The Legacy Remains Genocide Through Paper

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The Legacy remains Genocide Through Paper Cynthia Wesley-Esquimaux, Ph.D. The most potent weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed. Stephen Biko (as cited in "World Cultural Geography,"1998)

Introduction: Having debated the finer points of Aboriginal governance systems many times over the years, but not finding myself rewarded with the kinds of answers that would satisfy frustration at what is mostly regarded by the Canadian government as indifferent progress, I have been forced to turn my gaze towards different theories of leadership and practice (Wesley-Esquimaux & Calliou, 2010, Anaquot, 2007, Bopp, 2002). But, where does one turn when there is a multitude of reasons put forward by academics, bureaucrats, and laymen as to why Aboriginal peoples continue to grapple with the creation of “sustainable governance and communities” and when looking over the other shoulder there are plenty of very good examples of thriving peoples and economies? Most of those Aboriginal success stories do not garner news and have not been given due consideration as powerful examples of the very kinds of sustainability and strength so readily dismissed by Eurocentric policy. This is a different kind of social and economic violence, one that replays doubt, resistance, and confrontation as tired and useless hallmarks to progress. The suggestion in March 2011 that the people at Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) still need to “find solutions that will prompt and sustain community wellness, self-reliance, and sustainability, while respecting that communities are at different stages of capacity, pace, and circumstances” (INAC, 2011), leaves one breathless and deeply concerned about the possibility of real change. Can we, as mutual societies, even get to true acknowledgement that we are speaking at cross-purposes and not putting forth methods and tools that will free essential elements for those kinds of successes to occur everywhere? I stand firm behind the conviction that the very best way to improve the circumstances of Aboriginal peoples across this land is to get out of the way and allow their ‘own ways’ to renew and unfold into community driven practices. They have powerful narratives that still resonate strongly at the core of their cultures and will guide their progress forward. Most continue to express deep respect for those who lead by example and clearly articulate collective pathways. This is because Aboriginal people understand that it is always “the story” that we are told, tell, and learn to live that most profoundly directs the trajectory on which we find ourselves. This is the first question we need to ask, because the story told is always the set-point of the nation, but have we all forgotten how to listen? Historically, the use of a powerful and authoritative “voice” was considered a primary mark of leadership and the gift of oratory prowess was regarded as a strong indicator of ability and cognitive strength (Couture, 2000). The ability to illustrate history, political positions, and even hunting success through oral tradition was and remains highly regarded. These things have not gone away, they are present, and even though they have been strangled in webs of condoned societal violence turned inward, they can still be heard and continue to have purchase amongst our

Cynthia Wesley-­‐Esquimaux, Ph.D.


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