BREAKING OUT OF INFINITE LOOPS An Infinite Loop is when you’re “stuck” or you find the same patterns or problems keep coming up in your life. But, for whatever reason, instead of reevaluating your actions and choosing a new path, you end up repeating the same mistakes that keep you spinning in circles. When you’re stuck in an Infinite Loop, you can’t make real progress or move up the spiral. To use my life as an example, in the years when I was unhappy at my job, unfulfilled, and knew I was on the ‘hamster wheel,’ I had fear about changing things up. I accepted my situation as ‘just the way it is,’ complained a lot, and secretly hoped that somehow everything would be different one day. But, I allowed my fears to keep me stuck and stay at a job that I knew wasn’t where I was supposed to be. I was trapped in an Infinite Loop and for years I didn’t do anything about it. Some other common examples that are usually signs we might be caught in an Infinite Loop: • Complaining about a situation but not doing everything you can to change it and instead just staying stuck. You allow your fears and doubts to influence the choices and decisions we make. • Overspending or not budgeting and having the same money problems month after month. • Procrastination and self-sabotage • Staying in an unhealthy relationship that you know deep down has no potential of growing and evolving.
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