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1 Find eight words in the wordsearch to complete the compound adjectives.

O R A T H U L Y I R C S P A T H R E E Q E O P P E K E C T R U A P A E P O L I U T T H W K L M I D Y D H E A E I L N E W E L D M R T N N C S P E Z R L D L G S P I R I T E D E L 1 __ __ __ __-minded 2 __ __ __ __-working 3 __ __ __ __ __ __-breaking

E W I N M R E C O R D 4 __ __ __ __ __-hour 5 high-__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 6 English-__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 7 __ __ __ __ __ __ -aged 8 __ __ __ __ -known

2 Complete the dialogue with the correct Present Perfect or Past Simple form of the verbs in brackets.

A: __________________________ (you / ever / taste) nasi goreng? B: Oh yes! I __________________________ (eat) nasi goreng at least ten times so far. A: When __________________________ (you / eat) it for the fi rst time? B: I fi rst ______________________ (try) it on my parents’ wedding anniversary a few months ago.

They _________________________ (invite) family and friends to an Indonesian restaurant. A: __________________________ (you / like) it? B: Absolutely! Actually, it __________________________ (be) so good that we __________________________ (become) their regular customers since then.

3 Complete the text with the correct Past Simple or Past Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

Last night, a murder __________________________(happen) in my apartment building around 8 p.m. A detective __________________________ (arrive) at the crime scene an hour ago. He __________________________ (ask) me a few questions.

‘What __________________________ (you / do) at 8 last night?’

‘I __________________________ (watch) a film on Netfl ix.’

‘ _________________________ (you / be) alone?’

‘Yes, I __________________________(be).’

‘ _________________________ (hear / you) anything suspicious?’

‘Yes, some time before 8 I heard that two people __________________________ (argue) next door. But the fi lm __________________________(be) so exciting that I __________________________ (turn on) the volume and __________________________ (continue) watching it. I didn’t hear anything else.’

4 Circle the correct option.

My sister is my role model. She paints beautiful / beautifully. She is a good / well singer. She plays the guitar very good / well. She always studies hard / hardly for her exams. She is never late / lately.

Above all she is full of understanding and very kind / kindly to other people. She never feels bad / badly of anyone. I really admire her and I am happy / happily that she is my sister.

5 Complete the sentences by using the correct form of the words in brackets.

Buddhism is a ____________________ (religious) with millions of followers known as Buddhists. The Dalai Lamas are the ____________________ (spirit) leaders of the Tibetan people and the head monks of Tibetan Buddhism. They are known for their ____________________ (kind), ____________________ (non-violent) and their belief in peace, love and understanding. Lama is an ____________________ (honour) title for a spiritual leader in Tibetan Buddhism. Tenzin Gyatso, His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama has written ____________________ (number) books about Buddhism.

6 Cross out the incorrect option. Both options are possible in some sentences. entences.

When I was little I used to / would live in a small town, but when my father y father got a new job we had to move to a big city. Back then I used to / would spend pend a lot of time in a beautiful park where my parents used to / would take my my sister Sarah and me every day. We would / used to swing, ride the see-saw, w, ride a bike, play hopscotch and play hide-and-seek there. Unfortunately, y, our park is no longer there. The city turned it into a shopping centre. We e would / used to have a dog called Timmy. Sarah and I used to / would d walk Timmy in the park every day and it used to / would always bark k at cats and chase them. It was so funny! In those days I used to / would ld walk to school but today I go to school by bus. I remember that I wouldn’t n’t / didn’t use to like vegetables, but now they’re my favourite food. I used to / d to / would like punk, but now I listen to reggae. My family would / used to often go ften go on a picnic at weekends but now we never do. A lot has changed since I was a child. was a child.

7 Complete the questions for the given answers. Pay attention to the italicized prepositions.

1 Hindu people celebrate Diwali with firecrackers and candles. What _________________________________________________________________________ ? 2 The Guy is made of old clothes filled with newspaper. What _________________________________________________________________________ ? 3 The monkeys of Lopburi are fed by local residents. Who _________________________________________________________________________ ? 4 Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November. What day of the week ___________________________________________________________ ?

8 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form, gerund or infi nitive.

My dad has promised _________________ (buy) a new laptop for my sister. It’s quite expensive, but he doesn’t mind _________________ (give) a lot of money for it. We have agreed _________________ (keep) it a secret because we want _________________ (surprise) her. I can’t help _________________ (think) about my sister’s reaction when she sees her present. I enjoy _________________ (make) people happy, especially the members of my family. I look forward to _________________ (go) shopping with my dad. We always stop _________________ (eat) something or _________________ (have) a drink at my favourite restaurant when we’ve done shopping. I want _________________ (bring) a smile to my mum’s face, too. I’ve managed _________________ (persuade) my dad to throw her an unforgettable birthday party. He can hardly refuse _________________ (do) anything I ask. He’s the best Dad ever!

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