CKI Bulletin August/September

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University of Arizona Monthly Newsletter August/September 2017

Live to serve. Love to serve.


Table of Contents

Letter from the Editor……………………….2 Letter from the President……………..….3 Member of the Month……………………….4 Past Events Rattlesnake Run…………….……………5 Ben’s Bells….……………………………….5 Ronald McDonald House…………….6 Greek Festival………………………….…6 Pictures from this Month…………….7 Other News Letter from a member………………..8 Upcoming Events….…………………….8 Fall Rally.…………………………………….9 Contact Us………………………………………..10

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Letter from the Editor

Hi everyone! Summer is over and fall is officially here. So far, we’ve had a great beginning to our CKI checklist, and almost nothing goes undocumented in the bulletin. In this issue, there is information about our past service events such as Ben’s Bells, Ronald McDonald house, Rattlesnake Run, and the Greek Festival. In addition, there is also information about Fall Rally, Nightfall, and some of our other upcoming events. As your 2017-2018 bulletin editor, I’d also like to welcome both the new and returning members to the club. We had a great turnout after the club fair and our raffle seemed to be a success. The candy probably didn’t hurt, either. I look forward to our upcoming meetings and getting to know everyone better. As for what’s to come, I hope everyone is enjoying their school year so far and I’m excited to see what happens next! Yours in Service, Jessica Beauvais Bulletin Editor 2017-2018


Letter from the President Hi everyone! We've officially finished our first month of the club! It has been fantastic seeing our old and new members and our new members are absolutely fantastic this year! I'm so proud of all the things our members have been able to do from service to fellowship! This past month we have done over 120 service hours as a group and have had so many awesome fellowship moments! This upcoming month we have a lot we can do, I will say that it will be a pricey month, but some of our most exciting events will be this month. Fall Rally is one of the most exciting experiences we have to offer on district level and you are bound to make amazing lasting friends as well as grow friendships with members from our club! I’m super excited to see all that we do with the upcoming year and am thrilled with all we have done! Yours in Service, Chantel Leon U of A President 2017-2018


Member of the Month! Our member of the month is Markanna Moore! Markanna is one of our new members and we are proud to call her one of our own. She has participated in nearly all the events so far and is so friendly and great to be around! Welcome to the club and we look forward to many more events with you!


Rattlesnake Run This was our first event of September as a whole club and we had quite a few members attend. This was a great event for both new members and veterans, and everyone had a great time. Personally, I got to know one of our new members, Cassidy, and she is a great conversationalist and really fun to talk to. At the event, we kept the runners on the track, distributed water to the participants, and gave words of encouragement. Traditionally, the Rattlesnake Run lends itself to club bonding while also working alongside some of our favorite kiwanians. Additionally, some of our members also had lunch together afterwards at Rusty’s. Overall, this is a great event that we love to attend every year.

Ben’s Bells Ben’s Bells was our very first event of the school year. Initially, we tried the Main Gate Square location, however another club made its way over to Ben’s Bells before we could get there. Nevertheless, our day was still successful because we tried the Downtown location for the very first time ever and they were able to squeeze us in for about an hour. This time at Ben’s Bells was different because we had the opportunity to actually make the kindness coins instead of our usual duties such as painting or sorting out the kindness coins. We had a great day together and Ben’s Bells is always a joy. Until next time!


Ronald McDonald House Ronald McDonald house is a place that families can stay while their children receive treatment, so it really means a lot to us when we are able to help out any way that we can. RMDH is an event that we always look forward to. This time for the residents of the Ronald McDonald House, we made breakfast which included pancakes, eggs, and Allie and Michael’s delicious muffins that were made with love; some even described them as angelic. This event is always a joy to attend; both the volunteer work and the food are good for the soul – who doesn’t love cooking? This event is an easy way to bond with people and get to know those around you, since cooking is so interactive and collaborative. All around, it was a great day and we are always happy to help those of the Ronald McDonald House.

Greek Festival This year was the first year that we decided to volunteer at the annual Greek Festival here in Tucson at the St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church. Some of us were serving traditional Greek food to the attendees, while others helped clean up seating areas and washed trays. We also became more familiar with the traditional Greek culture, as well. As a first-time experience, I’d say we were pretty successful and the people at the Greek Festival greatly appreciated our volunteer work. One woman in particular, Maria, said that she was very grateful for what we had done and she hopes we return in 2018.


Pictures from this Month!


Other News A Letter from one of our Members CKI isn’t like I imagined. All of the people in the club are super awesome and really friendly. I spent my entire freshman year looking for groups to join but scared of trying something new. Jessica encouraged me to join CKI, and I’m glad that I did. While I haven’t been here long, it’s been a great deal of fun. I already look forward to yelling the pledge and playing fun games each week and I’m excited for some of the upcoming service events I’ll be able to attend. Not only is it about helping the community, but it’s about being a community, and that’s pretty awesome. - Rikki Riojas

Upcoming Events • Nightfall Social o Oct. 7 • Tucson Meet Yourself o Oct 13-15 • Beads of Courage o Oct 15 • Kiwanis One Day o Oct 28 • Trick or Treat for Unicef o Oct 31


Don’t forget to register for Fall Rally! Fall Rally is an annual event held at Kamp Kiwanis in New Mexico from October 20-22 Don’t miss out on this great opportunity! For more information, go to: ents/fall-rally


Contact Us! President: Chantel Leon Vice President: Rachel Heusser Secretary: Lucas Walker Bulletin Editor: Jessica Beauvais Treasurer: Nicole Guertler Lieutenant Governor at Large: Michael Zimmerman Lieutenant Governor at Large: Aubrey Renaker


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