The Milford Messenger

Page 1

Wednesday 23rd June 2010


seventh issue Catch up with the latest sport on Page 18

For an Awesome Allotment turn to Page13

To meet Uncle Stanley turn to Page 11


George Osborne walking out of 10 Downing Street with Gladstone’s budget case

BY CAITLIN When you think about the government and tax, you may think, yawn! However, money is a very important issue our country has to deal with. Basically, the budget is about the government, where their money comes from and how it gets there. Tax, is

money we all pay either on what we earn or what we buy. Adults are taxed in different ways. Value Added Tax (VAT) is paid on luxury items, like sweets, toilet paper, electric goods, alcohol, cigarettes and petrol, as well as cars. Also, lots of the money that adults

earn from working goes straight from their pay packets into government funds. This is called income tax. George Osborne is the new Chancellor of the Exchequer. He has to decide how much tax the government need to raise this year. Yesterday, he made the deci-

sion to raise VAT from 17.5% to 20%, which means that you will have to pay an extra 2.5% when you pay for things like gas, electricity, clothes and luxury foods. You may not think that is a lot of extra money to pay, but, if you buy these goods every day and your wages are taxed as well, many people don‘t have enough money to care for their families, leaving countless parents unhappy and angry. Fellow politicians also are concerned by this and blame the Liberal Democrats. The government have made these changes in the budget because our country is in debt after

the last government because they took on loans they now have to pay back. Funnily enough though, politicians are some of the richest people in the country, I wonder why? The budget was planned by the Conservative and Liberal Democrat Parties together. They believe that the country faces a very difficult future unless strict cuts are imposed now. The Labour Party disagrees and fears that the budget cuts are too harsh and that unemployment will rise. Nobody knows what the future holds for Britain, so keep your fingers crossed that they‘ve made the right decision.



BY EMILY here are more imaginative things to do than just watching the television all day.

In London, artist Zara Gaze has made numerous fantastic sculptures by hand . Zara works on her sculptures for two to five

hours, sometimes until night falls. She has made a variety of sculptures such as Halloween pumpkins and frogs. These fantastic sculp-

tures raise a smile on the faces on London commuters! They‘re not on display for long though, so hurry if you want to see them!

Pumpkin sand sculptures!

Index: Pages 2 & 3-World News, Page 4-Milford School News, Page 5-Meet the Team, Pages 6 & 7-Where in the World, Page 8-Devon 2010, Page 9-School Clubs, Page 10-News @ Milford, Page 11-Uncle Stanley and Horoscopes, Pages 12 & 13-Nottingham in Bloom, Page 14-Jokes and Puzzles, Page 15-Modern Foreign Languages and Page 16-Sport.

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