15 minute read


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Lead-in Lead-in

1 Complete the crossword and fi nd the mystery idiom.

1 an animal and a country in Eurasia 2 the capital of Italy 3 a waterproof jacket with a hood worn in wet and cold weather 4 the capital of Austria 5 a country where you can see the pyramids and the Sphinx 6 the Americans call it a ‘truck’ 7 the underground train system in London 8 a garden vegetable, its green leaves are often 7 used in salads 8 9 a country in South America; the capital 9 is Buenos Aires

2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6

6 7 8 5



1 Match sentence halves 1–6 with a–f.

1 Ancient Greek and Roman empires 2 All major religions at the time 3 Grand Tour took young, wealthy travellers 4 An Englishman who greatly infl uenced 5 Airplanes made it possible to reach 6 They are going to be the fi rst tourists a) encouraged their followers to go on pilgrimages. b) were the cradle of leisure travel. c) any destination in 48 hours at most, at an affordable price. d) to travel into space for pleasure. e) across Europe to broaden their education. f) further development of tourism was

Thomas Cook.

2 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

trip (x2) journey (x2) tour travel voyage

1 A ________________ is usually one-way. 2 A ________________ includes going somewhere and back. 3 We can say round-the-world ________________ . 4 ________________ is the most general of all travel words. 5 A ________________ is often in a vehicle. 6 A ________________ is a long journey by sea or in space. 7 A ________________ is usually guided.

3 Make nouns from the adjectives given in CAPITALS. Then complete the sentences.

1 Space travel is a _______________ in tourism. NEW 2 He went on that business trip out of _______________, not because he wanted to. NECESSARY 3 I enjoy the _______________ of air travel. COMFORTABLE 4 Commercial space flights will probably become a _______________ one day. REAL 5 A backpacking tour is quite an _______________ ! ADVENTUROUS 6 The best way to find out about other people’s customs and _______________ is to travel round the world. CULTURAL

4 Fill in the gaps with the words in the box. There is one extra word.

destination resort tourism leisure pilgrimage passengers

Last year my friend Lewis went on a ________________ to Jerusalem. The Holy Land Tour lasted for ten days. He visited a lot of great historic and archaeological places. He didn’t have much ________________ time, just one day to relax and go shopping. He says that Jerusalem is not a popular ________________ only for religious people. Those who like delicious food and nightlife also come to this incredible modern city. Next month he is planning to board the Royal Scotsman train. He wants to explore Scotland’s castles and enjoy the beautiful countryside. He says that ________________ can rent a kilt during the journey. That will probably be great fun.

After Scotland he is going to a popular beach ________________ in Spain. What an incredible holiday!

5 Answer the questions about the text in exercise 4.

1 Why did Lewis go to Jerusalem? _______________________________________________________________________________ . 2 What is there to see in Jerusalem? _______________________________________________________________________________ . 3 What do non-religious people like about Jerusalem? _______________________________________________________________________________ . 4 How much leisure time did Lewis have on the Holy Land Tour? _______________________________________________________________________________ . 5 Why is Lewis planning to board the Royal Scotsman train? _______________________________________________________________________________ . 6 What are his plans after visiting Scotland? _______________________________________________________________________________ .

Grammar Will vs. Be Going To

1 Write what you would do in the following situations. Use will to express spontaneous decisions.

Use the appropriate verb from the box.

lend help buy have open

1 You are meeting your cousin at the airport. He is carrying a lot of luggage. _______________________________________________________________________________ . 2 You and your parents enter the hotel room. The window is closed and it is very hot in there. _______________________________________________________________________________ . 3 Your friend Lucy has to phone her parents but her phone has gone dead. _______________________________________________________________________________ . 4 You are at a restaurant and you don’t eat meat. You only eat grilled vegetables. _______________________________________________________________________________ . 5 You are in Rome and you come across a souvenir shop. You want to surprise your parents. _______________________________________________________________________________ .

2 Write what you would say in the following situations. Use be going to to express plans, intentions or predictions based on the information you have. Use the appropriate verb from the box.

fall down snow travel not stop be sick

1 It’s freezing cold. _______________________________________________________________________________ . 2 You see a cyclist losing control over his bike. _______________________________________________________________________________ . 3 You’re on a plane and you feel strong turbulence. _______________________________________________________________________________ . 4 My sister is getting married in March. She’s planning to have her honeymoon in Hawaii. _______________________________________________________________________________ . 5 You are waiting for a bus and you see one. It is moving very fast. _______________________________________________________________________________ .

3 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets.

Use will or be going to to express the future.

1 My sister wants to go skiing in February. That’s why she ______________________________ (start) saving money. 2 Madam, your bag is quite heavy.

I ______________________________ (help) you with it. 3 There is a customer at the reception desk.

I ____________________________ (see) to him. 4 My brother ______________________________ (travel) the world when he fi nishes college. 5 I expect everything __________________________ (be) all right at the border crossing.

Vocabulary and Listening

1 Fill in the gaps with the prepositions in the box.

for in off about with

1 see someone _________ 2 come _________ a visit 3 get excited _________ 4 be _________ touch with 5 That’s fi ne _________ me.

2 Circle the correct word.

1 I’m getting really excited / interested about my trip. 2 Would you like to see me of / off? 3 Have you already brought / packed? 4 My cousin is coming for / to a visit. 5 Let me / I think. 6 That’s fine / well with me.



Listen and write the words from the box in the correct column.

sorry are day visit hope travel street can’t dreadful trip no wait afternoon shop we’ll pack meet plan so off will better later Barcelona then that see this well make problem whole

/ɪ/ /і:/ /ɒ/ /әʊ/ /e/ /eɪ/ /ᴂ/ /ɑ:/

4 Put the sentences from the dialogue in the correct order.


Then listen and check.

Josh: Have you already packed? David: Hi. I’ve got some great news. I’m going to Rome. I’m really excited about it. Josh: No problem. When should I come to pick you up? David: I’m leaving on Friday. My plane leaves at 12 a.m. Josh: Hi! What’s up? David: See you. Bye. Josh: That’s great. See you on Friday then. David: Well, almost. I’ve got to buy a few more things. Josh: Would you like me to drive you to the airport? David: That would be great. You’re a real friend. Thanks. Josh: Who is taking you to the airport? David: You can come around 9. I’ll buy a pizza so we can have breakfast before we go. Josh: That’s great! When are you leaving? David: No one. I’m going to take a taxi.


Grammar Future Forms

1 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use will or or be going to to express the future.

1 What cities ______________________________ (you / visit) in China?

2 I expect we ______________________________ (be) in London by 6. 3 Monica wants to learn French. That is why she ______________________________ (spend) her summer holiday in Paris. 4 I can hear the phone ringing. I ______________________________ (answer) it. 5 I hope we ______________________________ (not / be) late for our fl ight. 6 Who ______________________________ (your brother / travel) to Japan with? vel)toJapanwith?

2 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use will or the Present Continuous to express the future.

1 We ______________________________ (meet) Trevor later tonight at the café. the café.

He ______________________________ (leave) for Liverpool tomorrow. w. 2 Let’s leave a message for Mum. Otherwise she ______________________________ (not / know) where we have gone. . 3 One day people _____________ probably ________________ (travel) to the Moon and back on a daily basis. 4 Megan has set her alarm clock for 4 a.m. She ______________________________ (get up) very early. She has a plane to catch. 5 I think I ______________________________ (be) late for my fl ight. I really have to hurry up. 6 We ______________________________ (go) on a bus tour tomorrow at noon. at noon.

3 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Continuous or be going to to express the future.

1 Take your umbrella. It ______________________________ (rain). 2 When ______________________________ (Dad / come) from his business trip? At 6 o’clock. 3 We ______________________________ (leave) really early tomorrow, before 6. We ______________________________ (climb) Ben Nevis, remember? 4 I ______________________________ (not / go) anywhere tonight. I ______________________________ (write) some emails and then read about Italy. 5 Erik ______________________________ (miss) his train. It’s already 8:30. 0.

4 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or will to express the future.

1 The coach from York ______________________________ (leave) at 8 a.m. and ______________________________ (arrive) to London after 5 hours and 20 minutes.

2 Professor Owen is giving a lecture on new trends in tourism at 9. It ______________________________ (last) one hour.

3 I’d better hurry up to my hotel room before it ______________________________ (start) raining.

I ______________________________ (see) you later.

4 The documentary about famous landmarks ______________________________ (start) at 8:45 tonight. I believe it ______________________________ (be) very interesting. sting.

5 Hurry up! Our bus is leaving in just a few minutes. I’m sure they ______________________________ (not / wait) for us.

6 What ______________________________ (the weather / be like) tomorrow? I don’t know. I ______________________________ (check) the weather forecast on my phone.

5 Cross out the incorrect option.

1 Sorry, I will be able to / won’t be able to go with you tomorrow.

I have other plans. 2 My little sister can / will be able to swim in a few days. 3 She won’t be able to / can’t speak Spanish in a few weeks. It will take months. onths. 4 Audrey can’t / won’t be able to help you at the moment. She’s busy. 5 Paul will be able to / can drive in two months. He’s taking driving lessons. s. 6 Will you be able to / Can you hear me now? 7 Next year when I graduate I can / will be able to work as a tourist guide.

6 Circle the correct option.

1 How old ____________________ next year? a) are you b) you will be

c) will you be 2 How ____________________ Jason pay for his round-the-world trip? a) going to b) is c) will 3 ____________________ you be able to visit him next week? a) Are b) Will c) Can 4 Look at those black clouds! It ____________________ be a stormy evening! a) will b) is c) ‘s going to 5 I ‘m sure your brother ____________________ fine once he gets settled in New York. a) will be b) is going to be c) is 6 Look at the schedule, when _____ the next train _______ ? a) will / leave b) does / leave c) is / leaving 7 I believe people ____________________ life on some other planets in the Universe. a) will fi nd b) are fi nding c) are going to fi nd

Across Cultures A

1 Read the text and fi ll in the gaps with a, an, the or Ø.

My older sister Ashley spent almost _______ 1 year travelling around _______ 2 Europe. _______ 3 fi rst city she visited was _______ 4 Rome.

Next she travelled south to _______ 5 Sicily, _______ 6 largest island in _______ 7 Mediterranean. She said that _______ 8 Mount Etna, still _______ 9 active volcano, was _______ 10 most striking place on that beautiful island. Then she moved north and explored _______ 11 Alps in _______ 12 Italy and _______ 13 France. After that she spent some time in _______ 14 Paris where she loved the cruises on _______ 15 Seine. The river fl ows right through _______ 16 heart of this magnifi cent city. Then she travelled through _______ 17 Germany by _______ 18 train and visited quite _______ 19 few cities and towns. She loved _______ 20 Berlin, _______ 21

Dusseldorf and _______ 22 Munich. _______ 23 Netherlands was her next stop. She spent almost two months there touring _______ 24 Amsterdam, _______ 25 Rotterdam, _______ 26 Hague and _______ 27 Eindhoven. From _______ 28 Holland she took _______ 29 ferry back home, to _______ 30 UK. What _______ 31 amazing year! When I grow up I’ll do the same.

2 Circle the correct option.

1 His trip to Paris was really relaxing / relaxed. 2 I was completely stunning / stunned by the beauty of the Seychelles! 3 Travelling is more interesting / interested if you get to know the local culture. 4 We were shocking / shocked and amazing / amazed by the wilderness of Amazonia. 5 My best friend was really excited / exciting about a 5-day rafting tour. 6 It was both frightened / frightening and exciting / excited to see hippos and giant crocodiles on a canoeing safari along the Zambezi River.

3 Complete the sentences with the synonyms of the italicised nouns.

1 A must do walk / ___________________ is certainly the Tongariro Alpine Crossing. 2 Guests on cruise ships can enjoy different conveniences / ___________________ like swimming pools, slides, cinemas, theatres, restaurants and shops. 3 Following the Inca Path / ___________________ to Machu Picchu in Peru must be breathtaking! 4 Backpacking tours are for the adventurous excitement / ___________________ seekers. 5 If you go on an open vehicle safari, you will be able to see the ‘Big Five’ in their natural environment / ___________________ .

4 Circle the correct preposition of movement.

1 We were driving onto / towards the desert when we saw a snake. 2 The cruise along / through the Nile was amazing. 3 When we stepped onto / into the platform the train arrived. 4 Walking around / into the Kings Canyon rim in Australia can take about 3 hours. 5 Driving across / through huge herds of wildebeest and zebras was quite an adventure.

Writing A Travel Experience

1 Write a blog post about a trip. It can be about your summer or winter holiday, going to the countryside, etc. Stick some photos in the given frames. Use the writing guide to help you.

Read the model text in the student’s book, p. 82 and the writing guide to help you.

Writing guide

If you ever decide to write a blog post in cyberspace follow the steps below.

Step 1 Provide readers with accurate information so that you can teach your visitors about the locations you have visited. People like to read convincing stories so that they can connect to the place you are describing.

Step 2 Good stories need to have the introduction, the main information and the conclusion.

Step 3 Write simple, short sentences. Pay attention to punctuation and capital letters for proper nouns and at the beginning of the sentence.

Step 4 Include photos of the sites you mention to emphasize your story and draw readers into your blog.

Step 5 Engage with your readers if you want them to keep coming back.





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