Site maps:
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To create a contemporary piece of architecture for the year 2049. The design must create new connections through out the town. The design will be formed in a way that will connect the town back to its roots. The textile industry was a key part to Huddersfield’s history and wealth. The people of Huddersfield would not be where it is today with out this industry. The connection between the town and its old mills was broken down when the ring road was put in Huddersfield. With the new proposal to put the roads underground in the near future, it will open up the town again creating a new spine using the canal. This will allow connections to be made back to the mills and the canal. The mill workers would have housing on the sides of the valley that would look down on the factories at the bottom of the canal. The Network Core will include a similar approach with a modern twist that will connect the people in new ways with bridges. The idea is to make the town more attractive to convince the people of Huddersfield to stay in the town instead of branching out to the big modern cities. New modern cafes, bars, shops will be put in place from kings gate all the way down to the canal next to Sainsburys. This will be a key component that will convince people to stay local. It will attract more people to the town creating a higher revenue just like the mills did in the past. This will be complimented by housing placed through out the site. This will help keep the town busy throughout the day and night. Huddersfield has been stuck in a one-track mind for too long. This design will break down this barrier and open up the town to new possibilities. The Network Core will open new opportunities for the mills to be used in the future.
Wider Context
Aerial View of Site
Huddersfield Connected – Project Vertebra
It has become apparent in recent days that Huddersfield is somewhat disconnect-ed from its rich history and heritage in the textile industry. The mills of its time have been left to ruin, and only a few still remain in working order. Some of the world’s finest worsted was at one time produced in this town. The town centre has become a predominantly student orientated town, with students from all over coming to study at the renowned University. While this is positive, it is also appar-ent that the town centre, along with many other towns over the country, is falling into a state of disuse. The University is evidently separate from the rest of the town due to the ring road. The separation of the University area is not the only as-pect of the town centre disconnected through the construction of the ring road; the mills were predominantly built at each side of the canal. The canal performed a vital role in the function of the mill industry, and it is still evident to this day that the areas around the canal in Huddersfield are still pre-dominantly an industrial. It is with this in mind that we see the potential for the canal to once again become the back bone of the town centre. Along with this, it can be seen that there is a severe lack of greenspace within the town centre. Green space is vital for the well-being of the town’s residents. There-fore, an East-West connection via greenspace is an efficient and effective way of doing so.
For these reasons, there is a need for Huddersfield to become ‘connected’ once again.
Group proposed Urban design
Individual Proposal area
New means of access The Underground road system that has created opportunity for the Core connect design to be built. The underground road system allows traffic to flow around the town without the nuisance of traffic lights, causing congestion in the town. This new system allows people to move freely around the town and to the core connect area.
Proposed Underground Roads
Proposed Underground
1. Queens Gate - View facing Kings Gate, North/ West View
2. Wakefield Rd - View facing Kings Gate from the Roundabout, North/ West View
1. Venn St - View from Kingsgate Carpark Entrance facing Revolution, South/ West View
2. Kirkgate - View facing Kingsgate, South/ West View
3. Southgate - View facing Sainsburys, North/ East View
4. Southgate - View facing Kings Gate, South/ West View
3. Queens St - View facing Kingsgate Entrance, North/ East View
4.Zetland St - View facing The lord Wilson, North View
5 43 9
5. Southgate - View facing Hello Student Accommodation, South/ West View
43 9
5. St Andrew’s Rd View Car park facing Sainsbury’s, West View
Picture location Key
Context & Site Photos
2 Picture location Key
Context & Site Photos
1. Leasure Centre - Render, Stone Cladding and Wood
2. Focus Care services and Red 5 Studios- Stone and wood Cladding
3. Queens Gate Market- Brick, Concrete, Stone Cladding and wood
7 6
4. School of music- Metal cladding, Wooden cladding and Render
5. Huddersfield Contempory music- White Render and Wooden cladding
1 3
6. Huddersfield Train Station- Yorkshire Stone
7. Hello Student Accommodation- Curtain wall and Yellow Brick cladding
Local Context & Materiality
4 5
Picture Location Key
Proposed Site Layout 1 - 2000
Proposed Ground Floor plan 1-1500
Proposed FirstFloor Plan 1 - 1500
Proposed Secondt Floor Plan 1-1500
Flat layout Kinsgate site 1 - 500
Flat layout sainsburys site 1-500
Canal side view This area will be the most desired area on a night and through out the summer months. A beautiful open area for the people to take advantage of through out the day and night to enjoy beverages and quality food.
Render Canal side
View from the winder gardens Roof top parks that will make smart use of already used spaces. This will provide more green areas throughout the site to help create a greener town. Bridges will allow access from the upper cafes and bars to flow onto these areas to sit outside and make the most of the area. This area will also create a garden space for the residential area.
Render View from Winter Gardens
Night View, canal side This visual will show how beautiful this area is at night. a calm relaxing area for people to sit next to the canal and relax. It will also create a safer environment for people to use the canal at night with its railings and bright lights placed in the area.
Render Night View, Canal Side
View from the Top of the complex From this visual you can see the modern impact the design has in the town and how it oozes in its evergreen. The winter gardens with its free forming curtain walling system that compliments the hills in the surrounding areas. This feature was to give the residents and public a tropical park all year round to use and not just for the summer. Its positioned central to the residential area so that it can be accessed and admired from all directions.
Render View from from the top of the Complex
FF view from within the glass roof system. This view was to show how the glass formed roof system through the buildings and the winter gardens system complements each other within the site. These features creating an eye-catching feature in the design. The glass weaves around the area in a free-flowing style like the wind. This feature will provide shelter and fresh air through the site.
Render withing the Glass Roof System
Residential roof top view of the old road The road system has been put underground so it has aloud these parks to flow across the site creating a huge green space that will brighten up the town. This is a space that has been given back to nature, bringing more life back into the town. These evergreen areas that surround and channel through the town will help lower the pollution levels in the town centre. Huddersfield will become the cleanest town in the country
Render from the residential area
Sections of Core Connect Sections from the two key areas of the site. You can see how the design steps to counteract the slopes on the site. It also shows how the traffic will flow under the green spaces through the centre of the site.
Site Sections
Proposed Pav ilion Development St George’s Square, Huddersfield HD1 1JB
STATEMENT OF NEED The train station was built in 1846-50 and it is one of the main key features/ land marks of the Town. It is one of the starting points for the majority of people who visit Huddersfield. The building was recently re-furbished in 2009. It’s one of the best if not one of the best pieces of architecture in the town with its stone walls and its entrance that is supported by these tall carved stone columns. The town square which is outside the Train station is used for many purposes Like the food festival, Carnival, the Christmas market, live music and over various things throughout the year to bring the people together. Currently there isn’t a band stand in the town square even though one is used for most over the festivals. The stages are always placed on the bottom of the town square facing the train station to allow more space for the people to watch the show. The design must not block the visuals of the train station as it is one of the main features of the town square. The design must be placed in a suitable position to allow as much space as possible for the food stands and crowd area. The site chosen is the best place in the Town centre for a design like this as it has the most space available. It is easy to access and it can be used at any point throughout the year as it has a solid floor meaning that the events would not damage the surface. The train station isn’t an easy place to find in Huddersfield if you aren’t from the local area. The Design will be something people can say to people as a reference/ symbol of where the train station is. The de-sign is formed in a particular way to capture the essence of the train station by framing it with a pavilion/band stand to make it easier for people to find and creating a new prospective to look at the Station.
(Examiner, n.d
The Alice and Wonderland band stand is design for the public use. Throughout most of the year it will be used as an eye-catching sculpture that will be one of the main Icons of the town. This will be a tourist at-traction where people can take an iconic photo of themselves in front of the train station and already have it framed with this spectacular Alice and wonderland pavilion. On special occasions throughout the year the pavilion can be used as a band stand to put on various displays throughout the seasons. The design will encourage the people of Huddersfield to put on more events and shows for the public. This would connect the town by encouraging more people to come to the events that would be displayed on the stage. The design is open to the public at all times. This will encourage the university and other groups of the public to put on their own displays as well as the council.
(examinerlive, n.d)
(Anon, 2019
Design Can be accessed from John willinams street to get onto the stage.
Design location is St George’s Square, Huddersfield HD11JB
Site Boundary
Wider Context
Site area 352m2 Pavilion area is 86m2 The site boundary’s will be sectioned off with temporary fencing that will be placed on the dotted red lines.
Aerial View of Site
1.View from Northumberland St facing North
2. View from John williams St facing West
1. Leasure Centre - Render, Stone Clad-
2. Focus Care services and Red 5 Studios-
3. Queens Gate Market- Brick, Concrete, Stone Cladding and wood
7 6
3. View from Railway St facing N/E
4. View from the Strain station Car park facing S/E
4. School of music- Metal cladding, Wooden cladding and Render
5. Huddersfield Contempory music- White Render and Wooden cladding
4 5
2 3
5. View from the train station Entrance facing East
Site plan with image markers
6. Huddersfield Train Station- Yorkshire Stone
7. Hello Student Accommodation- Curtain wall and Yellow Brick cladding
Local Context & Materiality
Context and site Photos
Local Context & Materiality
Proposed Sketch Ground Floor Scale 1-50
Proposed Sketch Roof Plan Scale 1-50
Scale 1-100
Proposed Elevations Scale 1-100
Aerial View of Site Scale 1- 50
The Derive walk was about chance. It was an Alison and wonderland follow the rabbit down the hole theme. This meant that we would follow people for a certain distance to see where it would take us. this theme helped me to design my pavilion. its shaped like a deck of cards stacked and fanned out. The Glulam was chosen to give off a warm and inviting feel as well as compliment the woodland in the Alison and Wonderland Story.
(pintrest 2, n.d)
(Pintrest 3, n.d)
(Mikol, n.d)
(Pintrest 4 n.d)
(Pintrest, n.d)
(Pintrest 5, n.d.)
Design Influences
Derive Walk Influences
Reference list ANON (Anon, 2019) Anon, (2019). [image] Available at: http://0_HuddersfieldTrainStation_1920x1080 httpswww.google.comsearchq=huddersfield+train+station&rlz=1C1GCEB_enGB878&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjC8dX1hZ_mAhUEilwKHYEwAQ0Q_AUoAnoECBEQBA&biw=929&bih [Accessed 6 Dec. 2019]. EXAMINER (Examiner, n.d) Examiner (n.d). Carnival httpswww.examinerlive.co.uknewswest-yorkshire-newsgalleryhuddersfield-carnival-2015-9638748. [image].
PINTREST Articles about modern park pavilion rises dallas on Dwell.com (Pintrest 4 n.d) Pintrest 4 (n.d). Articles about modern park pavilion rises dallas on Dwell.com. [image] Available at: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/457256168418575367/ [Accessed 10 Jan. 2020]. PINTREST 5 Movie: Camera Chiara pavilion by Annabel Karim Kassar (Pintrest 5, n.d.) Pintrest 5 (n.d.). Movie: Camera Chiara pavilion by Annabel Karim Kassar. [image] Available at: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/457256168418015922/ [Accessed 10 Jan. 2020].
EXAMINERLIVE (examinerlive, n.d) examinerlive (n.d). food festival httpswww.examinerlive.co.ukwhats-onfood-drink-newswhats-children-huddersfield-food-drink-11666922. [image]. Huddersfield-Carnival-2018 (Mirror.co.uk, n.d) Mirror.co.uk (n.d). Huddersfield-Carnival-2018 httpswww.google.comsearchrlz=1C1GCEB_enGB878&biw=929&bih=883&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=YT3pXc-ZO8WfjLsPxb62yA0&q=carabian+festivalhuddersfield&oq=carabian+festivalhuddersfield&gs_l=i. [image]. MARBLE POKER CARDS (Mikol, n.d) Mikol (n.d). MARBLE POKER CARDS. [image] Available at: https://www.mikolmarmi.com/products/marble-playing-cards [Accessed 10 Jan. 2020]. Alice and wonderland Rabbit (Pinterest, n.d) Pinterest (n.d). Alice and wonderland Rabbit. [image] Available at: http://images2.fanpop.com/image/photos/10200000/Character-Posters-alice-in-wonderland-2009-10248157-528-720.jpg [Accessed 10 Jan. 2020]. PINTREST 25 Outstanding Outdoor Stage - vintagetopia (pintrest 2 n.d) pintrest (2020). 25 Outstanding Outdoor Stage - vintagetopia. [image] Available at: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/457256168418015980/ [Accessed 10 Jan. 2020]. PINTREST bandstand - De La Warr Pavilion - Bexhill on Sea, Sussex - Niall McLaughlin - 2001 (Pintrest 3 n.d) Pintrest 3 (n.d). bandstand - De La Warr Pavilion - Bexhill on Sea, Sussex - Niall McLaughlin - 2001. [image] Available at: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/457256168418015741/ [Accessed 10 Jan. 2020].