Magyaros mókás ételek piciknek

Page 1


fun foods for kids

CasteloArt Publishing Ltd.

Tasty Worm


Yummy Sandwich fingers


Smiley soup


Cell phone sandwich


Bathing Bear


Kite sandwich


Monky Stew


Turtle Bread roll


Apple Swan


Sunny side up faces


Resting Cockerel


Bicycle salad


Hello Kitty Sandwich


Toothy Tomatoes


Piano sandwich


Mushroom eggs


Egg mouse


Vegetable boat


Slothy Sid sandwich


Bell pepper dragon


Frankfurter Snakes


Cucumber croc


Waltzing Sandwich


Spicy spiders


Beach buddies


Giraffe cookie




Xmas Fruit tree


Lazy Bear Stew


Smily pudding


Ladybug Lasagna


Strawberry Santa


Simba’s spaghetti face


Crazy Doughnut doodles


Hortobágy Butterfly


Pine tree stacks


Hatching chicks


Milky Honey bunny


Hello Cucumber man


Sleeping Bear




Birthday burger


Ta s t y Wo r m

1 slice bread 1 slice Bologna 1 red cherry tomato 1 small cucumber 1 slice cheese brown sauce a lettuce leaf butter

Use a glass to cut out circles from bread, cheese and Bologna. Spread butter on one side of bread slices. Put slices together with cheese and Bologna in between and stand them on their sides. Put tomato at one end. Cut a gap for the mouth and put a piece of lettuce in it.

Serves 1 takes 15 minutes


Use small round pieces of cheese for eyes with a drop of brown sauce in the middle. Cut out legs and antennae from cucumber.


Smiley soup 20 g unsalted butter 1 medium onion; roughly diced 900 g pumpkin (canned or fresh) 1 teaspoon salt 1/2 tsp white pepper 1/2 tsp ground ginger pinch of cinnamon 80 ml double cream Decoration 1 bunch parsley, 1 tomato, 1 bell pepper, 1 cucumber

Serves 6 Takes 30 minutes


Melt butter over medium heat. Add the onion and cook, stirring occasionally, until onion softens, about 5-8 minutes. Add the pumpkin, salt and pepper and cover with water. Continue to cook, stirring, another 15 minutes for fresh pumpkin, 5 minutes for canned. Puree with a stick blender until smooth. Add ginger powder, a pinch of cinnamon and double cream. Cover, bring to a boil and cook for 2 minutes. Use parsley for the hair, tomato for the ears, cucumber slices for the nose and eyes and pepper for the mouth.


Bathing Bear

Dice the onion and brown in small amount of oil. 12 big tomatoes 2 onions 6 garlic cloves ½ tsp oregano Salt, black pepper to taste 2 tbsp oil Decoration 500 g cooked rice 6 sprigs of parsleys 18 raisins 1 red bell pepper

Serves 6 Takes 30 minutes


Dice the tomatoes and add them to the onion. Season with salt, black pepper, oregano and crushed garlic. Cook until the tomatoes are done. Form rice into a Teddy bear shape and put into soup. Use raisins for eyes and nose. Cut mouth from bell pepper and put a sprig of parsley in one paw.


M o n k y St e w

500 g of Lentils, dried 1 medium onion, minced 2 garlic cloves, mashed 250 g butter, unsalted salt, to taste 1/2 tsp Hungarian paprika powder 1/2 tsp black pepper 1/2 tsp sugar 1 tsp mustard 1/2 tsp vinegar (10%) 3 tbsp flour 2 small bay leaves 3 tbsp oil 6 eggs, boiled 100 g rocket 1 red bell pepper

Serves 6 Takes 30 minutes


Wash the lentils and soak them in water overnight. Drain. Using a large pot, add bay leaves, drained lentils, salt and enough water to cover. Cook until done - about 20 minutes. SautĂŠ the onion and flour in the oil for 5 minutes. Add garlic, black pepper and Hungarian paprika and stir. Add the onion-flour-garlic-paprika mix, mustard and sugar to the cooked lentils and boil a few minutes longer. While the lentils are still very hot stir in the butter. Add vinegar just before serving and adjust salt. Slice eggs and use slices for eyes. Use rocket for hair. Use bell pepper to make the mouth and ears.


A p p l e Sw a n 1 kg of apples, peeled, cubed 3 tbsp fructose 1 tsp ground cinnamon 1 lemon, sliced 2 egg yolks 100 ml soy cream 8 cloves 1 star aniseed Salt to taste 1 cup sweet white wine Decoration 6 apples for the decoration 6 cloves for the decoration

Serves 4 Takes 40 minutes

Put 2 litters of water in a cooking pot and bring it to a boil. Add wine, cinnamon, cloves, anise, salt, the lemon slices and the apples. Cook until the apples are soft then remove the anise and the lemon slices. Gently add the soya cream and egg yolk mixture. Add the sugar and stir until it is all dissolved. APPLE SWAN: Cut out a thin slice from the apple and put down apple with the cut part facing down. Cut out the swan’s head from the slice and stick a clove in it. Cut a small gap on the upper part of the apple and place the head into it. Leave a 1 cm section of the mid-top part of the apple uncut. Cut out a slice on both sides of this section. To prepare the wings, cut out two smaller slices from the original ones and then another two small slices from the cut out parts.



R e s t i n g Co c ke r e l 1 slice bread 2 slices Bologna 2 yellow cherry tomatoes 2 slices cheese 1 red bell pepper 2 cloves

Serves 1 takes 15 minutes

Roll up one slice of Bologna and put it in the middle of bread slice. Use a tomato to make the neck and put other tomato on it as a head. Use cloves for eyes and bell pepper to make the beak, comb, legs and tail feather. Cut other slice of Bologna in two. Scallop the edges with a pastry wheel and put on either side of the rolled-up Bologna. Use cheese to make the wing and tail feathers.



Hello Kitt y Sandwich

2 slices bread 1 slice Bologna 3 red and 2 yellow cherry tomatoes 1 small cucumber 1 slice cheese butter

Serves 1 takes 15 minutes

Spread butter on one slice of bread and put cheese on it. Cover with the other slice of bread and use a knife to cut bread into the shape of a cat’s head. Cut Bologna into a ribbon shape and put it under one of the ears. Cut the end of a red cherry tomato and put it in the middle of the ribbon. Line the ribbon with thin slices of tomato peel. Cut out the eyes, nose and whiskers from cucumber peel and then put them on the sandwich. Slice red and yellow cherry tomatoes and lay them down alternately under the head.



Pi a n o s a n d w i c h 2 slices bread 1 slice Bologna 1 slice cheese 1 carrot 5 sprigs of parsley butter

Serves 1 takes 20 minutes

Cut off bread crust. Spread butter on one slice of bread, put a slice of Bologna on it, and cover with the other slice of bread. Cut upper left part to a curved piano shape. Cut a 1 cm piece off the right part of the upper slice of bread. Cut a slice of cheese the same size as the cut off piece of bread. Use pieces of parsley stem to prepare the dark keys of the piano. Use carrot sticks for legs and lid prop.



Egg mouse 1 Egg 1 slice bread 1 slice Emmental cheese 1 slice Bologna 3 cloves red bell pepper lettuce butter

Serves 1 Takes 15 Minutes

Boil Egg Until Hard. Meanwhile, Spread butter on bread, put cheese on top and lettuce around it. Cut a thin slice off the long side of egg. Put egg on sandwich with cut side facing down. Cut two circles from Bologna for ears. Make two small cuts on egg and insert ears. Use cloves for eyes and nose and a slice of pepper for mouth. Cut tail from Bologna.



S l o t hy S i d s a n d w i c h

2 slices bread + 1 bread heel 1 small cucumber 1 slice cheese butter

Serves 1 Takes 15 Minutes

Spread butter on one slice of bread and cover it with the other slice. Use a knife to cut out sloth head shape. Cut out mouth shape from upper slice of bread and put a slice of cucumber peel under it. Cut teeth from cheese and put them on cucumber. Cut eyes from bread and nose and eyelid from bread crust. Use cucumber to make the eyeballs and eyelashes.



Fr a n k f u r t e r S n a ke s 6 frankfurters 12 peppercorns red bell pepper lettuce for the dough 100 g flour a pinch of salt a pinch of sugar 4 g yeast powder 50 ml water 1 tsp oil

Serves 3 takes 65 minutes


Mix dough ingredients and let dough stand for 45 minutes. Roll dough into finger-wide, 15-20 cm long pieces. Make lengthwise cuts in the frankfurters and wrap dough around them. Use peppercorns to make the eyes and a thin slice of pepper for the tongue. Bake in an oiled baking dish until golden brown and serve on lettuce leaves.


Wa l t z i n g S a n d w i c h

2 slices bread lettuce leaves 2 cherry tomatoes 4 peppercorns 1 slice cheese

Serves 1 takes 15 minutes


Cut out two human shapes from bread slices. Use peppercorns for eyes, tomato for mouths and a dark lettuce leave for one figurine’s hair. Lean them against each other. Place heart-shaped pieces of cheese and tomato around them.


Yu m my S a n d w i c h f i n g e r s

Spread butter on bread slices. 2 slices bread lettuce leaves butter tomatosauce 4 frankfurters 1 carrot

Serves 1 takes 15 minutes


Cut one Frankfurter in half for the pinky and the thumb. Cut a fingernail-shaped hole into one end of each Frankfurter and fill holes tomatosauce. Put a carrot ring round ring finger. Put fingers on one slice of bread. Put lettuce leaves and then other slice of bread on top.


Ce l l p h o n e s a n d w i c h

1 slice bread 2 slices bologna or any other meat 2 slices cheese 2 lettuce leaves sweet corn, peas and French beans butter

Serves 1 takes 15 minutes


Cut slice of bread in half and cut off crust. Put two halves on lettuce leaves. Cut pieces of cheese the size of bread slices. Spread butter on bread slices and put cheese on top. Use Bologna to make the display and corn, peas and French bean for the keys.


Kite sandwich

2 slices bread 1 slice ham 1 red cherry tomato bell pepper 2 peas lettuce butter

Spread butter on one slice of bread and cover it with the other slice. Cut them in half diagonally.

Serves 1 takes 10 minutes

Cut eyebrows from pepper. Cut a tomato in half and use halves for eyes and peas for eyeballs.

Roll up edges of ham. Put it in the middle of the sandwich and stick the end between the two halves.

Use lettuce to make hair.



tur tle Bread roll

1/2 kg flour 1 tbsp salt a pinch of sugar 10 g yeast powder 100 ml water 200 ml milk vegetables for decoration whole peppercorns aubergine peel

8 turtles takes 80 minutes


Mix dough ingredients well and leave to rise for 40 minutes. Roll dough into balls, one each for body, legs, and head. Make lengthwise and crosswise cuts on back. Use peppercorns for eyes and aubergine peel for mouth. Bake until golden brown. Serve on lettuce leaves.


S u n ny s i d e u p f a ce s 2 eggs 6 peppercorns 1 tomato 1 sprig of parsley 1 spring onion 1 tbsp oil

Serves 1 takes 15 minutes


Fry eggs in oil using heart and flower-shaped moulds. Use peppercorns for eyes and noses and tomato skin for mouths. Use spring onion to make an arm and hand for one of them. Put parsley in the hand.


Bic ycle salad

1 large tomato 1 spring onion 6 chives 1 parsley 1 chilli pepper 1 yellow bell pepper

Serves 1 Takes 10 Minutes

Cut two slices of tomato and arrange them on the plate as the bicycle wheels. Cut chives to size of diameter of tomato slices and arrange them like spokes. Cut spring onion into 4 and use pieces for the bicycle’s frame. Use chilli pepper for seat. Cut out two pieces of bell pepper. Use one as the handlebar and the other as a pedal. Put parsley next to pedal as a chain ring.



To o t h y To m a t o e s

1 large tomato 10 kernels of corn 1 carrot 4 sprigs of parsley 100 g rocket 2 blueberries 1 yellow bell pepper 1 spring onion

Arrange rocket leaves in a circle.

Serves 1 takes 15 minutes

Cut out two circles from bell pepper for eyes.

Slice up tomato and put one slice on each rocket circle. Put a slice of carrot in the middle. Arrange corn kernels around the lower curve of carrot slices.

Use two blueberry halves for eyeballs. Use spring onion for the stem and parsley for the leaves.



Mushroom eggs

10 eggs 10 small tomatoes 200 ml sour cream 1 tsp mustard 5 tbsp mayonnaise ½ tsp marjoram 10 sprigs of thyme White pepper Salt

10 pieces Takes 45 minutes

Hard boil the eggs, peel and cut a thin slice off the top (big enough for a spoon to be inserted) and remove the egg yolks. Season the yolks with mustard, 1tbsp mayonnaise, marjoram, salt, white pepper and mix well. Mix sour cream with 4 tbsp. of mayonnaise. Stuff the eggs with the yolk mixture and pour the mayonnaise - sour cream mix on top. Cut the tomatoes and place a slice on top of each egg. Then, for the final touch, pour the remainder of the mayonnaise into a pastry bag and squeeze blobs on top of each tomato slice. Serve well chilled with thyme.



Ve g e t a b l e b o a t

2 large eggplants 100 ml olive oil ½ cucumber, unpeeled and cubed ½ onion, finely chopped ½ green and bell pepper, finely chopped 2 mashed garlic cloves juice of ½ lemon and orange 1 cup chopped spring onion 3 to 4 tbsp chopped parsley salt and pepper to taste ½ tsp oregano 24 spring onions 4 lettuce leaves 4 salty sticks

Serves 4 Takes 35 minutes

Cut eggplants in half lengthwise. place cut-side-down in a frying pan. Roast both sides in olive oil for 2 minutes then season with salt and pepper and rub the cut surface with mashed garlic. Scoop out eggplant pulp, leaving shell intact for stuffing. Melt butter in a sturdy skillet. add the green onion, parsley, then season with oregano. Sauté until onion is tender. Stick salty stick through lettuce leaf and stick it into the middle of the aubergine as the sail. Arrange spring onions like paddles.



Bell pepper dragon 1 bell pepper 1 small cucumber 2 chocolate chips 1 red pepperoni

Serves 1 takes 10 minutes

Cut around and remove pepper’s core. Peel cucumber skin halfway on both sides and insert cucumber to the bell pepper. Make a small cut for the mouth and stick a little piece of red pepperoni into it. To prepare the eyes, make two cuts on the upper side of cucumber and flip them up. Put small yellow bell pepper pieces in the cuts with chocolate chips in the middle.



Cucumber croc

1 cucumber 2 gooseberries 1 red bell pepper 2 chocolate chips

Serves 1 takes 15 minutes

Cut a thin slice from cucumber lengthwise and place cucumber with the cut side facing down. Slit cucumber halfway in a zigzag pattern. Carefully open up the slit and put in a slice of bell pepper and a gooseberry. Cut other end of cucumber to a tail shape. Use cut off pieces to carve legs and ears. Make two small cuts on the head to insert ears. Use gooseberries to make the eyes and put chocolate chips in the middle. Put a jagged slice of pepper on the back.



Spic y spiders 500 g dehusked millet 1 big head of celery 1 onion, finely chopped 100 g ground sunflower seeds 3 garlic cloves, crushed 1/2 tsp salt 1 tsp sage Lettuce and yellow and red pepper for decoration

Cook millet, grate celery head, chop onion finely and crush garlic cloves.

Serves 6 Takes 50 minutes

Cut pepper into strips and attach them to the sides of the balls.

Mix all ingredients and shape the mixture into balls. Place them in the tin-foiled baking dish and bake them until brown (medium heat for about 30 minutes). Draw smiles and eyes with mayonnaise and place black peppercorns in the middle to form the “eyes”.

Use pepper to make the mouth. Use lettuce for the girl’s hair and the pepper’s stem for the boy’s hat. Arrange pepper strips around the heads as spider legs (red for girl, yellow for boy).



Beach buddies 6 medium-size fresh crispy tomatoes 3/4 tsp salt 1 tbsp finely chopped onion 3 tbsp butter 20 g cooked, chopped chicken breast 4 tbsp wheat, rice, or corn cereal 1 tsp paprika powder 3 cloves garlic, mashed 6 sprigs parsley cucumber aubergine peel, rocket 6 olives lemon peel

Serves 6 takes 47 minutes

Wash tomatoes; remove thin slice from stem end of each. Scoop out pulp and save. Sprinkle inside of tomatoes with 1/4 teaspoon salt; invert tomatoes to drain excess liquid for 30 minutes. Fry onion in 2 tablespoons butter in large pan until lightly browned, for about 5 minutes. Add 1 1/4 cup tomato pulp, chicken, garlic, salt, and paprika powder; cook for 3 minutes, stirring often. Fill each tomato with stuffing. Mix crushed cereal flakes with melted butter; sprinkle over tomatoes. Place tomatoes on baking sheet. Bake for 30 minutes in preheated 200 °C oven. Put cut tomato tops back on. Use lemon peels to prepare the mouths. Use rocket to prepare hair for the girl and olives for the eyes. Use cucumber and aubergine peel to prepare sun-glasses for the boy.



Snowman 800 g strained cottage cheese 120 g semolina salt to taste pepper to taste 4 eggs 30 g (2 tbs) butter Âź cup fresh chopped dill For the snowman cooked rice 3 peas carrot 2 whole peppercorns a sprig of thyme aubergine peel

Serves 4 takes 75 minutes

Mix strained cottage cheese with the eggs, semolina, a pinch of salt and pepper and half of the chopped dill. Allow mixture to stand for about an hour. If the cottage cheese is dry, use less semolina. Shape dumpling balls with moist hands and cook them in boiling salt water until they rise to the surface. Melt the butter and add the other half of the chopped dill. Place the dumplings on a preheated platter with the dill sauce poured over them. Dill dumplings are often served with chicken paprikash. SNOWMAN: Put 3 dumpling balls on top of each other (the smallest one on top) and shape the arms, too. Stick a sprig of thyme into one of the hands. Carve a nose out of the carrot, use the peas as buttons and the peppercorns as eyes. Use aubergine peel to make a hat.



L a z y B e a r St e w 1 kg chicken breast 4 tomatoes 4 peppers 1 large onion chilli salt pepper oil majoram

Cut chicken breast to half.

Serves 6 takes 50 minutes

Optionally, add chilli. Steam under a lid for 20 minutes.

Season with salt and pepper and sprinkle with Majoram. Chop onion into small cubes and sauté in oil until transparent. Cut peppers and tomatoes into cubes and add to the sautéed onion.

In a separate pan, brown the chicken slices lightly. Add to the ‘lecsó’ and cook together for 10 minutes. SERVE WITH ‘RICE BEAR’: Shape cooked rice to make it look like a bear and use raisins for the eyes and nose.



Ladybug Lasagna 100 g bacon 1 onion 100 g lebbencs / squares of pasta 2 potatoes 1 carrot 1 tomato 1 pepper 1 tsp salt 1 tbsp ground paprika 2 eggs For the decoration 4 African marigolds 6 cherry tomatoes 6 black olives 12 spring onions

Serves 4 Takes 50 Minutes

Dice bacon and onion and sauté in a saucepan. Add pasta. Peel and cut potatoes into thin slices and add to the pasta. Fill up with just enough water to cover the potatoes and pasta. Season with salt. Add the finely chopped carrot, tomato and pepper and sprinkle with ground paprika. When done, add the eggs and mix well. The dish is ready when eggs turn white. TO MAKE LADYBUG Cut tomatoes in half and cut halves lengthwise up to the middle along the skin. Use olives to make the head and the dots. Serve ’slambuc’ with the flower, spring onions and ladybugs on top.



S i m b a ’s s p a g h e t t i f a c e 200 g spaghetti a pinch of salt 1 tbsp oil 100 g tomato sauce 1 tomato 2 slices cucumber 1 chilli pepper 2 olives 1 slice cheese

Serves 4 takes 30 minutes


Cook pasta in salty, oily water. Drain and mix with tomato sauce. Arrange pasta in a circle on a plate, leaving an empty space in the middle. Use cucumber slices for eyes with two olives on top. Put chilli pepper under eyes as nose and cut a slice of cheese to a mouth-shape. Use tomato for ears.


Hor tobágy But ter f ly

PLAIN SAVOURY PANCAKES 200 g flour 2 eggs 400 ml milk 1 tbsp oil pinch of salt FILLING 1 large onion, finely chopped 500 g ground meat 1-2 tbsp lard salt and pepper to taste 3 tsp Hungarian Paprika 30 g flour 100 ml sour cream 1/2 tomato, chopped 1/2 yellow pepper, chopped parsley FOR THE BUTTERFLY 1 carrot 1 cucumber 1 yellow bell pepper 1 red bell pepper 4 toothpicks

Serves 8 takes 100 minutes


Sauté the onions in lard until they are wilted, add meat, and stir until meat is white. Add some water, yellow pepper and tomato. Add the spices and cook covered for 40 minutes. Separate the meat from sauce and add flour and sour cream to the sauce. Boil it for 5 minutes stirring constantly. Mince the meat. MAKE PLAIN SAVOURY PANCAKES: Beat the eggs, milk and salt in a bowl. Add the flour slowly, stirring constantly. The mixture should not be lumpy. If a lighter mixture is preferred, substitute half of the milk with soda water. In this case, add the soda water slowly to the thick mixture, stirring constantly. Let the mixture stand for at least 30 minutes before frying the pancakes in oil. Fill the pancakes with minced meat and roll them up. Pour the sour cream sauce over the pancakes. FOR T HE BUTTERFLY: Cut carrot into a stick about a finger wide and 4 cm long. Cut out wings from bell peppers and use toothpicks to attach them to the carrot. Cut two small holes on the butterfly’s head. Carve antennae from cucumber and stick them into the holes.


Hatching chick s

10 eggs 1 tsp mustard 1 tbsp mayonnaise ½ tsp majoram salt a pinch of ground white pepper 20 black peppercorns 1 carrot

10 eggs takes 45 minutes

Hard-boil and peel eggs. Cut off top of eggs in a zigzag pattern and scoop out yolk. Season yolk with mustard, 1 tbsp mayonnaise, majoram, salt and pepper and mix well. Shape mixture into balls and put balls into eggs. Use peppercorns for eyes and a small piece of carrot for beak. Put cut off tops of eggs back on.



H e l l o Cu c u m b e r m a n 500 g mushrooms 3 tbsp oil 1 onion ½ tomato ½ pepper 1 garlic clove 1 tbsp ground paprika ½ tsp salt a pinch of pepper NOKEDLI 2 large eggs ½ tsp salt 1 glass water 300 g flour 1 cucumber 1 yellow bell pepper 1 sprig of thyme

Serves 4 takes 40 minutes

Chop onion into small cubes and sauté in oil. Add mashed garlic, ground paprika and 2 tablespoons of water. Cut the mushrooms into small pieces, scoop on top. Season with salt and cook under a lid for 10 minutes. Cut out mouth from tomato and put aside. Cut the tomato and pepper into small pieces. Add to the mushrooms, season with pepper and cook until done. Serve with ‘nokedli’ dumplings. ‘Nokedli’ dumplings: Boil a large pot of water and add salt. Mix eggs, flour and water while constantly stirring. Add only as much flour as necessary to give you a soft, sticky dough. Use a spaetzle maker and a spatula to drop dough into the boiling water, in two batches. The dumplings are done when they float to the top. Remove dumplings from water with a large slotted spoon, put in a bowl and drizzle with 1 teaspoon of oil. Cut cucumber in half. Cut off a one-centimetre-long piece from the upper end. Peel off skin downward in thin stripes to one-third of the cucumber. Use cloves for eyes and nose and tomato for mouth. Use the end of the bell pepper for hat. Optionally, stick a sprig of thyme into it.



Sleeping Bear 1 onion 500 g ground pork leg 1-2 rolls (or 1-2 slices of white bread) 2 eggs 1 tsp salt a pinch of pepper ½ tsp ground paprika 2 garlic clove 100 g breadcrumbs oil 150 g cooked rice 9 slices cheese 24 heart or other shaped cake decorations 24 whole peppers

For 8 bears takes 60 minutes

Chop onion into small cubes and sauté in 2 tablespoons of oil. Soak the rolls in water and then squeeze them out. Add the onion, the eggs and the rolls to the ground pork. Season with salt, pepper, mashed garlic and ground paprika. Blend the mixture well. Wet your hands and shape the mixture into walnutsized balls. Roll the balls in breadcrumbs, and then fry them until brown. Spread cooked rice on a plate and place the Teddy bear’s head at one end. Put a slice of cheese directly under the head and put the paws on it near the Teddy bear’s head. Arrange cake decorations on cheese. Cut one slice of cheese into 24 circles to be used as eyes and nose. Arrange these in the bear’s face and put the peppercorns in the middle.



S p i ke y

Po t a t o h e d g e h o g 2 potatoes a lettuce leaf 2 cloves 1 peppercorn 1 blueberry 2 tbsp milk 1 tbsp butter

1 hedgehog takes 50 minutes

Cook potatoes, skin on, until tender. Peel potatoes. Mash one potato with a fork. Add butter and milk and mix well. Use mashed potato to make a nose on the whole potato. Use cloves for eyes and peppercorn for nose and put hedgehog on lettuce leaves. Put rest of mashed potato in an icing bag to shape the hedgehog’s spines. Put blueberry on top.



B ir th day b urg e r 1 onion 500 g ground pork leg 1-2 rolls (or 1-2 slices of white bread) 2 eggs 1 tsp salt a pinch of pepper ½ tsp ground paprika 2 garlic cloves 100 g breadcrumbs oil 2 carrots 200 g cherry tomatoes 1 lettuce leaf 1 yellow bell pepper 500 g potato puree

Serves 4 takes 60 minutes

Chop onion into small cubes and sautĂŠ in 2 tablespoons of oil. Soak the rolls in water and then squeeze them out. Add the onion, the eggs and the rolls to the ground pork. Season with salt, pepper, mashed garlic and ground paprika. Blend the mixture well. Wet your hands and shape the mixture into 1 cm thick discs. Roll them in breadcrumbs, and then fry them until brown. Put a meat cake on lettuce leaves. Shape a cake of potato puree of the same size and put it on top. Continue alternating layers. Decorate top with carrot candles. Cut out a number figure from bell pepper equalling the number of candles and put it in the middle. Put cherry tomatoes around the base.



G i r a f f e co o k i e 100 g puff pastry chocolate 1 egg yolk 1 tbsp sugar green cake sprinkles

Roll out dough and cut with a giraffe-shaped biscuit cutter. Mix yolk with sugar.

Serves 10 takes 45 minutes

Melt chocolate and use a brush to put spots on giraffes.

And Brush Giraffes With It. Bake giraffe shapes in oven preheated to 180ยบC.

Sprinkle around with green cake sprinkles and serve.



X m a s Fr u i t t r e e

1 kiwi 1 pineapple 7 strawberries 100 g blueberries 1 bunch each of white and red grapes 1 box of toothpicks

Serves 1 Takes 20 Minutes


Cut pineapple into a cone shape and put it in the middle of a plate. Slice up kiwi, pluck grapes and carve cut-off pieces of pineapple into star shape. Stick toothpicks into each piece of fruit and stick them into pineapple cone. Make sure toothpicks can’t be seen. Put star-shaped pineapple piece on top of tree.


Smiley pudding 400 g long grain rice 1 litre milk 20 g cinnamon powder 100 g sugar Raisins FOR THE DECORATION 10 strawberries ground cinnamon

Serves 4 takes 28 minutes


Pour the milk into a pan and bring to a boil, add the rice, sugar, raisins, and stir steadily until the rice softens and reaches a pudding-like consistency. It takes about 20 minutes. Put milk rice pudding into a bowl and decorate the rim with thin slices of strawberry. Use cinnamon to draw the eyes and mouth.


St r aw b e r r y S a n t a

3 large strawberries 3 meringues Chocolate chips (dark and white chocolate)

3 Santas takes 10 minutes


Cut off top 1/3 of strawberry. Put meringue on lower piece. Use chocolate chips for nose and eyes. Put upper part of strawberry back on and stick a piece of white chocolate into the top.


Craz y Doughnut doodles

½ kg peaches 50 g flour 100 ml oil and 100 g butter 3 tbsp sugar for the wine batter 2 eggs 200 ml white wine 100 g flour 1 tbsp oil a pinch of salt Decoration 1 plum 1 tangerine 4 blueberries 4 white chocolate balls 1 cape gooseberry

Serves 6 takes 25 minutes

The preparation of the wine batter is similar to the crepe batter, but this batter is a bit thicker. Separate egg whites and yolks. Mix the yolks with the wine, the sugar and the salt. Then slowly add the flour, stirring continuously. Beat the egg whites until stiff and fold into the batter. Finally, add 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and stir in. Peel peaches and remove pits through a small hole. Speared on a fork, coat peaches in flour, dip in the thick batter and fry in hot oily butter. The shortening should be about a finger’s width deep. Drain oil from peaches with slotted spoon. Use blueberry and chocolate balls to make the eyes. Cut out mouth, tongue and cap from plum. Use cape gooseberry for a bobble. Use a slice of tangerine for the crown.



Pi n e t r e e s t a c k s

200 g Danish pastry green cake sprinkles icing sugar

10 trees takes 50 minutes

Cut star-shaped forms of three different sizes from dough. Bake in an oven pre-heated to 180Cยบ until golden brown. Sprinkle icing sugar on a plate. Put largest stars on the plate and put remaining stars on top in decreasing order of size. Finally, sprinkle with green cake sprinkles.



Milky Honey bunny


200 g semolina 1 liter milk 1/2 tsp cinnamon powder 4 tbsp sugar mnt leaves blueberries chocolate bunny

Serves 3-4 takes 15 minutes


Pour the milk into a pan and bring to a boil, add the semolina and stir steadily until it reaches a pudding-like consistency. Add sugar, according to one’s taste. Pour pudding into a bowl. Put mint leaves in the middle and sit chocolate bunny on them and decorate with blueberries.


István Hajni before he lost his innocence Published by CasteloArt Ltd.

Designed and edited by

Bear Books Publishing,

Text copyright © Ildikó Kolozsvári

István Hajni

Photographs copyright © István Hajni

ISBN 978-615-5148-26-2

Food styling: Ildikó Kolozsvári

Printed in Italy

István Hajni would like to thank the following

All rights reserved. No Parts of this

who have helped directly in making this book:

publication may be reproduced in any form

Ottó István Hajni (my Dad), Chris Tutunzis,

without the prior written consent of the

Goran Milosevic, Danie van der Merwe


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