Virtual School Conference Brochure

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info & registration:

Virtual Canadian School-Focused Mental Health Conference November 18–20, 2020 (Wednesday - Friday)

Meghan Barlow ph . d.

Steven G. Feifer d. ed., ncsp

George McCloskey ph . d.

Steven T. Olivas ph . d., hsp

Eboni Webb psy. d., hsp

Margaret Wehrenberg psy. d.

6 world renowned experts

Who Should Attend

12 essential TOPICS

Education and Clinical Professionals: K–12 Classroom Teachers, School Counsellors/Psychologists, Learning Assistance/ Resource Teachers, School Administrators, School Paraprofessionals including Special Education Assistants, Classroom Assistants and Childcare Workers. All other professionals who support students including but not limited to: Nurses, Social Workers, Psychologists, Clinical Counsellors, Family Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech Language Pathologists, Addiction Counsellors, Youth Workers, Mental Health Workers, Probation Officers, and Early Childhood Educators. Parents, Caregiver, Foster Parents, Grandparents, and Extended Family raising a child.

üü Brain Based Strategies and Interventions to Help Children with Reading and Written Language Disorders

üü Rescuing the Dysregulated Child: Effective Interventions & Strategies with Children, Adolescents, & Parents

üü How to Develop a Trauma Informed School

üü Trauma and Attachment Across the Lifespan

üü 10 Best-Ever Proven and Effective Interventions for Reducing Anxiety

üü Practical Strategies for Reducing and Managing Anxiety Disorders

üü 10 Best-Ever Proven and Effective Interventions for Reducing Depression

üü High Functioning Autism

üü Interventions for Executive Function Difficulties

üü Bullying and Aggressive Behaviours in Children and Adolescents

üü Proven and Effective üü The Role of Executive Strategies for Emotional and Functions in Reading, Writing Behavioural Problems with and Math Children and Adolescents

Day 1 - November 18, 2020

Virtual Canadian School-Focused Mental Health Conference Attend More & Save! | Mix & Match to Create a Customized Virtual Conference Experience

Brain Based Strategies & Interventions to Help Children with Reading & Written Language Disorders – 3 Hours

Steven G. Feifer D.Ed., ABSNP is an internationally renowned speaker and author in the field of learning disabilities, and has authored eight books on learning and emotional disorders in children. He has more than 20 years of experience as a school psychologist, and is dually certified in school neuropsychology. Dr. Feifer was voted the Maryland School Psychologist of the Year in 2008, and awarded the 2009 National School Psychologist of the Year. He was the recipient of the 2018 Outstanding Contribution to the Education and Training of Psychologists award by the Maryland Psychological Association. Dr. Feifer serves as a consultant to a variety of school districts, and is a popular presenter at state and national conferences. He has authored three tests on diagnosing learning disabilities in children, all of which are published by PAR.

Author Integrating Rti with Cognitive Neuropsychology

“Thank you so much for an interesting workshop. I enjoyed the information because the neuropsychology aspect is so important to why and where we need to go with literacy interventions.” – Tracie McDonald

This workshop will examine reading and written language disorders from a brain-based educational perspective, and classify both dyslexia and dysgraphia into distinct subtypes. There will be a detailed discussion linking each learning disorder’s subtype with scores of evidence-based interventions. Four universal truths when teaching reading will be shared, in addition to five essential steps for effective written language instruction. The role of phonological processing, orthographic processing, working memory, language and motor skill development, and executive functioning will be discussed as being crucial for effective literacy skills to emerge. Lastly, the Feifer Assessment of Reading and Writing battery will be introduced as a more effective means to both identify and remediate language-based learning disabilities in children.

Learning Objectives

Agenda & Key Topics

1. Examine current literacy rates in Canada and trends in reading achievement.

• Defining Developmental Dyslexia

2. Differentiate “developmental dyslexia” from other learning disorders, and discuss how schools can best screen for early reading pitfalls in children.

• 4 Main Subtypes of Reading Disorders

3. Discuss four universal truths with respect to teaching reading based upon brain-behavioral principles. 4. Introduce a brain-based educational model of reading and written language disorders by classifying each disability into basic subtypes, with specific remediation strategies linked to each subtype.

• Four Universal Truths of Reading • Interventions for Reading Disorders • Assessment of Reading and Introduction to the FAR • Cognitive Constructs Involved with Written Language: • 3 Main Subtypes of Written Language Disorders • Interventions for Written Language Disorders • Assessment of Written Language and Introduction to the FAW

How to Develop a Trauma Informed School: Brain Based Strategies for Teaching Social Emotional Learning Skills with Children & Adolescents – 3 Hours This workshop will explore the neural underpinnings of stress, trauma, and emotional dysfunction in children and its relative impact upon learning. Environmental deprivation, poverty, childhood abuse, witnessing violence, and parental neglect can impact both cognitive and social-emotional development in children. There will be a discussion on five steps that schools can take to become “trauma-informed”, in order to better meet the diverse needs of all learners. Schools can enhance emotional wellness through early prevention efforts, appropriate assessment and screening techniques, and an improved school climate to foster emotional growth for all children. Targeted assessment strategies, specific classroom accommodations, and key coping strategies will be presented for at-risk students.

Learning Objectives

Agenda & Key Topics

1. Discuss the prevalence of trauma and stress for school aged children, as well as the various sources from which trauma can occur.

• Define trauma and its prevalence rate

2. Explore key brain regions that are impacted when students experience trauma, and the subsequent effect on academic and social skills’ development. 3. Review five essential steps toward the development of a “trauma informed” school.

• Polyvagal theory and self-regulation • Key brain regions impacted by trauma • The impact of COVID-19 upon students returning to school • Five pillars of a trauma informed school • Classroom strategies for students with trauma • Developing trauma informed assessments

4. Review various trauma screening tools and specific assessment techniques in order to conduct a “trauma-informed” evaluation. 5. Discuss specific classroom accommodations along with school-wide interventions, and key coping strategies to induce a more positive school climate for all students.


Day 1 - November 18, 2020

Virtual Canadian School-Focused Mental Health Conference Attend More & Save! | Mix & Match to Create a Customized Virtual Conference Experience

10 Best-Ever Proven & Effective Interventions for Reducing Anxiety in Children & Adolescents – 3 Hours

Margaret Wehrenberg psy.d. is a clinical psychologist, author, and international trainer. She is a practicing psychotherapist and coaches professionals for anxiety management. Margaret has been a trainer of therapists for 25 years, and she is a sought-after speaker for continuing education seminars, consistently getting the highest ratings from participants for her dynamic style and highquality content. She has written articles for the award-winning Psychotherapy Networker magazine and she blogs on depression for Psychology Today. Audio and DVD versions of her trainings are available for obtaining CEU’s. She has written 9 books on topics of anxiety and depression published by W.W. Norton, and a workbook, Stress Solutions, published by PESI.

Author The 10 Best Anxiety Busters

“Thank you Margaret. You have a very positive and practical approach that is deeply connected to research. I can’t wait for the next session!” – Amy (Crowther Memorial Junior High)

You are never too young to be anxious and how we wish that were not true! Children and adolescents do not always display anxiety the way adults do. They may appear oppositional or always report stomach or headaches, but the interventions that help with anxiety will help resolve those issues. The 10 proven and effective techniques to reduce anxiety will help mental health clinicians, teachers, parents, school personnel to intervene in the moment when children are most anxious and offer them relief from panic and worry. When children have social anxiety challenges they will benefit from the process of memory reconsolidation – a way to re-enter situations that have been frightening with calm and confidence that changes the memories of negative experiences at their core. Dr. Margaret Wehrenberg will demonstrate this method and others through case examples and discussion, and we will take a look at correcting some of the ways the COVID-19 crisis has affected anxiety in our youth.

Learning Objectives 1. Apply the Prevent Panic Protocol for all age children to eliminate panic and the need to escape from anxiety-provoking situations utilizing simple methods such as breathing and “The 3 P’s: Predict, prepare and Plan” 2. Restructure negative experiences via memory reconsolidation techniques to ease social anxiety fears in children and adolescents. 3. Reduce worry with 3 effective strategies such as “Contain Your Worry”

Agenda & Key Topics • The contribution of brain activity to anxiety • The importance of stress management • Panic relief • High drive, overscheduling and perfectionism • Social Anxiety management

10 Best-Ever Proven & Effective Interventions for Reducing Depression with Children & Adolescents – 3 Hours There is no question that an epidemic of depression is affecting our youth – even before the current viral epidemic. Those children more at risk for depression by genetics, sexual identity concerns, neuroatypical conditions, or other mismatches between culture and themselves are more affected by the rising tide of social media. They face pressure to demonstrate their worth by being ‘relevant’ online and feel (legitimately) judged in the world that records and publishes their mistakes more than their successes. While typical signs of depression (worthlessness and inadequacy) are evident they may come disguised as anger, obsession with appearance or persistent boredom. In this 3-hour session, Dr. Margaret Wehrenberg will outline 10 interventions that can lighten the burden of depression. The material is useful to clinicians, teachers or even any adult who can be available to the child or adolescent during those moments when their self-talk is dragging them down or their protective isolation prevents connecting with others who can encourage them. We will use case examples and discussion to identify ways to find the triggers for depression, stop the slide to despair, intervene in circular thinking and negative neural networks, and increase cognitive flexibility, among other aspects of reducing depression.

Learning Objectives 1. Apply immediate corrections for circular, negative or pessimistic thoughts 2. Moderate emotional intensity with changes in explanatory style and use of catastrophic/absolutist language 3. Utilize the principle of neural networking to reverse the downward spiral of depressive cognition

Agenda & Key Topics • Risks for depression • Identifying depression at different ages • The adolescent mind • The language of depression and recovery

• Identify and utilize rewards to improve energy


Day 2 - November 19, 2020

Virtual Canadian School-Focused Mental Health Conference Attend More & Save! | Mix & Match to Create a Customized Virtual Conference Experience

Rescuing the Dysregulated Child: Effective Interventions & Strategies with Children, Adolescents & Parents – 3 Hours

eboni webb psy.d., hsp is a licensed psychologist and serves as an advisor to the Dialectical Behavior Therapy National Certification and Accreditation Association (DBTNCAA). She has practiced in numerous community settings including clinics that treat underserved communities of color, clients with developmental disabilities, and clients suffering from severe and persistent mental illness. She worked at the largest mental health clinic at the time in the Minneapolis/ St. Paul area that specialized in treating clients diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) with Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). She has practiced DBT in community mental health centers and developed two special DBToriented treatment programs for clients with developmental disabilities and borderlineintellectual functioning. Dr. Webb currently resides in Nashville, TN where she has been serving clients in her private practice, Kairos. She continues to specialize in individual and group DBT as well as cognitive-behavior strategies that address a myriad of clinical issues. She also offers special group therapies for adults and a dualtrack of teen skills training that includes their parents.

“Dr. Eboni Webb is fantastic! I would love to be more like her not only with patients but also as a mom! Thank you.” – Corrie Sondeli

Working with emotionally dysregulated children is an often overwhelming and exhausting endeavour. Many teachers and counsellors feel the pull of being “saviours” for dysregulated children and their parents. How to intervene and steps that can be taken by teachers and administrators will be presented. This training will enable participants to employ strategies in which teachers and parents can experience success through learning to reestablish structure, create a validating and secure environment, and increase compassion for all family members and care providers. Dr. Webb will additionally address key childhood disorders that left untreated can lead to maladaptive coping behaviours in adulthood. Dr. Webb will teach participants how to apply and adapt various skills training to reflect the language of children and how to establish a safe and supportive classroom in which children can learn and generalize these skills. Working with emotionally-dysregulated children in your classroom can be overwhelming and exhausting. You probably feel the pull of being the “saviour” for dysregulated children and their worried parents. Learn how to implement the skills you need to be more effective in the classroom, avoid burnout and achieve positive outcomes.

Learning Objectives

Agenda & Key Topics

1. Describe the biosocial model of pervasive emotional dysregulation disorders found in innately sensitive children.

• Biosocial Model

2. Utilize behaviour modification strategies at the earliest stage of dysregulation. 3. Summarize the importance of structure in both skills training and home environments and how to teach parents or care providers to implement these strategies. 4. Explain how to adapt each skills module to reflect the language of the child. 5. Explain the role of educators, care providers, and parents and how to re-establish a safe and loving structure that enables the child to learn and generalize skills.

• Attachment style • Impact of trauma • Effects of inadequate validation in early emotional development • Symptoms of pervasive emotional dysregulation disorder • Adapt Dialectical Behaviour Skills Training to Key Childhood and Adolescent Disorders ADHD • Attachment Disorder • Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)/Conduct Disorder (CD)

Trauma & Attachment Across the Lifespan – 3 Hours Working with emotionally-dysregulated and traumatized children and teens in your practice can be overwhelming and exhausting. You probably feel the pull of being the “savior” for dysregulated children and their worried parents. Learn how to develop the skills needed to be more effective in treatment, avoid burnout and achieve positive outcomes through developing an integrative lens to more effectively treat trauma and attachment across the lifespan. Dr. Webb will give you the training you need through case stories, neuroscience research, and experiential activities. Learn to work together with children and support systems to increase compassion through seeing the function of their behaviors through the lens of trauma, reestablish structure, and create a validating environment. Leave with the knowledge and skills to confidently teach parents and care providers how to implement a safe structure that enables the child to learn and master these skills throughout all the pertinent areas of their lives. Attend this 3-hour workshop and you will discover how critical complex interventions are for the complexity of treating trauma and attachment disorders.

Learning Objectives

Agenda & Key Topics

1. Learn the impact of stress and trauma on the developing mind.

4. Learn the difference between developmental and attachment trauma.

Defining Trauma & Attachment • Biosocial Model • Effects of inadequate validation in early emotional development Trauma and Brain Development • Biphasic arousal model • Core organizers of experience Common Survival Resources • Survival and somatic resources

5. Identify the key defensive survival strategies in trauma.

Critical Interventions • Proximity maintenance

2. Identify the key features of healthy attachment and its impact neurologically. 3. Understand the critical attachment strategy that facilitates self-regulation.


Day 2 - November 19, 2020

Virtual Canadian School-Focused Mental Health Conference Attend More & Save! | Mix & Match to Create a Customized Virtual Conference Experience

Interventions for Executive Function Difficulties: Changing the Brain to Change Behaviour – 3 Hours

George McCloskey ph.d. is a Professor and Director of School Psychology Research in the Psychology Department of the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine and holds Diplomate status with the American Academy of Pediatric Neuropsychology. He frequently presents at international and national meetings on cognitive and neuropsychological assessment and intervention topics. Dr. McCloskey is the lead author of the books Assessment and Intervention for Executive Function Difficulties and Essentials of Executive Functions Assessment and his most recent writing on interventions for executive function and executive skills difficulties appears in Chapter 10 of the book Essentials of Planning, Selecting, and Tailoring Interventions for Unique Learners.

This course will help participants gain a deeper understanding of executive functions and how executive function deficits impact the behavior and academic production of children and adolescents. Participants will gain state-of-the-art knowledge of the most effective ways to help children and adolescents improve their use of executive functions, based on current research. Ways to discuss executive functions with children, parents and other school staff will be offered, as well as ways to help motivate adolescents to ensure their full participation in efforts to help them. Special emphasis will be placed on how to orient students to intervention efforts and help them move from being externally controlled to internally self-regulated through the use of bridging strategies. Case study examples of assessment and intervention efforts and outcomes with children and adolescents will be discussed throughout the presentation. Participants will leave this workshop energized and with a renewed sense of purpose, a greater knowledge of how to improve executive functions, and a greater realization of how they can have a positive effect on the children, parents and professionals with whom they work.

Learning Objectives

Agenda & Key Topics

1. Describe a comprehensive model of executive functions

• A comprehensive model of executive functions and skills for guiding assessment and intervention

2. Describe and apply strategies that use external control to help a student function more effectively in school settings 3. Describe and apply strategies that help students bridge the gap between being externally controlled and internally self-regulated 4. Describe and apply strategies that enable students to improve their use of internally self-regulated capacities to improve their functioning in school settings

• Motivation and internally desired vs externally demanded use of executive functions • The executive function intervention continuum: Orienting, Externally Directing, Bridging, Fading to Internal Self-Regulation • Learning vs producing difficulties

The Role of Executive Functions in Reading, Writing & Math: Assessment & Intervention Strategies – 3 Hours

Co-Author Essentials of Executive Functions Assessment

“Loved the workshop. George was very knowledgeable and inspiring. He kept my focus and attention the entire day. Packed full of hands on strategies. I would recommend to anyone working with people to find their goals.”

This course will describe how executive functions are involved in learning to read, write and quantify, and how executive functions are used when applying reading, writing and math skills in a productive manner. The role of motivation in learning will be addressed, as well as the interplay between motivation and executive functions. Reading, writing and math difficulties related to executive function deficits will be discussed in detail. Interventions for helping students improve their use of executive functions when engaged with reading, writing, and/or quantifying will be discussed. Techniques for increasing students’ motivation for full engagement in intervention efforts also will be discussed. Special emphasis will be placed on intervention techniques that can be used with struggling students to help them overcome executive function difficulties and improve academic proficiency.

Learning Objectives

Agenda & Key Topics

1. Explain the role of executive functions in, and the impact of executive function difficulties on, reading, writing and math proficiency.

• How executive functions are used to cue, direct, and integrate the use of cognitive resources and regulate emotions while reading, writing and doing math.

2. Describe techniques that can be used to determine the extent to which executive function difficulties are impacting reading, writing and/or math proficiency. 3. Describe instructional techniques that address executive function difficulties that affect reading, writing and/or math problem-solving.

• The connection between motivation and executive functions and ways to maximize motivation to improve executive control • The effects of goal-setting and clear expectations on the use of executive functions • Assessment techniques for identifying when executive function difficulties are impacting reading, writing and math proficiency.


Day 3 - November 20, 2020

Virtual Canadian School-Focused Mental Health Conference Attend More & Save! | Mix & Match to Create a Customized Virtual Conference Experience

Bullying & Aggressive Behaviours in Children & Adolescents – 3 Hours The morning session will go fast – so hang on and learn about: 1. Ways to recognize escalation 2. Reasons for kids to act aggressively 3. Strategies to de-escalate.

Steven T. Olivas, Ph.D., HSP is a Licensed Psychologist in Private Practice in Middle Tennessee. He began his practice career in 1991 when ADHD was exploding onto the scene, and has enjoyed working with the energy and spontaneous creativity of children ever since. Throughout his career, he has taught courses at nine colleges and universities, been a national public speaker, a regular columnist for a local newspaper, and co-host of a popular radio show. He is also the author of the acclaimed book, Bad Kids… or Bad Behaviour? For nearly twenty years, he has been helping parents, clinicians, and school systems.

Author When Good Kids Go Bad

“Very engaging speaker. Clearly passionate and well versed on his topic. Informative and helpful.” “Dr. Olivas was informative and humorous… a winning combination!” “Content was presented in a very entertaining way. Quite enjoyable.”

Methods to manage aggressive acting out and tips to stop bullying behavior will be discussed in simple, concrete ways. You will leave armed with solutions to care for the most difficult children in your classrooms.

Learning Objectives 1. Recognize Warning Signs of Aggressive Behavior 2. Understand the mechanisms that lead to aggressive behavior 3. Understand the mechanisms that lead to bullying behavior (bully and victim) 4. Learn useful methods to handle aggressive behavior and outbursts 5. Learn useful methods to reduce bullying behavior in your school and classroom

Agenda & Key Topics Recognizing aggressive behavior • Warning signs: a. Behavioral b. Physical Causes of Aggression • Psychological disorders • Frustration • Impulsivity • Injury/trauma Managing Aggression • Be Prepared • Identify/Reduce Antecedents

• Teach Kids to recognize Internal Escalation • Develop a Plan (“Fire Drill”) • Stay Calm, Be the Adult Tips to Stop Bullying • Characteristics of a Bully • Teach Empathy • Monitor Hot Spots • Reinforce positive (random acts of kindness) • Open Communication • Empower Bystanders • Self Esteem (bully/victim) • Engage Parents

Proven & Effective Strategies for Emotional & Behavioural Problems with Children & Adolescents – 3 Hours Over 30 Proven and Effective Brief Interventions for Children and Adolescents with Emotional and Behavioural Problems will guide you through focused, clear and proven approaches to working with children and youth. Every professional who seeks to fill their toolbox with tested methods will leave this seminar with a wealth of fresh ideas and rejuvenated spirits. With nearly 30 years of clinical experience and a background in improvisational comedy, Dr. Steve is a strong proponent of “Edu-tainment”. He uses wit and humour to enhance your learning experience, improving the retention and utilization of the skills covered. You will leave this workshop with new strategies for success and techniques to revitalize your interactions with students.

Learning Objectives

Agenda & Key Topics

1. Utilize effective techniques for the treatment of behaviour disorders in children

• • • • • •

2. Develop specific behavioural interventions that address the developmental stage of the child or adolescent 3. Consider the efficacy of biologically-based interventions to address behavioural and emotional disorders in children 4. Explore clinical manifestations among anxiety disorders, ADHD, mood disorders, ODD, and conduct disorder as they relate to diagnoses 5. Develop skills for establishing an interpersonal rapport to overcome resistance to change in children and adolescents

• • • • • • •

Problem Solving Decision Tree Immediate Interventions: Physiological Tools to Manage Anger General Mental Health Siphoning Energy/Counterconditioning: Rudolf Dreikurs’ Model Positive Reinforcement/Stabilization Hendrix Intentional Dialogue ADHD/ADD Autism Spectrum Jay Haley – Prescribe the Symptom Passive Aggressive Behaviour Ways Teachers can reinforce negative behaviour Handling Aggressive behaviour by co-workers/At work


Day 3 - November 20, 2020

Virtual Canadian School-Focused Mental Health Conference Attend More & Save! | Mix & Match to Create a Customized Virtual Conference Experience

Practical Strategies for Reducing & Managing Anxiety Disorders – 3 Hours Anxiety disorders are among the most common conditions diagnosed in children and adolescents and everyone feels anxious from time to time. Despite the prevalence of anxiety disorders, anxiety has been referred to as the “great masquerader” because it can present in surprising ways in and out of the classroom.

Meghan Barlow, Ph.D. is a licensed pediatric psychologist specializing in the assessment and treatment of children, adolescents and young adults on the autism spectrum. She also has a wide range of experience working with children who have a variety of anxiety disorders, developmental disorders, attention deficit disorders, mood disorders, behavioral concerns, genetic and metabolic syndromes and acute or chronic medical conditions. Dr. Barlow is the owner of a private practice, Meghan Barlow and Associates, where she provides assessment, treatment and group therapy services for children, adolescents, and young adults. Dr. Barlow has developed trainings and workshops for parents, school professionals, and mental health providers on topics related to social skills, autism spectrum disorder, depression and anxiety. She speaks in a variety of settings offering education and practical strategies for managing children’s behaviour, facilitating social skills and navigating developmental transitions. Dr. Barlow earned her Ph.D. from Kent State University.

“Excellent speaker – engaging and able to differentiate teaching/ information to suit the needs of a very diverse group (teachers, parents etc.)” – Angie Reichenbach

This workshop will provide educators with an understanding of anxiety as well as frequently cooccurring conditions including depression, autism, ADHD, and learning disorders. A review of specific types of anxiety disorders and how to distinguish these conditions from “healthy stress” and “anxious moments” will be presented. Participants will learn practical strategies for implementing changes within the classroom to support students with anxiety. Additionally, participants will learn tools for teaching coping skills and working with families to determine appropriate and effective school based supports.

Learning Objectives

Agenda & Key Topics

1. Understand the nature and causes of anxiety.

Anxiety Understood • Differentiating between “healthy stress,” “anxious moments,” and interfering anxiety • Causes of anxiety

2. Be able to distinguish anxiety disorders from “healthy stress” and “anxious moments.” 3. Recognize the many ways anxiety can present in and out of the classroom. 4. Create a classroom culture (using simple practices) to reduce anxiety and build resilience for the general population of students. 5. Be able to develop and implement effective strategies for helping students manage anxiety. 6. Collaborate effectively with families and students to create impactful plans and agree on necessary supports.

Anxiety and the Classroom • Classroom/Academic demands (i.e., tests, grades, behaviour) impacting anxiety • Anxiety impacting school functioning Interventions • The full cup and self-regulation • Changing thoughts Creating Plans • Communicating with families • Assessing the problem

High Functioning Autism: Proven & Practical Interventions for Challenging Behaviours in Children & Adolescents – 3 Hours This intensive, full-day seminar provides proven intervention strategies, essential treatment tools, and behavioral techniques to help you analyze behaviors and actions, identify consequences for behaviors, and teach new skills to children, adolescents and young adults with high-functioning autism (HFA). Walk away with practical intervention techniques for social success, behavior changes and overcoming challenging co-occurring behaviors that deliver success through adulthood. The challenging co-occurring issues to be addressed are: Social skills, Sensory, Depression, ADHD, Psychotropic medications, Communication, Anxiety/Rigidity, Meltdowns, OCD, Non-compliance Gain valuable insight into common psychotropic medications, including both the helpful effects and potentially problematic side effects, that these individuals are prescribed. We will explore HFA and the new DSM-5® diagnosis of Social-Pragmatic Communication Disorder. You will receive the necessary tools to gain effective collaboration between clinicians, educators and parents. Through case studies, video clips and class participation you will leave this seminar with the confidence to identify actions that cause impediments in change, utilize more successful consequences for behaviors, and teach new skills to children, adolescents, and young adults with HFA. Don’t just manage these individuals; provide interventions that lead to successful independence into their adult years!

Learning Objectives

Agenda & Key Topics

1. Explain how the DSM-5® updates impact service delivery.

• • • • • • • •

2. Utilize several social skill interventions to improve long-term success for children/ adolescents with HFA. 3. Employ specific coping and calming techniques for children/adolescents with HFA. 4. Identify medication side effects that can mimic behavioral issues and may even cause behavioral issues.

DSM-5® and ICD-10 Updates Social Skills Interventions Communication Interventions Sensory Interventions Anxiety Interventions Depression Interventions ADHD Interventions Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Interventions • Interventions for Specific Difficult Behaviors


Virtual Canadian

All fees are in Canadian dollars ($CAD)

School-Focused Mental Health Conference Pricing & Registration

Group Rates Groups do not need to attend the same courses to qualify for the group rate, each group member must attend a minimum of 2, 4, or 6 courses. For group rates please contact

Attend More and Save! 1 Individual Course Enrollment 2 Individual Course Enrollment 4 Individual Course Enrollment 6 Individual Course Enrollment

$135.00 plus tax

$249.00 plus tax

$449.00 plus tax

$649.00 plus tax

YOU SAVE $21.00

The group rate is a discount depending on the number of participants and posted prices are per user, please see the rates below. Group discounts cannot be combined with other promo codes.

YOU SAVE $91.00 YOU SAVE $171.00

For full details and registration, please go to

2, 3 Hour Conference Courses 4, 3 Hour Conference Courses 6, 3 Hour Conference Courses

Full-Time Student Info Attend More and Save! 2 Individual Course Enrollment 4 Individual Course Enrollment 6 Individual Course Enrollment

$199.00 plus tax

$359.00 plus tax

$519.00 plus tax

YOU SAVE $50.00 YOU SAVE $90.00 YOU SAVE $131.00

For Full-time Student rates, please email Students are eligible to receive the full time student rate if you meet the following criteria.


GROUP 8-14





plus tax per person

plus tax per person

plus tax per person




plus tax per person

plus tax per person

plus tax per person




plus tax per person

plus tax per person

plus tax per person

Fees are per person, seat sharing is not allowed. Please respect this policy, failure to comply will result in termination of access without a refund. Each user will get their own username and password so they can login from home and have access to all course content including video files, handouts and will receive a certificate of completion. Please note, if a promotional code for a group rate is used the promo code will expire 2 weeks after it is provided to the group leader. If the minimum number of registrants for the group rate are not registered by this time, the group leader will be invoiced the difference for the outstanding balance. There are no cancellations, refunds, or credits for group rate registrations. Replacements will be subject to a $25.00 administration fee. For our full terms and conditions, please visit:

1. If you are a full-time student – enrolled in a minimum of 3 courses or 9 credits per semester from a recognized accredited university or institution including but not limited to: Ph.D., Masters, & Bachelor’s degree programs. 2. Attend over 100 hours per semester of course instruction either in-class instruction or online courses. 3. Are able to provide proof of full-time student status. Such as a student transcript or letter of enrolment from your school’s registrar.

Cancellation Policy All cancellations must be submitted by email. Non-attendance at a webinar will not be grounds for any credit under any circumstances. No refunds will be given for any cancellations made. Credits are available minus a $75 administration fee. No refunds or credit under any circumstances will be available for cancellations less than one full business day prior to the webinar. Exceptions to this will not be granted. When registering please use your professional name and correct email. There is a $25.00 administrative fee for changes made to attendee information once registration is complete. Please double check spelling is accurate. If you are unable to attend, you are invited to send an alternate in your place. Please note, replacements are subject to a $25 administrative fee. Please notify us of the replacement’s full name and contact information, including their email address. Please double check your spelling. Registrants experiencing technical difficulties as a result of, but not limited to: user error, personal software malfunction, slow internet connection, etc. will not be refunded under any circumstances. For specific system requirements (if applicable), please see the webinar listing prior to registering.


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