15 minute read


Lead-in Lead-in

1 Write questions for the underlined words. 1






_______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ? Ten athletic events form a decathlon.

_____________________________________________________________ ? _ __ ? The word ‘love’ is used in tennis.

___________________________________________________________________ ? ______ _ ___ ? Polo is played on horseback. ________________________________________________________________ ? ? You run and jump as far as possible onto a sandpit in the sport called long jump. ________________________________________________________________ ? ? London hosts the Wimbledon Tennis Championships. _____________________________________________________________ ? _ __ ? England invented baseball.


__________________________________________________________ ? There are six players in an ice hockey team.


1 Complete the sentences with the opposites of the adjectives in CAPITALS.

Use the prefi xes un-, ir-, im-, in-, dis-, il-.

1 He is still an ________________________ climber, but he is a quick learner. 2 My sister is an __________________________ skater. Look at her! 3 It is __________________________ what gymnasts can do with their bodies! 4 Suddenly, I felt an __________________________ urge to run and jump. 5 They were climbing into the __________________________ but they weren’t scared. 6 I thought it was mission __________________________ but I succeeded. 7 Martin felt quite __________________________ after hitting his head. 8 Zoe kept on trying even though she was ________________________ at fi rst. 9 Some substances are considered dangerous and __________________________ in sport. 10 Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay achieved the __________________________. They reached the roof of the world.





2 Complete the sentences with the correct preposition. Use with, to or of.f.

1 Hillary and Tenzing made it ____________ the top on May 29th, 1953. 2 We had to return ____________ the base camp because it was getting dark. ark. 3 Our team consists ____________ the best players in the country. 4 I had trouble ____________ disorientation and dizziness. 5 Connor devoted much of his time ____________ becoming fi t and strong again. 6 The Queen awarded them ____________ the Coronation Medal. 7 On her way ____________ the top Helen experienced a lot of problems. . 8 Caitlin didn’t want the rest ____________ the world to know about her health problems. 9 Mountaineers sometimes have to deal ____________ problems that go along along with ‘mountain sickness’.

3 Replace the phrases in bold with the correct ones in the box.

set foot on paved the way with fl ying colours paid her respects to felt the urge

1 They have completed the task very successfully ________________________________ . 2 We felt a strong need ________________________________ to go further and higher. 3 Nobody before them went to _______________________________ this mountain top. 4 Hillary and Tenzing prepared the way ________________________________ for other climbers to try to reach Mt. Everest. 5 Queen Elizabeth II showed her appreciation to ________________________________ Edmund

Hillary by making him a knight.

4 Order the words to make sentences.

1 in ▪ Mount Everest ▪ mountain ▪ is ▪ highest ▪ the world’s ▪ the Himalayas _______________________________________________________________________________ . 2 tried to ▪ climbers ▪ Two ▪ to the top ▪ make it ▪ of ▪ pairs _______________________________________________________________________________ . 3 reached ▪ unbelievable ▪ News of their ▪ quickly ▪ triumph ▪ Britain _______________________________________________________________________________ . 4 awarded ▪ Medal ▪ Queen ▪ the team ▪ with ▪ the Coronation ▪ Elizabeth II _______________________________________________________________________________ . 5 the Sherpa people ▪ to helping ▪ much of ▪ his life ▪ devoted ▪ Edmund Hillary _______________________________________________________________________________ .

Grammar Reported Speech > Statements

1 Report the following statements.

1 ‘Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay were the first men to set foot onto the summit of Mount Everest.’ They say _______________________________________________________________________ . 2 ‘Mount Everest in the Himalayas is about 8,850 m above sea level.’

Our geography teacher says ________________________________________________________ . 3 ‘Mountain sickness is the biggest problem for climbers.’

Sherpa guide says _______________________________________________________________ . 4 ‘Queen Elizabeth II awarded the whole mountaineering team with the Coronation Medal.’

Our history teacher says __________________________________________________________ . 5 ‘Edmund Hillary devoted much of his life to helping the Sherpa people of Nepal.’

The journalist says _______________________________________________________________ .

2 Look at the pictures of sportspeople. Rewrite what they say in the reported speech.h.

I drink almost a litre of water after my training. I am going to the gym and I’ll be back in an hour.


Joe says


Helen says


I have finished my Zumba class and I feel great.

Nicole says


Zak says I sprained my ankle at football practice yesterday.

3 Read what Nicole says about her Zumba classes. Report her words.

‘I’ve started going to Zumba classes and I love it! It is a Latin-style dance class combined with hip hop or some other dances like belly dancing or fl amenco. Zumba is for people of all ages, shapes and sizes. Anyone who can stand up and dance is welcome to attend the classes. Most of the time it really doesn't feel like you're working out at all. It seems like a great party.’

Nicole says _____________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ .

Vocabulary and Listening

1 Circle the correct option.

1 Can you ____________________ me your snowboarding goggles, Jack? ? a) lend b) borrow c) acquire d) let 2 Would you mind ____________________ me some tips? a) give b) to give c) to giving d) giving 3 He ____________________ me if I had a pair of snow overalls. a) told b) said c) asked d) requested 4 Always try ____________________ on your front leg, not your rear. a) lean b) to lean c) to leaning d) leaning 5 I’ll keep your advice ____________________ mind. a) on b) in c) at d) of 6 ____________________ all, don’t give up! a) In b) For c) At d) Above



Listen and write the words from the box in the correct column.

weight pneumonia climber ballet receipt half calm half calm might plumber could known government knight lamb high written hymn doubt autumn buffet wrong listen psychology knife answer right knee column two cupboard often talk

silent ‘b’ silent ‘k’ silent ‘l’ silent ‘n’ silent ‘p’ silent ‘t’ silent ‘w’ silent ‘gh’


2.10 Listen to the defi nition of board sports and complete it. Then circle the le the

words with silent letters.

Board sports are sports that use a board as their main ___________________ . _ ___ . These sports might be played on different terrains like ___________________, _ __, hills covered with snow, in air or water. Most board sports are also known as as ___________________ sports or extreme sports. Without doubt that is the e reason why ___________________ people love them and talk about them. . The ultimate ___________________ behind board sports is the ports is the ‘natural high’ that all young people often look for.


Grammar Reported Speech > Imperatives and Questions

1 Read the following pieces of advice from an experienced mountaineer. Rewrite the imperatives in the reported speech.

1 ‘Take time to plan and prepare for your climb.’ He tells us _____________________________________________________________________ . 2 ‘Invest in a good pair of mountaineering boots.’

He advises us ___________________________________________________________________ . 3 ‘Carry plenty of high energy food and water.’ He advises us ___________________________________________________________________ . 4 ‘Get a local weather forecast before embarking on a mountaineering trip.’

He told us ______________________________________________________________________ . 5 ‘Don’t move far from your ascent route. ‘

He told us ______________________________________________________________________ . 6 ‘Don’t forget to carry a lightweight emergency shelter.’

He advised us ___________________________________________________________________ .

2 Circle T (true) or F (false) for the statements below.

1 The word order in reported questions is the same as in original questions. 2 We don’t change the verb tense when we use the reporting verb in the present tense. 3 We don’t change the verb tense when we use the reporting verb in the past tense. 4 There isn’t a question mark in reported questions. 5 When we report questions with question words we don’t use the question word from the original question. 6 When we report questions without question words we add if or whether.



3 Match the direct with reported questions.estions.

1 Which sport do you practise? 2 Which sport are you practising? 3 Which sport did you practise? 4 Which sport are you going to practise? 5 Which sport will you practise? a) She wants to know which sport I practised. b) She wants to know which sport I am going to practise. c) She wants to know which sport I will practice. d) She wants to know which sport I am practising. e) She wants to know which sport I practise.

4 Steve is a successful basketball player. Here is a list of questions ons that Steve has to answer for his school magazine.

Report the questions on the lines provided.

1 ‘Why did you decide to play basketball?’ They want to know _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ 2 ‘How long have you played basketball?’ They ask me _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ 3 ‘Are you a captain of your team?’ They want to know _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ 4 ‘Have you ever received any medals?’ They ask me _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ 5 ‘Which athlete do you look up to?’ They want to know _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ 6 Does anybody in your family play basketball?’ They ask me _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ 7 ‘What food or drinks help you stay energized for the game?’

They want to know _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ 8 ‘What are your plans for the future?’ They ask me _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________

5 Who is Steve talking to? Match his questions 1–5 to the people a–e. Then report Steve’s questions.

1 ‘What time does the practice start?’ 2 ‘How many vitamin tablets do I have to take a day?’ 3 ‘Can you give me some money for a new pair of trainers?’ 4 ‘Do you have this model in size 9?’ 5 ‘When are we doing the interview?’ a) shop assistant b) journalist c) his doctor d) his dad e) his coach

► Steve asks the shop assistant _______________________________________________________ . ► He asks the journalist _____________________________________________________________ . ► He asks his dad _________________________________________________________________ . ► He asks his coach ________________________________________________________________ . ► He asks his doctor _______________________________________________________________ .

Across Cultures A

1 Read about another unusual sport. Fill in the gaps with the words in the box. They all start with the letter ‘b’.

before ball bodies burning barefoot burns boarding brave

Fireball soccer or Sepak Bola Api is a sport which represents a test of courage for _______________________ school students on the Indonesian island of Java. These _______________________ young men brought soccer to a whole new level. It seems like playing soccer _______________________ with a hard coconut is not challenging enough for them so they additionally set the coconut on fi re. The _______________________ is actually a dry coconut shell soaked in kerosene. Players perform a number of rituals _______________________ the tournament. They prepare themselves for the match by fasting for 21 days and saying prayers. They also cover their _______________________ with a mixture of herbs and salt to prevent _______________________ as they literally ’play with fi re.’ Just imagine dribbling such a ball without spikes! Easier said than done! Two teams of fi ve skillful and courageous players will certainly put on a 60-minute fi ery evening show. In short, _______________________ hot!

2 Complete the sentences with the words or phrases in the box.

in the meantime constantly fusion particularly in every sense of the word similar to pastime give it a try

1 Last night’s match was a spectacle ______________________________________ . 2 Underwater hockey is a great fun. You should ______________________________________ . 3 Teddy’s favourite ______________________________________ is playing chess. 4 I gained some weight ______________________________________, so I decided to take up a sport. 5 Nancy ______________________________________ shifts from one activity to the other. She can’t sit still. 6 I like sports, ______________________________________ water sports. 7 Enki Bilal’s ______________________________________ of chess and boxing has become an interesting new sport. 8 The rules are ______________________________________ those in water polo.

3 Fill in the gaps to complete the collective nouns. The fi rst letter is given.

a c _____________ of people, a h _____________ of rubbish, a s _____________ of fi sh a t _____________ of players, a b _____________ of fl owers, a f _____________ of birds a b _____________ of musicians, a p_____________ of cards, an a _____________ of ants

4 Complete the text with a suitable relative pronoun.

Brockworth is a village near Gloucester ___________ the Cooper’s Hill Cheese-Rolling & Wake takes place every spring. Participants ___________ come from all over the world give their best to catch a wheel of cheese. The cheese reaches speeds up to 70 mph ___________ can be very dangerous. The organisers ___________ aim was the safety of the participants and spectators replaced the cheese with a foam replica in 2013. The person ___________ reaches the bottom of the hill first wins the cheese. How strange is that?

Writing An Informal Email

1 Write an informal email to a friend about your favourite sport.

Read the model email in the student’s book, p. 70 and the writing guide to help you.

Writing guide 2 Complete the paragraph plan. Use the phrases in the box.

Greeting Main paragraph Opening paragraph Signature Concluding paragraph

_________________________ or nickname Hi, Hey or Dear + person’s fi rst name

_________________________ > Express your thanks, refer to the previous correspondence and mention the topic of your writing. The opening sentences should be casual and in a friendly manner. Sorry for not being in touch for so long. / How’s life? / How are things? / Any news? / You asked me to write about ... _________________________ > Continue using friendly and relaxed language since you know the person you are writing to. Make a funny comment. Make sure to use connectives to help your letter fl ow. Firstly, ... / Secondly, ... /

Thirdly, ... / Moreover, ... / Finally, ... / Last but not the least ... _________________________ > Do not end the letter suddenly. Sign off and invite your friend to respond to your email. Don’t forget to write. / Write soon. / I can’t wait to hear from you. How you sign off depends on how you feel about the person you are writing to. Love,... / Yours truly, ... / Best wishes, ... / Best regards, ... _________________________ _________________________ > Sign your name or nickname g y

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