Island Magazines March 23 - Bembridge & St Helens area

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Bembridge & St Helens Area FREE March 23 Your Local Community Magazine


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Welcome and thank you for picking up a copy of your local community magazine.

The March issue signifies that Spring is on the way and the ‘spring equinox’ and official first day of Spring is Monday 20th March.

The Island is already showing us that warmer weather is coming with the unmistakable signs of daffodils and crocus emerging on hedges, gardens and local parks.

The days will start getting longer and the clocks go forward 1 hour at 1am on the 26th March. There is a lot to look forward to as the island will slowly start emerging from it’s winter cocoon and our dates for your diary section on page 13 will keep you updated on local events happening across the Island.

Another important date to remember is of course Mothering Sunday on the 19th March.

Inside this issue you will find your regular news updates and this month Joy’s Humble Crumble Kitchen feature has some great air fryer recipes for you to try and on page 15 you will find a handy ‘what goes where’ waste and recycling guide.

I hope you enjoy this issue and please get in touch by any means below if you have any information you would like to share or would like to advertise your business in the next issue.

Have a great month and I look forward to catching up with you again soon.

07880 587 931 | | Island Magazines, Mailbox No 6, Store it Self Storage Ryde, Unit 1 Nicholson Road, Ryde, Isle of Wight, PO33 1BE All information is correct at time of printing 4 Debbie THIS SIZE ADVERT COULD BE YOURS FOR JUST £17 For more info email or call 07880 587931

Jim Baldwin

Tel: 07528 586683

The warm spell in mid-February was a great tonic to us all, with the first signs of spring accompanying it. Crucially, for me, it coincided with the first appearance of my beloved butterflies from hibernation. Four species of butterfly hibernate during the winter as an adult: Brimstone, Peacock, Small Tortoiseshell and Comma. Red Admiral also overwinters as an adult but does not enter a dormant state and can be seen on sunny days throughout the winter. Of all the butterflies, it is the Brimstone which is synonymous with early spring. Keen butterfly observers note the date of their first Brimstone sighting and this year on the Island, it coincided with Valentine’s Day.

The male Brimstone matches the colour of sulphur perfectly and emerges from its slumbers dashing off in search of females. However, the paler female emerges later so its early pursuit is in vain. They can survive until the end of May, having the longest adult stage of the UK’s butterflies. Brimstone is among the oldest butterfly names, being established in the 17th century. Because of its colour, there is even the suggestion that the Brimstone was the original butterfly but this has yet to be proven.

Brimstone can be seen anywhere although the early records come predominantly from woodlands. Firestone Copse and Parkhurst Forest are two sites where you are likely to see one. If there is a cold spell in March, Brimstone will return to its wintering quarters and hibernate until the warm weather returns.

With butterflies starting to appear, now is a good time to register with Butterfly Conservation’s Garden Butterfly Survey. If you do not have a garden, you can still take part at an allotment or community space. You can survey your site throughout the year recording the species you see and enter your sightings online. You can find out how to take part at www.

Recording butterflies is so important. The recent State of the UK’s Butterflies 2022 report has just been published and revealed the alarming news that 80% of butterflies in the UK have declined since the 1970s.

Don’t forget to record the butterflies you see out on your walks. There is an excellent iRecord free app which you can download to your phone. Enjoy your butterflies and let me know what you have seen.

‘Brimstone’ ‘Brimstone’ Male chasing a female mid flight

At this time of year Councils, whether they be Parish Councils or bigger Local Authorities, like the Isle of Wight Council, adopt an almost tunnel vision stance as they look at their budgets and decide a new one for the coming financial year.

It wasn’t always like this. It used to be a case of simply identifying what you needed to spend on running the Council day to day, thinking of some projects you would like to do, putting a cost on them and adding it all up. Now the task is very different. At the Isle of Wight Council, it has become a matter of survival. Even leaving aside the failure of the Government to give us our proper share of funds as an Island, thirteen years of austerity and restrictions on Council Tax levels have left us in a state where we can only afford essentials and we can’t fund many of them properly. Very little in the budget is about choice. It’s about scraping together something that works and is legal, which is far from easy.

In recent years we have also seen a political mantra in many quarters stating that Council Tax increases must be avoided at all costs (pardon the pun!). However, if you think about it, that is ridiculous. Can you spend the same on your food shopping bill each year and still expect to get the same for the same money? Or better? Money decreases in value each year, so if you have the same amount or you artificially restrict how much more might be available you hit a problem. In the home you end up eating less, as a Council you end up able to do less.

The Isle of Wight Council will have set its Budget by the time you read this. There will have been a decision to increase Council Tax by 5% and no one will be happy, but

w something that enables essential functions to be maintained will have been passed.

In the Parishes there is no restriction upon how much the local element of your Council Tax, known as the precept, can be raised. What is done tends to depend on whether pragmatism or politics wins out. Many Towns and Parishes are increasing their precepts this year. Those I am involved with (Brading and St Helens) are doing so at minimal levels, being conscious of the bigger picture, in particular the ‘cost of living crisis’ that affects us all. It’s not easy to balance creating something that enables the local community to be supported but which takes an acceptable approach to people’s personal finances. Doing so makes one aware of the clear difference between managing public money pragmatically or politically.

In St Helens the Budget has been set to allow the Parish to maintain the services the Parish provides for the Village, while taking account of inflation and enabling the projects to keep the Pavilion running and to restore a public toilet provision in the Village to continue. It is important to support the Village as much as possible. We will never be able to do everything people want but we will do everything we practically can.

Please do feel free to contact me at any time about any issues you wish to raise. I will always respond to messages. You can also speak to me at my surgeries in St Helens, the next few of which will take place as follows:

St Helens Pavilion 28th March and April 25th, all at 10am.

IW Councillor
| Email:
Report from Jonathan Bacon -
& St Helens. Tel 07973 872150
Vivien’s Curtains & Blinds • Quality Curtains • Blinds • Cushions • Alterations • Advice and Decor • Designer Curtain Poles • Installation Service No job too small! Tel: 01983 643356 or Mob: 07787 639487 email: Professional, personal & caring service Private Chapel of Rest Pre-paid funeral plans Call Richard or Caroline day or night on 872598 Weaver Brothers Ltd Weavers Yard, Lane End Road, Bembridge, IW, PO35 5UE email: Telephone: (01983) 872598 Domestic & Commercial Electricians. 01983 56 59 22 07951 158 510 Island Wide Coverage Rewires and Rewiring Services Fuseboxes / replacement consumer units Designer lighting, extra sockets / lights Garden / outside electrical points Inspection & Testing (Domestic & Commercial) CCTV installation & repair Emergency lighting testing / repair Fire alarm testing Central heating installation / repair TV / audio visual home cinema systems Freeview and freesat installation & setup The views and opinions expressed by contributors and advertisers are their own and do not reflect the views of the Editor or Island Magazines unless stated otherwise. Island Magazines reserves the right to refuse or alter material where necessary. 7

From joy’s humble crumble kitchen

We are still working on ideas to help make the budget go that bit further, last month was slow cooker recipes, this month using an air fryer that enables the air to circulate to help cook the food quickly while retaining crispiness on the outside and juiciness on the inside.

COURGETTE FRITTERS - Children will love these!

2 medium courgettes - grated - hand squeeze the liquid out

60g seasoned flour • 100g cheddar grated • 1 egg

2 cloves garlic - optional

• ½ onion grated - optional.

* Put all the ingredients in a bowl and mix well.

* Make 8 patties with the mixture. (place in the freezer for 5-10 minutes) to keep the shape.

* Put courgette patties in the air fryer at 180 °C for 5-10 minutes, leaving space between each then flip the patties over for an additional 5-10 minutes or until brown.

Use as part of a meal, a side dish or on its own with a dipping sauce.

CRUMBED CHICKEN FILLETS - 4 servings - Air fryer 180 °C

640g mini chicken fillets • 1 large egg • 150g dry bread crumbs

2 tbsp veg. oil • seasoning

* Whisk the egg in a small bowl

* In a second bowl mix the breadcrumbs and drizzle oil over - mix to together and season

* dip each fillet into the egg, then dip into crumb mixture until evenly covered.

* lay the chicken in the air fryer basket in an even layer and cook for about 10-12 minutes

STUFFED PEPPERS 4 servings - 180 °C

4 large bell peppers • 500g mince beef • 1 tsp. oil • 1 small diced onion

2 cloves garlic - grated • 1 tin chopped tomato - drained

good squeeze tomato sauce • 1 tbsp - oregano • 200g cooked rice

100g grated cheddar - or parmesan or a mix of both.

* Cut the peppers in half - scoop out seeds

* Stir fry the mince, onion, garlic in a little oil (cook until mince is no longer pink). * Remove from heat - add the chopped tomatoes, tomato sauce, seasoning and oregano - add the cooked rice - mix well together

* Stuff the peppers with the mixture and place the peppers in a single layer in the air fryer basket

* Cook at 360 degrees for 10 minutes. Top the peppers with the cheese and cook for an additional 2-3 minutes (until the cheese has melted)

Swap the beef mince for minced turkey or chicken.

As Mad as a March Hare

A BIG thank you TWM Wildlife & Nature Isle of Wight for providing us with this month’s front cover picture.

TWM Wildlife & Nature Isle of Wight is the making of two well know local photographers – Tramp Woods and Warren Mason and if you’re on Facebook or Instagram you will probably have seen some of their wildlife pictures already.

Warren Mason is a very accomplished professional photographer with many years of experience! Having pictures in major magazines and publications. Tramp Woods is a very keen wildlife photographer, with published content in papers and magazines, and achieving many awards.

Our services include:

• Companionship

• Personal care

• Dementia care


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Or pop in for a cuppa and a chat: 7 High Street, Bembridge, Isle of Wight PO35 5SD

They have teamed up and started wildlife photography workshops, for those who struggle with this very difficult genre of photography, from complete novices and upwards. They have been giving up their time to teach others new skills in obtaining better pictures through understanding how to not only set up their equipment but understanding how to use their cameras in a better way, giving people tips and ideas on how to improve their photography.

They’ve had a massive response and held a few workshops in let’s say difficult conditions. The response from those who have attended has been amazing and they have now set up a dedicated Facebook group, not only for them to give out information, but it’s there for anyone to join, and post pictures or leave comments, or just look at the fantastic pictures posted.

TWM Wildlife & Nature Isle of Wight


St Helens Village News

Phone: 01983 722575 |


CPR & Defibrillator training - Invaluable skill to have. Time to learn or have a refresh.

Two sessions available - Thursday 16th March & Thursday 30th March at St Helens Pavilion at 7pm. No charge. The offer is open to anyone. To take part you will need to be mobile (able to kneel on the floor).

The training does not preclude anyone who is not this mobile - having the knowledge and being able to help is better than none at all. To book your place please email clerk@ or call 01983 722575

St Helens Annual Spring Horticultural Show is on Saturday March 18th, St Helens Primary School - doors open 2:30pm.

Registration of interest deadline is by 4pm on Thursday 16th March. Staging is on Saturdaymorning. Many categories, including Cut Daffodils, Flowers, Fruit & Veg, Pot Plants, Flower arranging, Craft, Photography, Domestic Science and a Children’s Section.

The full schedule & regulations will be available from February 20th.

Encourage all ages to have a go at entering. For more details please call 01983 722575. Come along in the afternoon and see the exhibits - enjoy a cuppa and piece of cake.

For other information re the Horticultural Society www.sthelens-horticultural-society. org

Thank you to all those who do litter picking on a regular basis, in the village and on the beach.

The Village Volunteers have been busy doing gardening jobs and litter picking - a huge thank you to those who have taken part and for those who have put their names forward to help in the future.

There is a growing list of ideas that the Village Volunteers can cover. If you wish to add anything to this list please call to add your suggestions. Do you have a set skill that would be helpful, and can you give some time? We would really like to hear from you.

Playground Roundabout - you may have noticed that there is a metal cage around the roundabout in the Play Area. The Roundabout is broken. Please take care in the vicinity.

Kings Coronation Celebrations - Saturday 6th May - Monday 8th May - a few ideas have been suggested:

Saturday evening: by popular request the Barn Dance is booked for dancing on the Green. Sunday suggestion:” The Coronation Big Lunch, at which neighbours and communities are invited to share food and fun together, and will take place across the country on the same date.” St Helens encourages people to bring their picnics for lunch on the green. Monday - take part in The Big Help Out. (which will encourage people to try volunteering for themselves and join the work being undertaken to support their local areas”)

In order to facilitate any of the above help will be required - please show an interest and give whatever amount of time, inspiration and encouragement you can to make these events happen.

The Blue Lamp Trust helps protect vulnerable residents in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight from becoming victims of crime - as part of their crime prevention advisory service.

The scheme offers FREE home visits providing both general and specific crime and fire prevention advice to improve home safety.

They visit residents of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight who are:

• Vulnerable due to age (over 65)

• Disabled • A victim of crime

• A victim of burglary • A victim of domestic abuse

THE BOBBY SCHEME provides FREE home security visits, long-life smoke alarms and advice to vulnerable people in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, particularly the elderly and victims of burglary and domestic abuse. Their trained, police vetted, Bobby Scheme Fitters will visit and carry out a full survey and, as appropriate fit items free of charge, such as:

• Locks • Spy Holes • Door Chains • Smoke Alarms • Carbon Monoxide Alarms

All of the Blue Lamp Trust advisors are police vetted and carry ID cards to reassure local residents that they are genuine – and please remember, they will not be offended if you ask to see their ID to validate their identity.


The Bobby Scheme is free to those who are vulnerable due to age (over 65), circumstance, disabled, or a victim of household crime. Anyone can make a referral including individuals, friends, family, doctors, social workers, etc. Please enquire via the Blue Lamp Trust website at www. bobby-scheme-choice

Alternatively, you can make an enquiry by calling the Blue Lamp Trust directly on 0300 777 0157.





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dates for your diary

Second Tuesday of every month (except August) 2pm – 4pm – Bembridge Belles

Women’s Institute meet at Bembridge Village Hall, High Street, Bembridge. Entertainment, refreshments and get to meet local women. You are welcome to come along to three meetings free of charge to see if you enjoy it. Please call 07856 248340 if you’d like to know more or just come along to a meeting!

Friday 3rd – Sunday 5th March – Charlotte

Hodge Thomas Art Exhibition at 24 Walls Road, Bembridge, PO35 5RD, from 11am – 5pm. Charlotte’s first solo exhibition of 2023 at her home studio in Bembridge. New paintings, prints and art cards. Come and browse artwork to Spring refresh your home interior, or give as special gifts for Mothering Sunday, Birthdays and Anniversaries.

Saturday 4th March - Friendship Coffee morning at Bembridge Village Hall from 10am – 12 noon. Come and meet others for coffee/tea and good company. Various stalls. Also 150 draw money goes to help Community Bus. There is a community bus that will pick people up from their homes and return if needed.

Saturday 4th March – Craft Fayre at Brading Youth & Community Centre, High Street from 10am – 2pm. Free parking at rear. Refreshments available from the old school café.

Sunday 5th March – Preloved Indoor Market at Binstead Community Centre, from 1pm – 2.30pm. Preloved sale for everything you need from pregnancy to 5

yrs. Clothes, equipment, toys, books and more. Free entry for buyers.

Monday 6th March - Isle of Wight Family History Society open meeting. The history of tuberculosis on the Isle of Wight – talk by Dr Paul Bingham at Arreton Community Hall, Main Road, Arreton. Doors open 2pm talk starts 2:15pm. Members of the Isle of Wight FHS £1; non-members £2. Everyone welcome.

Sunday 12th March - Charity Antiques and Collectors Fair (in support of the MNDA) at Northwood House, Cowes from 10am – 4pm. Visitors can expect to find a great variety of local antique and collectable traders in the function rooms of Northwood House. Refreshments, tea, cakes and sandwiches available all through the day for exhibitors and visitors. Admission is £3 per adult or £5.00 per couple on the gate, with accompanied children free.

Saturday 25th & Sunday 26th March - The Island Car Centre Sandown Sprint will return to Culver Parade. The Sandown Sprint will involve 100 cars competing on a specially constructed circuit, at Sandown’s Culver Parade, with the start in Fort Street and finishing in Yaverland. Once again, overall spectator numbers will be limited, so motor racing fans are advised to book early. The cost of admission has been held at £10 per adult, with concessions. Further details on the Sandown Sprint and tickets for the event can be found via the website

All event information was correct at time of print but could be subject to change at any time.


By the time you read this report the Isle of Wight Council will have voted on its 2023/24 Budget. We have already seen the proposals put forward by the Alliance Group who run the Council which includes £22 million of savings. Some of those savings needed to be made regardless of the tough economic climate we currently face. For example, removal of the Deputy Chief Executive role (currently vacant) saving £150,000 and removal of some other roles. The previous Deputy Chief Executive was appointed Chief Executive at the beginning of the year and had been doing both roles in the interim for most of 2022 which demonstrated there is no need for two roles.

While the tough economic climate has meant savings needed to go further than previously planned, the Council’s finances have been made considerably worse by what I believe is wasteful spending. In the last 12 months the Council overspent on its 2022/23 Budget by £8 million. The Council has begun a £1.3 million upgrade of lighting, windows and heating at County Hall notwithstanding the building remains half empty with many staff working from home post-Covid. £250,000 was given in sponsorship money to the Tour of Britain event organisers. The event was cancelled by the organisers and the Council have not asked for a single penny back or gained an assurance that the event will be staged on the Island in 2023 with the money rolling over.

There appear to be no plans to replace the floating bridge which requires a separate push boat in order to operate. The push boat has become a permanent additional feature at the cost of £90,000 a year. The

service is loss making, costing the Council money to run whereas the old floating bridge was profitable.

Looking more locally, I have been working with the Council’s drains officer to try and make improvements to flooding issues in key areas identified in the s19 Flood Report published last year. We have met on a number of occasions, together with the Chair of Bembridge Parish Council, to look at Station Road and Lane End. We hope that a proposal will be put to the Parish Council for improvements to both locations and work can start. We will be looking at other areas in the Village in due course.

I have also met with Island Roads to discuss the poor surface of Howgate Road and the middle section of the High Street. Disappointingly they say neither roads or sections of road meet their threshold for resurfacing according to their scanner based points system but they have agreed to fill potholes within 28 days.

News Report from Cllr Joe Robertson - Bembridge
Contact Lui Tel: 520522 Mob: 07795 363 534
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