Ivormatie magazine (December 2023-EN)

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MAKING AN IMPACT TOGETHER Ivormatie magazine - December 2023


Making an impact together: the theme of this issue of Ivormatie. Inspiring, but what does it mean? These words can be interpreted in different ways, depending on how you read them: 1.

Making an impact together. Collaborating on projects to achieve greater outcomes and celebrate successes. Everything is more fun together.


Making an impact together. Making a difference, creating change that makes the world a better place. Leaving a lasting mark for the next generation.


Making an impact together. Creating something, developing an idea into a physical reality. Plans are fine, but change requires much more.

But the real power of these words lies in the combination of making an impact together. Achieving something together that makes the world a better place. This is our ambition at Iv. This is what brings us happiness and pleasure in our work every day. Whether it concerns large projects for the global energy transition or a project to improve sustainability locally, there is a need everywhere for change that makes a difference, and that means new opportunities! This issue of Ivormatie contains a variety of wonderful projects that we at Iv have recently worked on or are currently working on. These are projects in which we closely collaborate with our colleagues, clients and partners. Projects that make a difference and help the world move forward. And projects that are more than just plans or studies but actually become a reality. Have fun reading this issue. Maarten van de Waal CEO


Volume 37, No. 2, December 2023 Editorial Staff Iv-Groep, Corporate Development & Marketing Ivormatie A publication of Iv-Groep b.v. Editorial Office Iv-Groep b.v. P.O. Box 1155 3350 CD Papendrecht The Netherlands marketing@iv-groep.nl www.iv-groep.com Unsubscribe Would you prefer to receive Ivormatie digitally? Or do you want to unsubscribe? Let us know via marketing@iv-groep.nl. Copyright © 2023 Iv-Groep. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part requires written permission.

CONTENT 6 Vertical expension as a solution to the housing shortage 10 The largest of its kind: 2 gigawatts in the North Sea 14 A unique position in submarine engineering 20 Green steel in a clean environment 28 From tip of the iceberg to complete solution 34 Dealing with climate uncertainties 40 A collective approach could improve the health of the water chain 44 Groundbreaking lifting technology accelerates energy transition



Burgmeester Feithplein in Voorburg Source: Normteq

Vertical expansion as a solution to the housing shortage The Netherlands aims to build no fewer than

found to build something new? The answer is almost

900,000 homes by 2030 to combat the growing

nowhere. And so, ‘vertical expansion’ of existing

housing shortage. An ambitious number that is

buildings is now seen as one of the solutions to realise

proving difficult to achieve in practice. However, to

more homes in urban areas. As a structural specialist,

reach more than 100,000 additional homes per year,

Iv is often involved in such projects because creating

one of the solutions is to extend existing buildings

a few extra storeys in itself is not complicated, but


carrying it out in a structurally safe, responsible and realistic way often is.

The idea of ‘vertical expansion’ is simple: place one or more storeys on top of an existing building, such as an office or apartment complex, to facilitate more

This is great fun if you like puzzles. Fortunately, we do.

people living on the same surface area. The only thing that changes – appearance-wise – is the height. This

An example is the Burgemeester Feithplein in

solution has already been applied to the post-war

Voorburg. Three additional levels have been built

‘Plattenbau’ building in Berlin.

on both office buildings - now homes. As a result, the buildings are no longer comprised of 17 but

The demand for housing remains high, especially

23 residential storeys. Iv investigated the feasibility

in urban areas. New construction projects are

and provided the structural design of the ‘vertical

often left on the shelf or even get as far as being

expansion plans’.

developed into final designs. But this does not mean that construction will actually take place. Money

Complicated puzzle

(increased construction and land costs) and the

Although it seems simple in theory to provide flat-

nitrogen crisis, which also affects the construction

roofed buildings with a few extra storeys, in practice,

sector, are the main reasons for this situation.

it is not so straightforward, says Rinske Daniëls-de Waard, Project Manager at Iv. “In terms of foundation

Safe, responsible and realistic

and supporting structure, a building is constructed in

One way or another, more additional homes need to

such a way that it can support the structure. Buildings

be created in the near future. The challenge is even

are not often designed to support additional storeys,

greater in cities because where can the space be

mostly due to cost. Often, one extra storey can be


built on top, but even then, it is a very complicated

In short, vertical expansion of buildings is not as simple

puzzle to evaluate how it can be done in a structurally

as it sounds. A lot of time is spent, especially in research

safe way.”

and calculations, and ultimately, something will always have to be adjusted in an existing building to support

Vertically expanding a building mainly affects the

the extra storeys.

stability and the wind load on a building. The higher a building, the more wind it will catch and the stronger the structure must be to absorb the load. Because of this, the work often does not end with the design of an additional storey but extends into various adjustments to the existing structure.

Politicians need to make choices. Rinske: “What is not preferable is to interfere with the foundation because that has a lot of impact and is very expensive. This is why we first conduct a feasibility study, which requires archive documents of the foundation and the stability system. Even when the foundation is suitable for vertical expansion, reinforcement measures to the rest of the building are almost always required. These are often concentrated in the core of a building, where the lifts, stairs and shafts are located. This is where the wind load is mainly absorbed. Adjustments to other parts, such as floor and wall openings or openings through load-bearing parapets, like the new balconies of the Burgemeester Feithplein, are also always necessary. As structural engineers, we provide input on how to link data and calculations. In contrast to new designs, you are making use of something that already exists, and you continue on that basis. That’s a lot of fun if you like puzzles. Fortunately, we do.”


Source: Normteq


It is also the ultimate opportunity for homeowners,

Besides vertical expansion, repurposing buildings

especially those living in an older building, to achieve

also contributes to solving the housing shortage. The

greater sustainability. Jeroen: “You can house more

Baumann Church in Overschie, Rotterdam, is an excellent

residents in the same building. Property owners are

example. This monumental post-war church has been

often united in an Owners’ Association (VvE), so the costs

transformed into a unique residential building. Iv was

related to installing solar panels or other sustainability

engaged in this transformation, from the feasibility

initiatives can be spread over more people, making

studies to supervising the implementation. Repurposing

sustainability cheaper on balance.”

is similar to vertical expansion in that it maximises existing buildings’ use to give more people a home.

No time for a wait-and-see attitude In summary, it seems clear: vertical expansion and

Making sustainability cheaper on balance.

repurposing buildings, as is often done in Berlin, appears to be a relatively simple and accessible way to create additional homes quickly without branching out to

An essential condition for building owners to be

rural areas. But it is not yet happening on a mass scale.

eligible for vertical expansion or repurposing is that the

As far as Jeroen is concerned, this is partly because the

documentation is optimally in order. Iv, therefore, begins

government has yet to chart a course to address the

with archival research. Particularly for buildings built

housing shortage and the role of nitrogen emissions in

from the 1980s onwards, all the necessary paperwork is

the construction sector. “As a result, a growing wait-and-

generally available, but we also have a lot of experience

see attitude can be observed within this market. And

with buildings from the 1950s-1960s or even earlier. So,

if anything is killing it, that’s it. Politicians need to make

there are potentially many opportunities in urban areas

choices. An additional 900,000 homes must be achieved

to accommodate more people.

by 2030. Last quarter, 15,000 permits were granted, which confirms the vacuum the construction world

More sustainable and cheaper

is in. So, something has to happen. Vertical expansion

According to Jeroen Pahud de Mortanges, Director of

and repurposing offer a solution. The potential is huge,

Iv-Bouw, being creative and clever with existing

and we will happily use our expertise to harness this

buildings is the way to combat the (inner-city) housing


crisis. “It’s useful in urbanised environments because

there is little space left. But on top of that, it’s cheaper than new construction and much more sustainable.”



The largest of its kind: 2 gigawatts in the North Sea Iv is designing the 2 gigawatt (GW) IJmuiden Ver Beta

For Iv, the design of this HVDC (Direct Current) platform

platform in the North Sea. This platform is the first in

is truly unique. Both in terms of capacity and in that

a series of 2GW platforms that Iv will design for the

IJmuiden Ver will significantly contribute to achieving

GE-Seatrium (GSC) consortium for TenneT. Iv recently

the Netherlands’ green energy targets. The national

signed a contract with Seatrium, the party with which

government has set the target of realising an installed

Iv is also currently working on the Sofia platform,

capacity of around 21 GW of offshore wind energy by

among other projects.

2030. This installed wind turbine capacity will be able to generate around 75 percent of the Netherlands’

Iv is responsible for the detailed engineering of the

total electricity demand. The Netherlands currently

offshore converter platform for both the topside and

has approximately 5 GW of offshore wind capacity. The

jacket and for supplying 50 percent of the equipment

series of 2GW platforms that TenneT will soon put into

and auxiliary systems.

operation will significantly contribute to this target. The network operator will provide many more network

New standard

connections in the period leading up to 2030, not only

Two gigawatts: the IJmuiden Ver Beta platform is

in the Netherlands but also in Germany.

currently the largest of its kind, and as such, the engineering thereof represents an extraordinary and significant step in the offshore energy transition. A wind farm with an installed capacity of 2 GW will deliver

The weight of almost 30,000 tonnes makes both the construction and the installation an extraordinary operation.

an amount of electricity equivalent to the annual consumption of 2 million households. The platform will

The transition to clean energy in Europe is an enormous

be built approximately 62 kilometres off the coast of

challenge. Europe has set itself the goal of becoming the

IJmuiden. With a capacity of 2 GW, the platform will set

world’s first climate-neutral continent by 2050.

a new standard within the energy transition and in the reduction of fossil fuel use.


Direct current

incorporated into the designs of the other thirteen

Iv has been working for some time on the design of the

platforms. Other engineering companies are also

2GW platform for TenneT. The platform will convert 66 kV

working on the 2GW platforms for TenneT, so there is

alternating current into 525 kV direct current, ensuring

a lot of cross-over communication via TenneT. Kunal:

that energy losses are minimised. As IJmuiden Ver Beta

“This is extremely challenging. It means we are not only

is the first in a series of platforms, its design immediately

working on this platform but also indirectly on the other

sets the standard for subsequent platforms in the GE-

thirteen. Every adjustment we make is shared with the

Seatrium and Iv portfolio. All will have a capacity of two

other parties and vice versa. This coordination is crucial.”

gigawatts and form part of TenneT’s ‘2GW program’. Kunal Chopra is Iv’s overall project manager. Nearly a hundred Iv employees are currently working on the project every day, and there will be even more by next spring. “This is the biggest platform we have ever worked on. It really is a unique project”, says Kunal. “It’s fantastic to be part of it.”

A major milestone will take place in September 2024: the first steel cut. It goes without saying that Iv is no stranger to designing offshore transformer platforms, but this one is different due to its capacity and associated weight of almost 30,000 tonnes. These factors make both the construction and the installation an extraordinary operation. ‘Standard design’ The design process is also unique and complex. TenneT works with a ‘standard design’ approach across the fourteen projects awarded to the various consortiums. This means that the design of the IJmuiden Ver Beta platform forms the standard for subsequent platforms. Anything that changes in the engineering has to be


Broadening the horizon

Alpha (800 MW/HVDC). Current projects such as Thor

As previously mentioned, 2GW sets a new standard

(1,060 MW/HVAC) and Sofia (1,320 MW/HVDC) are already

for offshore energy development. It is a level of power

significantly increasing capacity. IJmuiden Ver represents a

that seemed impossible a few decades ago because

clear and rapid development in offshore wind energy.

the associated wind turbines back then would never have been able to generate that much energy. Yet it is

Kunal is proud that Iv-Offshore & Energy can enhance its

happening now. Previous platforms Iv has worked on

track record further. Especially with a project like this. “The

include Borssele Alpha (700 MW/HVAC) and Dolwin

fact that we are working on this as a Dutch engineering company means that we, as Iv, can really claim a unique position in the world.”

This project will certainly put Iv on the map. Schedule According to the schedule, the design of the IJmuiden Ver Beta platform will be completed in January 2026. At the moment, about a quarter of the work has been completed. All disciplines have now begun: process, mechanical, structural (topside and jacket), layout, electrical, instrumentation, HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning), piping, technical safety and RAMS (Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety). “As a Project Manager, I have to liaise with many different

people and disciplines”, Kunal continues. “It’s a lot of fun and this project will certainly put Iv on the map.”


The Walrus class 14

A unique position in submarine engineering Submarines are of indispensable strategic importance

knowledge that is of enormous added value for the

to many countries in providing security at and from

realisation and upkeep of the new submarines”, says

the sea. They are deployed for vital missions, from

Bart. Over the past few years, Nevesbu has enhanced

gathering intelligence undercover to tracking down

this specialist submarine knowledge by recruiting

enemies and combating piracy and drug trafficking.

new, young and experienced people who have mainly

The success of submarines depends largely on

worked on submarines. This includes innovative studies,

technology; every detail must be correct.

such as the concept design of an all-electric submarine. Colleagues have also gained experience during projects,

The Netherlands is about to make an important

and master classes in submarine design have been

decision. In 2024, it is expected to be announced which

organised to learn all the principles of submarine design.

supplier will build the new generation of submarines

“Submarine technology is a niche market. Maintaining

for the Ministry of Defence. This new generation of

and expanding our knowledge in this area and

submarines will replace the current Walrus class, which

preparing our employees for the new submarines has

has been in service since the late 1980s. Nevesbu

been a key focus in recent years. But also to be able to

contributed to the design of the Walrus class submarines

say: ‘In the Netherlands, Nevesbu is the expert when it

in the 1970s and has been involved in every Dutch

comes to submarines.’ I’m convinced of that.”

submarine project since. “We have contributed to every generation of Dutch submarines”, says Bart van Rijssen,

Everything must be balanced.

Managing Director of Nevesbu. “As a result, we know the submarines inside and out, which appears to have

This in-depth knowledge comes from decades of

been of great added value in the upkeep of the Walrus

experience. Since it was established in 1935, Nevesbu

class. The naval shipyard regularly raises questions, and

has worked continuously on submarines for the

thanks to the knowledge we have accumulated over the

Dutch and foreign navies. In addition to the upkeep

past decades, we know exactly which specifications a

programme for the Walrus class, Nevesbu currently

solution must meet. Upkeep is part of our daily work.”

works on the construction, upkeep and modification of submarines in four other countries. But what exactly

Expanding our knowledge

does this specific knowledge entail, and how do we

The construction of the new fleet for the Dutch Ministry

apply it within projects?

of Defence is a dot on the horizon. “We have unique


Three areas of expertise

This extreme balance is a direct reflection of the

When it comes to the design and integration of

complexity of modifying submarines. Changing anything

submarines, the expertise at Nevesbu can be divided

on a submarine immediately affects the entire design.

into three areas: new construction, upkeep and

“For example, if you need to replace a periscope, it will

modification. Nevesbu is also regularly approached by

not be exactly the same size and weight as the one you

various other countries seeking advice on seaworthiness.

are replacing. So, the whole vessel must be continuously

Bart: “We provide advice to countries that are

examined when making a modification.”

considering buying new submarines or modifying existing vessels, and we help them evaluate the


proposed designs. I think it’s a great compliment to

The key question is: why is the design or the

Nevesbu that we have this authority. It says something

implementation of modifications to a submarine so

about how we are perceived in the business.”

precise? The answer is simple: a submarine must be silent. “That is one of the most important requirements:

A submarine has at least half a million components.

it must be undetectable. Otherwise, it cannot do its job”, Bart continues. “Everything has to be silent. That means high demands are placed on the equipment

A submarine’s most important design requirement is

and its integration. It must not emit any noise, it must

that everything must be balanced. More so than with

be shock-proof, and the skin of the submarine must

other types of vessels. The balance of heat, energy

not be in direct contact with the equipment; otherwise,

and space has to be perfect. “It’s very precise”, Bart

it will also emit noise.” Submarines are designed to

acknowledges. “It’s up to us to judge whether this

operate unassisted for long periods because otherwise,

balance truly exists. It’s very interesting work.”

they would be detectable. The design incorporates redundancy, meaning that system B will take over if

Complex engineering

system A fails. Even if a submarine suffers severe damage

This balance must also be maintained in terms of

during a mission, it can still remain undetected. The

engineering. It is very complex because a submarine

equipment and a submarine’s shape and materials play

has at least half a million components. By comparison,

a vital role in avoiding detection. A submarine must

a passenger aircraft has around 100,000 components. “If

be able to move as smoothly and quietly as possible

you need to gain some space somewhere, it is always at

underwater so that it emits as little noise as possible,

the expense of something else. Changing one element,

reflects as little sound as possible and cannot be located

however small, has a domino effect on the design of

by sonar equipment.

a submarine. Every detail must be correct. And all that in a space that is 100 percent utilised. Not a single centimetre of design space left over.”


3D model of an electric submarine



Continuous knowledge development

seaworthiness of submarines. Bart: “It says a lot about us

Together with a knowledge institute and industry

that we are asked to advise on this. We want to continue

partners, Nevesbu is conducting development work in

to fulfil this role with the new fleet. When a question

the field of echo target strength in submarines. The R&D

is raised, we can answer it because we have this niche

programme is aimed at what is known as ‘echo target

knowledge. We want and need to be the knowledge

strength reduction’: mitigating sound reflection (echo)

experts in this field.”

when sonar is used to locate a submarine. It will become more apparent next year which supplier

The holy grail is for a submarine to be completely silent and untraceable.

will have the honour of building the new generation of submarines. Bart is confident that Nevesbu will have a role to play, following in the footsteps of the Walrus

“These are big steps we are taking”, says Bart. “It’s about

class. “In addition to designs, we provide the necessary

the coverings and use of materials on submarines. In

expertise to upkeep and modify a reliable and advanced

this R&D programme, we are working with partners

fleet, which is also good for the Netherlands.” Nevesbu

to develop and integrate materials that ensure sound

hopes that the next stage of the project will soon be

is absorbed and not reflected in the same direction.”

reached. That’ll be good for the Navy and the industry.

Nevesbu has been involved in this programme for years

Nevesbu is ready!

and, with a large group of specialists, has plenty to do

for the coming years. “The holy grail is for a submarine to be completely silent and untraceable. This will never be entirely possible because a submarine needs machines and pumps to operate. But we can get as close as we can. With this programme, we are investigating how. The knowledge gained and shared is particularly valuable for Nevesbu and the other participating parties - knowledge development, thus.” Seaworthiness Overall, the expertise and intensive accumulation of knowledge (e.g., in cooperation with knowledge institutes) ensure Nevesbu maintains its unique position in the field of submarine technology in the Netherlands. For example, Nevesbu has been asked by the Seaworthiness Authority (part of the Ministry of Defence) to provide support in resolving issues relating to the 19



Green steel in a clean environment Tata Steel Nederland is in the midst of a major

Decrease in emissions

transformation. The Netherlands’ largest and most

It is no secret that the steel company, part of the global

important steel producer wants to produce green

Tata Steel group, is under intense public pressure to

steel based on hydrogen in a clean environment

become more sustainable and reduce its CO2 emissions

by 2045. The plans are extensive and ambitious but

and other harmful pollutants as quickly as possible. The

necessary. As the IJmuiden-based company says: ‘We

process is already underway. Its emissions are already

have to act now because the world cannot wait.’

falling steadily due to all manner of measures, large and small. It is estimated that PAH emissions have fallen by 50

To achieve the 2045 goals, a path to clean, green and

percent since 2019. In 2010, the steel company emitted

circular steel is essential. Such is Project HeraCless

almost 30,000 kilograms of lead. In 2019, 1,300 kilograms

(hydrogen era, carbonless). In addition, Tata Steel aims

were emitted.

to drastically reduce the environmental impact of substances, odours, noise and PAHs (substances caused

These are significant reductions, but more is needed to

by incomplete combustion) through the Roadmap Plus

take the final and biggest steps. Tata Steel’s terrain will


change in appearance in the coming years. The two existing blast furnaces, Blast Furnace 6 and Blast Furnace

The environmental installation should reduce emissions of particulate matter, lead and heavy metals by approximately 80 percent.

7 are still in operation, but not indefinitely. Iv is helping Tata Steel achieve its goal of producing green steel in a clean environment. It will work both ways: both the steel-making process and its impact on the environment will change for the better.

Iv has been active at Tata Steel, formerly Koninklijke Hoogovens, since its foundation in 1949. Three-quarters

Two improvement programmes

of a century later, Tata Steel Nederland is facing the

Project HeraCless focuses on the production of clean,

biggest challenge in its history. Iv is there now, too, as

green and circular steel - the new Direct Reduced Iron

part of both Roadmap Plus and Project HeraCless.

(DRI) plant will be a key part of this. The environmental


installation at the pellet factory (PEFA) is one of the

Nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions must also be significantly

biggest steps in the other programme, Roadmap Plus,

reduced. The dedusting installation will be directly

which aims to reduce emissions of particulate matter,

connected to the PEFA and will capture a large part of

lead and heavy metals, and thus realise a positive effect

the heavy metals, flue gases and dust through ‘filtering’.

on the immediate environment. The environmental

The DeNOx installation will primarily reduce nitrogen

installation consists of two parts: the dedusting

emissions through ‘washing’ and ‘scrubbing’. The water

installation and the DeNOx installation. The sheer size

from the dedusting installation will then be transported

of the environmental installation (approximately 170

to a new (to be built) water treatment plant.

metres long, 45 metres wide and 110 metres high at its highest point) makes it a literal main feature. The dedusting installation arrived in sections at the Tata Steel site in mid-2023 and is expected to be operational in the same year. The environmental installation should reduce emissions of particulate matter, lead and heavy metals, from the pellet plant by approximately 80 percent.

The dot on the horizon is steel production using hydrogen. Iv is playing a major role in these two improvement programmes and together with Tata Steel, has

Dust-removal and DeNOx installation


Expected result:

-80% nitrogen oxide emissions No noise increase

developed and finalised the designs for the

80 m

environmental installation. From 2025, the dedusting installation will work in conjunction with the DeNOx installation. The deduster consists of no less than 6,000 10-metre bag filters, equivalent to 60 kilometres of filter

The PEFA (Pellet Factory) produces round balls (pellets) from iron ore. These pellets are a critical raw material for the production of pig iron. In addition to carbon dioxide (CO₂), significant amounts of nitrogen (N2) are released during the entire production process.


35 m


Pelletising Plant Processing ore for the production of liquid pig iron

Dust-removal installation metals and dust


Green steel

Chairman Hans van den Berg, CEO of Tata Steel

Then the road to ‘green steel’. What exactly does this

Nederland, pointed out earlier this year that every Dutch

involve? The biggest gains can be made mainly on the

citizen uses an average of about 1 kilo of steel per day.

process side of pig iron. Producing steel in a cleaner way

The annual steel production in IJmuiden is roughly

without emissions. Steel that leaves the Tata Steel site

equivalent to this demand: 7 million tonnes of high-

in large coils and is used, for example, in the production

quality steel leaves the site as large coils.

of cars (automotive industry), batteries (packaging industry) and buildings (construction industry). Steel is

The dot on the horizon is steel production using


hydrogen. The emergence and development of hydrogen is ongoing, but not yet to the point where a major steel producer such as Tata Steel can switch entirely to using hydrogen. That will take years. But until then, Tata Steel aims to use mainly natural gas (LNG) and reduce its dependency on coal, the largest contributor

DeNOx installation

to the emissions. Ore (sinter and pellets) and coal (later natural gas and hydrogen) are needed to produce liquid pig iron from which steel is made.

50 m

Impact Like Tata Steel, Iv is proud of this major development at the Netherlands’ most important steel producer. Rick de Jong, Programme Director at Iv: “Iv also wants to play a major role in Tata Steel’s huge sustainability task

50 m

in the coming years. Both in terms of feasibility studies and detailed engineering. Whether it concerns large, both are often equally as important in the overall chain.

15 m

90 m

complex engineering projects or solving smaller issues,

Scrubber salts and nitrogen oxides

Tata Steel wants and needs to become more sustainable, and we are happy to help. How fantastic is it to actually Cleans the cleaning water

contribute to making the steel industry in IJmuiden more sustainable? If we can make it work here, we will really be making progress. Relocation or closure is always a less favourable option.”


At the moment, this task is not only huge but also highly complex and challenging. Rick: “I’m not someone who quickly views something as a problem; I prefer to tackle it as a challenge. We see it as an opportunity to make a difference in our world. Both now and in the future. The most important thing for us is staying sharp and making choices that enable others to continue. We must be critical and devise solutions that really make an impact.”

A gigantic windbreak, 18 metres high and about a kilometre long, will be put in place.



Iv and Tata Steel: the history

An impression of our activities

Iv’s history dates back to 1949, when Henk Veth

In addition to the arrival of the PEFA dedusting

founded the Engineering and Architectural Firm H. Veth

installation, the DeNOx installation, and the Direct

in his attic in Rotterdam. The company’s first client was

Reduced Iron (DRI) plant in 2030, much more is

the steel construction company Van der Cammen, a

happening on the Tata Steel site. Many of the 200-plus

major supplier for Koninklijke Hoogovens. Koninklijke

sub-projects that Iv is undertaking in IJmuiden are linked

Nederlandse Hoogovens en Staalfabrieken NV was

to the Roadmap Plus programme (a clean environment)

established in 1918. In 1999, it merged with British

and Project HeraCless (producing green steel).

Steel and continued under the name Corus, which became part of Tata Steel in 2007. In Iv’s early years, the

Preparing the site for construction

IJmuiden steel producer was by far its most important

Still this year, Tata Steel plans to start the installation of

client. At that time, Iv mainly produced working

a gigantic windbreak on the south side of the site. Its

drawings for the company.

dimensions are impressive: 18 metres high and about a kilometre long. “The windbreak will reduce the wind

The collaboration continued following the acquisition

speed, which will prevent the materials from being

in 2007. A separate branch was set up by Iv to serve the

blown onto the beach”, explains Joeri Polderman, Project

entire portfolio, from raw material intake to product

Leader for Civil Engineering at Iv.

distribution. In recent years, the collaboration has intensified due to major sustainability programmes such as Roadmap Plus and Project HeraCless. Thanks to

Tata Steel has around 130 kilometres of railway under its own management.

this long-standing cooperation, Iv will celebrate its 75th anniversary in 2024; we have a unique knowledge of

A number of site adaptations are required to install this

Tata Steel and vice versa. We, therefore, have extensive

huge windbreak. Iv has prepared the site by making it

knowledge of the site, including the thirteen factories

ready for construction. Making space for an object of this

and surrounding areas. We understand how complex

size goes far beyond digging a few holes to secure the

and challenging the site is, which processes take place

windbreak. “This installation involves moving sections of

where, and how everything is connected.

road, on which we carried out immediate maintenance, moving drainage gutters and adjusting and rerouting the sprinkler system”, says Joeri. Data cables and pipes were also relocated, and streetlights were moved. The windbreak is part of the Roadmap Plus programme.


The trick is to ‘free up’ the area for the screen as optimally

Joey continues. “It really is like designing on a postage

as possible. Iv’s experience in civil infrastructure was

stamp. The lines of sight for the train driver have to be

utilised to handle this as efficiently and methodically

sufficient, which is no easy task with all the installations

as possible. Joeri: “It’s a beautiful project in a unique

and factories on site. Also, almost all the facilities have to

environment. You have to bear in mind that what we do

be accessible by rail. Avoiding all sorts of tight bends and

can affect the entire logistics of the raw materials on site.”

switches is preferable; it has to be as robust as possible.” What makes it even more interesting is that it not only

The railway: Tata Steel’s common thread

concerns the rail network. Joey: “There are also roads,

On the subject of logistics, Tata Steel has around 130

culverts and other infrastructure present that we all have

kilometres of railway under its own management.

to take into account. Taking care of that infrastructure as

Although the site is large (roughly 750 hectares, the

part of the whole makes the work fun and specific.”

size of the town of Bussum), this is an enormous amount. Tata Steel’s rail network is entirely focused on

Water treatment upgrade

the logistics business process. This business process is,

With all the (sustainability) adjustments on the Tata

therefore, dependent on the railway. The arrival of the

Steel site, not only will the infrastructure have to be

dedusting installation and the new factory (the Direct

adapted, but the water treatment plant will also need

Reduced Iron plant), among others, means that the rails

to be changed. Due to more substances such as

have to be adapted. The supply of materials from outside

metals, emissions, and gases soon being treated in the

the site by rail must also be taken into account.

dedusting installation, the water treatment system will

“Besides ProRail, Tata Steel is one of the largest rail

also need to be upgraded.

operators in the Netherlands”, says Joey Kortlever, Sector Head of the Rail Department at Iv. This immediately

Iv is responsible for re-evaluating the basic and detailed

highlights how vital the rail network is for the steel

engineering of the activities at the water treatment


plant. The new components are a PEFA buffer (which processes substances from the pellet and coke plant), a

The changeover of the water treatment plant needs to be carried out in stages: without a single minute of downtime.

BNR (Biological Nitrogen Removal) reactor, two clarifiers and an odour treatment system. The existing treatment plant will be adapted and improved, including an expansion of the sand filters.

Iv has been asked to partially redesign the railway network; a huge puzzle in an environment that cannot be compared to other railways in the Netherlands. “For an engineer, this is a very interesting environment”,



In the BNR reactor, denitrification converts nitrate into nitrogen gas, the sole component of nitrogen. Nitrogen gas is not harmful and is exhaled by humans. About 80 percent of the air contains nitrogen gas (N2), not to be confused with nitrogen dioxide. (NO2). Ronald Schuilenburg is the Project Manager for this intensive and unique project. “As is often the case with this type of project, the changeover of the water treatment plant needs to be carried out in stages without the plant being out of operation for a single minute. This must be taken into account in the design to ensure that this is possible.” As with many other activities on the Tata Steel site, Ronald designs down to the square centimetre. “If you were to ask me whether I would rather have a vast, empty field to design on or this, I would choose the latter: it is very challenging to do. Especially because of the many Iv disciplines involved, such as colleagues with knowledge of industrial (waste) water, process engineering, media (piping & equipment engineering), mechanical, civil (concrete and steel) and E&I engineers. The diversity is very nice.” The engineering for the upgraded water treatment plant is expected to be completed early next year, followed

by the installation at the end of 2024, which will be operational in 2025.

The current water treatment installation gets a major upgrade.


Tata Steel Nederland zit midden in een enorme transformatie. De grootste en belangrijkste

is zelfs gedecimeerd. In 2010 stootte het staalbedrijf nog

staalproducent van Nederland heeft het doel om in

bijna 30.000 kilogram lood uit. In 2019 werd nog 1300

2045 groen staal te maken op basis van waterstof, in een

kilogram uitgestoten.

schone omgeving. De plannen zijn groot en ambitieus. Dat moet ook. Zoals het bedrijf uit IJmuiden zelf zegt:

Het zijn duidelijke dalingen, maar om de laatste en

“We moeten nu actie ondernemen, want de wereld kan

grootste stappen te kunnen zetten, is meer nodig.

niet wachten.”

Het terrein van Tata Steel verandert de komende jaren zichtbaar. De twee nog bestaande hoogovens,

Om de doelen van 2045 te behalen, is het noodzakelijk

Hoogoven 6 en Hoogoven 7, doen nu nog dienst, maar

dat er een route naar schoon, groen en circulair staal is.

ook dat is niet oneindig. Iv helpt Tata Steel bij het doel

Die ligt er in de vorm van het HeraCless-programma.

om groen staal te maken in een schone omgeving.

Daarnaast wil Tata Steel de overlast door stoffen, geuren,

Het mes snijdt dus aan twee kanten: zowel het

geluid en PAK’s (stoffen die ontstaan door onvolledige

productieproces van staal als de impact die het heeft op

verbranding) voor de omgeving drastisch terugdringen

de omgeving veranderen in positieve zin.

via het Roadmap Plus programma. Twee verbeterprogramma’s Iv is al sinds de oprichting in 1949 actief bij Tata Steel,

HeraCless is gericht op het produceren van schoon,

toen nog de Koninklijke Hoogovens. Driekwart eeuw

groen en circulair staal, waarbij de komst van een

later staat Tata Steel Nederland voor de grootste

nieuwe DRI (Direct Reduce Iron) plant het voornaamste

uitdaging uit haar geschiedenis. Iv is er ook nu bij. Zowel

onderdeel is. De milieu-installatie bij de pelletfabriek

binnen de Roadmap Plus als het HeraCless-programma.

(PEFA) is één van de grootste stappen in dat andere programma: Roadmap Plus, gericht op het

Daling van uitstoot

terugdringen van de uitstoot van lood, zware metalen

Het is geen geheim dat het staalbedrijf, onderdeel

en schadelijke stoffen, om zo een positief effect op

van de wereldwijde Tata Steel Group, onder forse

de directe omgeving te realiseren. Alleen al door zijn

maatschappelijke druk staat om in rap tempo te

indrukwekkende omvang (circa 170 meter lang, 45

verduurzamen en de uitstoot van CO2 en andere

meter breed en 110 meter op het hoogste punt) is de

schadelijke stoffen zo snel mogelijk terug te dringen. Dat

milieu-installatie een letterlijk hoogtepunt. Halverwege

proces is nu al gaande. Door allerlei kleine en grotere

2023 is de ontstoffingsinstallatie, als onderdeel van de

maatregelen daalt de uitstoot al gestaag. Sinds 2019

nieuwe milieu-installatie, op het terrein van Tata Steel in

is de uitstoot van PAK bijvoorbeeld met 50 procent

delen aangekomen. Deze wordt naar verwachting nog

afgenomen. De hoeveelheid lood die wordt uitgestoten,

hetzelfde jaar in gebruik genomen. De milieu-installatie moet de uitstoot van zware metalen, lood en stof bij de



From tip of the iceberg to complete solution Every day, hundreds of Tata Steel employees

Making a greater impact

are directly involved in the company’s biggest

The steel company set up three pillars to tackle the

sustainability challenge to date. Project Manager

problem: odour, noise and dust. “Our first thought was:

Vincent Waanders and Programme Manager Tjeerd

we need to stop this”, says Tjeerd. A budget of 100

Meenks talk about this enormous task, working with

million euros was set aside to reduce odour, dust and

parties such as Iv, and the magnifying glass under

noise emissions. However, this budget was quickly

which Tata Steel finds itself: ‘It’s nice to be able to

spent. In 2020, Tata Steel reviewed the first measures

explain to people that we really are working on it’.

that were taken. Tjeerd: “We hoped we had made a sufficient impact, but it was just the tip of the iceberg.

We have to go back to 2018 to understand why

We immediately started to work on the follow-up plan.”

Roadmap Plus, the comprehensive programme to reduce the environmental impact of substances, odours and noise, was created. In that year, the coastal town of Wijk aan Zee was in the news because of the so-called

The DeNOx installation must ensure a reduction in nitrogen (NOx) emissions of around 30 percent.

‘graphite rain’. The name says it all: graphite particles were raining down on the environment, which led to

This follow-up was given the name Roadmap Plus,

investigations by the RIVM, among others.

which is familiar to Iv. The largest part of this is the environmental installation at the pellet factory. This

That was the moment for Tata Steel to take action, says

installation consists of two parts: the dedusting

Tjeerd Meenks, Roadmap Plus Programme Manager

installation and the DeNOx installation. The first is

since that year. “We were receiving a lot of complaints

currently being installed and will be operational by

from the surrounding community. And although

the end of this year. The DeNOx installation is the last

we were (and are) complying with legislation and

‘trick’ from the Roadmap Plus. It will reduce nitrogen

regulations, inconvenience was experienced. The

(NOx) emissions by 30 percent from the entire site. The

graphite rain was a symbol of this.”

dedusting installation will help reduce emissions of


particulate matter (around 35 percent), heavy metals

working on it. Engineers are very close to the action

(55 percent) and lead (70 percent). Tata Steel adds that

and see it with their own eyes, but those further away

these percentages will be validated through external

perceive it less well. So, it’s important that we keep


repeating the message that we are working hard to become greener, cleaner and more sustainable. This will

A good neighbour

work in the long term, but in the short term, we have to

Of course, reducing emissions is a crucial condition

accept the misunderstanding and frustration.”

for rounding off the business case. Because not being profitable means closing down. This scenario also

Understanding risks

applies if sustainability is not achieved and emissions

So, just keep going. This is a challenge because while

of gases, odours and substances are not reduced. In

the terrain is constantly changing, the processes have

this sense, being a ‘good neighbour’ is also required in

to be able to continue. “The complexity of this task is

such a process, says Tjeerd. “This is a standard, although

present in all dimensions”, Vincent continues. The whole

it is difficult to translate into specific requirements and

project has a brownfield character. This means: close to

figures. But what we mean by that is: for whatever may

the operational activities within which Tata Steel must

be mandatory in 5 or 10 years from now, couldn’t we

implement all these changes. “So you cannot work freely.

better take that on now to help the environment?”

That has a direct impact on how you approach and

Vincent Waanders is the Roadmap Plus Project Manager

complete the engineering. It is, therefore, genuinely nice

at Tata Steel’s engineering company (PTC). He further

to work with engineering parties like Iv that understand

explains the route outlined by Tjeerd. The route chosen

the risks and how to bring this to a successful outcome

was the one with the quickest environmental impact.


“The design process and delivery times for the DeNOx installation are taking a long time, which is why it will

Iv has been working on the Tata Steel site for years.

not be ready until 2025. We have decided to install the

This knowledge is vital, according to Vincent. “The fact

dedusting installation in advance to see the effect of it.”

that we have been working together for years makes a difference. We have a long-term relationship with Iv, so a

The whole project has a brownfield character.

quick word is often sufficient. It is very nice to work with external parties that know the site inside and out, have their own networks and know whom to contact. It saves

There is plainly a lot going on, both in public and behind

us a lot of work, prevents misunderstandings and has a

the scenes. The external pressure and the call to proceed

way of working well. To put it bluntly, even if we asked Iv

even faster are just as evident. Vincent: “Of course, it is

the wrong question, we would still get the right answer,

a subject often discussed at birthday gatherings. It’s

purely because of their expertise and experience.”

nice to be able to explain to people that we really are



also for the steel company’s employees. “Everyone wants

The dedusting installation will be operational later this

to make this a success. These kinds of milestones are

year. A milestone for Tata Steel and a visual change for

really free fuel for team spirit and loyalty. It feels like it

the site. Vincent: “The greatest satisfaction will come at

contributes to the final solution.”

Christmas when the installation is put into operation. Next year, I will have been with the company for 25 years and this operational launch will certainly be a highlight

This is about much more than making steel sheets.

of my years of service.” The project manager is well aware that this is a big deal, not only for the environment but

The Roadmap Plus programme is nearing completion, but the work is far from over. Over the next few years, Tata Steel will continue to invest heavily in the path to green steel via Project HeraCless, which is also underway. Iv will also play a major role in preparing the site and making it ready for the eventual installation of the Direct Reduced Iron (DRI) plant, which will be used to make green steel. These are long-term processes. “But giving up is

Van topje naar de ijsberg naar totaaloplossing

never an option”, they both declare. “We will succeed.

‘Het is geen optie om het maar half te doen’

The implications for the continuity of Tata Steel are

enormous. Not just for our jobs but for the entire Dagelijks werken honderden Tata Steel-medewerkers rechtstreeks aan de chain. People grootste verduurzamingsopgave van het staalbedrijf ooit. Projectmanager Vincentlearn a trade here, and it stimulates the Waanders en programmamanager Tjeerd Meenks vertellen over dieeconomy. enorme The preservation of knowledge, training and opdracht, de samenwerking met partijen als Iv en het vergrootglas craftsmanship waaronder Tatais extremely important. This is about much more than making steel sheets.” Steel ligt: ‘Het is fijn om uit te kunnen leggen dat je er echt mee bezig bent’ . Voor het ontstaan van de Roadmap Plus, het uitgebreide programma om overlast

van stoffen, geuren en geluid voor de omgeving terug te dringen, moeten we

The upcoming Direct Reduced Iron plant


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Dealing with climate uncertainties The changing climate presents us with major

had increased by as much as 12% between 1967 and

challenges worldwide, including creating a safe,

1972. On 9 July 1971, the Washington Post ran the

comfortable and future-proof living environment.

headline ‘New Ice Age Coming’ on an article by Dr S.

But how do we make our living environment as

Ichtiaque Rasool, the award-winning Chief Scientist for

climate and water resilient as possible? And how do

Global Change at NASA. In this article, he predicted that

we maintain the existing infrastructure in a safe and

increased fossil fuel emissions would lead to a significant

responsible way for as long as possible? The answers

drop in average global temperatures. However, the Royal

are not simple. Future-proof and sustainable design

Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) models now

requires a tailored approach. In this article, we explain

indicate the opposite: heat waves with temperatures

how Iv is dealing with climate change and uncertainty,

exceeding 40 degrees Celsius will become almost annual

and how we are ensuring our infrastructure – in the

occurrences towards the end of this century.

broadest sense – is fit for the future. Uncertain future “Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future” is

With adaptive design, we prepare the structure to adapt to changing (climatic) conditions in the future.

a well-known quote by Niels Bohr, the famous physicist of the 20th century. A challenge for civil engineers;

Dealing with uncertainties

after all, we design infrastructure that must operate

Fortunately, we are becoming better at dealing with

safely and reliably for decades or even hundreds of

(climate) uncertainties. Firstly, the United Nations’

years. Infrastructure, which involves significant public

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

investment and where poor decisions can lead to the

is taking a more nuanced view of the future. Using

destruction of capital.

different Shared Socio-Economic Pathways (SSPs) and taking the dynamic and particularly complex climate

To illustrate the above challenge, it was observed in

system and uncertainties into account, its latest

the 1970s that the average global temperature had

Assessment Report 6 (AR6) portrays a wide range of

been on a structural downward trend for 30 years and

potential scenarios regarding global CO₂ emissions,

that the amount of snow and ice covering the Earth

temperature, sea level rise, et cetera.


Secondly, civil engineers now seem to be the

the future, thus preventing us from making the ‘wrong’

most appropriate specialists to address the many

decisions now and incurring unnecessarily high (lifetime)

uncertainties. Managing uncertainty is the essence of

costs and/or releasing unnecessary pollutants.

(probabilistic) design. Rather than choosing one specific future, we choose to achieve an optimal design solution

Climate Agreement and National Adaptation

that incorporates a wide range of potential future


load scenarios and their probabilities in relation to the

The Paris Climate Agreement, signed by the European

strength of the structures and systems in a balanced

Commission in 2016, was converted into the Dutch

and rational way. The development of this design

Climate Agreement in 2019. An agreement between

method has made great strides in civil engineering in

governments, businesses and public organisations with

the Netherlands since the design of the Eastern Scheldt

the aim to reduce greenhouse gases in the Netherlands

storm surge barrier (Oosterscheldekering) in the 1970s.

by 49 percent by 2030 compared to 1990. Although developments in sustainability are accelerating, the

Probabilistic design

question is whether this will be achieved. Moreover,

Probabilistic design explicitly accounts for risks and

climate change is happening regardless, and we are

uncertainties by mapping the possible variation

already experiencing its consequences. At the insistence

in material strength for all structural components,

of the European Commission, the Netherlands drew up

including the probability for each of these strengths.

its National Climate Adaptation Strategy (NAS) in 2016,

The components are subjected to all potential future

which was adopted by the House of Representatives at

loads resulting from (changing) use, climate change

the end of 2017.

and possible events such as fire, lightning, storm, flooding, long-term drought, et cetera, including the probability of occurrence. By designing the structure so that the likelihood of exceeding the strength

The aim is for raw materials, components and products to retain their value for as long as possible.

during the design life is (slightly) less than the legally acceptable risk of failure, we create an optimal structure

Our vision for sustainability and adaptation

that performs its functions with sufficient reliability at

The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and

minimum cost.

the probabilistic and adaptive approach described above form the basis of Iv’s sustainability vision. We


In addition, we take advantage of the dynamic nature

implement sustainable (diagnostic) asset management

of climate change by designing adaptively and thus

and climate-proof designs according to the ‘Butterfly

‘buying time’. With adaptive design, we prepare the

Diagram’ developed by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation.

structure to adapt to changing (climatic) conditions in

This model describes the continuous flow of biological

(green side) and technical (blue side) materials within

circles: User → Maintain/Prolong → Reuse/Redistribute

‘value circles’ in a circular economy. The aim is for raw

→ Refurbish/Remanufacture → Recycle → Waste. In our

materials, components and products to retain their value

design and asset management approach, we strive to

for as long as possible. This forms part of our day-to-

achieve the optimal solution within the following set of

day work: keeping civil engineering works safe for as


long as possible, thereby saving on the use of materials.

► Maintain as small a circle as possible for as long as


We design new structures that are as innovative and sustainable as possible and focus on climate adaptation

► Fulfil the objectives of the Climate Agreement.

and reducing the use of raw materials. Furthermore, we

► Minimise (public) lifespan costs.

investigate the origin of raw materials to help us design

► Sustainable (diagnostic) asset management

as circularly as possible. This means that our initial focus is on extending the In our sustainability vision, the focus lies on the

use of existing infrastructure, ideally without substantial

technical (right) side of the Butterfly Diagram, where our

life-extending adjustments. We do this by measuring,

infrastructure is represented in stages by the following

monitoring, inspecting, testing, analysing and/or



















The butterfly diagram: visualising the circular economy. Source: Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2011


calculating the structure or installation. A typical

For heat resistance, we use the 3D scan car to automate

example is the method Iv has developed for load testing

the mapping of tree populations, including number,

bridges. We apply loads in a controlled and gradual

height, crown volume, trunk size, CO₂ uptake and, for

manner, and by meticulously monitoring and analysing

example, water storage. Just as the KNMI scenarios

the (failure) behaviour of the bridge, we determine the

suggest, we are preparing for heavier rainfall and

actual capacity. Our experience shows that bridges

prolonged droughts, putting further pressure on water

are often stronger than what is demonstrated by a

supplies. Our existing infrastructure, such as sewerage

current theoretical test on the basis of which bridges are

systems, water storage and the management thereof, is

often replaced. In this way, we keep the loop as small

not yet adequately equipped to deal with this. Our water

as possible, minimise CO₂, particulate and nitrogen

systems need to be resilient for the future to ensure

emissions, and avoid inconvenience to users at minimal

rainwater is adequately drained and stored so that we

cost. This is what we refer to as Diagnostic Asset

can use our water supply as efficiently as possible in


times of scarcity and surplus.

We explore innovative ways to apply adaptations and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Climate-proof designs When designing new and existing infrastructure and land use plans, we work as probabilistically as possible and base our designs on a range of future scenarios.

Loading tests for bridges

We explore innovative ways to apply adaptations and

In this context, Iv also conducts the so-called ‘stress

reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

test’ for governments, in which an area’s vulnerability


to climate issues is mapped. We do this using state-

In the latter context, we aim to reuse the structure

of-the-art software that allows us to hydraulically

or installation as integrally as possible, possibly in an

calculate drainage systems for rainwater, surface

adapted form. This may involve ‘moving’ a bridge to

water, and soil modelling. Based on the Current Dutch

another location or reusing bridge girders. The final

Elevation (Actueel Hoogtebestand Nederland, AHN), the

circular fallback option is to recycle materials, such

Climate Impact Atlas (Klimaateffectatlas) and our own

as concrete, wood and steel, among other materials,

measurements, we map all vulnerabilities related to heat

into usable raw materials for new applications. Finding

resistance, precipitation and drought.

a replacement solution for the complete or partially

dismantled structure or installation is often necessary in

number of transport movements. With this sustainability

these situations. We apply the same conditions to new

vision, Iv optimally, rationally and responsibly

construction and replacement as in asset management.

implements the Climate Change Agreement and the

Wherever possible, we choose reusable materials or

National Adaptation Strategy in civil infrastructure.

components and strive to minimise the CO2 footprint

Not by predicting the future with precision but by

during the realisation and use of the structure and

addressing (future) uncertainties in the best possible

minimise the maintenance required. We also design

way. After all, we would rather be right about being

dikes and embankments using local soil to reduce the

uncertain than definitely wrong.

Dynamic 3D scan (point cloud) and tree population analysis with the scan car.


Several waste streams arrive at the Heros Sluiskil site.


A collective approach could improve the health of the water chain The quality of water, in the broadest sense of the

This is particularly challenging in the case of PFAS.

word, is under pressure. This means contaminants

PFAS stands for ‘Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances’, a

such as PFAS, nitrogen, micro-organisms, and

collective name for over 6,000 synthetic substances that

medicinal residues have disrupted the natural

do not occur naturally. PFAS have useful properties. For

balance, and recovery may not always be possible

example, they repel dirt, grease and water and are found

independently. However, the good news is that the

in clothing, textiles, non-stick pans and food packaging.

water sector is becoming increasingly aware that the water chain needs a helping hand. So, how are we doing this?

We are all responsible for the quality of the water chain.

What is the water chain?

Not degradable

The water chain refers to the chain for human use.

The main disadvantage of PFAS is that they are difficult

The water chain (cycle) consists of water production

to remove once present in the natural environment and,

(by drinking water companies and individual water

thus, also in water. PFAS do not degrade naturally, and

extraction), water consumption (households, companies

the presence thereof carries negative environmental and

and institutions), water collection and transportation

health consequences.

(municipalities and water boards) and (waste)water

However, the presence of PFAS in water is not the only

treatment (by water boards). In short, production,

challenge facing water boards, the industrial sector and

consumption, collection/transportation and wastewater

drinking water companies. Nitrogen can also be found


in water. Crops, for example, can absorb nitrogen from fertilisers. If too much nitrogen is in the water, it will

The chain is disrupted when something becomes

enter the water chain in the form of nitrate. This nitrate

unbalanced in one or more of these processes.

causes eutrophication, leading to algae growth, water

Disruption already occurs when unwanted substances,

clouding and the decline of larger aquatic plants. Thus

such as PFAS, are present in too many parts of the

leading to the demise of fish types dependent on clear

chain. When this happens, measures must be taken.

water and shelter provided by larger plants.


Is it possible to prevent these substances from entering

Nitrogen removal

the water chain? No, says Paul Kloet, Deputy Director of

Iv is also active at ATM in Moerdijk. ATM processes

Iv-Water: “That may not be a happy message, but it’s not

hazardous waste and produces circular raw materials

feasible. Substances such as PFAS have penetrated nature

from it. Here, the problem is not only PFAS but also

to such an extent that it is impossible to remove them

nitrogen concentration that is too high. The aim of pre-

altogether. This goes far beyond what is visibly floating on

treatment is to reduce the nitrogen presence to a level

the surface or in the undercurrents of oceans and rivers.

that does not interfere with the biological properties and

PFAS are much smaller than that and cannot be broken

allows the water to be sent to a water treatment plant

down naturally.”

for further processing, both now and in the future. These are examples of industrial parties actively

Tackling side streams more efficiently

and decisively seeking treatment technologies and

The industrial sector is working hard to remove PFAS from

applications to avoid placing a greater burden on the

its (waste)water streams. Iv is active at the Zeeland-based waste processor HEROS. HEROS is a company that makes a valuable contribution to the beneficial reuse of waste streams. These waste streams can contain small or large amounts of PFAS, which is why HEROS has conducted research into the treatment of PFAS. This is now being taken a step further. Paul explains: “Waste arrives at HEROS via many different side streams. If we know which streams usually contain a concentration of PFAS, we can focus on those particular side streams.” This is good news for companies: the technical capabilities are available, but such treatment technology is expensive. The more precise HEROS and similar companies can work, the more efficiently they can operate.

The sense of urgency is growing, which is good. A pilot setup is currently being built at the waste processor, where Iv’s task is to apply the correct treatment technology. “And then we will monitor how it develops. We can learn a lot from this.”


Work on the quay at Heros Sluiskil.

water chain than is currently the case. There are also

Partner of the Industrielinqs platform

many examples of industrial parties collaborating to

A few years ago, Iv-Water became a partner of

address challenges together, for example, by pooling

Industrielinqs, a (knowledge) platform that aims to

wastewater streams to apply better treatment and

connect interested parties in the industrial sector.

achieve greater efficiency or using treated effluent

Industrielinqs, led by Wim Raaijen (co-author of the book

directly as process water.

‘Proactieve Coalities’), is the organiser of the Watervisie event, among others. The platform helps companies to

Doing nothing is pretty much the worst option.

unite and share knowledge and presents opportunities to collaborate. We can focus on common goals, ambitions and responsibilities by forming a coalition.

Water boards and water companies are also investing heavily in treatment methods and technologies. A

Paul: “I’m in favour of that too. If we can tackle more major

promising sign, says Paul. “The sense of urgency is

water issues by working together, that would be great.

growing, which is good. We are becoming increasingly

Sometimes, we reach the limits of what we can do and

aware that we all have a role to play and that it cannot

how much nature can take. The natural world can’t work

be left to one party alone. We are all responsible for the

any harder. But we can organise ourselves better within

quality of the water chain and for not interfering with

the water sector and tackle problems from there. Because


doing nothing is pretty much the worst option.”

The role of water boards and drinking water companies Industrial effluent is often further treated at municipal water treatment plants. This treatment is vital as it is essentially the chain’s final link before discharge to surface water and prevents harmful substances from entering the environment. Effluent polishing is thereby also an important theme. Drinking water companies depend on the quality of the groundwater and surface water they use to produce drinking water. Furthermore, the availability of sufficient fresh water is also under pressure.


The Heave Chief 1100 of Seaqualize. 44

Groundbreaking lifting technology accelerates energy transition The energy transition is in full swing worldwide.

(or other objects) to and from a floating vessel or from

Accelerating processes to speed up the transition

a floating vessel to a fixed object in this way. Over the

is very complicated. But it is necessary because

next few decades, thousands of wind turbines (or other

resources, materials and labour are scarce and

energy hubs) will be installed at sea. While offshore

often already fully utilised. Iv has helped the Dutch

construction can typically only be carried out at a rapid

company Seaqualize develop the design for the Heave

pace during a limited part of the year - the summer

Chief 1100: a new lifting tool that can safely, quickly

months - Seaqualize estimates that work will continue

and simply lift and install wind turbine components

for an average of eighty percent of the year because the

weighing up to 1100 tonnes from a floating vessel. As

tool can be deployed in poor weather conditions and

a result, work on offshore wind farms can continue

high seas; literally accelerating the energy transition. In

in stronger winds and higher waves, which is not

addition, the HC1100 is completely wireless, and the

possible with conventional systems.

battery only requires a recharge after approximately 12 hours of operation, saving time and limiting emissions

The Seaqualize Heave Chief 1100 (HC1100) is a

compared to current diesel-powered offshore machines.

breakthrough in this regard. The compact lifting device can lift objects weighing 1100 tonnes from a floating vessel and place or install them on a fixed or moving object while the crane vessel itself rolls and pitches. The

The heave compensator can compensate for the vessels’ motions at sea due to swell.

HC1100 is currently on its first assignment at an offshore wind farm off the American coast of Massachusetts. The


heave compensator hangs in the hook of an existing

The HC1100 can hold a suspended load of 1100 tonnes,

offshore crane on board the supply vessel transporting

the equivalent of approximately twenty HGVs with

the turbine components.

fully loaded trailers, still against the motions of the vessel, thus facilitating the lifting and installation of the

Unique in its kind

largest wind farm components from a floating vessel.

So why is this project and application so unique? Firstly,

The heave compensator has been extensively tested

there is currently no other lifting device that can safely

and can compensate for the vessels’ motions at sea

and efficiently lift such large wind turbine components

due to swell, making installation safer, faster, and more


straightforward. Not only does its operation require

Pressure cooker

relatively little power, but it is also controlled, without

The eleven-metre-high Heave Chief 1100 has been

large impact loads and without the load landing

extensively assessed and tested in advance. The design

multiple times on the vessel. The HC1100 has an ‘active

was tested by simulating the different load combinations

tracking mode’ that, in effect, copies every motion of

and analysing the stress distribution in the various

a heaving vessel up to a wave height of 3.5 metres. By

components. The final design was concluded, and the

mimicking the motions, the HC1100 makes the same

lifting device was built. Iv remained closely involved

movements, preventing the suspended object from

throughout this phase. The tempo and short lines of

striking the vessel.

communication between the client, the contractor and the Iv design team created a pressure cooker effect: the

The HC1100 was built and successfully tested in a relatively short time. High requirements at sea Seaqualize involved Iv in developing the mechanical

HC1100 was built and successfully tested in a relatively short time.

The design of the HC2000 is certainly no ‘copy-paste’ exercise.

part of the HC1100 from the very first design. Xander Verseveldt, Mechanical Project Manager at Iv: “We

Making an impact

developed the concept design into the final design

The HC1100 will help accelerate the energy transition.

for the structural and mechanical part of the project.”

Seaqualize devised the concept and technology behind

The application and the high requirements made this

this lifting tool. Iv has now become a permanent partner

project quite a challenge. The HC1100 will be working

for mechanical engineering. Gjalt Lindeboom, Managing

at sea, so it is highly undesirable for damage to occur

Director of Seaqualize adds: “In particular, the knowledge

or maintenance to be required. Simply returning to

required to design moving, high-precision and heavy

shore is not an option. “This tool operates in many

offshore tools is present and available at Iv. Iv is to the

different configurations. It contains a lot of mechanical

point, realistic and efficient in its communication and

components and pivots that we have integrated into

has all the structural design expertise in-house. We see Iv

a relatively small area. In combination with the high

as a solid partner in developing our products.”

requirements, this has been a really nice project for us,” says Xander. The project was so well received by Seaqualize that Iv was also asked to upgrade the HC600 to 750 tonnes: the HC750.


The work for Seaqualize is not yet complete. After

Out of the ordinary

the HC750 and HC1100, plans are already underway

Xander: “There’s a certain amount of pride that we

to develop the HC2000. The name says it all: this

were able to be a part of this”, he says. “The process was

big brother of its two predecessors will be capable

fascinating, and it has been built really well. It’s great that

of installing objects and components weighing no

we’ll be working together again.” Jaco van der Schans,

less than 2 million kilos. The design process for this is

Managing Director of Iv-Consult, shares his opinion:

certainly no ‘copy-paste’ exercise. The increased lifting

“Seaqualize’s wealth of knowledge and pioneering ideas

capacity requires necessary adjustments to the design.

have left a lasting impression on me. We pride ourselves on accepting ‘out of the ordinary’ projects like this. Our team is trained to take on such challenges. We’ve had

such a fantastic time, and we look forward to our next collaboration.”


Engineers with Passion for Technology Iv-Groep is a globally operating multidisciplinary engineering company. Since 1949, Iv has been devising technical solutions for projects of any size and complexity within the following sectors: Industry, Infrastructure & Traffic, Buidings & Installations, Handling, Maritime, Offshore & Energy and Water. No challenge is too complicated for us. We are a team of specialists with a genuine passion for our specialisms: with our knowledge of technology, we can achieve the most for our customer.

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