CKI Bulletin December/January

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University of Arizona Monthly Newsletter December/January 2018

Live to serve. Love to serve.


Table of Contents

Letter from the Editor……………………….2 Letter from the President……………..….3 Member of the Month……………………….4 Past Events Boys Chorus Tree Lot…………………5 Kiwanis Shopping Event.……………5 Senior Olympics………………………….6 Food Bank.………..…………………….…6 Pictures from this Month…………….7 Other News Socials………………………….……………..8 Upcoming Events….…………………….8 DCON…….…………………………………….9 Contact Us………………………………………..10

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Letter from the Editor

Hello, It has been some time since I’ve last written for the bulletin. A lot has happened since December 2017. Finals are over, the holidays happened, and now we are in spring semester. We have a lot of fun events planned such as Habitat for Humanity, helping at the Festival of Books, and Key Club Day. We also have board elections for the new board, and DCON later this month; I’m happy to say that a significant number of members plan to attend. Overall, I hope you all had a great winter break and that second semester is going well. I look forward to seeing you at all the meetings and all the events! Yours in Service, Jessica Beauvais Bulletin Editor 2017-2018


Letter from the President Hello everyone! I hope you had a fantastic break! This January and February have definitely set us on track for a great semester for this club! We started off with a Ben's Bells event and have done two this semester so far! We have also done some other good events including Senior Olympics and valentines day cards for kids! We also teamed with Kiwanis de Amigos and some Key Clubbers at the Community food bank and made 1,920 bags of meals! As for the future, we've got some exiting things up ahead! Elections and DCON are coming up which will both be big for our club! I'm super exited to see the club's future! We luckily have eight members going to DCON! Thanks to Kiwanis de Amigos five of our members are able to get reimbursement and thanks to Kiwanis Club of Tucson our hotel room at DCON is payed for! Our club has an exciting next couple weeks to say the least and I can't wait! Yours in Service, Chantel Leon


Member of the Month! Our member of the month is Meghan Marlowe! Meghan has been an integral part of this club and we love having her around! She’s very funny and always has a smile on her face! We love having you at events and meetings and we look forward to spending more time with you!


Boys Chorus Tree Lot The Boys Chorus Tree Lot was a really fun event and helped put some of our members in the holiday spirit! At this event, our members helped people from the community pick out a Christmas tree and secure it to their cars. The tree lot event was a great way to help families from the community get ready for a wonderful holiday season. Additionally, the Tucson Boys Chorus was very appreciative of our help; they even offered tickets to their holiday concert!

Kiwanis Shopping Event The Kiwanis shopping event is a really important event that we also participated in last year. At this event, we began by shopping at Walmart for the families of the elementary school children that we were paired up with. Afterwards, we went back to their elementary school to wrap all the gifts and get them ready for the holidays. In addition, we enjoyed fresh baked cookies and hot chocolate. For many members, this is their most favorite event of all year. Working with young kids like this is really fun, and it’s great to see the smiles on their faces when they pick out gifts for their family members. Overall, this is a really great service event that everyone really enjoys!


Senior Olympics This was CKI’s first time helping at this event and the people at Tucson’s Parks and Rec were very grateful that we could donate our time. Similar to the Kiwanis de Amigos Relay, there were various track and field events such as the javelin, the long jump, and the discus. Our club members helped keep track of the distance that the discus and javelin were thrown, and we also helped set up for these events. After the events were completed, two of our members, Rikki and Allie, took a few turns throwing the javelin. Overall, this was a fun event and we were glad to help with the senior Olympics and watch all the participants!

Community Food Bank The community food bank is vital to providing meals to members of our community. Not only do they provide food to those in need, but they also offer programs such as partnering with local farmers, free afterschool meals and snacks, family and advocacy assistance, government application assistance, and culinary training. Although only two of our club members were able to attend, they still made a significant impact at the community food bank. They packaged spaghetti soup meals in paper bags for distribution to people around Tucson. The community food bank provides so much for southern Arizona, so it was really great to be able to volunteer time in order to help them.


Pictures from this Month!


Other News Socials We had two socials – one in December and one in January. In December, we decided it was time for an Oregano’s social, as per tradition. We talked about final exams, plans for winter break, and what movies we wanted to see. For our social in January, we decided to get frozen yogurt at Campus Candy. Even though it was chilly, everyone was in the mood for froyo! Socials are always fun because it’s a good opportunity to get to know other members of the club better, and it’s always nice to talk about interests and things that aren’t school related.

Upcoming Events • Ben’s Bells o Feb. 10 • Habitat for Humanity o Feb. 17 • Beads of Courage o Feb. 18 • Board Elections o Feb. 22 • DCON o Feb. 23-25


Don’t forget to register for DCON! DCON is an annual event which incorporates clubs from across the Southwest District This year, DCON will take place in Phoenix from Feb 23-25 We will also be working with the St. Baldrick’s Foundation in order to raise money in support for cancer research Don’t miss out on this great opportunity! For more information, go to:


Contact Us! President: Chantel Leon Vice President: Rachel Heusser Secretary: Lucas Walker Bulletin Editor: Jessica Beauvais Treasurer: Rikki Riojas Lieutenant Governor at Large: Michael Zimmerman


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