University of Arizona Monthly Newsletter February & March 2018
Live to serve. Love to serve.
Table of Contents
Letter from the Editor……………………….2 Letter from the President……………..….3 Member of the Month……………………….4 Past Events DCON………….....…………….……………5 Community Food Bank.……….…….5 Habistore…….………………….………….6 Key Club Event……………….……….…6 Pictures from this Month…………….7 Other News New Board…...………….………………..8 Upcoming Events….…………………….8 End of Year Social..…………………….9 Contact Us………………………………………..10
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Letter from the Editor
Hello, In this issue, there is information on the events from February and March such as DCON, Habistore, and the Community Food Bank. I’ve also included things we have coming up, as things for this school year are coming to an end. Additionally, this is the last bulletin I write for UA CKI. After this, I will no longer be your bulletin editor because I have taken on a new position; I will be the U of A CKI President for 2018-2019. I feel grateful for the opportunity to serve as your bulletin editor, as well as volunteer with you throughout the year at our events. I am going to miss our seniors and I’m proud of our new college graduates. I hope that our next year is exciting and fruitful, and I’m glad I can be your president. With kindest regards, Jessica Beauvais Bulletin Editor 2017-2018
P.S. A four word poem: It is almost summertime
Letter from the President Hello everyone, Thank you all for the fantastic year of service. It has been quite a year as the 2017-2018 club president for this club and now that we're here at the end of my term I would not change a single thing. Recently we've done so many thing's it's almost hard to remember. For starters, in February, DCON 2018 was a blast! We won best scrapbook and best act in the Talent show and we raised over $5,000 as a district for St. Baldricks, which meant, as you know, our club's Michael Zimmerman's hair was gone by the end of that event (but it's growing back fast)! We also established a great volunteering relationship with the Habitat for Humanity Habistore and have been involved in many K-fam events! It's been a great couple months and a great year. It has truly been an honor. So, with that thank you for the great year and welcome to the new club president, Jessica Beauvais! Yours in Service, Chantel Leon 2017-2018 UA CKI President
Member of the Month!
Our member of the month is Lain Jurik! Lain is one of our brand-new members (official as of March 15th) and he has gone to all of the events and been a really great addition! He’s always working hard and has a lot of interesting things to say! Thanks for joining and being a part of CKI!
DCON DCON this year was in Mesa and we were lucky enough to have eight of our members attend with help from the Kiwanians. We got to spend time with members from clubs across the southwest district, we voted on new district board members, and we did some volunteering at places such as The Boys & Girls Club. Additionally, there was a talent show and Rachel and I won with our comedy sketch! Our prize was a stuffed horse which we named Harrison (after Harrison Ford). Overall, it was a really good weekend and it was nice to spend time and have fun with people from other clubs that we don’t get to see very often.
Community Food Bank At the community food bank, only two of our club members were able to go, but they worked alongside some of our Kiwanians and accomplished a lot! They sorted food packages for a nice spaghetti dinner and made sure that everything was sorted and prepared for the food bank. The people at the food bank and the Kiwanians are very appreciative of our time and effort, and they always enjoy working with members from U of A CKI. Overall, really great work done at the food bank by everyone involved!
Habistore This was our second time at the Habistore and everyone had a great time! Charity was very happy to see us again and she is so sweet and said that she appreciated our help very much. Not only did we help in the warehouse and in the store helping sell furniture items and appliances, but there was also a potluck which we were invited to join in on. Some of us made friends with the regular volunteers, as well. For example, I was paired up with Linda all day and she is truly a strong and admirable woman whom I look up to. I personally loved working at the Habistore, and I’m pretty sure everyone else did, too. It’s a great place to be and everyone is friendly and welcoming; we will absolutely be back!
Key Club Event Our most recent event was the Key Club event in which a few key clubbers came to campus for somewhat of an introduction to college life and an experience with the U of A CKI. We began with a presentation about general college life such as applying, majors and minors, and financial aid. The presentation included a carefully crafted short film based on the founding of UA CKI in the ‘70s. Then, we had a small service event which was making cards for the kids in the pediatric center at Banner UMC. Finally, we ended the day with a Fun Find around campus to help the key club students get more acquainted with campus; the final prize was a pink llama. Overall, it was a great day and a successful introduction for the key clubbers.
Pictures from this Month!
Other News New Board In late February, our club voted on our new board for the 2018-2019 school year. Congratulations to everyone elected and thank you all for the warm welcome and support! We look forward to the next year and are excited for the future!
Upcoming Events • Kiwanis Clean-Up (part 2) o April 7th • Kiwanis De Amigos Relay o April 14th • Habistore o April 21st
End of Year Social Our annual end-of-year social is coming up on Saturday, April 28th and we want to hear YOUR suggestions! Have something fun in mind? Bring it up at the meeting!
Last Meeting of the year: April 26, 2018 Good luck with finals and have a great summer!! With love from UA CKI
Be on the lookout for upcoming information regarding events, socials, and even ICON! It has been a great time so far in the semester and we look forward to seeing you at the events!
Contact Us! President: Chantel Leon Vice President: Rachel Heusser Secretary: Lucas Walker Bulletin Editor: Jessica Beauvais Treasurer: Rikki Riojas Lieutenant Governor at Large: Michael Zimmerman