Tuesday 29th June 2010 Read about what happened when we went to the Police Station on Page 2
Edition 1 Read about other exciting Community Ranger projects on Page 6
BY KANE Two weeks ago we went to the St Ann’s adventure centre. When we got in we talked about the ground rules. We were allowed outside after and first I went on the giant slide which went really
fast! Then I went on a zip wire connected by a tire and it speeded along! There was also a giant swing and lots of people could get in and someone would push. There was also a swing at you could go on your own. Then there was a climbing part
and when you climbed up someone could spin it around. There was also a little play ground wit a ladder on leading to a small pole you could slide down. There was also a football court that you could play on and there was a seat that you sat on and two people go on it and it goes like a see saw but you spin around. Inside you could get drinks and there was a lot of mats put together to make a slide and lots of soft toys. There was also a big line at the zip wire made of the tire because everyone wanted to go on it so much. Two of the teachers went on the seat that you sat on that spun around and they were having fun on it. Inside there was a ping pong table that two people played on and there was also a pool table that I tried to play. When you first go to the giant slide there is a steep hill to be careful of. WEI HUA REPORTS: I like it because its fun you can run about outside and you can just calm down. The people there are very nice they don’t shout at you they play with you. I like it because there is a big slide that you can go on there’s also a buddy swing where people get pushed.
Read about what happened when we went to Nottingham Castle on Page 5
BY SHANNON On Wednesday 9th of June two people called Tracy and James came to our school and told us what they do. They told us what clubs there are in our community and what you can do. After that they asked us what sort of clubs we go to and they asked what clubs we go
to out of school. They asked us about the cost, time, day and place. After that they sorted us into groups of 5.They asked us to write more clubs that we wanted to try. We had couple of minutes at the end we all shared our ides at the end they said we will try to sort something out for us.
IT’S COOL AT THE ST ANN’S PARK BY SASKIA On the 16 June class 10 went to St Ann’s Adventure Park. We went at 1.30pm-3.00pm.James and Tracey arrived and we were off. When we got there we sat in the soft play area. We got to go outside or make something inside. We rushed outside and went down the big slide. When we got down it was like heaven.
READ A SHORT HISTORY OF ST ANN’S HERE: St Ann’s in Nottingham was originally Common Land.
There was a swing (a big one), a slide (that was huge), a rock climbing wall and a zip slide (very fast). There was this thing you sat on it and it span around and bounce up and down it was so fun. There is this big hill and it is so cool you can run down it. And there is much more! It is open every. It is such fun your kids will not want to leave. The staff were very nice.