Island Magazines November 2022 Sandown and Shanklin

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Sandown & Shanklin Area


FREE November
Your Local Community Magazine
It’s May 1940, when 10 year old Lindy is evacuated to a village on the Isle of Wight leaving her father, a fireman in Portsmouth. She befriends her neighbour Reggie who is the same age. Despite the air raids and planes flying overhead the children have many adventures. The story is set in Binstead.
Winford Rd, Newchurch, Sandown, IW, PO36 0JXSandown, IW, PO36 AVAILABLE NOW £8.00 (+ p & p) CONTACT Jo Cooper on 01983 567874 or Follow Jo on Also available on Amazon Books
H o m e F u r n i t u r e S h o w r o o m W W W . I W F U R N I T U R E . C O . U K 0 1 9 8 3 4 0 4 4 7 5 1 A L A K E I N D U S T R I A L W A Y F u l l A s s e m b l e y S e r v i c e I s l a n d W i d e D e l i v e r y

Welcome to the November issue or as I like to refer to it.... the last one before the Christmas issue!!! I feel it’s safe for me to now mention Christmas, especially as the shops already have their shelves packed with decorations and presents for the festive season.

For information on events happening across the island including details of Christmas Fairs please go to our ‘Dates for your Diary’ section on page 18. Remember to let us know if you are holding any community events in December and we can help promote them for you.

This month’s front cover is a little different for many reasons, firstly as it was taken by myself on my phone and I’m not normally very good with photos and secondly, you might be wondering where on the Island I took this, but if you look closely you will see that the Isle of Wight is actually in the background as at the time I was visiting Hayling Island. This ideal photo opportunity appeared, and it made me think that although the planets aren’t aligned it’s always good to have your seagulls all lined up... except there is always the one that won’t do as it should.

Firework season is upon us, although in some areas on the Island this strangely seems to be something that happens more than once a year. If you are a pet owner like me, you too probably dread this time of year. Please make sure you have your pets safely indoors as soon as it turns dark in the few days leading up to and after the 5th November. If you are having your own display, please do the right thing and just drop a note through your neighbour’s doors and even share the details on social media so all animals can be secured and kept safe so the stress to our pets is kept to a minimum.

you for picking up and reading this issue and I hope you all have a great November and see you next month when Christmas will be one step closer!!

4 07880 587 931 | | Island Magazines, Mailbox No 6, Store it Self Storage Ryde, Unit 1 Nicholson Road, Ryde, Isle of Wight, PO33 1BE All information is correct at time of printing Debbie THIS SIZE ADVERT COULD BE YOURS FOR JUST £17 For more info email or call 07880 587931 The views and opinions expressed by contributors and advertisers are their own and do not reflect the views of the Editor or Island Magazines unless stated otherwise. Island Magazines reserves the right to refuse or alter material where necessary.

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For PRINTED subscriptions there will be a small charge of £1.20 per month payable 6 months in advance. Email with your name, address and which area you would like or call us on 07880 587 931.

For DIGITAL subscriptions just email shanklinmagazine@ and include the words ‘subscribe digital’ in the email, then sit back, relax and wait for the next issue to drop into your email inbox.

Are you new to the Island, recently retired or just interested in fun, laughter, lunches, walking, outings or something different? Then TG could well be for you and is a great opportunity to meet new friends and like-minded ladies in your area.

We meet monthly and have nine Townswomen’s Guilds at various locations and times across the island

We welcome you to come along to a no obligation meeting, to find out more. A warm and friendly welcome is guaranteed. If you would like to talk to someone before coming along, please ring 01983 759350 and we can chat and even meet with you before you come to a guild.

Sandown - Broadway Centre, 3rd Wednesday at 2.00pm

- Broadway Centre, 2nd Tuesday at 7.00pm

- Falcon Cross Hall, 3rd Wednesday at 10.30am


Community Centre, 2nd Thursday at 10.30am

- St Catherine’s Church, 3rd Wednesday at 2.15pm

- Methodist Church Hall, 1st Wednesday at 2.00pm

- Parish Centre, Town Lane, 2nd Monday at 2.00pm

Methodist Church, Station Rd, 3rd Friday at 2.00pm

- Methodist Church Hall, 1st Tuesday at 7.30pm

5 subscribe
Wootton -
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Community News for The Bay

From Richard & Jon


Hopefully, residents will be able to participate in Armistice and Remembrance Sunday (13 November) events across the Bay – please look out for local times for the planned commemorations, at the memorials, in Sandown, Lake and Shanklin.

SWR recently ran a programme of spring bulb planting at stations across the network. As “adopters” of Shanklin railway station, Shanklin Green Town Volunteers were given 300 crocus, tulip and daffodil bulbs for the 7 planters on the station forecourt.

Shanklin Town Councillor and Green Towns volunteer Sue Godden said “We are are grateful for a share in the 6000 bulbs available across the network. We’re looking forward to seeing a colourful display early next year when the bulbs come into bloom”.

SWR are also donating a number of bird boxes and bug hotels for station gardens, and these will be installed soon.

TC’s at Shanklin Voluntary Youth & Community Centre, in Victoria Avenue, continues its post-covid re-opening with another Friday evening of disco and games from 7pm on 18 November, with the Christmas Party planned for Friday 16 December.

Shanklin VYCC also offer the Thursday Morning Club (10am to noon), Table Tennis on Tuesdays and Thursdays, Kettlercise with Dee on Tuesdays and Thursdays (with Pilates on Wednesdays), with Judo on Monday evenings, and Aikido on Wednesday evenings – details are on the SVYCC website.

Lake Methodist Church provides a lunch club on the first Thursday of the month,

a cafe/library (10-noon) on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays, with a Tuesday afternoon craft and chatter group alternating with the Tuesday group programme of talks.

Shanklin Bowls Club have their winter indoor league programme underway, and recently celebrated a successful season, also presenting the Hants & IW Air Ambulance with a cheque for £2,223.41.

Shanklin Age Concern’s programme of activity includes Lunch & Bingo (Mondays), Soup and Chess (Tuesdays), Lunch (Wednesdays), Thursday afternoon Social and Bingo, Friday lunch and the fortnightly flyer trip out – there are Sunday roasts on 3rd Sunday of the month, please contact tel 241019 for more details.

November end with First Act bringing their seasonal panto to the stage, with Beauty and the Beast on Monday 28, Tuesday 29 and Wednesday 30.

Best wishes and thanks again to all for getting in touch, especially those highlighting warm spaces in the Bay over the winter months.


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Telephone: 01983 403193


WHAT’S THE FUTURE FOR SANDOWN’S DINOSAUR ISLE – OPTIONS CONSIDERED - I recently attended a stakeholder meeting to explore the future of the Dinosaur Isle Museum. The Museum loses money and has done so for years. The future of the museum is extremely important because if the right decisions are made it could be the catalyst for the regeneration of Sandown, the economy of the Bay Area and the promotion of tourism for the whole Island internationally.

The discussion covered several options, and it was decided to further explore two options and a further meeting will be held in a month or so to see what conclusions were reached.

SANDOWN & DISTRICT HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION INVITES NEW MEMBERSSandown & District Historical Association is inviting Island Residents to come and join the Association. It has meetings where various historical issues are presented and discussed. You might be surprised who you might remember from the past! Meetings are held monthly on a Wednesday at 7.30pm. The next meeting is on 30 November at the Broadway Centre.

THE KEBAB SHOP – THE BATTLE FOR PLANNING PERMISSION WAS NOT EASY - The County Press had a story recently about the regeneration of the old Kebab shop in Sandown High Street and how the Planning Committee was unanimous in approving the Planning Application. What it didn’t say was that I, as the Ward Councillor, had to argue the case for permission to be granted. Planning Officers were against giving permission and several local residents lodged objections because of the ‘Conservation Zone.’

However, I did convince the Committee this was vital to the regeneration of the High Street and thankfully all the committee members supported me! So, hopefully it will be completed around Christmas time with 5 flats and 2 retail units. Although the High Street scaffolding gives the impression that the work had just started, in fact the rear of the building has been worked on for months.


- After the court case in October when nobody from Phoenix Commercial Property Development Ltd (PCPD) attended the Court in Newport, PCPD have appealed the Enforcement Order and had the appeal scheduled to be heard in Durham. Apparently, they claim we are so biased that they will not get a fair hearing on the Island! At the time of writing, it is scheduled for 4 November and our Council representatives will attend and the judge will set a date for a full hearing.

Report from IW Councillor Ian Ward for Sandown South Email:
Facebook: Cllr Ian Ward BEM – Sandown South
Monday - Methodist Church Hall, Regent St, Shanklin 9am, 10am & 5.30pm NEW MEMBERS WELCOME Julie 07813 635202 or

A lz he im e r C a fé IOW

Tel: 01983 220200

Email: info@alzheimercafeiow. org. uk Website: www. alzheimercafeiow. org. uk

East Cowes Alzheimer Café

East Cowes Town Hall York Avenue, East Cowes, PO32 6RU

First Tuesday of the month

2pm 4pm

Ryde Alzheimer Café

All Saints’ Church Hall Queens’s Road, Ryde, PO33 3AF

First Friday of the month

Totland Alzheimer CaféCowes Alzheimer Café

Football Club, Reynolds Close off Park Road, Cowes PO31 7NT Second Wednesday of the month

Sandown Alzheimer Café

The Broadway Centre 1 Broadway, Sandown PO36 9GG Fourth Wednesday of the month

2pm 4pm

St Saviours Holy Family Centre

If you are worried or concerned about memory loss, please come along to an Alzheimers Café for information and informal education about memory loss and dementia. You do not need to have a diagnosis to attend, everyone with an interest in dementia or memory loss is welcome. 2pm 4pm

11am 1pm 2pm 4pm

Weston Lane, Totland PO39 0HE Third Wednesday of the month

Newport Methodist Church Quay Street, Newport, PO30 5BA

Last Wednesday of the month

Newport Alzheimer Café 6pm 8pm

Newcomers very welcome No booking required

An Alzheimer Café is a meeting place giving informal education about dementia, guidance and signposting to other services. We welcome people with dementia, their families, carers, professionals and anyone with an interest in dementia.

Charity Number CIO 1171437

It’s a Café with a difference!

Alzheimer Café IOW is an Isle of Wight charity that is a lifeline for people with dementia, their carers, family and friends. Alzheimer Café IOW started in 2009 and has 6 cafés across the island but is not like your conventional café as they have the role of providing accurate and appropriate information relating to dementia in a stress-free environment.

Anybody can go along to these ‘meet ups’ so I went to the East Cowes Alzheimer Café to find out what it’s all about. As I walked through the doors I was met with a smile and friendly greeting from the volunteers, which immediately put me at ease. I explained that I had come along just to find out more about it all, and this wasn’t questioned, and I was offered a seat. It was lovely to watch the interaction between visitors and volunteers – name tags were given, and tea and coffee was served.

All the cafes are overseen by different co-ordinators, and I met Lizzie and Barry the coordinators of this particular café. I also met with Anna Roberts (Charity Liaison Officer) and Floss (volunteer at East Cowes, Cowes & Newport), who made sure everyone was catered for, tea and coffee wise. All the café’s follow a rolling programme which enables them to touch on key topics throughout the year as there is no ‘one-size fits all’ and Barry who gave this month’s presentation on ‘Why Life Stores Matter’, is co-ordinator for the Dementia Awareness Partnership IW, the training arm of the Alzheimer Café IOW.

All the café’s use the same format and language while still having their own distinctive characteristics and they all work with various agencies across the island including Memory Service and Carers IW to ensure the best support is available for everyone.

The whole dementia area is new to me and I was shocked at some of the statistics I found out especially that a probable diagnosis of dementia requires confirmation from a Memory Service psychiatrist before accessing government support, however the IW Trust has been unable to appoint replacements for many months and the number of referrals have been averaging 60+ per month with a waiting time in excess of 12 months and growing and this is why the Alzheimers Café is such an important part of the community offering informal dementia education and information and signposting to other services.

Alzheimer Cafés welcome anyone who is worried about their memory, has a diagnosis of dementia, or would like to find out more about dementia. It is clear that families come to an Alzheimer Café because they are seeking support and looking for answers and for many, diagnosis is a mixed blessing… An illness is given a probable diagnosis, but no onward care is currently available. The future isn’t just uncertain it’s fearful!

There are currently 2,655 people over the age of 65 living with dementia on the Island and this number is likely to increase to 3,920 by 2030 – Isle of Wight Dementia Strategy.

You can find details of all the Alzheimer Cafés on the opposite page.


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Word Ladder

A word ladder is a sequence of words formed by changing just one letter each time eg CAT

- COT - DOT - DOG. Can you find the missing words? Use the clues if you get stuck.

Wordsearch ‘Phobias’

Last month’s answers for Word Ladder:- CHASE, CEASE, LEASE, LEASH, LEACH, PEACH, PERCH, PARCH, PATCH, CATCH
13 Isle of Wight Piano Tuition | call 07774 118880 Over 20 years’ experience Beginners & Intermediate All ages including adults Moira Moseley-Brown L.T.C.L G.T.C.L (Hons) P.G.C.E Piano & Theory of Music Teacher

I know that there has been a lot of noise recently in Sandown around the refurbishment of a property to be used as Stage 2 accommodation. A Stage 2 service provides supported accommodation for individuals who have low/no support needs. I understand the concerns of residents and have responded personally to everyone who has contacted me over this issue.

At the time of writing, Two Saints are yet to engage with the IOW Council to discuss Avenue Road fully, and a meeting is yet to be arranged with both myself and Council Officers. Once this meeting has taken place, a public meeting will be held at the Broadway Centre where residents will have the opportunity to ask questions of Two Saints to get the facts about how the accommodation will be run. In the meantime, please continue to contact me if you have any genuine concerns. I will put notices up in Sandown High Street with details of the meeting and will also let Yaverland residents know by dropping round some leaflets.

A follow up meeting of the High Streets Task Force saw further discussion focussing on how to strengthen enforcement powers to deal with derelict buildings. I know that this is a high priority for Sandown residents. I have taken this to IOW Council Officers who are looking at a budget proposal that will support this. We have agreed with the finding in the report that there is a need for a shared vision for Sandown. To support this, Sandown Town Council along with the other two Bay Councils have committed to

working on a Place Plan with support from the IOW Council.

I can see many benefits to working collaboratively across Sandown Bay.

It’s come to my attention that the Govt ECO4 grant scheme has been temporarily suspended due to an IT glitch. Please get in touch if you are worried about keeping warm this winter, there is help available. The Footprint Trust, based at the Riverside Centre, Newport is a great source of information.

A timely reminder that, if you’re planning on setting off fireworks, follow the Fireworks Safety Code or, better still, go to one of the organised displays, not forgetting that the Sandown Carnival Fireworks spectacular is now held on New Year’s Day. For those of you that are eligible, don’t forget to have your flu jab to stay healthy this winter. I’ll be having mine soon.

I hold my Councillor surgeries monthly on the first Saturday of the month from 11am to midday which will now be at the Wildheart Sanctuary as Brown’s is now closed for the winter. My thanks to Geoff and Kate and their fabulous team for their warm hospitality. I’m grateful to Lawrence and the team at the Wildheart Sanctuary for offering a space in the cafe and I look forward to meeting some new faces as well as familiar ones. Cllr Heather Humby continues to hold her weekly surgery every Thursday at 11am at Sandown Library and is available on 402024 or heatherhumby@

Report from Sandown Town & County Councillor Debbie Andre T:- 400744/07948 757977 E:- Facebook:- debbieandre4sandown

From joy’s humble crumble kitchen

Now that autumn is with us there is nothing more comforting than a bowl of hot home-made soup. Here are a few suggestions to get you started. Serve with croutons, naan, crusty bread, flatbreads, a sprinkle of grated cheese, even a toasted cheese sandwich will add another level of indulgence! Use what you need and then freeze the rest for another day.


2 tbsp olive oil

800g/ 1lb 12oz of mixed root vegetables - any kind - peeled and cut into even smallish chunks

2 garlic cloves - crushed 2 chicken or veg. stock cubes. Fry the onions until soft - add the vegetable chunks - stir fry for 5 minutes.

Crumble the stock cubes and add 1 litre/1¾ pints of water to the pan - simmer for 20 minutes. Blitz until smooth, season.


1 tbsp olive oil + 1 tbsp butter

serves 6

2 onions - chopped and 2 garlic cloves - crushed

500g /1lb 2oz carrots - peeled and chopped into small pieces

300ml/half pint chicken or veg stock

1 tsp ground cumin

1 tsp curry powder (m) thyme and seasoning.

Melt the butter - add the oil and gently sweat the onions, carrots and garlic until softened (5-6 minutes) - season.

Add the cumin and curry powder - cook for a further 2 minutes

Add the stock, thyme - Add ½ litre/1 pint water - bring to boil. Simmer for 20 - 25 minutes. Take off heat. Blitz until smooth.


a little olive oil

3 - 4 good rashers of smoked back bacon - finely chop

1 red pepper and 1 onion - finely chopped

1 medium sweet potato, peeled and finely chopped

1 garlic clove - crushed

1 chicken/veg. stock pot

1½ ltr/ 2½ pt water 200g/7oz red lentils or use 2 tins lentils - well drained a little thyme and seasoning. Fry the bacon, onion, red pepper, sweet potato and garlic on a low heat until softened. Add the red lentils or the drained lentils to the pan. Pour in the stock, thyme and seasoning. Return to boil - simmer for 15 - 20 minutes. Either serve the soup with ‘bits’ or blitz if preferred.


1 tbsp. olive oil

1 onion - finely chopped

1 garlic clove - finely chopped

1 tsp. ground cumin

1 tsp. ground coriander

800g/ 1¾ quarters lb. cauliflower florets, roughly chopped

1 ltr./1¾ pints chicken or veg. stock 150ml/5fl. oz creme fraiche or cream. Fry the onion and garlic gently for 2-3 minutes. Add the cumin and coriander and stir fry together for a further 1-2 minutes. Add the cauliflower and chicken stock. Bring to boil then simmer for 8-12 minutes until cauliflower is tender. Take the pan off heat. Blitz until smooth. Add the cream - season. Return to pan and gently heat through.

News report from Michael Beston & Chris Quirk as IOW & Shanklin Town Councillors & Chris Quirk as Mayor of Shanklin. | Chris 07802 705831 and Michael 07885 644426

Shanklin Railway Station

Shanklin Station, part of the South Western Railway (SWR) and Island Line network has deservedly won ‘Station of the Year – (Small)’ at the prestigious National Rail Awards last month. Part of the criteria that judges had to consider were factors including safety, infrastructure, and customer-friendly presentation. The station was originally built in 1864 for the Isle of Wight Railway and extended in 1881. It has a heritage category listed building grade II status and it triumphed over highly commended Buxton station in Derbyshire, Hatch End station in North West London, and other submissions to win the award in its category.

SWR’s Island Line between Ryde Pierhead and Shanklin reopened in November 2021 following a £26 million transformation of the line’s trains, stations, and infrastructure, which included the launch of the new Class 484 train fleet. Part of the external charm of the station is its array of attractive large flower boxes meticulously maintained by the Green Towns Shanklin Volunteers group. Following a successful bid in 2019 to SWR by the Shanklin Theatre Community Trust, a large digital display screen has been affixed to the front of the station displaying

train, bus timetables and other local information. This information is linked to a second display screen at the newly developing Performing Arts Centre (former old library) in Victoria Avenue – Shanklin.

Shanklin Performing Arts Centre Update

Following a spate of anti-social behaviour and un-authorised vehicle parking in and around the Arts Centre, as Trustee’s of the Shanklin Theatre, we decided to improve the security and remote monitoring of the building and area to deter such activities. The Centre has now been equipped with high resolution CCTV cameras installed at strategic locations to ensure the property is monitored 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This will also help to protect our volunteers and user groups. Our thanks go to the team at Lifeline Alarm Systems for carrying out the installation work. We are also extremely delighted to announce, that after following a successful funding application to the Co-op, the Arts Centre has been chosen to be part of the next round of the Co-op Local Community Fund. The funding round will start on Sunday 23rd October 2022 and will run for 12 months until 21st October 2023. During

continued over the page



this time, Co-op Members will be able to select the Performing Arts Centre as their cause and help us raise funds for internal equipment such as clothes lockers, audio and lighting equipment and an electric piano to aid our dance, performance and user groups. We will keep you apprised of the progress of the funding in due course.

Shanklin Remembrance Service 2022

The Remembrance Service will take place on Sunday 13th November -10.50am at the Shanklin War Memorial Garden in the Old Village. Assemble from 10.40am. Remem brance Sunday is held in the UK as a day to commemorate the contribution of British and Commonwealth military and civilian servicemen and women in the two World Wars and later conflicts. The Royal British Legion Chaplain – Rev Tony Richards will be conducting the service. The surrounding area of the War Memorial will be closed to traffic before the service commences to ensure the safety of the general public and organisers.

Best regards Chris and Michael

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of Wight


report from Michael Beston & Chris Quirk as IOW & Shanklin Town Councillors & Chris
as Mayor of Shanklin.
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Bembridge, Isle

dates for your diary

Every Wednesday – Lake Art Group meet from 10am – 12 noon at the Lions Centre in Lake. New members are welcome to come along to this friendly group.

Friday 4th November - Bembridge Fireworks Night from 6.30pm – 8.30pm at Steyne Park. This year we have stalls in the hall, food stalls outside, DJ and the bar will be open all night with fireworks at 7:30pm. Please don’t bring any sparklers or fireworks into Steyne Park on the night. It’s free entry but we are asking if everyone would be kind enough to make a donation on the night, all monies raised will go to the BYCC and this great village event.

Saturday 5th November –Yarmouth Fireworks are back! Join us in the town square from 6pm, where there will be food and drink outlets open. A procession will then lead to the lit beacon and display.

Saturday 5th November – Vectis Radio Coffee

Morning is from 10am to midday in the studio at the Riverside Centre. Maybe you would like to join our team of volunteers, whether that is presenting, marketing, collating news or something else. We will have tea and coffee for you, and some biscuits’ All we ask is for a donation in the bucket to help us keep going.

19th November – 23rd December – I Love Wight Artisan Christmas Pop-Up Shop and Mini Market at The Garlic Farm, Mersley Lane, Newchuch from 9.30 – 4.30pm. Local handmade products from Isle of Wight artisans along with some great musicians and performers.

Saturday 19th November – Day of Christmas from 9am – 6pm in Newport Town Centre and The Quay. The Quay will host an ice rink as well as inflatable assault course and snow globe, a circus workshop and food stalls. A bustling Christmas market in St Thomas’s Square. Characters including the Grinch, will be

walking around throughout the day and local schools and community choirs will be performing. A large stage will be in St James’s Square providing a variety of entertainment until 5.45pm when a magical circus-themed show ‘The Greatest Snowman’ will switch on the town’s Christmas lights!

Sunday 20th November - IW Donkey Sanctuary Winter Market. Again, we will have plenty of stalls to look round with a wide variety of products. There will be live music on the day and Santa will also be making a special visit. This year our on-site car park is restricted to disabled badge holders only. There will be a park and ride service from The Old Smithy in Godshill, The Free School in Ventnor, and St. Francis school across the road in Ventnor as well. These will have regular services, and both are under 10 minutes from us.

Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th NovemberThe Northwood House Christmas Fair from 10am – 4pm. Featuring a selection of over 40 Island gift exhibitors in art, craft and produce. Free entry to Fair. Children can have a meet and greet with Father Christmas in the snow cave and write him a letter to give to him in person. There will also be the return of Santa Paws…the father Christmas for dogs, who’ll be delighted to wish your four-legged friends a Merry Christmas and have a photo for a charitable donation to Northwood House.

Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th November – The Wildheart Trust Christmas Market from 10am – 4pm. We have lined up a beautiful, bespoke collection of stalls selling perfect gifts and decorations from local Isle of Wight designer makers and artists. With Father Christmas launching his wonderland grotto plus carols, festive food and mulled wine. It is a wonderful weekend to meet our animals and start feeling those first flutters of Christmas magic. Normal admission prices have been held for the weekend so either book ahead or turn up on the day.

All event information was correct at time of print but could be subject to change at any time.


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References Available


01983 408716 Mobile: 07816

Gatten and Lake Primary School, Oaklyn Gardens, Shanklin, PO37 7DG Tel: 01983 869910 | Email:

Have you ever considered becoming a School Governor? Gatten & Lake Primary School is looking to recruit a new co-opted member of the governing body.

The school stands out as a beacon of good practice and a destination of choice for many of our local children. The school has responded magnificently to the challenges and disruption caused by the pandemic and I am always impressed with the dedication of staff and all of the work undertaken.

As school governors, we work closely with the Headteacher, the Deputy Headteacher and all school staff, providing a system of checks and balances that supports, challenges and contributes to the school’s aims, objectives and vision. We work in partnership with the school and are not involved in the day-to-day management of the school. This is the responsibility of the Headteacher and her team. We are here to support, offer guidance where appropriate, and to draw upon our own professional expertise, to assist the school and its staff in shaping school improvement plans, advice and monitoring financial planning, and most importantly; supporting the Headteacher as she leads the school, shapes its future direction and instigates new systems and procedures where appropriate.

We are looking for an individual who will have a combination of relevant, transferrable skills, in order to strengthen the collective skills of the current governors. If you are interested in joining us and want to find out more about what the role involves or to visit the school please get in touch, with Rebecca Day (Headteacher), Andy Creed (Clerk to the Governing Body), or me via the school. We would be delighted to tell you all about it!

I hope to hear from you soon – the children deserve the best we can give them.

Yours sincerely, Rob Woodley-Thompson

Chair – Gatten & Lake Primary School Governing Body

545283 Email:
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