KURUKSHETRA MEMORANDUM ANNUNCIATION, GESTATION AND DELIVERY OF A NEW MANKIND PROPOSAL OF SELF-HEALING Translation from Italian language by Maria Cristina Chiulli Digital Edition e-book ISBN 978-88-86340-48-9
© Copyright J. AMBA EDIZIONI Strada Battaglini A 2 – 74015 Martina Franca TA – tel. (+39) 333 4681236 www.j-amba.com j.amba.edizioni@gmail.com commerciale@j-amba.com 3
To my Master Vishnu Datt Shastri, and to Thee, Master of all Masters, so that along the way back to Thee we'll never forget who we are, where and why we go, not loosing ourselves in dejection and doubt, keeping and increasing our force to resist and to go on in Thee. This work is a memorandum addressed first of all to myself and to people who, like me, travellers on the left way, prodigal sons, once left from the Father’s Heaven and, come down and down, angels fallen, used and rejected by the world, wounded mortally in heart and mind, abandoned along the way like rubbish, found Thy Mercy that gathered and healed them with immense Love. It turns to the veterans of a thousand wars who, full of wounds, by slow and weary steps, during a long travel Thou bring back home. It turns to those who chose the hardest way, the shortest, the left way back home. It turns to the brothers in the world who, awakened, bit by bit become conscious, so that they could find the strength to transform themselves deep inside to deal with the hard troubles of this new delivery of mankind: the passage, the rebirth to the new world. To the ex-addicted 4
of life, so that, working as I do about the rehabilitating gymnastics of positive recovery statements, they rebuild as soon as possible a bright, confident and happy mind, and then run rapidly to Father’s Feet to take part in the new movie: KuruKshetra II – the Child Birth. Could these words take the energy and the strength of the golden eagle: could they clutch and raise up to the heights of true consciousness on the highest nest of Father-Mother inside us and leave us there, happy. Jai Datt
TESTIMONY The Spirit of the Divine Father and Mother is still among us, among us as a man. Babaji, the Father, does not leave us alone: He came back to gather around Him His sons and go with them in the difficult passage to the new age. What is this new age? We can imagine it is the next level of consciousness that is now investing mankind to change its essence to the roots and to turn it from an unhappy slave to a joyful child, through the tunnel of an exhausting birth, to the True Life. This is the moment, and the Father is preparing His children since a long time for this new movie, working on the awareness of each of His actors. The good actor comes totally in the new character forgetting himself and his own identity: so the Father prepares us to free gradually from our old clothes, and makes us so empty and ductile to let us be led step by step by His loving direction, not allowing fear and doubt to make us weak, uncertain and easy prey of the enemy who is inside us. A new fantastic movie is ready: let's prepare ourselves to shoot it. Let's prepare our mind and heart renewing, transforming and predisposing them to a role never played before. We know the character and the movie we leave now, but we don't know anything yet about the
role that is expecting for us. Many of us already took part in movies important for the history of mankind, and now the troupe gathers together, Thou gather us again. Excitement and emotion because of the wait are great. Few of us remember and many have lost their hope and memory, cancelled by the apparent day by day living of a life without truth. Great and small actors are still mixed, and now nothing differentiates them but their character and attitude, everybody at Thy Feet. Thou study us from above and distribute the roles according to the nature of each one. It could be the movie of a crossing, a passage of the Earth changing clothes: the passage of mankind made One, One Body, Child, through the Womb of the Mother, towards the Light of the Unity Father-Mother. A difficult and dangerous passage, judging from Thy presence among us, maybe a passage from a world of division and egoism to an adult age of unity and upper consciousness: adolescence of mankind? It’s an epic of mankind on its way towards its self-realization in Thee. Extra rapid times, pure energy which will increase out of all proportions, sudden awakenings, renewal and transformation as passwords. Great suffering for whom won't let himself be changed, for whom won't have the force to change until he is run over and looses the 7
chance of changing: yes, the movie will have dead and wounded and sufferings like any good movie. We could live everything with awareness in the role assigned to us, or asleep in our everyday plays. However we will be tested in that very moment for what we really are, and that will be the JUDGEMENT, our truth. Big war fought between whom does not want to change and the change itself. Well, the same old storyboard applied to a new time with the same actors involved in roles never played before, on the test bench for the Oscar of New Life. Now He, the Director, passes and calls us, wakes us up from our dreams, shakes us, raises us up, and asks us to follow Him. Sleeping children almost playing we are attracted by Him, by His Music, His Love, His Elegance, His Truth, we follow Him, sleepwalkers enchanted by His magic, which bit by bit heals our wounds of many lives and makes us strong without letting us see anything. He needs us, we are Him, His troupe, and we open our eyes again little by little, and recognize each other, we feel our heart coming back to life, and with Him we feel happy: and that's enough. And bit by bit, to whom really wants it, He reveals Himself and gives much more than a handful of sweets. He gives us back bit by bit to True Life. Staying close to Him seems like a spell, but it's Truth. 8
He passes, and to whom, clung to their own toys, to the tales and illusions of this earth, don't believe, don't want to put themselves in His hands, His Plan, He shows movies of greater terror, He draws on their wealth, He destroys their political and personal beliefs, He breaks down their resistance by the most effective means: wars, disasters, political and economic crisis, crashes, are His extreme means to bring us back to Him, to persuade us to give up the old world. Disharmony and being out of tune with Thy Will are the diseases of this body that is awakening and becoming conscious to get ready for the New Rebirth. We all will suffer the slowness and the lack of will of those who don't want, or don't know how to change. We must become strong just for them, because all together we will turn into the New Mankind, or nobody will.
ANNUNCIATION Mother Earth, Thou, fertilized by Father Spirit with the seed of Christ, after two millennia of gestation, will give birth to the Child. From the darkness of Thy Womb a new mankind will be born, the aware Child Mankind, and the Father's Semen will see the Life in Christ. It will be a new body, One, re-united in Christic Consciousness and in the new world, a body in which everybody will be a conscious cell. But the delivery will be exhausting and troubled, we all have to gather together in this new Body that is about to be born, liberated in ourselves, healed in our heart and mind, available. Not everybody will have a clear mind in this moment. Many will be afraid of changing, of leaving, of abandoning, of loosing, of becoming one body and one soul, the Unborn Child. Willing or not, we are about to become that Child who will be born. There will be moments of hard labour, but then a wonderful age is waiting for us. Let's get ready: Mother Earth, prepare Thyself, prepare Thy children. To be ready, each of us must become Mother and Father of the Child, the Christ, who will be born inside us. Everybody, awakened inside, 10
will be the "reborn Christ", and unity and union of all these aware torches will be the true Body of the Unborn. Let's prepare for the event, cleaning and making ourselves worthy of this motherhood and fatherhood first inside ourselves and then in Babaji, Cosmic Father-Mother. The Child coming to life is putting all us together in His Love, and will bring us all back to Heaven. The price of this new birth has already been paid: He, the Christ, paid it with His Own Life. Each one of us has a prepaid ticket and the right to come in. The party is starting, let's leave the clothes of sadness, let's put on our best dress, the dresses of Gods: the Father invites us, let's all run.
MISSION And now, there's the mission that He assigns us before the beginning of the movie: 1. Let's wake up! Let's shake our dreams off, illusions of a long night mistaken for truth for too much time, constructions of our false certainties in which, like scared children, we hid. Let's free our mind from the laws of the dream: profit, selfishness, welfare, wealth. It's dawn, let's go towards the new day with a new mind: the old world dies, and its ruin is here; 2. Let's look in the mirror to understand who we really are; 3. Let's wash ourselves, let's clean ourselves consciously inside and outside; 4. Let's take the contact again with our true Self and its true Strength; 5. Let's throw the dress of yesterday among the dirty clothes; 6. Let's take the new dress we are given; 7. Let's get ready for the new role giving up any old identity; 12
8. Let's test it inside us making us coherent, harmonic in the new role in any of our movements, thoughts, acts and words; 9. Let's become strong in the trust and consciousness; 10. Let's be free, empty, in this new role to receive day by day the storyboard of our part; 11. Let's clean our mind and heart from any shadow or rust; 12. Let's cancel grudges and resentments due to having taken too seriously the movies of the past; 13. Let's try to do the same for the little brothers, helping them with respect; 14. Bit by bit let's come into active service; 15. Let's develop a more and more clear consciousness of the movie to shoot, and of the total involvement required; 16. Let's consider our present state with detachment and indifference, ready to leave it at any time; 17. Like soldiers in the war, the new KuruKshetra, let's live day by day without any plan; 18. Let's constantly keep in contact with the central conscience, the Direction, to catch its messages at any time, to make them ours without remaining isolated; 13
19. Detachment and indifference for what is still the old dress, the old character who lives inside us and doesn't want to leave us: let's transform its qualities and strength for the new role; 20. Let's learn to know and love each other working and playing all together, to find us ready, tested and strong in the team game at the moment of the great KuruKshetra; 21. Each one of us is special because of his individual peculiarity that will be useful to the Director at the right time, and has been chosen and grown because of such peculiarity since a long time. In the "casting" everybody is the perfect actor who will fit in the role he will receive. Nobody else can replace him: let's learn to consider ourselves special, selected in the endless ocean of souls for a big movie; 22. Let's learn to know our own peculiarity, our uniqueness, our rare preciousness, the role that only we can play, and be proud, privileged. At the right moment, the specificity and professionalism of our brother will save our life. Let's learn to love our uniqueness, indispensability, individuality: perfect gears of a Perfect Engine. It was told that the Father prepared since a long time this movie and all the actors who will take part in it, sowing at the right time those souls 14
all over the world, and taking care of their growth and development with immense love. Great souls ready now to find their own identity. Hidden in normal life, oppressed by worries and worldly problems, they forget: disappointed, they feel abandoned, and the long wait makes them dishearten and sceptical. Some let themselves die in the world, while the most stubborn, the strongest resist and fight their way. Then, tired and disenchanted, they withdraw into their shell of illusions and fantasy, where they can keep in contact with their true soul. Bitterness and disappointment mould their faces, and the defeats kill their trust. The time of the promise has arrived, the Spirit of Father-Mother the One is among us, and calls us back to the life and mission for which we left. Now's the time. It's here, and who has got his heart's eyes opened can feel Him and sees Him walking among us giving us back with plenty all the joy and love we missed. I can only testimony that He's here and shout to my brothers and to whom ever waited for Him: GET UP, WAKE UP, THE ONE WE WAITED FOR IS HERE; LET'S RUN TO HIS FEET TO RECEIVE ALL THE JOY THAT WAS TAKEN AWAY FROM US. 15
But, after the joy, let's open up our eyes and look. Here we are, veterans from a thousand wars, wounded, tired, burdened with sufferings drawn during our wanderings like lone wolves, with our tail between our legs, thrown out by earth's children. Refused and disillusioned we knocked at a thousand doors, always unable to accept this game, always protected step by step by Thy Love. Let's open up our hearts, if still able, and look at ourselves with the eyes of this wounded heart: nobody is more beautiful or cleverer to Thy eyes, nobody can stand and judge and blame the wounded brother who unwillingly wounds. Are we ready? Ready to the call, ready to the fight, ready to give up our life that hurts us so much? No, we aren't, our eyes tell us so, our hearts, our ill minds addicted to the thousand drugs of the world, our fears, the strong cells of the mind walled up in the selfishness of habits and will of not changing, grudges and resentments marking every beat of our heart, generating poison on top of poison in our blood, first source of any tumour: self-destruction. It's the habit to distrust, distrust, distrust that creates constant anxiety and fear. In the forest of life treacherous enemies, venomous wild beasts, predators who transformed us, surrounded us. Twisted veterans, we forgot our true origins and rolled in the mud. 16
Here we are, Thy Army: and Thou, Thy Love, embrace us one by one, to each one of us give back hope and strength, to each a new reason to live. Patience, infinite love, mercy for each one of us important to Thee. Eventually somebody loves us for what we are, somebody sees us for what we are, and somebody heals us and takes care of us, each of us, beyond any appearance. Thou clean the wounds of everyone with chandan and kumkum and Thy merciful force. I want to put my will at the service of Thy Will, Thy recovery Plan, and make Thy children actively take part in it, help Thee actively to change us inside to serve renewed and rebuilt Thy mission on Earth. Everyone of us feeling oneself like a traveller down here call aloud to each other and spread the good news: the Shepherd has come back, mighty and lovely, let's go to Him inside ourselves, because it's there that He comes first, and then outside to that Body He took to carry out His mission. Let's leave home, work, our habits and run to His Feet.
MOTHERHOOD "I give you a balm that will heal all of your wounds, until you'll be healthy. It's the balm of sureness of the Creative Force of your thought married to My Will to see you cured, to give you birth with your brothers, one big body, the Child, whom I'm giving birth to, the Christic Consciousness of the New Age. Apply that balm every day on your heart and mind, on your wounds repeating with dead certainty these healing statements, sure that they will lead you to salvation. Allow Me to give you birth to a new life. Give Me the joy to be your Mother. I call you from the other side of the tunnel. I want you, I wish you, and I bear you in my Womb since eternity. My voice travels far to you. Come to Me. I am working for you. Help Me. I am giving birth to you in Heaven. I ask you the same effort a baby makes to be born on Earth: you are being born in Heaven. Let's join our forces; I need your help, your work, and your total trust. I want to bring you to Me, and I can do it only if you'll do an act of true will to come to Me. Come to Me with 18
your will, and the last screen that separates us will break down. Say: "I WANT IT" and it will be. Use this balm bit by bit, and all of your wounds will disappear, the pain will be only a memory, and you will find yourself close to Me, Child. Your cradle in Heaven is ready and is waiting for you. A baby-room covered with love, plays, friends, light: all this I have prepared for you, Child, and all the best."
YANTRA OF TRANSFORMATION IN HEALING 1. MOTHER OF TOTAL SURRENDER (I completely surrender to Thee and to Thy Love that cures me) 2. MOTHER OF UNITY OF SALVATION (reunited to the Cosmic forces I ask their protection) 3. MOTHER OF CREATIVE THOUGHT (we transform ourselves by the creative will of our thought) 4. MOTHER COSMIC UNITY (I want to be again One, man and God together) 5. MOTHER OF REFOUND PROSPERITY (I build up a new joyful and prosperous mind) 6. MOTHER OF REFOUND TRUST (I totally trust God, my neighbour and myself) 7. MOTHER OF SACRIFICE AND OFFERING (I offer to Thee all that prevents me from re-uniting with Thee) 8. MOTHER OF TOTAL FORGIVENESS (I completely forgive neighbour, my God and myself) 9. MOTHER OF LOVE STAIRS (I go up the stairs of Divine Love together with Thee) 20
10. MOTHER OF TOTAL ACCEPTANCE (now I totally accept all that I never accepted) 11. MOTHER OF STRENGTH AND COURAGE (I received from Thee the strength for all of my actions and thoughts) 12. MOTHER OF WEALTH AND VICTORY (never let me miss Thy wealth) 13. MOTHER OF RENUNCIATION (I give up everything that occupies Thy space in me and hinders Thee) 14. MOTHER PERSEVERANCE, MOTHER CONSTANCY (I marry Thee, lead me beyond the storms of life) 15. MOTHER FINAL TRIUMPH (I realize myself by serving my upper Self and His plan) 16. MOTHER WEALTH SPREADING ALL OVER THE UNIVERSE (I give birth to seeds of virtue through my heart)
This book is a practical tested method to wake us up and heal us applying the technique of self-rebuilding by the constant repetition of positive statements. RECOVERY STATEMENT Unknowing the creative and destructive force of thoughts, ignoring Thee and Thy paths, I distanced myself from Thee in lives and lives, creating with such a force in me a wall of negativeness that left me alone, dead to myself, to other people, to Thee. Upon the clean crystal of right vision I accumulated fear, anger, impotence, hatred and all their children. On such basis I built and nourished my death during this life. The cancer of grudge and hatred, of resentment and fear wore out any trust in myself, in my neighbour, and in God, and closed the door to Thy Light. Arrived to the bottom, Thy Mercy took my hand and slowly, patiently, firmly brings me back to the lost health. Now, and now only, I understand that the only, unique, true force operating in good and evil is that of Thy Thought and that everyone of Thy Thoughts together with a firm will can create and destroy the matter. With the determination coming from countless lives of suffering I decide 22
to use this whole weapon in an absolutely creative way for my good and my neighbour's, to renew myself, recreating myself on a totally new basis, liberating myself from any past: I want and decide to completely heal myself emptying my mind from any death scheme. Now I announce that this entire old world is over and that the New World is being born in me and in all the men open to this rebirth. I WANT TO LIVE MY TRUE LIFE. I DON'T WANT TO DIE, I WANT TO BE BORN IN THEE. MOTHER OF TRANSFORMATION, MOTHER OF TANTRA I throw myself at Thy Feet, Mother of Transformation I throw myself at Thy Feet, Mother Healing Power I throw myself at Thy Feet, Mother Will of Salvation every morning and every night to open up Thy way, Thy channel, to help Thee from inside myself. I will do it, I want to do it until Thou will give birth to me in Thee, Mother. Tired of Thy dark Womb, Earth, I want the New Light, I want Thee. 23
1. MOTHER OF TOTAL SURRENDER I use these statements with the certainty that they will create in me a new mind, and with the same trust I constantly repeat them. A jellyfish sweetly abandoned in the ocean of Thy Love: - I totally surrender to Thee with my entire Temple that is my being, body, heart, mind. Every one of my cells prostrates to Thee after having sought Thee outside of me for lives and lives; - I surrender to Thy living Image hid in the Sancta Sanctorum of my heart, in the heart of every being and in the heart of the universe; - I surrender to Thee, Who are the true Life in every being; - I surrender to Thy Love living in me and all over the universe; - I surrender to Thy Will, may It become my will; - I surrender to the Light, essence of any manifestation; - I surrender to my destiny, to the role Thou prepared for me in Thy storyboard; I don't offer resistance to my rebirth in Thee any more; 24
- I surrender to Thee, Who are the Creator and Supreme Director of this and of any other movie in the Universe: give birth to Thy Child to the new life; - I surrender to the service to Thee and on Thy behalf; - I make myself an empty shell: the ocean of Thy Love crosses me and fills me up.
2. MOTHER OF COSMIC CONNECTION, MOTHER OF UNITY OF SALVATION - We join to the cosmic forces that incessantly operate for the development and the evolution of mankind, and we ask for protection and help in this difficult moment of evolution and passage: angelic midwives please help us; - we ask for the protection and the vigilant help of Thy angels and of the self-realized Masters, totally aware that such an evolution and such a passage could take place only if the quantity of energy, total sum of all of us, will be enough to open up the door, so we could never evolve alone: together we form the One Body of the Unborn Child; - so let's go beyond our little egos that, separated, prevent us from realizing the quantum of indispensable energy required, and join together consciously in the great plan of passage. Let's plan finally our mind for one absolute idea: UNITY FOR SALVATION, UNITY FOR REBIRTHING. Only a river of Light and Love could break down finally the darkness. It's truly a matter of life and death, and all of us know that such an age, or such a favourable moment of evolution for the passage to 26
the next stage of consciousness and rebirth, if lost, will be back only in thousands and thousands of years; - so let's wake up and be conscious that this moment is of cosmic importance. Let's gather all together in a true program of unitary work, enlightened by the real awareness that the only alternative is to be swallowed up in a sea of shit, which on the contrary is deeply united and compact, and fights with the same destroying force of the thought. Its force is keeping us divided, separated in our little egoisms constantly fighting each other; - let's form a real wall of light with our will soaked of new awareness and of the desperate force of whom is about to be drowned and sees a saving hand; - let's get in tune with Thee, Cosmic Father-Mother, to receive here and now Thy Will and Thy Guidance. Enlighten each one of us so that there won't be dragging and dragged, and the operating thought could be one and determined: Thy thought. May all the causes of discord among us dissolve and Thy immense force may coagulate in each of us; - here and now we become Thy soldiers and Thy active children, fully aware of our duties and of the honours Thou pay to us. We answer to Thy call united, give us the force to offer Thee the best of us; 27
- here and now we are the One Childish Body, united for a new birth. Together we become aware of the body that Thou are giving birth to with the firm will and determination to let us be born to a new Life, Thy Life. When the waters break and united in One Body, together we will pass trustingly through Thy Womb upside down to Heaven: after a hard labour we will open our eyes and finally we will see Thee, Father-Mother.
3. MOTHER OF CREATIVE THOUGHT - Change us here and now and renew us, transformed by means of the total power of Thy Creative Thought; - here and now we transform ourselves by means of the creative power of our thought, renewed to serve Thee and to serve Thy Will; - let's meditate on the creative power of our thought, give it total credit and trust, and learn to use consciously this weapon for our and others' salvation; - I absolutely believe in the creative power of my thought, and as I destroyed myself, so I believe I can renew myself in Thee; - we are what we want to be; - we are the fruit of our thought; - we are the unaware victims of our and others' thought; - we are the makers of the new man and of the new Earth; - we will never allow again the destructive force of all our thoughts to undermine our minds: caringly we will recognize and avoid the traps of our enemies inside ourselves; 29
- we will consciously connect only with Thy Creative Thought: help us always to distinguish It and make It ours; - guide us in what is to be done and what is to be avoided; - guide us in what is good and what is evil; - show us dangers and traps and the way out. - let Thy Will be ours; - let Thy Plan be ours; - let Thy aim be ours; - here and now I want to be cured from any weakness, illness, uneasiness of the mind, and from any obstacle that makes me stay with my toys, far from the true joy and Thy True Life present in me: I WANT IT, and it will be; - now I, mighty wizard, consciously transform my lower matter in whole awareness to be One: Thee; - in no way we allow people wanting to weaken and defeat us dividing us with the seed of discord to hold on us. Let's remain united like the ferrymen in the river in flood: WE WANT IT and it will be; - strong, cunning, hardhearted enemies look at us from above and take aim to any mistake of ours. They know us one by one in our force and weakness, and they are ready to hit where we fail: division, hatred, 30
yearning for power, vanity, self-centredness, greed, sadness, suffering, fear, ignorance, arrogance, laziness, indecision, compromise. Aware of such enemies, at any moment we will build a strong and thoughtful mind: WE WANT IT and it will be; - we are Thy new Body, we are the Child in Thy Womb, and Thou will give us birth: the moment is close. Let's join together with firm will, and become consciously the new cells of this new body: WE WANT IT, and it will be.