering work ethic. While lots of skills and qualities can be taught, there is undoubtedly a selection of traits that can be naturally found in the very best superyacht crew. We spoke to Laurence Lewis – the Director of the world’s leading yacht crew recruitment agency, YPI CREW – and the Captain of a 40.00m superyacht to find out their opinions of 10 personality traits of the best crew. The 10 Top Crew Characteristics from Laurence Lewis of YPI CREW Laurence Lewis founded YPI CREW in 2002, and has since grown the recruitment agency into the industry’s world-leading authority. Having started out in the crew recruitment industry in 1993, Laurence has developed a keen understanding for the candidates who go on to carve successful careers for themselves and who are most appealing to Captains. 36


1. Team Player It is essential that crew are able to work in harmony with other colleagues to form a strong unit. When people’s safety is at stake, as is the case when working at sea, it is essential that each team member does her/his part and understands the importance of doing so. 2. Grit and Resilience As outlined in my article for On Board Magazine, grit and resilience are key characteristics for any successful crew. At times, the work can be difficult and the hours long. When we are recruiting crew, we immediately try to gauge candidates’ commitment to a career on yachts. We want to know that they can withstand the physical demands of the job. 3. Humble yet Confident When working in such closeknit quarters, and under the watch of a hierarchy of authority, it is important for crew to know when to stay humble and to learn from the knowledge of more experienced team members. Nevertheless, it is also essential that crew work with diligence, confidence, and purpose. 4. Respectful of Others Whether crew are working on a private yacht or a charter yacht, the vessel will often be busy with both

Etiquette in the yachting industry is predicated on a sense of discretion. Most UHNWIs who own and charter yachts value discretion for matters of safety and privacy. Being well mannered goes hand-in-hand with being discreet, and is based upon a sense of respect. We hire candidates who know the value of discretion. 6. Open-Minded Crew are occasionally asked to perform tasks of which they have no experience of performing. The role generally necessitates versatility. In this sense, it is extremely helpful to select candidates that are open-minded. Nevertheless, superiors should not demand unfeasible requirements of employees, which is also important to bear in mind. 7. Flexible Flexibility is another essential characteristic. In this industry, many things change without a moment’s notice. Whether it’s the weather, the whim of the Owner, or an unforeseen emergency, it is important to go for crew who are flexible, so that they can adapt and cope with change. 8. Curious

in a clear, concise manner is especially essential on a yacht, as a misconceived message could result in disaster. As such, the best crew will speak and listen with precision. Moreover, the vessel’s guests will expect crew to be personable – a trait which is enhanced by articulacy. 10. Driven with a Sense of Initiative When an employee has ambition, it will reflect in their work. It is therefore fair to assume that the best yacht crew are the most ambitious. The 10 Top Crew Characteristics from a Superyacht Captain Yacht Captains are in search of candidates with that little bit extra. Often, this will not immediately be apparent from a CV. For example, ambition will be something that can be determined upon meeting a candidate, as can dedication, work ethic, and attitude. The following 10 traits should be sought wherever possible. 1. Balance of Qualification & Experience While qualifications are extremely important in the yachting industry, so too is experience. The best candidates may not have spent the most time in the classroom, but will be able to demonstrate that they have put the time in dock walking and will have valuable experiences to show for it.

Of course, the best crew will always possess a sense of curiosity. Destinations, people, and experiences are what make this industry so rewarding; the very best crew must be excited by the prospect of exploration. Often, the most worthy candidates are those who are most motivated by the unknown.

2. Self-Motivated

9. Articulate / Good Communicator

There will not always be a senior member of the team to oversee each task. Nevertheless, it is essential

The exchange of information

It is usually those crew who can motivate themselves that progress the quickest up the ladder of command. This industry is not designed for slackers and those with a bad work ethic are quickly found out. 3. Self-disciplined

that a high standard of work be maintained at all times. The best crew will be selfmotivated and will ensure that there are no lapses in the quality of service. 4. Trustworthy Crew are regularly trusted with private information and key responsibilities. For a Captain, it is important to know that the employee will not compromise her/his level of trust and will complete her/ his duties successfully, with quality, and discreetly when required to do so. 5. Loyalty Given the transience that often characterises yacht crew placements, Captains value loyalty and longevity. Knowing that an employee is committed to the position, the Captain, and the yacht is reassuring. 6. Team Player When working on board, it is easier to make other people’s lives easier. Consideration and respect go a long way, whether during working hours or on down time. The age-old saying applies perfectly to the crew dynamic: treat others as you wish to be treated. The best yacht crew do exactly this - much to the benefit of the entire team. 7. Polite and Well-Mannered A superyacht offers the most luxurious experiences available and guests expect

the finest service to match. Crew should be exceptionally courteous to guests at all time. Manners are also important between team members: healthy, amicable relationships must be maintained at all times and good manners are essential in this endeavour. 8. Strong Work Ethic There is always work to be done on a superyacht. If anybody says this job is easy, do not believe them. While it is true that life at sea can be extremely rewarding, crew should approach their careers with the expectation of working hard. Candidates with a strong work ethic suffer no shocks and usually do the best. 9. No Sense of Entitlement Crew are not entitled to their position. For every poor worker, there are one thousand great workers who are itching to gain a role in the crew of a luxury yacht. The best workers will recognise the opportunity they have been given and will perform accordingly. 10. A Perfectionist: It’s all ‘in the detail.’ Many people can perform the basic tasks that are required of yacht crew. However, the best crew will be unfaltering in their attention to detail, unrelenting in their bid to become better at their job, and entirely committed to offering the complete service regardless of what this may take.

WHAT´S NEW Brought to The Islander By ADPR

Sports Chrome

Korčula one-week flotilla -Dubrovnik to Slano, Mainland

Sports White

Mallorca one-week flotilla Cala Pi




• The Fusion Signature Series - Introducing 8.8-inch speakers

• Made in Britain – BYU range

• New Korčula and Meganisi flotillas (prices subject to availability)

• The Signature Series 8.8-inch speakers join the successful 6.5- and 7.7-inch models. Built with the same premium materials as the rest of the line, the new 8.8-inch speakers deliver proven sound quality in a larger form factor. With a redesigned grille, the speakers are available in Sports White and Sports Chrome. With an elegant finish and designed to perfectly blend with the decor of any vessel, the new refined styling will aesthetically accompany and enhance any vessel. A dual-color diffused LED lighting option that illuminates in either striking blue or sparkling white based on the polarity of the wiring to add to the immersive experience the signature series delivers.

• BYU is a unique collection of premium leather, men’s lace up and slip on deck shoes, in an array of seasonal colourways and customer personalisation options, made by hand in Chatham’s HQ in Exeter. • Buyers can choose either Newton, a lace up deck shoe, or Faraday, a slip-on version, in the standard, full colour style – in one of ten vibrant colourways – or a bespoke option. Allowing customers to truly express themselves, Chatham’s new BYU range gives customers a unique opportunity to personalise their footwear and showcase their own, creative flair. • Standard, full colour options: RRP: £120, WSP: £50 • Bespoke, individual options: RRP: £150, WSP £62.50

• Follow in the footsteps of famous explorers on the new Korčula flotilla itinerary. Set sail from Dubrovnik and navigate around the striking Elaphiti islands. Visit the stunning waterfront town of Ston, home to the secondlongest defensive wall ever built, and Europe’s oldest salt flats. • Indulge in some classic Ionian dolphin spotting on the new Meganisi flotilla. Venture to the ancient city of Paleros, pop into Kalamos Town and cruise down to mythical Ithaca, home of Odysseus.

Torqeedo • Torqeedo’s new electronic throttles and user interface • Providing the right control for every application on the water. Designed to work seamlessly with the Cruise and Deep Blue motors, Torqeedo introduces four variations of its new throttle: o Side-mount Sail for sailboats – Offering no gap between the throttle lever and cockpit to prevent fouling by ropes, and a neutral-lock for safe operation. o Side-mount Motor for motorboats with power trim and tilt – This throttle has a mechanical zero-point release under the handle and can be mounted on either side of the boat. It also has a neutral-lock for safe operation. o Top-mount Single – A drive-by-wire throttle for surface mounting with an ergonomically optimised, extra-wide handle, and integrated power trim and tilt function. It also boasts an integrated display in the base. o Top-mount Twin – Specifically designed for twin motors, this throttle is also perfect for surface mounting with ergonomically optimised handle surface and has a power tri, and tilt function. It also has an integrated display in the base.





Jim Acher - Sales & Charter Broker M. (+34) 667 678 357 Calle San Juan 4, Palma

Bluewater is an international, full service brokerage company specialising in sales, charter, management, crew training and crew placement.

What a year! 2017 has certainly outperformed previous years and December has produced some excellent data in its own right. December is always a low month for the number of vessels reduced in asking price and the reduction from November was expected. What is better news still however, is that December 2017 is one of the lowest Decembers in nearly ten years. One must be mindful that there was only one vessel over 50m reduced in asking price, which helped overall. 27% of the total was sailing vessels, with all but two over 30m LOA.

I am pleased to report that the year also finished strongly for the team at Bluewater, with three completions in December. The US share of completions has risen, and they accounted for 49% of the total. Four sailing vessels were sold in December, with all but one under 25m LOA. After a positive November in the relationship between vessels sold that had not been reduced in asking price since being offered for sale, I must point out that 13.5% of December’s completions had been reduced in asking price within the last quarter, but this figure jumps to 35% when looking at the last six months. 27% of completions had never been reduced and I will be keeping a close eye on this data over the coming months, since 2017 has shown that overall, price reductions have not been the key drivers in generating sales. Looking at the year overall, 2017 has certainly been the best year in sales completed since the GFC: 423 vessels were sold in 2017 (up 20% year on year), compared with 354 in 2016 and 334 vessels in 2015. Sales should generally increase from the start of the year as we head towards the summer, but considering how strong December has performed, it will be most telling in the numbers that January produces, as this could be a good indicator on how 2018 might perform. The chart below shows the new entrants to the brokerage market and December 2017 is by and large in-line with historical levels (although December 2015 was exceptionally low).

The USA share has fallen from 33% in November, to 29% in December. The proportion of newcomers that were sailing vessels has increased from 7.5% in November, to 18% in December. This 133% increase is no cause for concern, since sailing vessels currently account for around 14% of the total market of vessels and November was exceptionally low. Newcomers to the brokerage market should also increase over the coming quarter. The Antigua charter show took place at the beginning of December and although there were less brokers and vessels from previous years as a result of the dreadful hurricanes a few months ago, the overall sentiment was very positive and feedback from the show itself was good. Looking at the Caribbean charter season after the holidays (that justifies a premium over the balance of the season), the total number of charter motor vessels 30-45m, has increased slightly to 69 vessels. The Caribbean season is still showing genuine signs of optimism, with the period after the holidays improving again. Only 6 vessels out of the total fleet above have no bookings at all (including owner’s use). This figure was at 20% in November and is very positive news overall. Please do not hesitate to let me know if you need any assistance or advice into any facet of yachting and as always, I would like to thank you for taking the time to read this.I wish you and your families a very Happy New Year.

All figures are given in good faith, but Bluewater Yachting and The Islander take no responsibility for any error.

The USA share of the total has kept pace with November, up from 53% to 55%. The number of vessels reduced in asking price should increase as we head towards the spring and the pre-season boatshows. What is particularly good news and as can be seen above, the total market of vessels that have been reduced at one time or another since being offered for sale, has fallen month on month. A pause was expected, but a drop is great news. This too will increase into the spring. Just like November before, the sales data last month has been simply excellent. Decembers 2015 and 2016 were stronger, but they followed much weaker Novembers, as can be seen below.

MARINE INDUSTRY NEWS great that we can all be part of this process, and we will make sure to share the results with you later this year! What is in the World Sailing Sustainability Agenda 2030? The agenda is headlined as ‘a bold ambition for sailing’s contribution to global sustainability. Supplied by METSTRADE Online Community

World Sailing Invites Your Input on Sustainability Last year the World Sailing Organisation, the governing body for the sport of sailing, announced their new sustainability strategy, and named a leading group of experts who had been appointed to its first sustainability commission. The commission is chaired by Mike Golding OBE, one of the world’s most accomplished and successful offshore sailors, and Dan Reading has joined the team as Sustainability Program Manager. Dan was London’s 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Sailing Competition Sustainability Manager, and has worked with several organisations implementing sustainable event management systems, including RYA / British Marine, Land Rover BAR, and the Weymouth & Portland National Sailing Academy. World Sailing Sustainability Agenda 2030 is launched. In November 2017 World Sailing launched a bold ambition for sailing’s contribution to global sustainability at its Sustainability Forum, which was held in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. At the Forum, World Sailing announced its Sustainability Agenda 2030 which sets out the organisation’s commitment to helping create a better world through 42


sport. Sustainability Agenda 2030 includes a series of challenging targets across technical standards, events, training, venues and facilities, members and participation. The programmes that were presented in Mexico kickedoff a four-month consultation process, with a plan to have the targets finalised and published in the Spring of 2018. Now you can have your say… see below for details. Dan Reading has said that he is keen to share the findings and targets with the METSTRADE Community, acknowledging the fact that our outreach towards all sectors of the leisure marine industry will be helpful in spreading the word and attracting more participation. But first he would really like us all to be involved in the consultation process, by taking the opportunity to complete World Sailing’s Sustainability Survey. This will help the organisation to set out their targets with the widest possible participation from stakeholders across our industry. The final date for completion of the survey is 28th February 2018. It’s available online now, and can be completed in English, French or Spanish. Here are the links to the survey: • English: • French: • Spanish: So, do please take some time to fill in your response, it’s

Here are just a few highlights that we have selected from the agenda. The Vision: World Sailing has a clear and ambitious vision as follows: A world in which millions more people fall in love with sailing; inspired by the unique relationship between sport, technology and the forces of nature, and where we all work to protect the waters of the world. The six key recommendations: 1) Deliver Sustainability through Technical Standards. Examples: • Collaborate with the marine industry associations and other sectors to promote more sustainable equipment and maintenance regimes producing best practise guides by 2020. • Require a 50% reduction in boat building waste (by weight) across World Sailing Classes 2) Deliver Sustainability through Events. Examples: • Be the first International Federation to achieve and maintain a third party certified ISO 20121 management system - A specification for sustainable events in 2018. • Abolish the use of single use plastics at all of its events by 2020. 3) Deliver Sustainability through Training. Examples: • Collate and share bestpractise sustainability resources and training programmes from other

organisations centrally and promote to MNAs and class associations • Include modules on sustainability in all World Sailing training/coaching programmes by 2020. 4) Deliver Sustainability through Venues and Facilities. Examples: • Create an award which will recognise sustainable practices amongst venues by 2018. • Work with key industries to promote new products used in our sport with a lower environmental impact and work to make these available to sailors across the world by 2024. 5) Deliver Sustainability through our Members. One of World Sailing’s greatest assets is its members, which includes 145 Member National Authorities and 115 Class Associations. Collectively the members have the greatest ability to create a more sustainable sport. 6) Deliver Sustainability through Participation. World Sailing will work across its network to ensure that as well as supporting existing sailors, it will aim to introduce the sport to the next generation. For example, welcome everyone to the sport of sailing and pay particular attention to underrepresented groups, working with partners to eliminate barriers to participation. There is a lot more in the full document if you have time to read it, and you will get a link to it when you enter the survey in your chosen language, the above is just a flavour of the content. If you don’t have time to complete the survey, but have any suggestions or ideas that you would like us to pass on to the World Sailing Organisation, please let us know via The Islander.

MARINE INDUSTRY NEWS Williams Jet Tenders Reveal New Sportjet Model Williams Jet Tenders is proud to announce details of its latest Sportjet model to join the range - the Sportjet 435. Hot-off-the-heels of the Sportjet 345 and Sportjet 395 models, which launched at The Cannes Yachting Festival 2017, the Sportjet 435 uses the same design principals, delivering high-performance and speed, but in a bigger package, designed to fit on yachts of 65ft+. Measuring in at 4.35 meters


with seating for up-to seven people, the Sportjet 435 provides a sociable layout that positions the helm at the centre of the boat, leaving a flexible seating arrangement to carry more passengers. Perfect for wakeboarding and waterskiing, as well as being the ideal tender solution for yacht owners looking for their next tender. As with all William Jet Tenders, it can also be fully customised to complement its parent yacht. The Sportjet 435 will be sold with two engine options, available in 90HP or 150HP, both of which will deliver the trademark Williams performance customers

have come to expect. The 90HP version will use the punchy Rotax Ace 903 engine package, capable of reaching a top speed of 41MPH. The 150HP version will feature the Rotax ACE 1503 engine, with a top speed of 52MPH. Mathew Hornsby, Sales Director at Williams Jet Tenders, commented: “We are very excited to reveal details of the Sportjet 435 - the sixth model in the Sportjet range. The 435 was created to extend our existing range of smaller Sportjet models, offering more space with seating for up to seven passengers, without comprising style or speed.

Contact: +34 693 724 020


Tether hook under deck cleat

Example of a tether hook and a tether hook after lateral loading

Safety clip

Tether Clip Update As promised, here’s an update of what we know about the recent failure of a safety tether during the Clipper Round the World Race. This is latest in several accidents in which the use, misuse, or failure of tethers have been linked to fatalities. Ten days after our first report on the tether failure, the race founder and noted offshore sailor Robin Knox Johnston has revealed more details about the accident, and is cautioning Clipper sailors regarding the proper use of certain tether clips. Although we are not in full agreement with all that has been reported, we are glad to see the race organizers are 44


recognizing the importance of sharing this information with the sailing public. This month, the Marine Accident Investigation Board issued a Safety Bulletin on the topic. Certainly, when the full Marine Accident Investigation Board report (likely to to take months) is released we will have more answers to the many questions that still remain. One of the videos posted on Facebook demonstrates the risk using a Wichard original double-action locking clip, which as we understand was NOT the clip being used by Simon Speirs at the time of his fatal accident. Based on what we’ve been told, the snap-hook was a Spinlock Deckware Race Safety Clip (# DWSTRCLIP), a double-action, locking snap-hook used in Spinlock Deckware Safety Tethers (# DWSTR). Introduced in 2009, the Deckware snaphook is based on the Gibb safety snap-hook-a design that has been used in a variety of sailing tethers for more than three decades. In past tests, Practical Sailor has noted it is one of the easiest locking snap hooks for people with weak hands to operate. The chief difference between the Deckware clip and the original Gibb version is that Deckware clip is lighter and has a black plastic locking latch, while the locking latch in the original Gibb snap-hook is made of stainless steel. We’ve completed a fairly comprehensive round of testing on various tether snap-hooks. Although some of our findings conflict with public statements regarding the accident (“it could have happened to any tether,” for example), we are generally on the same page regarding the need for a closer look at safety tether snap-hooks.

Sir Geoff Hurst

Sunseeker Announced as Official Partner of FIFA World Cup™ 2018 in Russia Sunseeker – the official partner of winning Sunseeker International is delighted to announce that it is an official FIFA Partner for the upcoming World Cup tournament in Russia. The partnership was announced today at the London Boat Show where footballing legend Sir Geoff Hurst and BT Sport’s Jake Humphrey were the brands special guests to support the launch of what is the largest and most prestigious marketing initiative to date. Sunseeker benefits from the highest level of access to the 2018 FIFA World Cup through its parent, Dalian Wanda who signed a Tier One partnership agreement with FIFA in March 2016. As part of this agreement, Wanda will have access rights to all major FIFA competitions for the next 15 years, including the next four World Cup competitions. This partnership allows Sunseeker to have major marketing and branding rights, the likes of which have never been witnessed in the marine industry before and will give Sunseeker clients access to some truly, rare ‘once in a lifetime’ experiences. Guests were treated to a further surprise on that day when Sir Geoff Hurst also

Replica Jules Rimet Trophy

revealed the replica Jules Remit Trophy (the original trophy was stolen in Brazil in 1983) which was kindly loaned to Sunseeker by the FIFA World Football Museum in Zurich along with Roger Hunt’s England shirt from the 1966 competition. Phil Popham, CEO of Sunseeker International, commented: “We are absolutely thrilled to be partnering with the FIFA World Cup in Russia. The Wanda partnership has provided Sunseeker with access to the largest sporting event on the planet which is just incredible. This is not only the most prestigious marketing initiative for Sunseeker but for the marine industry as a whole and it will allow us to create some fantastic experiences for our clients as well giving unprecedented exposure to the Sunseeker brand.”


Sunseeker Signs Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Red Bull Advanced Technologies Sunseeker – the official partner of winning Sunseeker International, Britain’s biggest boat builder, is delighted to sign a MOU with Red Bull Advanced Technologies, a division of Red Bull Technology, the parent company of the Aston Martin Red Bull Racing Formula One team; which will see the two organisations work together on a family of new products. The MOU was signed today at the London Boat Show with Sunseeker CEO, Phil Popham and Team Principal of the Aston Martin Red Bull Racing Formula One team, Christian Horner in attendance. Red Bull Advanced Technologies was founded with the mission of extending the culture of innovation and technical excellence achieved in Formula One to other leading industries, making it a natural partner for Sunseeker, which for more than 60 years has forged a unique path in yacht manufacturing. Synonymous with style, design, ingenuity and performance, Sunseeker has always pursued the more advanced, the more ambitious, the more creative – and consequently, the more successful.



Phil Popham, CEO of Sunseeker International, commented: “We are delighted to sign the MOU with Red Bull Advanced Technologies and look forward to working closely with them on future projects. Sunseeker has a strong performance heritage, it’s in our brand DNA and since our inception we have designed yachts that make the heart race. As such, Red Bull Advanced Technologies is a natural partner for us and I’m looking forward to working with them.” Commenting on the agreement, Aston Martin Red Bull Racing Team Principal Christian Horner said: “This is an exciting announcement for Red Bull Advanced Technologies and we are delighted to be working with Sunseeker. As a leading name in the marine industry, and one focused on innovation and development, a relationship with Sunseeker is an organic fit for us and it is very pleasing to be forging another pioneering partnership for Red Bull Advanced Technologies.”

Oyster Closes 2017 with a Record Order Book Oyster Yachts has seen its order book hit a record £80m+ as it continues to advance in design and innovation. With the second half of 2017 proving particularly strong for the international leader of world-class cruising yachts, Oyster CEO, David Tydeman spoke buoyantly of the success of the yacht builder’s year end: “We closed the year with an £80m+ order-book of 25 yachts ranging from Oyster 475-07 to 118-02 securing a positive outlook for 2018 and 2019. “Sales have been across the Oyster range and we’re particularly pleased with the response to the new familyfocused yachts; the Oyster 565, 595 and 675. With 12 of these sold since early summer 2017 – and importantly only

two to existing Oyster owners – these new models have attracted new European and international buyers. “The exclusive Oyster World Rally continues to differentiate the Company successfully with our third World Rally 2021-23 recently being announced and the flagship Oyster 118-01 being one of several entries already received. “Reinforcing our versatility, the Oyster Special Projects division is now working on several interesting highperformance vessels unique and new to our repertoire so we’re excited to see how this will unfold throughout the year. “We also have the very first Oyster 118 Superyacht nearing completion in the UK at our Southampton facility and due to start sailing trials in June 2018.

MARINE INDUSTRY NEWS was a major project in its own right and its success is a tribute to the highly productive collaboration between spar builder Rondal (Royal Huisman’s sister company), sailmaker North Sails and Carbo-Link, together with Dubois Naval Architects and the shipyard team. An interesting aspect of the project is the boost to aerofoil efficiency resulting from the minimalistic styling.

Ngoni a Real Weapon

was clear about his intentions:

“Exciting”, “Radical”, “Edgy”, “Stunning”: these are the kind of words that greeted the 58m /190ft high-performance sloop Ngoni throughout the Mediterranean in summer 2017.

“Build me a beast. Don’t build me a sheep in wolf’s clothing.This has to be an edgy and innovative weapon; fast and furious.”

Designed by Dubois Naval Architects and featuring an innovative interior by Rick Baker Ltd, Ngoni is luxurious as well as ‘fast and furious’ – the product of bold and minimalist design realised with impeccable build quality by Royal Huisman. Ngoni’s sleek and beautifully executed exterior conceals a host of innovative engineering to meet the challenges of marrying a huge, powerful and advanced rig with a slender and easily-driven hull. The Brief “This is some yacht, inspired by an owner looking for the next new, new thing –a dream project for a designer” These comments from the late Ed Dubois would be echoed by Rick Baker Ltd, the interior designers, and by Royal Huisman, who had the privilege of building Ngoni. From the outset, the owner

Initially, Dubois drew a long and slender sloop with a plumb bow, sculpted aerodynamic superstructure and elegant beach deck, dominated by a towering sloop rig. It was a dramatic concept but the owner challenged Dubois to push it still further. Dubois’ response was the reverse sheer that now defines Ngoni. So much for the character and visual personality of the project. More specifically, the owner wanted an exciting contemporary yacht that combined exemplary performance, handling and seakeeping with luxurious amenity, optimising the hull volume.


Sailing Intensive research and analysis went into the development of the advanced and extremely powerful carbon rig and foils. The 853m2 / 9,182ft2 square-top mainsail is notable not just for its load-reducing halyard lock but for the innovation allowing the square-top and its supporting diagonal batten to detach automatically and furl neatly into the styled performance boom with minimal intervention from the crew. While hoisting, the diagonal batten attaches automatically too.

As an experienced owner who likes to helm, he insisted on steering that was light, yet firm and responsive. The wheel had to give him the true feel of the boat under sail.

To further reduce weight and drag, the team opted for continuous carbon shrouds from deck to masthead (70% weight reduction over conventional Nitronic rod rigging) and internal D-Tang connections where diagonal stays meet the mast tube – thus also removing the visual clutter of turnbuckles.

Finally, the yacht, however

The development of the rig

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edgy in presentation, must still accommodate the owner, his family and guests in style and comfort. And it should facilitate, not hinder, the safe and efficient operation of the yacht by the crew.

Bernard Merryweather

The stem of the plumb bow, rounded top and bottom, the location of the headsail furlers, flush beneath the deck, and the absence of a conventional pulpit all contributed not just to spare, purposeful looks but to clean airflow, reducing disturbance at the luff and enhancing the aerodynamics of the headsail. The topsides are strikingly finished in a bespoke metallic topcoat named “Claire de Lune”(moonlight) by the owner’s team. The paint has been applied with an electrostatic coating technique that uses charged particles to bond the paint to the surface. There is excellent visibility for the helmsman all the way to the bow and a free-standing carbon fibre bimini can be set up over the helms to provide shade when required. A good deal of thought and investment has gone into providing the crew with high quality amenity and services on the forward cabin deck, in conformance with Large Commercial Yacht Code (LY3). There is accommodation for up to nine crew in six crew cabins. All enjoy high quality cabin fit-outs with full ensuite bathroom and shower facilities.


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Campaign for a New Brittainia A campaign led by MP Craig Mackinlay to commission a new royal yacht has been backed by around 50 MPs. A letter sent to ministers urging the government to support the project was cosigned by supporting MPs. The MPs argue that, as the UK leaves the European Union, now is the time for a new Royal Yacht Britannia as a new symbol of Global Britain, designed and built domestically to showcase the best of UK shipbuilding and industry and as a platform for promoting trade. Paid for by a new lottery,along with other complementary sources of funding, there will be no call upon departmental budgets to pay for the vessel, he has said.

Prime Minister Tony Blair in 1997 after more than 40 years in service. A secret naval design for a replacement for Britannia was drawn up by naval staff and approved by representatives of the Royal Family but the Labour Government refused to pay for it. HMY Britannia, which is now a visitor attraction in Edinburgh, conducted 968 official visits and clocked up more than a million miles at sea. On her last deployment to the Far East, commercial trade deals of some £2.75bn were signed on board to the benefit of the UK. The South Thanet MP envisages that both Government ministers and the Royal Family alike could host diplomatic and commercial events on the vessel.

Palumbo Group officially confirms the entry into Mondomarine, historical Italian shipyard based in Savona which has been in trouble for months until the judicial winding up of the business at the end of December 2017.

of the ISA Yachts shipyard in Ancona, which is now one of the Group’s main superyachts’ production sites, the entry into Mondomarine represents a new, important step for Palumbo in its strategic development plan concerning its own network of shipyards in the Mediterranean and, of course, the new build division.

By leasing the business unit of the Savona shipyard, for a period of six months, Palumbo Group will grant the restart of the activities, along with the immediate reinstatement of nine employees. The aim is to further reinstate a good part of the Mondomarine Savona workers, as a consequence of the desired, final acquisition. After the recent acquisition

Palumbo Superyachts Division, with the Columbus Yachts and ISA Yachts brands respectively dedicated to the construction of custom and semi-custom yachts, is, in fact, a constantly growing company that draws strength from 50 years of the Group’s experience in the ship refit-repair and new build sector and from its indisputable financial solidity.

Palumbo Group Enters Mondomarine

The previous royal yacht - HMY Britannia - was controversially decommissioned by Labour

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Italian Yacht-builder Takes Number One Position for the 18th Consecutive Year Italy’s Azimut-Benetti Group has once again been named the world’s top builder of yachts over 24m in length in Boat International’s 2018 Global Order Book. A record 2,840m of Azimut and Benetti-branded yachts, totalling 77 active projects, are under construction at the builder’s six yards. “For us, Italian style isn’t just a question of taste, but more an approach to work,” says Giovanna Vitelli, group vice president. “We are proud to have achieved such a prestigious milestone for the 18th time running and proud to be an expression of that successful Italian entrepreneurial spirit which is appreciated the world over.” Paolo Vitelli, group president and founder, adds: “Such long-lasting success can only spring from consistency and continuity fed by ongoing work to develop and improve products and

Yacht Surveyors & Legal Consultants based in Palma and with our head office in England. We have associate offices located throughout the UK, mainland Europe and further afield. We believe in offering our clients a professional but affordable service. As well as comprehensive survey work we are able to provide legal advice on all yacht ownership issues including ownership structures, VAT, flagging and project management of new-builds and refits. We provide a one-stop shop service to clients wherever they may be.

production processes, by project excellence, and by the industrial and financial soundness of our shipyards.” Azimut-Benetti closed 2016/17 with a production value of €710m, continuing the growth trend of the last five years (+20% from 2011/12 to 2016/17). The Global Order Book confirms its authoritative standing, providing an accurate annual performance report and publishing information on actual orders for yachts measuring 80ft in length and over.

Plastimo Extends Liferaft Warranty to 18 Years Warranty applies to all Plastimo liferafts manufactured and sold from January 2012 onwards. French safety specialist and liferaft manufacturer Plastimo has introduced an 18-year warranty on all new liferafts as well as any models purchased since January 2012. “Forty years of liferaft design and innovation by our R&D, local production and in-house servicing


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have provided us with unique feedback on product durability and patented technology (exclusive double chamber construction),” says Yann Cornec, Plastimo’s general manager. “It also reflects Plastimo’s confidence in our manufacturing process, it confirms that selecting highgrade durable materials is essential. And it enhances the dedicated work of our teams and that of our servicing stations worldwide.” One of the key benefits, says Plastimo, is that a boat owner’s liferaft budget now spreads over a much longer period of time. In most countries, servicing is required every three years. A liferaft that is serviced in Year 18 by the Plastimo factory or by a Plastimo-authorised station is very likely to be certified for another three years, making it a 21-year lifetime, says the company.

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MARINE INDUSTRY NEWS 10 competing students from Coventry University, Southampton Solent University, Staffordshire University, University of Central Lancashire, University of Plymouth and University of Wales, Trinity St David were tasked to transform a 52.12m ex-navy vessel, the Ocean Star, into a bespoke superyacht. Out of them, two aspiring designers shone out, proving both their creativity, knowledge, scaling and engineering capabilities.

Young Designer Scoops Top Prize with Philanthropic Superyacht Design Philanthropic design proved the key to success at this year’s annual Superyacht UK Young Designer Competition 2018, in partnership with Pendennis Shipyard and Olesinski, as Christopher Mobley, a transport design student from Staffordshire University, was crowned the winner last week at the London Boat Show. In close second place, Ashley Scott, a product design student from University of Plymouth, was crowned runner up. Whilst Christopher Mobley received the prize of a four-week internship at world leading custom superyacht builder and refit specialists and event sponsor, Pendennis Shipyard, Ashley Scott secured himself a two-week internship at world leading design and naval architecture studio and event sponsor, Olesinski based on the Isle of Wight.

The prestigious annual Superyacht UK Young Designer Competition is run by industry representatives, Superyacht UK, an association of British Marine. It is the only competition of its kind in the UK and is among a select few across the world to recognise future design talent and provide them the opportunity to truly grow such talent within the industry. The competition is judged by a world-class panel of designers and superyacht experts, including Chairman of Superyacht UK, Peter Brown from Burgess, Stephen Hills from Pendennis Shipyard, Justin Olesinski from Olesinski, Tony Dixon from Redman Whiteley Dixon, Bill Dixon from Dixon Yacht Design, Dimitris Hadjidimos from D-iD Limited and former Superyacht UK Young Designer 2016 winner, Dastinas Steponenas. This year’s design competition was unlike any other. Rather than being greeted with a blank piece of paper, the

Featuring innovative ideas such as the launching system of the submersible vessel at the aft end and the extending beach club from the mid ships, Christopher’s superyacht design was voted the most imaginative for the client - a proclaimed philanthropist, looking for the ideal superyacht to support research into the problem of plastics in our oceans, whilst also offering luxury transport to peruse his passion for adventurous and unique holidays. Peter Brown, Chairman of Superyacht UK, comments: “Both Christopher and Ashley’s designs were sympathetic to the DNA of the original vessel whilst still

coming up with innovative designs truly encompassing the character of the brief. A huge congratulations to both Christopher and Ashley, their accolades are well-deserved. “It is great to see so much up and coming talent from our British universities and we hope this competition has helped inspire these students with the diversity and wonders of a career in the superyacht sector and the connections and experiences they have gained throughout the competition prove fruitful. We look forward to seeing these students, and many more like them, driving forward Britain’s superyacht powerhouses in the future.” Upon being announced the Superyacht UK Young Designer Competition 2018 winner, Christopher Mobley remarked: “It’s amazing. I am still a bit shocked but over the moon about winning this year’s Superyacht UK Young Designer Competition. It is a great opportunity. Already this competition has allowed me to meet a variety market experts and learn from their depth of knowledge. Winning has provided me with a massive confidence boost in my ability and skills as a designer.”

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REGATTA NEWS Volvo Ocean Race but he is no stranger to skippering professional yachting campaigns, having previously skippered and run the 100-foot maxi Scallywag for Malaysian billionaire businessman Seng Huang Lee.

Justin Chisholm International Sailing Writer

Scallywag Controversy There is one team in the current edition of the Volvo Ocean Race that stands out from all the others, although perhaps not for the reasons it would really want to. Ever since the entry of the Hong Kong-based Sun Hung Kai Scallywag was confirmed last year, well before the start of the eight-month race around the world, the team – and in particular its skipper, Australian David Witt – has never been far from controversy. Witt is a newcomer to the

Having convinced Lee to back a Volvo Ocean Race campaign (a decision made easier no doubt by the race announcing a Hong Kong stopover at the end of the fourth leg of the 11-stage race) Witt – naively some would say – declared he would race with an all-male seven-man crew. This strategy flew in the face of the perceived wisdom of the other six skippers who all opted to race either with seven men and two women, or, in the case of the Turn the Tide on Plastic, five men and five women. Witt justified his choice prior to the start of the race in Alicante on the grounds of saving weight on board by carrying less people, food and clothing. He was famously quoted (misquoted he told me) as saying that he didn’t want to be a part of “some sort of social experiment run by Volvo Ocean Race”.

After struggling to stay with the fleet during the pre-race warm-up and qualifier series of races, Witt changed tack and recruited (some would say headhunted) Dutch Olympic bronzemedallist Annemieke Bes) from rival Netherlands entry team AkzoNobel.

the pretend Doctor Clogs, and included a reference to rubbing ointment on someone’s scrotum to clear up a rash.

He has since hired another female sailor: British navigator Libby Greenhalgh who stepped on board in Melbourne, Australia for the fourth leg of the race to the team’s home base in Hong Kong.

The next bit of Scallywagrelated controversy took place in the final 2,000 nautical miles of Leg 4 when crew member Alex Gough had to be retrieved from the water after falling overboard while clearing a tangled sheet. Witt and the rest of the crew rescued the hapless Gough – who was wearing just shorts and a black t-shirt when he fell while balancing on one of the boat’s outrigger poles.

Witt’s previous navigator, veteran British sailor Steve Hayles, left the team in Cape Town at the end of Leg 3 after a social media outcry over alleged sexist remarks on what was intended to be a funny video sent from the boat during Leg 2. The video, which appeared on Volvo Ocean Race’s raw feed for several hours before being taken down after complaints from some prominent female professional sailors not competing in the race, featured a spook phone in show (The Steve Hayles Breakfast Show) chaired by Witt, with a bearded Bes as

Witt survived a Rule 69 jury hearing but said the case had cost tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees to defend.

A video of the incident on the team’s Facebook page (@scallywaghk) was shared and commented on hundreds of times with many of the comments understandably negative about the lack of safety on board. Given his now tattered reputation Witt could be forgiven for regretting having got involved in the Volvo Ocean Race in the first place. However, the Aussie skipper could yet have the last laugh. As I write this month’s column the Hong Kong team have a nearly 100-mile lead on the fleet on Leg 4 after an inspired corner cutting move called by Greenhalgh took them swiftly from the outhouse to the penthouse a few days ago. Should Witt manage to pull off a Volvo Ocean Race leg win against some of the world’s best ocean racers in his team’s home port then he will likely justify the millions Lee put into the campaign in one fell swoop.

Photo © Konrad Frost



REGATTA NEWS World’s most iconic classic yachts convene. The circuit attracts luxury sponsors, passionate sailors and a close-knit fraternity that will go to any lengths to protect Paradise. Who wouldn’t? A key to this success has been a firm hand, one could say iron fist of the governing body, The Comité International de la Méditerranée, (CIM). Established in 1926, CIM adopted a rating rule that enabled classic yachts of varying shapes, sizes and authenticity to all race together as one fleet. It’s worked well for 20 years. So why all the fuss, and why now?

Alice C I’ A Widdows is a Regatta Manager on the classic yacht regatta circuit. A keen yachtswomen and self - confessed island hopping addict, preferably by boat. Meet our Classic Yachting Columnist. You can find more at and on social media @alicewiddows

Classics Owner Driver Debate This month we are looking within The Mediterranean Regatta Circuit. Every summer from June – October The

I believe that classic yacht racing is evolving, the dynamics have changed. Owners are investing more on their campaigns and need to see better results and fair play. They demand an equal playing field, precision and transparency. The desire for faster more competitive yachts results in optimisation. Professional crew are increasingly present on the circuit. Enter Bruno Troublé, the French sailing legend who with a legal background made his name both as a sailor and media mogul. Two Olympic campaigns and three times

ROWDY helmed by her Owner-Driver © Juerg Kaufman



MARIETTE 1915 © Claire Matches

America’s Cup Skipper; he founded The Louis Vuitton Cup and managed its media for twenty years. Troublé has in the past eight years turned his attention towards the Mediterranean classic yacht circuit, racing on the Q-Class Jour de Fete, the Universal Rule boat. He is BCBG bon chic, bon genre, the French expression meaning well-educated, well-connected, with style and attitude. Who better to challenge the status quo and navigate any political fallout? Backed by Frederic Berthoz, President of L’AYFT, The French Association of Classic Yachts, Troublé launched in November an initiative to survey the members of L’AYFT on Professionalism, Optimisation and The Rating. The result of this call to action from owners has been strong, opinionated and emotive. Hot debate.

Professionalism Troublé is campaigning for a balanced boat. He believes in the owner-driver rule. “Owners who helm could receive a credit such as a oneminute per mile. We want the owners to be happy.” He argues. Howard Dyer, the British businessman and owner of NY40 Rowdy supports this initiative, “I think owner drivers are a great idea! ” A key part of his manifesto is the prevention of an allprofessional crew. Palma based British Captain Marcus Kemp, Captain of Seven Seas of Porto tells me, “I have had this discussion with my crew several times, so glad it has been brought up at last. I think some of the issues that are brought up are very valid. Owner-drivers are a must. CIM and The Med circuit is all about the fun on the water and the social side of things off it! I think it’s too easy to get away from that ethos. If we had ownerdrivers that would even out the playing field immediately. Or you receive 3-5% penalty for professional helmsmen? Much the same way they do in the Wally class. If a modern sail is used it’s a 3% penalty why not similar for professional helmsmen? My owner is at the helm all the time and although this is immensely frustrating at times when pitted against the pro helmsmen/women, we are on the racetrack for one reason only; to make sure he has a great time. To see the

REGATTA NEWS smile on his face if we are lucky enough to get the gun is priceless! The owner of Argyll was keen to comment, “There are a lot of professionals about now. Some participants are like Formula One with huge back ups and racing sail designer teams. Well. It is amazing. Good for the boats. Perhaps less good for amateurs like me. But we can’t limit that. And to keep the regattas happening is important. Sometimes my boat can go when the owner can’t and my skipper Alex will helm. And a number of boats run a fully professional crew. I wish I could afford it. But it would be less fun. So I gain in conversational opportunities and lose in lost friendships.”

Griff Rhys Jones on the helm of ARGYLL © James Robinson Taylor

Griff Rhys Jones Owner, Argyll

from boarding the yacht?” asks Beaufils.

André Beaufils President of the Société Nautique de Saint-Tropez and organiser of les Voiles de Saint-Tropez shared with me his own views on professionalism,


“It is evident that this situation is real. Is it a real problem? Yes, if these professionals are true mercenaries paid to win. But what is a professional? If it is a professional mariner, I imagine he is on board to navigate safely and bring the boat and crew back to port without risking the perils of the sea.” says Beaufils

The survey sought for opinions on the optimisation of classic yachts racing today. It is true that yachts are undergoing extensive works during restorations to

lighten and maximise their success on the racecourse. Bruno believes that problem is often exacerbated by the lack of original plans of these yachts making it impossible to establish the truth. Here owner, Rhys Jones expressed his concern,

“I do really worry about stripping out boats. I have watched a cabin window mist over with sawdust as a jigsaw took out inconvenient bulkheads and eventually the head. We need to reward authenticity. That might for once include bronze fittings instead of lighter sniper stainless steel, eh?

He goes on to add, “If a professional sailor understands perfectly the rules of sailing and if he is there to win he must respect others and understand that he is navigating in the middle of competitors who do not necessarily have the same depth of knowledge of the rules.” “However, imagine if one wanted to forbid the professional sailors on board. How would one prove it and then go about refusing them

Seven Seas of Porto helmed by her enthusiastic owner driver © James Robinson Taylor

. 61

REGATTA NEWS was receptive to progression if required. “All rating systems could certainly be improved, and nothing is perfect. Competitors will always find the rating rule unfair, Beaufils challenges. “As an organiser, we have seen that the CIM have done incredible work the last 20 years (proved by the growing amount of yachts and events) but we should always keep an eye (and an ear) towards the owner’s requests and propositions. Our event should keep their fun, competitive and fair spirit.” Yann Joannon, Director of Les Voiles d’Antibes

Keen Owner-Driver Griff Rhys Jones © James Robinson Taylor

As for infeasible foresails on masthead rigged boats, which were cutters originally. Well, we have a few broken topmasts. But some amazing balloons on show. Some people have taken everything out. We race similar hulls with none of the cruising features we have retained. They pay no weight penalty. However, I understand the complexity.” Ratings

His key argument is the lack of clarity. The fact that displacement and weight are not considered. The width of the headsail is not measured. It is a bold statement so what have been some of the reactions from around the Mediterranean? The reaction from some organisers of the larger events


Time to Switch to IRC? Troublé has proposed to switch to the Royal Ocean Racing Club (RORC) IRC rating as a rule and to add CIM specific ratios for authenticity and obsolescence. A fluctuation ratio relative to the results could change each season to level the playing


Jean Sans, Director of Rating (IRC-UNCL) and Co Creator with the RORC of the CHS Rules, now IRC has been working with Bruno to document how an IRC rule for Classic Yachts works. According to Sans 7,000 yachts raced globally last year with IRC ratings and 246 of these were classic yachts. The J-Class Yachts are using the IRC rating as are the Metre Classes: 6, 8, 12, 15MJI. Some classic yacht Captains have expressed keen desire for change: “The IRC is a far superior rating system that is easy to use, easy to compare and promotes fair racing.” Captain Charles Wroe Mariette of 1915 “The main problem of the CIM rating system is that it is not an accurate rating across the board. I’m in favour of the change for the IRC rating. IRC is a good system and has evolved for many years, it will be a lot better than the CIM rating.” Captain Tim Goodbody Rowdy NY40 What is the Plan for 2018? Renaud Godhard, General Secretary of L’AFYT and French




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Troublé does not hold back,

“CIM has reached its limits. It is arbitrary, imprecise, unfair and it lacks rigour”.

“I had the opportunity to discuss the subject with these owners and there is a lot of things to analyze in order to be able to make a response that is fair and that can meet everyone’s expectations. The question is how to make it fair for all. There is a lot of work to do. The road is still long, but so exciting.” Jérôme Nutte, Principal Race Officer of Les Régates Royales Cannes and a member of The Board of Advisors Cannes Yacht Club.

field. IRC dominates the world of handicapped sailing and even the Wally fleet have switched to it.

Palma based Captain Marcus Kemp on Seven Seas of Porto (right) © James Robinson Taylor

representative of the CIM Rule Committee confirmed to me that they are “listening” to yacht owners,

simulation of the different options (IRC, ORC, Time on Time, Time on Distance....) and study the results.

“We have analysed this initiative which in principal is good. To build a performance rule adding an allowance to defend the authenticity of the classic yachts which is the basis of CIM’s success.

Troublemaker or Pioneer?

We are listening and can start to simulate regatta representatives if and when we have enough data. For now we are preparing the 2018-2021 CIM rules based on some adjustments and current rules.” L’AYFT added, “The main interest is to have the owner’s vision of how we can improve the actual rating. Depending on all the options proposed by owners, we are going to conduct during the 2018 L’AFYT season a

And Troublé, the face of change or L’Enfant terrible? Owners need a voice. There may never be the perfect rating rule but pray there will always be classic yacht owners. As a community it is our responsibility to listen to these custodians and to respond with careful consideration. Don’t Miss a Beat or a Bulletin! Check out the season and Sign-Up now to access my FREE International Regatta Calendar 2018 for Vintage, Classic and Modern Classic Yachts. www.alicewiddows. com and follow me on social media @alicewiddows.

Bruno Trouble (Centre) with Etnz Team Principal Matteo De Nora (Left) And Etnz Grant Dalton (Right)


flying fifteen Mallorca 16 December – Trofeo Navidad, Pollensa This was possibly the most bizarre race for a long time! There were five each of cruisers and flying fifteens, with the latter having the first start. We were to go directly to a mark off Bon Aire and back, a simple windward leeward course. Seeing just enough wind to get us going, Joan sounded the start and off we went! – slowly. The fleet spread out between the seaplane base and middle of the bay, all seeking any bit of wind. Initially fuego fatuo and Triffid – both on the bay side of the course – seemed to have the advantage. Then, from nowhere a breeze appeared to windward and spirited Dragonfly ahead like a bullet. As the wind reached the others, they accelerated, and started to catch up.



Stormtrooper, the leeward most boat, had kept the breeze as it abandoned the others, and started to recover position, before losing the breeze too. With the fleet closing on Punta Avançada, The wind was coming from all directions, at one stage fuego fatuo was running whilst Stormtrooper was hard on the wind coming up from behind. Despite being less than 50 metres away from Stormtrooper, both Dragonfly picked up a breeze and rocketed away. fuego fatuo caught the zephyr a few moments later and set off in pursuit, leaving Stormtrooper and Triffid wallowing off the point. Dragonfly was 200 metres ahead rounding the mark, and fuego fatuo had a lot to make up. Approaching the point on the way back, they encountered the next two boats, who seemed not to have made any progress. Once beyond the point, both

leaders opted to go north, towards the seaplane base. fuego played the shifts, and “poc a poc” crept up on Dragonfly. Approaching the line, they were on starboard, and laying the line, with Dragonfly to leeward, not laying. All that was need was for the wind to hold, and not shift. But it was not to be, approaching the finish, Dragonfly tacked onto port, and crossed the line four seconds ahead of fuego fatuo. Some time later, Stromtrooper and Triffid followed, ahead of Paragon. 1 ESP 3600 Dragonfly Michael Beecken / Marco Haack 2 GBR 3577 Fuego Fatuo John Walker / Stephen Babbage 3 ESP 3610 Stormtrooper lll David Miles / Corinne Onvlee 13 January – St Antoni Regatta – Pollensa A brisk day saw 7 boats readying to launch – unfortunately only 13 sailors! Michael Clough was in Mallorca, but unfortunately without crew. Nevertheless, Speedy Gonzales made it to the start, with the assistance of the RIB pushing him out of harbour. With only 5 knots of breeze, the start was slow, and we set off up the short beat to the offset mark. fuego fatuo tacked off to clear her air, and arrived first at the mark. One around the mark, we set off for Punta Avançada and then Isla Formentor. There was a twist in the course, instead of just around the island and back, we were to do an extra lap of Formentor before coming back to the mark and finally the finish line. Coming up to Avançada, most stayed a little high, and then hoisted spinnakers to take advantage of the slightly increased breeze. fuego continued to lead, followed by Speedy Gonzales and ffugue. Approaching the top of the island Spanish Fly slipped

ahead of ffugue and set off down the inshore passage with its very fluky winds, which gybed them at one point. Meanwhile, fuego had exited the channel and hardened up for the second time round. By the time the next few boats had got there, she had vanished completely. Fuego held her lead around the island the second time, and sped off towards Punta Avançada, followed somewhat later by Speedy and Spanish Fly. Unfortunately, the wind gods were fickle, and the leader’s wind headed them into the bay, whilst those following were able to lay the point with ease. Nevertheless, fuego managed to tack up to the point ahead of the others, and hold her lead to the finish, with Stromtrooper now ahead of Spanish Fly. Ffugue arrived at the point ahead of Dragonfly, who then stayed high to be able to hoist her spinnaker later in the leg. However, the wind was still too close, and she dropped further back after flying the kite, but staying ahead of Triffid at the finish. 1 GBR 3577 Fuego Fatuo John Walker / Francisco Gadala Maria 2 ESP 3804 Speedy Gonzales Michael Clough (singlehanded) 3 ESP 3610 Stormtrooper lll David Miles / Corinne Onvlee Next up 3 February: Liga de Invierno 2. Pollensa 17 February: Liga de Invierno 3, Pollensa Hope to see you there! We’ve published the first part of the 2018 calendar on our website http://flyingfifteen. and also Facebook @f15spain.


Valencia Hosts European M32 World Base this Winter Valencia, Spain: M32 World is setting up base in Valencia to deliver seven events across M32 Academy programs, M32 Series fleet racing and World Match Racing Tour qualifiers as Marina Valencia becomes the home of the highperformance M32 catamarans in Europe this winter. The M32 Series Mediterranean will run three events to crown a winter champion by 18th March, with events 19-21st January, 16-18th February and 16-18th March. Sailing in Valencia gives competitors the chance to race on the same course as the 32nd Americas Cup and experience the legacy that was left by the event in the Port America’s Cup which will play host to M32 catamarans all winter. M32 Series events in Valencia have been timed with dates of the M32 Miami Winter Series, so competitors wishing to run a full M32 sailing campaign this winter can do so both sides

of the Atlantic, with leasing opportunities available at both locations. The February event also runs just ahead of the first World Match Racing Tour qualifier - an opportunity to see some of the World’s greatest sailors racing in the M32 catamaran, and with the professionals in town it provides a unique opportunity to pick their brains for top tips at organised social events. Between the 20-25th February, World Match Racing Tour will take over M32 World to host back-to-back qualifier events for the 2018 Championship season. These two qualifier events will run under the same three-day format as the 2017 season qualifiers. Qualification will be given to the top two teams at each event, with the dates and locations of the 2018 Championship season being announced early next year. For M32 Academy enquiries or to register for any of the M32 Series or WMRT Valencia events:

Grant Loretz

Santiago Lange

a bout with cancer in 2015 that cost him his left lung. Following this victory in 2016 Lange won the World Sailing Sailor of the Year award. During his acceptance speech he called his crew Cecilia Carranza to the stage to highlight that the win was the result of teamwork. Aboard Azzurra Santiago will be sailing with a group that he knows from the past having been tactician aboard Matador in 2010.

Santiago Lange and Grant Loretz Return to Azzura TP52 Campaign While the latest version of Azzurra is under construction in Valencia to defend this team’s title as 52 Super Series champions, Azzurra’s skipper Guillermo Parada has announced the arrival, or rather the return, of two new team members: Santiago Lange and Grant Loretz. After two bronze medals won in the Tornado catamaran class at the Athens and Beijing Olympics, the Argentinian Santiago Lange finally won a gold medal at 54 years old, during the 2016 Rio Games where he sailed with Cecilia Carranza aboard a Nacra 17 catamaran. Their coach was Mariano “Cole” Parada, strategist and trimmer aboard Azzurra. Santiago Lange’s feat has become a part of Olympic and not just sailing history because his victory came after

Grant Loretz, a key member of Team New Zealand up to 2013, will also be a welcomed returner to Azzurra having raced with the team from 2014 to 2016. Loretz will be trimmer again in the upcoming season. The latest version of Azzurra, the fourth TP52 version of this famous yacht, will debut during PalmaVela in the first week of May. The 2018 edition of the 52 Super Series circuit will kick off on May 23 in Sibenik, Croatia.

AROUND THE REGIONS BARCELONA taken this time to organise the event. Each of LYBRA’s nine members will have seven berths.” Patrick Coote, former managing director of Blohm & Voss, will work alongside Blair in organising the event.

By David Robinson - IBI Plus

New Superyacht Brokerage Show to be Held in May This year’s event will be held at Barcelona’s OneOcean Port Vell. A new superyacht brokerage show to be held this year at Barcelona’s OneOcean Port Vell has been announced by LYBRA, the Large Yacht

Brokers Association. The new event, which runs from May 2-5, is being supported by MYBA (the worldwide yachting association), whose infrastructure from the MYBA Charter Show held at the same location from April 23-26, 2018 will be made available. Eric Blair, secretary general of LYBRA, told IBI: “We have been working on this idea for couple of years but it has just

LYBRA describes the show as having a “fresh, unique and appealing format. It will offer buyers and charterers, as well as their brokers and representatives, the opportunity to step on board some of the finest superyachts in the world, in an exclusive and private setting. “Complementing the onwater display will be a handpicked selection of some of the world’s premier luxury products and lifestyle brands. “Traditionally, boat shows have a strong business-tobusiness element whereby industry professionals come together to trade specialist products and services. These are essential elements for builders and operators, but they’re not conducive to creating a truly ‘luxury experience’ for yacht buyers. “The Superyacht Show will be a client-centric showcase that delivers the optimum buyer experience by attracting the highest-quality superyachts and yachting companies, the most prestigious sponsors, global luxury brands, and the most discerning visitors.” Jonathan Beckett, LYBRA president, commented: “Our long-term plans are ambitious but also realistic. The idea of a client-focused show was put forward several years ago and we’ve been working on the details for quite some time. We have a great team in place and while our expectations for the first year are modest, I’m confident we’re laying a very solid foundation for the future. “2018 will see the participation of all our member companies and in 2019 we aim to

incorporate a number of top-quality shipyards and other exhibitors,” he adds. “Everyone is welcome to visit the show, since our ultimate aim is to benefit the clients, brokers and the industry as a whole.” “The collective fleet of superyachts that LYBRA members represent for sale and charter is hugely significant. Our members are acutely aware of their responsibility to exhibit their client’s vessels at a time and place that is most likely to produce serious enquiries from qualified buyers. Over time, we therefore plan to develop the show into the definitive, pre-summer buying opportunity in the Mediterranean.” LYBRA is a trade association for superyacht brokerage companies who have a fleet of Central Agency yachts with a length greater than 30m. Its current members are Burgess, Camper & Nicholsons International, Edmiston, Fraser, IYC, Merle Wood & Associates, Northrop & Johnson, Ocean Independence and Yachtzoo. The new show comes at the end of a tight session of charter and brokerage shows. This starts with the MYBA Charter Show from April 2326 in Barcelona, followed by the Palma International Boat Show/Palma Superyacht Show from April 27-May 1, the Mediterranean Yacht Show at Nafplion in Greece from April 28-May 1 and the new event in Barcelona from May 2-5. Fiona Maureso, president of MYBA, told IBI: “There have been complaints about the shows so close together but we could not leave the Superyacht Show any later or else the charter season would have started.

AROUND THE REGIONS GIBRALTAR awareness of the other vessels in their immediate vicinity and could have made an “All Ships” broadcast warning other vessels of their predicament. The rescued yacht was a sailing yacht. In other words it had an alternative mode of propulsion - wind power. All the RYA courses teach budding skippers how to come alongside under sail power. Indeed I have had to do this in my own yacht when my engine broke down.

By John Alcantara Boatshed Gibraltar

Poor Seamanship? On Wednesday 3rd January 2018 the Gibraltar Chronicle carried a story headlined “Top life-saving award for local pensioner”. It was a heart-warming story but dig deeper and there was a catalog of appalling errors and poor seamanship waiting to be discovered. Let us learn something from these shortcomings. The story describes how the pensioner was returning to shore on a foggy morning when he heard a whistle. He steered in the direction of the sound to discover a sailing yacht with an elderly couple who had been adrift in the fog all night. This brings



me to the first point. Why did the yacht not formally declare an emergency with an appropriate Pan Pan call on VHF channel 16 the designated marine distress frequency if this was the case? Given that the yacht was unable to move under its own engine power a flat battery is surely a part of the equation. A yacht of this size would generally carry separate engine and service batteries that can be cross connected so that the engine can be started from the service battery. Why this was not done is a mystery. Perhaps the seaworthiness of the boat left much to be desired. It is always advisable to carry a handheld VHF transceiver with it’s own battery separate from the yacht’s power system. Had the yacht declared an emergency

this would have no doubt triggered a response from the Gibraltar Port Authority (GPA) who are responsible for search and rescue in local waters. Instead the pensioner who eventually took the yacht in tow made a mobile phone call to the GPA. All radio and phone traffic is recorded by the GPA but the Chronicle article leaves us in the dark about the nature of this call. Without invoking a distress situation maritime rescue authorities will not assume the role of breakdown service. When you put to sea you really need to know what you are doing and how to deal with emergencies. The crew of the yacht were lucky. According to the article the pensioner (the rescuer) had no navigation aids other than a compass and a mobile phone (again no marine VHF radio). Why would anyone ignore weather forecasts and the evidence of one’s eyes and head into fog with such limited equipment? It is lucky for the yacht that he was out there when he should really have stayed in port. Mobile phones may operate at sea but only at very close ranges. It is not a substitute for a marine frequency radio set. Had the crew of the yacht monitored and transmitted on channel 16 and 12 they would have obtained situational

We were also told that there was a danger of the yacht floundering (sic) on rocks. Well if he could not sail due to becalmed conditions there was certainly the option to drop anchor and hold off any rocks. It seems that this was also not considered which begs the question of whether the vessel carried an anchor and sufficient chain? In summary the crew of the yacht were lucky to have been heard by the pensioner, who should have stay at home on that foggy morning, but a more professional approach to seamanship, safety and yacht maintenance would have completely obviated the need for a long and risky tow. I always tell purchasers of yachts when they ask me what qualifications they need (the answer is none) that they would do well to do an RYA yacht handling course because it is always much better to be here wishing you were out there than being out there wishing to be here. An appropriate RYA boating course will teach you how to make those decisions and how to recover from awkward situations. If anyone reading this has doubts about their own boats I suggest they check out their batteries, their sails, their anchor, and most especially their radios and knowledge of procedures.

MALTA AROUND THE REGIONS Revetment Completion Allows for More Berths at Marina di Valletta Work on a rubble mound boulder revetment at the Marina di Valletta in Malta which was started early in 2017 has recently been completed. This revetment will allow more pontoon berths to be installed and this project followed on from studies of the seabed and a simulated wave assessment carried out by Artelia from France, a leading hydrography survey specialist.

By David Robinson - IBI Plus

Malta Maritime Forum Launches Marine Induction Course New course to address activities across Malta’s recreational and commercial marine sectors. A new marine sector induction course has been launched by the Malta Maritime Forum in association with the Malta Maritime Research and Training Centre and the full endorsement of the Transport Malta Ports and Yachting Directorate. The objective of the new course is to attract those already employed in the island’s extensive maritime industry plus others who might be interested in taking

up work opportunities or developing a career in the sector. It is designed for shorebased personnel working at the Port Authority, in ship agency services, as freight forwarding agents, terminal operators, the large yachting sector and other maritimerelated service providers. The course offers learning options to address activities across Malta’s yachting and commercial marine sectors as follows: • creating awareness to newly-employed personnel in the shipping industry for landbased jobs • imparting a sense of situational awareness in candidates to reduce accidents • familiarising new candidates with ships and port regulations to avoid

unnecessary mistakes and to increase efficiency • familiarising new candidates with a ship’s working procedures and personnel so as to have a better working relationship Candidates for the course must be 18 years of age, be fluent in English, and have a sound knowledge of basic mathematics or work experience in the marine sector. On completion of the course, candidates will have gained the necessary knowledge of operations across the commercial marine and yachting sectors.

Artelia has previously undertaken work for Transport Malta and its various wave and climate studies have been performed at a number of locations. The Marina di Valletta revetment will absorb the long wave swells particularly through the impact produced by north to easterly conditions. It will also provide year-round protection for craft berthed in the marina. Marina di Valletta will become fully operational in 2018 offering more than 250 berths for yachts between 10m (39ft) and 28m (92ft). In addition, there will be transit berths for yachts up to 45m (148ft).

Malta has a large and wideranging yacht and superyacht sector incorporating several marinas, repair and refit yards, brokerage and charter.

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AROUND THE REGIONS CARIBBEAN Coming from the U.K. is Chris Body and his team on the 40-foot J/122 El Ocaso. The boat won its class last year with a Michigan-based team onboard. “The St. Maarten Heineken Regatta puts on some really good racing, and it’s easy for a team to come in from Europe or the U.S. and charter a boat to compete,” said El Ocaso Boat Captain Bob Hillier, a regatta veteran who will be returning as the team’s tactician this year. “This will be my tenth St. Maarten Heineken Regatta with El Ocaso. The J/122 class is the premier racing boat class in the Caribbean and typically the largest class at the regatta. The CSA ratings are so close that you are finishing within seconds of each other.” In addition to El Ocaso’s team, the Australian team onboard Morticia and the U.S. based team onboard KHS&S Contractors are among those already committed to returning and defending their 2017 Multihull and Bareboat Class victories, respectively. Photos © Laurens Morel

Competition Builds in Countdown to 38th St. Maarten Heineken Regatta SAINT MARTIN (January 16, 2018) – With less than 50 days before the start of the 38th St. Maarten Heineken Regatta (March 1-4), the entry list is rapidly growing, and

already 50 teams representing 13 countries are signed up to compete. The regatta has been a key event on the Caribbean race schedule since its inception in 1980, attracting world-class sailors – racing monohulls, maxis and multihulls – to the island of Saint Martin for four days of serious fun both on and off the water.

“Our registration numbers are tracking close to last year at this time, which is great news,” said Regatta Race Director Paul Miller, adding that despite Hurricane Irma hitting Saint Martin this past September, the island is recovering in short order. “We have another great year of racing ahead and are seeing a lot of enthusiasm from local and international sailors alike.”

For competitors looking for a more relaxed experience, the regatta offers an “Island Time Class.” The Class offers competitors one around-thebuoy race per day with an 11 a.m. start, at a discounted entry rate. “Enjoying the sailing is a big part of the St. Maarten Heineken Regatta and we want to encourage cruising boats out there and show


them that it’s very easy to participate,” said Hank Schmitt, a 30-year supporter of Caribbean regattas who sponsored the class last year and will be racing in it again this year with his Swan 48 Avocation. “For competitors who don’t want to worry about stripping their boat down to get it race-ready or do any major prep work, they can now compete in the Island Time Class.” New and Improved Regatta Village Announced A longtime goal for organizers has been reached this year with the addition of a “Regatta Village” located at Princess Port de Paisance Resort and Casino and the Yacht Club at Port de Plaisance (across from race host St. Maarten Yacht Club). The venue, on the Dutch side of the island of Saint Martin in Cole Bay, will bring all the regatta essentials together: housing registration, shore-side entertainment, regatta offices, docking, food stands and beer tents. In addition, The Yacht Club Port de Plaisance will be offering free dockage in their South Basin for competitors as their way of saying thanks for supporting the regatta this year. Regatta Format The four-day event kicks off on Thursday, March 1, 2018 with the Gill Commodore’s Cup. The optional event is separately scored and followed by an evening

prize giving where winners are awarded Gill gear. On Friday, the fleet embarks on the event’s 26 nautical mile Around the Island Race before taking on a series of windward-leeward races on Saturday and a single coastal race on Sunday. Each day of racing is rounded out with serious shore-side entertainment, including concerts and parties. Charter Options The regatta is well known for its large and competitive charter classes, and a number of charter companies are onsite, offering an array of different options to accommodate a range of clients. Whether competitors are looking to book a single crew space on a boat or for the full-service “soup-to-nuts” package, regatta organizers can direct sailors to the best fit. For free concierge service: +1 721 544 2079 For up-to-date information regarding lodging, marinas, charter options and beyond: To register for the 2018 event: heineken/100237

Antigua Sailing Week Charter Opportunities & Flight Deals

in 45+ destinations worldwide including Antigua Slipway, English Harbour, Antigua.

More than 65 teams from all over the world have already committed to the 51st edition of Antigua Sailing Week. Many more are expected and it’s not too late to join them. There are still single places and whole yacht charters available. Backed by Dream Yacht Charter and Virgin Atlantic, there are some fantastic New Year deals, and independent charter firms offer a myriad of options to experience the Caribbean’s most famous regatta.

“Bareboats for Antigua Sailing Week have been booking up fast and availability is now getting tight,” commented Dan Lockyer, Dream Yacht Charter General Manager, North America. “We are relocating boats to Antigua from other bases and we do have boats available, but if you are thinking about racing in the Bareboat fleet, it would be advisable to book up very soon so that we can meet the demand.” Motherships are also available as race fleet bases or for cruisers who like the idea of being in the middle of the action but not racing.

Virgin Atlantic is the Official Exclusive UK Airline sponsor of Antigua Sailing Week and operates three flights weekly between Antigua and London Gatwick flying Tuesday, Friday and Saturday. “Virgin Atlantic is pleased to offer preferred rates to family, friends and participants travelling to Antigua from London Gatwick for Antigua Sailing Week 2018,” commented Sean Edwards, Virgin Atlantic Regional Business Development Manager - Caribbean.

For more details go to: Independent charter companies still have yachts and single berths available. For more details on opportunities for race charters and crew opportunities at Antigua Sailing Week visit: race-charters-crew/

To take advantage of the offer, email caribcorporates@fly. with your preferred travel dates, cabin of your choice and quote promo code ‘ASW2018’.

The Notice of Race for Antigua Sailing Week 2018 and the Peters & May Round Antigua Race are now available online and can be viewed here: competitors/race-documents/

Dream Yacht Charter is the world’s largest charter company with over 900 yachts

To enter ASW 2018 click here: enter-2018/

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NEWS 4 STEWS What are the best and worst parts about working onboard? The best parts are the amazing days off after charter with the crew exploring our current locations from hiking active volcanoes to relaxing on pristine white sandy beaches. The worst parts are the achy muscles, sore feet and creaky back after a flat out summer.

Stew of the Month – Sophie Page

were so quiet, captains were coming to the crew houses to look for day workers instead of crew going out dock walking! 5 Days in Antibes and I landed my first job aboard a 37m Sanlorenzo in Italy.

What did you do before yachting, and how did your yachting career first begin? Like many yachties, I did not come from a sailing family or background. I heard of the industry from a friend of my sister. At the time, I was in my first year of University in Bristol studying Accounting and Finance. I spent the following two years watching her via Facebook, cruising the Mediterranean as a Stewardess. I needed to take a break after University and recoup some funds so decided to fly out to Antibes and try it out for myself. Against everyone’s recommendations, I took a gamble and stayed around for my graduation ceremony. This meant I didn’t get to Antibes until late July. It paid off though, as things

What has been your favourite boat you’ve worked on, and why? I’ve been very lucky in my career to have worked on some great boats and been part of some wonderful boat families over the past 6 years. I’ve gone between small, large and both Sailing and Motor boats. My favourite boat would have to be S/Y Eos. So much so, that I’m back again after a few years away. There is something special about this boat. I’ve never felt more at home anywhere else in the world. It has an amazing ability to hire like minded laid back crew who love their jobs and really care about the beautiful boat we all work on. I’ve been lucky to make lifelong friends aboard and travelled the world with these like minded people.

Interview By: Kate Tarratt Cross Go with the Glow

Ready to get your Glow back? Learn how to tune in to your body and find which foods are right for you. Gain confidence in cooking beautiful healthy meals. Find habits that fit your lifestyle and keep your energy levels boosted. Certified health coach offering meal plans and personal health coaching. Contact me to see how I can help you gain more energy or reach your goal weight. (+33) 762 81 97 24



How do you keep sane on charter? SUN! You can’t beat a bit of vitamin D. Even if it’s just a quick 30 minutes, there is nothing like a bit of sun to make all the stresses and strains of charter melt away. What are your best strategies for spoiling charter guests? I did a season working onboard a busy charter vessel and was lucky to have mostly families chartering the boat. I loved coming up with things to entertain them, from themed meals to games and crafts. My favourite evening was creating an indoor tent in the main Salon for a slumber party. It was so magical, with fairy lights everywhere. They absolutely loved it! What’s the coolest thing you have done for guests? The coolest thing I have ever done for guests was organising a private helicopter ride over the Norwegian Fjords. I had the helicopter do a flight over the boat and pick them up just a short tender ride away. The best thing was, as I helped them into the Helicopter, they then invited me along for the ride! What is your signature cocktail? Espresso Martini – I love to both make and drink them!! What is your favourite yachting destination? The Pacific has been on my yachting wish list since I began and it hasn’t failed to impress, but my all time home away from homes are Palma in the Mediterranean and Antigua in the Caribbean. If you owned a superyacht, what would you do differently?

I would show far more interest in the culture and people of the destinations that I visit. What is your on-board pet hate? Dirty phones and door handles. One of my first chief stews told me some terrible statistics on germs once and it’s stuck with me ever since. What career achievement are you most proud of? The career achievement I am most proud of would be both getting a job on, and learning to sail on one of the fastest sail boats in the industry, Mari Cha 3. Thanks to the wonderful crew and very patient captain, they taught me everything I now know. Best housekeeping tip/hack? Fairy Liquid – Solves so many stain treating dilemmas, you would be surprised. Tell us about your funniest embarrassing moment on board. My most embarrassing moment on board was following the three lights of home to find my way back to the boat after a night out, only to realise in the morning that the rigs weren’t even back in yet. I’m not sure what three lights I was following. What’s your favourite adventure in Mallorca? Walking down to the Paella Restaurant at San Foradada. Great food, great views and a relaxed atmosphere. If you could give your 20yr old self one piece of advice, what would it be? “Accept what is, let go of what was and have faith in what will be” What’s your plan for the future? I believe to be able to leave this industry you need to have a plan. I started working on my plan a few years ago and began training as a masseuse. My dream for the future would be to own a beautiful practice surrounded by lavender fields. Focusing on aromatherapy and making my own essential oils from what I can grow on my land.


Interview By: Kate Tarratt Cross Go with the Glow

From Ship to Shore – Raffaella Motta How long did you work in yachting? Can you tell me about your yachting career – highlights, low points? I worked in the yachting industry from 1997 to 2009. It started by chance actually. In 1996 I was working for one of the sponsors of Vele d’Epoca (A Panerai Classic Yacht Challenge) in Imperia, and immediately fell in love with this amazing and unknown world. As I didn’t know anything about boats, I started as a cook and stewardess. It is with thanks to the amazing crews I’ve worked with and my passion that I slowly earned my place on deck. I was then based in Antibes for many years and worked mainly on classic yachts. During those years, I had the chance to sail more

than once, across the Atlantic, the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean, as well as participate in a lot of racing. In 2006 I moved to Palma, and joined the mighty Nariida, where I spent three more years. As any sailor will know, life at sea can be hard and very demanding, but these years have become the dearest and best memories of my life. How did you know it was time for you to make the move to land? It just kind of happened naturally. I was feeling the need to have a life of my own and so decided to quit my last job. Then my daughter Aria came to me, and that was such a wonderful gift. So I went back home to Italy for a while and finally ended up settling there once again. What was the most difficult thing about the transition? I think that being a sailor has given me a very strong identity, so when I came back to Italy, I had to start

everything all over again. I had to re-invent who I was and what my place was in the world. I went through quite a few different jobs. Now where I live, there is no sea, and that has been challenging on the professional point of view. Finally though, I think I might have found a certain stability now, although I will always be open to change and have that hunger for new adventures.

nature, although I’m lucky enough to live very close to the mountains, so that makes up for it, somehow. I miss the unknown of new horizons. But most of all I miss my crew, my mates, this special relationship you build with people when everybody’s life depends on one another. I know that friends I have shared those years with, will be there for life.

What was the best thing about it? After having been away for more than twelve years, coming back home has given me the chance to finish growing up and to deal with all those issues I had run away from as a girl. I am working to integrate these issues within myself as a woman. Of course, the other good things are having a wardrobe and a bathtub!

What do you do now? I teach English and French and am currently passing a ticket to become a yoga teacher too.

What do you miss most about yachting? I miss waking up at sea and the smell of the water during my watches at night. I miss the wholesome contact with

Do you have any advice for fellow yachties about going land-based? Yes I do! It is to plan your transition as accurately as you can. To use the numerous and diverse contacts that you have certainly built up during your career that will help find a little spot custom made for you. We are rather peculiar people, it isn’t easy to adapt to a very standard life. On the other hand we have many skills and resources… make the most of them!

February Courses 2nd 3rd 5th - 7th 8th - 9th 10th 12th 13th 14th - 15th 15th 16th 17th 20th & 27th 22nd - 24th 25th 26th - 27th 28th

Silver Service Refresher Food Hygiene Level 2 Yacht Interior Introduction Course Professional Silver Service Flower Arranging Workshop Food Hygiene Level 2 Introduction to Wine, Bartending & Mixology Interior Administration & Human Resources Making a Tablecloth Workshop Silver Service Refresher Food Hygiene Level 2 Learn to Sew Evening Workshop Advanced Professional Silver Service Food Hygiene Level 2 Valet Services & Wardrobe Management Advanced Floristry & Plant Care

Full details of our courses can be found on our website or our Facebook page. 76



Photos © Sofia Winghamre Photography Source: The Mental Health Benefits Of Flowers. By Sally Augustin

Pick of the Month Stewardess’ Pick of the Month from Rialto Living Our favourite lifestyle store in Palma Flowers depress me, said no one, ever. In fact, the popular Flower Power slogan used by hippy activists in the 60s and 70s still holds up today, as flowers - like peace - are potent contributors to health and happiness. Research persistently shows flowers (and plants, even if they didn’t star as symbols for a non-violence ideology) have positive effects on our emotional wellbeing. Scientists the world over have linked flowers to a better mood and an enhanced cognitive performance. There is even evidence stating that simply looking at green leaves gets the creative juices flowing, and that having your nose overdose on floral scents, makes you feel less anxious. So the added bonus of having flowers on board during a charter or owners’ trip is that these sweet-smelling beauties will help lift your spirits. You



know, in case you didn’t manage to fulfill a request for getting two live Siberian tigers on board, or something trivial like that. And if the boat’s spending the winter in refit and the interior is protected by metres of bubble wrap, you can use those flowers to de-stress and spruce up that Spartan crew apartment. Rialto Living stocks a lovely selection of beautifully bound bouquets, ranging from large arrangements, boasting extravagant colours and exotic flowers, to smaller bunches that add everyday joy and brightness to our lives. Moreover, their specialist in-house florist also compiles dream bouquets and arrangements to order, which are simply made to wow your guests, whatever the occasion and whichever style you are looking for. Rialto Living, conveniently located on Calle Sant Feliu 3, is just a stone’s throw away from Palma’s STP and sells a wide selection of eye-catching super yacht must-haves. Have a snoop around and see for yourself. And if you make a purchase don’t forget to flash your STP (or other) entry card so you can relax in their leafy, oasis-like café and sip on a complimentary ‘cafe con leche’ before you head back to the boat.


The Love Boat It is February, spring is on its way and love is in the air. This month is all about Valentine’s Day and love it or hate it, there is no getting away from it, unless you are completely cut off from the rest of the world. It certainly goes a long way to brightening up the dull days of February and giving us something to think about as we start looking forward to spring and the warmer days to come. The sceptics out there will be dismissing it as just another commercial scam and quite possibly that is true but where did Valentine’s Day stem from? It is a bit of a mystery and there is no definitive origin of this celebration, however there are connections to both paganism and religion going back centuries. Regardless of where this celebration started there is approximately 150 million Valentine’s day cards exchanged annually, along with millions of flowers and chocolates. It has also become commonly known as a day to take your loved one out for a romantic meal and rekindle the romance. What about romance and love on board a yacht – good or bad – are relationships between crew something to be celebrated or avoided at all costs? This is an area of yachting that is not often discussed but many people have very strong feelings about; I suspect based on their own personal 80


experiences. Given the amount of time that crew spend together and the close working and living arrangement, it is only natural that strong feelings will develop between crew mates. What happens next is the part that gets most people feeling a little hot under the collar and that may not necessarily be the ones who are attracted to each other! Falling in love is as natural as breathing, and the process is different for each of us but the chemistry behind the initial rush of attraction has biological explanations that we all share. Increased dopamine affects our senses. Colours are brighter, life seems more exciting and we are happier. This leads us to thinking that this will also result in improved performance and increased output from the individual who is happy and upbeat. You hope so but our moods and emotions are also influenced by the additional testosterone and an increase in sexual desire which can lead to an increase in aggressive behaviour. If the feelings are not mutual, this stage can lead to someone pursuing the object of their desire and the increase of neurotransmitters may lead to focused attention and possible “zeroing in” on the other person. I have seen this in action, which resulted in one crew member feeling “uncomfortable” but being a nice person they did not want to upset the stewardess in question, who was so obviously “fixated” and displayed typical signs of irrational pursuit of the poor deckhand. The possible outcome of unrequited love on board can be an individual suffering from depression and feelings of rejection or unfortunately in this case, eventual dismissal (well actually let go at the

end of the probationary period). The unrealistic pursuit of another has drastic consequences for some and can develop into a serious situation if not taken care of. This is not always the case and singletons out there don’t despair, love has a strange way of finding you wherever you are and sometimes Cupid will strike on board, leading to love in the crew mess. Genuine relationships can be made on board and I can say I am lucky enough to personally know and have worked with three couples who met while working on a yacht and have since gone on to become married. This was not without issues however, more for their heads of department and fellow crew members than the love birds themselves. During the “falling in love” phase there is a conflict of interests happening, our senses are focusing on the person we want rather than what we are supposed to be doing and we appear to have little or no control over how we behave. How does this affect our job, our fellow crew and most importantly our safety? From a department head position this can lead to distracted crew who are not paying attention to what they are doing. They often continually find excuses to be in the same vicinity as the object of their desire rather than where they are supposed to be. Interior crew constantly making excuses to be on deck or a deck member or engineer constantly being in the galley are examples. There is constant wasted time where the crew member is day-dreaming about love and a lack of focus on the task at hand resulting in poor results or jobs having to be repeated. Having to tell crew to remember it is a place of work so inappropriate PDA’s during the working hours are not acceptable gets a bit old after a while. Often when challenged about their lack of focus, individuals can be defensive or aggressive

which can be linked to the increase in testosterone. The neurotransmitter norephinephrine is a stimulant, so as well as the euphoria and alertness, can lead to feelings of giddiness, loss of appetite and inability to sleep, all of which can have negative effects on an individual’s performance. This in turn can lead to pressure for other crew members who are picking up the slack or aiding and abetting the romance. Often when the new relationship is taken to the physical level, cabin mates are put under pressure to ‘make themselves scare’ or have to suffer the indignity of listening in to the love making. Sharing your crew mess with a couple who are in the first throws of love also can pretty depressing for the other single crew members. Bed-hopping is another aspect of love on the high seas. More often than not, this is kept secret from department heads (except when they are the culprit) and seemingly unknown to anyone other than those “hooking up”. Or so you think! Love is blind as the saying goes but it never goes un-noticed! In the euphoria experienced there is always a lack of discretion or the inappropriate use of yacht space that is noticed by someone. It can also be a pretty costly exercise, there are plenty of stories around of the crew members fired for trashing the owner’s bed during a night of passion. A bed-hopper is a bad crew mate and there is a reason for the saying “don’t screw the crew”! The consequences of hooking up with them is rejection, jealousy, anger,

NEWS 4 STEWS feelings of low self-worth and depression as well as tension and bad feelings between the opposing crew members. It can also destroy the status quo and trust within the group. Often these behaviours will eventually result in dismissal as the disruption to crew cohesiveness can result in a breakdown of the familial or team feelings. It is not all doom and gloom in the love department when it comes to yachting. Many boats are run by successful Captain and Wife teams, where a good relationship becomes a stabling influence for younger crew. The unit becomes like a family with both a mother and father figure, who support and guide their crew members. This works well except when one of the couple is a nightmare to work with and you know there is no way they will ever be fired – usually the Captain’s wife. One bad apple can make the whole boat rotten to work on. There is also the yacht with a Captain who is looking for a partner. He loves his job, is married to the yacht and wants a female companion. Great if you actually hit it off but tough if you are being subjected to unwelcome attention and really uncomfortable if once you make it plain that you are not interested, you are then subjected to disparaging remarks or snubbed by them. There is a new trend in yachting – The Couples Yacht

Illetas Shopping Center

– usually larger and with several couples on the team, some on rotation. This is seen as a very stable environment and they actively seek couples when recruiting, usually within the same age group and fitting within the “group norm” which can be active and sporty. These yachts are great to work on and it is nice to know there are more opportunities for couples to work together, particularly as there are many younger crew couples entering the industry. However, they can be very lonely for the single crew member and often it is the case that the single crew members are in a minority. In order for these yachts to be successful, the Captain must consciously make the environment suitable for both the couples AND the single crew to live together harmoniously without isolating the singles. Great that couples are now the norm on yachts but what if you have an unstable relationship on board? This can create real issues for your crew mates. No one wants to be involved in constant arguing and dramas within this type of relationship as the energy projected by the warring couples can be exhausting. Along with listening to your crew member complain about their partner, it has a way of dragging everyone down. When a relationship goes bad and a break up is on the cards is another example of how detrimental crew love can be to the group. Usually

T. 971 40 39 91

M. 605 444 555

the period preceding the split will be fraught with tension and the couple avoiding each other as much as possible. Finding a way to manage this and still keep both crew members is an issue and usually results in one crew member leaving. Having couples on board can be both negative and positive, depending on your experiences. Many Captains do avoid hiring couples on the belief that it can bring problems that are difficult to deal with such as disagreements within the relationship, an unbalancing of crew dynamics and the problem of “lose one crew member, you lose both”. Other yachts embrace the idea of couples believing that there is stability to be had and it keeps crew members longer as they are happy in their environment with their partner and not looking for love on the docks.

do not see why they should be denied the opportunity to find love at their place of work. I have discussed the possibility of placing a couple on a yacht who were of the same sex and am very happy to say that there was little or no discrimination shown. It is not without its complications but I believe that what we are experiencing today is younger crew being both open and accepting of others, embracing the spirit of meeting people different from themselves as they enjoy the adventure. Love is not always bad news on board and despite the difficulties, often leads to a happy ever after for some, so Happy Valentine’s from us at VIP Service School and spread the love. Check our website for full details of all our training courses.

Finally, it would not be correct to NOT mention same sex relationships on board. This is not common but there are plenty of LGBT people in the industry now and I

NEWS 4 STEWS myth that slow cooking is a lot of bother and takes too much time. The reality is that braising can be quick and easy to produce, leaving you time to get on with other things while the meat is cooking and tempting you with al those fabulous aromas that float around the kitchen.

Marc Fosh Michelin Starred Chef

Turn the Other Cheek At the restaurant, we love to slow cook delicious, tender beef cheeks until they almost melt in your mouth. They are always popular with our guests, especially during the winter months when there is a little chill in the air. Sometimes we’ll cook them sous vide style and although it’s a very technical, clean method of cooking, but I must admit that I much prefer them when we cook them in a classical stock with red wine, herbs and root vegetables as it imparts so much flavour the final dish. Stewing and braising are the quintessence of good home cooking. Rich comfort food with robust flavours in the shape of pot roasts, casseroles, hot pots and stews, cooked slowly to create memorable dishes that are also economical. There is a

Without getting too technical, I’ll try to explain a few basic principals for braising and stewing. Firstly, I think that the flavour of the finished dish is improved enormously if you take a bit of time and trouble when browning the meat. If you’re using small pieces of meat, as in a stew, make sure you brown them in batches, over a hot flame, so the meat doesn’t steam. The temperature must be high enough to trigger the browning process. Contrary to popular opinion, browning, or searing, the surface does not seal in meat’s juices. It does, however, produce new and complex flavour compounds as the sugars and proteins in the meat react under high temperatures and the surface colour deepens. This browning reaction is known as the Maillard reaction. Aromatic vegetables such as carrots, celery, leeks and onions can also be browned after the meat and you’ll trigger a different type of browning reaction called caramelization, which will also add considerably to the richness of the finished dish. Liquids, such as wine, beer or stock are also essential for braising because less

tender meats have greater amounts of collagen. This is a connective tissue that needs prolonged exposure to heat to break it down, the higher the cooking temperature, the tougher the muscle fibres become so make sure it never boils. Cooking temperatures should be just high enough to kill microorganisms, yet not so high that the meat toughens. Braising at low temperatures can never be done in a hurry. So take your time, be patient and you will be richly rewarded with tender, succulent meat, deep flavours and some amazing aromas. Happy Cooking! Braised Beef Cheeks with Black Olives & Sun Dried Tomatoes Always one of our most popular dishes at the restaurant, these beef cheeks are unbelievably tender with a really big, delicious flavour. Ingredients (Serves 6-8) 1.5kl Beef cheeks, trimmed & cleaned 125g sun dried tomatoes, chopped 20 baby onions or shallots (peeled) 20 black olives, stoned 2tbsp. Tomato puree 1litre beef stock 100g flour 100m olive oil 10 basil leaves, torn For the marinade: 500ml Red wine 1 large onion (roughly



chopped) 3 garlic cloves (crushed) 2 carrots (peeled and chopped) 1tspn. Allspice A sprig of fresh thyme A sprig of fresh rosemary Place the beef cheeks in a large bowl and add all the ingredients for the marinade. Leave to marinate in the refrigerator overnight. Drain the meat from the marinade and pat dry with kitchen towel. Heat the olive oil in a large heavy-bottomed pan and brown the beef cheeks on all sides. Stir in the flour and tomato puree. Add the ingredients from the marinade and pour over the beef stock. Cover with a lid and simmer gently for 3 hours, removing any fat and impurities that rise to the surface during the cooking. Heat a little oil in small frying pan and sauté the baby onions until golden brown. Stir them into the stew and cook for a further 30 minutes. Add the chopped sun-dried tomatoes, black olives and basil leaves. Season to taste and cover again with a tight fitting lid. Open the pot at the table to enjoy the wonderful aroma of braised beef & with black olives & sun-dried tomatoes and serve with potato puree.

Delicioso (+34) 971 699 221

Vegetable and Cous Cous Salad with Feta Cheese. Our Sandwich Meal Deal Sandwich, Fruit & Drink for just €8.50 continues too with a different choice of 6 fillings each week.

Delicioso Serving Crew Food Throughout Winter Delicioso is operating a crew food delivery service throughout the winter. Fresh Crew Food Dishes incl. accompaniments delivered to your yacht or office for only €12.00. From comfort food perfect on cold winter days e.g. Smokey Braised Beef Goulash served with Rosemary Roasted Baby Potatoes and Buttered Cabbage to lighter dishes for those kick starting January with healthy habits e.g. Warm Roasted Mediterranean

Cotoner, 21bj Santa Catalina, Palma

For those needing frozen meals for crossings or watch keeper weekend meals please take a look at our Lazy Gourmet Menu. For all orders, including any provisioning requests, please contact us.

The Galley Club Katy Rosales (+34) 662 348 306

February Cookery Courses 1st 2nd 8th 9th 12th 13th 14th

Feed your crew Lunch and Dinner for only €18 per person per day by taking advantage of our special offer.

Hot Japanesse food Tapas gourmet Fish workshop How to make sourdough bread 2 Weeks Yacht cookery school Sous- vide cooking Cooking for couples

15th Vegan & Energetic food 16th Ceviche, tartar & carpaccio 17th Mallorquian grapes biodynamic Wine & food pairing 20th Sushi 21st Thai 22nd Molecular Gastronomy Textures Workshop 26th Italian pasta 27th Special rya bread gluten free 28th Cooking for beginners


Pipers Farm ‘Meat the Natural Way’ Ethical Pipers Farm supplies awardwinning meat from land to sea for superyachts all over the world. Founded in 1989, Pipers Farm is a destination for meat that is produced sustainably and in harmony with nature. Our ethics are deep-rooted to the core of our business. We passionately believe in producing wholesome natural food that has been grown with respect for nature. Grass fed Ruminant animals like cattle and sheep were designed by nature to extract the maximum nutrition from grass. Their complex digestive systems churn and break down grass, plants, and clovers, eking out every drop of goodness. Starchy grains aren’t a natural feature of a ruminant diet and are only given to blast fast-growth onto young bodies.



Superfood Nutrition is complicated. Very complicated. It’s a big mashup of science, politics, and commerce. There are many viewpoints, many arguments and lots of truths, untruths, and half-truths to unpick. Our position is this: over the years saturated fats (as found in meat) have been blamed for everything from heart disease to cancer. But it’s now apparent that the real enemies are processed sugars and starchy, high-carb foods. Just like ruminants, we have foods that our bodies are designed to make the most of. A good place to start when thinking about nutrition is with the fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6. You’ll no doubt have heard of them. Our hunter-gatherer ancestors ate a varied diet that allowed them to have a good balance of Omega-3 and Omega-6. The two Omegas worked well together - controlling, amongst other things, excess inflammation in the body. As time has passed and our diets have changed, we’ve lost the Omega balance,

erring heavily on the side of Omega-6 at the expense of Omega-3. It’s this imbalance that’s considered to be responsible for many of the common maladies from which we suffer. Grain-fed animals experience a similar problem: grain feeding packs their bodies with carbohydrates that they convert to sugar and lay down as fat. Their Omega balance is off skew and this results in meat that’s giving us more 6 than 3. Grass-fed animals have no such problem. As Nature Intended Furthermore, animals that live in a natural environment, eating a natural grass-based diet offer another vital health-giving substance: bone marrow. Living outdoors in the sun surrounded by all of Nature’s varied bugs and germs means free-ranging animals accrue strong natural immunity – and this immunity is conferred to us through their bone marrow. So whether you simmer it into a broth or spread it on toast, grass-fed bone marrow is an immunity boosting

superfood brimming with health-giving properties. Reputation Our meat has been recognized for its exceptional quality and commitment to welfare by some fabulous chefs such as Jamie Oliver, Rick Stein, Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, Clarissa Dickson-Wright, Michael Caines and many, many more! Service Chefs cooking for the world’s elite have found our bespoke butchery and packaging service invaluable. From creating the perfect cut for your menu to arranging delivery to the back and beyond, our dedicated Account Manager, Talullah will provide you with the support and service you demand. Contact Pipers Farm Provisions can be sourced either directly or through one of our affiliated provisoners. For further information and a copy of our yacht brochure please contact

PALMA PORT ADRIANO Instructor Training: Personal Watercraft & Sail Cruising Yachtmaster Ocean courses include a day at sea for practical training Free of charge theory workshops in advance of every Yachtmaster course














AIGUA SEA SCHOOL IS YOUR SEA SCHOOL since 2006 C/ Sant Magi 68 | Santa Catalina, Palma | T. 871 230 373 | |

NEWS 4 STEWS Spicy and Sexy Sweet Chocolate Fondue

Galley Goddess Well, if alcohol and Rohypnol aren’t going to get you and your potential love interest in the mood for a little bit of loving this Valentines day, then some serious indulging in all that is aphrodisiac is called for to share your naughty lascivious self this February 14th. Valentines Day; dia de amor or a cruel and vicious holiday designed by Hallmark to mock single people and remind them, just what losers they really are? Prompting miserable men and women world wide to turn off their phone, unplug the computer and in desperation, fake their own death? Or a day filled with roses, chocolate, every single cliche ever uttered and Whitney Houston songs strung together into one endless 24 hour love fest? As an aphrodisiac, decadent chocolate will always reign supreme; containing both



sedative and stimulative qualities, chocolate relaxes and lowers inhibitions whilst increasing the desire for physical contact. The Aztecs and Maya used cacao beans as a form of currency. The Maya were known to exchange a few beans for a night of passion at the bordello. Luscious and velvety, chocolate has an elegant touch, no tacky suggestive shapes or bizarre similarities to genitalia with this rich and deeply satisfying paramour. To share with good friends, your significant other or your own solitary lustful exploits, good people, I, with hand on heart, offer you the following flamboyant but sumptuous deserts with so much wow factor that might just blow your little mind...........enjoy mis amores.

1 and a half cups heavy cream 1/4 cup whole milk 8 x 10cm cinnamon sticks, crushed 2 teaspoons cardamon pods 1 teaspoon whole cloves 1 teaspoon black peppercorns 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger 1/2 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg 250g bittersweet chocolate, coarsely chopped Fresh mango, sliced into slices Bananas cut into long slices In a small saucepan, combine the heavy cream with the milk and all of the spices and bring to boil. Remove from heat and let steep for 20 minutes. Then strain the cream into a bowl and clean the saucepan. Return the cream to the saucepan and bring to boil. Put the chocolate in the bowl and pour the hot cream over it. Let it stand for 3 minutes, then whisk until smooth. Transfer to a fondue dish and serve with mango and bananas.........or be a devil and dip gingerbread and apples. Heavenly Luscious Lava Cake with Pistachios and Sea Salt 115 g butter 220g semi-sweet chocolate 1 cup icing sugar 2 whole eggs 2 egg yolks 6 tablespoon flour handful of pistachios sea salt to scatter First of all, preheat your

oven to 200C. Prepare four small soufflĂŠ dishes with lots of melted butter. Place a heatproof bowl on top of a saucepan of simmering water, pop the chocolate in and melt, stirring until smooth. Stir in the icing sugar and take off heat. Add the eggs whilst stirring, then the egg yolks. Finally add the flour and stir until well blended. Divide between the souffle dishes evenly and bake for 14 minutes and the sides are set. Let them rest for a few minutes then sprinkle with chopped pistachios and sea salt. Fabulousness in all its glory. Chocolate Raspberry Truffletini - makes only two! 60ml /2 oz Godiva chocolate liqueur 60ml/2 oz Baileys Irish Cream 30ml/1 oz raspberry flavoured vodka Fresh raspberries Fresh mint leaves Chocolate sauce In two martini glasses, gently plop four raspberries into the bottom, drizzle the inside of the glass with chocolate syrup. Set aside. Fill a cocktail shaker with ice and then pour in the Godiva, Baileys and raspberry vodka. Shake to chill and then strain into the prepared martini glasses. Give it a quick stir with a cocktail straw. Garnish the rim with a fresh raspberry and some mint leaves. Serve immediately and enjoy. No faked orgasms with this little joie de vivre.

Delicioso Winter Crew Food Menu

the lid and add the remaining vodka. Make sure the bottle is sealed and store it in a cool dark place, turning/shaking once a day for the first week. After 2-3 weeks you can strain the vodka through a sieve lined with coffee filter papers or a clean kitchen cloth. Pour the vodka back into mini bottles and label. The vodka will only keep it’s pink colour for a few months, but will be drinkable for 2 years. Hahahaha, if it lasts that long. Homemade Raspberry Vodka 500g raspberries 250g white caster sugar 2 vanilla pods, split down the centre 1 litre of vodka Sterilise a 1.5 litre preserving jar. Tip the raspberries, sugar and vanilla into the jar. Pour half the vodka in the bottle. Seal the lid then turn the bottle upside down and give it a good shake to evenly distribute the sugar. Remove

One last thought dear Islanders, I suspect a man baking a chocolate cake for his girlfriend is the probably equivalent of a woman dressing up in stockings for her boyfriend...I’ll just leave you with that. You are so very welcome.... With love,

Choose from our weekly rotating menu, for example w/c 5th March, we have the following delicious options for you to choose from: Fresh Crew Food Options Parmesan Chicken with Fresh Tomato & Herb Sauce, Warm Salad of New Potatoes, Mushrooms & Bacon Pasta el Pesto with Cherry Tomatoes & Pine Nuts with Mixed Salad, Crusty Bread & Alioli Chilli Beef Burrito topped with Mozzarella, Warm Pasta & Vegetable Salad Lasagne with Mixed Salad & Crusty Bread Trio of Pork & Leek Sausages with Onion Gravy, Mashed Potatoes & Fresh Vegetables Roasted Butternut Squash, Broccoli, Feta & Rice Salad with Toasted Pumpkin Seeds €12.00 Per Person Sandwich Menu - Sandwich, Fruit & Drink Baked Ham with Cheddar & Branston Pickle Pork Sausage with Stuffing & Apple Sauce Tuna & Roasted Veg with Olive Tapenade Roast Turkey with Cranberry Sauce Chicken, Smoked Bacon, Tomato & Dijon Mayonnaise €8.50 Per Sandwich Deal Special Lunch & Dinner Deal €18.00 Per Person

Galley Goddess

ORDERS: (+34) 971 699 221 or



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HEALTH & WELLNESS have up to a 65% lower risk of getting Alzheimer’s disease • Lowers risk by as much as 60% of getting Parkinson’s disease • Is great for your liver and may protect against liver cirrhosis. People who drink 4 or more cups per day have up to an 80% lower risk

Nick Stael von Holstein Medical Support Offshore

The Benefits of Coffee

A cup of Joe, liquid gold for crew and seaman alike, the caffeine elixir for watch keepers and early risers. Coffee and seaman have shared a long camaraderie since early times. What’s the secret ingredient in coffee? It’s a complex mix of compounds not all of which are fully understood but a clear interaction exists between caffeine and antioxidants. As reported in various studies it has been shown that coffee can benefit you in many instances with numerous reported health benefits. To begin with its an antioxidant aiding numerous conditions and diseases. Coffee: • Improves cognitive function - Caffeine potently blocks an inhibitory neurotransmitter

in the brain, leading to a net stimulant effect. Caffeine is known to improve various aspects of brain including memory, mood, vigilance, energy levels, reaction times and general cognitive function • Helps burn fat - caffeine can increase fat burning in the body and boost the metabolic rate • Improves physical performance - increase adrenaline levels and release fatty acids from the fat tissues. • Contains essential nutrients & vitamins including Riboflavin (vitamin B12), Pantothenic Acid (vitamin B12), Manganese & Potassium, Magnesium & Niacin (vitamin B3) • Has the potential to lower risk of type 2 diabetes - coffee drinkers have a much lower risk of getting type II diabetes • May protect you from Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia - Several studies show that coffee drinkers

• Appears to lower the risk of developing depression and makes you happier and may dramatically reduce the risk of suicide • Appears to be protective against two types of cancer, liver cancer and colorectal cancer. Studies show that coffee drinkers have up to a 40% lower risk of liver cancer. Liver and colorectal cancer are the 3rd and 4th leading causes of cancer death worldwide. Coffee drinkers have a lower risk of both

• Reduces risk of heart disease. It may cause mild increases in blood pressure, which generally diminish over time. Coffee drinkers do not have an increased risk of heart disease, but a slightly lower risk of stroke Consequently, coffee drinkers are less likely to get many diseases, and therefore it makes sense that coffee could help you live longer. There are several observational studies showing that coffee drinkers have a lower risk of death. Coffee is one of the healthiest beverages on the planet in moderate amounts it is good for you, however drinking way too much of it can still be harmful. For people who eat a standard Western diet, coffee may actually be the healthiest aspect of the diet. Studies show that most people get more antioxidants from coffee than both fruits and vegetables, combined.

HEALTH & WELLNESS • Resveratrol (skins of grapes and berries) • B vitamin folate abundant in leafy greens. A diet packed with these potent plant antioxidants can be associated with lowering the risk of chronic disease, heart disease and certain cancers. Balancing Blood Sugar with Protein and Fibre-rich Plants

Suzanne Garaty Naturopathic Nutritional Therapist dipCNM mBANT (+34) 647 397 501

strict veggie or vegan. Recent studies have found eating more plant-based protein and fibre can increase fullness and long-term weight loss and maintenance.

Eat a Rainbow in 2018

The modern western diet is packed with inflammatory foods, sugar, additives, processed foods, pesticides and hormones, often lacking key nutrient, meaning there is a short fall in most people’s diet. Plants contain nearly all the vital vitamins, mineral, antioxidants, phytonutrients and fibre our body needs to thrive, to regulate our metabolism. For example, just

With new year resolutions wearing thin and by February maybe it’s getting challenging to keep up a diet? So why not just reduce packaged food and animal proteins – meat and dairy - replace them with plant-based fresh options. Keep this going year-round and reap the benefits. Without becoming a

Private consultancies

Cookery classes

Talks & Demos

Juicing & healthy living workshops

Cleanse yoga Retreats

Stews & chef cookery & juicing training T. 647 397 501 Call Suzanne for bookings, upcoming events & advice

MARINE ENGINEERS AND SUPPLIERS w w w. p r e c i s i o n - m a r i n e . n e t C/ Poima 27, Polígono Can Valero, Palma de Mallorca Shop: (+34) 971 297 601, spares@precision Office & Workshop: (+34) 971 760 237, info@precision



a handful or brazil nuts is your daily recommended amount of selenium. Dark green leaves, beans and pulses are the best source of folate, vitamin B9 vital for a healthy nervous system and brain. Fighting Inflammation If you are carrying excess weight around your middle it is likely you are suffering from chronic low-grade inflammation – a key driver in many age-related degenerative diseases – heart disease, obesity, diabetes, cancer, dementia etc. Driven by the food we eat, food allergies and intolerances, stress and sedentary lifestyle. Many foods help with lowering inflammation like turmeric, ginger, omega 3 fatty acids in chia, flax and hemp seeds, also papaya and pineapple rich in digestive enzymes, avocados and olive oil. Antioxidants The power of antioxidants are known for their ability to lower inflammation, protect the body from cell damage and accelerated aging, many key anti-aging nutrients are plant chemicals, nutrients most researched include: • Curcumin (turmeric) • Catechins (green tea) • Sulforaphane (cruciferous vegetables like broccoli)

Diabetes, insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome are all essentially one problempoor blood sugar control. Diabetes type 2 is one of the biggest chronic diseases crippling the western world. Diabetes also increases risk of heart disease and dementia, but is totally reversible. A diet based on wholefoods, rich in fibre will improve blood sugar balance, slowing absorption of sugar from the gut into the bloodstream, feeling fuller and lowering cholesterol. Fibre is also essential for maintaining a healthy digestive system, particularly a healthy gut flora, boosting mood, supporting immune system, detoxifying hormones and assisting elimination of waste. Always include plant based proteins as essential amino acids are vital for body function, curb hunger, balance blood sugar and keep you feeling fuller longer - pulses, nuts, tofu, quinoa, hemp, seaweeds, Sun-Warrior or a vegan protein powder. Focus on wholefoods, a rainbow of colourful foods and enjoy long-term nourishment! Checkout www.vitalnutrition. eu for Suzanne’s up-coming events – 2 retreats in March in Soller – also her Nutritional Therapy consultancies and testing. Spain +34 672 043 882 USA +1 954 9188382


Katie Handyside Personal Trainer (+34) 636 322 959 Life Beyond the Marina……. Work Out, Explore Mallorca and Have More Fun as a Team Working together on a boat can sometimes be tricky to say the least. Confined spaces, long hours, crew politics and stress can sometimes have an adverse effect on team work. Taking the crew out of boat circumstances and off for some adventurous activities can make the world of difference. Escaping into the natural backdrop of Mallorca can really give the crew something to talk about and reflect on afterwards. Organised activities which challenge them a little or a lot, depending on fitness levels encourages them to work together as a team,

taking them out of their work surroundings and off somewhere different; somewhere stunning in nature; somewhere you would not expect to exist outside of the boatyard; the whole experience will really bring them together. It’s also a great and unique challenge for them as some may say they are unfit or not ready to tackle an organised fitness excursion such as this, but the day can be tailor made to suit everyone. Many people who have never been canyoning before or climbing will dig their heels into the ground and believe they cannot do it, but I would organise a gentle introduction and can guarantee that anyone who begins the day in this way always ends up achieving and feels even better for having overcome something they thought was not possible. Excursions can include a

variety of activities and/ or a visit to a vineyard, olive press or other local artisan activities to combine exercise, adventure and some local culture making the whole experience truly memorable. These activities can be stand alone or they can include a group or individual training program and/ or nutritional, DNA plan alongside. Drop me a line if you would like to keep your crew entertained, encourage team building, reward the crew with a fun activity or simply have something organised whilst you are here on the island. All activities are possible from hiking in the Tramuntana´s, road biking, canyoning, cliff scaling, assault course racing, beach bootcamp and artisan or problem-solving activities. It’s such an open book - allow me to help you to put together a fun and adventurous package that will have you talking about for a



long time in the future. “I never thought I could do it, but I did and the rest of the group helped me out …. afterwards I felt amazing and we never stopped talking about it- I would recommend it to everyone…” “I did not realise these places existed in Mallorca - it was so much fun to get out of the marina and into the mountains.” “A truly memorable experience, a great workout… but doable - even after being stuck at sea the whole season and not able to exercise.”

HEALTH & WELLNESS the liquid extract or dehydrate at a very low temperature and or take in a powder form on a daily basis. What are the benefits of taking wheatgrass • It is an amazing liver detox you can use to detoxify your liver to prot ect you from pollutants and other carcinogens.

Beverley Pugh (+34) 629 867 785

Wheatgrass Natures Finest Medicine A little bit of history regarding wheatgrass. Wheatgrass was the first form of vegetation on the land in the time of the dinosaurs proceeded only by the algae in the waters, there are thousands of species of grass and where ever you go on the planet you will find grass growing.

• Applied to the skin it can help to eliminate itching almost immediately. It will soothe sunburn and act as a disinfectant. • As a beauty treatment, it will help loose and sagging skin. • Rubbed in to the scalp before shampoo will help damaged hair, alleviate itchy scaly scalp conditions and irritations. Leave the juice on your scalp for a couple of hours before washing off. • It helps to heal cuts, burns, athletes foot, insect bites, boils, sores, open ulcers, tumors etc

This miracle product was rediscovered by Dr Ann Wigmore in the 1950`s.My discovery of Wheatgrass was 17 years ago, since then I have been growing and consuming orally and on my body on a daily basis.

• Pour a couple of shots into the bath and soak.

Through the discovery of modern technology, we are able to put the grass through a juicing machine and drink

• Cleanse your colon when juice is held in the lower bowel for about 20 minutes.



• Sleep aid: keep near the bed, it will enhance oxygen in the air and generate healthful negative ions to help you sleep more soundly.

• Freshen breath when juice is used to gargle. • Lessen the effects of radiation through its enzyme anti-inflammatory compound that may prevent cell damage. • Mends damaged hair and itchy scalp when rubbed into the scalp before shampooing. • Protects your brain and organs by neutralizing heavy metal toxins such as cadmium, nicotine and mercury. • Reduces blood pressure by dilating pathways blood travels throughout your body. • Restores proper pH balance to your body by improving blood alkalinity. • Treat`s gastrointestinal problems such as constipation, diarrhea, peptic ulcers and ulcerative colitis.

aging cells. • Soothe`s and heal sunburn, cuts, burns and itching when applied externally to your skin. • It is used as a rectal implant in cancer treatment and terminal ºillnesses And much, much MORE! Where to get Wheatgrass in Mallorca.I work in collaboration with a local doctor who gives colon cleansing treatment`s and allows his patients to collect the wheatgrass extract juice from me at Vegan & Raw organics to go to use as a rectal implant by the Doctor after the colon cleansing. Orders can be placed at

• Slow`s down the aging process by cleansing your blood and rejuvenating Creative Solutions for Superyachts Glazing Perspex & Felted Fabrications Refit Engineering Solutions Air Spring Designs & Custom Seals


+34 678 899 038

New office opening in Mallorca

HEALTH & WELLNESS Tracey Evans The Physiotherapy Centre (+34) 609 353 805

Common Skiing Injuries Modern day changes in the quality of ski equipment, light weight composite materials, greater awareness of the need for protective equipment and improved design and maintenance of the slopes have allowed us to enter a faster and safer world of skiing. Still, in spite of all that is on offer in the way of protection, even the best of skiers are at risk of wiping out. Statistics from the American College of Sports Medicine state that falls account for around 75 to 85% of skiing injuries, Collisions with objects (including other skiers) 11 to 20% and Incidents involving ski lifts 2 to 9%. Since the laws of helmet usage have come into play in some ski resorts, the frequency of head injuries and concussion is much reduced. Injuries most commonly suffered by skiers tend to occur in the shoulder and knees and (perhaps surprisingly) in the thumb.

this injury by their pole getting stuck in branches when skiing through the tree line and also when dismounting a lift. Snagging of the pole during a fall can prevent the skier from thrusting out a hand to break a fall in which case the shoulder will take the blow which can cause rotator cuff injuries or a fractured collar bone. Skier’s Thumb This injury occurs when the skier has fallen on an outstretched hand with the pole held in place by the strap. The base of the thumb if forced outwards causing the ulnar colateral ligaent to become overstrained or even ruptured.

Shoulder Injuries

Lower Limb Injuries

Dislocation of the shoulder can occur when the wrist strap is being used and the skier suffers a tumble. The pole acts as a lever twisting and dragging the shoulder. I have known patients to suffer

In the lower limb the knee is the most commonly injured joint. The knee is designed to flex and extend but also has the ability to swivel/ rotate when the knee is bent. During skiing the load on a

rotated knee when turning is sustained and heavy putting considerable strain on the co-lateral ligaments which support the knee at either side. The medial co-lateral ligament is particularly vulnerable to sprains when beginners are learning to snow plough. The Anterior Cruciate ligament (ACL) is a most important ligament as it helps to hold the upper and lower articular surfaces of the knee together and prevents the lower tibia from sliding forward on the femur when the knee is in a bent position. The ACL is most commonly strained or ruptured during a fall when the bindings have not released to free the foot, or when coming to an abrupt

stop in powder snow. Damage to the Anterior Cruciate ligament accounts for the majority of skiing injuries of the knee and frequently occurs in conjunction with damage to the Medial Colateral Ligament and Medial Knee Cartilage (Meniscus). If you are already aware that you may have some slackness in your knee ligaments or torn cartilage, it is advisable to wear an appropriate knee support when skiing to prevent further injury and to attempt to strengthen the quadraceps muscle group in the weeks prior to your holiday.

TRACEY EVANS - MCSP SRP COFIB T. 971 405 769 M. 609 353 805 C/ Joan de Saridakis, 1 (opposite Marivent Palace)


T: 971 676 465

M: 619 189 559


Phil D. Coffers - The Islander Economics Correspondent

All That Glitters is Not Gold We have become accustomed these days to the new found liberties that modern communications have afforded us, liberties that less than two decades ago were virtually unheard of. Skype, email and frequent flight schedules allow more and more of us to live separately from where, and how we earn a living. You can run your corporation, or freelance operation from anywhere you can get a mobile signal, or hop on some local WIFI connection, which in this day and age is more or less everywhere. Even some those of us who not so long ago were shackled to a physical location by the nine to five, now have the luxury of ‘popping in’ to the office once a week, or a few days a month if the boss trusts us to work hard at home, and home can be anywhere near a reasonably priced flight back to base, which these days can also be virtually anywhere. What’s not to like? Mallorca, The Islanders home port is a fine example. Some of the more upmarket neighbourhoods on the island are doubling up as corporate headquarters for businesses based in Dusseldorf or Stockholm, London or St Petersburg. For so long Mallorca has been the byword in package tourism, but it’s steady transformation into a luxury suburb for every major 98


European city is gathering pace. Palma’s trendy districts and historic old town have seen rapid gentrification over the last decade, with the pace of change gathering speed every year. Why live in a pricey and dreary London commuter belt when you can live in sunny Palma and be in central London in a little under three hours? The inevitable result of this is a boom in property prices, and an exponential rise in monthly rents as the economic basics of demand and supply swing into action. The recent rise in short term lets, through sites like Airbnb is also adding to the property pressure in Palma. Two bedroom apartments can be rented out for 75 euros per night in high season, as opposed to perhaps 600 euros a month to a long term renter a few years ago, and it’s not difficult to see why many of these city centre apartments are no longer available to locals to rent. This is presenting something of a problem for Mallorca, and a problem that has no easy solutions. Spain has more than a few economic woes that despite a steady improvement from the depths of the economic crisis a decade ago remain stubbornly difficult to overcome. It has one of the highest underlying unemployment levels in the EU, it has one of the highest levels of income inequality across the continent, and endemic low pay, that in many

cases see wages actually lower than they were a decade ago. A monthly wage of 1000 Euros used to be seen as a starting point, now this is seen as often the norm, or even an aspiration of the millions of Spaniards who call themselves ‘mileuristas’. This income inequality is feeding a downward spiral that many find impossible to escape. Those who dare to complain, or campaign for higher pay are at risk of being shown the door as millions of unemployed are willing to take their places, and often Spanish manufacturing companies are cutting costs by moving operations overseas to keep prices to their low paid customers down, further feeding the problem. Low pay affects over a third of Spaniards, and three quarters of the under 25’s. This is not just the traditionally lower paid jobs in the hospitality industry, but teachers, nurses, council workers, bus drivers, office staff and, well nearly everyone. This is a problem nationwide, but exacerbated when you contain it on a small island. In the summer Mallorca needs tens of thousands of extra workers, many at the lower end of the earnings spectrum. Waiters, hotel cleaners, chefs, transfer coach drivers, and even thousands of extra police, they are all vital to the island’s summer business and they all need a bed here in high season, and over the last few seasons recruitment of these people

has become a problem. Just look over the horizon at Mallorca’s neighbour where these problems are even worse. Ibiza airport has to fly it’s baggage handlers in every morning and home every evening as they simply can’t afford to live there. In most parts of the world housing bubbles tend to get deflated when the gap between average earnings and average pay gets too wide as the houses become out of reach by the people trying to buy them, but in places like Mallorca, Ibiza, central London, Barcelona and more, the normal rules do not apply. If the local people cannot afford the properties, hedge fund managers from Zurich, or web designers from Oslo will snap them up instead. Leaving it up to the market to correct this problem on its own is not going to work. It is easy to observe the gentrification of areas, with designer shops, fashionable bars and chi chi restaurants as only a good thing, but if as a result there are no people to teach your kids, empty your bins, or pour you a coffee you cease to function as a society, and unless we figure out how to fix this sharpish, we will be there before you know it.

LEGAL & FINANCIAL NEWS ratify it - this entered in force in 2012 and so the provisions of the ICAS where included in the Spanish legislation, particularly in our Civil Procedure Act in the new 26th final provision (Disposiciรณn Adicional 26ยบ Ley Enjuiciamiento Civil) being this regime of international al arrest on vessels the only applicable to ship arrest for maritime claims in Spain no matter which the flag vessel might fly.

Carlos Espinosa Solicitor and Tax Adviser (+34) 627 41 32 01 carlos.espinosa@

International Convention on Arrest of Ships Our country, mainly because of its geographical and strategical positioning in the map as a port of entrance to the Mediterranean from the Atlantic Ocean and due to its almost 5.000 miles coastline length has been traditionally an important jurisdiction for ship arrest and embargo of vessels. The arrest of a vessel is a precautionary measure adopted as guarantee of a judicial resolution which means the ship is not authorised to move physically from the mooring, berth, dock, or anchor of the port in which she is lying in order

to avoid unpaid bills, wages, credits, mortgages and certain type lo liabilities considered as maritime claims. The actual regulation in the Spanish Law on this matter follows the international legislation started in 18 December 1997 when the General Assembly of the United Nations, by resolution 52/182, called the convening of conference in order to consider and adopt a convention on arrest of ships. Following this dictate the United Nations (UN) and the International Maritime Organization (IMO) held in 1999 an International Diplomatic Conference on arrest of ships in Geneva giving as a result the International Convention on Arrest of Ships (ICAS) from the 19th of March of 1999. Since the ratification of required minimum of 10 treaty members of the Convention - among them Spain, not like the UK who signed it but has still to

There are three requirements for arresting a vessel according ICAS: a) the claimant must be holder of a maritime claim, that is a claim arising out of the natural activity of the vessel (art. 1 ICAS include 22 different cases being the most relevant: material or personal losses or damages caused by the operation of the ship, mortgage, salvage, repair and refit works, charter, crew wages, etc.)

b) the debtor must be considered ship owner (but if not, that, the claim might be considered privileged claim) c) the claimant places a deposit for covering possible damages and liabilities derive from the arrest. The procedure of arresting the vessel and its relief shall be done according the Law and at the jurisdiction where the vessel is laying (art.2 ICAS). Also, the Court that has been dealing with the arrest is the one that shall carry on with the main claim. In Spain the Mercantile Courts (Juzgados de lo Mercantil) are the ones that deal with arrest and embargoes of vessels because of maritime claim and we must say that they are quite quick; we have seen in some cases only 7 days from the date the claim was filed since the sticker of the Guardia Civil on the engine or in the entrance door from the vessel was attached.

LEGAL & FINANCIAL NEWS Miguel Ángel Serra Guasch Partner at Albors Galiano & Portales Lawyer - Economist

Back to the Future: Yachts Under Temporary Admission in Spain The introduction of a yacht under the Temporary Admission (TA) Customs regime (also known as Temporary Importation or TI) in the Customs Territory of the Union (CTU) allows it to enjoy total relief from import duties and is exempt from VAT on imports. As far as the VAT systems in the EU are harmonized, this exemption is also applicable in the domestic legislation of all other EU Member States. According to the Union’s Customs regulations, TA is acceptable provided that the three following conditions are met: • The yacht is registered outside the CTU. • The yacht is registered under the name of a person/ entity established outside the CTU. • The yacht is used by a person established outside the CTU. These conditions have remained unchanged with the “new” Union Customs Code (UCC) that came into force last January 1st, 2016 and its additional development regulations. Nevertheless, some aspects of the TA that were peaceful with

the previous Community Customs Code (CCC) are now controversial with the UCC. These are, amongst others, the procedure by which it is understood that a vessel is considered to be under the TA regime. Prior to the entry into force of the UCC, a yacht was considered to have been declared for TA by the sole act of crossing the border of the customs territory of the EU, considered to be twelve nautical miles from the coastline. Therefore, the simple fact of crossing the twelve nautical miles limit was enough, with no other formalities required. However, with the implementation of the UCC and its complementary regulations, in Spain and also in other countries in the EU, the above procedure is not considered enough and, in general, a so-called “oral declaration” (Annex 71-01 contained in the Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/2446 of July 28, 2015) is required to be filed in -curiously in writing - with the relevant Customs authorities-. The physical presence of the vessel in the relevant customs area is also necessary, which causes logical drawbacks when the destination of the yacht is not within that customs area or a nearby area. This criterion was based on article 136.1.a) of said Regulation (EU) 2015/2446) 1.

AVIVA © Stuart Pearce

The diverse causes that lead some EU countries, Spain among others, to change their criteria have been the following: - The previous Commission Regulation (CEE) of July 2, 1993, developing the previous CCC (Council Regulation (EEC) 2913/92 of October 12, 1992) expressly provided in articles 232 and 233 the possibility of considering a Customs Declaration the “mere fact of crossing the border of the customs territory of the Community”, based on the reference to the “the agreements in force in respect of tourist traffic” provided for in article 38.4 of the CCC, which allowed such possibility. This reference was deleted in the text of the new UCC. - As I discussed in May 2016 with the Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union (DG TAXUD) in Brussels, it seems that it was clearly not the intention of the European Commission to change the procedure by which it was understood that a vessel was under the TA regime. In fact, they considered that the mentioned articles 232



and 233 of the previous CCC could be perfectly replaced by articles 139 and 141 (that needed to be amended) of the Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/2446, developing the new UCC. In my opinion, the problem is that, literally, the new articles do not cover the entry of the vessel into the CTU by the mere fact of crossing the border of the customs territory, but only its further re-exportation (exit) using this procedure. Now the good news. Last November 20th, 2017, the Spanish Directorate-General of Customs issued an internal (therefore, not published) instruction to all the Spanish coastal regions in which it was pointed out that, henceforth, the criterion of considering, once again, that the mere fact of crossing the border of Customs territory of the Union would be accepted and, therefore, considered a customs declaration for the purposes of a vessel being admitted under the TA Customs regime. This criterion has been adopted under an interpretation consisting on assimilating the mere fact of crossing the border of the

UCT to the fact of passing the vessel through a customs office foreseen in article 141 of the new UCC.

the EU countries), therefore, it should be directly applied with a uniform criterion in all countries forming the Union.

In my opinion, this is a wise decision given that it helps simplify the procedure making it agile and safe; it corresponds with the original intention and spirit of the European Commission of not changing the procedure; and it enhances legal certainty.

The clarification of those criteria (not only TA but also other Customs regimes as the “return goods relief”, “inward processing relief”, etc.) to be applied homogeneously in all the EU countries is a pending mission of the European Commission. It would be desirable to devote time to provide clear guidelines since these are matters which generate great controversy and create lots of legal uncertainty and inefficiencies the UCT.

Based on the above, when a yacht complying with the TA conditions enters the Union Customs Territory through Spain, it will be enough to be considered under such regime to cross the 12 nautical miles border of the Spanish jurisdictional waters. Nevertheless, if it is foreseen for the yacht to continue to navigate to other countries within the UCT (e.g. France), it will be necessary to ensure that the Spanish simplified procedure is also acceptable for those countries to also consider the yacht being under the TA customs regime. Needless to say that it is really regrettable that the owner of the vessel has to bear the burden to ensure whether the Spanish simplified procedure is also acceptable indifferent countries within the UCT. And at this point my critique is addressed to the European Commission since the Union Customs Code is a EU Regulation (not an EU Directive 2) and, as such, is directly addressed to the citizens of the Union (not to

Based on article 141 of the same text, an alternative option instead of filing Annex 71-01 form is passing the vessel through a harbour with customs facilities and keep evidences of it (fuel, mooring, etc.). The European Commission have asked the Customs authorities to be flexible with these means of evidence.


Directives does not apply directly, they are addressed to the to EU countries, which must first transpose them to their internal legislation. Additionally, Directives are a standard of outcome, which does not instruct on the formal or material elements of the process by which each State is to carry out, therefore, as a difference with the EU regulations, Directives leave some spaces for the legislation of each country.


ene’s B G arage

MOT’s (ITV) Breakdowns Diagnostics Servicing & Repairs

Electrics Exhausts Batteries Brakes & Clutches

T. 971 69 78 78 Pasaje Marzo 19 L6, Poligono Son Bugadellas Santa Ponsa (just past the BP Garage)

LEGAL & FINANCIAL NEWS: ADVERTISING FEATURE ordinary investors to sell a profitable share too quickly. Another recognisable problem comes from relying too heavily on the first piece of information we receive, and turning it into an arbitrary reference point – known among psychologists as ‘anchoring’. 3 This is one reason that sales work so well – consumers are captivated by the slashing of the headline price. St. James’s Place Wealth Management Roy Duns (+44) 191 3851530

St. James’s Place Wealth Management: The Human Factor Investors are not always as rational as they presume, but behavioural finance can help them identify and address their biases. Paul Craven, a member of the Magic Circle, sees no incongruity in combining a career advising financial institutions with his love of performing magic. The common link is psychology. Having worked for top financial firms, he now advises the sector on behavioural finance or, in layman’s terms, on avoiding some of the psychological pitfalls that lead to poor decision-making. “Magic can deceive us by exploiting the mental shortcuts that we all rely on to navigate ordinary life.,” says Craven. “The successful transfer of your DNA over hundreds of thousands of years is testimony to how effective and necessary those shortcuts were to your ancestors. But they



also lead to heuristics and biases – a tendency to behave in a certain way – which may not be appropriate in environments like financial markets. Ultimately, they can lead us as investors into poor investment decisions.” Most of us will recognise the patterns of flawed decisionmaking. One is defaulting to a ‘do nothing’ approach. Equally widespread is the tendency to follow the herd and thus sell at the wrong time in an investment cycle. Theoretical economists’ long-held – but simplistic – assumption used to be that investors always behave rationally so as to maximise returns. 1 Behavioural scientists have since cast that view aside and instead identified a clutch of behavioural biases that are embedded in our decisionmaking processes. Among the most frequent is loss aversion. As investors, we are more sensitive to the fear of losses than we are to the potential for gains. Studies suggest that people weigh losses more than twice as heavily as gains. 2 Indeed, the idea of a loss can be so painful that people tend to delay recognising it until forced to. That same fear can also lead

But what is the actual impact of these biases on financial returns? In its latest annual report, DALBAR – a Bostonbased financial services research company – suggests the behavioural biases of investors are likely to have a negative impact on returns. Thus, some investors succumb to short-term strategies such as market timing, the belief that you can anticipate moves in markets, instead of exercising the discipline necessary to capture the market’s longer-term benefits. Data from the US shows that the average investor achieved just 60% of the return provided by the broader market in 2016 due to poor market-timing decisions. DALBAR argues that we are probably our own worst enemy when it comes to making investment decisions. 4 Professional fund managers have one significant advantage – they are trained to understand the impact of biases and can attempt to mitigate the risks. Much of Craven’s work with investment professionals is to get them to avoid ‘groupthink’ (as many decisions are made by committees); and to analyse what could go wrong with a decision, rather than devoting time to finding evidence that supports a decision they have already made. “Although it sounds straightforward, countering behavioural biases proves not to be as easy as people imagine,” he says. “People appear not to learn from past experience.”

So, what are the practical lessons? Investing tends to require a long-term strategy, so it is crucial to try to avoid allowing behavioural biases to influence your decisionmaking, particularly in the short term. Focusing on your long-term financial goals and the reasons why you invested in the first place is far more productive. As ever in investing, it is not the journey but the destination that matters., August 2017 James Montier, Behavioural Finance, 2002 3, August 2017 4 May 2017 1 2

The value of an investment with St. James’s Place will be directly linked to the performance of the funds you select and the value can therefore go down as well as up. You may get back less than you invested. To receive a complimentary guide covering Wealth Management, Retirement Planning or Inheritance Tax Planning, produced by St. James’s Place Wealth Management, contact Roy Duns of St. James’s Place Wealth Management on 0191 385 1530 or email Representing only St. James’s Place Wealth Management plc (which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority) for the purpose of advising solely on the Group’s wealth management products and services, more details of which are set out on the Group’s website


The Boathouse Bar & Grill (+34) 971 734 114

Palma Dogs

Great Start to the Year! Hello everyone. Before I get into February’s news, I wanted to backtrack a little to New Year’s Day as Januarys edition obviously went to print before then! Given the popularity of our regular Sunday Brunch, we opted to welcome 2018 with a big Brunch Bash which I’m happy to say was a resounding success and packed with locals and tourists of all ages. The food went down a treat with a self-serve BBQ & buffet and the entertainment really knew how to get the party going with the whole place up dancing at one point. The weather was glorious, the atmosphere fantastic and was truly one of those incredible moments that make all the hard work worthwhile. As I’ve mentioned before, we’ve always envisaged The Boat House as the ‘gathering place’ and New Years Day certainly delivered on that. So, a big thank you to everyone that came and to my team who worked hard to pull it off, especially as we had to construct a temporary outdoor bar and buffet area on the day!! But more about that later…. February is here and it’s a busy month!

Book a table for the 14th!



Is love really free? Of course, one of the biggest days in February is Valentines……Coco Chanel once reportedly said, “The best things in life are free. The second- best things are very, very expensive.” This statement definitely applies to Valentine’s Day: While love is free, all the extras will cost you and the cost of love is definitely on the up! A whopping estimated 18.2 billion was spent worldwide last year with the average couple spending $136.57 each on Valentine’s Day with the highest spend being by couples aged between 24-35 – oh to be young and in love again!! And whoever said that food is the path to a person’s heart wasn’t joking considering $1.7 billion was spent on chocolates and over $3.8 billion on going out for dinner! Another interesting statistic is that there are around 9 million Valentine day proposals! So if you’re thinking about being romantic and splashing out, Miki our head chef is planning a culinary love affair of his own to seduce your taste buds – but don’t worry, it won’t break the bank! Book your table now and if you are planning on popping the question, the bubbly is on me!! Before Valentines though, there’s another couple of dates to put in your diary. Following the brilliant Bow Wow Bingo last month, this Thursday 8th Feb is another

great night with the team from Palma Dogs – it’s always a good turn out and who knew raising money could be so much fun!! (this date was correct at time of going to press but check the details on our facebook page). And on the 10th not only is it the birthday of The Islanders very own Simon Relph, it’s also the start of Mallorca’s Carnival Sa Rua and Sa Rueta so dig out your most outrageous costume and join in the party wherever you are! Something New In theme with the new year we have a couple of new things of our own this month. First up is the menu, featuring a few new plates to enjoy either as a starter or as

snacks to share. Additional items on the salad and sandwich section include a healthy falafel burger and a pulled pork bun smothered in BBQ sauce. The mains see a favourite dish back on the menu – good old fish & chips and of course, our signature Seafood Platter is still as good as ever! To give more variety (and a chance for Miki and his team to show off a bit) they will be creating some delicious ‘specials’ as well as introducing a ‘Weekly Lunch Menu’ – A tasty, three course meal with a drink for only €18.50pp, available Monday to Friday from 12 to 4pm. It really is the perfect place to meet for business or social as it’s such an easy- to- find, central location with hassle free parking and the sunniest terrace in Palma!! What more could you ask for? How about the coolest outdoor bar in Palma too! It’s Here….

Fish & Chips

BBQ Pulled pork Bun & sweet potato fries

Yes, our long-awaited bar finally arrived and we were all very excited and quite emotional as we watched our new containers drive in and get placed in position. Of course, nothing much happened over the holidays but a few weeks on, everything is on track and the bar should be in operation very soon, assuming of course we don’t hit any road bumps along the way! Work will continue on the roof terrace and chill out space and fingers crossed will be ready just before Easter. I can’t wait to see it all finished and look forward to the “christening”! See next month’s issue for an update and details of the

Being positioned

Putting in place

Workers tea break

launch party – you won’t want to miss it! Well that’s all from me, lots to do and some long days ahead but look forward to the end results. Don’t forget to pop down after work on a Friday – you know where to find me!! Stay Anchored, Cap Mac1eye

Mark enjoying a G&T

The Boathouse New Years Day Brunch!

It’s finally here!


Nina Harjula (+34) 699 906 009 mallorcahiking

Cap de Ferrutx and the North East Coastline The north eastern corner of Mallorca has some fantastic, and still very under-rated, walks. It is far less popular with walkers than the North West or even the south west of the island, and yet it is equally stunning - in a very different way. This is a gentler landscape with a very special atmosphere. Here the seas are azure blue and the coastline is indented by lots of small coves and beaches with white sand and views that stretch as far as Menorca... This semi-circular route starts and finishes in Cala Estreta just outside Artá. We set off along wooded paths and tracks, with lovely mountain views, from time to time dipping down to deserted beaches with striking turquoise seas. We stop for our picnic at beautiful, sandy Font Celada beach and then continue our route back via rocky coastal paths but this time we choose to return on

the parallel path that runs a little bit more inlands. After a while we rejoin the same coastal path again. We are treated to spectacular sea views, cliffs, fascinating rock formations and (often!) a fantastic view of the island of Menorca. We then pass the beautifully preserved 16th century watch tower, Torre d’Albarca (which you are allowed to visit on the inside), and continue along the coast back to where we started. We finish off with a cool drink or even with a small dip in their pool and a paella lunch afterwards at a nearby hilltop restaurant with sensational views of the whole area. Highlights: Amazing views, untouched beaches, rocky coast and Mallorca moonscape! Facts about this walk: • Area: North East. • Length: 9km. • Walking Time: 4hrs (breaks not included). • Ascent/descent: 250m. • Difficulty: Moderate. Please contact us for more info and other available walks!!


Asociación Ondine Brad Robertson - President

Last Year Was Big … This Year Looks Bigger! Now that we are over the festive feasting and even the parties of San Sebastian are merely a memory, at Asociación Ondine we are well and truly stuck into the snowballing work load we created for ourselves last year! Let me say straight away, that none of this would have happened without all the great support we’ve had from the yachting industry, local residents and businesses. However, since we restructured AO last spring our organisation has grown exponentially, and in many different directions. Since our wonderfully creative volunteers organised the massively successful Sea Soiree Masquerade Ball in May 2017 we have been undertaking a non-stop list of projects. At times it seems that the more we do, the more there is to do, but we love it that so many more people are getting involved in every aspect of marine conservation throughout the Balearics. Last year we conducted 15

beach cleans around the island which removed over two tons of rubbish. Our underwater clean-ups rid the sea bed of 600m of discarded industrial fishing nets. These two activities were achieved with the help of over 820 volunteers. Thank you guys! You know who you are, so give yourselves a well-earned hug. While the beach cleans enabled everyone from babes in arms to octogenarians to work together, the work beneath the waves led to four local dive schools – who would normally be in competition – partnering together to undertake the mammoth task of net removal off the protected coast of Sa Dragonera. AO’s internal changes resulted in huge development in the Dos Manos, Schools and Partners programmes. The AO Schools Programme is an educational course on marine conservation offered free of charge to local schools and colleges in either Spanish or English. In 2017 we conducted the Programmes with over 350 students around the island. In the Autumn we joined with Alnitak to develop the Changemakers competition, which is currently open to all students

aged fifteen to eighteen. Entrants develop ideas to help reduce plastic pollution and the winning teams will enjoy a week’s trip aboard RV Toftevaag during the summer of 2018. Once aboard these young innovators will work alongside marine scientists observing whales and turtles. We began training two other educational partners in the Schools Programme during 2017 and gave them all the accompanying teaching materials. Ibiza Limpia and Mission Océan will both be helping us to spread the Dos Manos Schools Programme to different parts of the globe throughout the year, and we have been invited to the 6th international Marine Debris Conference this year in San Diego, in order to present the Dos Manos School Programme to a global audience. Asociación Ondine’s Partners Programme was developed and is now in the active pilot phase with seven businesses already working together to reduce single use plastic consumption within their companies. Bonnie Lass Charters, Palma College, MY ROMA, Cap Rocat, Vegan Day Out, LifeXperiences and The Boat House are all working on their plastic audits and aim to reduce their single-use-

Net retrieval around Sa Dragonera brought together four local dive schools. Photo by James Cooke



Bonnie Lass Charters is taking huge strides in cutting out plastic aboard and within their supply chain

plastic consumption over the coming year. On the same theme, we raised awareness and helped reduce plastic pollution at 15 different events around the island last year, including the annual walk “Walking works Wonders” organised by Rotary International Calvià, Vins amb Art and Salut y Ecologia. Last summer we hosted an international conservation expedition around the island with the help of Bonnie Lass Charters and in the company of scientists from Mission Blue, International Union for Conservation of Nature, Plastic Pollution Coalition and Drifters Project. We surveyed future possible Marine Protection Areas throughout the year, only ceasing at the end of November when the water became too rough and cold to continue.

Scientific research and data collection will continue as soon as wind and wave allows in order to map optimal future MPAs around the Balearics. An effective network of MPA’s is crucial for the protection of local marine ecosystems, endangered species and vulnerable fish stocks, and will not only benefit artesanal fisheries, the yachting community and tourism related businesses, but all of us, as we all depend on a clean and healthy Balearic sea. We are committed to continuing our scientific surveys and helping to create new MPAs until our seas teem with life once again. To see a selection of videos about our work last year, go to user 15629766. Big love and thanks to everyone who helped AO to grow and develop last year and we hope to see a whole load more of you this year!

The Changemakers competition gives young people the opportunity to work alongside local marine scientists aboard RV Toftevaag

MALLORCA LIFESTYLE Dan Marsh Owner & Founder (+34) 616 529 111

Joe Arrrindell Jr St Maartens, Holland, Belgium, Mallorca & IAM Professional Over the past 4 years our paths have crossed a number of times. It wasn’t until recently that I started to see Joe as a regular patient. The combination of all his studying and experiences has resulted to an incredible approach to rectifying body ailments. The more we talked, the more I understood how he has developed his toolbox of treatments. Joe is from St. Maarten in the Caribbean. At the age of 18, he moved to Holland where he studied physiotherapy, manual therapy and sports therapy. Enjoying the contrast of the Northern European weather, he decided to continue his studies away from the blue waters of the Caribbean. His desire for a wider range of much stronger beers took him to Belgium. His studies focused in on specialised training for professional athletes, mulligan therapy, dry needling, mental coaching & osteopathy. Course complete and a short stint back home in St. Maarten, Joe looked for a fresh challenge. Back to Europe, but this time the warms shores of the Mediterranean. I caught up with Joe for a coffee in Palmanova, near where his clinic is in Hotel & Spa Son Caliu. I wanted to chat about his work with IAM cycling and how he ended up having such a variety of ways of approaching such a simple thing as back pain… Dan - when did you move to Mallorca? Joe - I first came here in 2013, stayed for 6 months and then went to Dubai for a year to work. I then returned and instantly knew that it would be my new home! 112


Dan - How did you get to work for I am cycling? Joe - I was doing a bit of work for MTN Quebeka and my last race with them was in July in the Netherlands. I had treated Matt Bremier the evening before the last stage. I managed to get him fit to ride the next day and he won the stage. People sat up and asked how? News travelled to the director of IAM that I was back in the cycling world. He asked me to join the team for the La Vuelta 2015. The director was an ex-client of mine from in Belgium. In my years in Belgium I treated many professional cyclists, football players, tennis and track and field athletes. A lot of them have moved on to either directors, managers or retired - so it is a good newtwork. I was also a physiotherapist for the Belgian Olympic team up until 2012. Dan - What was your role with the team? Joe - During the first race I was the osteopath and that meant making sure all the riders were well. If a rider got an accident, it was my job to make sure he was in the best shape to race the next day. The first day I arrived with the team, one of the riders Simon Pellaud, got hit by a car. It was a massive challenging to get him straight… somehow we got him back on his bike and he completed the Vuelta! Dan - Did you travel to all the races? Jo - Not all of them, but a lot of them. In 2015 I really enjoyed the UCI Worlds in Richmond Virginia with IAM. It was very nice to be able to travel again longer distances and work with the team. I always felt like I was a soldier, “ get in, get the job done and get out again” In 2016 I did all the Spanish races, a few Belgium races and the Tour of Utah, great races, with an amazing team. That year, we also won a few stages during the Grand Tour races, Giro, tour de France, La vuelta in 2016. That was really special..

MALLORCA LIFESTYLE Dan - Have you still managed to keep your hand in with the pro riders since finishing with IAM? Joe - Yep… By living in Mallorca, I am naturally still connected to the cycling world. When the pro riders come to Mallorca to train, I get the call to help - one of the last guys I treated was Fabian Cancellara. I was also recently flown to New York to fix a few athletes, including a Semi-pro skier, who had knee pain. He was about to have surgery,… With treatment, I managed to fix the knee. He is now back skiing & wants to take up tennis again! Dan - Any other strange treatments? Joe - Helping the Skydive cycle team to win races in the Middle and Far East by changing their training. In 2016 I got a second role within IAM, I was also responsible for training programs for the riders. So I tested all of them, understood their weaknesses & designed their individual training program. They could not cheat the program, so after a period of 4-6 weeks I would test them and I could tell if they have been doing the program properly. I now use this method of training with the athletes here and see great results. A good example is a cyclist that lives on the island. He came to see me a year before the 312 of 2017. He had not been riding for a few years due to a chronic pain in the knee, we got that problem fixed, he started riding with no pain. Then he

wanted to do the complete 312, so I designed a training plan to get him over the finish line - he did it and felt great afterwards. My job, it is not osteopathy, I manage a huge amount of rehabilitation and as more importantly mental coaching. I remember him telling me a week before that no one believed he could do the complete route and he suggested he do the shorter version. I told him I would kick his *** if he opted for the shorter route. Our plan was to do the complete the whole thing, not the half of it. My philosophy has always been - don’t listen to the negative voices around, stick to the plan and make it happen! Joe’s plan to achieving a cycling target - There is no one formula that fits all, every cyclist is an individualist and should be treated like one. I think the best advice I can give is: Breathe! 1. Get a good bike fit to make sure you have the right equipment 2. Get a coach or do a pre cycling movement screen, to see if you are fit enough to ride. 3. Listen to your body and get help if needed, it won’t just go away by itself.

especially about the IT band & the fact that you need to be careful - he sent me this link, which is really useful https://www.painscience. com/articles/iliotibial-bandsyndrome-stretch.php. His comments regarding the grid were that cyclists should roll middle back, hip muscles, hamstrings, quads and calves, but stay away from the lower back. He also sent me this link to a video explaining why watch?v=ePDIhxIf2CI Dan - Who do you tend to see at your clinic? Joe - Now I see everyone. I would say 50/50 the regular person to the athletes. It’s a great mix. I love working with them both, they are equally challenging, with the same mission… “I want to get better” I love working and living in Mallorca. The island has everything and I am glad that I am able to help people living here on the island. It’s a nice feeling when someone says, “I hope you don’t leave the island because I finally

found someone who can fix me without me having to take any medication”. For me, that is a form of gratitude! Joe’s clinic is Care 4 Health available on email joe@ March Cycling Events in Spain 25 Feb - 2 March: Andalucia Mountain Biking 2-4 March: Menorca Mountain Biking Professional Cycling Events 6-10: Tour of Dubai 10: Vuelta Ciclista a la Región de Murcia Costa Calida 11: Clasica de Almeria 14-18: Vuelta a Andalucia Ruta Ciclista Del Sol 22-25: Setmana Ciclista Valenciana 28-4: UCI Track World Championships Apeldoorn

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A few years ago, whilst Joe was working with IAM cycling, I sat in on a session with the riders at Palma Sports and Tennis club. I remember him waving the GRID foam roller about (https://www. and giving some great tips to the guys,

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MALLORCA LIFESTYLE from the cathedral to the west across to Bellver Castle in the east. We are also next to the windmills, some of them in a poor state of repair. The mills were named after their owners to begin, such as Toni Trosses with but the titles changed over the years. Some of the other names are In God’s Name Mill, the Wharf Mill, the Flake Mill, the Jealousy Mill and the Races Mill. There is a mill museum the Garleta Mill and it opens Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Santa Catalina Gate

Andrew Rawson Mallorca Days Out (+34) 630 454 009

Mallorca Days Out: Santa Catalina The suburbs of Es Jonquet and Santa Catalina are to the west of Palma’s old town. They were the first two areas of housing built outside the city wall and Santa Catalina is now a thriving centre of day time and night time entertainment. The inland area was given to the Bishop of Barcelona following the conquest of Mallorca by King James of Aragon in 1229. However, the coast was made a communal zone so fishermen could make use of it. The rest of Palma’s suburbs are filled with late 20th century apartment blocks but these two districts are reminiscent of an Andalusian village with streets lined with two and three storey houses with elegant balconies, intricate

Es Jonquets’ houses



carvings and green window shutters. The combination of contemporary architecture and the wide range of shops, cafes, restaurants and bars means Santa Catalina is a special part of the city where you will never get bored. Es Jonquet sits on top of a crag overlooking the bay and it became well known for the line of seven windmills which have lined the cliff top since the 1400s. It was so named because the dry hillside was popular with migrating birds from African called the Junco or Jonc locally. Work started on the area in 1865 and most of the people who moved here were fishermen or ship builders. They built their house in a southern Mediterranean style, of one or two storeys, and painted them white. Palma’s expanding population and an increase in diseases in the crowded city meant the city council held a town planning contest for the expansion of Palma in 1897.

Bernardo Calvet won and he envisaged build low rise buildings around wide streets. He wanted light, airy suburbs in contrast to the dark, narrow streets inside the walls and Santa Catalina was the result. To visit the area, start in front of Bar Cuba. The elaborate facade of the 1904 building was designed by Gaspar Bennazar. Legend has it that the bar was a centre of Mallorca’s tobacco smuggling in the past. Head south, towards the quayside, and turn right into Plaza dels Rentadors and climb the steps to the right, behind the city laundry where the fishermen’s wives did their washing in the nearby moat. At the top of the steps follow the narrow street behind the windmills for 150 metres, past the Andalusian style cottages. Turn left along an alley, where the street turns sharp right, to see a magnificent view over Palma Bay. The vista stretches

St. Dominic

Look down onto the gardens dedicated to St. Dominic of Caleada who died in 1109. The hangars of Aero-Sea Company of Mallorca occupied the sea front before the Paseo Maritimo was built in the 1950s. Seaplanes belonging to the French Air Post Company stopped off here en route from Toulouse to Casablanca and Rabat; they also flew to Barcelona. Follow Calle Molino de Garleta behind the mills and it brings you out in Plaza of the Virgin Miracle, in front of Sant Magi Church. Monks wanting to escape the city built a chapel here and dedicated it to Saint Magin after a bone (called a relic) they worshipped. They later built an orphanage to look after the children with no parents. Ramon de Salelles gave the area its name after he nearly lost his life at sea in 1343. He promised to open a hospital for sailors and fishermen and he dedicated it to Saint


The windmills

Catherine. The building we see today is called the Church of the Immaculate and it was started around 1870 and was completed by 1894. The Theater Mar I Terra (Sea and Earth Theatre) opposite opened in 1898. Legend tells us that the author Jules Verne visited it in the past. It was taken over by Franciscan nuns who turned it into a school but it was recently restored and turned into a school of theatrical studies. Cross the square, heading north, and follow Calle de Mir for 75 metres before turning right onto Calle de Servet. Head east, noting the shuttered windows and balconies which give the area a real Mediterranean feel. You pass the Market Hall in Navigation Square, an old style covered market in the heart of the Santa Catalina community. Continue to the end of Calle de Servet to return to your starting point.

Wash day

What’s On February 14th: Valentine’s Day. Not a Mallorcan thing but remember it if you do not want to get into trouble! 1st: The Opportunities Fair in Porreres where local businesses sell their wares at discounted prices. 2nd: The Almond Blossom fair in Ses Cases de Ca s’Hereu in Son Servera 10th: Sa Rua in Palma is the celebration which marks impending period of giving up things we like for the start of Lent. There is a children’s parade in the morning and an adult version in the afternoon.

Sant Magi Church

19th: Sa Rua and the burial of the sardine in Marratxi also relates to the start of Lent. Other towns and villages hold their own Sa Rua festivals which mark the start of Lent. Check out the Majorca Daily Bulletin’s ‘What’s On’ page for more details nearer the time.

The Cuba

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With a 70 year tradition this emblematic restaurant in the fishing port of Palma “La Lonja” Can Eduardo offers you their speciality on fresh fish, rice dishes, & Shellfish, with spectacular views of the Cathedral

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CLASSIFIEDS ADVERTISE FREE! If you have anything for sale or wanted - boat bits, household, etc. Strictly no trade ads (except jobs), or property ads (except private rentals) please! By email to:

FOR SALE For Sale: Berth - Port Adriano, Mallorca. Reduced price. 275,000,000 Euros + tax 45Mx 12M, lease till 2037. For full details visit https:// or Tel Alex Swindells on +34 620 266 212. For Sale: Quality sheepskin ladies Winter coat, colour charcoal, size 42/44, made by Gueros Costas of Paris, 275 euros (unwanted gift) contact 647 436 434. For Sale: Berth for sale, 45x12m. Port Adriano is located at the southwest end of the bay of Palma de Mallorca, 9km from the capital city of Palma. Being a new marina, Port Adriano is designed to serve large yachts with 9 restaurants, luxury shops, a sailing school, diving schoolCrew Bar, underground parking. Storage facilities on site and nearby. Sheltered Back Wall position. Secure gated access by vehicle. Concession agreement with port till 2037. Price 2.750.000 EUR tax not paid. Alex on +34 620 266 212. For Sale: Catamaran Dart 20 for sale. Needs refurbishment, hence 800 Euros ono. Comes with launching trolley, sails, trampoline, rudders. Tel: (+34) 681 07 37 70 Email: For Sale: Freehold commercial premises old town Palma 5 mins STP. 50 sq mt fully reformed. Double door entry- ideal workshop/secure storage. €150.000. 653 894 588. For Sale: Ceramic coated original set of Mercruiser exhaust manifold and elbow kit. New unused, still in original packaging. Suitable for small block Mercruiser. Manifold part numbers: 860246A15 (Manifold) Elbow Asy part number: 807988A03. Palma area. Price: €800 ono. Edwin, 645 679 130. For Sale: Flying Fifteen ESP 2964 2,800€. Contact 619 387 817.



For Sale: Flying Fifteen ESP 3592 excellent condition, fully equipped for racing - new mast, new sails. 8,000€. 630 628 775. For Sale: 2,3 m carbon fiber yacht gangway. 700,- Euro o.n.o. (new 1.500,- ). 609 672 344” For Sale: Land Rover Freelander Diesel 2004, New Tyres, New Brakes, Silver, Reliable, Good condition. €6,200.00 Call Martin 647 188 180. For Sale: Rib nautica 5.2m yamaha 115 hp 2013 engine hours 717 new tubes 2013 loads of extras ski pole vhf bathing ladder etc ex yacht tender well maintained. Owner bought bigger rib. 12000€. 626 765 876.

For Sale: 12ft Classic 2 person rowing skiff/Sailing dinghy. Clinker built on oak frames. Needs some equipment. 1800 €. +34 627 287 863. For Sale: yardarm fully adjustable hydrulic outdrive lift, little used 250.00 Euros. Call mike on 630 613 245

For Sale: Zodiac Cadet 260 Aero White (2013). Hardly used, only weighs 26Kg. Highest quality, 100% welded duotex stronghan. Price: 800€. Contact Brett: 626 800 295.

For Sale: 2011 Rinker 276 Captiva Cuddy – 28ft. Built in 2011, launched in 2012, this wellmaintained Rinker 276 Captiva Cuddy has a large cockpit with swivel helm and passenger chairs, curved sofa seating and a stowable dining table – all topped by a sleek radar arch supporting a wakeboard pole, bimini and full canvas cover. Generous sunbathing pads with central walkway and cushion in-fill lead to rear-facing seats and a large swim platform complete with freshwater shower and swim ladder. Ample two-berth single cabin with mirror, cupboards and a portable toilet. Bags of storage space in multiple lockers, including beneath the seats, plus plenty of cup holders. Fridge, freshwater sink, portable stove and stereo. Single 300hp Volvo Penta petrol engine with 30 knot top speed. Just 260 hours and recently serviced including oil change, filters etc. Other features include GPS, VHF, trim tabs, anchor windlass, underwater lighting, shore power, twin batteries. Clean sportylooking day boat with overnight capabilities. Price 39,500 € (tax and Spanish matriculation paid).

For Sale: Pocket barometer, Sterling silver. Made in London by Philip Woodsman. Year 1891. Highly collectable. WhatsApp 634 371 189. 600€

For Sale: Hobie cat FX ONE, 17 foot. Very little use. 2008. Ready to sail. Main, jib and genaker. Covers. Beach trolley and road trolley. All in immaculate condition. 6000€. More details call Justo 606 374 421.

For Sale: Mini Transat 6.5 Carbon/Epoxy Proto type Recent refit by BMComposites, new engine, electrics, sails. Perfect for 2 handed sailing in Mallorca. Price reduced to 12,000 euro. Ono

WORRIED ABOUT RANSOMWARE? Computers Secure? Devices Secure?



Job Vacancy: Looking for a charismatic Foreman for our busy metalwork/nautical welding and fabrication company in Palma de Mallorca. The job would include public relations, communicating with clients, creating working drawings, pricing and quality control. You should have a background in structural marine engineering, preferably from within the yachting industry. The ability to design is required. Knowledge of Autocad and welding experience would be advantageous but not essential. English as a native tongue and good Spanish are absolutely required. Ideal for an ex-captain/ enginner looking for a job onshore. Contact +34 646 281 532 or send CVs to info@

For Rent: Casa del Roble in Calle Catalunya, next to Paseo Mallorca, central Palma. 100m2 shop/commercial premises in busy street with large picture window. Newly tiled and excellent decorative order. 8,000 euros for shop ready which includes new lighting and electrics, 3 air conditioning units and air conditioning curtain, disabled ramp, store room with shelving, cloakroom, 2 lit external signs, alarm, fire extinguishers, till and fridge etc. This includes passing over the engineers report which is expensive and time consuming in itself etc. Conforms to all new regulations. Rent 1300 euros pcm. Please contact us for more information on 689407094 or or visit us Mon-Fri between 10.00 – 14.00.

Job Vacancy: English All-rounder for customer attention. Technical & Spanish Knowledge preferred. A bit of sales skills, technical knowledge, IT user knowledge and if possible sea trial etc. or

For Rent: Palma Marine Hub: Co-working office spaces for rent. 158 SQM office in Marivent with a shared kitchen, bathroom, meeting room and lift. Spacious, air conditioned offices. Monthly rental includes all bills and high speed internet Free parking on the road. Please contact Melanie Winters for more information: +34 646 897378.

Seeking Position: Chef available for onshore crew chef/replacement /or offshore based in Palma, lots of experience & references available. Charlotte: 699 378 942 Job Vacancy: We currently have vacancies for Marine Electricians preferably with yacht experience. Good written and spoken English essential. We also accept applicants with autonomo status. Apply at: Job Vacancy: Yacht Center Palma is looking for expierenced Sales Persons for their shops in Palma, Santa Ponsa & Alcudia, preferably with yacht experience. Duties including attending and advising customers, sales promotion & making orders. Smart appearance & good manner. Good standard of English & Spanish necessary. Year-round contract with excellent terms & conditions. Apply to Job Vacancy: Oyster Yachts Palma de Mallorca. Freelance/ autonomo shipwright required for refit work, September to December. Please contact Elvira at Oyster Yachts. +34 971 287 474

For Rent: Studio Apartment Costa de la Calma: quiet residential area with sea view. Recently renovated with furniture. Good location with shops, restaurants and public transport. €520 plus elec. Clive Walker (+34) 636 335 043.

MISCELLANEOUS Wanted: Old small wooden boats. Don’t have to be sea worthy! Also old buoys and life rings. Please call Deborah 699 569 934. Wanted: Spinnaker or whisker pole for Beneteau 473. Around 5.5metres- Tel: 622 633 028 Go Sailing: How would you like to join in with the Flying Fifteen fleet in Mallorca. Exhilarating dinghy sailing in the safety of a keel boat. Come and join our racing fleets in Pollensa and Palma. Buy a boat, come and crew or borrow our club boat to give it a try! Great for all ages 18 - 80. You’ll never regret it. Interested? Drop me a mail at and we’ll arrange something.

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CLASSIFIEDS - BALEARIC BOATS FOR SALE Jongert 1994 3,850,000 € VAT Paid Located Palma

Jochen Brill Broker Edificio Dux - Calle Porto Pi 4, 1ª Palma De Mallorca, 07015 T. +34 971 707 900 F. +34 971 707 775 +34 627 542 554

A beautifully preserved steel explorer vessel, built for sailing in all weather conditions, be it Mediterranean cruising or as far as the North Pole! Only two owners, who have lovingly kept up with all maintenance and up-grades works. Unique two-deck yacht with a flybridge with ample indoor and outside space. LOA: 33.63 / 110.33´, Beam: 6.85 / 22.47´, Draft: 3.50 / 11.48´.

Maiora 26M 2001 649,500 € VAT Not Paid Lying Mallorca CENTRAL AGENCY This beautiful Maiora 26M was built in 2001 and is powered with twin MTU 1500 HP engines. She sleeps up to 9 guests in 4 luxurious cabins and features a separate cabin for 2 crew in her bow. Very well equipped and kept in excellent condition. Privately used by her single owner from new and has never been chartered. Very seriously for sale, her asking price has just been reduced by 150,500 EUR.

Princess V55 1998 REDUCED

This Princess V55 is powered by Twin MAN 680 diesel engines and is well equipped with bow thruster, generator, a complete navigation package, hydraulic passerelle, dinghy with outboard, life raft, reversible air-conditioning, cockpit galley with fridge and griddle, etc. She can accommodate up to 6 guests in three cabins. Main features are her large open cockpit and the comfortable sun lounge area at the aft and on fore deck. The ideal boat for those who are looking for a comfortable and fast cruising motor yacht. View our comprehensive photo album on:

Beneteau Oceanis 58 2010 Price TBA

+34 971 67 63 92 Puerto Portals, Local 10 - Mallorca Beneteau Brokerage Specialists

60 & 76

Simon Crutchley: +34 656 949 244

Beneteau Oceanis 58, 2010. Champagne coloured hull, teak decks. Volkswagen 140hp diesel engine, bow thruster, generator, air conditioning, watermaker. Classic rig, 4 winches, of which 2 electric. Sleeps 6 in 3 en-suite cabins, very spacious interior and exterior space. Very well equipped and regularly maintained, one owner from new. Many extras over standard. Lying Mallorca, price TBA.

Benetti Sail Division 82 RPH 2004 1,500,000 € VAT Paid Benetti Sail Division 82 RPH, 2004. Go anywhere displacement motor yacht with steel hull and aluminium superstructure. Twin MAN 440hp diesel engines, 2 generators, air conditioning, watermaker, stabilisers. Sleeps 8 guests in 4 en-suite cabins, plus crew accommodation. Refitted 2011/12, including hull repaint. Full time captain. Presented in fabulous order. Lying Montenegro, and priced at 1,500,000 euros Tax paid. 120


CLASSIFIEDS - BALEARIC BOATS FOR SALE Fairline Targa 47 GT 2007 269,950 GBP VAT Paid The Fairline Targa 47GT is a drivers boat; responsive, smooth through heavier seas and fun. The current owner bought her four years ago and has looked after her impeccably with regular servicing according to manufacturer recommendation. The outdoor seating/lounge area is comfortable and has recently been re-upholstered, whilst inside the headroom is 6ft or more throughout. With a garage for storing a tender dinghy, Generator, A/C and many other extras she is a perfect medium sized Mediterranean cruiser.

Sundeck SY480 Available for delivery May 2018 from 650,000 € - Ex. VAT

20 offices throughout UK and Europe Muelle Golondrinas (behind the Boathouse Restaurant) Palma de Mallorca, Spain T. +34 971 096 524 M. +34 685 282822

Sundeck Yachts Italy is pleased to announce the arrival of the Sundeck SY480, the little sister to the award winning SY550, designed by Maurizio Zuccheri and built by Sundeck Yachts, Italy, to exacting standards. The Sundeck SY480 comes in under 50’ and offers long range cruising at economical displacement speed or fast cruising at 18knots, with a top speed of 25knots. All yachts are semi-custom and finished to the buyers exact requirements. Available with a 2 VIP cabin en suite or 3 cabin configeration, and offering a vast array of options including Seakeeper stabilizer and Yachtcontoller system. We require more boats for our busy brokerage with waiting clients.

Sunseeker 1989 22,000 €

What a great boat! This iconic Sunseeker model, dating from 1989, has had a full refit. Works completed include: New engine, new paint job, engine insulation, seacocks, pumps, even new deck fittings to complement… She has also had a transom extension, making access much easier, for both in the marina, and for swimming and watersports etc. Comes with skis, toys, covers, and road trailer, making her into a very desirable package. Also with her, comes the option for berthing if so required, in a fantastic location. These boat details are subject to contract. Note: Offers on the asking price may be considered.

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