Mindfulness for Resilience By Donald Altman
What Your Mother Never Told You About Resilience By Donald Altman, M.A., LPC According to American Psychological Association’s recent survey of Stress in America™, 67% of all persons experience a physical or psychological symptom of stress on a daily basis. Other research published in the Annals of Behavioral Medicine showed there was a long-term risk to developing clinically diagnosable anxiety or depression when one doesn’t cope well with minor daily hassles. I must admit that many years ago I adopted such a reactive and survivalist attitude while living in an extremely crowded Chicago neighborhood. Parking spaces were at a premium, and my blood pressure skyrocketed whenever I thought someone was going for my parking space. At the grocery store, I raced around other shopper’s carts like an Indy car driver trying to get to the checkout line a little faster. Am I proud of these behaviors? Absolutely not. Years later, I’ve radically shifted my view of the holidays—and other stress inducing events. Now, my mantra is: Give me the long lines; Give me the bumper-to-bumper parking lot at the mall; Give me the stressed out person trying to be first in line. What is the cause of my extreme change of heart—Prozac? Chocolate? Lobotomy? What really changed my perspective was integrating my personal mindfulness