4 minute read


Units 3&4 SELF CHECK 2

1 Complete the crossword and fi nd the mystery word.

1 a person with high intellectual powers 2 a person who introduces new ideas or products 3 become calm 4 refuse 5 a person who establishes a company with a partner / partners 6 prevent from harming you 6 7 stop doing something 8 a person who creates drawings or paintings 9 get yourself on your feet 9


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2 Fill in the gaps with a suitable modal verb for speculation in the present.

More than one option is possible in some sentences.

1 I’m pretty sure my brother will do well at the exam. He’s studied really hard. He __________________ pass. 2 Pete told me that Mary went to New York last night, but I saw her this morning here in London.

She __________________ be in New York. 3 Charlie’s dad gave him some money for his birthday. He’ll probably buy an iPhone. He __________________ buy it. 4 She will come to see us tomorrow but we do not know at what time exactly. She __________________ be here around noon. 5 Winston's dad __________________ be a great man. He has donated a lot of money to charity. 6 Steve Jobs __________________ be considered an artist. His computers and devices resemble works of art.

3 Choose a suitable past modal.

1 It’s impossible for me turn on my computer. I tried to last night but but

I could / couldn’t do it. 2 We didn’t have to / had to fi nish our essays during class. The teacher postponed it for next week. 3 Geraldine should have / shouldn’t have told all those horrible things to Anne. They are supposed to be good friends. 4 Ruby was able / wasn’t able to see anything from the back of the classroom yesterday. I guess she should check her eyesight. 5 Mark Zuckerberg could / couldn’t programme at the age of 12.

He created a chat service for his family called Zucknet. 6 Their children must / could have made a party last night. The house is quite a mess! 7 Emma can’t / may have passed the maths exam. She did practice ce yesterday. 8 I had to / didn’t have to go to bed early because I had to / didn’t have ’th to t wake up k before 6 the following morning.

4 Write a suitable refl exive pronoun.

1 He never controls ____________ . 2 They did it by ____________ . 3 I enjoyed ____________ at the party. 4 My wound healed ____________ quickly. 5 Can you finish it by ____________ ? 6 She cut ____________ on a piece of paper. 7 We blame ____________ for the mistake.

5 Write the given numbers in words.

a) 1.5 ____________________________ b) ¼ _____________________________ c) 1,000,000 ______________________ d) ½ _____________________________ e) 1,000,000,000 ___________________ f) 100,000 ________________________ g) 1,000 __________________________

6 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense to complete the conditional sentences.

1 If I ___________________ (be) you, I would eat more fi bre-rich foods. 2 I wouldn’t go on a diet if I ___________________ (not / put on) so much weight. 3 If you eat tomatoes, you ___________________ (cut down) bad cholesterol. 4 What would you do if you ___________________ (have) a sore throat and a fever? 5 I always go to the doctor’s if I ___________________ (feel) sick.

7 Complete each sentence with a suitable partitive. The fi rst letter is given.

1 There is a j_______________ of jam in the cupboard. Can you bring it to me? ? 2 That was quite a useful p_______________ of information. 3 You can eat a b _______________ of dark chocolate every day.

It is rich in minerals, such as iron, zinc and magnesium. 4 When you go to the supermarket please buy a b_______________ of carrots. 5 Don’t put too much salt into the soup, just a p_______________ of it.

8 Fill in the gaps with a suitable question tag.

A: Your sister has gone to a spa, _________________ ?

B: Yes, to Hershey’s Spa in the USA.

A: Lucky her! She is probably having a chocolate milk bath as we speak, _________________ ?

B: Yes. She is so delighted that she wants to go again in the spring.

A: You will go with her, _________________ ?

B: Absolutely not.

A: Why? It isn’t your idea of fun, _________________ ?

B: Definitely not. I’m more into a snake massage. You think that’s crazy, _________________ ?

A: I’ll just say I’m more into chocolate.

9 Circle the correct option.

It was my birthday two days ago. I took a few of my friends to this new Moroccan restaurant. The food looked incredibly / incredible. More importantly, it tasted fantastic / fantastically. I tasted some of the spices for the fi rst time in my life and they smelled perfect / perfectly. We had a great time, but we overate. We had to go home early because we felt very sleepy / sleepily after so much food. In the end, I must add that I looked prettily / pretty in my new purple dress!

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