letter from the Dear reader,
I created this issue, “Unearthed,” with a driver of linguistic purpose. The mainstream way of thinking about food consumerism often dominates our conversations around everything, from a family recipe to the dinner menu at an upscale restaurant. Because each of us appreciates a variety of foods in our daily diets, we are not always cognizant of those around us who make additional modifications each day to ensure an optimal experience for their health and wellbeing. Cutting out dairy products may be an allergy choice, but others may find an ethical dilemma in a similar scenario.
No matter the decision or restrictions one may face when cooking time comes around, we aim to provide everyone with much-needed recipes and guidance when thinking creatively about food consumption. “Unearthed” celebrates the diversity of the eater. As we bring up additional truths from the soil of cuisine understanding, the entire Cardinal Eats team hopes you enjoy growing with us on topics around sustainability, food sourcing in Ames and fun ways to rethink your ingredients. Food access and security will always be a priority as we curate recipes and other content to fit students’ lives. Thank you to our committee and executive members for their ongoing dedication and talent, our adviser, Sherry Berghefer, for her fantastic ideas and wit—and you, for taking the time to support student journalism. None of what we contribute matters without the willingness of an open mind to appreciate and aim to learn from our contributions. Thank you. Happy eating all, and pull up a seat for an exceptional read,