Izmir Tarih Design Strategy Report

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Design Strategy Report Konak 35250 / İZMİR 0232 293 13 29 izmir-tarih@izmir.bel.tr

ISBN: 978-975-18-0201-9

İzmir History Project

İzmir Metropolitan Municipality İzmir History Project Centre

Design Strategy Report

İZMİR HISTORY Project Design Strategy Report

First Edition,İzmir, 2016


Prof. Dr. İlhan Tekeli

Prepared for publication by: Dr. H. Gökhan Kutlu Merve Çalışkan, Gizem Akyıldız, Dr. Çağlayan Deniz Kaplan, Alkın Korkmaz First Edition: September, 2016 İzmir Metropolitan Municipality Department of Survey and Project Directorate of Historic Environment and Cultural Properties İzmir History Project Centre

500 Copies Printed By: Dinç Ofset

ISBN: 978-975-18-0201-9






















































I. Introduction


The Izmir Metropolitan Municipality has started the studies on the subject of developing the Izmir-History Project which shall strengthen the relationship of the Izmirians with the history on a 248-hectare area, consisting of the 1st Degree, 2nd Degree and 3rd Degree archaeological and urban site areas and the Kadifekale urban transformation project. There are various reasons for Izmir Metropolitan Municipality to put such a project on its own agenda. These can be listed as follows: x Izmir Metropolitan Municipality and Konak Municipality have prepared plans on this area for a long time, they have taken active roles in the implementation of these plans. Izmir Metropolitan Municipality; by making expropriations, financing the archaelogical excavations, have caused the Hellenistic and Roman historical heritage of this area to come to light and by realizing the restorations of the structures which have important historical and architectural values, provides them to gain social functions. Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Historical Environment and Culture Heritages Branch Office is endeavoring to guide and supervise the development in these areas by preparing the plans for this area. x This interest that exists in the subject of the protection and strengthening Izmir’s relationship with history, do not remain limited only with the managements of the related municipalities. In the last thirty years, the universities, trade associations and non-governmental organizations have realized an awareness which can be deemed as prevalent in the subject of staking a claim on Izmir’s history in the society. Kemeraltı has taken its place as a merit which should be protected and required to be laid claim in Izmir’s public opinion. After a 30 years’ endeavour, in this new conscious and knowledge level, it requires to make the assessment of the things that have been done. x

Through these efforts, some buildings are protected as single but generally the loss process of the region in the whole of the city is continuing and the region does not display a liveliness which shall change its quality of being a zone of transition. The requirement in the subject of redesigning of this area in a way, which provides the protection and the development integrity, has started to make itself apparent. Here, the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality has started the Izmir-History Project for catering to this demand.

x The Izmir Metropolitan Municipality put the Izmir-History Project following its Izmir-Sea Project on its agenda. Within the framework of the vision that the Culture and Art Workshop which was gathered in the year of 2009, following the support the Izmir-Sea Project was given as a new project development way, which was developed through a participatory process, the Izmir-History Project’s following a similar path in compliance with its own specialities, is something that is expected. x The project area is a large housing area besides being a historical and cultural heritage. The rift area housing and the slums which particularly should be interested


in, occupy a large space in the project area. In today’s Turkey, the political government is implementing urban transformation projects in these types of areas which cause so many complaints. For these implementations, the authority of the Ministry of Environment, the Housing Development Administration (HAD) and the metropolitan municipalities have been expanded. The implementations which the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality shall make in these areas, are constituting an opportunity with regard to enable the Izmir Municipalism showing its difference and to develop the context of the urban transformation projects. x This project area is completely an archaelogical site. Hence, to make implementation in these areas requires long periods. For to overcome these and being effective in the implementation, the development of new types of actors, are required. One of them is TARKEM (Historical KemeraltĹ Construction Investment Trade Inc. Co.)In future, the new ones shall also be established. All these reasons together, constitute the preambles of handling and developing the IzmirHistory Project as well as being hopeful for the new steps that shall be made in the subject of the implementation.



II. The Spatial Differentiation of the Population and the Economic Growth in Izmir


Within the scope of the Izmir-History Project; the issue which should be primarily known for redesigning the historical nucleus of Izmir, is that what are the dynamics that are effective in the whole of Izmir and the project area. Knowing these dynamics shall be beneficial in two aspects. It is clear that if we do not know what are the dynamics that turns the project area into a rift area, we can not produce solutions that shall create the antidynamics. On the other hand, we know that the success probability of the developed Proposals may only rise when they are based upon the existent trends. Prior to making the strategical options concerning the Izmir-History Project, we have to analyze what kind of a spatial differentiation dynamic has the economic growth of the Izmir city and the reconstruction dynamics of the City Centre Business District (CBD) and its immediate environment. What Kind of a Spatial Differentiation the Economic Growth of Izmir Shows? A debate is continuing in the political, academic and planning circles in Izmir on the subject whether the city’s economic growth has been slowed down or not. For making such a judgement, a clarity should be borne on the subject what is meant by the place called Izmir. In recent years, redefining the municipality borders continuously, creates important problems in this subject. It can be said that in the last regulation, by expanding the municipality borders and identification of them with the provincial borders have removed some difficulties. Expanding the definition of the area called as Izmir shall reduce the judicial errors which shall arise from Izmir’s expansion’s crossing the municipal/provincial borders. But, the shape of Izmir province’s being not convex1, cause the maintenance of the judicial errors that are done in this subject. Manisa is located in the North East concavity of the Izmir city’s shape. It can be said that the problem which this geometry creates, has started to be distinguished by the establishment of the Manisa Organized Industrial Site as the second organized industrial region and its becoming effective in respect to determine the spatial distribution of the growth of an Izmir centered economy by the beginning of the space assigments to the industries in the year of 1970.2 The distance of the organized industry region to Izmir is 21 km, the distance to Manisa is 5,5 km. When taking the distance of Izmir to Kemalpasa 29,9 km, its distance to Menemen is 32 km., its distance to Menderes is 33 km., its distance to Bergama is 104,2 km. into consideration, it is easy to comprehend what kind of deviancies that the Izmir city borders’ being not convex have created. This short discussion shows that we have to determine the borders of the Izmir urban region which has an economic integrity to develop a judgement on the subject of the realized amount of Izmir’s growth in a certain period as per the growth of Turkey. In the center of this region, the Izmir CBD is found. Within the process of time, this economic growth differs in this region. Because the growth of a place is a socio-spatial process. Hence, the prevalance of the defined urban region according to the integrity of the functioning of

1 If a part of the lines which connects two points inside a city stay out of the provincial borders, the shape of that city is not convex. Among the cities of Turkey, only Izmir has a shape which is not convex. 2The Manisa Organized Industrial site had gotten full in a short time and in 1989 it was expanded. Following its expansion for five times, the size of this region reached 959 hectare. Currently, 209 firms are working in it. In this subject See.: Kursat Veral, The Effect of the Organized Formation System of the Industries To the Peripheral Habitations,(The Example of Manisa Industrial Zone),Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir 2008 (Unpublished Master Thesis)


the socio-spatial process is not determined by the administrative decisions but the economic relations. For this reason, in order to develop a judgement on the subject of Izmir’s economic growth, first of all, it is required to define the Izmir-centered urban region, then calculating the economic development indicators and later reaching a judgement. How did the growth of Izmir’s urban region differentiate, was revealed in the research of Ayda Eraydin and Guldem Ozatagan.3 The authors of the research put the spatial differentiation4 of the economic/demographic growth in the vicinity of the Izmir CBD in three rings. The inner nucleus which encircles the Izmir inner bay, consitutes the first ring. This ring has no longer lost its growth dynamic and become static with regard to the population and the employment increase, and is even becoming smaller. The growth zones which encircle the nucleus, constitute the second ring. Today, when we mention about the growth of Izmir in respect of population and employment, the developments in this second circle are meant. If this ring extends out of the provincial borders of the Izmir city, the judgements on the subject of Izmir’s growth which are based upon the calculations that are made by taking the Izmir city borders as basis, shall also be misleading. Manisa’s getting into the concavity of the Izmir city, is of crucial importance for this reason. The most outer ring of the Izmir urban region, constitutes the third ring. It still does not display a rapid growth. However, as the development in the second ring has become static and the substructure projects passing from here in the country scale has changed the accessibility of different points in this zone, the developments shall spread into this ring, as well. The Radius of the total of this three rings which constitute the urban region is approximately 50-60 km. The effect of Izmir, as the economic center of the Aegean Region, is not limited with this distance, beyond this, it has an effect on the Aegean region settlements, as well. The growth of these settlements display a differentiation depending upon their own histories, their sizes and the global articulation level.

3 Ayda Eraydın Guldem Özatagan et al.: “Contribution to the Formation of Information and Strategy Oriented Toward Reanimation of the Shrinking Cities: Comparison of the New Spatial Patterns Which Come To Light With the Synergy of the Spreading, Agglomoration, Dimunition and Shrinking Processes With the European Cities.”, TUBITAK, SOBAG, Project No.109 K 590, May 2013, Izmir. For a publication which summarizes this project See.: Güldem Özatağan & Ayda Eraydin: “The Role of Government Policies and Strategies Behind the Shrinking Urban Core in an Expanding City Region: The Case Izmir”, European Planning Studies, p: 1-22. 4 As the Ayda Eraydın, Guldem Ozatagan et. al.’s study, was developed as a Cost Project in collaboration with the researchers in Europe; it focused on the shrinking phenomenon in the European countries. In this study, as the industrialization is continuing both in Turkey and in İzmir, the aforesaid research findings are tried to be read not over the shrinking concept but over the spatial differentiation of the growth phenomenon.


In the study of Ayda Eraydin and Guldem Ozatagan et. al.; the spatial differentiation of the growth according to the rings around the city center is examined in detail as basing on the employment and the population data. With regard to our discussion here, it shall be sufficient to lay emphasize on the spatial differentiation of the population increases. The researchers have defined the Izmir city region as an area which constitutes from the cities of Izmir, Manisa and the towns of the Aydın city that neighbour on the Izmir border. By estimating the population increase “quotients”5 of the towns in this region between two population censuses, they fixed which towns grow more rapid relatively and signed these on the map. Map 1 gives the spatial differentiation of the population growth in the Izmir City region between the years of 1990-2000. The dark gray signed places in the map show the towns whose population increase rates are over 1. The light gray parts show the towns whose population increase rates remain smaller than the average, the population increase rates are smaller than 1. Map 1; gives the opportunity of observing the three rings of the spatial differentiation of the growth in Izmir city region clearly. Konak, Gaziemir, Buca, Balcova and Narlidere towns are located in the first ring. The towns which are located in the second and the third rings can be read from the map. The Map 2; shows the spatial differentiation of the population increase speed between the years of 2000-2008 in the Izmir city region. These three rings in which the growth differentiate can be observed in this map clearly. But some changes have occurred in the course ıf time within the scopes of the rings. For example; Bayraklı, Bornova and Guzelbahce are added to the inner nucleus according to the previous period. Trying to define this differentiation over the population growth cause ignoring some growth phenomena. For example, the observations concerning the growth of the places such as Çeşme, whose economic activities vitalized in certain seasons, have not reflected in the fixed population numbers according to their permanent residences. The change of the population and the distribution between the rings of the population increase in Izmir city region, is given in Table 1. The rings in this table fully correspond to the growth differentiation in Map 1 and Map 2. Because, the descriptions of the local administrations are grounded on rather than the descriptions of the rings. The town of Konak is located in the first ring and nucleus. The first and the second rings together involve in the the metropolitan area borders which were fixed in 1981. When the third is added to the first two rings, the Izmir city population (the municipality population) is obtained. This is an administrative border. By adding the other periphery habitations to this first three rings, the Izmir Kent region is defined that is it becomes a border which Izmir’s influence area creates but not an administrative one.

5 For fixing the population “quotients”; for each population census year, the percentages of the towns as per the total population, are calculated. By dividing the percentage, obtained in the second population, to the percentage obtained for the first census, the “quotient” value is obtained. If this value is bigger than 1; this town is regarded as grown more rapid than the total region.


Map 1: 1990-2000 The Differentiation of the Population Growth Rate As Per the Towns Between the Years of 1990-2000 (Source : Ayda Eraydin, Guldem Ozatagam et. al. : Ibid, p. : 91)

Map 2: The Differentiation of the Population Growth Rate As Per the Towns Between the Years of 2000-2008 (Source: Ayda Eraydin, Guldem Ozatagam Et. al.: Ibid, p. 91)


Population 1990 2000 First Ring Second Ring Third Ring Other Periphery Habitations Izmir Izmir Kent Region


475800 890714 377402 700782

401704 1450902 500404 879362

411112 2261014 778411 1051327

2134816 2835598

2732669 3612031

3450537 4501864

Annual Change % 1990200019902000 2008 2008 -1.56 0.23 -0.76 6.29 5.58 8.55 3.26 6.94 59.40 2.55 2.44 2.78

2.80 2.74

3.28 3.08

3.20 3.26

Table 1: The Population Amounts and Rates of Change As Per The Distance Rings To the Centre In The City Region (Source: Ayda Eraydın, Guldem Ozatagam et al.)

First Ring: Konak Second Ring: Karşıyaka, Bornova, Güzelbahçe, Narlıdere, Güzelbahçe, Narlıdere, Balçova, Çigli, Buca, Bayraklı, Karabağlar, Gaziemir Third Ring: Menemen, Aliaga, Kınık, Bergama, Dikili, Kemalpaşa, Menderes, Seferihisar, Urla, Karaburun, Torbalı, Selçuk, Tire, Bayındır, Ödemiş, Kiraz, Beydag, Foça Other Peripherial Habitations : Saruhanli, Gölmarmara, Akhisar, Manisa Merkez, Kuşadası, Söke, Germencik, Incirliova, Köşk, Yenipazar, Sultanhisar, Turgutlu, Ahmetli, Salihli, Ayvalık, Gömeç, Çeşme, Aydın Centre. In Table 1, The first ring’s loss of population can be seen clearly. But as in the definition of these rings the concavity of the shape of the Izmir city borders have not been considered, the growth in the third ring remains small. If Manisa Centre, which remains in between the peripheral towns, shall be taken into the third ring due to its border concavity and some towns in the outer edge of the third ring shall be transferred to the fourth ring, the numbers concerning the rapid growth ring shall become more clear. After determining the spatial differentiation of the growth in rings, the reasons of this differentiation should be dwelt on. The growth of the city in the period after 1950, in which the Izmir population increased rapidly, in the years of the 1960s and even the 1970s , is realized in the first ring to a great extent. On one hand, the slum developments took place in the immediate environment of the city, on the other hand, demolish/build processes were operating by the hands of the property developers, multi-storey apartments were taking the place of the two-storey houses on the shores of Izmir. In this period, the development of the city was oriented by the trends in the market mechanism and the demolition projects of the politicians, which had started by the demolition of the Sarı Kisla (Yellow Barrack) in Konak Square in the year of 1953 and continued. Also, the enactment of the property ownership law solved the legal problems of this process. It can be said that in these years, Izmir was closely acquainted with the destructive face of the modernity.


It is understood that in the years of the 1980s, the limits of this process were reached. This has more than one reason. The first of these, against the subversion of modernity, its ruining the historical memory of the society, annihilating the cultural heritage; the realization of the institutionalization which imposes a limitation to the destructiveness by the consciousness that the professional chambers, professional circles, non-governmental organizations create and the declaration of the valuable natural and historical areas of the city as site areas. In brief, the society has developed a resistance towards the city’s transformation by demolition. The second reason is, building the university campuses, the organized industrial regions, free zones and the similar sub-structures – which were developed or contributed to be developed by the government - on the treasure lands located in the second ring, has made a considerable contribution. In this scope; Constructing the Dokuz Eylul University Buca Campus, Adnan Menderes Civil Airport, the establishment of the 17 organized industrial zones and 2 free zones (Menemen leather products and Gaziemir hi-tech products free zones) in Izmir city, may be listed. In respect to the contribution of the government policies to the growth of the second ring; the effects of the substructures such as Izmir Çeşme Highway, Izmir Aydın Highway, Aliaga-Torbali IZBAN railway, should not be forgotten as well.6 The growth concentration in the second ring realized the transition of Izmir from single dominant centered metropolitan structure toward a multi-centered city region structure. A specialization differentiation between the new foci formed in this transition, have occurred. In this respect, the determinations of the aforesaid researchers which they made as basing upon the changes in the employment amounts, should be consulted. When the changes in the sectoral distribution of the employment are looked; it is seen that the losses in the inner ring are not only among the agriculture and manufacture industry, but also in the wholesale and retail trading as well as the social and personal services, as well. The population and the industry employment’s shifting to the second ring and there forming new foci, also attracts the services to these new foci to a great extent. Among the services, the finance, insurance and real estate services are continuing their focusing on the first ring7. In this ring; the newly growing foci of the region are seen to be possessing a certain specialization among themselves. In this ring, Aliaga, Manisa industry center, Menemen, Kemalpasa, Turgutlu, Torbalı, Menderes, Aydin agriculture-industry centers, Çeşme, Seferihisar have been specialized as the tourism and summer house vocationist centers. The third reason is, the cities in Turkey have started to grow by not only adding the buildings one by one as it was done in the year before the 1980s, but by the construction of the organized multi-housing areas in different forms. Izmir’s starting to grow by adding city parts, on one hand, as finding such lands in the inner ring of the city has become more difficult, and on the other hand, because of the exogeneities that the city parts have 6 Ayda Eraydın, Güldem Özatağam et.al. , Ibid, p: 99. 7 Ayda Eraydın, Güldem Özatağam et.al., Ibid, p: 96.


provided, hence it makes the separation from the city center easier, the development concentration in the second ring have occurred. As observed in the Izmir example, when the urban growth which is a socio-spatial process, differentiate in rings around the CBD and the reasons behind it are comprehended, the necessity for the planning strategies that shall be developed in different parts of the city, emerges as well. The Izmir-History Project area which is the subject of this study is located in the first ring. This ring is static and even is now losing population. In the planning of the habitations which are located in the second and the third rings or the plannings of the city parts, the currently valid planning approaches are being implemented. Therefore, there is no need for laying emphasis on these rings seperately. The important thing in respect to this study is how the strategies applied in the inner ring, shall be developed. It should be known that, this ring is the part which has the highest accessibility of the urban region. If the institutional preclusions do not exist, it possesses a rapidly transformation potential by ruining the historical heritage in the market mechanism. But, this is not of course, the desired thing. It should not be forgotten that, as well as the stagnation in the inner ring may be perceived as a problem, it may be regarded as an opportunity, too. Reducing the transformation pressure, protecting the historical heritage in these areas may be seen as an opportunity with regard to raising the quality of life, as well. On the other hand, a special attention must be given on the subject of the rifts that the removal of the critical substructures - which may cause the function loss of these areas - shall create. If an example is to be given in this respect; if a decision such as shifting the Alsancak Harbor8 to Candarlı, new rift areas may occur as the result of Izmir’s CBD’s restruction. Ayda Eraydin and Guldem Ozatagam et.al., have shown the operation of this process by examining the replacement of the firms that are registered to the Aegean Region Chamber of Industry (ARCI: EBSO) When the address changing of the 4.370 firms, registered in ARCI in 1 May, 2011 are examined; till the 1980s, more than the 60 percent of the newly established firms, are seen to have chosen places in Konak, while the Bornova ranked in the second row with a 10.3% share. While Bornova with a rate of 17,6% and Karabaglar with a rate of 5,7% were increasing their shares throughout the 1980s, a decrease was experienced in the share of Konak with 55,7%. While Bornova with its share of 22,3%, Karabaglar 6,8% and Cigli 5,7% were becoming prominent, Konak regressed to 38,2%. As from the years of 2000s, important changes happening in the spatial options of the firms were conspicious. After 2000; while the shares of the towns Kemalpasa (%7,1), It was observed that while Torbali (%5,9), Menderes (%4,7), Çigli (% 10,9) ve Gaziemir (% 7,0) were increasing, the shares of Bornova (% 21,0) and Karabaglar (% 4,4) decreased . The determinations showed that the intention of the newly opened firms chosing a place in 8 Alsancak Harbor accepts 3588 ships in a year. Currently, it is the greatest harbor of the Aegean. In respect to the container handling, it is the greatest export harbor. Among the four harbours that the TRSR(Turkish Republic State Railways)( (Izmir, Haydarpaşa, Derince ve İskenderun) it has a share of 70%.


Konak, had decreased. The 21,1 of the firms, opened in the period of 2000-2011, were opened in Konak. This rate is one third of Konak’s share among the firms that were opened till the 1980s. This decrease accelerated by the end of the 1990s. The tax advantages provided by means of the laws concerning the organized industrial zones, free zones and the technology development zones were effective on this decrease. These findings -in the formation process of the Izmir city region which became prominent in the conceptual discussions - put forth that the old center can no more attract the newly opened companies and support the transition thesis of becoming multi-centered.9 According to the research that Murat Güvenç has done, while the 1/3 of the Izmir city population was living in the ring with a 5 km. radius that is drawn being the Konak as centre in the year of 2000, this rate today has decreased to 1/5. The absolute numbers are more elucidating. The number of the ones who were living in this ring increased 20,000 in the 1990-2000 period, but 250,000 persons decreased in the 2000-2010 period. In the CBD of Istanbul, a similar decentralization was gone through. The ones who were living in the first 5 km. increased 340.000 in the period of 1990-2000, but decreased 450,000 in the period of 2000-2010.10 The Formation of the Izmir Center Business District (CBD) and The Formation Dynamics of the Izmir-History Area In the Changing Process In The Course of Time For to comprehend how the present structure of Izmir-History Project area occurred, we have to build the narrative of the Izmir CBD’s formation and alteration. The CBD’s formation dynamic has been determined by the relationship of the main trade routes, which establishes its relationship with Izmir Harbor and İzmir’s commercial hinterland. This is an expected situation for the harbor cities of the pre-industrial period. The situation which makes the Izmir CBD’s formation a special one, is the attempt of gaining new areas for CBD by filling the harbor and then the sea shore, continuously. In due course, on one hand, the creation of the new modalities in establishing Izmir’s relationship with its hinterland, and on the other hand the filling of the sea stage by stage, has reshaped the formation process of CBD, continuously. This development dynamic is summarized in Map 3. Namely, for to comprehend the formation of Izmir CBD, comprehension of this sea filling dynamic is also required. As the result of the privileges given to the French in 1569 and to the English in the 1580, while the share of the Venetians and the Genoeses in the Izmir trade were regressing, by the France, England, Holland and Austria’s starting to take their places, Izmir’s destiny changed. The Levantine Company which belongs to the English was established in 1581, the French’s was established in 1666. These companies possessed the trading monopoly. The Levantine Company chose Izmir as a center in Anatolia. Parallel to this, in 1610 the England and France Consulates moved from Chios to Izmir. By the end of the Savafid-Ottoman’s war, as the result of the silk trade’s shifting to Izmir and the development of the agricultural production of the Karaosmanoglu family dominating in the Aegean which would meet the 9 Ayda Eraydın, Guldem Ozatagam et al.., Ibid, p: 128. 10 City Researches With Strategical Planning Aim,The Socio-Economic Assessments in the District and Town Level, Istanbul, January 2014, p: 8


demand of Europe and the Ottoman’s application of a flexible administration in Izmir consciously, Izmir became the star of the Levant toward the end of the century.11 The development narrative of Izmir CBD should be built by starting from this point. In the 16th century, a small city was at stake. That city had an inner harbour (a galiot)12.There was the Ok Castle(Arrow Castle) which Fatih the Conqueror in the entrance of the Harbor.13 There was the Kadifekale14 in the East of the harbor, on the first hill and there was no longer any habitation around it. The present day’s Anafartalar Avenue constituted the quay of the gailot harbor.

Map 3: The Alteration of Izmir Coastline In Due Time By Means Of Filling (Source: Burak Belge, Ibid)

11 For the detail of this process See.: Daniel Goffman, Izmir and the Levantine World 1550-1650, The Hıstory Foundation, Yurt Publications, Istanbul, 1995. 12 The new Izmir was established at the skirts of Kadifekale (Velvet Castle) as late as 300 BC. Approximately, 300 years after Strabon mentioned about the harbour. According to Ersin Doger’s determination, there was a harbour which provided Izmir’s racing with Ephesus at the end of the first century of the Roman dominion. The point whether this harbour was a natural and small lagon or not and whether it had been formed by intervening the coastline by a mole or a wavebreaker, has not been became clear, yet.. Ersin Doger, Izmir’s Smyrna, İletişim Publications, Istanbul 2006, p:97 13 This castle was demolished by Tamerlane, reconstructed by Fatih the Conqueror. 14 The Harbor Castle and the habitations in its environment was left to the control of the Latins in the agreement that was made between the Latins and the Turkish Beylics on the 13. Century. Kadifekale and the habitations in its vicinity were under the rule of the Turks. It was understood that after the city was conquered by the Ottomans in 1419, the two-part structure was eliminated, Kadifekale and its vicinity emptied and remained as one-part around the harbor. For source See.: Doğan Kuban, " The Report Concerning The Properties of Izmir’s Historical Structure and Its Protection”, The Urban Protection in Turkey, City Dates and the Protection Methods, Turkey History Foundation Istanbul, 2001, p: 49-105


There had two caravan routes which establish Izmir’s relationship with its hinterland. The first of them, which was the North connection comes from Balıkesir, Akhisar and Manisa. The long distance caravans that were coming from Iran, used this road. The second of them, the South connection, Denizli, Aydin and Selcuk had less importance. (See: Map 4).

Map 4: Izmir and Its Foreign Relations in the 17. 18. Centuries (Source: Emel Kayın, Ibid, p: 437)

Both of the roads were stuck to the trading center and the quay from the near of the Ok Kalesi.(Arrow Castle) It could be said that the quay avenue extended to the Kemer Bridge (Caravan Bridge) as going up to the North, turning to the East in today’s Basmane. This road constituting the vital point of the city by opening outside from the caravan bridge and connecting Izmir to its hinterland which extended to Iran. The Anafartalar Avenue which was this vital point, succeeded to regenerate its importance for various reasons for five centuries though important changes have been lived in CBD. It is possible to interpret Izmir-


History Project as a project in this context. The South road, establishing the city’s relationship mostly to its regional hinterland, as coming from Ikicesmelik, was connected to the quay besides the Sadirvanalti Mosque by passing from the Namazgah. The part between today’s Anafartalar Avenue’s Sadirvan Mosque and Basdurak Mosque constituted the central axis of the quay. In this period, the most active group in Izmir trade was the Jews.15 The trade of Izmir was carried out by means of them. This group was dwelt in the districts of Havra Street, Hahambasi, Efrati, Çavez, Bene Israil and Sonsion districts on the Kemeralti Avenue.16 The Jews migrated there from different places upon the development of trade in Izmir. The four synagoges17 in here showed the existence the Jewish groups who had different rituals. In short, the Jews were leading lives nested in the Havra Street centered trade. In this period, the Muslim Turks constituted the great part of the city’s population. The Turkish district, starting from the plane behind the Turkish district, extended towards the skirts of the Kadifakle hill. The Rum population (the Greeks) were settled in the North of the city as a small district. The development of Izmir in the 17. century was realized by settling on this simple city structure. Parallel to the development of the trade, the Big and the Small Vizier Inns and the other inns were constructed in the CBD. In this period when the foreign trade was realized through a caravan type organization; the inns in which the merchants accomodated, the goods were stored and the services concerning the animals are given altogether, constituted the basic infrastructure long distance trading.18 There were 25 inns in the beginning of the 17. century. Evliya Celebi said that there were 82 inns in Izmir in 1670s. In this period, the Vizier Osman Agha brought the water to the city which was known as the Vizier Water. These developments required the expansion of CBD19 The tactic applied in meeting the new area demands of CBD, was the filling of the harbor. As the result of removing the galiots from the navigation, their replacement with the sailboat, galleons, all the galiot harbors in the Aegean were left to the filling. The filling of the inner harbor had been beneficial in meeting CBD’s need of expansion. Kaplan Mustafa Pasha20 got the half of the inner harbor in Izmir filled and had a covered Turkish Bazaar and a custom house built. As the result of the change in the quality of the ships which was entering and exiting the harbor, for to control the foreign trade and collect the customs tax when the ships had started to anchor in the outside of the harbor, the Sancak Castle (New Castle) was

15In this subject See.: Mine Tanaç Kiray, The Reflections of the Ottoman Culture’s Transformation To The Architecture “İzmir Örneği”, Dokuz Eylul University , February 2004, Izmir ( Unpublished Doctoral Thesis) 16 The names of these districts except for the Havra Street, changed. Today’s districts bear the names of; Guzelyurt (Hahambaşı), Güuneş (Efrati), Hurşidiye ( New District), Kurtulus (Çaves), Istiklal (Bene Israil), Sakarya (Sonsino). 17 This four synagoges were Hevra, Algaze, Kedosa and Sinyora. Mine Tanay Kiray, Ibid, p: 186 18 In this subject See.: Emel Kayın, Historical Evolution of Hostelry Buildings with Particular Reference to those within the innercity of İzmir from the 17th to the First Quarter of the 20.th Centuries, Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, 1998 (Doctorate Thesis) 19 In this subject See.: Sabri Yetkin, Fikret Yılmaz: “İzmir Tarihi”, http://www.izmir.bel.tr/ 20 He exercised the duty of “Admiral-In-Chief ” in the years of 1660’s.


constructed in the entrance of the inner bay in 1668. Beginning from the second half of the 17. century, the filling of the harbor as part by part in due course; CBD’s starting to work as a land stock which met the expansion dynamic; effected the shaping dynamic of the CBD to a great extent. The existence of such a stock caused CBD’s not moving on the main axis and formed an intricate pattern in the old harbor area. In the vicinity of the Ok Kalesi (Arrow Castle) in the North of the harbor, first the Hisaronu Mosque was constructed in 1592, then the bazaar that was formed in the filled part of the harbor and the Vezirhani (The Vizier Inn) which Kopruluzade Fazıl Ahmet Pasha had it constructed, constituted a focus in CBD (See: Map 5). The representation with three dimension of this area in the 17. century was given in Picture 1. It is known that the stones of the archaeological remains of the city such the theatre etc., were used in the construction of this commercial substructure. In other words, while the CBD of the 17. century was being constructed, the remains of the Hellenistic-Roman period were destroyed to a considerable extent. In the 17. century, by the expansion of the city, ethnic diversification also increased. In the last quarter of the 17. century, the Armenians who became expert in the Iran silk trading, made settled in the vicinity of today’s Basmane.

Map 5: Formation of the Hanlar(Inns) Region around the Castle in the 17. Century (Source: Emel Kayın, Ibid, p: 451)


1: Izmir Inner Harbor and Its Environment in the 17. Century (http://www.turkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=12499&start=5)

As parallel to the development of the trade, the Frank/Levantine and the Rum (Greek) population started to increase. The Franks settled by the seashore in the North of the inner harbor. At the seaside, the merchant houses which the Levantine merchants used them with the aims of storage in trading etc., the Rum districts among the Frank settlements and the Armenian districts developed. Following the emanation of the Sabetay Sevi’s movement, the Jews lost their position in the trading, continued their lives in their old districts which they dwelt in. In this period, a second trading street in CBD started to appear, as well. The Frenk Street was formed between the Frank and the Rum districts. This street extended not by the shore but at the back of the merchant houses, as paralel to the shore, it was stuck to the front of the Grand Vezier Inn in the focus formed in the North of the harbour in the 16. Century CBD of the city. The CBD then had two axes. According to R. Pocoche who visited the city in 1739; the city possessed a form nearing a triangle which had a 3 km propogation, 1 km depth along the quay and contained a 160-170 hectare area. In the 18.century, Izmir continued its growth by remaining in this spatial invariant to a great extent. What kind of an ethnic differentiation the city space would bear and the differentiation pattern of the CBD’s inner structure, was determined to a great extent. These main features continued in the 18.century as well. It is forecasted that at the end of the 18. Century, the population of the city increased to 100,000. When different estimations concerning this period are brought together; it can be said that the 62% of the populationn was Muslim, 21% of it was the Rum, 6% of it was the Armenian, 10% of it was the Jewish. The dominating group was the Turkish Muslims. But, the share of the non-Muslims increased relatively. The increasing Izmir Rum, Armenian and the European population’s


expansion inside the plane in the North of the harbor also was increasing. The Muslim and the Jewish population was expanding to the skirts of Kadifekale in the east of the harbor. This expansion was realizing along the Ikicesmelik road. While the form of Izmir remained in the urban frame that was formed in the 18. century, 17. century, by the overlapping of various reasons in the 19. Century; the city showed important alterations which went out of the previous period’s spatial frame. In this period, after the Ottoman Empire’s embarking on a quest of modernization which was directed from the center, on the other hand, by the Europe capitalism’s starting to export the neighbour countries the substructures developed in the industrial society by exporting capital in the knowledge level that it had reached in the second half of the 19. century, Izmir’s city form and its CBD gained a new form. In the shy modernization of the Ottoman Empire, while on one hand, the institutional and administrative reforms were made, on the other hand, the foreign trade liberalized by removing the foreign trade controls. These developments increased the whole of the economy’s articulation to the world economy and created new focusings in CBD. As a result of this, the form of the trading had also attained a new organization and banks, hotels were started to be established in Izmir. The inns which were established previously changed quality, the modern industry types started to develop, in 1851 the Province Center moved from Aydin to Izmir, government offices were made for the newly organising bureaucracy, modern education institutions were opened and for the growing needs of the city of the time, the Izmir Municipality was established in 1868 as the local administration. In 1877, Izmir Municipality had two departments. One of them was administering the Frank, Rum and the Armenia districts in the North while the other was administering the Turkish and Jewish districts in the South. Then, seeing the system with two municipalities did not work efficiently, they were then united.21 Another important institutional regulation was that the right of seizing property was given to the foreigners in 1856. The tendency of the foreigners to settle in the city, increased. In the maps of T.Graves dated 1834 and Luigi Storari dated 1854-56; on-offshore, thin, long plots were seen in the coast, in the North of the castle. In these plots whose one end was found in the Frenk Avenue and the other end was in the gulf, there were stone buildings which were called as Frankhouse (frenkhane). The ground floors of these buildings were reserved to the storing and their sale functions, the upper floors were reserved to the housing functions. In these buildings, generally the trading houses and consulates were found.22 In these years, there were the consulates of 17 different consulates and the trading houses of the merchants from 20 different countries. These trading houses were realizing their own storage functions by themselves. Till the middle of the 19. Century, while the Frenk Street was extending toward the North, it formed first the Fasula, then the Bella Vista

21Hasan Taner Kerimoğlu: “The Reforms of the XIX Centuries and Izmir ”, İzmir Kent Ansiklopedisi(Izmir City Encyclopaeida) History.1, Izmir Metropolitan Municipality, Izmir, p: 113 22 Sibel Zandi Sayek: Ottoman İzmir The Rise of a Cosmopolitan Port 1840-1880, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, London, 2012, s: 16


squares. As the CBD of the municipality office in the North; shifted towards the North around the Frenk Street, the housing districts also shifted toward the North and passing over the Tabakhane (Tannery), extended to the caravan bridge. While in the vicinity of Punta (Alsancak) there were the middle and high income people’s housings, and behind it, there were the part of Daragaci, Halkapınar and Gaziler District, the workers and the low income people were found.23 In the beginning of the 19. centuries, till the Napolion Wars and the Greek War of Independence would ended, the Izmir economy stagnated. After the 1840, the economy vitalized again. When the opportunities of rapid communication of Izmir with Istanbul and most importantly the European cities were provided by the construction of the telegraph lines and the submarine cables, Izmir’s commercial development gained momentum.24 The most important change which affected the reconstruction dynamic of the city CBD in the 19. century; was the construction of the harbor between the Izmir quay and the KonakPasaport. In this period for the construction of the harbor and the quay; in the year of 1867, an agreement was made between the 3 entrepreneurs and the Ottoman Empire. This agreement was expanded with an agreeement which was made for the second time. When the construction was completed in 1880, a quay with a 4 km. length and a 1.5 m. Height, a pier with a length of 1.200 meter were constructed. Along the quay, a horse-drawn tram was started to be operated. An infilling was made between the old shore and the new quay which changed between 40-150 m. and opened to construction. The Kordon was formed which became the most prestigous place of Izmir. While this construction was continuing, the harbor castle on the coast was demolished in the year of 1872, thus the filling process of the old inner harbor was completed. In the 19. Century, the quality and the organisational form of the foreign trade changed too much. In the 17. Century when Izmir was the star of Levantine; the long distance caravan trading was the main reason of the aliveness of the city. However, in the 19. Century, utilizing and exporting the agricultural product of the Aegean hinterland to Europe lied at the bottom of Izmir’s economic aliveness. The new trading from, the harbor and the customs’ being built, required the reconstruction of the CBD’s area behind the harbor. As the result of this reconstruction, new storage spaces emerged. The structures of the inns changed; they started to undertake the manual processing of the agricultural products in the first stage such as the tobacco, fig, grape. This caused the development of the arcade type inns instead of the inner with yards. Raif Nezih, the author of the “History of Izmir”; says that, in the beginning of the 20. century, there were 147 inns in Izmir.25 First the operation of the first part of the Izmir-Aydin railway that had started to be operated beginning from 1861, later the operation of the first part of Izmir-Kasaba railway 23 Mübeccel Kıray: Örgütleşemeyen Kent (The City Which Cannot Organize: Izmir), Turkish Social Sciences Association, Ankara, 1972, p:52 24 Sibel Zandi Sayek, Ibid, p: 27 25 Emel Kayın, Ibid, p: 164


beginning from 1866 and its elongation stage by stage, saved Izmir’s relationship with its hinterland being provided only with caravan and revealed the railway as a new option. On the other hand, it brought the Alsancak and Basmane stations into a state of important transportation modality/breaking points in the CBD’s periphery. These points require to be correlated easily with the harbor and customs. Alsancak Station might be connected to the customs and the harbor directly by passing the railway wagons in the tram lines that were made in Kordon at nights. The French railway company also wanted to open a road which would direct the Basmahane Station directly to the customs (This road became the Fevzi Pasa Boulevard whose completion was left to the Republic period.) In the reconstruction of CBD, new harbor started to form a strong attraction point. After the construction of Alsancak Railroad Terminal, the railway company started to buy large lands and placed there the lodgements, storehouses, repair and maintenance ateliers as well as so many outbuildings and fire brigades. Parallel to this, the Izmir industry started to settle in this region. Especially the Daragaci(Scaffold) Region which was the walk-through from Alsancak to Bornova (Today the Avenue in front of the Alsancak Stadium), became the residential area of the Rum(Greek) laborers and it at the same time became the industrial territory of the city. In this region the steam mills which belonged to the foreigners, cigarette and school paper factories, cross-cut saw ateliers, Gas Factory (1860), Ice Plants, Prina Factory, Cottonseed Oil and Pasta Factory were established. In the year of 1886, the tobacco and cigarette factories were established by the regie company, on the other hand the manufacturing plants of the wooden box used in the export of the grape and fig which were the valuable products of the region, started to be settled in Punta, as well. In this industry, the Rum workers who were brought from the islands to a great extent. Parallel to these developments, worker districts of the Daragaci, Halkapınar, Tepecik, Kizilcullu (Şirinyer) and Buca. The structuring in Kordon and its back part, the view of the city increased its attraction and started to present a civic life experience. In Kordon which extended to the high income housing areas and its behind; the luxurious hotels, theatres, places of entertainment, the offices which took charge in the management of the foreign trades, were located. In this part, so many buildings of clubs and associations were located. Among these, the Europeans Society(Club European), The Merchants Association and Club, the Hunters Club, the Sporting Cluba and the Concert America Theatre Hall were the most palatial buildings. Also, the Kramer Palace Hotel and the Club Hellenique on its upper storey, were the other palatial structures. The Frank Street was lighted and the 14th July was celebrated as the French Day. In the Frank Street, the European goods of good quality were sold, the educated elites of the Muslim part enjoyed there. Before the fire, in Izmir 15 cinemas, 513 cafes and coffee houses, 226 taverns, 43 pubs, 11 sea baths, 8 dance halls, 16 social clubs and six sports clubs were contributing to the lively social life of the city.26

26 Zafer Toprak: “Izmir from an unpublished Monography 1920-1921”, Three Izmir, Yapı Kredi Publications , Istanbul, 1992, p: 232-234


In the second half of the 19. Century, with regard to the shaping of the Izmir habitation, two important developments were lived. These were related with the organization of the urban public transportation. The first one was, by the beginning of the railway investments, the connection of Buca in 1860, Bornova and Karsiyaka’s connecting to Izmir by railway. Rich merchant families such as Whitall, Giraud, Charnaud, Forbes, La Fontaine, Paterson; bought large lands in Buca, Bornova and even though very few in Karsiyaka, built palatial mansions. These families made the projects of the buildings they had gotten constructed drawn in abroad, they imported the materials of them (from the bricks to the roof tiles, marbles).Thus, a very different elite stradum and a life style emerged in Izmir . These families who started to live in the suburbs of Izmir had even made additional railway lines opened for only to provide their round trips to Izmir.27 The second one was starting to the operation of the ships by establishing the “Gulf Steamers Hamidiye Company” for the urban transportation in the Gulf of Izmir as from 1884. These developments caused the disintegration and the expansion of the compact form of Izmir city. By the passing of the Goztepe, Resadiye (Guzelyali), Uckuyular countryside habitations tram lines28 in the South coast of the bay, after the year of 1885, it became integrated and grew into a strip. After the 1880s, by the construction of the Halil Rifat Pasa, Ikicesmelik, Esref Pasa avenues, the city’s climbing to the slopes behind the coast of the city were realized. In these parts, the low income Turkish and Jewish families were located. In the beginning of the 20. century, for establishing the relationship of the people who settled in these slopes, the Elevator was constructed on the year of 1907 by Nesim Levi. The relationship of Buca and Bornova suburbs with the city strengthened, the coast from Konak to Alsancak reconstructed and the habitation pattern in here gained depth till the Aydin railway. In the east shore of the bay, habitations were started to occur in the Mersinli, Salhane and Bayrakli shores, and the development which started in the vicinity of the Station in Karsiyaka in 1865 expanded around the Bahariye Avenue between the Karsiyaka ferry quay and the Station and Karsiyaka by the operation of the bay ships in 1884. Sahilde, Levantenler ve yabancı tüccarların yalıları ve köşkleri yer almıştır. The mansions and the pavilions of the Levantines and the foreign merchants were located on the coast. The Turkish District was reconstructed in 1874 and it was heaped together around the Sogukkuyu Mosque. In the years of the 1880s, Karsiyaka had a seperate municipality. In this period, the expansion of the Izmir city stain presumably increased to 1.400 hectare. During this development, the ethnic religious groups preserved their positions in the city relatively. The Levantines settled in the Buca and Bornova suburbs. An interesting development in this period was observed in Konak-Goztepe-Resadiye (Guzelyali) axis. Bu eksende kentin yüksek gelirli elitlerinin konutları yer almıştır In this axis, the housing of the 27 Sabri Yetkin, Fikret Yılmaz, Ibid 28 The Konak-Goztepe line was started as one-lined horse-drawn tram in the year of 1885, it became double lined in the year of 1906, it was extended ıup to Guzelyalı in the year of 1908. It then changed into electrical tram in the year of 1928.


high income elites of the city were located. Among the Jewish families, a modernizing segment who was educated in the Alliance Israelite Universelle schools were settled between-Karatas-Karantina by seperating from the traditional Jewish districts of the city in the second half of the 19. Century. In this axis, the pavilions of the high income important Frank families were located as well. This development in the differentiation of Izmir’s housing areas; ceasing to be the determinant of the ethnical-religious differences, may be a sign of the class differences’ becoming determinant. In the 19th century, during the process of the shy modernization that Izmir experienced, specialized segments on the Anafartalar Avenue which constituted the CBD’s main axis, were started to be formed. The first important development was the formation of the Konak Square which was located in the beginning of this axis. After the years of the 1950s till it would be destroyed, the Konak Square was a place where the modernization process in Turkey was reflected to a space as one-to-one. It is possible to read the Osmanlı modernization history over the buildings in the Konak Square. For example, as the Sari Kisla (Yellow Barrack) which was at the seaside; after the abolition of the Janissary, was constructed to the area which was emptied by buying the soap houses, shops and houses located there, it reflected the modernization of the army to a space in Izmir. Sari Kisla and the Military Coffee House beside it constituted the South edge of the Konak square. The triplex wooden mansion of the Katipzades, the Izmir muhassıl (the tax collector of the time) constituted itse ast wing. As Mahmut the Second attempted to break the power of the ayan(the local elites), the state sequestrated this mansion in 1816 and after 1829, it was started to be used as the building of the administrative bureaucracy by the Izmir mutasarrıfs (governors of the Ottoman Provinces). This building was started to be used as the Provincial Hall when the center of the Aydin Province was moved to Izmir. Upon this mansion’s being worn out too much, the restoration of the mansion became a current issue in 1864, the building which was designed as a provincial hall, was constructed between the years of 18681872. A prison house was constructed opposite to the Sari Kisla Military Drill Area in 1873.29 In 1875, a square design was made between the Sari Kisla and Konak In 1886, when the Izmir Mekteb-i İdadi/Sultani (secondary school/lycee) was constructed, the east edge became determined. The Konak Mosque (The Ayse Hatun Mosque that remained from the Katipzade Mansion Time) which was located in front of the Idadi (Lycee) was meeting the need of the new bureaucracy. A big entrepot which the new harbor functions required, was constituting the North edge of the square. North edge of the square The Clock Tower which was built in the year of 1902 for the commemoration of the 25. Year of the II. Abdulhamit’s enthronement, had a meaning with regard to modernization. The sounds of adhan were no more adequate. The clock, in this respect, symbolized the transition to a more sensitive time coordination. The West side of the square was open to the sea. At the coast of this, the pier of the bay Hamidiye Steamer Company’s bay ships which was established in 1884.

29 Sibel Zandi Sayek, Ibid, p: 37


As the modern state bureaucracy was chosing place in a way of forming the Konak Square, the issue of not constructing the new municipality building which was established in 1868 should be drawn attention. The municipality building was constructed on the ruin of the Ok Castle. The municipality was not established in the administrative center, but in the commercial center. The formation of the modern administrative center in Konak had versatile resutls with regard to the city CBD’s differntiation. It collected the functions such as the State Hospital, Prison Building etc. around itself. More importantly, the intelligentsia with its the military coffee house, the printing houses, the publication houses in the First and the Second Beyler streets, was finding a place to itself in there, it produced the opposition against the regime. Also, in 1912, the enterprise of the Committee of Union and Progress (Turkish: Ittihat ve Terakki) to establish a national library and a cinema, also found a place to itself in here. When one started to proceed starting from the Konak Square along the Anafartalar Avenue, first to a cluster of hotels were arrived. With the change of the foreign trade form, the first hotels started to appear from the beginning of the year of 1850. The inns could not give the accomodation services any longer. The merchants were not accomodating in the inns, but instead in the hotels. Toward the end of the century, upon the starting of the touristic travels, an increase in the hotel numbers started. These hotels were transitional periods which bear the traces of the inn logic rather than being modern structures. The entrance of Anafartalar Avenue in the vicinity of Konak continued being the most attractive focus of Izmir by holding various functions together till the years of 1960s. Ankara Palace became the political place of the years of 1950s. A little further up, there was the Izmir Branch of the the Yapı Kredi Bank, the rising bank of these years and the Sekerci Ali Galip (famous candy seller) The Istanbul fashion was followed in the Oska and Ekram store next to it. In this agglomeration, the First and the Second Beyler Streets had a special place. The doctors and the professional services were agglomerated in there. The two famous restaurants of Izmir, Sukran and Ekmekcibasi were found in there. As proceeding in the Anafartalar Avenue, the bookstores such as the Mektepli, Etiman, Yavuz. This avenue preserve its importance as a focus in which the diversified activities were held till the spatial frame would disintegrate.30 Continuing to proceed in the Anafartalar Avenue, as arriving at the Kemeralti Mosque which had been made in the first half of the 18. Century; a berry market specialization emerged across the mosque. In the second half of the 19. Century, Izmir was continuously increasing its fig export. In this commemoration, the product was taken from Alsancak and passed

30 In this subject See.: Hidayet Karakuş: Kemeraltı, İzmir’s Heart, İzmirim(My Izmir) Volume 18, Heyamola Publications, Istanbul, Mart, 2011


from the Kordon by making a parade, then brought to the berry market across the Kemeralti Mosque. In this street, the fig merchants and the fig processing inns were located. This street was working like a stock market which determed the fig trading. Rauf Beyru listed these specialized markets as; the Fig Market, Chest Sellers Market, Drawer Sellers Market, Saddlery Market, Confectioners Market, Lumbarmen Market, Stonemasons Market, Lemonsellers Market, Basketmakers Market, Wood Market, Butchers Market, Drinkware Sellers, Glass Makers, Iron Smiths, Coal Dealers. The interesting finding of Rauf Beyru’s study was his fixation of these markets’ being constituted from the Rums, Armenians and the Hebrew merchants rather than the Muslim merchants. The discrimination which was seen in the housing also emerged when the business places in the Kemeralti Bazaar were at stake.31 Proceeding in the Anafartalar Avenue, it was passed from the regions of the inns, specialized in different areas. When the Kestanepazari Mosque was arrived, the Havra Street and the Jewish district were reached which connected the Anafartalar to the Ikicesmelik Avenue. When this part was passed, the high income and the middle class Turkish housing in Namazgah and Tilkilik were encountered. Coming close to the Basmane Station in the Anafartalar Avenue, a new hotels region came into sight. After Basmane, the CBD’s functions would expand over the Gaziler Avenue. The state of Izmir which Izmir reached in the beginning of the twentieth century, is summarized in Map 6. While these developments were happening, before the First World War, the population of the city increased to 250.000 persons. In the processes which had been lived since the 16.century, the ratio of the Muslims decreased under the non-Muslim population. During the First World War, Izmir had not been attacked and got out of the battle without being destroyed. However, during the peace negotiations following the war, upon the permittance of the Greek Occupation, the city remained under the Greek occupation between the dates of 15 May, 1919 and 9 September, 1922. Four days after the emancipation, an area with a size of 260 hectare from the most rich districts, in which the Franks, Rums and the Armenians dwelt, burned in the fire which was broken out on 13 September, 1922. In this area, there was 25.000 buildings.32 After the realization of the population exchange that was done after the Lausanne Peace Agreement, the population of the city decreased to 154.000 according to the population census that was done in the year of 1927. After the Turkish War of Independence, according to the plan that was made to prepare by René Danger; while the fire place was being reconstructed, Izmir changed into being the main export harbor of a country which was trying to industrialize with import replacement by integrating its national market. It can be said that the city reached its size before the First World War only after 30 years, in the year of 1953.

31 Rauf Beyru, “Kemeraltı In The Beginning of the 20. century”, Ege Mimarlık (Aegean Architecture), 1992, p: 43-47 32 Zafer Toprak, Ibid; p: 227-23


Map 6: 20. Izmir at the Begining of the 20th Century. (Source: Burak Belge, Ibid, p: 102)


When the Republic was established, the Rum and the Armenian Population of Izmir abondoned the city, the relatively the more prosperous districts were burned. The plan of the fire region had gotten prepared to a French planner, René Danger, on the basis of a radical modernity approach in the first years of the Republic. The big green area in the plan amplified much more and the Kultur Park (Culture Park) was made, by changing the fire area into a low density modern housing area, the traces of the fire were removed. But the spatial invariant of the city which became smaller, continued as adjusting itself to the new conditions. The Frank Street33 in the non-muslim districts of CBD and a segment of Kordon was annihilated. However, the Anafartalar Avenue which extended from Konak Square to Basmane continued its function of being CBD’s main axis. Izmir’s digress of the locational invariant in 19. century was with Turkey starting to have a fast urbanism after the Second World War.34 Izmir also took its share from this fast urbanism. When a certain capital saving that was necessary with the on going fast urbanism in the country was not found, two housing presentation styles that were developed in these conditions determined the cities’ growth. The first and the most unexpected one was slums and an occurance of slum zones at the periphery of the city was started. First slums started to take place at the slope of Kadifekale that were looking to the gulf, afterwards it climbed onto the back of Kadifekale from Meles creek valley’s west slopes. First attraction for the slums was Kadifekale’s northern and western slopes. Next advancement steered to the east of Bayrakli railroad. This was followed by slums at Samantepe, Ferahli, Istiklal, Bogazici, Gultepe at the slope that looked through the Bornova plain and Ballikuyu, Gurcesme, 1.Kadriye, 2.Kadriye, Kadifekale districts at the Meles creek valley’s location that opens to the south. This spread happened in the 1960s. After the 1960s, these slum areas spread to their own surroundings. This new slum outstretching happened in Cay and Cicek of Bayrakli and Yamanlar mountain areas in the east and in M. Erener districts at the north. An another slums development was happened at Imariye, Yesilyurt, Cennetoglu, Veziraga and Bozyaka districts of the westSouthwest of Kadifekale, also at Altindag which was an old village and from that point in Camdibi and Mersinli slum areas that were extending at the plain of Bornova plain. After 1970s, at Karsiyaka-Gediz plain, in South Naldoken, in North Emek, a part of Ornekkoy and Cumhuriyet, Yamac, Imbat, Maltepe, Gumuspala, Balatcik and Guzeltepe slum neighborhoods occurred. At the east and the north-east of Buca, Ufuk, Camlik, Bahcekapi and Adatepe, at the plain of its north-east Kozagac, Gediz, Firat and Caldiran slum neighborhoods emerged. The part of Buca’s slum area that stretched to the south was integrated with the slum neighborhood that was developed in Gaziemir area and created 9 Eylul and Irmak slum neighborhoods. In addition, at the steep slopes of Narlidere, 2. Inonu,

33 The unburned segment of Frank Street is today’s Kıbrıs Şehitleri Avenue. 34 For after this section Look at: Cezmi Sevgi, Izmir and Slums in the Urbanism Process, İzmir Konak Municipality, İzmir, December, 1988. Hülya Koç: A Research on Activities of Housing Cooperatives in Urban Housing Presentation, Dokuz Eylül University, Izmir 1989. (Unpublished Doctorate Thesis), Arife Karadağ, Urban Development Process, Izmir with its Environmental Effects and Problems, Izmir, 2000


Camtepe and Narli, at Guzelbahce, Safak and Yaka slum neighborhoods were developed. As a result of these developments, 40 percent of the city populations started to live in slum areas. The second housing presentation style in 1970s was build and sell system. This presentation style became dominant in the licensed construction segment at the city. It can be said that there were two outcomes of this small enterprising activity. The first one of these outcomes caused multi storey apartment buildings replacing old Izmir housing with demolishing the old housing. The settlement volume of the city was increased. In this process, two storey housed by the cordon of Karsiyaka, Guzelyali-Konak and Alsancak-Konak were demolished and replaced by 8 storey modernist apartment buildings and pretty much closed the city’s housing that fell behind to imbat, created an almost wall at the city shore. Approximate height of this wall at the shore line is around 24 meters. This causes the imbat wind to become almost in half effect at in between streets that stayed behind and decreases the thermal comfort of the city people. Small entrepreneurs of build and sell caused a large scaled destruction of Izmir’s old housing texture with their hands. Izmir’s historical memory was damaged in the hands of small entrepreneurs that are called build and sellers of the market mechanism. This kind of damage doesn’t require a big fund and it can be done with the cooperation of a small fund and the middle class consumers. The second problem of the build and sell; it provided for a created high intensity texture caused by the apartment buildings in areas that were newly opened to settlement. As it was seen with slums climbing to the slopes, licensed buildings occurred by climbing the slopes after the opening of the Hatay Street with Guzelyali-Konak lines expanding to behind. In Karsiyaka, licensed housing areas spread into Bostanli. In this period, the growth of the city was generally like an oil stain spreading, through the highways that connect the city to outside by adding building one by one. In this dynamic, the industrial accumulations through the main roads were started to be seen. The industrial development of the city in years of 1950-1960 occurred in the periphery of IsikkentPinarbasi and on the axis that lays from Halkapinar to Bayrakli. It came into sight on three new axis after 1960 as; the first one being the axis that spread from Bayrakli at the north to Menemen, the second being through Izmir-Ankara Highway and the third as a cluster in the axis of Karabaglar-Cumaovasi at the south. Of course, there is a mutual decisiveness among these developments and the spread of slum areas. After the 1960s, while the city’s housing texture was gaining a new quality, its CBD also started to make some changes. The first change started after World War Two, with the lowincome group of the Jewish community in Izmir leaving the city as a result of Israel’s being established. This migration didn’t happened in a while and slowly but it happened in a very short time line and as a result of this migration, Jewish housing neighborhoods that are adjoined with CBD were started to be used by small producers.


With the increase in slum population, Kemeralti started to have a character as the location of the street venders. This fact was created by the difficulty of finding new jobs for the new comers to city, on the other hand the new coming population not being differentiated in the purchasing power and people who are looking for cheap goods not being able to enter the stores. Street venders fact always re-created its presence even though it was seen as one of the important problems of the city management in 1950s and 1960s. After the high-income groups that lived in the inner parts of the Kemeralti started to leave the area in 1970s, the process of the area becoming into a rift region was started. The biggest effect in restructuring of CBD after the 1970s occurred due to the change of port’s location. The 1925 dated Rene Danger Plan suggested the port that was located between Konak-Pasaport to be transferred to Alsancak. The application of this decision/idea was put into life only after the 1960s. While this decision caused the entrepot area at the back of the old port to be demolished and restructured, these functions were relocated at the periphery of Alsancak Port. A warehouse area was created between Alsancak-Halkpinar. There wasn’t a selective behavior about the historical buildings while this demolishing was occurring in the second half of the 1970s. For example, the inn where the First Izmir Economics Congress took place was between the demolished buildings.35 CBD spread in this newly made area and in Alsancak, which was demolished and reconstructed, various business and professionals’ offices developed in these areas. As we previously emphasized, on one hand the demolitions at the backside of the old port that were led by the municipal, on the other hand, the damages on Izmir’s old urban texture and even on the modern structure that was occurred in the fire place after the fire; caused some serious reactions in these periods against this transformation in Izmir’s public opinion around the sayings of NGO’s, related profession rooms and the city and region planning departments of the newly improved universities of Izmir. This resulted in plans to be made that controls the transformations in the city location, supported the protection tendency and announcing site areas. In a way, Izmir people declared their tendency as taking a standing against the transformation by destruction of the city’s historical heritage on certain locations. The development of this resistance will be detailed when the Izmir-History Project is being approached after this chapter. As a result of the city’s spreading outside the Izmir Municipality borders in 1980, the urban area became an agglomeration consisting of Izmir Municipality and the 13 municipals around it. When the Izmir Municipality’s population reached 760.000 people, the size of the settlement stain increased to 6.250 hectare. Karsiyaka’s settlement stain in this stain is 2.000 hectare. Up to a 450.000 population was living in the 13 municipals around the city. 35 Congress took place at Aram Harpansumyan’s grape and fig facility that was used as a warehouse of the Ottoman Bank. There was also an exhibition in this building where 7000 people can enter. The building that was located in today’s place of the car park at 857 street Kestanepazari was demolished after September 12, 1980. For source, look at; A. Gündüz Ökçün, Turkey Economics Congress 1923, İzmir; Faculty of Political Sciences, Ankara, 1968, s: 212-213,: Ayşe Hür-1923 Izmir Economics Congress, http//www.izmir.net


The spread of the urban area with a 1.210.000 total population was mainly inside a circle with 25 km radius from the city center. After 1980, two important changes happened that effected the city’s locational spread. The first one is; changing of distance-time relations inside Izmir and Izmir’s close proximity due to the developments in transportation infrastructure and inner city transportation business. The second one is; in general, as a result of increasing the mobilization capacity of bigger capitals in the system’s structure area, the city’s growth becoming by adding large city parts instead of a growth by adding buildings one by one. These big parts can be; collective housing enterprises, organized industrial areas, university campuses, big hospital campuses, big shopping malls and other different units. These big units can be detached from the center and jump into the locations where the cheap lands are located due to the externalities they provide. The possibility of these big enterprises doesn’t eliminate the small and medium sized entrepreneurs, after these jumps happen, build and sell businesses fill the area in between the jumping point and the city center by exhibiting their activities. While this process spreads around Izmir, it also provides Izmir with an urban area character. Since the dynamics that happened during the development of Izmir Urban Area was previously emphasized, these will not be detailed in this chapter. In this period, the building of Izmir-Cesme and Izmir-Aydin highways had a big part in Izmir’s locational spread with changing the time location relation around the city. Building of Izmir-Cesme highway was started in December 1989 and completed in September 1997. Especially the building of Izmir-Cesme highway increased the spread of settlements at the peninsula and integrated the life in Izmir and Cesme in summer months. In 1991, General Management of Highways; took the building of Konak-Alsancak coastal path into their agenda. This decision which is a typical example of fait accompli of central governments to the cities, will cut Izmir people’s connection with the sea and destroy the last remaining visual memory traces from 19th century Izmir. This project was put into implementation and during Burhan Ozfatura’s mayoralty period, a 1,5km line between the Cumhuriyet Square and Alsancak was filled with 80-120 meter depth. However, Izmir’s civil community made a great struggle about this subject in between 1991 and 1998 and prevented this area becoming a fast track transportation road. By this way, it also slowed the resolution dynamic of the CBD in a certain measure. After 1995, the process of Izmir’s spread into the periphery also caused some important transformations inside the CBD. While the hypermarkets increasing in number pulled the middle class income groups from Kemeralti in retail trade, it transformed Kemeralti’s retail trade into a state where it answers to the low income groups’ demands. The quality variety decreased. Completing the movement of the shoemakers at Isikkent which covered a big area inside the CBD to the organized industrial area in 1998, sped the development of the rift areas in the CBD. Since the shoemakers left their housing areas while they left their business locations, created the depression increased. However, the textile workshops still continue their productions in Basmane and Cankaya. The production functions at the part


of the project area between the Agora and the Fevzi Pasa Avenue still continue. The Historical Kemeralti Trades Association stated that the licensed business number has decreased from 16.700 to 8.500 in the last six years. In the project area, central functions are being enveloped by a housing texture of low income people and the collective housing constructions cause the middle class people to leave the area. The project that will effect the Izmir CBD in the upcoming period will be a part of the new CBD that is being developed by high storey structures between the Alsancak Port and the Turan. The CBD function in this area was firstly determined by a 1/25000 scaled city construction plan prepared in 1973; intensity and settlement conditions were created with 1/1000 scaled plans that were prepared between the years of 1982-85. The Izmir Metropolitan Municipal opened an international competition for establishing the CBD functions that will increase Izmir’s regional capital function in this area that is located between the Alsancak Port and the Turan in 2001. By taking this plan as a basis, 1/5000 scaled reconstructions plans of this 550 hectare area was prepared. The implementation has been already started. As a result, a lot of function started to come out of the old CBD. Because of this reason, the Izmir-History Project area is also being effected by this process. Therefore, bringing new functions to this area has become more critical.



III. Determination of the Izmir History Project Area and Sub Areas


The areas in the borders of the Izmir-History Project have special statuses. The property owners who have immovables in here, cannot act like the property owners in the other places of the city. As our knowledge concerning the history of the project area increases and the awareness of the Izmirians develops, the immovables in the project region have gained special statuses with the decisions that the related institutions made. These statuses on one hand, make the implementations destroying the historical heritage in this area difficult, on the other hand, create an environment which make these areas to become rift areas, easily. For this reason, for suggesting a planning/design strategy for this area; we have to know the formation story of the today’s statuses of the immovables in this area. As seen in the Map 7, today, the Fevzi Pasa Boulevard constituted the North frontier of the area. For to open this road which would connect the station of the French railway in Basmane to the customs and the harbour, in the period of Governor Rahmi Bey in 1917, the “Izmir the Zoning and Public Construction Ottoman Incorporated Company was established and started to the construction and after the 900 meters of the 1100 meters road was completed, the construction stopped. After the Turkish War of Independence, the completion of this road could only be realized in the year of 1941. In the Izmir fire which broke out on the 13th September, 1922, when the Frank, Rum and the Armenian districts in the North were burnt, this road whose great part of it had been opened, became the North border of the historic fabric of the Izmir CBD. The route of the road after the fire was involved in René Danger’s plan. The constructed part of this road might have provide its being protected by preventing the Izmir’s fire to expand toward the south of the CBD. The first step in the project area’s becoming an area in today’s qualities, was made in the archaelogical excavations which were conducted by the team of Rudolf Nauman, F. Mitner and the museum director, Selahattin Kantar between the years of 1932-1941 in Agora which had became a Muslim cemetery in the district of Namazgah during the Ottoman Period. The historical value of this area then started to be unearthed. Today, the excavations are being continued under the sponsorship of the Metropolitan Municipality . The excavation which was authorized by the decision of the Council of Minister, has been continued by Ass. Prof. Dr. Akın Ersoy.


Map 7: Izmir_History (Source: Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Directorate of Historical Environment and Cultural Properties


The Formation of the Izmir-History Project and the Land Usage Statuses On It Kemal Ahmet Aru and his team, won the development plan competition which the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality had opened in the year of 1953, prepared the first methodical development plan of Izmir in the year of 1955. In the mentioned plan, the effect of the Law of the Ancient Monuments dated as 1952 which was in force at that period were not seen and it could not be said that it showed a protectionist approach in the historical place. In this area, the areas’ other than the archaelogical excavation areas, gaining special statuses36 started by having a report for the Kemeralti region prepared by Dogan Kuban in the 1970s.37 It may be said that the effect of this study in practice started to institutionalize in 1978. The Kemeralti and its environment; were fixed as the “Kemeralti Urban Conservation Area” with the decision of the High Council Of Immovable Monuments and Antiquities dated 17.11.1978/A and with no. 1373 and later 1.470 buildings located in the region were registered. After that, the preparation of a reconstruction plan for protect was undertaken. In the year of 1982, a plan was prepared. The Code of Protection of Cultural and Natural Properties dated 21 July, 1983 with no. 2863 was enacted.38 With this law, the conservation concept became institutionalized and within two years, for the protected areas, the condition of making a new plan was brought.Though the plan prepared in 1982 was offering less intervention in the historical fabric in comparison with the plan of 1955, still possessed a normal construction plan rather than a protection plan. The plan continued to bring additional construction rights. In the plan, three items of multi-storey car park which would draw the traffic to the region, were proposed. While enabling a multi-storey and dense housing in the coast line and in the vicinity of the Beyler Streets, the protection of the current fabric in the inner parts of the center, was predicted. The construction permit in the shape of eight storied attached buildings along the Cumhuriyet Boulevard, caused the coast connection of the traditional center to detach completely. The similar implementation in the vicinity of the Beyler Street emerged an environment with a worse structure due to the small property pattern in here. The Izmir Metropolitan Municipality approved this plan on 14th August, 1984.39 The rights for additional storey which this plan had brought, encouraged the demolition and reconstruction. The roads were widened despite the historical structures, new green areas were created and the opportunity of multi-storey housing was partially given. An approach which encouraged the vehicle traffic was adopted. The Board, when it was revealed that this construction plan had not prevented the destruction in practice and with the highrise

36In this subject See.: Sibel Ecemiş Kılıç, “Preservation Plan Implementations for the Historical City Centre, Kemeraltı (Izmir, Turkey)”, European Planning Studies, Vol.16, No.2, Feb. 2008, p: 253-276. 37This report was later published by the History Foundation. See: Doğan Kuban: “The Report Concerning the Properties and Protection of Izmir’s Historical Structure. The Urban Protection, City Histories and Protection Methods, Turkey History Foundation, Istanbul, 2001, p: 49-105. 38 In this law, changes were made with the laws dated as 17th June, 1987 with no.3386, dated as 27th July, 2004 and with no. 5226 and the statuary decrees 8th August, 2011 with no. 648. 39 Rabia Zeybek Çetin, Ibid , p. 79-80.


construction it created in the west and the east of the area, it detached the historic fabric’s connections from the city; then there had the need for taking the decision dated 17th July, 1987 with no. 3509. It reported that no new housing should be permitted within the Kemeralti Urban Conservation Area Construction Plan borders. In a sense, this was the decision of implementing the 1984 plan in certain conditions till the new plan would be made. The implementations were started to be made in accordance with the 1/1000 scale Kemeralti Urban Conservation Area Construction Plan Notes approved by the decision of the Izmir Cultural and Natural Heritage Preservation Board No. 1 dated, 29th November, 1990 and with no. 2444. But since the year of 1990, the demand of a new plan have occupied much place in the agenda. With the decision of the Izmir Cultural and Natural Heritage Preservation Board No. 1, dated as 22.10.1991 and with no. 3234, the archaelogical heritage such as the Agora, Theatre, Kadifekale, Stadium and the Altinyol were fixed as the “1.Degree Archaeological Protected Area” which were located in this area. In the same decision, the area which surrounded Kadifekale was taken into the scope of the “Archaelogical Protection Area”, the areas surrounded the Agora and the Theatre were taken into the scope of the “3. Degree Archaelogical Protection Area”.40 The plan of the year 1984’s being incompatible with the protection understanding which was brought by the Code of the Cultural and Natural Heritage Preservation with no. 2863, due to its being rather a traditional construction plan, with the decision of the Izmir Cultural and Natural Heritage Preservation Regional Board No.1, dated 28th April, 1995 with no. 5823, its implementation was seen as appropriate and till the revision plan would be made, the 1984 plan remained in the implementation conditionally.41 In the year of 1997, the related board announced the area as the 3. Degree Archaelogical Protection Area by taking the borders of the Ancient Smyrna city as basis, which was shown in the maps prepared by the ancient period historians and whose traces can be read by the experts nowadays, as well. According to the Code of the Cultural and Natural Heritage Preservation, High Council may take resolutions in the subject of how the archaelogical areas in Turkey would be protected/used. The High Council took the resolution with no. 658 concerning the archaelogical site on the date of the 5th November, 1999. The archaelogical site concept in the resolution with no. 658, are defined as the habitations and areas in which all kinds of cultural heritages located in reflecting the product of the old civilizations lived under the ground, on the ground and under the water, the social, economic and cultural properties of the eras they lived in, beginning from the date the humanity existed reaching to the present day. These were divided into three degrees. 40 Ayşegül Altınors Çırak, The Archaelogical Inventorying and Urban Archaelogical Value Management As A Planning Strategy: Izmir Historical City Center, Dokuz Eylul University, Jan. 2010, Izmir, p: 298. (Unpublished Doctorate Thesis) 41 Ayşe Didem Yaygel, Ibid, s: 106.


1st Degree Archaelogical Conservation Area is defiend as the area to be preserved exactly except for the scientific studies oriented toward the protection and it is stated that no housing in these areas shall be permitted, determining them as site areas which shall be exactly protected in the construction plans and no excavation other than the ones having scientific aims could be done. It is understood that the resolutions were explaining some special cases and left some of the cases to the decision of the Protection Region Boards. Concerning thhese special cases in summary; it is stated that, for the infrastructure implementations which are made in the obligatory cases by the officical and private institutions, the assessment of the subject in the Cultural Heritages Protection Regional Board by the view of the museum directorate and if available the head of the excavation; non-opening of the agricultural area, only the limited seasonal agricultural activities may continue and arranging walking paths in the archaelogical sites located in these areas, square arrangement, construction of units such as the parking lot, WC, box office, watch office may only be done by taking permission from the Cultural Heritages Protection Regional Board, only the burial processes can be done in the cemeteries located in these areas that are open to public which are currently used nowadays, the amalgamation and the allotment can be done provided that taking permission from the related Cultural Heritages Protection Regional Board in a way by not influencing the nature of the immovable cultural heritages.42 2nd Degree Archaelogical Conservation Area is defined as the area which should be protected, but the protection and usage conditions shall be determined by the preservation boards, and would be preserved as exactly the same except for the scientific studies oriented toward the protection. It is stated that in these areas, new housing shall not be permitted, however, it can be made in accordance with the resolutions of the simple restorations of the non-proprietary structures which are still currently being used in nowadays as well, and the 1. Degree archaelogical site protection and usage conditions are valid.43 3nd Degree Archaelogical Conservation Area is basically determined as a reserve/potential area in the resolution with No. 658. In the determination of the transition period housing conditions in these areas, the proposed building density’s not to exceed the density determined by the current construction plan, its compliance with the functions that would come to the area, the required infrastructure implementations, the proposed structure gabarites, structure technique and material, bringing solutions in a way providing the preservation and evaluation of the current and probable archaeological heritage, if available together with the approved environmental plan and structural plan decisions as paying regard to the preservation of the archaelogical heritage in the segments opened to the settlement, making the construction plans for protect, prior to taking resolutions, the validity of the conditions that the plan proposed in the places where the Construction Plan For Protect was made, in these areas, prior to the construction permit is given by its municipality and the governorate, by realizing a drilling excavation by the experts of the related museum directorate, transmitting the drilling results concerning these areas to the Cultural Heritages Preservation Regional Board together with the views of the drilling results and after 42 Ayşegül Altınörs Çırak, Ibid, p: 257 43 Ayşegül Altınörs Çırak, Ibid, p: 257


taking the decision of the board, it was decided that it could be then passed to the the implementation. Also, the amalgamation and the allotment can be done in these areas provided that by taking permission from the Cultural Heritages Preservation Regional Board.44 After the decision with no. 658, the studies of preparing the 1/5000 scale Izmir Konak Kemeralti and Its Environment Master Development Plan For Protect were started by the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality in cooperation with the Konak Municipality. While these studies were continuing, the ‘Protected Archaelogical Area’, surrounding the Kadifekale was transformed into a “2. Degree Archaelogical Site Area” with the decision of Izmir No.1 Culture and Natural Heritage Regional Board dated, 27.09.2001 and with no. 9513. The borders of the Kemeralti urban city area were fixed for the first time by the Metropolitan Municipality and Prof. Umit Serdaroglu in the year of 1979 and were approved by the Superior Council of Immovable Monuments and Antiquities (GEYAK: SCIMA). Almost the whole (except for the customs warehouse) of the urban site area in Kemeralti was determined as the Kemeralti Urban Site and 3. Degree Archaelogical Site Area with the decision of the Izmir Cultural and Natural Heritage Preservation Regional Board No. 1, which was taken on the date of 30th January, 2002 and with no. 9727. The 3. Degree Archaelogical site Area proceeded to the Fevzipasa Boulevard and Gaziler Avenue in the North and reached to Kadifekale while involving the Izmir Kız Lisesi(Izmir Girls High School) in the south-west. The Board expanded the Agora 1. Degree Archaelogical Site Area in a way extending to the Esrefpasa Avenue and involving in the multi-storey car park, transformed the 3. Degree Archaelogical Site Area which had been locaed in the east and the south of the Agora to a 2. Degree Archaelogical Site Area with its decision dated, 30 January 2002 and no. 9728. Also, with the Board Decision no. 9728, the Varyant was announced as a 2. Degree natural site area, Konak and Kordon was announced as historical site area. The 1/1500 Scale Master Development Plan For Protect which was prepared by the Metropolitan and Konak Municipalities in compliance with these site decisions, was approved by the Board’s decision dated, 14th September, 2002 with no. 10138 and was accepted by the Metropolitan Municipality Council and accepted by the Metropolitan Municipality on the date of 4th November, 2002. The area was divided into two as 1. Stage and 2. Stage, by taking the Esrefpasa Avenue as an axis. As the First Stage was 160 hectare, and the Second Stage is 110 hectare, it totally involved in a 270 hectare45 area. (See: Map 8).

44 Ayşegül Altınörs Çırak, Ibid, p: 258 45 Ayşe Didem Yaygel, Scrutinizing the User Focused Improvement Methods Oriented Toward the Historical Urban Environments Which Require Intervention: Region Example, Dokuz Eylul University , January 2007, Izmir




Gulf of Izmir

1/500 MASTER PLAN REVISION AREA Map 8: 1/5000 Master Revision Construction Plan For Protect (Source: Izmir Metropolitan Municipality)

The first stage; is the region where the official facilities, the retail and wholesale trading and housing functions are located in. The second stage; predominantly involve in the housing regions. When we examine the 1. Stage where the trading center located in, the South part of it which is bordered by the Varyant, is seen to be constituted by the housing areas. The West part of the housing area mostly is constituted from the building islands which were renewed by benefiting from the 1984 year plan, while the east side is a region whose histroical fabric is more dense. There exists so many deserted buildings. Toward the North east, in the region where the Ayakkabiciler Sitesi (Shoemakers Site) is located in, there are so many empty buildings. Hence, the southeast segment in the Kemeralti Bazaar is the region where much rifts have been seen. It is seen that in the northeast segment where the Fevzipasa Boulevard and the Ikicesmelik Avenue is intersected and in the background of the trading, the professional services, clothing wholesale trade and storing functions are concentrated.46 After this, it has been passed to the preparation of the implication plans. The work of 1/1000 scaled preparation of the implementation plan for the part that is located in the west side of the Ikicesmelik Street that creates the first stage, has been done by Dokuz Eylul University. The 2. Stage implication plans has been started to be carried out by Buyuksehir and Konak Municipalities.

46Rabia Zeybek Çetin, Assessment On the Reanimating Policies In the Historical City Centers: Izmir Kemeralti Example, Dokuz Eylul University, July 2012, Izmir, p: 65-66 (Unpublished Master Thesis)


1/1000 scaled 1. Stage Protection Purposed Revision Reconstruction Plan that was prepared by the Dokuz Eylul University was ratificated by the decision of Konak Municipality dated, 28th June, 2004 and with no. 4889/5336 , the decision of the Izmir Cultural and Natural Heritage Preservation Regional Board No. 1 dated, 28th July, 2005 and with no. 732, the decision of Izmir Buyuksehir Municipality Council dated, November 17th November 2005, with no. 05.1020 .47 It has been seen that during the application/approval process of the implementation plans, by the decision dated, 4th November, 2004 day no. 152, the Board, the borders of the 1. Degree Archeological Site Area have been expanded to surround the castle walls that were left outside, also by the same decision, borders of the 1. Stage Archelogical Site Area that is at the location where the Theatre is, has been expanded due to the foundlings in a way as involving in the whole theatre. Even though the prepared reconstruction plan is named as a revision, it has been prepared from the start without sticking to the 1984 dated approved plan. In the prepared plan, a new strategy has been developed about the housing areas, commercial districts, encouraged usages and green areas. It has been suggested that the fabric of the current housing and the housing on top of the commerce inside the commercial area should be continued by getting rehabilitated. The encouragement of the continuity of the specialized functions in the commercial district, taking back the functions that have been lost today as much as possible to the streets where they once have been located was targeted. It has been foreseen to create a touristic attraction center to connect the hotels area to the area in Kemeralti where the inns are densely located. Ensuring the continuity of the historical touristic activity inside the Kemeralti arc and right at the edge of it was chosen as a priority target. It has been suggested to replace the wholesale trade functions inside the Kemeralti with retail trade applications due to the increased vehicle traffic caused by the wholesale trade. Increasing the pedestrian axes in the area has been targeted and the vehicle entrances have been limited to outside of the specific hours and by only service purposes. A registration Proposal was made for the trees in the area that have significance due to their ages or status. It has been stated that the historical buildings should be cleansed of the plants that are covering their surfaces; ivies on the other hand can be used for shadow purposes during the summer time in a way that will not intervene with the garbage and fire fighter vehicles that will enter the area.48 A small touristic manufacture with the purpose of promotion/display has been foreseen in the Buyuk Demir Han that is located inside the Anafarta arc. Maintaining the restructuring at the areas that locate the specialized trade functions at the edge of the arc (Zuccaciyeciler Carsisi, Kuyumcular Carsisi, Konfeksiyoncular Carsisi that also include the Arap Han, Ayakkabicilar Carsisi) in the future was foreseen.49 While the preparation of the implementation plans process is continuining, Protection of High Culture Assests District Board that developed the resolution with no.658 for urban archeological sites on April 15, 2005, took the resolution with no. 702.

47 İzmir Konak Kemeraltı and Its Vicinity Renewal Area Stage Project and Programs, Izmir Metropolitan Municipal, 2005, Izmir, sp:4 48 Rabia Zeybek Çetin, Ibid, p: 84-86 49 Rabia Zeybek Çetin, Ibid, p: 85


The resolution with no. 702 that includes the urban archaeological sites, transfers the frame that was determined for multiple layered urban areas in which the urban and archaeological site quality areas are on top of each other. This transfers the idea of application of a healthy and comprehensive inventory study of the archaeological heritage in the urban archaeological site areas and that it shouldn’t be passed to the implementation in the plot scale without the approval of the prepared plans after this inventory study. In addition, during the planning studies that shall be done in the urban archaeological site areas; harmony of the functions that will come to the area should be overseen, the infrastructure services that are necessary due to today’s conditions should be done, starting from the project stage by using the minimum amount of ground and making sure that it won’t damage the cultural layer, taking the utmost care about the unity of the traditional texture and structure technique and material with the suggested structure gabarites, in these areas, if the old structure where the foundation belongs to on top of the current wrecked foundation has a cultural heritage quality to be protected and it has a significant contribution to the site where it belongs to for reviving the historical identity of it, old information, picture, engraving, photography, memory documents etc. documentation that belongs to the structure can be reinstitute, a restitution project can be arranged after the admission of the related Cultural Heritages Preservation Regional Boards and the approval of the board, the old structure can be revived, the structure and structure ruins that has the necessary quality of culture asset to be protected as a single structure scale can be used after renovation with the requirement of an approval of building survey and the restoration projects from the Protection of Culture Assets District Board, properties that are outside the scope of the law can have basic repairing in the scope of the rudiments stated in the resolution in effect.50 The 1/1000 scaled Reconstruction Plan for the Protection of Agora and its Environment, started to be prepared in 2001 by the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality, was completed and approved by the decision of the Konak Municipality Council dated, 6th May, 2005 and with no.50/98. This plan has been approved by the decision of the Cultural Heritages Preservation Regional Board dated, 29th June, 2005 and with no. 645, and with the decision of the Metropolitan Municipal Council dated, 15th July 2005 with no. 05.702. The 1/1000 scale Kadifekale-Reconstruction Plan for the Protection of the Theatre and its Environment preparation studies has been started in 2002 and the prepared plan has been approved by the decision of the Boards dated, 7th February, 2008 and with no. 2958 and the decision of the Izmir Metropolitan Municipal Council dated 15 February, 2008 and with no. 01.684. The 1/1000 scale 2.Stage 1.Region Protection Reconstruction Plan studies have been completed; approved and put into effect by the decision of the Izmir Board dated 6th February, 2009 and with no. 3827, the decision of Konak Municipality Council dated 2nd March, 2009 and with no. 55/2009, and the decision of the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Council dated, 13th March, 2009 and with no. 01.273.

50 Ayşegul Altınors Cirak, Ibid p.: 259


The prepared implementation plans created the need for a revision of 1/5000 scale Master Construction Plan For the Protection of Izmir, Konak Kemeralti and its Environment in accordance with the demands that came from the Board expanding the archeological site areas and transportation plan. The prepared master construction plan revision was approved by the decision of the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Council dated, 22nd November, 2007 and with no. 012360 and the decision of the Cultural Heritages Preservation Regional Board dated 7th February, 2008 and with no. 2958 . The area that extends from Kadifekale to the Historical Kemeralti has been declared as the Kemeralti Renewal Area according to the law with no. 5366 and the authority to the implementation of restoration and vitalization, has been given to the Municipality by the decision of the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality on the date of 8th January, 2007 and this decision has been approved by the Council of the Ministers’ decision on 1st October, 2007. According to the law with no. 5366 and the related regulation, the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality and the Konak Municipality prepared the Izmir Konak Kemeralti and Its Vicinity Renewal Area Stage Project and Programs together. This program has been found appropriate by the decision of the Konak Municipality Council dated 1st July, 2008 and with no. 181/2008 and the decision of the Izmir Metropolitan Municipal Council dated 15th August, 2008 with no. 01.1836. decisions. As a result of the decisions whose evolution story we’ve seen, our project areas’ 248 hectare section has won various protection statuses. The situation that occurs, is shown on Map 9. The size of this area is shown below. First degree archaeological sites; As the Stadium (2,7 hectare), Kadifekale (10,3 hectare), Theatre (1,8 hectare), Agora (6,1 hectare), Altinyol (2,1 hectare), in total 23,1 hectare (Site areas to be protected as it is excluding the scientific studies intended for protection). Second degree archaeological sites; As the Agora (2,1 hectare), Kadifekale (5,9 hectare), Varyant (1,8 hectare) in total 9,9 hectare (Necessary to be protected, protection usage conditions to be decided by the preservation boards). Third degree archaeological sites; Approximately, 188 hectare (Archaelogical site+ Site areas that can be allowed for new regulations according to the Urban site protection usage decisions) Other site areas; Konak historical site area (26 hectare), Pier urban protection site area (2,5 hectare), 2. Degree Natural site area (8,8 hectare). The first section of the Izmir-History Project is consistent of the reconstruction area determined by the decision of the Council of Ministers in the year of 2007. The second section is consistent of the southern section of Kadifekale that has been emptied because of its being subjected to natural disasters. We have seen the first section on Map 9. Now, lets deal with the second section. The existence of the landslide areas in Izmir has been known since 1950s by the planners. During the geological etudes for the preparation of plans for Izmir in 1950s and 1960s, it


has been determined that this area is a landslide area and the structure in this area was demanded to be prevented.











However, the slummin at the slope of Kadifekale was continued and landslides started to be experienced51. 5 At last, according to the etude report dated, 29th January, 1977 dated etudes, with the decision of the Council of Ministers dated, 3rd March , 1978 with no. 15319, the area was decided to be a "region which is exposed to natural disasters".52

Map 9: Site Statuses Concerning the Project Area (Resource:Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Historical Environment and Cultural Heritage Branch Office.)

51 In this subject see: Ihsan Çetin, Space-Location Factor in the Process of Slums Integrating with City: Izmir Example, Ege University, Izmir, 2010 (Unpublished PHD Thesis) and Ihsan Çetin, “Location Sociology Trial in Kadifekale an Urban Depression Example”, Sociology Magazine, 2011 52 Elif Mutlu, Criteria for a “Good” Urban Renewal Project: The Case of Kadifekale Urban Renewal Project (Izmir, Turkey), Izmir Institute of Technology, Izmir, 2009 (Unpublished Master Thesis)


Altay District

Kadifekale District

Kosova District Imaniye District 1.Kadriye District

Veziraga District

Hasan Ozdemir District

Yesiltepe District

19 Mayis District

Air Photograph/ Map 10: Kadifekale Transformation Area (Resource: Elif Mutlu, Ibid p.::80; Izmir Metropolitan Municipality, 2008)

According to the report dated as the 26th May, 1981, a new ‘exposed to natural disasters’ decision was taken with the Council of Ministers Decision dated, 16.11.1981 and with no. 3864 according to the report dated as 26th May, 1981. According to the developments concerning the landslide; by keeping up the damage detection studies up until 1986, the transfer of 3.377 housing and business locations were suggested and 882 of these were provided with housing in Konak-Esentepe, Buca-Tingirtepe, Buca-Tinaztepe and Cigli. According to the geological etude report dated 28th October, 1995; with the Council of Ministers Decision dated 4th May, 1998 and with no. 11100; as an addition to the areas that were banned to the buildings and residences before, with the Council of Ministers Decisions dated as 31st March, 1978 with no 15319, and the decision dated, 16th November, 1981 with no. 3864, an ‘exposed to natural disasters’ decision was taken for the areas that were stated in the Urbanism Etude Report dated, 30th December, 1983 that was co-prepared by Iller Bank and the Ministry. Basing on the etude report dated, 5th March, 2003, the decision of a new enlarged area that is exposed to the natural disasters, was made with the Council of Ministers Decision dated 18th June, 2003 with no. 5817 including the Yesildere road which was excluded in as the ‘area exposed to natural disasters’ the Council of Ministers Decision dated, 31st March 31, 1978 with no.7/15319.53 Previously, it was decided in the 1973 Metropolitan City Plan that this area was to be cleaned of structures. The Izmir Metropolitan Municipality decided to convert this area by

53 İhsan Çetin, Ibid p.: 147


confiscation in 20th July, 2006. This area was 46 hectares. The extension of the area is presented in Air Photograph/Map 10. The area that has two parts originally covers the Altay and the Imariye locales. The area , evacuated due to the landslides by the 1/25.000 scaled Urban Area City Reconstruction Plan that was accepted in March 16, 2007 was reserved for recreation functions. Areas at the perimeter of this area were defined as areas for transformation projects. Changes that were experienced during the Republic period in the Izmir-History Project Area economical activities profile The changes that happened during the Republic period in Izmir-History Project Area activity profile has been presented by Murat Guvenc and Eda Unlu Yucesoy’s research. 1938, 1957, 1981 and 2013 activity profiles of the project area are given in this research.54 The first profile that was stated in Guven and Yucesoy study gives us the distribution of 1438 business location that has a telephone number in the 1938 dated Izmir telephone guide. Only 11% of the economic organizations that have a telephone in Izmir on 1938 were in the production sector. Biggest share in the production sector were food, drinks and tobacco the industries. On the second rank were the wood products and furniture, paper products and textile with printing, clothing and leather industry. As can be expected, wholesale and retail trade has the highest connection with the outside world and city. In between all the economical activities, the dominant sector has almost the half (44.6%) of the all records. The 2.6% of the records are accommodation, 7.8% is transportation, communication, storing, 11.8% of it are financial institutions and business services, 21.9% are school, hospital, police station, court etc. government services. 1.251 of the 1438 nonhousing members on the 1938 dated Izmir Guide are located in the Izmir-History project area. These records create the 87% of the Izmir business location records. In other words, our project area was overlapping with Izmir’s CBD in 1938. On Map 11, the differentiation about the business locations in the project area is given according to the 1938 data. The Izmir CBD stretches parallel at the back of the port in between Konak and Passport. The production activities are located at the back of CBD. There are no settlements in the area from the point where the urban settlement ends up to the Kadifekale. In Izmir’s silhouette, the Kadifekale walls rise on top of this area. Differentiation of the things in Izmir is schematized on Map 12 in accordance with Horwood and Boyce’s theoretical frame55 concerning the CBDs.

54 Murat Güvenç Eda Ünlü Yücesoy, İzmir Business Location Geographies at Izmir City and Kemeralti Project Area 1938-1957-1981-2013, Tarkem Kemeraltı-Kadifekale Center Reconstruction, Transformation and Design Project, Istanbul, January, 2014 55 E.M.Horwood and R.R.Boyce: Studies of the Central Business District and Urban Freeway Development, Seattle University of Washington Press, 1959


Guvenc and Yucesoy have the opinion that when theoretical sketch about the Central Business Area morphology on Map 12 is interpreted in the light of the linearity caused by the Izmir-specific topographic conditions of the Port and the Kordon, locational organization inside and around CBD is at the expected locations and chooses an expected location as a clustering of activity bundle and this theoretical schematic is protected by its outline for many years.





TEM Road

Map 11: Theoretical diagram of the activity components of Kemeralti project area, 1938 (Source: Guvenc Yucesoy, A.g.e)

As a matter of fact, when Izmir maps of different years are studied, they said that CBD’s core, intercity connections, transportation and storing, local connection points that opens to the housing, medical services and at last the production industry organizations at the parts where there are geographical obstacles can be seen plainly. Second business area profile determined by Guvenc and Yucesoy’s study was done on 4652 non-housing members in the 1957-dated Izmir telephone guide. The city’s population has been increased in 50 percent ratio in between the years of 1938-1957. Its understood that a lot of companies were established in textile, clothing and leather business branch metal goods, machinery and equipment, the production sector’s ratio has been increased to 16% and it got more importance in this period. Even though the ratio is decreased to 36,8 percent despite the increase in the production industry area compared to 1938, the


wholesale and retail trade kept their importance. The ratio of production construction and social services and personal services increased to 26,4 percent. The geography of the business locations that have grown like an oil stain through the highway with the addition of buildings one by one in the 1938-1957 period, has been changed drastically. In the city where the population has increased in one to third in twenty years, the business locations are observed especially on the Bornova and Buca connections. It can be observed that the weight and essence of CBD has been changed in a certain way during observed the growth process in 1938-57 periods. 3.523 non-housing members were active in the Izmir-History project area in 1957. In this case, 75% of the non-housing telephone members in Izmir were inside the project area. Even though the Izmir-History project area keeps its importance as CBD, the sub centers have begun to occur in Bornova and Cumaovasi.

Intracity Interprovincial Trade Automotive Sales and Service Wholesale Sales and Storage

CBD Core Activities Small -Scale Production Private Services (Medical etc.)

Intracity Industry Interprovincial

Transportation Terminals

Multi-Unit Housing Intracity

Natural Thresholds Interprovincial

Map 12: A theoretical diagramming concerning Izmir’s CBD (Source: Güvenç, Yücesoy. Ibid)





Map 13: A conceptual diagram on the Kemeralti Project Area Activity Components, 1957. (Source: Güvenç, Yücesoy, Ibid.)

The business activities concentration pattern in the year of the 1957 in the project area, is given in Map 13. When it is compared to the conceptual diagram is compared which is produced for 1938, it is seen that the manufacturing function was developing linearly in the direction of Alsancak along Kordon as uniting with the CBD functions by effusing to the neighbour zones. It is seen that the habitation in the project area was expanding to Kadifekale and the empty areas were occupied. The third business profile in the Izmir Telephone Directory of the year 1981, which the study of Guvenc and Yucesoy fixed, was done over the 26311 non housing subscriber. When come to 1981, it is seen that the project area’s numerical massivness in the business geography reduced. Hence, while in that period the 85% of the non-housing subscriber in the 1938 telephone directory was in the Izmir-History project area, the 55% of the business places were located in this area. In the examination, made over the 1981 telephone directory registries, the density of the wholesale retail trading sector as it was in the previous years, is observed. Till the 1960s, the harbor between the Konak-Pasaport which influenced the CBD’s development considerably, was conveyed to Alsancak. Here, the examinations of the 1981 business place geography give the opportunity of observing the effects of this great change on the business place geography. Following the replacement of the harbor, the entrepots behind the old harbor demolished and this area was reconstructed and the CBD functions were situated in the Alsancak Harbor vicinity again. The pattern of the change that was experienced, is given in Map 14.






Map 14: The conceptual diagram of the Kemeralti project area activity components, 1981.

The traces of this great change experienced in the Izmir business place geography in the period of 1957-1981 can be observed in the conceptual diagram concerning this period, clearly. In thsi point, the shifting of the Center in the direction of the North, the development of the CBD functions in the service concentrated area in the South of the Alsancak Train Station, the extension of the manufacture function to the housing area and ultimately, the concentration of the supporting and manufacturing services and the manufacture together in the West of the CBD as well as the formation of a new spatial expertising template, are seen. In the fourth business areas profile of the year of 2013 Izmir Chamber of Commerce’s registry log which the study of Guvenc and Yucesoy fixed, was developed over the 47.820 registries in the Izmir Metropolitan area. In the year of 2013, while the share of the manufacture industry was 13.5% in the Izmir Metropolitan business profile, the share of the construction sector was 12.9%, the share of the wholesale-retail trading was 36.9%, the share of the accomodation was 4.0%, the share of the transportation-communication and storage was 4.4%, the share of the financial institutions, insurance, immovable goods services was 12.2%, social services, the share of the social and personal services was found as 8.2%. The Izmir-History Project Area, in the previous years, involved in a great part of the Izmir business places. When come to the 2013, it is seen that the situation changed completely and only the 15% of the registered members were located in the project area.


While the Izmir city was growing as an oil stain rapidly particularly with its housing developments, the business places also extended into the urban area. Yet, Dalgakiran emphasized that despite the existence of the formations which were realized since the second half of the years of 1980s and the retail trading activity would required an off-center development, the traditional city center preserved its importance with regard to the retail, it was in an attractive status with regard to both newly opened and the relocated firms. The CBD functions in the North of the Izmir-History project area preserving their importance. As the wholesale and retail tradings and the real estate being in the first place, the productive services, the skill based manufacture (jewellery) and the construction sector were concentrated together. The same structure sporadically extends to the Kemeralti Region as well as the districts which are in the neighbourhood of this area such as the Yenigun, Akinci, Fevzipasa, Ugur, Tan, TurkyĹlmaz, Sumer. The manufacture sector’s lines of business in the areas which stay out of these districts, are represented in different significances. The leather goods exhibit a distinctive concentration in Kestelli and Gunes districts; the leather manufacture together with the jewellery in Guzelyurt; as the metal goods and furniture being more significant, the leather and leather products as well as the rubber and plastic product manufacture in Namazgah, Sakarya, New and Ulku districts. In the Izmir-History project area 2013 examinations, different business profiles are observed in both sides of the Esrefpasa Avenue, Kestelli Street and Anafartalar Avenue borders (in the North, in the direction of the Sadirvanalti Mosque and after it in the east where ends in Basmane Train Station) starting from Cici Park. It is observed that in the West of the marked border, the districts in which the productive servicess and the activities of the skill-based manufacture such as the intense wholesale and retail trading, and beyond this different manufacturing activities are concentrated. The information given in Map 15 which shows business profile of the year of 2013, have prepared us to fix the sub-project regions in the Izmir-Tarih project area.


(HIZIM) Media; (HIZ) Environment (HIZ) Mining (JM) Electrical Equipment; Rubber and Plastic products; Furniture, Food (JM) Metal, Furniture; Leather and Leather Products; Rubber and Plastic Products (JM) Leather; Leather Products; Sea Transportation; (HIZ) Public (T) Entertainment(*Regarding this) (HIZ) Health; (T) Automotive (JM) Pharmaceutical Products

(JM) Jewellery; Leather and Leather Products

(JM)Jewellery; (HIZ)Real Estate, Wholesale and Retail Trade

(JM) Leather Products

CBD, Productive Services, Transportation, Carriage, Accomodation

(JM) Rubber, Plastic Products

Project Area Railway

(JM) Pharmaceutical Products, Sports Materials (JM) Electrical Equipment (JM) Food, Various Furniture, Media, Metal Products; Furniture, Sea Transportation, Public Services.

*For the full evolution of the CBD activities, look at the related table. Source:

Map 15: Izmir History Project area businessplace geography, 2013

Determination of the Sub Areas of the Izmir-History Project It is necessary to develop a planning/design strategy on the project area whose formation story we are telling, behind it, to konw how this area differentiate, divided into subdivisions. We shall try to deal with this differentiation over four different scales. Firsly, we shall try to introduce the 12 sub-regions which the Metropolitan Municipality developed as taking the second stage zoning of the reconstruction plan for protect. Secondly, we shall deal with the study of Burak Belge which divides the area into zones as assessing it as an archaelogical source in a way constituting a basis to the planning and protection policies. Thirdly, the division of the project area’s into districts, shall be laid emphasize. Lastly, the sub-regions of the Izmir-Tarih Project of the project area shall be fixed by the correlation of it into three sub-regions. In Map 16, the sub zoning of the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality is given. But this zoning in this map involves in the Second Stage Project Area and does not go to a sub-designing for this first stage.


Map 16: Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Sub Zoning


REGION NUMBER 6 The Housing Texture Between Kadifekale and Agora

REGION NUMBER 7 Registered Housing Concentrated Region


REGION NUMBER 9 Anafartalar Avenue Line

REGION NUMBER 2 The Geologically Unfavorable Area Region

REGION NUMBER 4 Aegean Civilisations Museum

REGION NUMBER 11 Manufacture Concentrated Region

REGION NUMBER 12 Esrefpasa-Gazi Osman Pasa – Fevzi Pasa – Gazi Boulevards

REGION NUMBER 5 Unqualified Concentrated Region

REGION NUMBER 8 Saint Vukulos Church and Its Vicinity

REGION NUMBER 3 The Kadifekale and Antique Theatre Region.

REGION NUMBER 10 Historical Hotels Region

In dividing it into sub zones, secondly the study56 of Burak Belge, which took the assessment of the urban archaelogical heritage as basis, is dealt with. In the urban archaelogical heritage, every document concerning the city history, all the topographical developments which the urban structure have passed through, are made the subject of examination. In this assessment, a comparison is tried to be made between the urban archaelogical cultural heritage stock which should be according to the historical topography and archaelogical-epigraphic data, and the real stock which could remain at the end of all kinds of destruction that was made under the soil. Here, an assessment is being made in which the factors connected to the protection levels such as the filling thickness, concentration, composition for the status of the archaelogical fillings, the physical environmental conditions in the protection of the archaelogical material, topographic structure. How much of the potential urban archaelogical heritages have been preserved, is revealed by determining the areas where the traditional structure stock was lost. The traditional construction techniques which reach to our age are known as generally not destructing the archaelogical culture layers. On the contrary, in case of high storey buildings which are used in the modern structure techniques, much deeper excavations are done with developed construction equipments and as the result of this, the destruction of the archaelogical sources are higher. Burak Belge implemented the method in Izmir which he had developed for determining the “Urban Archaelogical Character Regions” which may give opportunity to add the unvisible under soil assets to the planning and the decision taking processes, by deeming Izmir’s multi-layered historical center as an archaelogical source. (See : Map 17) As seen in the map, the zoning of Belge involves in a much broader area than the area of the Izmir History project area. The zone 6, zone 22, zone 23, zone 24, zone 25, zone 26, zone 27 in the North of the Fevzi Pasa Boulevard and the zone 14, zone 16 in its South remain out of our concern. As different from the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality sub zoning given in Map 16, it brings a zoning for an area which forms the 1. Stage of the Reconstruction Plan For Protect as well. Belge while preparing this table, he collected the inhabitation types in four types. He defined those as; 1) Presumptively, the grid habitation layout, 2) Preserved traditional Ottoman habitation layout, 3) The early-Republic habitation layout which was planned after 1922,

56 Burak Belge, “Urban Archaelogical Issues and Resources in İzmir Historic City Centre: An Explotary Case Study”, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, December, 2005 (Unpublished master thesis)


4) The modern habitation layout.

Map 17: Urban Archaelogical Character Regions (Source: Burak Belge, METU Journal of Faculty of Architecture, 2012, p: 344)

He divided the buildings in this area into four with regard to their effects to the archaelogical sources under the soil. These were listed as; 1) Traditional housing (These buildings themselves are the subject of protection, if they don’t have a deep base, they do not have negative effects on the underground archaelogical sources.)


2) The early Republic period buildings (These buildings have historical and architectural values. Due to their being constructed with modern construction methods, they probably may have harmed to the archaelogical sources.) 3) The modern buildings.(They are multi-storey and they have cellars. Their level of destroying the archaelogical sources is high.) 4)Slums (The effect of the ones which have few storey and had not bases, on the archaelogical sources is limited. The explanations concerning the zonings given in Map 17 concerning the historical area, are given in Table 2 by using these definitions. The Izmir-History Project Area is divided into 17 sub regions which are described in the below by bringint these three types of information. These are defined as follows: The first sub region shall be Agora. This sub region overlaps both with the Municipality and Belge’s zoning. This sub region is consisted of approximately the districts of Namazgah and Kurtulus. It was used as a cemetery in the Byzantium and the Ottoman period. For this reason, its under was protected. In the Republic period, the archaelogical excavations were started. A basilica building with the dimension of 165X200 m. is found in the North of the Roma period state agora. This building was unearthed to a great extent. A part of the stoa in the West was excavated as well. The east and South stoas are under the current housing and business places. As the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality confiscated these areas, the excavations extend to the other areas as well. The Agora Square, North gate, basilica gate, West stoa, bouleuterion and the excavation in the antique bazaar, the restoration, the archaelogical cleansing and landscaping studies are being continued. During the excavation, an archaelogical layet in thickness of 5 meters are being taken out. The Izmir Metropolitan Municipality sees this sub region as one of the focus points in the reconstruction of their memories of the Izmirians concerning the antique past of the city. We saw that the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality completed the Agora and Its Environment Revision Construction Plan For Protection and carried it into effect in the year of 2005. Depending upon this, the Municipality that prepared the Protection-Development and Sustenance of the Agora and Its Environment; is fulfilling the project’s function as the main sponsor of it and realizing the expropriations in compliance with the plan and the excavation. The Agora Excavation House building was restored which was forecasted in the project and the Agor Museum House is being restored.. The excavation area was taken under security with a wall of 810 m., protecting the transparency of the area with a special design. After these implementations, it aims to change the area into a “Agora Archaelogy and Historical Park”. In the region which involved the Namazgah and Kurtulus districts, he important part of the mansion which carried the lines of the Turkish architectural style either burned or in a ruin status. While the Roman period of the city is going to be reconstructed in the urban memory of the Izmirian, these mansions shall need to be reconstructed as well.


Zone 1 Zone 18 Zone 3 Zone 5 Zone 8 Zone 13 Zone 7 Zone 17

Zone 2 Zone 4 Zone 20 Zone 6 Zone 10 Zone 15

Zone 19 Zone 21 Zone 25 Zone 12 Zone 14 Zone 22 Zone 9

Zone 11 Zone 27 Zone 23 Zone 24 Zone 16 Zone 26

BUILDING TYPE AND DEFINITION OF THE HABITATION LAYOUT State Agora Area Kadife Kale Traditional buildings on the protected grid habitation layout Traditional buildings on the protected 19. Century traditional habitation layout Traditional buildings on the protected 19. Century habitation layout. Traditional buildings on the terraced base parallel to the Roman road Traditional buildings and slums on the amorphous grid habitation layout Slums

Mixed buildings on the protected 19. Century traditional habitation layout Mixed buildings on the protected grid habitation layout Traditional buildings on the 20. Century traditional habitation layout. Apartments on the early Republic habitation layot Modern buildings on the protected 19. Century traditional habitation layout. Mixed buildings on the protected 19. Century traditional habitation layout (Zeus Akraios Temple) Slums Transition zone between the railroad zone and the slums Apartments on the Early Republic habitation layout Bahribaba Park Cici Park KĂźltĂźr Park(Culture Park) (Traditional buildings on the 19. Century traditional habitation layout) on the Kemeralti arch. Konak and Kordon historical site Alsancak houses on the protected 19. Century habitation layout. Apartments in the Demiryolu zone Industry zone Apartments in the modern habititation layout Apartments on the Early Republic Habitation layout(filled area)


1.Degree Urban Archaelogy Potential/Protection Zone


Degree Urban Archaelogy Potential/Researc h Zone

Urban Archaelogy Potential Controlled Development Zone

3.Degree Urban Archaelogy Potential/limited development zone

Reserve Areas

Historical Protection Areas/ No Under ground potential

No underground potential or Few No underground potential/Developme nt area

Table 2: Urban Archaelogical Urban Regions (Source : Burak Belge, METU Journal of Faculty of Architecture, 2012/344)




Map 18: Division of the Kemeralti Restoration Into Districts (Source. Izmir Metropolitan Municipality)

The second sub region may be named as the Synagogues Region. Belge’nin çalışmasındaki 2. zona tekabül etmektedir It corresponds to the 2. Zone in the study of Belge. It is consisted of Guzelyurt and Gunes districts. It was a transition area in which the synagogues were collected between the business place of the Jewish community and the housing areas. It lost this function of it after 1946. The synagogues which have not community are included in the cultural heritages which are under risk. A 6 m. archaelogical layer is found in this area. It is a region which has a 2. Degree urban archaelogical potential. It has a protected 19. Century habitation layout. But there is also high buildings in the region as well. There is a high probability of the realisation of an archaelogical destruction in the places where these structures are located. In this area, the Havra Street (Street 929) has a so special attractiveness which connects the Ikicesmelik Avenue to the Kemeralti. The Project area is a special place where shopping gains a quality of an “experience.” It is a place where the daily needs are met with its butchers, fish mongers, green-groceries, pickle sellers, cheese sellers, dry foods. The third sub region is the Kemeralti Avenue and the Hanlar(Inns) Region. It is the 9th zone of Belge’s study. It involves in the inside of the Anafartalar Avenue arch. It corresponds to the filled inner harbour of Izmir. It constitutes the great part of the Konak District of today. Due to its being old inner harbor, it carries a different archaelogical potential with


probable shipwrecks.57 It is an area which should be protected with its inns, mosques coming from the 17th Century and with its 19th Century habitation structure. Due to its being an old inner harbor, with the probable shipwrecks it carries a different archaelogical potential. The fourth subzone can be named as Fevzi Paşa Boulevard zone. It consists of the 5th zone and parts of the 4th zone in Belge’s work. It consists of the part of the Konak district where it coincides with the Fevzi Pasa Boulevard, Yenigun and Hursidiye districts. When the high rise When the Fevzi Pasa segment was transforming into high buildings, it destroyed The archaeological sites under it. There are 2 meters of Ottoman and 4 meters of ancient archaeological layers in this zone. It has a 2nd degree urban archaeological potential. There are evidences of ruins of Roman Baths and castle walls’ being here. In the Ottoman era, this zone was a transition zone between the Armenian and Turkish districts. The traditional buildings behind the Fevzi Paşa Boulevard shall be preserved. There are services consisting trade and especially textile based manufacturing. Fifth subzone is the Basmane Hotels zone.58 This zone consists of the Akıncı district. Its archaeological features are as same as the fourth zone. It has a 2nd degree archaeological potential. This zone is specified as a separate zone in the Metropolitan Municipality’s classification of the subzones. The reason is that this zone is appropriate for being turned into a preservation/utilization project. There are hotels converted from the old Izmir mansions. Basmane was an attractive spot for cheap hotels in the time when both Basmane station and the first bus station across the Fair were there. There has been a decline in this attraction since the terminal was moved in the term of Mayorship of Osman Kibar. Sixth subzone is the Kestelli zone. It corresponds to 8th zone in Belge’s work. It consists of the Kestelli and Uğur districts. It is an old Jewish district. It is high slopping. It has a 1st degree archaeological potential. This is a very slopping zone. The Kestelli ramp connects the İkiçeşmelik Street to the heart of the Kemeraltı Bazaar. There are textile wholesalers and second hand dealers around it. There are traditional buildings on the preserved traditional 19th century zoning plan. These buildings have a style specific to Izmir with influences from Turkish and Levantine architectural styles. They need to be preserved. Nowadays, these building have been changed into offices. Seventh subzone is Konak zone. It consists of the part of the Konak district that spans from the government hall to the national library, and the Fevzipasa district. It corresponds to the 10th zone in Belge’s work. After the 19th century, it became a place where administrative offices were built. It had no settlement until then. It is thought that modern constructions there harm the archaeological potential of the zone. For that reason, this zone is thought to be innovative and open to progress. 57 It was added to the text in accordance with the Ass. Prof. Dr. Burak Belge’s views. 58 For the 5., 11., 12. regions, See: Orhan Besikci, Basmane, Izmirim, Volume, 29; Heyamola Publishing House, Istanbul, March, 2011.


Eighth zone can be named as Bahribaba zone. It corresponds to the 12th zone in Belge’s work. It was used as a cemetery by the Ottoman Jewish community. It was turned changed into a park in the period of Governor Rahmi Bey. As seen in Map 9, it has the status of urban site and 2nd degree archaeological site. When the zone was founded, it was announced as an “urban archaeological reserve site”. It is thought that there might be archaeological ruins on the extension of Degirmendere. Ninth subzone can be named as Değirmendağı zone.59 It corresponds to 15th zone in Belge’s work. It consists of the Mecidiye, (part of) Gungor, Caha Bey and Fatih districts. Being the second highest hill after Kadifekale, it drew the Zeus Akrarios Temple there. There were protective walls around it. This zone’s opening to the housing started when Karatas and Goztepe were developing. It has the 3rd degree archaeological potential. It consists of various buildings on the traditional 19th century zoning plan. Tenth subzone can be named as the Altınyol-Damlacık zone. This zone corresponds to the 13th zone in Belge’s work. It consists of Sumer, Odunkapı, Namık Kemal, Şehit Nedim Tugatay, Bozkurt, Tan, Mescit, Kahraman Türkyılmaz and Yıldız districts. This zone is separated from the Cici Park by Eşrefpaşa Street. It has been reserved as an urban archaeological site by the Regional Board of Preservation of Cici Park. Cici Park, along with Altınyol (Via Dora)60 is one of the places where the historical sustainability of the city can be established, as in Agora. It is a mistake that this zone is not included in the renovation decree of the Council in 2007, and it should be corrected. The proper way to present the Roman road should be considered as a micro design problem. Underground culture layers are very close to the surface in the zone. It is known that there are the Ottoman and Byzantine traces between 0.8-1.8 meters and the Roman traces under 1.8 meters.61 With these features, this subzone, which has importance in the urban archaeological studies, should be evaluated as a preservation zone with the 1st degree urban archaeological potential. There are traditional buildings on the ground stepped parallel to the Roman road in Damlacik. Eleventh subzone is the strip along the last part of the Anafartalar Street, detected by the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality. It consists of the part of the Anafartalar Street between he Gazi Osman Pasa Boulevard and the Basmane Station. It crosses the Hatuniye Mosque, Donertas Fountain and Altinpark. The part of the road between the Hatuniye Mosque and the Altinpark is called Tilkilik.62 The route of the road is classified as having the

59 For this zone see: İhsan Bayram, Değirmendağı: İzmirim, 20,Heyamola Yayınları, İstanbul, 2011March 60 This road goes from Üç Yol to Kuşadası-Efes, and from Üç Kuyular to Urla (Klozameniai). 61 Added according to Yrd. Doç. Dr. Burak Belge’s opinion. 62Duygu Ozsuphandag Yayman, Country cannot be abondoned easily: Tilkilik, Izmirim (My Izmir) .8, Heyamola Publications , Istanbul, March 2011. The word Tilkilik is used for both naming a part of Anafartalar Street and also a district in a broader meaning. The heart of this district is the square that consists of the Hatuniye Mosque, Dönertaş Fountain and the Coffeehouse. It is accepted that Akıncı (Fifth subzone), Altınordu (part of the thirteenth subzone) and Faikpasa (a part of the twelfth subzone) districts around the square form the Tilkilik District.


2nd degree urban archaeological potential. It is wanted to respect the cultural heritages of this road by keeping the dynamism of this strip. Twelfth subzone is Saint Vukolos Church and its surroundings. It corresponds to the 21st zone in Belge’s work. It consists of the part of the Etiler District that is on the south of the railroad and Faik Pasa District. This zone is a transition zone between the slums and modern structures. It is detected that the zone has 3rd degree archaeological potential. There are ruins of residences which are developed outside the castle in Altınpark. The Saint Vukolos Church is renovated by the Metropolitan Municipality and there is work in progress in its surroundings. Thirteenth subzone is the first link of habitation texture around Agora. It consists of Tuzcu, Ulku, Sakarya, Yeni, Pazaryeri and Altınordu districts. It corresponds to the 3rd zone in Belge’s work. The settlement of this zone is as early as the foundation of the city. For this reason, it is a zone that the sustainability of Izmir’s history can be established. Because that there are low-rise traditional buildings above, the archaeological resources remain intact. It has the 1st degree urban archaeological potential. Traditional buildings in the settlement plan will be preserved. Fourteenth subzone is the second link of habitation texture around Agora. This link approximately corresponds to 7th and 17th zones in Belge’s work. It consists of the Antique Stadium part of the Aziziye District, Altay District, Ali Reis District and parts of the Kubilay District that are not in the vicinity of Antique Theater. Ali Reis District is named from a firefighter. The oldest fire tower of Izmir is there. In the first years of the Republic, Cretans, Bosnians and Albanians lived there. After they left, people from Konya have settled there. Now, people from Mardin are living there. It is a kind of habitation spot where people leave after they get rich.63 Slums in the Altay District are demolished because of the landfall hazard. The zone has the 2nd degree urban archaeological potential. The building stock above does not threaten the archaeological resources. Fifteenth subzone is the fifth zone in the subzoning done by the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality. It is a part of the slums on the northern side of the Kadifekale. It consists of Mirali District and parts of Kubilay and Kadifekale Districts. It can be estimated that the slums do not threaten the archaeological resources. It is predicted that there might be ruins of city plumbing. It has 3rd degree urban archaeological potential. Sixteenth subzone is Kadifekale-Antique Theater zone. Kadifekale served as the acropolis of the city since its foundation.64 Its height is 185 meters above sea level. Its silhouette serves as an archaeological resource. We have already indicated that the 1/1000

63 Saadet Erciyas, Ibid. p: 49-52 64 About this subject see: Şadan Gokavalı, Kadifekale, the Izmir’s Coronet, Izmirim (My Izmir), 34.Volume, Heyamola Publications, Istanbul, 2011 March


scale Zoning Plan for the Preservation of Kadifekale-Theater and its Surroundings prepared by the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality has started in 2008. This zone mainly consists of the Kadifekale and Kubilay District. It corresponds to the 18th zone and a part of the 7th zone in Belge’s work. This zone is announced to be a 1st and 2nd degree archaeological site. In Belge’s classification, this zone is specified as development prohibited zone, as in the Agora zone. The Izmir Metropolitan Municipality is trying to establish an archaeology and history park there. There was a restitution study of the Theater which was done in the year of 1922. The expropriation of the zone has been completed and archaeological excavations have been started. The reconstruction of the theater shall be completed. The restoration works in Kadifekale have been started. Seventeenth subzone is the landfall zone on the southern slope of Kadifekale. It consists of the Imariye District and the parts that were subjected to the landfall such as the 19 Mayis, Vezirağa, Yeşildere, Kosova, Hasan Ozdemir, and the 1. Kadriye Districts. As previously stated in the earlier chapters, the demolition of the slums has started in 2007 and the people who live there have been transferred to newly built apartments in Uzundere. The cleared zone has been afforested. The 17 subzones of the Izmir-Tarih Project that are defined in this chapter, are shown in Map 19. After the preparation of the first draft of the Design Strategy Report for Izmir-Tarih Project, when it was opened to discussion in second great meeting with broad participation in the 14th December 2013, there were two important criticisms on defining the subproject zones. First one is to add two more streets as the project zones like in the 11th zone, the Anafartalar Street. According to these proposals, two more zones shall be added to the 17 zones. Eighteenth subzone: Thin band of habitation around İkiçeşmelik and Eşrefpaşa Street. This habitation band has the archaeological features of the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th, 10th and 13th subzones, since it passes through them. Nineteenth subzone: Thin band of habitation on two sides of Anafartalar Street starting from Konak. This strip has the archaeological features of 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 6th and 7th subzones, since it passes through them. The second important criticism from the meeting at the 14th of December is the redundancy of the number of subprojects. It was emphasized that when the subprojects are in progress, it would be easier to work on them. In the development of the projects, according to the organization style, this proposal will be considered. The classification done in geographically defined 19 subzones can be made between functionally similar subzones. Functionalities of each group and/or subzones have to be defined separately. A zone can have multiple functionalities or same functionality can be defined on multiple zones. Functionalities that already exist in the zone and newly created ones should be thought in two main sections and items of these sections should be determined. These are;


1st Region 2nd Region 3rd Region 4th Region 5th Region 6th Region 7th Region 8th Region 9th Region 10th Region 11th Region 12th Region 13th Region 14th Region 15th Region 16th Region 17th Region

Map 19: Division of Project Area into Subzones

Social and Cultural Functionalities: Areas of arts and culture, educational facilities, housing, historical places, museums, synagogues; Commercial Functionalities: commercial spaces, small manufactories, hotels, (tavern, bar), touristic buildings and areas, arts and crafts workshops, dining locations (cafĂŠ, restaurant, diner).65

65 Added to the text in accordance with the views of Prof. Dr. Funda Barbaros.



The new zoning is given on Map 20. Lists of districts that these subzones consist are given in Annex 1, aerial photos of the subzones are given in Annex 2.

Map 20: Subzones of the Izmir-Tarih Project (Source: Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Historical Environment and Cultural Heritages Branch Office)


Process of the Rift Formation in the Izmir-History Project Area We have seen how Izmir-Tarih project area has gained its status and how there is a sub-zonal main problem in this area is that there are sig rifts. di erentiation in this area. To give proposals on vitalizing this area, mechanisms behind the rifts should be known well. analysis shall reveal the basic mechanism of the rift formation in the project area. But, in which subzones this mechanism is e ective, and which rifts it has created, shall be determined in detail during the subzone studies. Until 1950’s, there was a certain balance between the business areas in CBD in Izmir and the portion of the people that work housing areas in its immediate environment. A sig in the CBD lived in nearby residences. balance provided a care to a certain level for balance could be residences, the existence of night life and the security of the area. tendency of the ones living in the housing to change their disrupted in both sides. houses for various reasons, or businesses in CBD that have a certain classi moving outside the CBD in masses to outside of the CBD, disrupt the balance and started the rift dynamics. Vacant places are occupied by new businesses and housing, who don’t have the su qualities to reestablish the old properties of the zone, and that create certain process works like a ( r-down) the vacancies with people from damage. lower layers. When the number of the occupants from lower layers exceed a certain threshold, the rifts then accelerate. Most of the newcomers live as tenants. dominance acceleration of of the tenants accelerates the change of the occupants and also the rifts. the change of the occupants unravels the interdependent bonds of the occupants and makes the zone a place for lower class relations and degenerates. In the Izmir-History project zone66, this type of a dynamic started in 1946 when the Jewish people vacated the residencies around the CBD to immigrate to Israel. Small manufactories disruption of were established in the vacancy, and the zone became unused in nights. the balance in both ends started after the Second World War when the number of manufacturers increased due to the increased population. Small businesses around the CBD started to invade the habitation areas. Another result of this invasion is the slums between the skirts of Kadifekale and the traditional habitation texture. According to Ruşen Keleş’s results; even in 1970s Namık Kemal, Tuzcu, Yeni and Yıldız districts in the project zone were considered as high income districts. Altınordu and Ulku districts were in the second row after them.

66 For the transition process lived in the 13. And the 16. Subregisons which we have de ned in the project area, See.: E. İpek Özbek Sönmez, Formation of the Social Exclusion In the Process of the Structural Transformations: Izmir Historical City Center Transition Example, Izmir, 2001 (Unpublished Doctorate esis)


In 1970s, the people with medium and high income started to abandon their housing and started to move to newly developed regions of the city. The manufactories replace the vacant housing. Ulker Seymen determined the usage changes that were held between 1972 and 198267 In this period, there is a decline in housing, hotels and wholesalers and an increase in manufactories and retail stores in the project zone. As stated before, in 1980, when the city has expanded through large scale constructions, numbers of the business segments that vacate the CBD were increased. The shoemakers have finished moving to Işıkkent in 1988, and this created a huge vacancy in the CBD. The shoemakers didn’t only vacate their businesses but also their housing, as well. They have contributed the formation of the rift area in both ways.68 How this transition to the rift areas happened in the housing areas abut upon the CBD can be observed in the subzone 10, the Altınyol-Damlacık region.69 The 255 of the 1156 housing in the zone are registered. This subzone became a tenant space in the transition process. 73% of the residents living there chose this zone because of the low rental prices. This group is very active. 65% of the residents living there stay less than five years in this subzone. 83% of the buildings are in bad condition. Only 1% of the buildings have been restored and 5.6% of the buildings are in ruins. The 120 of 681 buildings are vacant. The 49% of the subplots are empty, and the 49% of them have buildings on them. There is a change of quality in the slums that appear above the old urban texture depending on the CBD’s progression dynamics, relevant to the changes of sources of the immigration to Izmir. What happened in the 16th and the 17th subzones gave us information about how the process can develop. After the population exchange, the Muslims from Crete were settled in the zone that surrounds Kadifekale. The settlers started doing agriculture in the zone and became famous for fava beans and lettuce they cultivate. After 1950, this place was opened to slums by shared plots. In 1965, infrastructure has been brought there. In the first phase, people from Konya, Erzurum and Tokat were settled there. After 1978 earthquake/landslide, these residents moved to Balcova, Bozyaka and Esrefpasa. After 1980 immigrants from Southeastern Anatolia settled to the residencies in Kadifekale. In time people from Mardin gained significance and became experts in mussel selling.70 Larger families have started to

67 B. Ulker Seymen, Information Theoretic Developments In the Space Organization, Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, 1988 (unpublished Doctorate Degree) 68 E. Ipek Ozbek Sonmez, Ibid. p.:200 69 In this subject See. Emre Gunday, Urban Decline and Low Demand Housing Case Study: Damlacik(Izmir) Izmir Institute of Technology, Izmir, Mart 2009 (Unpublished Master Thesis) 70 For the story of the mussel selling’s becoming a business area producing 10.000 stuffed mussels, See: Umit Otan, Derya Kuzuları Gurbette (Fish in a foreign place) Konak, Izmirim (My Izmir), 38, Heyamola Publications, Istanbul, Mart, 2011, p. 52-56


live there with respect to the other slums. At the same time, through the homogenization of the political identities in the zone, a self-enclosure process that turned to zone into a ghetto has started.71 We have already seen the story of how this zone was vacated by announcing it as a hazardous zone and being subjected to the urban reformation.

Information about Roman Izmir in the Izmir-History Project Area The most credible information about establishing a scientific database72 which is the basic prerequisite for preserving and managing the very rich archaeological culture heritage in Izmir are from the publications about the excavations in the Namazgâh region in Agora and its surroundings, which have been started in the early 20th century by various archaeology teams and led by Asst. Prof. Akın Ersoy nowadays.73 Also, the restitution project of the antique theater, which is known to be prepared in 1922, Hasluck’s, Naumann’s, MüllerWiener’s74 and lastly Kılıç-Gülbay’s75 works on the topography and settlement of Ancient Smyrna are important primary sources. According to this, a database shall be built by registering all scientific excavations and research done in Ancient Smyrna in İzmir, all the drilling reports, shortly, all the known data determined by a literature review to a cartographic base with a common coordinate plane. This start will be improved by adding the data from the recent drilling reports of Izmir Archaeological Museum, by the condition of checking it beforehand. Secondary data sources of the urban archaeology will have to be old maps.76 Such a database cannot be established for Izmir, yet. It will be attempted for Izmir-History project. As to be benefited until this development shall take place, the Map 20 has been prepared for this report. The most important archaeological resources for improving the Izmir-History project might be the Roman ruins. These ruins have the quality of both establishing a visual memory of the history of city for the people living in Izmir, and associating this visual memory to the Mediterranean. For that reason, in Map 21, possible habitation zones in the Roman city

71 İhsan Çetin, Ibid. p: 144-148 72 The information in this paragraph is taken from notes titled “ How the urban archaelogy should be dealt with in the scope of the Izmir-History Project?” by Numan Tuna. 73 R. Naumann, S. Kantar, “Die Agora von Smyrna”, Istanbuler Forschungen 17 (1950), 69-114; A.Ersoy, “Agora d’İzmir Tavaux 2007”, Anatolia Antiqua xvi (2008), p: 345-353 74 Wolfgang Müller-Wiener, “Die Stadtbefestigungen von Izmir, Sigacik und Çandarli: Bemerkungen zurmittelalterlichen Topographie des nördlichen Ionien”,Istanbuler Mitteilungen 12 (1962), 59–114; F.W. Hasluck, “The Tomb of St Polycarp and the Topography of Ancient Smyrna”, The Annual of the British School at Athens 20 (1913/14), p: 80-93 75 M. Kılıç, O. Gülbay, “The Değirmentepe Temple at Smyrna”, TÜBA-AR 13 (2010), p: 107-120; 80-93 76 Thomas Graves 1836-37; Luigi Storari 1854-56; Georgiades 1885; the Water Distribution 1897, Ministry of Defence 1925; Emin Canpolat 1950; L. Storari: Guide du voyageur à Smyrne ou aperçu historique, topographique et archéologique accompagné du plan plan de cette ville, Paris 1857


along with known ruins from the Roman Era are shown. It is thought that this information shall help the comprehension of the archaeological potential of the zone more solidly.

Map 21 : Archaeological Sources and Potential Housing Areas of the Roman Period Izmir (Source: Ass.Prof. Dr. AkÄąn Ersoy, Head of the Antique Smyrna Excavation)


IV. Strategy Proposal of the Preservation/Development Project Area IV. STRATEGY PROPOSAL OF of THEIzmir-History PRESERVATION/DEVELOPMENT OF IZMIR-HISTORY PROJECT AREA


Up to this chapter, we have analysed the historical and spatial contexts of the area which the project of strengthening Izmir’s relationship with its history involves; we have analysed the socio-spatial processes which operate in this area in various scales. Now, it is the turn to clarify the aims which this project is trying to realize and determine which strategical steps should be made for realizing these aims. Aims Our first goal is to improve the relation of Izmir with its history. This will be done by means of developing and reconstruction of the urban memory of the Izmirians77 concerning their cities. The most important source for this is the stock of archaeological sources and buildings defined in the third chapter of this text. This stock of sources and buildings will build up a visual starting point for creating a historical memory of Izmirians. There are various means that Izmirians can benefit from to build up a visual connection. There is the possibility of building up a visual memory up to 7000 BC in Yeşilova and up to 3000 BC in Bayrakli-Smyrna. But in this work only the references of the project area are interested us. In the project area, the Kadifekale subzone forms a visual memory reference to 330 BC, foundation of the city, and to the Hellenistic Period (323-123 BC). There are no other notable references remained from the Hellenistic city in today’s urban texture.78 But the project area has rich sources to provide a visual memory of Izmir to the Roman Period. In this context, the Agora, Theater, Stadium and Altınyol can be given as examples. New areas are also being added, as in the example of Altınpark. These references will increase in number by time. Having such rich archaeological sources from the Roman Period will also help to build the historical memory of Izmir as a Mediterranean city. There is a long Byzantine Period of Izmir between 395 AC and the 13th century. The city had a great importance in the religious hierarchy of the Byzantine, and Izmir became a Byzantine naval base. There were important construction projects in that time. Kadifekale was repaired. But, there are not any ruins that can build up a visual reference except for the Kadifekale.79 What the project area present to our visual memories are from the 17th century Ottoman period and afterwards. The Hanlar region and mosques in the Kemeralti region provide visual references to that period. Visual references of the 19th century and early Republic period are the housing texture and public service buildings. The massive fire

77 In some parts of the comments that came from the participants, it is understood that the word of “construct” makes a connotation that a process would be operated from the above to the below. Here, the thing meant is not the memory construction according to a target put from the outside. Here, the mentioned thing is that a formation which shall emerge by increasing the city people’s relationship with history as not satisfying with the current history information but through a deepened history knowledge. 78 Dogan Kuban, Ibid., p.: 58 79 Dogan Kuban, Ibid., p.: 64


in Izmir, which was 260 hectares wide, which happened in 1922 caused the loss of visual references to the rich life in the second half of the 19th century. Visual references of the multi-ethnic/religious history of the 19th century’s Izmir were destroyed by that fire. But the project area, which was not in the fire area, contributes to building up a memory of this multi-ethnic/religious structure by referring to the synagogues and kortejos80 remained from the Jewish community. Our second goal is to prevent and reverse the process of rift areas in the project area when the transition of Izmir from a single-centered city of the industrial society to a multi-centered city of the information society is being experienced. As we have seen in detail in previous chapters; functions that already exist in the project area are moving out, relatively high income groups that abandon the area also vacate their housing around the business places, these vacant housing either become manufactories or occupied by the tenants from lower social layers, so that the interdependent relations of the district will not be developed, and buildings in these districts lose their qualities and become damaged. Diversity of the services offered in these areas are reduced, and homogenized by being offered only to low income people. Because of the selectivity of the immigration to there, some parts get self-enclosed and turned into ghettos. If our purpose was only to reverse this becoming a rift area process, the solution would be easy. In a way, as in the 1984 reconstruction plan, a plan by private investors that allow renovations could have been made. But also the historical heritage would have been damaged. The difficulty of our problem is to achieve both the vitalization and the preservation goals. The existence of reserve areas with different qualities in the project area and the preservation plans make it difficult to execute such vitalizing processes. Strategical Orientation About the preservation of the historic cultural values, Izmir Metropolitan Municipality and Konak Municipality, along with other interested institutions, have prepared a reconstruction plan, prepared projects on restoration and reclamation of certain points seen in Annex 3, and either executed them or started the execution process. It is certain that these works are valuable. These works have helped to create awareness in Izmir. But these applications, being only limited to actions of certain actors relying only on the preservation paradigm could not gain an extensity which downgrades and reverses the rifting process. There is a need for a more effective strategy.

80 Family houses, the kortego in Spanish, the buildings wich the Jewish families harbouring provide both the privacy and togetherness. It builds a life which is turned towards a yard and closed to the outside. When a modernization started toward the 1900s, as the Jewish people who are well-off began to live between KaratasKarantina, the family houses also became as the low income Jewish families. In a study which was made in the year of 1967, 220 kortejos were fixed in Karatas, Tepecik, Ikicesmelik, Kececiler and Tilkili.


For to vitalize this area, there is a need for a filter-up process, at least in a portion of the project area. For that, other prestigious services need to replace the prestigious services that have vacated this area. To change this area from being a self-enclosed zone for people with lower income, new services there need to create a demand for living there, sustain that demand to attract various groups from and outside the city, and to diversify this demand. Vitalizing an area means to increase the demand of visiting that place. In the participant negotiation process of Izmir-History project, there was a consensus about such a strategical service can be tourism. ICC (Izmir Chamber of Commerce) independent from IDA’s(Izmir Development Agency) Izmir-History project, has the promotion of tourism for the economic development of Izmir on their agenda. As known, Istanbul’s increased participation in touristic activities has a great benefit on nonoccurrence of the rift areas in the vicinity of the CBD during the transition process it experienced. In this respect, Izmir’s share in Turkey’s tourism gains more importance for that manner. In 2012 Turkey has accepted 31,782,832 tourists. 1,345,000 of them have visited Izmir. Izmir attracted 4.36 percent of the tourists, and comes in fourth after Antalya (33.27%), Istanbul (25.61%) and Mugla (9.78%). Tourists that visited İzmir in 2012 consisted of 379,000 German, 137,000 Italian, 128,000 French, 117,000 English, 85,000 Dutch and 63,000 Belgian people. A significant portion of these tourists come by cruise ship tourism. In 2012, 510,042 tourists came by 286 ships. There are 1,783 passengers per ship. Izmir; with its historical, archaeological and natural riches (with sunny days up to 300 days, warm Mediterranean climate, fertile soil, blue flag beaches, thermal resources, trekking routes and an amazing gulf), and Aegean cuisine has more potential for tourist attractions. An important portion of the potential is provided by the the Izmir-History project area. It is not enough to consider only the historical resources of this zone. When historical resources are considered only as visiting places, it will not create a demand or an attraction for visiting the place again. It is needed to incorporate the history to the lifestyle experience. Providing this a subject for both creativity and design. The second service that was on consensus in the ongoing negotiations on how to improve the zone and increase the security to provide a nightlife there is to attract the youth in general, or attract higher education activities and student housing specifically. Revitalization of the zone and the filter-up process cannot be done only be attracting higher education facilities. It might be needed to support this by other facilities such as art streets integrated to production and sales activities of the area. It was proposed in the project meeting to create locations for the young people, e.g. a high-tech culture center. Third strategical direction is the consensus on being careful on the tendencies of the prestigious services on vacating the place and preventing unnecessary vacancies. The resistance against moving the Alcancak Port outside the gulf has been very beneficial in this


context. If Alsancak Port was moved outside the gulf, the vacation and the process of becoming a rift in the old CBD would have been accelerated and expanded. The fourth topic of consensus is to improve and vitalize the housing functions in the Izmir-History project area. The reduction of housing is one of the important factors that accelerated the decadence process. This reduction decreases the demand on especially service sector and decrease the activity of the zone. For that reason, it is important to increase the number of housing and make people from all social layers live there. It is not easy to achieve that, of course. The gentrification of rift areas like this one is a common fact. It is a need for starting a particularity that creates a social rise. But, the gentrification does not get as much support from the business places as in earlier years. The exclusion and eviction of the current housing is criticised. The population of these areas consists of tenants that relocate rapidly. The real estate prices have decreased. For this reason, the gentrification became possible in some subzones. Basically, in different subzones, different strategies such as the gentrification, restoration and transformation should be applied to create a balanced social structure. Strategies that Shall Be Benefited in Developing the Izmir-History Project As Per the Subjects The decisions and the designs that shall come into effect in the Izmir-History Project shall be fixed following the detailed studies that are going to be made for the subregions. But, previously the strategical options concerning these detailed studies’ being in compliance between each other, the main subjects of this region’s planning, discussing form of the participatory planning, the ways of benefiting from the current legislation, the financing form of the project and organization , should be clarified. These can be listed as; x The urban archaelogy and preservation strategy that shall be implemented in the project

region, xThe strategy to bring some places in the project area in a quality to become an area which

realizes an experience beyond being a life space. x The strategy of attracting the youth to the Izmir-History project, x Benefiters of the Izmir-History Project, x The actors which shall play role in the realization of the Izmir-History Project, x The financing strategy options of the implementation, x The legal legislation that can be benefited in the execution of the Izmir-History Project.

Let us deal with the optings in these subjects seperately.


1.Urban archaelogy and preservation strategy that shall be implemented in the project region81 As we’ve seen till this chapter, the monumental structures and the habitation texture belonging to the 17th century and and after in the vicinity of Kemeralti-Agora which are the successors of the Hellenistic-Roman-Byzantium period constitute the authenticity of the Izmir-History Project. Not only the big monuments but also all kinds of historical immovable ruins and traces constitute the rich archaelogical potential of the project region. As stratifying within the process of thousands of years’s accumulation, articulation to each other, the structures belonging to different periods, urban areas and traces bring the testimony of a rich historical past with the representation of the underground, as well. The citizens who live in such types of cities where the historical continuity is found, feel the continuity and the identity of the city life by adding their own pasts as well. İzmir Kemeraltı- The property ownership texture in the important historical centeres which have thousands of years’ past like the Agora vicinity, which forms the structures and the spaces seen on the ground, generally are the traces of the underground archaelogical values. There can also numerous cultural heritages which have not documented yet such as the old ruins, wall in the traditional city textures are used as a partial or whole structure element, old traces of pathways, fountain ruins, masjid, temple. This diversity and the eras’ articulating to each other, in case of an effective landscaping can be made, shall increase the space quality, form references for the urban identity. Bellek ve bilinç bir birinden kopuk iki olgu değildir. The memory and the conscious are not two phenomena detached from each other.The context of the conscious of the people living in urban areas are constituted by the things that are accumulated in the memory. There are multi-layered archaelogical areas in so many cities in Turkey as in Izmir. It has been noticed quite late that the urban archaelogy has a different quality in Turkey. The first step made in this respect was the Cultural and Natureal Heritage High Council’s bringing a new urban archaeological site definition with its resolution on the year of 1993 with no.338. As we’ve also mentioned before, the resolution with no.702 taken by the Board in the year of 2005, drew the legality frame of the studies that would be made in these areas. Making healthy and comprehensive inventory studies concerning the archaelogical assets in these values, and it could not be passed to the implementation in the plot scale before the approval of the plans prepared according to the result of this study, were predicted. During the planning studies the discussion of the substructure services in a way to not to harm the cultural layers and the keeping the soil usage in the lowest level, instead of making new

81 This chapter was prepared by benefiting from the discussion text of “How should the Urban Archaelogy be dealt With In The Scope of The Izmir-History Project?” which Numan Tuna had prepared for the Archaelogy Workshop gathered on 17th January, 2014 in the scope of the Izmir-History Project and the lectures that were made in the workshop.


constructions to the empty plots, reviving or repairng the old structure again by arranging restoration/reconstruction projects in the structure and ruins which carry the cultural heritage quality that should protected much more or according to the other structue ruins traces, as basing upon the information and documents if any, simple repairings could be done in compliance with the rudiments that are stated in the resolution that was in force, were predicted. However, despite all these resolutions, the documentation, protection of the urban archaelogical heritage in the implementation till today with the proposed methods and the contribution of them to the urban life, could not be provided. It is seen that the confinements of the archaelogical site areas made from the years of 1980s till today and an importance gradation was made according to rather the preservation-usage intervention types without examining the real archaelogical potential properties of the preservation decrees. Registering the regions which are known that the cultural fillings of Antique Smyrna which did not damage too much as a 3. Degree archaelogical heritage, is a clear expression of this attitude. The mentioned areas should be thought as the region which are to be assessed as the “urban archaelogical site area�. However, by registering this region as a 1. Degree archaelogical site area and leaving it to the usage of a ruin place, whose a great part of it is an urban site area and where the urban life is lived with its rich cultural diversity for the Izmirians, cannot be accepted. Hence, the 3. Degree archaelogical site area which is included in the scope of the Kemeralti and Its Environment Construction Plan For Protect, in fact bear the urban archaelogical area properties in compliance with both the current data and the qualities whose definitions were made in the resolution. And according to this, instead of the drilling excavations in the implementation, it requires to pass to the implementation as the result of the studies made as per the resolution with no. 702. The important ones of the current problems in the preservation of the archaelogical cultural heritages in Izmir, by taking the results of the preservation studies into consideration are as follows: x In the preservation plans, there isn’t a wide vision and suitable strategies for the

archaelogical heritage management in the protection plan; x The data obtained in the archaelogical excavations and the drilling do not take place in

the preservation plans in the CBS format and the decision making processes; x The archaelogical ruins in Izmir which is a multi-layered historical city are not integrated

in the Daily urban life ; x The opening of the archaelogical studies to both the world of science and the the local

people is limited; the approach oriented toward celebrating the archaelogy to the society is inadequate;


x The problems lived in the preservation of the archaelogical areas change into a complex

structure as a constructive and flexible cooperation could not be done in the adequate levele among the related municipalities and the Izmir Museum and the Cultural Heritages Preservation Regional Board. Such being the case, in a complex structure in which multi-layered urban and archaelogical sites are located such as Izmir, the necessity of an urban archaelogical approach which assessed the underground and overground cultural heritages integratedly, emerges. Circumventing the stability which dominates the Izmir-History Project Area and its transformation processes to rift areas, creating vitality, a preservation/vitalization strategy complying with the conceptual frameork of the urban archaelogy, should be developed. For this; x An urban archaelogy strategy plan, in which the regions in different features are defined

for the Izmir-History Project basing upon the preparation of an updated archaelogical database and a comprehensive assessment according to this, should be prepared; x The management of the urban archaelogical sources in a process in which the

archaeological researches and the implementation are mingled, should be provided; xThe intense archaelogical surface research supported by the developed methods and

techniques and the assesment of the data are required for the comprehension of the detailed database and the strategic plan need, the paloe-geographic change in the site area; thus as dealing with the archeological referrences in the context of planning, increasing the awareness of the Izmirians toward their historical past, developing and reconstructing their memories concerning their cities are expected to be a guide in the continuation of their historical identitites. x The data belonging the past of the Antique Smyrna city which are excavated by the

archaeological excavations should be published in the scientific standards in a programmed way, these results also should be presented to the knowledge of the Izmirians; x In the integration of the information belonging to the past of the historical cities, the

preservation of the urban archaelogical heritage in their places, have an important contribution. For this reason, especially by arranging the excavated areas in the current urban texture, their joining in the Daily urban life present opportunities for the citizens’ getting into contact with the past and the formation of the urban identity. x In this context, for establishing the visual correlation of the significant monumental

complexes which reflect the Antique Smyrna’s Roman period heritage and emphasize its “Mediterrenean” identity such as the Agora, Theatre, Stadium with the Roman time monumental patways traces such as the Altin Yol (Golden Road), by making the archaeological area arrangements in stages and by the successful designs of these emphasizing traces, the increase of the social awareness should be provided.


x Contented with by arranging the archaeological excavation areas and rendering them

open to visit, is a conservative attitude. Opportunities should be created by providing to add the historical accumulation here to the life of the citizen. Such an innovative approach may transform the historical heritage into a space of memories. In succeeding this, there is the need of a mentality change of the related institutions and the professional circles as much as the innovative approaches. x The demand of the providing the demand vitality in the Izmir-History Project Area and

enriching the Izmirian’s urban memory should be interpreted as closing the area to the construction of the new building and architectural creativity. In the vitalization of this area and strengthening its place in the memory, it should be applied to benefiting from the distinctive and creative design in a suitable scale. This attitude shall be more consistent with the claim of Izmir’s being a design city, as well. The Izmir-History Project, which has been carried out under the guidance of the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality, is possible by providing the cooperation of the Izmir Museum, Cultural Heritages Preservation Regional Board as being in the first place who are the local representatives of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Universities, Trade and Professional Chambers, Non-Governmental Organizations aand the persons and the institutions who could contribute to these studies, rendering a corporative structure to operate which possesses a participatory in the management of the archaeological areas, transparent, flexible and hi-tech and social capacity. Within this frame, the establishment of an “Archaelogy Management Office” in the structure of the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality shall be beneficial which shall realise the urban archaeology studies, the land works together with the other project units through an interactive management understanding, the assesment of the data and the landscaping arrangement designs. The “Archaeology Management Office” shall continuously renew the urban archaeology database of Izmir by land works, updatings of the projects that are being executed and provide the orientation of the operations as coordinatively. 2. Strategy of bringing some places in the project area in being a place which realizes an “experience” beyond being a life area. With “experience”, it is wanted to tell the ones who come here to enter into the life and by adding something to their life which they have not lived before and causing to leave sweet memories in them. A person who lives such an experience that remained in his memory, is expected to create a wish in the subject of his and the others to come to this area by sharing this experience with the ones around him. The project area’s transforming into a place where an experience is lived gradually for the ones who live in it, as not being a place to be visited for the ones that come from the outside


any longer and passing beyond meeting the urban services which they only require, shall start a “ filter-out” process which provide the promotion of this area. While a way for the citizen to develop a new relationship form with history is looked for, a relationship in the form of looking to the history which is wanted to be succeeded, is not a relationship. It should be thought that whether it is the best way or not by freezing the buildings which are excavated and changing them into a state which could only be observed from the outside is the most correct way or not while the preservation is continued through usage, in a building which continues its unruined existence. The usage of the Izmir antique theatre by restoring it, perhaps may bring these usages in here a quality of an “experience.” In establishing the public relations of the parts whose excavations are completed in Agora, developing new creative Proposals shall make considerable contributions in changing the life in here into an experience. Of course, changing all the life in the project life into an “experience” is not at stake. For these implementations, few potential of being successful shall be selected. In this regard, streets possess a critical importance. Today in the project area, one of the place which the life gains a quality of “experience” may said to be the Havra Street.Tarık Dursun K. called the Havra Street as the “Cumbus Street”.82 Izmir has been an important habitation place for the Jewish community. The Jews who had migrated to Izmir from Istanbul, Thesselonike, Portugal and Spain; settled in Havra Street, Ikicesmelik and Agora vicinity and constructed their prayer halls in these regions. Here, they lived in the districts which they formed around their Synagogues and they merchandized. In the year of 1900, the number of the synagogues reached fifteen. Due to this intensity, the region is known as the “Jewish District” as well.Thus, for designing here as a “cultural experience”, the historical, cultural and architectural infrastructure is in a ready state.83 From this phenomenon forth, increasing the number of the streets which the life gains the quality of an “experience” in the Izmir-History Project, may be proposed as a strategical approach. In the negotiation process on the Izmir-History Project, different Proposals have been made with regard to the formation of such experience streets One of these is, the formation of a gourmet street84 which shall constitute an option for Kordon. An emphasis is laid on the correlation of this street with the Havra Street may increase the realness of the project.Another Proposal is the formation of an art street which is integrated with the small producers in here. This place’s being a place where the participants may produce the designs that they made as passing beyond being a place where only the artists sell the things that they produce, may change it into an “experience. 82 Saadet Erciyas, Izmir Ah! Tarık Dursun, K’nın Semtleri, (K’s Districts) , Izmirim(My Izmir), Volume 31, Heyamola Publications, Istanbul, March 2011, p.: 59 83 Added into the text in accordance with the views of the Prof. Dr. Funda Barbaros. 84 In the years of 1940s, before the Jewish population had migrated, the Havra Street functioned as the ale houses street. In this period the Aslan Yasef's ale house became so famous. Hidayet Karakus: Izmir's Heart, Kemeralti, Heyamola Publishing House, Istanbul, 2011, p: 79


The only reason for proposing a street-centered strategy for the Izmir-History Project, is not to create an “experience”. Beyond this, it has another function that arranging the vital street life shall both increase the attractivitiy of the area and contribute to the life qualityof the Izmirian by forming a meaningful public area out-of- home. In another Proposal that the ones joining the strategy discussions made, it was laid emphasis on creating opportunities which would enable the participation of the school students in Izmir in the areas where the archaeological excavations are made. This is a very limited conservative Proposal. The problem is that how history may gain a quality which does not exclude the citizen from here but attracts people here more than once. For this, not only revealing the historical accumulation of here but also putting it into the life of the citizen is necessary, as well. Of course, succeeding this requires making significant mentality changes in the subject of the historical heritage besides the creativity in this issue. Bu yaratıcılıktan beklenen tarihi mirası bir “anılar mekanına” (memory space) dönüştürmektir. Of course, it may not need to think the areas of forming “experience” not only over the streets. A similar approach may be developed over the big structures or the structure groups such as the inns or the synagogues. Of course in every case while developing project, using the design and organizing capacities shall be needed. 3. Strategy of attracting the youth to the Izmir-History Project Area There is no agreement among the participants on the subject of attracting the youth to this area for the vitalization of the Izmir-Project area.. The idesas and proposals developed in the workshop85 which was organised on the 17th January, 2014 for determining the views on the subject of how this strategical option could be realized, are summarized in the below with the aim of forming a basis in deciding the contents of the programs which would be tried to realize. During the workshop, four types of activity areas were suggested that might help to attract the youth to the region in the sub region plannings. The ones in the first type is constituted from the activities which shall provide the attraction of the university youth to the area. It is expected that increasing the number of the university students who live in this region creating a demand in certain services shall create positive effects in vitalising the region by raising the participation potential to the new activities that are going to be organised. The proposals that are made with this aim have mainly intensified on two groups. The first of these is the opening of the units of the university and colleges located in Izmir that are seen to be related with the project, in the project area. The second one is improving the housing buildings or the kortejos located in this area in a way to be rented to the college students. Though the high education students 85 For this subject, See Levent Soysal, The Discussion Text Which Was Prepared For The Izmir-History, Youth Workshop


stay in the dormitories in the first year of their schools, they prefer to live in the houses which they would rent in the ensuing years. Demand to such type of houses is high. Also, the development of studio type small housing in this region for the student who come to Turkey within the framework of the Erasmus programme, included in the proposals that were made. The second type proposals tended to increase the diversity of the activities for the youth to make use of their spare times. It can be said that in the world, two different models exist for to meet this need. In the Tokyo example, the youth use basically the public areas which are open to everybody (streets, parks, concert and sports halls, museums), shopping avenues and centers, cafés. An approach providing the development of the recreational requirements in the market, was preferred. In Berlin, an approach is being implemented presenting the youth services publicly as a province and city basing upon the institutions and the projects built. In the Izmir-Tarih project area, both of the approaches may thought to be benefited. But as generally the low income groups are living in the project area, the services which are presented by means of the market cannot be expected to reach an adequate diversity. For this reason, the establishment of the youth centers and the similar ones in which the local managements, non-governmental organizations etc. involved in more actively, could be thought.. In this regard, the repitition of the successful examples in Izmir and its immediate environment may be thought. In the participation meetings, in this regard the assessment of the Bayrakli Youth Center as a successful example was proposed. This center shall involve both the various sports areas and versatile halls where the cultural activities may be focused, the internet usage areas etc… If possible, correlating such a center with the sports centers (e.g. Altinordu) organically. The third type of proposals may be gathered around creating an activities environment where the youth may find themselves in it. Different types of these were suggested. One of the forms at stake are the activities which render the life in this area an experience. Creating art streets etc. may be added to these as well. The second type of activities may be projects of the Metropolitan Municipality and the NGO’s which have solidarist quality such as the elder sister and the sibling project and the young and the old project etc… These projects shall increase relationship of the youth with the area and their coming and going to the region in another way. The fourth type of proposals are concentrated on the projects oriented toward the young, excluded from the education system that are found in the Izmir-History project area or working in a business place. These projects and the institutions where these projects shall be implemented, aim at to make contribution to the youth’s finding jobs and their welfare by increasing their skills and potentials rather than being oriented toward their recreational activities It shall be so beneficial to consider the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Kent College Project in this content as a part of the Izmir-History Project These activities should be thought by correlating them with second and third group activities.


4. Beneficiaries of the Izmir-History Project We’ve seen that the main aim of the Izmir-History Project area is to vitalize this area and for the coming of various groups to the project area, creating a demand which has a diversity and continuity is required. Let us scrutinize how the approach that has been developed up to this chapter provide the demand diversity and continuity concerning this area. A part of the beneficiaries are sourcing from the project area itself. These can be listed as the small entrepreneurs, small producers, the ones working in the manufacturing plants, students of the regional schools. As the project strengthened this group, it shall contribute to its own success as well. The contribution which is important in respect to the project shall come from the vitalization of the demand from the outside. As the groups which may influence the strategical options which we have up to this chapter to come here; the tourists that shall come from abroad, the tourists who shall come from the inside of Turkey, the Izmirians, the retail shoppers in Izmir, young Izmirians, the students of Izmir schools, the ones who have interest in Art in Izmir, may be listed. This offers a wide portfolio. It should not be contented with this general determination. By laying emphasis on what may be the social niches that the projects that are going to be developed for the sub regions of the project region, the diversity of this niche shall tried to be increased. 5. Actors that shall take role in the realization of the Izmir-History Project Izmir-History Project is not a newly started project. So many plans, whose stories we’ve told shortly, have been made and so many project have been actualized whose lists are given in the Annex 2 for providing its implementation. There are major actors that take roles for realizing these activities. These actors shall take place in the Izmir-History project which shall bring a breakthrough in this area. But for a more effective, more recognizable and result-oriented implementation, there is the need for increasing the number of the available actors and the development of the participation capacities. Till now, the main actors of this project have been the Izmir Metropolitan and the Konak Municipality. These institutions have prepared plans and projects for this project area and made the restorations, arrangements and implementation by allocating resources from their budgets in a certain program. Among the second type of actors, we can list the Izmir Chamber of Commerce and the Izmir Development Agency. These institutions possess the capacity of finance providing capacity supporting the projects which may be affective in the develoment of this area and have provided resource to some projects till now. Another actor which may be involved in this group is the Izmir Union of Merchants and Craftsmen. The Union has 190.000 active members. It was established with the aims of meeting the joint needs of the professional members and the workers of them, easing the occupational activities and providing the


development of the union in compliance with the general benefits of the occupation. It possesses the potential of being an effective actor which provides resource to the history area project. This potential should be brought to an active state. As a third actor which was established in the year of 2004, the Historical Kemeralti Merchants Society and the Izmir Society For Protecting and the Developing the City Values may be listed. With regard to the organization of the business places in the project area, the existence of a society like the Historical Kemeralti Merchants Society is of course very important, as well. Though this institution has made some researches and realized the functions of “advocacy”, it is not a direct implementer institution. The Izmir Society For Protecting and the Developing the City Values was established by the proposal of the Izmir Economic Development Coordination Board (IEKKK: IEDCB). The Society seems to possess the potential of playing an effective role in the project area as of the structure of its founders and the members. The Society may take charge in the organization as competent in the producing, managing and implementing project and a motivating element. The fourth type of actor is the Izmir Regional Directorate For Foundations. There are numerous foundation structures in the Kemeralti Bazaar. The Institutions have the restorations of the foundation works made through its own means and the support of various institutions. It realized the restorations of so many structures such as mosque, fountain etc. With regard to providing resource to the innovated and restored projects in this group, there is the Contribution Margin Belonging to the Izmir Cultura and Tourism Regional Directorate and the Protection of the Immovable Cultural Heritages. Fifth type of an actor is the Cultural Heritages Preservation Regional Boards and Directorates.When the provisions of the zoning plans for protect are taken into consideration, in the implementations oriented toward the immovable which are registered in the cultural heritages and included in the position of a cultural heritage or adjacent to or across the registered structure, these institutions are authorized to evaluate the results of the stuides likte the drilling excavations which are carried out under the supervision of the Archaelogy Museum.86 As the sixth type actor in the development of the project the TMMOB (Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architect) Chamber of Architects, Chamber of City Planners, Chamber of Landscape Architects and the Chamber of Tourist Guides shall involve with their technical capacities. As the seventh type of actor, the related departments of the 9 Universities (Ege University, Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir High Technology Institution, Yasar University, Izmir Ekonomi University, Katip Celebi University, Izmir University, Gediz University, Sifa University), with 86 Added in the direction of the Master Urban Planner Suleyman Siyah’s views.


their technical capacities, university managements, their institutions such as their departments, colleges etc., they possess the potential of attracting the youth to the region thus, playing an important role in the project’s being successful. As the eight type of actors, the non-governmental organizations and societies such as the EGEV (Foundation of the Developing the Aegean Economy), ESIAD (Aegean Industrialists and Businessmen Society), EGIAD (Aegean Young Businessmen Society), IZSIAD(Izmir Industrialists and Businesmen Society), EGIKAD(Aegean Businesswomen Society), IKSEV(Izmir Culture, Art and Education Foundation), may be listed. Due to both their member profiles and economical strengths, they may play an effective role in case of their showing interest to the Izmir-History Project. As the ninth type of an actor, we may list the newly established TARKEM (Historical Kemeralti Construction Investment Trade Inc. Co.). This private law corporation, constituted by 116 persons who have set their hearts on the development of Izmir in which there are some businessmen, possess an important potential with regard to being effective in practice. But, they haven’t undertaken to the implementation yet. Increasing the number of these types of actors who shall contribute to the development of the project directly, must be instigated. 6. Financing Strategy Options of the Implementation87 Despite the absence of a forecast that has been developed on the subject of in what scale an investment is required for the realization of the Izmir-History Project, quite important resources must be prompted. The Metropolitan and the Konak Municipalities have contributed to the project as much as their means suffice with a great good intention till now. But for providing a more rapid vitalization and improvement, activation of the non municipality resources and developing a financing strategy in the scope of the project, are required. As the Izmir-History Project shall be realized in a long-continued process with the participation of the actors in great number and various capacities in this area in which so wide, various usages are found and different social layers are involved, a flexible financing approach which may diversified in compliance with the implementation of the project. While these financing approaches are being developed, by the removal of the rift area quality in this area, creating a selective process(filter out) rising in certain segments of the area in a way providing the preservation of the historical values, and the other segments’ possessing an expansion enabling the “sustainability” should be taken into consideration. 87 In writing this chapter, Funda Barbaros, Izmir-History Project Design Strategy Financing Models Workshop Discussion Text, 18 January, 2014, was benefited.


Setting off a on quest in the subject of the financing approaches, it requires to deal with this for the commercial areas and the housing focused social project areas seperately . The investor/project owner company which shall carry out the studies oriented towards the revitalization of the commercial areas and the rift areas which have been formed around them; acting in compliance with the preservation decisions in the region and with the principle of “ preservation and development by keeping the historical heritages alive”, thus starting a selective process (filter-out) rising in this area, are being planned. In this process, The subject of an important part of the activities’ being provided by the small capital owner persons who determine the attractiveness of this area by living and and doing business in the Izmir-History project and constitute its identity, and it is necessary to involve these small capital owners in the decision-taking processes as the actors contributing the transformation of this area. By keeping these conditions in mind, for making the conceptualization of developing an organization and financing model easy, we can accept that providing the revitalization of the commercial areas in the project area shall be realized after the procedures that are going to be made in three stages. The first stage shall involve in procedures such as the purchasing/amalgamation of the disjoined properties, forming their stock shares in the rate of the property ownerships, making the restoration projects etc. We can name this stage as project design in short. The second stage is the realization of the construction functions which are predicted in the project. We can name this stage as the construction period. The third level is the maintenance of these constructed buildings and management of them by renting. We can name this period as the management period. If we think all of these three functions bringing together under one company, we may notice that the company can succeed both to keep this small capital in the project area, and the restoration and improvement of the buildings in the area in a certain level of development. This company shall provide the protection and the maintenance of the historical heritage with the required care. Also, it shall proivde to preserve the identity of the area and keeping it vital by renting the real estates it has developed to the small capital which is doing business and shall do business in this area. We may name this approach as graded entrepreneurship model. In the first stage, an organized and a bigger capital, in the second stage the small capital shall be found. As both live together, they shall vitalize the project area. In accordance with the aims of the projects, the project shall be realized in the physical level, in other words, it shall be brought to a certain level, then shall be opened to small entrepreneurs and the tradesmen. TARKEM, which is the first example of such a company, was established upon the reason which we have mentioned previously and started to improve its studies. TARKEM’s establishing a company in the future whose capital is open to the public, may be considered. The company which shall be established with this aim may thought to be transformed to a Real Estate Investment Company. In the articles of association, making a commitment of opening to public, may be considered. The company who developed the project may hold the


project development under privilege in accordance with the aim by holding the management privilege in the company which is opened to the public. To the Kemeralti merchants and the craftsmen who are involved in the project, may be given priority for partnership to the company in certain amount that is going to be established whether he is proprietor or a tenant. The share percentage of this group in the company may be determined beforehand in compliance with the participants and project rudiments. The partner persons and institutions shall contribute to the project costs at the rates of their shares. The ones who are in the status of a tenant in the area where the project is going to be executed and do not prefer the partnership, may be given leasing primacy in the new structuring. After the participations of the merchants and the craftsmen who accept involving in the project, for the remaining financing need, a participation invitation may be done to the project development company partners. If the financing need has not been met yet, participation invitation to wider groups may be done as being the Izmirians in the first place. But one company for the whole project area shall be inadequate, the establishment of new corporations like TARKEM may be required. These companies may not be in only one model. By means of realizing three functions or organising in different ways for each of the functions, developing hybrid company models is possible. The issue of bringing the project to a certain point shall be realized by both in the municipalities, the cooperatives which the tradesmen establish among themselves or in the corporations like TARKEM. Because this first stage may be a profitable enterprise by itself. If this is profitable, benefiting from the incentive schemes used in the development of the urban rift regions as used in so many countries, shall become possible. For example, as well as the establishment of a company for each function may be considered. Of course, forms basing on public-private segments partnership shall be developed as well. Due to these features of the projects in various size and diversity, decomposition of the financing models and enabling the implementation of more than one model together, are required. For the vitalization of the commercial functions in the project area, it can be said that such a financing approach may work. If the first stage institutions cannot realize a certain profitability level, some incentive schemes may be developed for this stage. The social housing focused project areas In the Izmir-History project area, as the logic of the restoration, improvement and transformation of the housing texture in a different quality is different from the vitalization of the commercial areas, it should be defined seperately. One one hand, due to the the similarity of the financing logic in this area which is not commercial and shall be provided in the realization of the social activities to the housing financing, on the other hand as these social facilites shall be used by the ones who live in the housing areas to a great extent, we shall discuss the organizations by taking these two types of investments into the same category. In the housing areas which shall be developed in here, prevalently the low and irregular income people are living. When attaching importance to not to exclude the low and irregular


income people, incentive mechanisms are to be developed which remain in the donation type and the solvency capacity of the user. For increasing the attractiveness of these areas, increasing the number of the public areas in which social and cultural activities can be done, is required. Of course, covering the expenses of these areas by the public funds or subsidizing them to a considerable extent, shall be required. If an urban transformation in a subregion is forecasted in the developed subregion strategiess, in the realization of the prepared projects for these areas, benefiting from the organization of the Urban Transformation unit of the Metropolitan Municipality, may be seeked. Here, as applied in the other transformation projects, it shall be seeked to use the financing channels that are based upon the reimbursement schemes which are calculated seperately according the municipality budget and the house owners and the tenants. In order to expidite the implementation of the Izmir-History Project, especially in the improvement regions, different organization and financing models may be developed. For providing such an acceleration, benefiting from the suitable international and national financing resources, is required. For this, the way of benefiting from the donations and the cheap interest credits of the international institutions or the state. A list which is prepared in the subject of from where such credits may be provided, is given in the Annex 4. Of course, this list is to be updated continuously. Benefiting from the national and international funds, shall require us to create a projectbased second organization and a financing channel. In the places which have project integrity in the area, project partnerships may be built. This project partnership may be built under the guidance of the municipality. This company shall design the necessary project for to improve here, and shall look for a non-municipal international or national resource. The decision concerning the project shall be taken by the Project Decision Board in which the representatives of the right owners and the mukhtars(district or village headmen). After providing resource, realizing the project, they shall be delivered to the social facilities renters. Of course, alternative models shall be developed according to the properties of the project. 7. Legal legislation which shall be benefited in the execution of the Izmir-History Project88 With regard to the legal legislation benefited in putting the Izmir-History Project into practice, the Law On the Transformation of the Areas Under the Disaster Risk enacted on 16th May, 2012 with no. 6306 created an alternative channel to the practice channel of the Law On the Protection of the Corroded Historical and Cultural Immovable Heritages and Their Usage By Making Them Live, dated 16th June, 2005 and with no. 5366 and the

88 This chapter is prepared by benefiting from the Izmir-History Project, “Law and Legislation” Discussion Document tex which A. Faruk Goksu, Sıla Akalp, Urban Strategy –Support Platform and the negotiations that were made on this document, in the workshop gathered in the 18 Dec., 2014.


Municipality Law dated 3rd July, 2005 and with no. 5393. For this reason, with regard to the implementation of the Izmir-History Project, to make a strategical option shall be required by making comparisons in the subject of which channel is needed to preferred. Because of this, let us lay emphasis on the opportunities which the mentioned laws provide in the subject of the Izmir-History project. Despite the Law On the Transformation of the Areas Under the Disaster Risk with no. 6306 attributes its legality to its bearing a disaster risk, it is known as the transformation law by the public opinion. The law which came into force in the year of 2012, entrust the public institutions which want to make urban transformation with authorities more than the needed. Benefiting from the framework of this law bears problems with regard to the strategical options of the Izmir-History Project in three respects. A project design which is carried in the scope of the law no. 6303, brings the local managements open to the fait accompli (impositions) of the central management. The Izmir-History Project which is being carried out under the guidance of the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality may encounter with fait accomplies that it cannot accept when it follows the implementation line which the Lasw with no. 6303 predicted. The implementation process which the law with no. 6303 predicted is closed to the negotiations with the ones who shall be affected from the project. Hence, it shall contrast with the communication understanding of the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality with the society, which attach importance to the participatory governance practices. The most important conflict occurs because of the law with no. 6303’s aiming to transform by demolishing the building in the risky areas and constructing a new building. When a building or the area is fixed as risky, the demolition of that building or the area is grounded on. How this process works, is given in Annex 5. in detail. If the improvement and the vitalization of a historical heritage and identity in an area by preserving it as it is in the Izmir-History Project are grounded on, the process which the law with no. 6303 predicted, must be avoided. How nice it is that with respect to the development and the implementation of the IzmirHistory Project, there is the Law on the Protection of the Corroded Historical and Cultural Immovable Heritages and Their Usage By Making Them Live which enables the guidance of the municipalities, protection, improvement and vitalization and a secon channel allowed by the the Municipality Law with no. 5393(especially its 7.3 article). What the predicted processes What the predicted processes in the project development and the realization of the implementation in this channel are given in Annex 5 in detail. In the Izmir-History Project, basically this second channel shall be used. The decision of the project area’s being an “innovation area” was already approved by the Council of Ministers on 1st October, 2007. For this channel to be operated, the Izmir-History project area is required to be announced as an “innovation area” by the Council of Ministers In this case, the Izmir-History Project shall remain open to the opportunity of being implemented through the participatory processes in the reconciliatory understanding of the laws with numbers 5366 and 5393 without being objected to the patronizing authorities of the law with no. 6303.


V.V. Specification thePROJECTS Projects That Related to SPECIFICATION OFof THE THAT AREare RELATED TO THE SUB PROJECT AREAS AND WAYS OF OBTAINING THEof PROJECTS THAT the Sub Project Areas and Ways Obtaining SHALL BE CARRIED INTO EXECUTION the Projects that Shall Be Carried into Execution


There are development plans that are made for the protection of the project area. In this study the aim is not to prepare a new development plan for protection instead of the existing plan. There are two reasons for this. One of them is to make different facets of the society come into agreement on a new development plan. For this reason, starting to prepare a new development plan fort he protection here means delaying the beginning of the implementation. While the second is not because the problem is with the development plan, whereas it is because of the fact that the operator actors are not defined and for this objective enough sources were not allocated. Preparing only a development plan for protectiın is not enough to revive the project area. For this reason, in the study, while the historical inheritance in the project are will be protected, the application programs that will revive the economic and social life in the area will be attached great importance. For this operation plans will be prepared. In case these operation plans require, duly changes will be made in development plans for protection. On Preparation Process and Content of the Operation Plans Related to the Sub Project Areas or Groups When this operation plans will be prepared “Layout Strategy Report for the Izmir-History Project” which was formed with a participatory process, will be grounded on. The strategic choices which were developed in this strategy will be turned into designs, activities and practices which will be applied in the sub-project areas with the operation plans. The preparation of the operation plans will be made with participatory processes. This is necessary for the internal consistency of the Izmir- History Project. First Stage: is to determine the participation frame and the participants. For every sub-project, different participation schemes and participants that are appropriate to this schemes will be determined that are suitable for the specifications of the project area. How these participation schemes will be and who will be the participants will change accordingly to the activities that will take place after the activities and plannings existing in the sub-area. In this schemes, of course, the chargehands of the municipality, university members who studied or plans to study about this area, the representatives of the related chambers and the NGO’s (Non-Governmental Organizations), opinion leaders who live in the sub-project areas, respected residents etc. and entrepreneurs etc. who did or planning to do activity in this area will take place. It will be attached importance to the features like contributing creatively to the plan which will be made together and having enthusiasm in sharing the excitement in determining who will be the participants. For ensuring the operability of the participation, it might be beneficial to think organising of the participation in two levels. In different stages of the operation plan, when specific results will be taken, meetings that are highly participated will be held. While technical studies regarding the preparation of the operation plan, small groups that will be formed out of the big group will be encouraged to participate.


Two different results from the participation are desired to be obtained. First of these is to ensure participation in producing the decision and the design in the planning. While the second one is to build up the commitment of the actors that will take place in the application on their roles in the operations. Of course, it necessary to evaluate these participations not just on their instrumental results but also as an aim that has to be realised in respect to people’s honorable rights to live. Second Stage: Making the necessary researches for the preparation of the operation plan of the Sub project area. A preliminary survey is needed both for preparation of the operation plan tecnically and for participation to have a meaning. In situations which the participants are not well informed, a participation that has genuinity can not be expected. But while avoiding spending too much time on this preliminary survey, it is necessary to compile a research that will enable to think on the sub project area by benefiting from the information of the municipalities and other institutions and by using the resources of the participation. In the sub project area of such a research enough information on; profile of activities, land use fractionation, the quality of the housing stock, class and etnicity differentiation in the housing zone, land and housing prices, distribution of the micro spaces, existing development plan calls, registered buildings, buildings that are restored and refunctioned, the inhabitiveness level of the population there and their level of education should be provided. Also it must be researched if a new implementation on the project area have started or not and if a new tendency have appeared or not. Third Stage: There will be a strategy development for the sub-regional Project. In order to embody the projected planning style in every sub project area it is necessary to clarify what can be found in the content of the planning strategy which can be developed in the participation mechanism. Decisions upon the level of the building, the roads and areas must be clarified and a concensus on those subjects must be established. The urban regeneration way in the sub project area on which a strategy is tried to be developed or on its independent regions; x Urban redevelopment x Urban revitalization x Urban regeneration must be clarified which one of the above it will be. What is aimed with the Urban redevelopment is to improve the quality of the living environment which has lost the living quality with social, economic and physical problems. One of the ways that is followed for this aim is to renew the physical structure after demolishing it. Of course such a course can only be followed in places there are building stocks that has no historical/cultural values. If the Urban revitalization course will be followed, the attention will be on the eceonomic functions that the project area has lost. It will be strived for the repositioning of the activities that provide added values in this area.


Development of the urban infrastructure and services will have a critical importance for this to be provided. Whereas on the third way, Urban regeneration, the living quality will tried to be raised with small involvements while the cultural and historical heritage will be protected. In this regeneration, it is necessary to be sensitive in the subject of the existing habitants’ elimination and gaining a gentrification quality. In each three situations which functions that will take place is going to be decided in every sub region. While the functions are going to be determined it is necessary to be attentive on the existing tendencies and ways of using as well as the necessities that are defined in the strategy to be met. Creating certain housing status, bringing young people in here, creating experience lines etc. Fourth Stage: Decisions that will be taken for application in the sub project area, the designs which are going to be made, protection plan changes will be determined. After the strategy that will be applied will be determined for every sub area for every project, the existing protection plan will be reviewed, and it will be decided what kind of design will be made for the subject to be chosen. A selection on the subject of how these designs will be acquired as open to participation will be made out of different choices. Among these choices there is also the idea setting up of a design studio in which the young designers will be able to develop proposals. The fact that this studio to be found in the project area will contribute to the revitalization of the region. There will be attentiveness upon the protection of the scales of the buildings in the structure design that will be made. Two delimeters on this should not be forgotten. First of these is the protection of the Kadifekale’s silhouette which is the city’s crown characteristic. The second is that the structures that have the monumental qualification to be small. Tall buildings that will be built in those areas will make monumental qualified buildings nonadaptive with their environments. At the level of structures it will be determined which structures are going to be reconstructed, restored and demolished. Proposals will be made on how a refunctioning will be appropriate. At the level of the streets, which parts of the streets will be revitalized will be laid emphasis on. In this context it will be dealt with the question of how Izmir’s slopes (ex: Mekke slope) will be reinterpreted. In the relationship of the people who live in the steep slopes between Kemeraltı and Kadifekale trips as pedestrians will be a very convenient choice. While the city’s transportation master plan is being prepared again this option must be examined elaboratively and options like building escalators on some slopes and correlation of the pedestrian roads with the metro stations must be researched. Fifth Stage: will be composed of the preparation of the operation plan and the completion of the process which the actors pledge. After appropriate decisions are taken related to every project sub regions and the designs are made the operation plan will come to a stage where it can be made. In the operation plan,


the strategy of this subzone and its reservation to the procedures required for the implementation of all the decision and the designs concerning this region, for each of the procedure, the issue of which of them could be done by which responsible persons, which of them could be done by the participants, which of them could be done by the entrepreneurs and the alternative opportunities in these subjects shall be determined. For this study to gain qualification as a plan there has to be time extent to it. When an operation plan is being prepared, generally the day the application begins is defined as the origin point. The arrangement of the works that will be done in time and the time that is passed will be positioned according to this origin point. In the Izmir- History Project the operation plan will not be completed at this point. In addition to this it will be realized that the participants or the ones that will participate after this, who will realize its functions one by one, will have their words in the participant platform (public domain). If there are nobody laying claims on some subjects, they will be kept open for the people who will lay claims in the future. Shortly, operation plans will be documents that define which functions the relevant actors will do and promises being obtained that these actors about what they will realize and documents that transincident ways become concrete. In those documents participation will acqurie qualification of taking responsibility and become real. Sixth Stage: The institutionilization of the monitoring of the Project and making it participatory After the operation plan is acquired, the implementation process will come next. But the renewal, revitalization of a sub region will happen in time. This is a process that demand time and a carefully planned public relations. Of course in the realization of this application, actors who undertook tasks in the operation plan document will fulfill their functions. But there is the need for a mechanism that monitors the application of the project all the time and making the necessary feedbacks. This mechanism will be formed by Izmir Metropolitan Municipality, relevant NGO’s and people who live there. This might be considerable to be enriched in the application period.



VI. Organization Proposal for Izmir-History Project’s Execution


We have seen how can Strategies and operation plans for Izmir-History Project be prepared in a participatory period. For such a vast project to be applied in a resulting pace it will need a special organization. It is obvious that if this project will be run without a specific organization, with the Metropolitan Municipality’s Public Improvements, urban regeneration, cultural department, social services, park and garden arrangement and directorate of technical works it will be hard to maintain the necessary pace and coordination. For this reason an organization that will run the Izmir- History Project is needed. But if this organization does not have the inner support of the municipalities’ performer units the application will face problems. The proposal that is summarized in the Figure.1 is developed with regarding the planning and application processes that is commentated up to this section. In the center of this organization scheme there is the Izmir-History Project execution but what its bureaurocratic title is going to be is not defined here. What this will be is going to be defined by the possibilities. But it will directly take its power from the president. Also he/she will conduct systematic coordination and application monitoring meetings with the performer units of the municipality. It would be beneficial to conduct those meetings both with Metropolitan Municipality and Konak Municipality officials. It will also be beneficial for Izmir-History Project Executive to be on a building that is in central position and restored. This structure must have areas in which the works are exhibited and a meeting hall where people can conduct meetings in the project area. The three units that take place in the Figure.1’s left is depicted as connected to IzmirHistory Project Executive. First of these units is the Archaeology Management Unit. This unit will update the datas that are acquired from the archeological excavations and drills in CBS format and maintain the coordination in preparation of the projects and application monitorings. The second unit is the design studio. This studio will provide opportunities for the young people in the necessary areas in Izmir- History Project. In this way, it will be contributed to the vision of Izmir’s being a design city. This studio must be considered to take place in the project area also. The third unit is the Public Relations and Engagement organization unit of the Izmir- History Project Executive. In the right part of the Figure.1 the project unit takes place. This unit will include enough technical employees and planners. It is foreseen that this unit to be set up as a core that is adequate. The workers in this unit will be scaled up according to the pace of the project.


Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Mayor

Archaeology Management Unit

Izmir History Project Execution Office

Design Project Design Unit

Municipality Executive Interdivisional Coordination

Izmir History Design Workshop

Public Relations and Participation Organization Unit

Project Design Unit

Municipality Supervisors Chambers NGO’s(NonGovernmental Organizations)

Broadest Participation Platform

Izmir History Project Strategic Planning

Sub-Region Participation Platform

Sub-Region Operation Plan

Opinion Leaders Universities TARKEM etc. Platform of Monitoring the Implementation (Project Observatory)

Regular Reporting


Figure 1: Izmir-History Project Organization Scheme89

89 The involvement of the Project Action Room and Project Observatory in the organization chart, was proposed by Prof. Dr. Murat Guvenc.


There is three levels of study which are expected from the project unit. The first one is to prepare a protection/vitalization strategy for the whole of the project area. This stage in fact has been realized with this booklet in your hand. As the Izmir History Project execution office and the project unit have not been established yet, the Municipality Consultants and the public housing bureaucracy have developed a strategy for the whole of the project area by making the necessary preparations and gathering a broad participation platform as far as possible concerning the project. Here, the proposed method has two bases. In one of the base, there is the participation platform. In the second, there is the project units and the planners. The participants express their views, the values they adopt, the project unit works on these views, the obtained results are carried to the participation platforma again, after the interviews, a consensus is constituted. The creation of the strategies and the operation plans take place in a transparent process. As the strategy stage of the Izmir-History Project has been completed, after the IzmirHistory Project Execution Office is going to be established, it shall be passed to the preparation of the operation plans concerning the sub-project regions or the groups. The study in this stage shall be based upon the interaction of the two base project units and the participation platform. While this operation plans are being prepared, the process which was explained previously, shall be followed. When consensus is made on these plans, it shall be passed to the implementation stage. In this stage a two based approach shall be followed, as well. But the point which should be particulary stated is the beginning of the feed-back mechanism’s to be operated. For this revision, the regional participation platform must absolutely be gathered.

Putting an End‌ We’ve come to the end of the Izmir-History Project strategy report. But, this is not a result. However, it is a stage. For reaching a conclusion, starting to the implementation, is required. And for this, continuing the participatory process with the same excitement and the enthusiasm, is required.


ANNEXES Annex 1: Alt Proje Alanlarını Oluşturan Mahalleler Listesi List of the Districts Which Constitute the Sub-Project Areas. The first sub region Agora It involves the whole of the Namazgah district, a part of the Kurtulus and Yeni districts. Second sub region Havralar (Synagogues) Region It involves the whole of the Guzelyurt and Gunes districts. Third sub region Kemeralti Avenue and Hanlar (Inns) Region It involves in a part of the Konak district. Fourth sub region Fevzi Pasa Boulevard It involves the whole of the Yenigun and Hursidiye districts and a part of the Akinci district. Fifth sub region Basmane Hotels Region It involves a part of the Akinci district. Sixth sub region Kestelli Region It involves the whole of the Kestelli and Ugur districts and a part of the Konak district. Seventh sub region Konak Region Fevzi Paşa mahallesinin tamamını ve Konak mahallesinin bir kısmını kapsamaktadır. Eight sub region Bahribaba Region Yeşiltepe mahallesinin bir kısmını kapsamaktadır It involves a part of the Yesiltepe district. Ninth sub region Değirmendağı Region It involves the whole of the Cahabey and Mecidiye districts and a part of the Yesiltepe, Fatih and Gungor. Tenth sub region Altınyol-Damlacık Region It involves the whole of the Namık Kemal, Sumer, Odunkapi, Yildiz, Kahraman, Turkyılmaz, Mescit, Tan, Bozkurt and Sehit Nedim Tugaltay districts and a part of the Fatih district. Eleventh sub region the End Part of the Anafartalar Avenue It involves the part which is formed by the intersection line of the Yenigun, Hursidiye, Akıncı, Etiler, Faik Pasa, Altınordu, Pazaryeri, Kurtulus and Namazgah.


Twelfth sub region Ayavukala Church and Its Vicinity It involves the Etiler and Faik Pasa districts. Thirteenth subregion the First Ring Housing Texture In the Agora Vicinity It involves in the whole of the Tuzcu, Ulku and Sakarya districts and a part of the Yeni, Ali Reis, Pazaryeri and Altinordu districts. Fourteenth sub region Second Ring Housing Ring In the Vicinity of Agora Süvari ve Altay mahallelerinin tamamını ve Aziziye, Kadifekale, Ali Reis ve Kubilay mahallelerinin bir kısmını kapsamaktadır It involves in the whole of the Suvari and Altay districts and a part of the Aziziye, Kadifekale, Ali Reis and Kubilay districts. Fifteenth sub region Slum Areas In The North Skirts of Kadifekale It involves a part of the Kadifekale, Kubilay and Mirali districts. Sixteenth sub region Kadifekale Antique Theatre Region It involves a part of Kadifekale and Kosova districts. Seventeenth sub region The Landslide Area In the South Skirt of Kadifekale It involves the Imariye, Veziraga, Hasan Ozdemir, Kosova, Yesildere and 19 Mayıs districts. Eighteenth sub region is consisted of the Narrow Habitation Around the Ikicesmelik and Esrefpasa Avenue. This band passes through the Namazgah, Guzelyurt, Guneş, Yenigun, Kestelli, Tan, Sehit Nedim Tugaltay, Bozkurt, Tuzcu, Ulku and Sakarya districts. Nineteenth sub region is consisted of the Narrow Habitation In Both Sides of the Anafartalar Avenue which starts from Konak. This band passes through the Konak, Yenigun, Guzelyurt, Gunes, Kestelli, Ugur, Fevzi Pasa districts.










7. THE NAMAZGAH TURKISH BATH The expropriation studies of the Turkish Bath which still operates are completed. Turkish Bath that its project studies have begun will be restored in its original operation.

5-6. THE PROTECTION WALL AND ENTRANCE STRUCTURE PROJECT The Ministry of Culture and Protection Board approved the protection wall and entrance structure projects that were for the purpose of arranging the entrance-exit to the agora excavation area and for ensuring the security. The production of the protection wall has been started and the implementation projects of the entrance structure are being prepared.

4. AGORA MUSEUM AND EXHIBITION HOUSE The licensed structure that is located inside the agora excavation area will be restored to support museum exhibition, souvenir sales office etc. touristic activities. Structure’s restoration implementation that started on 13.11.2012 still continues.

3.EXPROPRIATION STUDIES OF AGORA AND ITS ENVIRONMENT The 4.stage of the expropriation and destruction that started with the target of expanding the excavation area and unity of Agora’s Ikicesmelik Street and Kemeralti has been completed. The 5.stage expropriation studies have been completed and the destruction studies will begin.

2. RESTORATION OF THE ANTIQUE WALLS Simple maintenance and repairing of the ANTIQUE structure walls that emerged after the expropriation and destruction studies that were done.

1.AGORA EXCAVATION HOUSE Licensed structure that is located inside the Agora Excavation Area is restored as an excavation house. The implementation was COMPLETED in January, 2012.





3.TARKEM STUDY AREA Tarkem (Historical Kemeralti Construction Investment Trade Corp.) intensified its activities in the Havra Region.

2.ABACIOGLU INN RESTORATION The inn that is located on Anafartalar Street has been restored by Konak Municipality.

1.RESTORATION OF THE BEIT HILLEL SYNAGOGUE The structure has a certain importance both as a house of a religious identity and for being the only example of its typology which has reached today. With the structure’s Haim Palaci Museum function it’s targeted to be brought into Izmir’s cultural life. The restoration implementation has been completed.





4.DALAN BUILDING The Konak Municipality is planning the restoration of Kemeralti Soap Factory that was established by Hamdi Dalan in 1941.

3.CAKALOGLU INN The restoration of Cakaloglu Inn that is one of the important inns of Kemeralti that reached today is being planned.

2.MIRKELAMOGLU INN The Konak Municipality is planning the restoration of Mirkelamoglu Inn that is one of the important inns of Kemeralti that reached today.

1.KEMERALTI SQUARE PROJECT The Protection District Board has approved the advance project that suggested a complex coherent with the texture that is located inside the Kemeralti. The studies to achieve the implementation project are still ongoing.


1.KAVAFLAR BAZAAR The Konak Municipality executed the simple repairing of the historical Kavaflar Bazaar.



2.CEVAHIR INN(367 ISLAND 9 PLOT) Its being targeted to make the structure that is located on Anafartalar Street to be brought into the city by re-purposing it in accordance with its typological originality by the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality.






4.FETTAH MOSQUE The Vakiflar General Management prosecuted and completed the restoration studies of the structure that is located at the 1297th street.

3.WOMEN MUSEUM The Konak Municipality has done the restoration of the structure that is located in 1298th street.

2.BASMANE DISTRICT CENTER The structure that is located at 374th island 33rd plot has been restored and brought to the city by the Konak Municipality.

1.HOTELS STREET PROJECT The Konak Municipality has completed the front rehabilitation implementations private to the 1296th street.

DY being prosecuted for the Yesildere lines by Ministry of ways is being opened to eas at the mouth of Konak. still continuing.

AURANT RESTORATION uctures to be made after the d in 1955. Its architects were Tekeli. The structure that Izmir ervation Regional Board No. its restoration projects on given service as presidency





4.KIZILAY BUILDING RESTORATION The restoration project of the Kizilay Building that is located at the 442nd street has been completed. The Konak Municipality shall do the implementation studies.

3.OLD MONOPOLY BUILDING RESTORATION The Restoration Implementation for the re-usage of old monopoly tobacco warehouses are being pursued by the Investment Progress and Coordination Presidency which is connected to the governorship.

2.NATIONAL LIBRARY STREET REARRANGEMENT PROJECT The design studies have been started to be established by improving the pedestrian circulation and trade functions at the National Library Street.

1.AHMET AGA MANSION RESTORATION The immobile that belongs to the General Directorate of the Vakiflar(Foundations) which is located at the Konak County, Kemeralti Bazaar, the 848th street was rented to our Municipality for 30 years with the protocol that has been signed on the date of 16.02.2010. Its being expected that the business end restoration project to be taken into the Board’s agenda.





2. KONAK TUNNEL PROJECT Tunnel project, undertaken by the Minstry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications and aims to connect Konak and Yesildere, comes about KemeraltÕ Renewal Area in Konak. Project is ongoing.

1. SATO RESTAURANT RESTORATION It is one of the first buildings after the construction of Varyant Road in 1955. It was designed by architects Riza Askan and Dogan Tekeli. The building whose restoration project was approved on 18.01.2008 by the Izmir Cultural and Natural Heritage Preservation Regional Board No.1 serves as the mayor's residence.

AL COFFEE HOUSE the structure that is located at s of the Anafartalar Street and vation Area, is being planned Municipality.





6. THE RESIDENCE ON BUILDING BLOCK 119 PLOT 4 The structure located in Tan NeighbourhÕÕd, Naturzade Mosque Street has been expropriated and will be restored.

5. IPEKYOL CICIPARK ARRANGEMENT PROJECT The project aimed to preserve the Ancient Silkroad and organize Cicipark and its vicinity as a view terrace, will create a green social area in the city centre. The project has been ap÷proved by the Cultural and Natural Heritage Preservation Board.

3. TOY MUSEUM The building located on Varyart Street has been restored by the Konak Municipality and put in service. 4. KILCI MESJIT The structure located on Varyant Street was restores by Directorate General of Foundations in its original function.

2. SAADET MIRCI COMMUNITY CENTRE The building that takes place on building block 116 plot 46 and which belongs to the Konak Municipality has been restored as Community Centre.

1. AYLA OKMEN HOUSE The building which takes place in Street 442 was restored as Woten Consultation Centre by the Konak Municipality.



1. DONERTAS FOUNTAIN RESTORATION Donertas Fountain was restored by the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality.



2. AKHISAR HOTEL RESTORATION The structure in "kortejo" (family house) style that has a narrow access from KemeraltÕ Street is planned to be restored.


3. HISTORIC CAFETERIA The structure located at the intersection of Anafartalar Street and AltÕnpark Excavation is planned to be restored by the Konak Municipality






5.BICAKCI INN The area which includes Bicakci Inn, Old Yildiz Cinemas, an old period multi storey structure and which is determined as Special Project Area -2 in the reconstruction plan that is located in between the Gaziler Street and the 1270th street is planned to be restored with a public function that will trigger regional scaled refreshment.

4.KUMRULU MASJID The structure that is located on 1273 street is being restored according to its original function by Vakiflar General Management.

3.ALTINPARK EXCAVATION AREA The area that the archaeological excavations still continue is being designed by Konak Municipality as an archaeopark.

2.SAINT VUKOLOS CHURCH ENVIRONMENT ARRANGEMENT PROJECT The goal of the project is creating public areas that will trigger a change at the close environment of the structure that hosts city life by making contact with the social texture around the Saint Vukolos Church and with different public functions. The Street Rehabilitation Studies will be done in the scope of the Urban Improvement on 1281st street that is being thought as a connection to the district car park that shall be built around the church.

1.SAINT VUKOLOS CHURCH RESTORATION The restoration implementation of the structure has been completed on 20.12.2010. The main structure serves as a multi purpose hall and an exhibition hall, one of the outbuildings serves as the Press Museum and the other one as the Memory House. After the completion of the restoration of the Saint Vukolos Church, it had become one of the places in which the city’s cultural and art activities were realized.

tudies were executed in the egean Civilizations Museum to decided to execute it at the UE Theatre area. The Dokuz uake Research and executed the Archaeos because of the area being a al Site area and no culture d under the surface that would struction. Plan revisions about mpleted. The expropriation in a short amount of time. projects have been planned to mpetition.


mptied in the geologically sure the security of the life and Afforestation studies were done on of the area. In addition, with arranging the area for all be done.






6. THE HOUSE WITH A TUNNEL ENTRANCE The structure that takes place on building block 1394 plot 4 has been restored by the Konak Municipality

5. COKOV FOUNDATION BUILDING The building belonging to Cokov and allocated to the Konak Municipality was restored as Agora Community Centre.

4. ALTINORDU SPORTS CLUB The club building was restored by the Konak Municipality has been brought to the residents' use

3. BUILDING ACROSS ALTINPARK The structure located on building block 15432 plot 26 belongs to the Konak Municipality; and has been put into function as Radio and Democracy Museum

2. RESTORATION OF THE BUILDING LOCATED IN PAZARYERI NEIGHBOURHOOD STREET 946 The structured located on building block 1549 plot 2 belongs to the Konak Municipality; and will be restored as the design workshop under Izmir History Project Centre.

1.EMIR SULTAN MAUSOLEUM RESTORATION The restoration implementation studies of the Emir Sultan mausoleum have been completed. Another study has recently been started for the restoration of the treasures.

be dealt with in a scope of a





2. AEGEAN CIVILIZATIONS CULTURE AND ART CENTRE In order to bring in an Aegean Civilizations Museum to Izmir, an area was designated in the northwest of Kadifekale adjacent to Antique Theatre. Since the area is in the 3rd degree Archeological Conservation Area, Archeo-Geophysics survey was carried out by Dokuz Eylul University Earthquake Research and Application Centre and was no cultural layer or relic was found which would hinder underground construction. Planning and revisions have been completed in the area. Expropriation works will be launched in a while. It is planned that the Culture and Arts Centre architectural project will be acquired by a competition.

1. LANDSLIDE AREA REHABILITATION 2000 residential buildings were expropriated and demolished in order to ensure safety of life and property on the landslide area. Then forestation work was carried out to create a city forest. In addition, the area will be arranged to be used for recreational purpose.




AREA 15/NORTHERN SLOPE SLUM AREA PLANNED STUDIES Works to be carried out in the area are considered to be acquired by a competition.





5-6.THE KADIFEKALE AND ANTIQUE THEATRE ARCHAEOLOGY AND HISTORY PARK ARRANGEMENT PROJECTS It has been decided that the area in between Kadifekale and Antique Theatre to be purged of the unqualified structures and to be taken into competition scope.


4.THE MASJID RESTORATION PROJECT The restoration of the masjid that is located inside Kadifekale shall be executed. Project studies that have started in 2012 have been completed and approved by the Number 1 Protection Area Board.

3.THE CISTERN RESTORATION PROJECT The restoration of the cistern that is located inside the Kadifekale shall be executed. Project studies, started in 2012 have been completed and approved by the Number 1 Protection Area Board.

2.THE RESTORATION OF THE KADIFEKALE FORTIFICATION WALLS The implementation step in the scope of the restoration of Kadifekale Ramparts have been finalized.

1.ANTIQUE THEATRE EXPROPRIATION STUDIES The Antique Theatre area is already under unqualified structures and the expropriation studies of these structures shall begin. The expropriation studies of the 156 plots of the 164 plots in the area have been completed and their title deeds have been taken. The destruction of the 156 structures have been executed.





1.ANTIQUE THEATRE EXPROPRIATION STUDIES The afforestation studies according to the city forest functions have been done in the Geologically Unfavorable Area. It has been decided that the studies to be executed in the area to be taken into account in the scope of a competition.





2.IKICESMELIK STREET FRONT REHABILITATION PROJECT 6 of the 176 buildings that are located at the Ikicesmelik street which is a 2,4 km historical axis are registered. The projects prepared for the registered structures have been included in the front arrangement project scope that has been prepared for the general of the street and the implementation studies have started.

1.POLICE MEMORY HOUSE Theo ld Anafartalar Police Station that witnessed Izmir’s historical moments, has been restored as a museum that exhibits goods and pictures that belong to the past of the law enforcement agency.





3. KEMERALTI BAZAAR TOP COVER AND CITY FURNITURE One of the projects that was achieved with competition method with the purpose of improvement with modern reinforcement elements that was necessary for the pedestrian places and for taking under control the negative factors due to the natural conditions, especially the sun which both the users and tradesmen encounter while they are doing their outdoor activities especially the shopping inside the area that covers Kemeralti Bazaar and its vicinity was chosen for the implementation. The Izmir Cultural Heritage Preservation Regional Board No. 1 has approved the chosen project and the implementation project studies are still continuing.


1. KEMERALTI FRONT REHABILITATION PROJECT The implementations of the 1,2,3 and 4.Stage Front Rehabilitation Studies involving in the the part of Anafartalar Street from Konak entrance up to the Sadirvan Mosque, have been completed.

ANNEX.3: Completed Projects No

Name of the Project


Responsible Organization

Degree of Completion

Explanations About the Project


Projects are completed, approved by the Cultural Heritage Preservation Regional Board, its constuction has been completed.


Projects are completed, approved by the Cultural Heritage Preservation Regional Board, construction has been completed.


Restoration of the Agora Excavation House


Basic Maintenance and Repairing of the Walls that Came Out As a Result of the Expropriation and the Destruction Studies inside the Agora Excavation Area

1.Sub Area Agora


Beit-Hillel Synagogue Restoration

2.Sub Area Synagogue Area

Izmir Metropolitan Municipality



926th Street Arrangement

2.Sub Area Synagogue Area

Konak Municipality



Kemeralti Historical Sukran Hotel Entrance and Fountain Restoration

3.Sub Area Kemeralti Street Inns Area

Izmir Metropolitan Municipality



Abacioglu Inn

3.Sub Area Kemeralti Street Inns Area

Konak Municipality



Kavaflar Bazaar

4. Sub Area Fevzi Pasa Avenue

Konak Municipality



Women Museum

5.Sub Area Basmane Hotels Area

Konak Municipality



Hotels Street

5.Sub Area Basmane Hotels Area

Konak Municipality



Basmane District Center

5.Sub Area Basmane Hotels Area

Konak Municipality



Haremlik SelamlÄąk (Ahmet AÄ&#x;a Mansion) Restoration

7.Sub Area Konak

Izmir Metropolitan Municipality



1.Sub Area Agora

Date of Construction, Suggestion

Izmir Metropolitan Municipality

Izmir Metropolitan Municipality

Projects are completed, approved by the Cultural Heritage Preservation Regional Board, the construction has been completed. Projects are completed, approved by the Cultural Heritage Preservation Regional Board, the construction has been completed. Its restoration has been completed. Projects are completed, approved by the Cultural Heritage Preservation Regional Board, the construction has been completed. Projects are completed, approved by the Cultural Heritage Preservation Regional Board, the construction has been completed. Projects are completed, approved by the Cultural Heritage Preservation Regional Board, the construction has been completed. Projects are completed, approved by the Cultural Heritage Preservation Regional Board, the construction has been completed. Projects are completed, approved by the Cultural Heritage Preservation Regional Board, the construction has been completed. Projects are completed, approved by its Cultural Heritage Preservation Regional Board, the construction has been completed.


Kizilay Building Restoration

7. Sub Area Konak

Konak Municipality

Its project has been completed.


Toy Museum

8.Sub Area Bahribaba Area

Konak Municipality



Saadet Mirci District Center

10.Sub Area Altinyol Damlacik

Konak Municipality



Ayla Ökmen House

10.Sub Area Altinyol Damlacik

Konak Municipality



442 - 834. Street Rehabilitation

Konak Municipality



Altınpark Excavation Area

Konak Municipality



Saint Vukolos Church Restoration

Izmir Metropolitan Municipality



Radio and Democracy Museum

13.Sub Area Agora Perimeter First Circle

Konak Municipality



Emir Sultan Mausoleum Restoration

13.Sub Area Agora Perimeter First Circle

Izmir Metropolitan Municipality



Restoration of the Structure located at Pazaryeri Neighborhood 1549 Island 2 Plot

13.Sub Area Agora Perimeter First Circle

Izmir Metropolitan Municipality



Çokov Foundation Building

13.Sub Area Agora Perimeter First Circle

Konak Municipality



Altınordu Sports Club

13.Sub Area Agora Perimeter First Circle

Konak Municipality



House with a Tunnel Entrace

13.Sub Area Agora Perimeter First Circle

Konak Municipality


10.Sub Area Altinyol Damlacik 12.Sub Area Saint Vukolos Church and its Perimeter 12.Sub Area Saint Vukolos Church and its Perimeter

Restoration Project has been completed by the Konak Municipality. Implementation studies are expected to be done by Kizilay. Projects are completed, approved by the Cultural Heritage Preservation Regional Board, the construction has been completed. Projects are completed, approved by the Cultural Heritage Preservation Regional Board, its construction has been completed. Projects are completed, approved by the Cultural Heritage Preservation Regional Board, the construction has been completed. Street rehabilitation projects have been completed by Konak Municipality. Archaeological excavations have been completed, Conservation will be done after the execution of the top layer application. Projects are completed, approved by the Cultural Heritage Preservation Regional Board, the construction has been completed. Projects are completed, approved by the Cultural Heritage Preservation Regional Board, the construction has been completed. Projects are completed, approved by the Cultural Heritage Preservation Regional Board, the construction has been completed. Projects are completed, approved by Cultural Heritage Preservation Regional Board, construction has been completed. Projects are completed, approved by the Cultural Heritage Preservation Regional Board, the construction has been completed. Projects are completed, approved by the Cultural Heritage Preservation Regional Board, the construction has been completed. Projects are completed, approved by the Cultural Heritage Preservation Regional Board, the


construction completed.



Projects are completed, approved by Cultural Heritage Preservation Regional Board, the construction has been completed. 4. Stage of Anafartalar Street Front Arrangement Project that consists of 5 stages have been completed.


Kadifekale Fortification Wall Restoration

16.Sub Area Kadifekale Antic Theatre Area


Kemeraltı Front Arrangement Project 1-23-4 Stages

19.Sub Area Anafartalar Street

Izmir Metropolitan Municipality



Agora Safety Wall

1.Sub Area Agora

Izmir Metropolitan Municipality


Manufacturing of the safety wall has been completed.


Kumrulu Masjid Restoration

12. Sub Area Saint Vukolos Church and its Perimeter

City Administration


Restoration implementation studies have been completed.


Street and Front Rehabilitation Projects of the Licensed Structures located at Ikicesmelik Street

İkiçeşmelik Street

Izmir Metropolitan Municipality


Implementation studies have been completed.


Izmir Metropolitan Municipality


ONGOING PROJECTS Date of Construction, Suggestion


Name of the Project


Agora Museum and Exhibition House Restoration

1. Sub Area Agora

Izmir Metropolitan Municipality



Agora Entrance Door

1. Sub Area Agora

Izmir Metropolitan Municipality



Namazgah Turkish Bath

1. Sub Area Agora

Izmir Metropolitan Municipality



Support for the Archaeological Excavations

1. Sub Area Agora

Izmir Metropolitan Municipality



Community Archive

2. Sub Area Synagogues Area

Konak Municipality

Its project has been completed.


Balıkçılar Square Project

3. Sub Area Kemeralti Street Inns Area

Izmir Metropolitan Municipality.



Büyük Demir Inn

3. Sub Area Kemeralti Street Inns Area

Konak Municipality

Its project has been completed.


Mirkelamoğlu Inn

3. Sub Area Kemeralti Street Inns Area

Konak Municipality

Its project has been completed.


Selvili Inn

3. Sub Area Kemeralti Street Inns Area

Konak Municipality

Its project has been completed.


442 / 834 Streets

10. Sub Area Altınyol Damlacık

Konak Municipality

Its project has been completed.

11. Sub Area Anafartalar Street Last Part

Konak Municipality

Its project has been completed.

12. Sub Areaa Saint Vukolos Church and its Perimeter

Izmir Metropolitan Municipality


12. Sub Areaa Saint Vukolos Church and its

Izmir Metropolitan Municipality





960 Street RehabilitationHistorical Coffee House Improvement Project of Saint Vukolos Church Perimeter and its Connections Saint Vukolos Church Environment


Responsible Organization

Degree of Completion

Explanation About the Project Its projects have been completed and approved by the Cultural Heritage and Preservation Regional Board. The restoration application have been started and ongoing. Entrance door project have been approved by the Ministry of Culture and the implementation projects are being prepared. Project studies have been completed. Support of Antic Smyrna Agora and Phokaia excavations that has been maintained as material, personnel, equipment support until 2012, still continues as material support since the beginning of 2012. Its projects have been completed and approved by the Protection of Culture Assets District Board. Application projects have been obtained, investigated by our control organization and transferred to Reconstruction Business District Management. Building Survey, Restitution and Restoration Projects have been approved by The Izmir Cultural Heritage Preservation Registration Board No. Its allocation is being expected by the Izmir Vakıflar(Foundations) General Directorate Foundations. Building Survey, Restitution and Restoration Projects have been approved by the Izmir Cultural Heritage Preservation Registration Board No.1. Restoration Projects have been prepared by the Konak Municipality and Protection Board Approval has been taken. Street Rehabilitation Projects have been prepared and will be started to be applied after the process to get consents is completed. 960. Street has been projected by the Konak Municipality in the scope of the Rehabilitation Project. Advance project has been prepared, approved by Cultural Heritage Preservation Regional Board, project studies are still ongoing. Street Rehabilitation Studies in the scope of Urban Improvement will be done at 1281 street that is


1281.Street Rehabilitation and Area Car Park Project


being considered to supply connection to the area car park that will be constructed around the church. Street Rehabilitation Projects have been prepared and will be started to be applied after the process to get consents is completed.


The 1273 / 1276 Streets

12. Sub Areaa Saint Vukolos Church and its Perimeter

Konak Municipality

Its project has been completed


Kadifekale Agora Kemeraltı Transportation Master Plan

13. Sub Area Agora Perimeter First Circle

Izmir Metropolitan Municipality


Preparation of projects process is still ongoing.


Altınpark Protection Top Cover

12. Sub Areaa Saint Vukolos Church and its Perimeter

Konak Municipality

Its project has been completed.

Konak Municipality has got the Environment Arrangement and the Protective Top Cover Projects prepared, the Protection Board Approval has been taken. Application is being planned.


Carfi Mansion

13. Sub Area Agora Perimeter First Circle

Konak Municipality

Its project has been completed.

The project studies have been completed.










Aegean Civilizations Archaeology and History Park

Chapel and Cistern Restoration inside Kadifekale Fortification Wall Kadifekale Agora Kemeraltı Lighting Master Plan Kadifekale Roma Antic Theatre Expropriation Studies Kemeraltı Front Arrangement Project 5.Stage Kemeraltı Bazaar Top Cover Application Dalan Soap Museum Construction Job Alanyalı Mansion Restoration Studies

16. Sub Area Kadifekale Antic Theatre Area

Izmir Metropolitan Municipality


Plan study has been completed and approved by The Izmir Cultural Heritage Preservation Registration Board No. 1. The expropriation studies have begun. It has been decided that the area located in between the Kadifekale and Antique Theatre area shall be taken into competition scope by being purged of unqualified structures.

16. Sub Area Kadifekale Antic Theatre Area

Izmir Metropolitan Municipality


Projects have been obtained, the approval was received from the Protection Board and the implementation has been started.

13. Sub Area Agora Perimeter First Circle

Izmir Metropolitan Municipality

Its project has been completed.

Project studies completed.

16. Sub Area Kadifekale Antic Theatre Area

Izmir Metropolitan Municipality


Expropriation and destruction studies have been completed in 95%.

19. Sub Area Anafartalar Street

Izmir Metropolitan Municipality


5.stage projects implementation project studies are still ongoing.

19. Sub Area Anafartalar Street

Izmir Metropolitan Municipality


Studies of preparing the projects have been completed.

Konak Municipality


Process of preparing the projects is still ongoing.

Konak Municipality


Process of preparing the projects is still ongoing.

3. Sub Area Kemeraltı Street Inns Area 16. Sub Area Kadifekale Antic Theatre Area



SUGGESTED PROJECTS Date of Construction, Suggestion

Responsible Organization

Degree of Completion

Explanation About the Project

3. Sub Area Kemeraltı Street Inns Area

Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Konak Municipality

On Idea Stage

Project and restoration studies are being planned.

Akevler Mansion

10. Sub Area Altınyol Damlacık

Konak Municipality

On Idea Stage

Project and restoration studies are being planned.


Kortejos (Family Houses)

11. Sub Area Anafartalar Street Last Part

Izmir Metropolitan Municipality

On Idea Stage

Project and restoration studies are being planned.


Bıçakçı Inn Project

12. Sub Area Saint Vukolos Church and its Perimeter

Izmir Metropolitan Municipality

On Idea Stage

Project and restoration studies are being planned.


Kapanizade House

13. Sub Area Agora Perimeter First Circle

Izmir Metropolitan Municipality

On Idea Stage

Project and restoration studies are being planned.


Crimean Turks House

13. Sub Area Agora Perimeter First Circle

Konak Municipality

On Idea Stage

Project and restoration studies are being planned.


Name of the Project



Çakaloğlu Inn



ANNEX 4: National and International Funds to be benefited in the Project Finance


Supporting Organization

Appropriate Applicants

Help to the Repairing of Immovable Cultural Heritage

Ministry of Culture and Tourism

Real and Legal Entities

Technical Help Support

Ministry of Culture and Tourism

Local Authorities

Culture Investments Support

Ministry of Culture and Tourism

Public Institutions and Organizations

Tourism Inducement Law

Ministry of Culture and Tourism

Private Sector


It is the support provided to real and legal entities that posseses an immovable cultural and natural heritage who asked for help in rem, monetary or technical for implementing the maintenance and repairing. An implementation can be filed in writing to Ministry Province Management with the documentations stated in 6 or 7.items of “Regulation About Providing Help in Repairing Immovable Cultural Heritage”.

Support that is provided in environmental arrangement and infrastructure projects.

All public organizations that have a project not started yet or an unfinished construction of a Culture Investment (Culture Centers, Congress Centers, Museum, Library aand Others) activity are supported. Priority rank for the investments; culture and tourism protection and improvement areas, tourism centers and other places identified by the Ministry.

Culture Investments and Entreprises Inducement Law

Ministry of Culture and Tourism

Private business that has a culture investment and entreprise with a legal entity

Investment activities for the construction or equipment of construction of the area, structure and locations, technological infrastructures where the scientific studies are done about education and teaching, exhibitioning, production of all kinds of the cultural and art activities and culture centers.

Housing, Municipal Projects, Restoration Credits

Housing Development Administration Turkey.

Real, Legal Entities, Municipalities

Housing Estate, Urban Environment Productions, Restoration Credit Supports

SME Project Support Program

Cooperation Power Unity Project Support Program


KOSGEB(Small and Medium Industry Development Organization)



Production, management-organization, marketing, foreign trade, human resources, financial business and finance, information management of organizations and projects that will be presented about these areas are supported.


With this program, its intended that the SMEs to become organizations with high competition power and capacity by uniting the SMEs in the understanding of cooperation-power unity, production of “Common Solutions to the Common Problems”, finding a solution to SMEs’ firstly supply, marketing, low capacity usage, low competition power, finance problems and all other problems that they find it difficult to find a solution by themselves.

Anadolu Efes, Ministry of Culture and Tourism

Non Governmental Organizations, Universities and Research Institutes/Centers (Municipalities can apply as a partner of these organizations)

General Purpose of the Sustainable Tourism Support Foundation is “Increasing the capacities and good examples in the sustainable tourism area by improving the cooperation of public corporations and private organizations with local tourism actors and non governmental organizations�.

Related project calls

Izmir Development Agency

Municipals, Non Governmental Organizations, Universities and Research

Supports according to the strategical text to be developed according to the Izmir historical area.

300 Creation in 3 Years

The Unity of the Historical Cities


Stage of preparing the projects of planning and protecting studies in the scale of settlement or texture, single structure in the subject of protection and enlivening the cultural heritage is being supported.

Sustainable Tourism Support Foundation


Global Heritage Foundation

Australia Embassy Direct Assistance Program

Sustainable Tourism Support Fund

Decreasing Poverty

Democratic Governance

Supporting Organization

Global Heritage Fund

Australia Embassy




Appropriate Applicants


University, Non Governmental Organization

Potection of cultural heritage, archaeological areas, education of cultural heritage, development of sustainable tourism, communities around the cultural heritage are among the priority areas.

Organizations who execute non profit development activities and non governmental organizations.

Direct Assistance Program (DAP) is small and flexible donations that intend in long term and sustainable heading for humanistic difficulties. DAP funds are being used in supporting small scale development projects with participatory nature and it provides for beneficiaries to participate in identification, design and management of the projects.

Non Governmental Organizations, Universities and Research Institutes/Centers, Municipalities

It includes the given supports for the purpose of improving the cooperation of private organizations and public corporations with non governmental organizations and local tourism actors for increasing the capacity in sustainable tourism area.

Non Governmental Organizations, Universities and Research Institutes/Centers, Municipalities

It has the purpose of increasing the competitive power of disadvantageous areas to create strong politics for decreasing the experienced inequality in between the areas in Turkey. There are technical supports given especially about the problems of organical agriculture, tourism, renewable energies, sexual equality and socioeconomic problems of the youth.

Non Governmental Organizations, Universities and Research Institutes/Centers, Municipalities

It supports the democratic governance targets by strengthening the corporate capacities of basic organizations in national, regional and local levels. Technical supports are being provided in the subject of strengthening civil participation and supervision in making laws, presenting services and making decisions with the established negotiation platforms and mechanisms. Some of the subjects were; studies about developing politics for the fragile groups, empowering women, women and activists participating in local politics and process of making decisions.


Environment and Sustainable Development

Public Institutions, Non Governmental Organizations, Universities and Research Institutes/Centers, Municipalities


Subjects such as environmental climate changes, terrain degradation, water management, sustainable development, protective areas, biological diversity and energy efficiency are supported to be included in sectoral politics for providing environmental worries and sustainable development principles to be included in local, national and regional politics and programs.

PROJECT CALLS THAT CAN BE APPLIED TO IN THE FRAME OF UN “RESEARCH AND INNOVATION FRAME PROGRAM”- “HORIZON 2020” Connections Between Climate Change Actions and Sustainable Development

Last application date

: 04.08.2014

Second phase

: 16.09.2014

Supported Subject

: Social problems

Activity Type Innovation Activities



The purpose is developing a scientific dialog between UN and international countries by focusing on G20 countries and researching the connection between sustainable development and climate change activities with international research cooperation efforts. Proposal is commiting an international cooperation with scientists for local problems and opportunities, developing technological and socioeconomical mitigation ways and coherence strategies in the scope of broad sustainable development goals, investing real and probable mitigation and coherence politics in various countries that support creating politics based on evidence for the climate activities in the scope of sustainable development.

Support Ratios : %100 Traffic Safety Analysis and Integrative Approach For the Safety of Highway Users

The purpose is taking safety precautions that include vehicles, infrastructure and environment, protection systems, development of behaviorial information and education for decreasing the number and severity of the accidents intended for the safety of highway users.

Last application date

: 18.03.2014

Second phase

: 28.08.2014

Supported Subject

: Social problems

Activity Type Innovation Activities

: Research and

It needs to include an evaluation of efficiency in real life conditions and presentation of the related technologies of all proposals. Its necessary to develop a deep understanding of all highway users that cover all aspects of road safety (vehicle, driver and infrastructure), reasons of accidents, how to mitigate these or prevent these. A comprehensive evaluation of socio-economical costs about traffic accidents should be done by taking into account material damage, vehicle operation duration etc. The research will take into account regional differences and will fill the information gaps both in Europe and national base.

Support Ratios : %100


Inducement for Innovations in Inner Waters Transportation Sector

Below given items should be taken into account to create an innovative agenda for the sector (sea vehicles, infrastructure and that provides a permanent connection and coherence). x

Last application date

: 18.03.2014

Second phase

: 28.08.2014

Supported Subject

: Social problems

Activity Type Innovation Activities



x x and x

Support Ratios : %100

Social Platform in Reflective Societies

Last application date

: 03.06.2014

Supported Subject

: Social problems

Activity Type Support Actions

: Coordination and

Support Ratios : %100

Contributing to the necessary technology for alternative energy concepts, more efficient energy usage and decreasing inner waters transportation emission. New technological solutions should be developed and spread, targeting new emission levels alike the ones that reflects highway transportation. Focusing on new concepts based on pilot locating tested in real life that passes through environmental and operational performance evaluation including the research and innovation efforts cost efficiency. Creating a test and surveillance regime for following the coherence and appropriate test loops, strengthening solutions and application, documentation for the applying tight emission limits in various categories of the current sea vehicles/motors.

This social platform will gather stakeholder representatives and research communities such as administrative stakeholders (In European base, national and local base) and example implementers from socio-cultural and art sectors (galleries, libraries, archives, museums and other public institutions). A lot of opinion declarations and stakeholders; participation will be encouraged. The purpose of this social platform is bringing an understanding for public difficulties and opportunities for the research. Research agenda of Europe in the future will be intended for politicial aspect in this area, its relation with Europe, data collection and measurement problems.

Youth Mobility; Opportunities, Effects, Politics

The research includes the movement of youth inside Europe; purpose, duration of stay, motivation, characteristics of people and evaluation of these with different examples according to the sexuality, geographical residence and socio-economical past of these.

Last application date

: 03.06.2014

Supported Subject

: Social problems

Activity Type Innovation Activities


Their choices, employment process, role of information and support services and even problems like the language they face with, adaptation period should be approached. In addition, the creation of European idea and its movement, effects of unwanted migration on mental health, previous mobility experiences or comparisons with cooperation networks between and inside the Member Countries and politics as well as personal experiences.

Support Ratios : %100




Analyzing weak and strong aspects of the urban development for the purpose of shaping the economical, social and environmental needs (access to work, education, shelter, mobility, information technologies, energy, logistics, health, culture and recreation locations) of individuals.

ERA-NET Your Future is Smart

Determining how Europe countries can be center in creativeness and innovation subjects. Last application date

: 07.01.2015

Supported Subject

: Social problems

Activity Type

: ERA-NET Cofund

Contribution to development of smart urban ecosystem services with the help of open data, large data, data access.

Support Ratios : %33

Developing an understanding of urban structure, economic analysis of urban areas by creating new methods and tools. Evaluation of urban areas in the scope of current and future “functions� of sustainable infrastructure and networks in urban areas including employment.

Traffic Jam Fight Inside the City Proposals need to address one of the below study area; x

Last application date

: 18.03.2014

Second phase

: 28.08.2014

Supported Subject

: Social difficulties

Activity Type Innovation Activities



x and


Measurements and vehicle analysis that will provide long term decreasing of inner city traffic jam (it needs to include suburban and urban perimeter), Discovering convenient environment that can create a certain growth in public transport eith limited extra costs, Evaluating how to provide safe cycling and walking with example city segmentation.

Support Ratios : %100 Integration of the energy, transportation, information and communication technology sectors by Lighthouse (first big scale application of its kind) and Solutions of Smart Cities and Communities project

Last application date

: 07.05.2014

Supported Subject

: Social Difficulties

Activity Type Activities

: Innovation

Support Ratios : %70 (%100 for non profit ones)


Its recognizing well-balanced and integrated solutions, putting into action improvement and repeat in energy, transportation and information connection technology activities with the partnership of municipalities and industries.

Creating a public recipients group on smart city solutions in local managemenets

Last application date

: 07.05.2014

Supported Subject

: Social Difficulties

Activity Type Coordination Activities

: Support and

Groups (additional activities can also be proposed) need to work in the below subjects; Determining a supply development in the frame of information and communication technologies, energy and transportation services common need in European cities, Preparing formats and scenarios for future probable common supplies (By giving special importance to SME’s and local based business)

Support Ratios : %100 Creating a frame for the mutual, transparent data collection and performance measurement and for comparement and giving multiplication permission between solutions and the best application identity

Last application date

: 07.05.2014

Supported Subject

: Social Difficulties

Activity Type Coordination Activities

: Support and

Purpose is creating a frame program that collects commong data and performance measurements that makes it possible to compare open, transpararent and solutions.

Study should be developed on top of the results of CONCERTO, CIVITAS, ICTI-PSP examples and Netherland’s ‘Social Energy Unit’.

Support Ratios : %100 Linear movement of a circular economy by industrial mutual life

Last application date

: 08.04.2014

Second phase

: 16.09.2014

Supported Subject

: Social Difficulties

Activity Type Activities

: Innovation

A special role should be given to SME’s on proposals.

The subjects like public innovation, supporting life style change and including civil society should be considered.

Support Ratios : %70 (%100 for non profit ones)


ANNEX 5: Legal Frame That Can Be Benefitted From In Application of Izmir-Tarih Project Law About Protecting and Keeping Alive By Renovating Wore Down Historical and Cultural Immovable Heritage With No. 5366 The law with no. 5366 and its regulation approached the below subjects. x Renovation projects prepared or having it prepared by city administration and

municipalities in the locations determined as renovation areas and their applications are done by the hand of the related city administrations and municipalities or applied by having it made by public institutions and organizations or real and private legal entities. The joint implementation can be done in these areas with Mass Housing Administration as well as an application being done by Mass Housing Administration. xIn the process of application of renovation projects at the renovation areas, there is a

natural disaster risk. x Municipalities

and city administrations can make restrictions, do necessary rearrangements including cleareance in renovation projects with making sure to take the necessary measures at the areas determined by the Ministry of Public Works and Housing. The principle and procedures about this subject are determined inside the regulation. x All kinds of control, audition and follow up procedures during the application are done or

having it done by related city administrations and municipalities. Applications in renovation areas are free of all kinds of tax, picture, fees and charges. x Cultural and Natural Heritage Preservation Regional Board are being created as much as

its necessary to approve the renovation projects according to the Article 51 Code of Protection of Cultural and Natural Properties with No. 2863. x All kinds of purchase of goods and service and construction business in applications to be

done at renovation areas are free of the provisions of the Public Tender Law with no. 4734. x Renovation projects consist of building survey, restitution, restoration projects of

immovable culture and nature assets and projects foreseen in reconstruction regulation of structures to be repaired or reconstructed. x City administration and municipality can apply the temporary limitations on the

immovable about all kinds of settlement, usage and business at locations announced as renovation area until the project is completed. x The contract way is basis in evacuation, destruction and exprioration of the structures

located in renovation areas.


x In cases that an agreement can’t be made, immovables in the possession of real and

private legal entities can be expropriated by the related city administrations and municipalities. Expropriations to be applied according to this law are seen as expropriation for execution of settlement projects on the Article 2, 3. Clause Expropriation Law with no. 2942. x The expropriation procedures according to the provisions of the same article for

immovable with an open ownership digit in land registration, immovable with an unknown inheritor or an appointed trustee, controversial, defendant and with established non or in rem claim on all kinds of ownership are executed. x City administrations and municipalities are in charge of executing procedures according

to the last registered owner in the land registry or to appoint a trustee or to obtain an inheritance announcement. Below stages should be done to develop a project in the renovation law scope. x Renovation area not be less than 10.000m2 should be announced by the related

administration (municipal, city administration), x Renovation area is approved by the Council of Ministers, x Municipality has an informative meeting with the Land Owners, x The municipality can get the project done by HDA( TOKI: Housing Development

Administration) or private sector with a tender and it can also do the project themselves, x Value determination is done in the basis of plot, x Preliminary design projects are prepared and approved by Renovation Board, x Reconciliation meetings are done with the land owners, x Share of the Property Owners who couldn’t reconcile are expropriated.

Renovation Example Applications Two projects are being applied at Istanbul in the frame of the Law with no. 5366. First one of these is the Sulukule Renovation Project and the other one is the Tarlabasi 1.Stage Renovation Project. The Sulukule Renovation Project is done with the cooperation of Fatih Municipality and Mass Housing Administration. In the project scope, reconciliation was done with a large part of the Property Owners and an expropriation process was started for the others. In the project scope; x Housing from the project to the Property Owners,


x Social housing from another area to the renters was suggested.

The Tarlabasi 1.Stage Urban Renovation Project was done with the cooperation of Beyoglu Municipality and a private sector investor. According to the law; x The Municipality declared a 20.000m2 area as renovation area, x Tendered the project with the knowledge but without the will of the Property Owners, x The highest bidder investor company won the tender, x The Municipality and the investor company got the preliminary design projects approved

by the renovation board, x Value determination of the properties were done by a company registered in FMB(SPK:

Free Market Board), x Reconciliation process was started with the Property Owners and purchase, share rights

with a value share basis were suggested to the Property Owners, x Rent support was provided, x Expropriation process was started for the Property Owners who didn’t reconciliate.

RECONSTRUCTION LAW (5366) ROAD MAP Description on the Law

Legal Stage Announcement

The program where the project and application priority alignment and timing that will be done in the stage area inside the reconstruction area

Approval office

-County City Council County City Council Decision Metropolitan City Council -Council of Ministers Council of Ministers Decision -Stage project and -Its programs

County City Counsil County Mayor


A. B. Stage project and Transformation Area programs

Minimum 10.000m2


1-Analysis Studies -Taking Front Survey -Building Usage Study 2-Idea Project -Urban Design -Architectural Design 3-Strategical Plan (Road Map) -Vision -Strategies -Action areas -Pre-feasibilty

Meetings With Property Owners Project Development by Property Owners Option 1

C. Renovation Preliminary Project

-Preparation of Tender Specification Sheet -Holding t Expropriation he Tender

Project Development by Tender Option 2 -Architecture preliminary project -Static, plumbing, electricity -Transportation and infrastructure preliminary reports

Protection District Boards Decision County City Counsil County Mayor

D. Renovation Application Projects Source: A. Faruk GĂ–KSU


-Building survey -Restitution -Restoration projects -Urban design -Environmental arrangement -Architectural -Static, mechanic-electrical plumbing -Infrastructure projects

x Share Right with Value Basis x Sharing Against Storey x Strategical Plan x Meeting Reports x Official Reports

Reconciliation Meetings (5 B) (Informing, Raising Awareness, Meeting, Expectation, Uncertainty) Urban design, environment arrangement, architectural, static, mechanic, electrical, plumbing and infrastructure projects of structures to be rebuilt or repaired with restoration, restitution, building survey projects of historical and cultural immovable assets located inside the renovation area that were decided by the protection of cultural and natural board according to the 3. Article of the Law that were foreseen in the reconstruction regulation

x Preparation of Tender Specification Sheet x Holding the Tender

-Protection District Boards Decision -County City Counsil



The Municipality Law With No. 5393 and the 73. Article Ɣ Municipality can apply the urban transformation and development projects for the purpose of creating housing areas, industry areas, trade areas, technology parks, public service areas, recreation areas and all kinds of social reinforcement areas, rebuilding and restoring the wore down urban parts, protecting the historical and cultural texture of the city or taking precautions against earthquakes. For an area to be declared as an urban transformation or development area, one or more of the above mentioned points need to be actualized and the area has to be inside the municipality or contiguous borders. However, at locations in the ownership or usage of public, declaration of urban transformation and development project area and the execution of application is due to the Council of Ministers’ decision. Ɣ The City Council is in exclusive charge of the decisions about if the areas are with or without reconstruction with or without a structure on it, decision of the structure height and density, area’s size to be at least 5 and at most 500 hectare, execution in stages of the area to be declared as an urban transformation and development project area. More than one place related to the project area can be decided as a transformation area with the condition of not being less than 5 hectare in total. Ɣ The Metropolitan Municipals are in charge of using the authorities given to the municipalities assigned by the Reconstruction Law dated, with no.3/5/1985 and 3194 and all reconstruction procedures like reconstruction plan, parcelation plan, building construction license, structure usage permission in all scales about the urban transformation and development projects that will be done by the Metropolitan Municipals. Ɣ The immovable that belong to the public inside the urban transformation and development areas except education and health areas are forwarded to municipalities with basis to mortar values. One of fourth is taken of the related tax, picture and fees in the solitary structures that will be reconstructed after demolishing in the urban transformation and development project areas. Ɣ Infrastructure and recreation expenses to be made in urban transformation and development project areas are counted as project common cost. The municipalities cover project common costs of the constructions that belong to the municipalities. Property owners that were assigned with a personal separate island or plot and property owners that were excluded of the expropriation must join the project common costs with the ratio of their owned consturction’s total square meter. Construction license, structure usage permission to the constructed building cant be given; water, gas and electricity cant be connected without the payment of project common costs. Ɣ Procedures about parceling, uniting, limited right in rem authorization and cancelation, type change and giving structure license in locations declared as urban transformation and development area can be done with the permission of the municipality. The constructions continue in these areas except the ones that has a project coherence approval from the municipality are suspended for five years. Municipality decides if the suspending decision will continue after the end of this duration. Total suspending duration cant pass ten years. Ɣ Municipal is in charge of doing reconstruction application, identifying the value of immovable in areas that have reconstruction applications and making distribution to the beneficiaries from this value or doing application with the basis of revenue sharing with the purpose of developing urban transformation and development projects.


Ɣ All constructions on the immovables that were expropriated or agreed on by municipalities and immovables that belong to the municipalities in the locations declared as urban transformation and development areas are done by municipality or the municipalities can have ir done. The realty owners who didn’t make an agreement with the municipality or the municipality didn’t feel the need to expropriate and who weren’t given a reconstruction right in a separate island and plot according to the 3194 numbered Law’s 18. item can open a raid without expropriation case. Ɣ Infrastructure and recreation expenses to be made in urban transformation and development project areas are counted as project common cost. The municipalities cover project common costs of the constructions that belong to the municipalities. Property owners that were assigned with a personal separate island or plot and property owners that were excluded of the expropriation must join the project common costs with the ratio of their owned consturction’s total square meter. Construction license, structure usage permission to the constructed building cant be given; water, gas and electricity cant be connected without the payment of project common costs. Ɣ Procedures about parceling, uniting, limited right in rem authorization and cancelation, type change and giving structure license in locations declared as urban transformation and development area can be done with the permission of the municipality. The constructions continue in these areas except the ones that has a project project coherence approval from the municipality are suspended for five years. Municipality decides if the suspending decision will continue after the end of this duration. Total suspending duration cant pass ten years. Ɣ Municipal is in charge of doing reconstruction application, identifying the value of immovable in areas that have reconstruction applications and making distribution to the beneficiaries from this value or doing application with the basis of revenue sharing with the purpose of developing urban transformation and development projects.

URBAN RENOVATION -Areas that are registered and announced as site areas by protection of culture and nature assets boards and the areas that belong to these sections that are wore down and facing a risk of losing their quality -Creating housig, trade, culture, tourism and social reinforcement in these areas by rebuilding and restoring according to the development of the area -Taking precautions against the natural disaster risks, protection by renovating and usage by keeping alive the historical and cultural immovable assets

URBAN RENOVATION Project Area Size (minimum)

Project Area Approval Council of Ministers Project Approval Preliminary Project Renovation Board

Urban Design Municipality

-Municipals can execute the projects themselves or they can get it done by MHA or private sector by tendering -Value determination in the basis of plot is done

RECONCILIATION -Reconciliation meetings are executed with Property Owners -Municipality executes an informative meeting with the Property Owners -Shares of the Property Owners who couldn’t reconciliate are expropriated.

-Areas that has the rosk of urban, natural and technological disasters, Social, economical or physical dilapidated areas, -Environments and ecosystems that need to be protected due to their natural, cultural and historical qualities, -Solution in the frame of sustainable development principle of settlement and structuring problems, can be subject to clearance, improvement and renovation by announcing as transformation areas with the purpose of protection, keeping alive and improvement of these areas

It is stated that the transformation areas can also cover renovation areas that can be determined in the scope of the Law with no.5366 .


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