JDRF Seattle Guild 26th Annual Dream Gala: Rockin' for Research

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S at u r d ay, M a r c h 7 , 2 0 1 5 S h e r at o n S e at t l e H o t e l

The goal of JDRF is to progressively remove the burden of type 1 diabetes (T1D) on people’s lives until we can achieve

a world without T1D .

By l evera g i ng the ex p e r t ise and

ingenuity of d i sti n guished researchers a cros s t he globe, J D R F i s sup p o r ti ng the innovation of li fe - c h a n g i n g trea t ment s and ul ti ma tel y, a


for T1 D.


Dear patrons and friends, How do we unlo c k t h e myste r y of t y p e 1 d i a betes? Wi th researc h! The to u gher t he quest i on , t h e m ore re s e a rc h i s n eeded to so lve the myster y. To night , we welcom e you to t h e 2 6 t h A n nu a l Dream G ala. We do so w i th gre at pr ide in al l we h a ve a ccom p l i s h e d t hu s far, and w i th u nwaveri ng de dicat io n to ro c k i n’ t h e n i g ht a wa y to b e n efi t the researc h that w i ll lead us to a cure. The J DRF S eat t l e G u i l d i s a t t h e foref ront of fu ndi ng researc h related to t y pe 1 diabete s , ra i s i n g m ore t h a n $ 6 1 m i lli o n to transfo rm the li ves of peo ple liv ing w i t h T 1 D, va st l y i m p rov i n g thei r well-bei ng. By do i ng thi s , we have hel p e d to m a ke s i g n i f i ca nt st r i d es i n u nlo c k i ng the myster y surro unding autoi m mu n e d i s e a s e s , a n d u l t i mately fi ndi ng a c u re. As we li ke to s ay: real m on ey, re a l re s e a rc h , re a l resu lts. Thanks to s ignif i ca nt a d va n ce s i n re s e a rc h f u nded by J DR F, a c u re i s be co ming mo re a n d m ore p os s i b l e. Now m ore than ever, su ppo r ti ng thi s v ital res earc h i s a bs ol u te l y i m p e ra t i ve i f we are to be su ccessfu l. To night , we have t h e op p or t u n i t y to g i ve ou r sc i enti sts and researc hers the res o urces , fa c i l i t i e s a n d tool s t h ey n e e d to co nti nu e wo rk i ng towards ac hiev ing o ur go a l . We t hank yo u fo r j oi n i n g u s , a n d h op e you e n j oy thi s spec i al eveni ng of gla m, fo o d, wine, roc k n’ rol l a n d g e n e rou s g i vi ng. We espec i ally want to t hank o ur s po n s ors , w i n e h ost s , a u c t i on d o no rs and vo lu nteers: We couldn’t do it wit h ou t you. Rockin’ it !

Re becca Campb e l l a n d Ma r k S c hu ste r Dream G ala Co - Ch a i rs

Dear Dream Gala Patrons, It i s my pr iv ilege to con g ra t u l a te t h e J D R F S e a t tle G u i ld o n the spec i al o ccasio n of yo ur 2 6 t h A n n i ve rs a r y Dre a m G a l a . To ni ght represents m o nths of hard wo r k and ded i ca t i on f rom J D R F vol u nte e rs and staff to su ppo r t di ab etes res earch an d i n c re a s e a wa re n e s s of t h e seri o u sness of thi s di s ease fo r millio ns of p e op l e. As s o meo ne who has l i ve d w i t h t y p e 1 d i a b ete s fo r nearly 40 years, I am mo re co nv inced t h a n eve r t h a t J D R F i s f u n di ng the researc h that w ill create a wo r l d w i t h ou t t h e d i s e a s e. I a m espec i ally gratefu l to thi s year ’s Ho no rees, A n n et te a n d Ji m Al l i n g , for yo u r co m m i tm ent to JD R F and o ur mis s io n . I exte n d my s i n ce re t h a n ks to G ala Chai rs, Rebecca Campb ell and Mar k S c hu ste r, a n d to a l l of ton i g ht’s m any gu ests. Yo u r generos it y of t ime a n d ta l e nt su sta i n s t h e wor k t hat J DR F i s able to do. As yo u celebrate yo u r a ccom p l i s h m e nt s , I h op e yo u w i ll reco gni ze how es s ent ial yo u are to JD R F ’s v i s i on of c h a n g i ng Type One i nto Typ e No ne. In just t h e p a st few ye a rs , we h a ve s een so m any pro m i si ng ad vances t hat improve l i ve s tod a y a n d w i l l l e a d u s to a c u re to m o rrow. Pleas e accept my de e p e st t h a n ks for you r p a r t i ci pati o n i n thi s G ala and yo ur suppo r t of J DRF a l l ye a r. Warm regards ,

M ARY T Y L ER MOORE Inte r na t iona l C ha irma n

dear friends, On behalf of t he J D R F Inte r n a t i on a l B oa rd of Di rec to rs and the ent ire J DRF fami l y, we con g ra t u l a te t h e JD RF Seattle G u i ld o n yo u r 26th A nnual Dream G a l a . It i s o ur pleasure to re cog n i ze a n d ce l e b ra te thi s year ’s G ala Ho no rees, A nnet te and Jim Al l i n g , for a l l you h a ve d on e to help u s ac hi eve o u r vi si o n of a wo r ld wit ho u t t y p e on e d i a b ete s ( T 1 D ) . Thanks to devoted c ham pi o ns li ke yo u, J DRF cont i nu e s to b e t h e l e a d e r i n T1D researc h dri vi ng c ri ti cal ad vances in new t h e ra p i e s . We als o want to con g ra t u l a te a n d t h a n k ton ight’s G ala Chai rs, Rebecca Campbell and Ma r k S c hu ste r, for you r d e d i cati o n to m ak i ng thi s su c h a s pecial evening for eve r yon e. Th i s n i g ht cou l d not happen w i tho u t yo u and the co mmit ment of a l l w h o h a ve wor ke d h a rd to m ake thi s year ’s event a succes s . JDRF is t he o nly g l ob a l org a n i za t i on w i t h a strategi c plan to develo p an o ngo ing st ream of l i fe -c h a n g i n g t h e ra p i e s t hat w i ll pro gressi vely lessen the impac t of T1D. Th a n ks to t h e ef for t s a n d su ppo r t of all yo u , J DR F i s the o rganizat io n t h a t w i l l t u r n Ty p e On e i nto Type No ne. Ple as e accept o u r d e e p e st g ra t i t u d e for your su ppo r t to ni ght and fo r all tha t yo u do fo r J D R F.

DE REK K. RAP P Presid e nt & C hief Exe cut ive O f ficer

JOH N B RADY Chairma n , Inte rna t iona l Boar d of D ire c tors

ROBERT WOOD JOHNSON IV Ch a i r m a n , J D R F In ter n a ti o n a l

2015 Honorees

JIM AND ANNETTE ALLING This evening, we are proud to recognize Jim and Annette Alling with the annual Living & Giving award for their extraordinary support of the JDRF Seattle Guild and our Dream Gala. Jim and Annette’s journey with T1D began in 2010, when the youngest of their three sons, Nick, was diagnosed with the disease at the age of 12. As Nick courageously battled his illness, the Allings vowed to fight, and together the three dedicated themselves to the pursuit of a cure. Annette, Jim and Nick are tireless in their support of JDRF, and tonight, we salute this remarkable family, and honor their passion, their commitment and their unflagging dedication to our collective dream: A world without T1D.

about the award Created by Jeff Crandall, a nationally recognized poet and an accomplished glass artist , the award is comprised of three handcrafted, sandblasted Poet’s bottles that bear the words “Treat ,” “Prevent” and “Cure.” They truly represent our deepest hope and goal for our loved ones.

previous living & giving award recipients 2014 The JDRF Seattle Guild Community, honoring 25 years of extraordinary support • 2013 Susan and David Lombard (In Loving Memory of Dave), and Jameson Babbitt Stites & Lombard, LLC • 2012 Mike and Barbara McKernan • 2011 Lela and Harley Franco and Harley Marine Services • 2010 King 5 — The Home Team • 2009 The Lee Family and Lakeside Industries • 2008 Seattle Sounders FC (MLS Seattle) • 2007 Northwest/Delta Air Lines • 2006 The Seattle Seahawks • 2005 Starwood Hotels • 2004 Sherry and Larry Benaroya
 • 2003 Restaurants Unlimited • 2002 Dale Chihuly • 2001 Eli Lily • 2000 Cathy And Tom O’Keefe and Tully’s • 1999 Virginia Mason Medical Center • 1998 Resource Group International • 1997 Starbucks Coffee Company • 1996 Chicago Title Insurance Co. • 1995 QFC • 1994 Eagle Hardware & Garden • 1993 Dr. Gerald Nepom • 1992 Alaska Airlines • 1991 KIRO, Inc. • 1990 Nordstrom

dear friends, The most excit ing p a r t of b e i n g t h e Hon ore es of thi s year ’s J DR F Dream G a la is t hat it gi ve s u s t h e c h a n ce to ce l e b rate the researc h bei ng do ne wo r ldwide, br ing i n g u s c l os e r to a c u re for t y pe 1 di abetes. Thi s i s a pi votal t ime fo r a l l of u s to h e l p — t h e re i s st i l l wo rk to be do ne to captu re o ur ult imate dre a m : a c u re. Fi ve years ago, o u r fa m i l y e nte re d i nto t h e f ri ghteni ng wo rld of havi ng a c hild wit h t y pe 1 d i a b ete s . Th a t wor l d wa s fu ll of scar y wo rds: low bloo d sugar s eiz u re s , ketoa c i d os i s , su g a r co m as, i nj ec ti o ns, and hos pitalizat io ns . Tod a y, ou r wor l d h a s ta ke n o n new, enco u ragi ng wo rds suc h as managea b l e, s m a r t i n su l i n , a r t i f i c i a l panc reas, Benaroya Researc h Inst it ute, Dr. Jer r y Ne p om ( s e e Re s e a rc h Roc ks sec ti o n) and J DR F. We sti ll wo r r y and have fe a rs , b u t we a l s o h a ve g re a t ho pe. Our s o n Nick s ays t h a t l i v i n g w i t h T 1 D m e a n s yo u always have to take an ext ra step before d oi n g a ny t h i n g . He h a s to co nstantly thi nk thro u gh i nj ec t ing t he r ight a m ou nt of i n su l i n or e a t i n g the ri ght am o u nt of carbs to keep in t he “ h e a l t hy zon e.” Th i s i s c h a l l e n gi ng w hen playi ng spo r ts o r de aling wit h adre n a l i n e. Eve r y t y p e 1 d i a b et i c k nows how u npredi c table thi s dis eas e is , a n d h ow won d e r f u l i t wou l d b e to not have to take that ext ra step— ever y t i m e, eve r y d a y, for t h e re st of thei r li fe. We are ho no red to re ce i ve t h e L i v i n g & G i v i n g award thi s year. We are pa s s io nate abo u t h e l p i n g f u n d m ore re s e a rch, and w i ll fo rever be gratefu l to t he J DRF S eat t l e G u i l d for p a v i n g t h i s g re at path we walk . We pray tha t we will s ee a c u re n ot on l y i n Ni c k’s l i feti m e, bu t also i n o u rs. As Ni c k s ays , “ Keep t he re s e a rc h g oi n g ! ” Thank you for your generosity, Jim, Annette and Nick Alling



6:00 PM


G r a n d B al l room Foyer and Wi ll ow Ballr oom • Silent and Super Silent Auc tions, Live Auc tion Preview • ROCK THIS RAFFLE ticket sales • Chihuly-Dunham magnum sales and wine tasting • G littering Tattoo Bar • Musical enter tainment by Joshua Stewar t , pianist

S I LE NT AUCT I O N Grand Ballroom Foyer and Will ow Ballroom Closes at 7:20 pm

7:30 PM


WE LCOME A ND T HAN KS Mus ical welcome — DUELING PIANOS! Dick Foley, Master of Ceremonies Rebecca Campbell and Mark Schuster, Dream G ala Co-Chairs

L I VI NG & GI V I NG AWA R D P RE SEN TATION to Jim and Annette Alling, 2015 Honorees



GA LA S P O NS O R R ECOGN ITION Alan Bornstein and Jim Waskom, Sponsor Committee


LI V E AUC T I ON Bill Menish, Auc tioneer Sharon Friel, Celebrity Spotter Dick Foley, Announcer

S UP E R S I LE NT AUCTION Grand Ballroom Foyer Clos es immediately af ter Live Auc tion item #10

FUND A CURE Make a difference! Live Auc tion #18


KE E P O N R O CKIN ’ La te Night Lounge Fountain Wine Bar and Lounge, Sheraton Lobby Level

EN JOY YOUR EV E N I N G ! Guest C h e ck Out an d Ite m Pi ck up op en s a t 1 0 pm i n t h e Aspe n Room


bread MACRINA BAKERY Soft Pretzels, Seeded Breadsticks, Lavash Sweet Cream Butter, Grain Mustard

to start AMUSE BOUCHE QUARTET Butter-poached Lobster, Mandarin Supremes, Satsuma Vinaigrette Sweet Spring Pea Soup, Pea Shoots Dungeness Crab Éclair, Chive, Tarragon, Lemon Aïoli Sweet Spring Pea Risotto Arancini, Curried Carrot Broth, Snap Pea

SALAD Watercress, Lolla Rosa, Butter Bibb Medjool Dates, Pistachio, Meyer Lemon Vinaigrette

choice of entrée FILET MIGNON Roasted Fingerling Potatoes, Asparagus Bordelaise Sauce KASU COD Sichuan Green Beans, Shiitake & Sweet Pepper Soba Soy-Ginger Sauce LAMB CHOPS Coriander, Cumin & Chile, Roasted Cauliflower, Chana Masala Mint Chutney VEGAN MEDLEY Okinawan Purple Yam, Tatsoi, Spinach Farro, White Beans, Divina Tomato Bruschetta, Roasted Garlic Vegetable Broth



cheese TO SHARE Dinah’s, Jersey Cow’s Milk, Kurtwood Farms, Vashon Island, WA Tuada, Aged Sheep’s Milk, Tuscany, Italy Laura Chenel, Goat’s Milk, Sonoma County, CA Honeycomb, Marcona Almonds, Apricot Nut Bread, Fruit & Nut Toasts

ALTERNATED DESSERT LAYERED PAVLOVA Baked Meringue, Mascarpone Rose Cream, Candied Rose, Raspberries, Shaved Pistachio CHOCOLATE CRÈME TART Salted Caramel Sauce, Vanilla Bean Cream, Candied Hazelnuts, Black Lava Salt

COFFEE AND TEA Freshly Brewed Starbucks Regular Coffee, Decaffeinated Coffee, Specialty Tazo Teas, Iced Tea Condiments of Chantilly Cream, Cinnamon & Valrhona Chocolate Sticks, Raw Sugar Cubes

WINES 2013 Sagelands Chardonnay, Columbia Valley 2012 Sagelands Merlot, Columbia Valley


Dunham Cellars Magnum with Chihuly Artwork Only 100 bottl es of t h i s ve r y s pecial, lim ited ed iti o n a re a va i l a bl e , a t $ 1 ,0 0 0 ea ch . Each magnum co ntai n s 2 0 1 1 D u nha m Cel l a rs Cabe rn et Sauvign o n , offered wit h t hanks a n d i n t r i b u te to t h e l a te Er ic Du nham , Walla Walla Valley winemak ing p i on e e r a n d g e n e rou s f r i e n d and su ppo r ter of the JD R F S eat t le G uild. Thes e lovely bot t les a re col l e c ta b l e wor ks of a r t , featu ri ng canvas repro d uc t io ns of Da l e Chi hu l y ’s Bl ac k Fl oat s an d Reed s D raw i ng, s peci a lly s elec ted for t h e 2 6 t h A n nu a l Dre a m G a la. The o ri gi nal D rawi ng i s available in t he L i ve Au c t i on , i te m # 2 4 .

about the wine Hi nts of cardamo m a n d f re s h l y b a ke d r hu b a r b p ie w i th apple and spi ce ro ll o nto a velvet canva s st r u c t u re d w i t h r i p e f i g and thym e, all si m m ered i n d ark brown sugar. Fu l l , rob u st a n d d e l i c i ou s l y balanced w i th an elegant fi ni s h. Er ic Dunham a n d Da n i e l Wa m pf l e r, w i n e mak i ng team . Vi neyard: Lew i s Estate Vineyard , Wa l l u l a Vi n eya rd . To ni g ht’s of fer ing is t h e fou r t h i n a s e r i e s of f i ve bottles to be pro du ced wi th a Chihuly ar t wo r k for t h e A r t i s a n La b e l S e ri es, desi gned exc lu si vely fo r JD RF.


visit the tasting station in the willow ballroom. sample this wonderful wine , then purchase your magnum in one of the se ways: • Tell a wine vol u nte e r you r b i d nu m b e r; they w i ll be at the tast ing sta t i on a n d rov i n g t h rou g h ou t the co c ktai l recepti o n areas; • Rais e yo ur p a d d l e h i g h a t t h e b e g i n n i n g of the li ve au c ti o n w hen o ur auc t ion e e r swe e ps t h e room for b ids; • Sign up o n a b i d s h e et i n t h e Wi l l ow B allro o m to reserve yo u r bottle .

We exte n d s p eci al t hanks to p a st honor ee D al e and Lesl ie C hi h u l y, Chi hu l y Stu d i o, and to Dunham Cell ars .

rock this raffle Only 100 t i cket s wi l l b e sol d. Ea ch $50 t icket br ings yo u cl ose r to wi nni ng one of two spl endid pr izes …a n d b r i ng s u s cl ose r to a cure . first prize : t went y $100 Resta u rant Ce r ti fi ca tes! Dine your way across the Northwest, sampling the cuisine at 20 of our region’s most celebrated eateries. Value: $2,000 Agua by El Gaucho

El Gaucho

Tango Restaurant & Lounge

Ba Bar

The Hardware Store Restaurant

Tillicum Place Cafe

Barking Frog Brimmer & Heeltap Canon Cantinetta Chavez Coretto Trattoria & Bar

Jak’s Grill

Trellis at The Heathman Hotel


Via Tribunali

RockCreek Seafood & Spirits

The Whale Wins

Schwartz Bros Restaurants

Wild Ginger

second prize : tiffany Rock C r ystal Ne c k l a ce Shimmering…enduring…this rock crystal star pendant necklace from Tiffany & Co. is a statement piece like no other, created by famed Italian designer Elsa Peretti. Measuring 30mm, and hanging from a 30” sterling silver chain, this original design is no longer in production. Value: $750

details Tickets are $50; only 100 tickets will be sold. Raffle tickets may be purchased at the raffle table in the foyer or from volunteers circulating throughout the foyer and ballroom. Tickets will be available until sold out or just until the beginning of the Live Auction. USE YOUR BID NUMBER TO PURCHASE YOUR TICKET. GOOD LUCK! Drawing will take place in the ballroom just before the start of the Live Auction . You need not be present to win .

spotlight on... tattoo you Roc k a l i t tle bo dy ar t! To ni ght’s te m p ora r y tatto os have all of the cool a n d no ne of the co m m i tm ent of a t ra d i t i o nal tat . Vi si t o u r tatto o bar i n t h e foyer — o r f lag dow n o ne of ou r st rol li ng tat ar ti sts — to get yo u r s h i m m e r i ng tem po rar y go ld o r si lver d e s i g n p ai nlessly stam ped o n a w ri st , an ank le o r per h a ps t h e b a c k of you r n e c k . It’s dram ati c , i t’s deli ghtfu l and be st of all, it’s te m p ora r y. Roc k on !

team photogenic photographs The pros f ro m Te a m Ph otog e n i c a re w i t h u s to ni ght to captu re all of the excitement of t h e eve n i n g . B e su re to h a ve yo u r photo taken; af ter the Dream G ala, v is i t te a m p h otog e n i c .com to order yo u r co pi es. A po r ti o n of each s ale is do na te d to JD R F.

l ate night lounge Keep o n ro ckin’ ! Im m e d i a te l y a f te r Ji m B e l u shi and The Sac red Hear ts Band put down t h e i r g u i ta rs , we’re a l l h e a d i ng to the LATE N I GH T LOU NGE fo r a lit t l e a f te r-p a r t y a c t i on i n t h e hotel ’s Fo u ntai n Bar an d Lo unge o n t h e l ob by l eve l . Wi t h 1 0 p e rcent of fo o d and beverage proceeds do nate d to JD R F S e a t t l e G u i l d , yo u wo n’t want to m i ss i t . S ee yo u t here!

all that glitters... Cente rpi e ces of or ch i d s a nd su ccul ent s in hand- gi l d e d ves se l s : $ 1 5 0 e a ch . Shimmering gilded bowls grace our dining tables tonight, filled with orchids and succulents to create striking centerpieces. They are the result of a beautiful collaboration between two Seattle artists: Our floral arrangements are designed by Kevin Bradford of Kevin Bradford Design; the bowls are created by Tamara Childs of Childs Studio. Thanks to the generosity of these two artists, we are able to offer our centerpieces for sale tonight at a special price of $150, well below retail. You may purchase one by signing the form next to it, or by notifying a volunteer, who will mark it “sold.”

about the artists Tamara Childs has a BFA in graphic design. After a successful career in art direction for commercial photography, experimenting with gold metal leaf on her grandmother’s old chair led to a new career creating gold and silver leafed giftware. Her work is sold in the finest galleries across the country. To create tonight’s centerpieces, she applied sheets of gold, copper, silver or variegated metal leaf in individually crafted designs to glass. Each item is one of a kind and water- and heat-safe. Kevin Bradford has an exquisite vision for event and floral design. His unique background in interiors combined with his experience as a caterer give him an exclusive perspective that he shares with his clients. Every detail for every event Kevin takes on is attended to with focus and beautiful artistry. His combinations and color palettes are original and breathtaking. Tonight’s arrangements include beautiful combinations of long-lasting orchids and succulent plants.

featured Entertainment


Ji m B elus hi ’s mu s i c ca re e r b e g a n t h e d a y Dan Ayk royd asked hi m to j o i n the B lues B rot he rs B a n d . Th ou g h h e’d l on g b een a per fo rm er—starri ng w i th Ay kroyd o n Sa t u r d a y Ni gh t Li ve — h e’d n eve r fro nted a blu es band befo re. To prepare, he c ra s h e d re h e a rs a l s of t h e Hou se of Blu es’ band, The Sac red Hear t s . It was s o mu c h f u n t h a t t h ey b e ca m e Jim Bel u sh i a n d Th e Sa c red He ar t s B an d, now on e of t h e m ost i n -d e m a n d bands i n the co u ntr y fo r pri vate event s . Belus hi began hi s w i l d a n d va r i e d ca re e r a s a resi dent m em ber of Chicago’s famed S e con d Ci t y. In 1 9 7 9 , p rod u cer G arr y Marshall spotted hi m per fo r ming a n d b rou g ht h i m to Hol l y woo d to costar i n the Param o u nt T V Pilot Who’s Wa tch i n g t h e Ki d s. From t h e re, hi s career to o k off, spanni ng ever y t hing f ro m sta n d -u p to sta r r i n g i n t h e acc lai m ed ABC fam i ly si tco m Acco r d i n g to Ji m … to a stor i e d f i l m ca re e r, p layi ng ever y thi ng fro m an o ut- of-wo r k dis c j oc key i n Ol i ve r Ston e’s Salva d or to a hero i c Eastern grey s quir rel in The Wi l d . Belus hi is als o t h e a u t h or of a l i g ht h e a r te d take o n relati o nshi ps called Rea l Men D o n’ t Apol o g ize . He a n d Ay k royd p ro du ced an albu m of c lassi c blu es standards , Ha ve Love Wi ll Tr a ve l. G et ready fo r a rau co u s, hi g h- energy dan ce -fe st ; word i s , i t’s n e a r l y i m possi ble to si t sti ll w hen Ji m B elus hi and Th e S a c re d He a r t s B a n d a re i n the ho u se!


We welco me piano e nte r ta i n e rs Jos hu a Stewa r t and Ro ber t Bai rd to the Dream G ala to night . Du r i n g t h e coc kta i l re ce pt i on, Joshu a w i ll per fo rm hi s engaging s how of po p u l a r s on g s . He w i l l b e j oi n ed by fellow pi ano m an, Ro b Baird, fo r a s pec ta c u l a r Du e l i n g Pi a n o S h ow i n the ballro o m , as so o n as the do o rs o pen for s e a t i n g a l on g w i t h e nte r tai nm ent thro u gho u t the evening.

JOSHUA STEWART Au d i e n ce s l ove t h e i n c re d i b ly versati le Joshu a Stewa r t , w h o ca n p l a y s on g s of any style fro m any d e ca d e, f rom j a zz to b l u e s , to po p and ro c k . A gi f ted p e r for m e r, h e a l s o w r i te s s co res fo r fi lm , and i s a te a c h e r a n d s e s s i on p l a ye r w ho’s keybo ard so los h a ve b e e n fe a t u re d i n s on gs dow nlo aded by m o re t h a n h a l f a m i l l i on p e op l e.

ROBERT BAIRD Si n g e r, p i a n i st a n d g u i ta r i st Ro ber t Bai rd grew u p i n a mu s i ca l h ou s e h ol d on Seattle’s Capi to l Hi ll, w h e re h e for m e d h i s f i rst ro c k band at age 1 2 . In 2 0 0 6 , Rob e r t j oi n e d t h e sta ff at the No r thwest’s Ch opst i x Du e l i n g Pi a n o B a rs, and has been ac ti ve i n t h e Du e l i n g Pi a n o re a l m ever si nce. Ro ber t loves to te a c h , h e l p i n g st u d e nt s b eco m e stro nger si ngers, p i a n o a n d g u i ta r p l a ye rs .

evening hosts DICK FOLEY, master of ceremonie s As t he leader of t h e i nte r n a t i on a l l y re n ow n ed fo lk group The B rot h e rs Fou r, Fol ey t ra ve l e d t h e wo rld fo r years , releas i n g h i t s , ra c k i n g u p a cc l a i m and pe r fo r ming o n t h e Ed Sulli van Sh ow a n d a t t h e Academy Awards . A l on g - t i m e f r i e n d of JD R F, Di c k i s als o an Emmy a wa rd -w i n n i n g b roa d ca ste r and the fo rmer host of No r t hwest Af te r n o o n . We’re s o gratefu l he’s here wit h us ton i g ht , l e n d i n g h i s con s i d e rable talent s to o ur Dre a m G a l a .

BILL MENISH, auctioneer Re s istance is f ut i l e w h e n B i l l ste ps u p to t h e m i c ! Thi s dy namic and dow n r i g ht com p e l l i n g a u c t i on eer and fun drais ing expe r t w i l l h a ve you g ra b b i n g you r paddle i n reco rd t ime. Bi l l h a s b e e n t h e fe a t u re d a u c ti o neer at t he Dis ney Va u l t Au c t i on a t Di s n ey l a n d a s well as numero us nat io n a l l y te l ev i s e d a u c t i on s , i n c l u di ng CB S Telev is io n’s Ce l e b r i t y S k i Fe st . Af te r h elpi ng u s to rai s e $ 5 millio n a t t h i s eve nt l a st ye a r, we’re thri lled tha t B ill is back on t h e Dre a m G a l a sta g e a g ai n to ni ght .

SHARON FRIEL , celebrit y spotter Celebrat ing her 2 5 t h ye a r of su p p or t i n g ou r Dream G a la to night , S h a ron i s a n i n s p i ra t i on to u s a ll. To get her wit h he r l a te hu s b a n d , Di c k Fr i e l , Sharo n has had a hand i n ra i s i n g a n a ston i s h i n g $ 3 00 m i lli o n (and co unt ing! ) for c h a r i t y. Th e Fr i e l s p i on e e red the rai s e- t he- paddle st y l e of g i v i n g i n t h e Nor t hwest , fo rever changing t h e fa ce of c h a r i t y a u c t i on s. It’s an ho no r to o nce ag a i n we l com e ou r won d e r f u l fri end S haro n Fr iel to o u r sta g e.

auction rules The Silent Auction will close at 7:20pm. The Super Silent Auction will close immediately after Live Auction item #10.

auction item and sales information 1. All sales are final; there will be no exchanges or refunds. 2. JDRF has endeavored to catalog and describe the property correctly, but all property is sold “as is.” No statements contained in the catalog or made orally at the sale or elsewhere shall be deemed a warranty, representation or assumption of liability. 3. Items depicted in the slide presentation are for illustrative purposes only. 4. JDRF reserves the right to remove any item from sale.

express check out (located in the lobby at Registration) 1. For your convenience, when you arrive at the Gala you may register for Express Check Out. This allows you to bypass the line at the end of the evening and go directly to Item Pick-up. 2. Simply present your personal check or credit card (for an imprint) to an Express Check Out volunteer. 3. Should your purchase total $10,000 or more, your items will be delivered to your home or office at your request. 4. If you registered for Express Check Out, you may go directly to Item Pick-up in the Aspen Room at the end of the evening.

certificates and vouchers 1. For non-tangible items, you will receive a check out envelope which will contain certificates for your item(s) or a voucher providing you with direction on how to collect your certificate(s). 2. Please carefully check envelopes containing voucher and certificates before leaving the Gala. Pay specific attention to all conditions, restrictions and expiration dates on items and services. 3. Unless otherwise stated, restaurant certificates exclude alcohol, tax and

gratuity and may have certain date restrictions.

expiration dates and scheduling 1. Except where otherwise noted by the donor, services, tickets and certificate items are subject to mutually agreed upon times and dates, and must be used within one year of the date of the auction. 2. All arrangements for trips, parties and similar events must be made at least sixty (60) days in advance, unless otherwise stated on the certificate. When using airline gift certificates, all participants and their guests must travel together. 3. Unless otherwise stated, all certificates for services expire March 7, 2016.

wine and spirits All wines and spirits are to be sold in Washington and title passes to the purchaser in Washington. JDRF makes no representation as the purchaser’s rights to import wine into any state. Wines and spirits may be sold and delivered only to persons who are at least 21 years old.

checkout, payment and item pick up – aspen room Please make payment in full this evening. JDRF accepts cash, check, MasterCard, Visa, American Express or Discover credit cards as payment. 1. Checkout will be open at 10pm in the Aspen Room. 2. Winning bidders may remove auction items this evening by showing paid receipts at the door at the time of departure. 3. For those items not picked up at the end of the event, items may be picked up at the Seattle Guild offices (1215 4 th Avenue; Suite 1100) on Tuesday, March 10, 2015. The office is closed on Monday, March 9, 2015.

travel rules and restrictions 1. JDRF assumes no responsibility for travel arrangements, unless otherwise noted. No refunds will be made for

cancelled tickets and accommodations. All arrangements and coordination of items (air and hotel, or caterer and entertainment, etc.) must be made by the auction buyer and only with the contact person designated on the donation certificate or documentation. All air transportation is subject to blackout dates. We appreciate your strict observance of these restrictions, as future donations depend upon it. 2. All hotel/resort reservations are based on availability unless the certificate states a specific date. 3. Travel awards may not be sold or transferred and are not redeemable for cash. 4. Once ticketed, routing and name changes are not allowed.

alaska airlines First class, round-trip tickets to any Alaska Airlines destination (valid for flights served by Alaska Airlines flights numbered 1-999, 2000-2999 and/or Sky West flights numbered 3450-3499). No blackout dates apply; voucher expires March 7, 2016. To book travel, allow at least two weeks from time of reservation and your flight. Travel award may not be sold or transferred, is not redeemable for cash, and is not eligible for Mileage Plan credit. Standard baggage fees apply. Mileage Plan or paid upgrades may be used, but complimentary upgrades are not allowed. Stopovers and connections are allowed (subject to fare rules). If lost, this certificate may not be reissued.

delta air lines Delta Air Lines travel awards are valid for flight to any Delta Air Lines’ destination and are subject to availability. Credit card information must be provided for taxes, fees, or surcharges and will be paid for by the successful bidder. International taxes vary depending on the destination. Awards may only be redeemed through the JDRF Seattle Guild office at least three (3) weeks in advance of travel and may not be used in conjunction with any mileage award type ticket, prepaid tickets, payment on account or service fees. Delta Air Lines has the final authority on these terms and conditions. Flat-bed seats are available on most Delta flights between the U.S. and Europe

but may not be available on a particular routing. Winners have a choice of various routings to some of these involve First Class domestic travel connecting to an international aircraft. • Your tickets are valid until March 7, 2016. All travel must be completed by that date. Seats are limited and may not be available on all flights. • Bag fees and applicable U.S. Customs or Department of Agriculture user fees, and any other airport surcharges or departure taxes are the responsibility of the winner. Fees, taxes, and other charges will be determined at the time of ticketing. Neither SkyMiles accrual nor upgrades are permitted with this ticket. • To redeem, you will need the reference code, certificate number, redemption code, and validity dates specified. • Redeem this certificate when booking travel using any of the channels specified below: ~ Book your reservation quickly and easily online, by visiting delta. com. From www. delta.com/redeem provide the requested information and continue your booking. ~ Call Delta reservations and advise the agent that you are redeeming a Delta e-cert certificate (direct ticketing charge may apply). In U.S. and Canada, call 800-221-1212. In Japan, call 057007773 or 0476-318000. In all other countries, please contact your local Delta reservations office. NOTE: All reservations made within fourteen (14) days of departure must be ticketed at time of reservation. • The certificate may not be redeemed at any airport.

starwood points When applicable, hotel accommodations provided by Sheraton Seattle Hotel will be available in the form of Starwood Points as indicated on your gift certificate. The point allocation indicated for each item will be coordinated through the JDRF Seattle Guild office. Starwood Points have no expiration date and are valid at Starwood Properties around the world. Reservations are required for redemption of Starwood Points.

JDRF is the only global organization with a strategic plan to progressively remove the impact of T1D from people’s lives until it is no longer a threat to anyone. JDRF collaborates with a wide spectrum of partners and is the only organization with the scientific resources, regulatory influence and a working plan

to better treat, prevent and eventually cure T1D.

largest charitable supporter of T1D research, JDRF is currently sponsoring $568 million in scientific research in 17 countries . JDRF’s highest priority remains funding research to deliver a cure As the

for T1D and its complications. At the same time, JDRF is also focused on developing better


that will transform the way people with T1D treat the disease today, in order to help them live

healthier lives now and in the future. The JDRF

Seattle Guild was created by people with

a personal connection to T1D. In 1989, a small group of friends led by Sherry and Larry Benaroya founded the JDRF Seattle Guild, launching their first Dream


the following year. Our supporters share an unrelenting

passion and commitment to improving the lives of all people with type 1 diabetes. Whether it’s providing funding for a late-stage clinical trial, advocating faster regulatory approval of new devices, or partnering with a company on research that might not otherwise receive funding, every decision JDRF makes is driven by our commitment

achieving a world without T1D .



We ar e t h e ch am pi on s , my f r i end s And we’ ll keep o n fi gh t i n g ‘ ti l t h e end We ar e t h e ch am pi on s We ar e t h e ch am pi on s … of t h e wo r l d.

Thank you for h e l p ing u s ch ampion a c u re !

live auction Al l su cce s sf ul Li ve Au c tion b i d d e rs wi l l re ce i ve a C D au tog ra p h e d by o u r featu re d ente r t a i n e r t h i s even ing , Jim B el u sh i . Pe rso n a l l y d e live re d to yo ur t a b l e, i t’s o ur way of saying tha n k yo u fo r yo u r gen e rosity – o n b e h a l f of t h e G ui l d, a n d th e m i l l i o n s wh o l i ve with T 1 D.


TO ?


SLOAN ESTATE CABERNET 8-YEAR VERTICAL, 2000-2007 Ne a rly i mp os si bl e to obta i n One o f t he most e xc lu s i v e a nd g ua rd ed w ine s in California, Sloan does not open to the public and reserves its mailing list for a selected few clients. This consistently powerful yet stylish cabernet-based wine is from a spectacular property on volcanic ash soil in the eastern hills of Rutherford, above the Auberge du Soleil Resort. Known for their dense, opulent taste and high prices, each vintage of Sloan Estate wine has won exceptional reviews. Miniscule production makes these wines virtually impossible to obtain. Your 8-year vertical of Sloan Estate Cabernet has been meticulously cellar-stored at 55˚F and includes one 750ml bottle of each of the following:

• 2007 Sloan Estate -100 points, Robert Parker • 2006 Sloan Estate -98 points, Robert Parker • 2005 Sloan Estate -96+ points, Robert Parker • 2004 Sloan Estate -98 points, Robert Parker • 2003 Sloan Estate -96 points, Robert Parker • 2002 Sloan Estate -100 points, Robert Parker

“The 2002 is indeed one of the greatest cabernet sauvignons I have ever tasted from California.”

• 2001 Sloan Estate -99 points, Robert Parker • 2000 Sloan Estate (the first release) -93 points, Wine Spectator VALUE: $5,000 SPECIAL THANKS: Barbara and Stuart Sulman


PRIVATE SCREENING FOR 200 AT THE MAJESTIC BAY THEATRE Mo rn i n g mov i e m a dnes s Yo u r ow n pr i vat e s h ow i n g

of one of the hottest

first-run movies includes room for a herd and unlimited snacks. Will it be the best kid’s birthday party ever, or a mid-week guilty pleasure getaway for you and a big group of friends? Your film-fest includes:

• “A Morning at the Movies” for 200 at Ballard’s neighborhood movie house, the Majestic Bay Theatre;

• Early admission and reserved seating for your private morning screening;

• Unlimited concessions for everyone; • Opportunity for one lucky guest to start the projector; • Select a cinema classic or first-run presentation, including one of these highly anticipated movies:

• Divergent: Insurgent: March 2015. The second installment in the Divergent trilogy • Avengers: The Age of Ultron : April 2015. The upcoming sequel to Marvel’s 2013 The Avengers • Inside Out: June 2015. Pixar/ Disney computer animated fantasy comedy set in the head of Riley, a young girl whose emotions try to lead her through life. • The Good Dinosaur: November 2015. Pixar/Disney collaboration that asks the question: What if dinosaurs never became extinct? Pl ea se al l ow two we e k s a dva nce not ice whe n sched u l i n g a m u tu a l l y a g r eea bl e mornin g.

VALUE: A private movie experience? Priceless SPECIAL THANKS: Marleen and Kenny Alhadeff


VIP BACKSTAGE PASSES Th e p a r ty sta r t s now! Pa rt y lik e a r o c k sta r .

The winning bid triggers immediate concierge service for two tables of ten as you are instantly transformed into a “we’re with the band” VIP. Your all-access pass and VIP rider for each table includes:

• Bottle Service: a private server who will bring you and

your guests Jim Belushi-autographed bottles of Skyy Vodka, his personal favorite;

• Ten backstage passes for each table. Your group will attend an

exclusive meet and greet with Jim Belushi and The Sacred Hearts Band right after the show; (twenty passes total)

• Champagne toast with savories; • An extra course and other culinary treats; • Exclusive gift and favor for each guest; • Twelve Jim Belushi/Dan Aykroyd CDs: Have Love Will Travel, autographed by Jim;

• Your names on the big-screen display; • Complimentary group photo. Ph oto wil l be m ail ed to e a ch coupl e/singl e p ost ga l a . Meet a n d g r eet i s fo r twen ty pe opl e and wil l l a st 2 0 minutes b a ck sta ge , i m m ed i a tel y fol l ow i n g t h e p er form ance . You wil l b e escor te d b a ck sta ge .

VALUE: Priceless SPECIAL THANKS: Jim Belushi and The Sacred Hearts, The Sheraton Seattle Hotel, Friend of JDRF


TURGEON RAINE JEWELLERS $5,000 GIFT CERTIFICATE Tre a t yo urse l f to som et h i ng sparkly Beaut if ul j ew e l ry a n d ge ms

glimmer from all corners of this very special destination in downtown Seattle, founded more than 30 years ago. Now, Norman Turgeon and Jerry Raine invite you to browse their incredible inventory and take home something delightful. In addition to original Turgeon Raine designs, you’ll find many of the top collections by international designers, and a stellar selection of watches by the world-renowned Patek Philippe. Or use your $5,000 gift certificate toward a unique custom piece, created by you with the help of master jewelers.

• $5,000 gift certificate; • Fine jewelry for men and women; • Vast selection of exceptional diamonds, colored gemstones, South Sea pearls and more;

• Certificate valid for both goods and services. VALUE: $5,000 SPECIAL THANKS: Turgeon Raine Jewellers


THE GUILD GOURMET DINNER FOR 16 Li ve musi c a nd m e m or a bl e cu isine By p op ul ar de ma n d,

the beloved Dream Gala tradition returns: the Guild gourmet dinner, a collective labor of love by JDRF Seattle Guild founding members and one of Seattle’s most celebrated chefs. Chef Jason Stratton, Food & Wine’s Best New Chef of 2010, formerly of Café Juanita and Poppy, is now the owner of Cascina Spinasse, Vespolina and Artusi, considered some of Seattle’s best . He and his team will create simple, refined dishes grounded in authentic techniques from Piedmont , paired with luscious wines and served up in a lovely lakeside home. Your memorable evening includes:

• Wine, cocktails and dinner for 16 at the Bellevue lakeside home of Sherry and Larry Benaroya;

• Multi-course meal created by Chef Jason Stratton; • Chef will work with you to design a menu featuring his signature Italian cuisine;

• Fine wines perfectly paired to each course, compliments of the “Cork Dork”, Chris Nishiwaki, one of the area’s premier wine writers and wine aficionados;

• Live entertainment by “Seattle Pianoman” Victor Janusz, acclaimed for his 2014 ACT Theatre one-man show;

• Impeccable service by attentive and fun-loving and “trained” Guild founders and members;

• A special favor for each couple. Pl e a se arran ge a mut ua l l y a gr e e a bl e d a te .

VALUE: $8,000 SPECIAL THANKS: Doreen and Joseph Alhadeff, Sherry and Larry Benaroya, Victor Janusz, Chris Nishiwaki, Cathy and Tom O’Keefe, Rosalind and Melvyn Poll, Cascina Spinasse, Jason Stratton


HOLIDAY PARTY AT THE 5TH AVENUE THEATRE Th e S o und of Mu si c s p e c i a l event My favo rit e t h i n gs include treating four dozen friends to a wonderful theater experience while supporting the amazing efforts of JDRF! If you also like raindrops on roses, and solving problems like Maria, you will thrill to this gorgeous per formance of Rodgers and Hammerstein’s beloved musical, The Sound of Music, complete with full orchestra. In honor of the 50th anniversary of this classic, your package includes:

• 50 tickets to the holiday production of The Sound of Music; • Pre-show reception for the group in the exclusive Producer’s Club lounge at The 5th Avenue Theatre

Use for any per forma nce Nove mb e r 2 4 -D e ce mb e r 2 , 2 0 1 5

VALUE: $5,000 SPECIAL THANKS: The 5th Avenue Theatre


A SEATTLE SPORTS FAN’S VIP DREAM, JUNE 23 – JUNE 24, 2015 A golf eve nt a t Su nca di a Se ah aw ks q ua rt e r bac k ru s sel l wil s on

and Sprint Cup-car superstar Kasey Kahne are two of the fastest athletes around, but you’ll catch up with them for two days of golf and fun! You and three friends will receive VIP treatment at the spectacular Suncadia Resort in Cle Elem, where Wilson and Kahne will host their annual charity event , The DRIVE , a special celebrity concert (celebrity TBA) and golf tournament that raises funds for the Boys & G irls Clubs of King County. June 23-24, 2015

• Four Pro-Am VIP badges; • Practice round; • Golf round in THE DRIVE Pro-Am with an NFL player, NASCAR driver or celebrity;

• Two hotel rooms at the Suncadia Resort for the night of June 23, 2015;

• Four VIP gift bags; • Photo with Pro-Am foursome and celebrity; • Eight VIP badges for the festivities; • Pin flag signed by Russell Wilson and Kasey Kahne. VALUE: $15,000 SPECIAL THANKS: The Kasey Kahne Foundation, on behalf of Kasey Kahne and Russell Wilson, Virginia Mason


SALON DINNER WITH DEREK RAPP, MAY 20 An eve n i n g to r e m e m b e r a t Canlis A celebrat e d c u l i n a ry l a n dm a rk

is the host for this exclusive event: dinner with JDRF President and CEO, Derek Rapp, and local research hero, Gerald Nepom, MD, PhD. Director of Benaroya Research Institute and Director of the Immune Tolerance Network. Limited to 20 couples, this is a rare and splendid opportunity to dine at Canlis while learning about investments, progress and the future of type 1 diabetes research. Hear first-hand about current human clinical trials and ask questions of the head of the organization in an intimate setting.

• Wednesday, May 20, 2015 • Canlis private dining room • Special menu and cocktails Li mited to 20 coupl es .

$1,000 per couple SPECIAL THANKS: Canlis, Derek Rapp, Dr. Gerald Nepom


ORIGINAL WORK BY THERMAN STATOM In n ova t i ve , exu b e r a nt ex pl or a t io n in gl a ss Int er nat io n a l ly kn ow n

for his innovative and experimental combinations of glass, painting and mixed media, Therman Statom is a pioneer of the contemporary glass movement . Sandblasted surfaces become a canvas for spontaneous vibrant colors and line work, which take nuances from abstract expressionism and concepts of minimalism. Since Statom appeared at Pilchuck G lass School in 1971, he has been known as an innovator, and this lovely piece challenges us to look at glass in new and interesting ways. Statom’s work can be found in major museum collections across the U.S., including the Detroit Institute of Arts Museum; the Los Angeles County Museum of Art; the Mint Museum of Craft and Design, Charlotte, NC, and many others.

Istanbul, II 23-1/2" x 14" x 24" Plate glass with glass elements, found objects and oil paint 2011

VALUE: $17,000 SPECIAL THANKS: David Austin, Therman Statom


CAYUSE WINES AND WAIT-LIST ACCESS Sp e ci a l w i nes for a s p e c i a l cause Two extraordinary wines … one extraordinary opportunity. In support of the JDRF Dream Gala, Cayuse Vineyards vigneron Christophe Baron has reached deep into his library and chosen two remarkable wines for auction. Besides being breathtaking to look at in all their etched splendor, the 2011 Armada Vineyard Syrah and 2011 God Only Knows Grenache have received high praise from wine reviewers and Cayuse members alike. Two great Cayuse wines; one critical fight against a disease that afflicts thousands of newly diagnosed children every year. Together, we can bring hope to their future, and eventually a cure.

• 2011 Cayuse Vineyards Armada Vineyard Syrah, Walla Walla

Valley. 3L etched bottle, personally signed by Christophe Baron

97 points, Jeb Dunnuck, The Wine Advocate. “The 2011 Syrah Armada is probably my favorite of 2011. Deep, rich and layered, with phenomenal black plum, damp earth, pepper, mushroom, charcuterie and spice-driven aromas and flavors, this beauty tastes like the essence of this unique terroir. Full-bodied, rich and layered, it too should flesh out beautifully with short-term cellaring and have upwards of two decades of longevity.”

• 2011 Cayuse Vineyards God Only Knows Grenache, Walla Walla Valley. 3L etched bottle, personally signed by Christophe Baron

96 points, Jeb Dunnuck, The Wine Advocate. “The 2011 God Only Knows Grenache is shockingly good in the vintage. Sporting a big, masculine profile, with notions of light gunpowder, ground pepper, herbs and wild strawberry and blackberry fruit, it flows onto the palate with medium- to full-bodied richness, a full, rich mid-palate and a healthy dose of tannin that will require short-term cellaring to integrate. This knockout grenache will be at its finest from 2016-2026.”

• Coveted spot on the mailing list—for a new customer—bypassing all those on the years long wait list.

VALUE: Priceless SPECIAL THANKS: Cayuse Vineyards


MAGNIFICENT MILAN FOR TWO FOR FIVE NIGHTS En joy Ex p o Mi l a no 2 0 1 5 a nd wo rl d- cl a ss cu lt ure a n d cu i si ne Th e h ot t e st d e st i n at i o n o f the yea r

is Milan, Italy, according to the New York Times, which rated Milan #1 in its list of “52 Places to Go in 2015.” One reason: The World’s Fair, Expo Milano, which runs from May to October of this year. The already dazzling city is being spruced up to welcome the world; it will be a scene not to be missed. You and a friend will fly Delta BusinessElite® to Milan, and make your home base at the Westin Palace, Milan for your 5-night stay. As you explore all that Milan has to offer, you’ll be delighted to find extended hours and new attractions. Your molto bello adventure includes:

• Round-trip tickets for two from Seattle to London in the comfort of Delta Air Lines BusinessElite®;

• Enjoy a full range of premium features including direct-aisle access, 180 degree flat-bed seats, TUMI™ amenity kits, a well-equipped personal entertainment system, and exceptional gourmet cuisine;

• Access to the Delta Sky Club on your travel days; • 5 nights at the elegant and intimate Westin Palace, Milan; • Two Expo Milano 2015 two-consecutive-days tickets with open dates; • Five nights of secure airport valet parking at MasterPark Airport Valet Parking at SeaTac.

D el ta Air Lin es t ra ve l must b e compl ete d by Ma r ch 7 , 2 0 1 6 . Al l D el ta Ai r Li nes t ra ve l rul es a nd rest r ic t ion s a r e outl ine d in t h e Au c ti o n Tr a vel Ru l es and Rest rict ion s se c t ion of t his ca ta l og. Pl e a se a rr a n g e a m u tu a l l y a g r eea bl e d a te . Expo Mil an o 2 0 1 5 run s f rom Ma y 1 – O c tob er 3 1 , 2 0 1 5 . All t ra vel orig in a tes f rom Se a t tl e .

VALUE: $28,500 SPECIAL THANKS: Delta Air Lines, Friend of JDRF, MasterPark Airport Valet Parking, Sheraton Seattle Hotel


THE 12TH MAN COMETH Se a t tl e Se ah a wk s fa n’s dr e a m d a y suite It ’s a d rea m come t ru e

for any Seahawks fan: a private suite for 24 guests at CenturyLink Field with a half-time visit from a Seahawks alum. Your greatest game day includes:

• Virginia Mason CenturyLink field suite for 24; • Regular season home game; • Hosted food and non-alcoholic beverages, preselected for your group;

• Well-appointed suite with cutting edge technology, luxurious furnishings, amenities, and first-class service;

• Eight parking passes for the game; • Game day visit to the suite from a Seahawks alumni player, with a special gift for each guest.

Suite is for m a xim um of 2 4 guest s on a mut ua l l y a g r eea bl e 2 0 1 5 r eg u l a r sea so n h ome g ame onl y; t he N FL sche d ul e is r e l e a se d on Ap r i l 1 7 , 2 0 1 5 . Ad d i ti o n a l food and beve ra g e ma y b e p urcha se d in suite a t w i n n i n g bi d d er’s ex p en se . Mu st be used in 2015. Al umni pl a ye r wil l b e b a se d on a va i l a bi l i ty of a l u m n i a tten d i n g s pe cified game . Unl es s ot he r wise a r r a nge d by Virg i n i a Ma so n a n d Sea h a w ks , t h e appearan ce wil l ta ke pl a ce d ur ing ha l f t ime .

VALUE: $35,000 SPECIAL THANKS: Seattle Seahawks, Virginia Mason


LUXURIOUS MAUI FOR FOUR Seve n n i gh t s i n p a r a di se Tr op ical b e au t y

and luxurious lifestyle come together in the heart of Maui’s most sought-after resort area, Wailea. You and three guests will be treated to Delta Air Lines First Class amenities on your journey to Maui, where you’ll spend seven nights in a deluxe ocean-view townhome in Ho’olei. Package includes:

• Round-trip tickets for four from Seattle to Maui in the comfort of Delta Air Lines First Class;

• A full range of premium features including direct-aisle access, a well-equipped personal entertainment system, and exceptional gourmet cuisine;

• Access to the Delta Sky Club on your travel days; • Seven-night stay in a deluxe ocean view townhome with unobstructed, panoramic views;

• Townhome is 3,776 square feet with 3 king bedrooms plus convertible beds and 3.5 baths (sleeps 6-8);

• Luxurious appointments include a private elevator, attached

garage, gourmet kitchen, air conditioning, spectacular ocean views from the lanai featuring an outdoor BBQ;

• Unparalleled privacy, with a side yard green belt for kids to play; • Use of adjacent Grand Wailea water park; • Seven nights at MasterPark Airport Valet Parking. D el ta Air Lin es t ra ve l must b e compl ete d by Ma r ch 7 , 2 0 1 6 . Al l D el ta Ai r Li nes t ra ve l rul es a nd rest r ic t ion s a r e outl ine d in t h e Au c ti o n Tr a vel Ru l es and Rest rict ion s se c t ion of t his ca ta l og. Pl e a se a rr a n g e a m u tu a l l y a g r eea bl e d a te . Townhouse bl a ckout d a tes : Ma rch 2 8 -Ap r il 1 2 , 2 0 1 5 a n d D ecem b er 2 4 , 2015-Jan uar y 2, 2 0 1 6 . Non-s moke rs onl y; no p et s pl ea se . Ch i l d r en a r e wel com e b ut m ust be a ccomp a nie d by a dul t s 2 5 ye a rs o r ol d er. All t ra vel orig in a tes f rom Se a t tl e .

VALUE: $23,000 SPECIAL THANKS: Chiara and Dr. John Blair, Delta Air Lines, MasterPark Airport Valet Parking


LARK AND KOSTA BROWNE DINNER FOR 20 WITH WINE AND TOUR Exclusi ve a cces s to sou gh t- a f ter w ine , and a me mo ra bl e m e a l Not hing sh o rt o f e xt rao r dina ry.

Your home plays host to an evening you and your guests won’t soon forget: Jonathan Sundstrom, chef and owner of Lark, and the James Beard Foundation’s “Best Chef: Northwest ,” will prepare an exceptional repast for your group, expertly paired with a Kosta Browne Winery wine. Kosta Browne crafts intensely flavored and balanced New World Pinot Noirs from the finest regions of California, including the Russian River Valley, Sonoma Coast , and Santa Lucia Highlands appellations. It sells its wine only twice a year, and maintains a 20,000-person waiting list .

• Dinner for 20 at your home; • Multi-course meal exquisitely prepared by Jonathan Sundstrom; • Knowledge, wines and lively conversation; • Two 3L bottles of Kosta Browne Pinot Noir, signed and etched with the JDRF logo;

• Introductory allocation of 2015 Fall and 2016 Spring Release

wines; the wait for releases start at average of 2-3 years for spring and 5-7 years for fall;

• A rare, private VIP Tour and Barrel Tasting for six at the Kosta Browne Winery in Sebastopol, California. This winery has no tasting room and is closed to the public.

Pl e a se book your tour a nd ta st ing a t l e a st 5 -6 we eks i n a dva n ce . Pl ea se a r r a n g e a mut ual l y a gre e abl e d a te wit h b ot h d onors for t he d i n n er.

VALUE: Priceless SPECIAL THANKS: Kosta Browne Winery, Lark, Jonathan Sundstrom


SEATTLE SOUNDERS SUITE Ra ve gre e n i n t h e Re d Zone Every bend a n d b omb

will be in clear view when you watch a Seattle Sounders match from your vantage point in the coveted Red Zone – just a few yards from the north touch line. You and 13 friends will enjoy a private suite for an upcoming match, as the Sounders start their journey to bring home the MLS Cup. This is their year! Your package includes:

• Choice of mutually agreeable 2015 regular season MLS Seattle Sounders game;

• Private, field-level Red Zone suite at CenturyLink Field; • 14 tickets; • VIP entry; • Five VIP parking passes. Ca tering a vail abl e a t winning bid d e r’s exp e n se .

VALUE: $6,500 SPECIAL THANKS: Rebecca Campbell—CURE 4 TYPE 1


WHIDBEY WINEMAKERS DINNER FOR 30 An e pi curea n’s b e a ch fa nta sy Sw eep ing v i ews , stellar food and beverages, and captivating company await you on this wonder ful Whidbey Island adventure. Your group of 30 will board a luxury coach from Shuttle Express for the 90-minute trip to beautiful Mutiny Bay and the beachfront home of Sherry and Larry Benaroya. You’ll pass a happy afternoon beachcombing, playing volleyball, fishing, or just lounging around enjoying the beach bar’s fine wines and summer cocktails, including Larry’s famous mojitos! You’ll be treated to a delicious meal catered by Bradley Dickinson of PEARL Bar & Dining and wines from Woodhouse Wine Estates expertly paired by owner Bijal Shah. Cap off the day watching the sun set over the water.

• Winemakers dinner for 30 at the beautiful beachfront Whidbey Island home of Sherry and Larry Benaroya

• Wine served by Bijal Shah, owner of Woodhouse Wine Estates • Afternoon snacks and meal prepared by PEARL Bar & Dining chef/ owner Bradley Dickinson

• Round-trip transportation aboard a luxury coach from Shuttle Express

Pl e a se arran ge a mut ua l l y a gr e e a bl e d a te dur ing t h e su m m er m o n t h s ; h ol i d a y s are excl ud e d. P ar ty ma y b e sche d ul e d for e it he r a n a f ter n o o n l u n ch o r a n even in g dinne r.

VALUE: Summer Fun SPECIAL THANKS: Sherry and Larry Benaroya, Bradley Dickinson, PEARL Bar & Dining, Bijal Shaw, Shuttle Express, Woodhouse Wine Estates


ONE WEEK ABOARD THE LUXURY PRIVATE CHARTER YACHT MY RHINO A d re a m va ca ti on for 1 0 Th e v ery de f i n i t i o n o f luxu ry , this elegant , 154’ motor yacht is replete with comfortable and elegant spaces, packed with amenities and toys, and staffed with a world-class crew to cater to your every whim. Each area of her stylishly appointed interior is finished with the finest woods, marbles and fabrics, and amenities abound, from an expansive sun deck to a lovely formal dining room, exceptional staterooms, and more. Choose your destination and then treat yourself and nine friends and family to the vacation of a lifetime … whether you’re seeking peace and quiet , or fast-paced fun. Your luxury cruise includes:

• 7 nights for ten people aboard the MY Rhino; • Crew of ten, including a private chef who will cater to every guests’

craving or special requirements to create an unforgettable onboard dining experience;

• Experienced captain will prepare a custom itinerary for your vacation; • Five luxuriously appointed staterooms; • A breathtaking sundeck, complete with Jacuzzi® and BBQ; • A full complement of toys, including a 50-foot water slide, WaveRunners, kayaks, and a water trampoline;

• Two tenders, 19’ and 37’, for shore excursions and fishing trips, waterskiing and wakeboarding;

• Full entertainment center with 80-inch TV; fully equipped office, and fitness equipment;

• Multiple dining areas and lovely shared spaces. Provision s , fuel an d gr a t uity a t t he winning bid d e r’s ex p en se; a p p r ox . $ 5 0 ,0 0 0 . Pl e a se con ta ct t he owne r to ve rif y a va il a bl e d a tes . Su g g ested d a tes a r e Ma y 1-7 : Na ssau, Baham a s , D e ce mb e r 1 1 -1 7 : Ca ri bb e an , Ja n u a r y 1 7 - 2 3 , 2 0 1 6 : St Ma ar te n /St Bar t h a nd Ja nua r y 2 4 -3 0 , 2 0 1 6 : St Ma a r ten /St B a r t h .

VALUE: $150,000 SPECIAL THANKS: Vanessa and Roy Carroll



RESEARCH ROCKS! unparalleled generosity brighter future fo r o u r loved ones … A p ricel es s s ens e of satisfac tion …

A m o me nt of A

This Gala is about so much more than prized wines, glamorous getaways and one-of-a-kind experiences; it’s a real, tangible opportunity to create a brighter future for our loved ones. This evening, help us create a world without type 1 diabetes through the support of research. FUND A CURE is your opportunity to make a direct , 100-percent tax-deductible contribution to help JDRF continue our work to bring life-changing therapies and treatments to the millions of people living with type 1 diabetes, until we create a world without T1D. We invite you to join with us, and make a FUND A CURE gift tonight . Your generosity makes real progress possible, and propels us toward our goal of a cure for T1D.

Th a n k yo u for m a ki ng a di f fe rence .


MOD PIZZA EVERY MONTH FOR A YEAR! A pizza l ove r’s dr e a m for 1 0 Mouth-watering, wood-oven fired pizza doesn’t get any better than this! Bellevue-based MOD Pizza’s artisan bakers make pizzas on demand, by hand, from organic wheat-based flour and fresh, whole-milk mozzarella. MOD’s red sauce is made daily with two varietals of tomatoes, fresh basil, garlic and herbs. Choose from ten signature pizzas, or build your own from more than three dozen different toppings (try the Mad Dog or the oddly awesome Pizza Salad … yum!). Known for serving simple food for complex times, MOD gets that your life is busy, so— once a month — they’ve got you covered!

• MOD Pizza dinner for ten every month for a year • Receive 12 gift cards valid for 10 dinners, including personally designed pizzas, salads and beverages.

Val id a t any of MOD’s Se a t tl e - a re a l oca t ion s incl ud i n g B el l ev u e , D ow n tow n Sea t tl e , Issa quah a nd Re d mond.



PRIVATE CASPER BABYPANTS CONCERT FOR 25 LITTLE ONES AND THEIR PARENTS Get yo ur tot s r ocki n’ for r esearch ! G o of y h umo r , gi ddy w i ggl ing , infectious music and great food will be had by all at this musical celebration to remember! Local kindie sensation Caspar Babypants will perform a private concert for 25 little ones and their parents. Every kid-approved party detail will be seen to, from delicious lunch and cake, to an awesome musical party favor. Great for a birthday — or just for fun, any time you want to see a room full of kids and parents just go nuts! Caspar Babypants is Chris Ballew, the twice Grammy-nominated lead singer and songwriter for the Seattle band The Presidents of the United States of America. His folk-inspired original songs are funny and sweet , highly singable and beloved by kids and parents, too – a rare achievement for kid music. Your party to remember includes:

• Private concert for 25 kids and their parents • You choose the venue • A CD for each child, up to 25 • Kid-friendly lunch • Giant funfetti party cake Concer t must take pl a ce in p riva te ve nue . Pl e a se a r r a n g e a m u tu a l l y a g r eea bl e d a te a t l e a st 4 we e k s in a dva nce .

VALUE: Priceless SPECIAL THANKS: Caspar Babypants, Friend of JDRF


YOUR DREAM DESTINATION D e lta Ai r Li nes i nte r na ti ona l t icket s fo r two A big, beau t i f u l wo r l d awa i ts

— where will you go? Let your imagination run wild, because you’re about to embark on a wonderful adventure. You and a friend will travel in comfort and luxury on a flight to any international destination that Delta Air Lines flies. Your world of choices includes:

• Nonstop service to Japan, China, Korea, Hong Kong, London, Amsterdam or Paris;

• Asia Pacific: Explore the world’s great treasures in places like Sydney, Bangkok, Beijing or Tokyo;

• Europe: Select a destination rich in history, culture and charm — visit Berlin, Copenhagen, Frankfurt or Madrid;

• Africa, Middle East and India: Explore exotic places to remember for a lifetime, such as Johannesburg, Accra, Mumbai or Tel Aviv.

Your flights include:

• Two round-trip BusinessElite® flights on a Delta International flight to any of Delta Air Lines’ destinations—your choice!

• Stay as long as you like; • Getting there and back is a joy, with a full range of premium features in in the comfort and luxury of BusinessElite®:

• 180-degree flatbed seats, outfitted with Westin Heavenly Bed® pillow and full duvet; • TUMI™ amenity kits; • Well-equipped personal entertainment system; • Exceptional gourmet cuisine. D el ta Air Lin es t ra ve l must b e compl ete d by Ma r ch 7 , 2 0 1 6 . Al l D el ta Ai r Li nes t ra ve l rul es a nd rest r ic t ion s a r e outl ine d in t h e Au c ti o n Tr a vel Ru l es a n d Rest rict ion s se ct ion of t his ca ta l og. Al l t r a ve l or igi n a tes fr o m Sea ttl e .

VALUE: $26,500 SPECIAL THANKS: Delta Air Lines


PRIVATE DAY AT PROFORMANCE FOR 16 A t h ri lli n g a nd u ni q u e ex p e r i ence Se t f ree yo u r i n n e r ma r i o

with this bucket-list beauty of a day! You and your lucky pals will spend a day at the racetrack, getting some of the finest driver training available anywhere in the country. Feel like a racecar driver as you navigate the nine-turn road course of Pacific Raceways with a professional instructor riding with you. Whether you secretly dream of competing, or just want to get the best from your sweet street machine, you’ll take away sharpened skills, great memories – and possibly a new addiction! Your day will include:

• Private and exclusive use of Pacific Raceways for up to 16 guests from 8 a.m.-5 p.m.;

• Class in the ProFormance Racing School building; • One-Day High Performance Driving Clinic. Curriculum includes

training in advanced car control, street survival, proactive driving techniques, and high-performance driving on the road course;

• Unlimited use of school racing sedans; • All helmets, radios, communicators, flags cones and flag marshals provided;

• One instructor for each two participants; • Breakfast and lunch; • Group photo. Pl e a se arran ge a mut ua l l y a gr e e a bl e d a te .

VALUE: $12,000 SPECIAL THANKS: Beth McCaw and Yahn Bernier, ProFormance Racing School, Donna and Don Kitch, Jr.


BEAUTIFUL BELIZE FOR SIX Go rge o us b e a ch es a nd g ood f riend s D is cov er r e e f s , b e ac h e s a n d ju ng l e s

in a tropical paradise! Use your $1,500 Visa® gift card, courtesy of Marsh towards your flight purchase, then sit back and relax as you head to beautiful Belize. You’ll enjoy a seven night stay at Las Terrazas Resort and Residence, a fully furnished, two-story ocean-front townhome, located on Belize’s largest private beachfront .

• Seven-night stay for six adults in a luxurious town home • Townhome features three bedrooms, three baths, air conditioning, full kitchen, cable TV, free WiFi and washer and dryer

• Enjoy a 70’ infinity lap pool, pool-side bar, spa, on-site restaurant and fitness room

• This top-rated resort provides complimentary use of bikes, Hobie Cats and kayaks ... and a concierge to help plan tours and activities

• $1,500 VISA gift card for travel • Includes 7 night’s MasterPark Airport Valet Parking Pl e a se arran ge mut ua l l y a gr e e a bl e d a tes , b a se d on a va i l a bi l i ty. Su b jec t to 9 % l ocal ta x and 10% se r vice cha rge . Tra ve l must b e b o oked by D ecem b er 3 1 , 2 0 1 5 and compl ete d by Ma rch 1 , 2 0 1 6 .

VALUE: $10,750 SPECIAL THANKS: Najma and Firoz Lalji, Marsh, MasterPark Airport Valet Parking


CHIHULY ARTWORK Bl a ck Fl o a t a nd Re e d D r a wi n g “You can more directly sense my energy in my drawings than in any other way, perhaps. And from the very beginning, the drawings were done, as my glass is done, very quickly, very fast .” –Dale Chihuly

C hih u ly ’s d rawin g s

represent artworks as well as reflections on each glass series. This Drawing incorporates both Floats and Reeds, two kinds of works which are often composed together in large installations. In this dynamic Drawing, pale silver Reeds shoot over two Floats bursting in rich red and stately black. A turquoise splatter hovers on a field of gold that moves with its own broad and sweeping texture. Chihuly’s signature is punctuated with the subtle imprint of his shoe; a moment of the creation process and a characteristic accent by which the artist’s presence lingers in the piece. Every painted gesture is movement and vibrancy. The Chihuly Drawing is featured on the beautiful limited edition Dunham magnums available this evening. Black Float and Reed 42 x 30" (unframed)-black frame Acrylic paint on heavy watercolor paper 2008

VALUE: $24,000 SPECIAL THANKS: Chihuly Studio D al e a nd Lesl i e co n gr a t u l a t e J DR F o n 26 ye a rs of excepti ona l dia b etes r esea r ch an d fo r t h e p owe r f u l an d com pa ssi ona te i m pa ct t hey co nti nu e to h a ve o n t h e l ives of so m any. C hi huly Stud i o honors t he co ntr i b u ti o n s of Er ic Du n h am t o J DR F and to hi s com m uni ty.


SASQUATCH! MUSIC FESTIVAL FOR SIX: MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND, MAY 22-25, 2015 A musi c a nd y u r t extr a va g a n za Four days of incredible music and glorious Gorge scenery will greet you at the internationally recognized Gorge Amphitheater, carved in the basalt cliffs high above the Columbia River Gorge. The annual indie Sasquatch! Music Festival brings you dozens of bands over Memorial Day weekend catering to the eclectic tastes of the thousands of music enthusiasts who come each year. This year’s lineup includes Kendrick Lamar, Robert Plant, The Decemberists, Ryan Adams, Modest Mouse, Spoon, and nearly 100 more acts. You’ll stay in three luxury desert yurts at the nearby Cave B Estate and Winery Resort, poised high above the Columbia River. The yurts provide a king-sized bed and private bath with sky-dome for stargazing. Your package includes:

• Six weekend passes to Sasquatch! Music Festival, May 22-25, 2015;

• Four-night stay in three desert yurts of Cave B Estate and Winery Resort;

• VIP behind-the-scenes tour with the producers of Sasquatch! Music Festival;

• Access to VIP viewings at select stages; • Access to the Cliff House, a private club near the main stage with a special menu, cash bar, air-conditioned private restrooms, and the best view of the scenic venue of the Columbia River Gorge;

• Four days of music from a mix of artists and genres on five stages; • An assortment of Sasquatch! merchandise, current and vintage collectibles.

Passes are non-transferable and must be picked up on site at the venue box office on the day of the event only. No exceptions. Please arrange in advance for a mutually agreeable behind-the-scenes tour date. Cave B will reserve 3 yurts for the festival. Winning bidder must contact Cave B with full names of all guests included in the reservation no later than 30 days in advance of guest arrival.

VALUE: $11,600 SPECIAL THANKS: Cave B Estate Winery and Resort , Sasquatch! Music Festival


PAELLA PARTY FOR 80 Ste ll a r Sp ani sh cu i si ne for yo ur cel ebra ció n Savor t h e f l avo rs o f va l e n c ia at this delicioso party! Master Chef Antonio Sanchez and his wife Carolina Lucero will bring the authentic tastes of Northern Spain to your home with a paella party. Paella (pronounced pah-ay-liah) is a classic Spanish dish made with saffron, the world’s most expensive spice, and rice, stock, spices and a variety of meats, shellfish and vegetables. All are cooked to perfection in one giant pan, outside, over a special Spanish grill. Chef Sanchez was knighted by Spanish King Juan Carlos and is also a college professor and expert on Spain’s influence in the New World. He comes from Spanish ancestors and was taught all the proper techniques needed to make the perfect authentic Paella. Your Paella party includes:

• Paella for up to 80 guests, expertly prepared at your home, outside on portable equipment — a real show!

• This savory rice dish will include lobster, jumbo prawns, shrimp, clams and mussels

• Sangria prepared by Chef Sanchez • $500 Costco gift certificate for you to spend on sides, dessert or beverages

Pl e a se arran ge a mut ua l l y a gr e e a bl e we e ke nd d a te , i n t h e g r ea ter Sea ttl e a r ea fo r a 6 p.m . par ty.

VALUE: $4,500 SPECIAL THANKS: Maureen and Joel Benoliel, Friend of JDRF, Carolina Lucero and Antonio Sanchez, Barbara and Jon Zweig


DINNER FOR TEN WITH CHRIS AND KATHLEEN KOSMOS WITH A LIVING ROOM CONCERT FEATURING CAMILLE BLOOM Exce pt i o n a l wi nes a nd a ce l e bra ted ch ef A beau t if u l h ome i n t h e h i ghl a nds

will host your party for a memorable meal, prepared by Philip Mihalski, acclaimed chef-owner of Nell’s Restaurant . Enjoy the chef ’s seasonal menu of European-inspired New American cuisine, featuring the finest Northwest seasonal ingredients. Your menu will be designed to pair perfectly with the exquisite wines your host will serve. During the evening, you will also be treated to a Living Room Concert , featuring Camille Bloom. Bloom is a G ibson endorsed international act , and in 2012 was listed as one of the Top 100 Independent Artists by Music Connection Magazine. Heralded as having a voice that can ‘purr and wail”, Bloom will wow your guests with her dynamic voice, vivid songwriting and intensely personal show.

• Seated, multi-course dinner prepared by chef Philip Mihalski • Wines will include: • Château Pichon-Lalande referred to by Robert Parker as “One of Pauillac’s most consistently brilliant wines.” • Vertical of Pichon Lalande, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990 • 1996 Krug Brut Champagne. “This may well be the greatest vintage wine of Henri Krug’s career,” Wine Spectator, 100 points. • 1990 Chateau d’Yquem, Sauternes, a Premier Cru Supérieur

• Living Room Concert featuring Camille Bloom VALUE: $5,750 SPECIAL THANKS: Kathleen and Chris Kosmos, Camille Bloom


MARTIN BLANK GLASS SCULPTURE A vi b ra n t pi e ce f r om one of Am erica’s prem ier gl a s s sculptors Tak e hom e a b r e at h ta ki n g work

of art from this noted local artist . Marin Blank received a BFA degree from the Rhode Island School of Design, and went on to study with Dale Chihuly. He has taught at Pilchuck G lass School and Pratt Fine Arts Center in Seattle. Blank’s work is exhibited in galleries throughout the United States and in collections and exhibitions around the world including The Boston Museum of Fine Art (Boston, MA), Corning Museum of G lass (Corning, NY), Montreal Museum of Fine Arts (Montreal, Canada), White Box Museum (Beijing, China), The Shanghai Museum of Fine Art (Shanghai, China), and Tampa Museum of Art (Tampa, FL). His recent commissions include the 2009 Fluent Steps, a permanent exterior installation at the Museum of G lass in Tacoma. In Seattle, Martin Blank is represented by The Traver Gallery. VALUE: $16,500 SPECIAL THANKS: Martin Blank, The Traver Gallery

Scarlet Gold Leaf Lotus 18” x 16” x 16” Hot sculpted glass 2015


SEATTLE SOUNDERS SUITE Yo ur so cce r fa nta sy p a cka g e await s S eat t le so cc e r fa n s

know there’s nothing casual about supporting the Sounders; local fans set attendance records for Major League Soccer every single year. It’s a passionate affair, and you’ll experience it firsthand from the comfort of your own private suite. Your package includes:

• Suite for 24 Sounders FC fans in the Virginia Mason CenturyLink Field Suite;

• Hosted light fare and non-alcoholic beverages, preselected for your group;

• Well-appointed suite with cutting-edge technology, luxurious furnishings and amenities, and first-class service;

• Seattle Sounders Meet and Greet — After enjoying the match, all

guests, are invited to a post-match meet and greet with the Seattle Sounders FC squad. Guests will receive photo and autograph opportunities;

• One Rave Green Sounders FC — Jersey Autographed by Sounders FC player and 2014 Men National Team captain, Clint Dempsey.

Suite is for m a xim um of 2 4 p e opl e for a mut ua l l y a g r eea bl e MLS h o m e g a m e on l y. Must b e used in 2 0 1 5 . Ad d it iona l food a nd b ever a g e m a y b e p u r ch a sed a t w innin g bid d e r’s exp e n se .

VALUE: Priceless SPECIAL THANKS: Virginia Mason


CANLIS COMEDY CLUB FOR 40 An exclusi ve eve nt i n t h e p e n t h o use Com edy fo r a cau s e . This extraordinary experience was created exclusively for the JDRF Dream Gala: The Canlis Comedy Club. Your over-the-top cocktail party takes place in the luxurious Canlis penthouse, with its floor-to-ceiling windows and 180-degree views of South Lake Union. Enjoy craft cocktails, award-winning wine, unparalleled hospitality, and a bounty of delectable bites, both savory and sweet. Then settle in for a little hilarity at your own private live comedy show starring Emmy-winning comedian and former host of Almost Live, John Keister! During his 15 years on Almost Live! John won 10 local Emmy Awards for his hosting, performing and writing talents. John’s work has appeared on the Seattle NBC and CBS affiliates, and nationally on Comedy Central, HBO and FOX. Your host will be well-known radio personality Marty Reimer, morning host on the JET and producer of the 5:20 Funny Comedy Show.

• Thigh-slapping comedic performance by John Keister; • Show hosted by Seattle radio personality Marty Riemer; • Exclusive Canlis comedy party in the private penthouse for 40; • Craft cocktails, wine and other beverages; • Passed hors d’oeuvres, food stations and a Canlis favor; • Design your menu with Canlis; • Canlis’ famous valet parking is included. Pl e a se arran ge a mut ua l l y a gr e e a bl e d a te wit h a l l d o n o rs . Not va l i d o n a Sa t urd a y or in D e ce mb e r. Ca nl is cre dit is $ 6 , 0 0 0 fo r fo o d a n d b ever a g e . G r a t uity an d any a d d it iona l food a nd b eve ra ge will b e a t w i n n i n g bi d d er’s expe n se . Expires D e ce mb e r 1 , 2 0 1 6 .

VALUE: $10,000 SPECIAL THANKS: Canlis, Friend of JDRF, John Keister, Marty Riemer


ROMANTIC NEW YORK FOR TWO A bra n d - n ew Br oa dwa y m u si cal O ne of t h e most r oma n t i c storie s ever writ t en is coming to Broadway, and you’ll be there to see it in style! You and a friend will fly to New York City in the luxury of first class and stay for four nights at the W Hotel — Union Square. There, you’ll be treated to the brand-new Broadway musical, opening next month at the Broadway Theatre: Dr. Zhivago. Based on the Nobel Prize-winning novel and Academy Award-winning classic, this sweeping saga of romance and revolution will captivate you. You’ll watch the show with special, behind-the-scenes insight , thanks to a pre-trip “Broadway 101” class by Tony Award-winning producers of Memphis and executive producers of Dr. Zhivago, Marleen and Kenny Alhadeff, over lunch at the Capital Grille in Seattle.

• Trip for two to New York City in the luxury of Delta Air Lines’ First Class;

• Four nights for two at the W-Union Square; • Two tickets to see Dr. Zhivago on Broadway; • Pre-trip lunch at Capital Grille in Seattle with producers Marleen and Kenny Alhadeff;

• Five nights of secure airport valet parking at MasterPark Airport Valet Parking, the number-one rated SeaTac Airport parking company.

Pl ea se sel ect m ut u a l l y a gr e e a bl e d a tes for l unch an d t h e sh ow, b a sed o n a vail abil ity; pl e a se se e Tra ve l Rul es a nd Rest r ic t io n s fo r D el ta Ai r Li n es tr a vel. All t ra ve l origin a tes f r om Se a t tl e .

VALUE: $8,000 SPECIAL THANKS: Marleen and Kenny Alhadeff, Delta Air Lines, MasterPark Airport Valet Parking, Seattle Sheraton Hotel


YOUR ONSTAGE DEBUT WITH JIM BELUSHI AND THE SACRED HEARTS BAND Get yo ur Ja g g e r m oves on! Yo ur ro ck’n ’r o l l fa n tasy

comes true tonight as you step into the spotlight . Tonight , you are livin’ the dream: singing live on stage with the incomparable Jim Belushi and The Sacred Hearts Band. Who cares if you can’t carry a tune? You’ll carry the night with your rock-star attitude as you belt along with “Soul Man,” “Hard to Handle” or another easy-to-sing, familiar hit . It will be a moment to savor, a story to tell, and one major bucket-list item accomplished. Not sure your friends will believe your rock star tale? That’s okay – you’ll be taking home proof of your adventure in the form of an electric guitar signed by Jim Belushi. ROCK ON!!!

• Opportunity to sing with Jim Belushi and the Sacred Hearts Band on stage tonight

• An autographed electric guitar to take home VALUE: Priceless SPECIAL THANKS: Jim Belushi and The Sacred Hearts Band


LIVE FRUSTRATIONS CONCERT AND WATERFRONT PARTY FOR 100 Ro cki n’ fo r Rese a r ch , wa te rsi d e A summer concert to remember! You and your friends will gather at the smashing new Mithun-designed Harley & Lela Franco Maritime Center for a private performance by founding Guild member and prominent Seattle businessman Tom T. O’Keefe and his band, The Frustrations. Playing only a handful of exclusive engagements each year – including sold-out shows at the Paramount and EMP – the band’s exciting, rockin’ style (motto: “No Ballads, No Breaks”) will have you and your guests up on your feet , dancing on the shores of the Duwamish!

• Party for 100 at the Harley & Lela Franco Maritime Center on Harbor Island;

• Musical entertainment by The Frustrations; • On-stage shout out to the winning bidder; • Savory snacks and sweets provided by Tuxedos and Tennis Shoes Catering;

• Langunitas Brewery beer on tap and wines. Pl ea se arran ge a mut ua l l y a gre e a bl e d a te wit h d o n o rs . Ven u e i s a va i l a bl e fo r up to four hours; n ot a va il a bl e d ur ing Se a fa ir we e ken d o r o n Ju l y 4 , 2 0 1 5 .

VALUE: Priceless SPECIAL THANKS: The Frustrations, Friend of JDRF, Harley Marine Services, Langunitas Brewery, Tuxedos and Tennis Shoes Catering


PIG AND PIGSKIN TAILGATE EXPERIENCE A p re - ga me fe a st for 4 0 – or a ba ckyard ba sh to re me mbe r C elebrat e d lo ca l c h e f tom b l ac k , of Fullers, The Barking Frog and Gourmondo fame brings you this one-of-a-kind tailgate feast . He’ll roast up a whole pig for you and your party of 40, ensuring you’re fueled up before you head into the stadium to cheer on your team. Choose a Seahawks or Husky game for the venue (game tickets not included) — or your own backyard. You’ll also enjoy a keg of beer from Langunitas Brewery. Pl e a se arran ge a mut ua l l y a gr e e a bl e d a te a t l e a st 4 weeks i n a dva n ce . Compl ete t he par ty ! Ad dit iona l chef-p re p a r e d food a va i l a bl e a t w i n n i n g bi d d er’s expe n se .

VALUE: $2,400 SPECIAL THANKS: Tom Black, E .C. Wilson Meats, Langunitas Brewery, SYSCO Foodservice

Thank you for your support. now enjoy jim be lu s hi a n d th e sacr ed h ea rts ba nd!


So m ewh er e over t he ra i n b ow Ski es ar e blu e And t h e d r eam s t h a t you d ar e to d r eam Really d o co m e tr u e

silent WINE


Lo o k fo r t h i s sp e ci a l s e c tion of the Si l e nt Au c t i o n , l o cate d in th e Will ow Ba l l ro o m. Yo u’ l l fin d a n a rray of exce pt i o n a l fo o d a n d win e item s , a n d d e l i ci o us expe r ie n ce s awa i t i ng yo ur b id!

When you enter your bid in the “guaranteed bid” box on a Silent Auction form, you own the item. Your guaranteed bid raises critical dollars for diabetes research, bringing us closer to a world without T1D.



FITNESS KICK-START Go ahead and eat dessert , then bid on this full health and fitness evaluation and four sessions of personal training at Elite Fitness Training. With locations in downtown Bellevue and in South Lake Union, EFT has been recognized as having the “Best Personal Trainers” by Seattle magazine. Excl ud es curren t clie nt s .

VALUE: $320 DONOR: Elite Fitness Training


JANUSZ POZNIAK BLOWN GLASS MACE PITCHER Born in Swindon, England, Janusz Pozniak came to the U.S. to work for Dale Chihuly; he now has a studio in Seattle. He creates beautiful blown glass and functional objects that are delicate and detailed, like this striking piece. VALUE: $450 DONOR: Dena Rigby Fine Arts, LLC


RUSSELL WILSON AUTOGRAPHED REPLICA HELMET The Seattle Seahawks have a special place in your heart , so you’ll proudly display this full-size replica of quarterback Russell Wilson’s helmet . It’s an autographed and inspiring reminder of Seattle’s first-ever Super Bowl victory and a historic 2014 season. Its emotional VALUE will only continue to increase as the Seattle Seahawks look forward to promising 2015 season where they are the odds-on favorite to return for Super Bowl 50. VALUE: Priceless DONOR: Seattle Seahawks, Virginia Mason


DOG WALKING OR PET SITTING FOR A WEEK You and your pet will appreciate the loving care provided by City G irl during this week of dog walking, or week of overnight pet sitting. D og wal king must b e wit hin t he Se a t tl e a re a .

VALUE: $300 DONOR: City G irl Dog Walking

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SIP, SAVOR AND SLEEP AT WILLOWS LODGE AND THE BARKING FROG Pique your epicurean fantasy and revel in luxury during your one-night stay at Willow’s Lodge, situated in the beautiful Woodinville Wine Country. Named one of the Top 500 Hotels in the World by Travel + Leisure Magazine, Willows Lodge will spoil you upon arrival with a wine tasting for two in the Fireside Lounge. Afterwards, enjoy a sumptuous gourmet dinner at one of the most highly-regarded restaurants in the Northwest , The Barking Frog. Pl e a se arran ge for a mut ua l l y a gr e e a bl e sta y, exclu d i n g Sa tu r d a y s , co n cer t d a ys , Val en t in e’s D a y a nd New Ye a r’s Eve ; b a se d upo n a va i l a bi l i ty.

VALUE: $600 DONOR: Barking Frog, Willows Lodge


WESTIN LA PALOMA RESORT & SPA TWO-NIGHT ESCAPE Cast your cares away with a romantic two-night getaway for two at the La Paloma Resort & Spa. Nestled in the foothills of the Santa Catalina Mountains overlooking Tucson, the resort offers an oasis with five pools and three spas including the Elizabeth Arden Red Door Spa, and a Signature Jack Nicklaus Golf Course. Includes two nights MasterPark Airport Valet Services. Pl e a se arran ge for a mut ua l l y a gr e e a bl e sta y b a se d u p o n a va i l a bi l i ty. Not va l i d from Februar y 1–Ap r il 5 , 2 0 1 5 or Fe b r ua r y 1 - Ma rch 3 1 , 2 0 1 6 .

VALUE: $660 DONOR: MasterPark Airport Valet Services, Westin La Paloma Resort & Spa


AMETHYST NECKLACE AND EARRING SET From artist Lea Ben-Arye, this sterling pomegranate and seeds pendant and earring set is adorned by an amethyst gemstone necklace. VALUE: $250 DONOR: Jameson Babbitt Stites & Lombard, PLLC


SAN DIEGO WESTIN GASLAMP QUARTER — TWO-NIGHT STAY FOR TWO The Westin Gaslamp Quarter, located in the heart of downtown San Diego’s historic and vibrant Gaslamp Quarter, invites you to enjoy a two-night stay for two in a lovely Deluxe Room. Enjoy the famous San Diego climate from your location near the waterfront , top restaurants, family activities, and sports venues. Your stay includes parking. Also includes two nights MasterPark Airport Valet Services. Pl ea se arran ge for a mut ua l l y a gre e a bl e sta y b a sed u p o n a va i l a bi l i ty.

VALUE: $660 DONOR: MasterPark Airport Valet Services, Westin San Diego Gaslamp Quarter

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OOLA DISTILLERY PRIVATE TOUR AND TASTING FOR 15 Bring 14 free-spirited friends with you for a private tour and tasting at the Oola Distillery, located in the heart of Capitol Hill. The celebrated local maker of small-batch gin, vodka, and bourbon whiskey, Oola is known for its distinctive Waitsburg Bourbon Whiskey (winner of the San Francisco World Sprits Competition Gold Medal) and Oola Chili Pepper G in. Pl e a se arran ge for a mut ua l l y a gr e e a bl e d a te .

VALUE: $350 DONOR: Oola Distillery


HANDCRAFTED CERAMIC BOWLS A beautiful suite of three handcrafted bowls from Ein Hod artist Tova Krigel brightens any table with images of fruit and flowers. VALUE: $500 DONOR: Jameson Babbitt Stites & Lombard, PLLC


CAPELLI’S GENTLEMEN’S BARBERSHOP ONE-YEAR EXECUTIVE MEMBERSHIP Look sharp all year with 20 Signature Haircuts and 10 percent savings on all retail and grooming at Capelli’s, a haven for men with locations in South Lake Union, the Fourth & Madison Building and the City Centre Building. You’ll also get two Signature Haircut gift certificates to share with family and friends. G ra t uity n ot in cl ud e d. Va l id for one ye a r f rom first v i si t .

VALUE: $600 DONOR: Capelli’s Gentlemen’s Barbershop


FAMILY HISTORY RESEARCH Discover your roots and create your family tree! Two hours of professional genealogical research conducted by Capital G enealogy will get you started on learning the history of your own family. O nl y val id for new custome rs .

VALUE: $300 DONOR: Capital Genealogy

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MARK ROSENBAUM GLASS SHOULDER VASE New Orleans-based glass artist , Mark Rosenbaum of the Rosetree G lass studio, created this exquisite “free blown”, iridescent 16-inch vase for you to take home with you tonight! A one-of-a-kind glass art , as Mark Rosenbaum created this vase without a mold and then applied a luscious color palette of glass chips and powders onto the clear crystal glass. VALUE: $465 DONOR: The Lombard Family


FLYING TRAPEZE PARTY FOR TEN Soar through the air with the greatest of ease! Ten of you will learn the gravity-def ying art of trapeze at SANCA’s Georgetown circus school. You’ll feel the thrill of flight with this empowering, exhilarating and memorable experience. VALUE: $450 DONOR: SANCA School of Acrobatics & New Circus Arts


GLENDALE GOLF AND LUNCH FOR THREE Fore! G lendale Country Club member Andy Zweig will host your threesome for lunch and an 18-hole round of golf in Bellevue on a mutually agreeable date. Val id t hrough O ctob e r 3 1 , 2 0 1 5 .

VALUE: $350 DONOR: Andy Zweig


WILLSEA-O’BRIEN MULTI-COLORED GLASS PLATE This lovely 14-inch sculptured glass plate by Paul Willsea and Carol O’Brien is a striking accent for your home. Hand-blown using traditional techniques, this spectacular piece is crafted of yellow, brown and cream hues that draw the eye and provide a focal point for any room. VALUE: $460 DONOR: The Lombard Family

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TPC SNOQUALMIE RIDGE GOLF AND LUNCH FOR THREE Enjoy an 18-hole round of golf and lunch for three with member Dave Haldi on a mutually agreeable date. Carts included! Val id t hrough D ece mb e r 3 1 , 2 0 1 5 .

VALUE: $400 DONOR: Dave Haldi


DIMITRIOU’S JAZZ ALLEY FOR FOUR Take in terrific live jazz in an intimate club atmosphere where you’re never more than 50 feet from the stage. You’ll enjoy admission and dinner entrees for four at Seattle’s premier music venue, Dimitriou’s Jazz Alley. Advance Tuesd a y-Thursd a y rese r va t ion s r e q uire d, su b jec t to a va i l a bi l i ty. Avail abl e pe r form a nces a t Ja zz Al l ey’s d isc r et ion . D o es n ot i n cl u d e a p p etizers , d esse r t , b evera ges , ta x or 1 8 % gra t uity.

VALUE: $280 DONOR: Dimitriou’s Jazz Alley


GREAT SKIN AND ORAL HEALTH BASKET Bring out your best dazzling smile and healthy skin with this basket full of pamper products. Inside you’ll find a JeNu Skincare system, complete with ultrasound wand, eye treatment and lip serum. You’ll also find a Satin Smooth lip plump, Truth Serum, Supersmile whitening toothpaste, ‘GO’ at-home whitening trays and Pearly Wine Wipes … sure to put a smile on your face! VALUE: $400 DONOR: Spektor Dental Center


PARTY FOR 10 AT THE MAJESTIC BAY THEATRES Experience movie magic at Seattle’s best , independent , family-owned movie theatre, the Majestic Bay in Ballard! Your package includes ten passes that offer admission, a small soft drink and small popcorn. Bring nine friends—or plan five dates with your honey—how you use them is up to you. VALUE: $225 DONOR: Marleen and Kenny Alhadeff

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YOUR OWN AMAZING RACE – APRIL 25, 2015 Seattle Urban Trek is a team adventure race that combines attractions of the Seattle area with treasure hunting, problem solving, and teamwork. Teams of three race through a 6-7 mile route consisting of fun checkpoints that host mystery cognitive or physical challenges. Test your wit , grit and sense of adventure in this benefit for Seattle Children’s Research Institute. Val id on l y on April 2 5 , 2 0 1 5 .

VALUE: $150 DONOR: Seattle Sports Commission


CAFFE VITA COFFEE GIFT BASKET Satisfy your exotic coffee cravings with two mouth-watering brews from Caffe Vita. Your 12-ounce bag of organic Theo Blend is the product of a partnership with famed local chocolatier Theo Chocolate and Caffe Vita. The earthy Sumatra Gayo River coffee will remind you of blackberries and exotic locales. Served up with two signature Snake Mugs and ten $5 Caffe Vita gift cards. VALUE: $115 DONOR: Caffe Vita


SEGWAY ADVENTURE FOR FOUR Yes, way! You will not be able to stop grinning as you zip around on a Segway electric scooter on this tour. Meet your private guide in West Seattle for a brief training and easygoing warm-up, then off you scoot! Package includes two 25-minute tours for two. Must be 14 or ol d er a nd b etwe e n 1 0 0 -2 5 0 p ound s . Mu st p a s s a tr a i n i n g cl a s s to par t icipa te .

VALUE: $300 DONOR: West Coast Entertainment


LITTLE SLUGGER BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR 20 A private tour of Safeco Field will be a home run for your birthday boy or girl! Your guide will provide a behind-the-scenes tour around the ballpark, through the dugout and maybe even the Visitor’s Clubhouse! Includes a romp around the Children’s Playfield and a private suite for opening gifts. Before you leave, the birthday kid will receive a gift , and guests will all get party favors. VALUE: $300 DONOR: Seattle Mariners/Safeco Field Events

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TUMI™ TEGRA-LITE EXPANDABLE CARRY-ON Swivel your way through tight corners with this ultra-stylish, lightweight bag by TUMI™. It’s the ultimate in ease and maneuverability and makes navigating airports a breeze. Its durable hard-side design is constructed from the same composite material used in NASCAR race cars! Expandable design gives you extra space when you need it . VALUE: $745 DONOR: Friend of JDRF


MATT’S IN THE MARKET GIFT CERTIFICATE With spectacular views of Elliott Bay, the Olympics and the Market’s famous clock through its charming arched windows, Matt’s intimate setting is the per fect foil for the accomplished Pacific NW cuisine and extensive wine options. VALUE: $150 DONOR: Friend of JDRF


DAY AT THE RACES FOR SIX Win by a nose! Your party of six will enjoy Thoroughbred horse racing in the owner’s box located at the finish line. You’ll enjoy a paddock tour, visit with the trainer, and have a race named in your honor. Mut ual l y a gre e abl e d a te , Ap ril 1 8 -Se pte mb e r 2 7 , 2 0 1 5 . Gr a n d sta n d a d m i s si o n i s incl ud ed.

VALUE: $300 DONOR: Marleen and Kenny Alhadeff


LOVELY NECKLACE DUO Which will you wear today? This pair of necklaces has you covered, from blue jeans to little black dress. Deep blue lapis lazuli has been prized since antiquity for its intense blue color; a striking piece for a night out on the town. Earthbound lava stone will keep you grounded as you go about your day. This duo is an irresistible pair to add to your necklace wardrobe. VALUE: $300 DONOR: Jameson Babbitt Stites & Lombard, PLLC

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GOLF LESSON AND LUNCH WITH MARC NEMIROW Spend a glorious day on the green with Marc Nemirow! Three guests will enjoy golf at G lendale Country Club, including carts, lunch and a group lesson from PGA Golf professional Kenny Boyd. VALUE: $600 DONOR: Marc Nemirow


THE ULTIMATE BASKET OF DOG ACCESSORIES Bowl over your bowser with an unforgettable gift package! All The Best Pet Care has assembled a package complete with a doggie bed, an Aikiou interactive feeder, and dog treats, toys, and food. The package also includes a $75 gift certificate that is redeemable for goods at any of the 11 All The Best Pet Care stores in King and Snohomish Counties. VALUE: $350 DONOR: All The Best Pet Care


MONTH OF BAR METHOD + ZELLA OUTFIT Push your limits with a one-month unlimited membership at the studio voted “Best Fitness Club” by Seattle magazine readers, with locations in Redmond Town Center and South Lake Union. The Bar Method is a revolutionary workout that quickly and effectively reshapes your body. You’ll update your workout look with chic, innovative active wear from Zella, Nordstrom’s in-house brand. Your “Live-In” leggings, double scoop tank and jacket can be exchanged to fit at the Downtown Nordstrom. VALUE: $475 DONOR: The Seattle-Eastside Bar Method, Nordstrom


NEST LEARNING THERMOSTAT What do you call a thermostat that learns your schedule, programs itself and can be controlled from your phone? Genius! Easy to install, and can lower your heating and cooling bills up to 20 percent . VALUE: $250 DONOR: Friend of JDRF

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LUSCIOUS SKIN CARE Healthy skin, healthy attitude: Don’t Call Me Ma’am skin care includes ingredients that are good for you, packaging that is good for the earth, and attitude that is good for the soul. Your basket of lovelies includes Wash it Away, In Balance Toner, Face Love moisturizer, Goodnight Cream Recover, G imme More C serum, and a sassy t-shirt . VALUE: $200 (attitude: priceless!) DONOR: Don’t Call Me Ma’am


TWO NIGHTS AT THE W SAN DIEGO Revel in the sunshine as you stroll to the nearby Gaslamp Quarter and Little Italy. Just minutes from San Diego’s beaches; you’ll love your home base for exploring downtown San Diego. Spend two nights in a wonderful room, make a splash in the beautiful outdoor pool and enjoy the rooftop bar. Includes two nights MasterPark Airport Valet Services. VALUE: $660 DONOR: MasterPark Airport Valet Services, W San Diego Hotel


DIAMOND CLUB MARINERS SEATS FOR TWO From your prime perch in the second row (on the aisle) you and a guest will enjoy the coveted Diamond Club seating. These seats are as good as it gets at Safeco Field — only a few feet from the dugout stairs. You can almost reach out and touch the players! You’ll enjoy complimentary full meal service and open bar before the game, then sit back and relax with complimentary in-seat service. You’ll never want to sit anywhere else again! Include a third-floor parking pass. Val id for any m ut ua l l y a gre e a bl e ga me t hroughout t h e 2 0 1 5 sea so n .

VALUE: $640 DONOR: Peggy and Bruce Wanta


LIMITED-EDITION FINE ART PRINT Evocative, emotional … you’ll choose from a rich selection of landscapes, seascapes, still lifes and more by photographer Thomas Fallon, the multi-time recipient of the Kodak Gallery Award and the Fuji Masterpiece Award. Each a work of art , choose one from a gallery of 600 as a limited-edition twelve-inch fine art print for your home. VALUE: $495 DONOR: Sea G lass Fine Art Photography

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CASCINA SPINASSE “Perfect , but not precious.” When Seattle magazine raved about this restaurant three years ago, how were they to know it would only get better? This rustic, refined Capitol Hill retreat creates the cuisine of Northern Italy in an intimate setting. A perennial favorite. VALUE: $150 DONOR: Friend of JDRF


VASHON DELIGHT An island institution, the Hardware Store is located in the oldest commercial building on Vashon – and is one of its most popular restaurants. Come by for a perfect martini, a great meal, and a fine bottle of wine. In true Vashon fashion, gluten-free options abound here. You’ll enjoy a great little ferry excursion when you use your $100 gift certificate for dinner. VALUE: $100 DONOR: Barbara and Mike McKernan


FULL SCRIPT OF “HEADLOCK” MOVIE THRILLER & SIGNED BY THE CAST OF ACTORS What happens when a new CIA recruit is seriously hurt on a mission and his wife discovers that his “accident” was an inside job? You will be counting down the days until this thriller hits your neighborhood movie theater after reading the full script , signed by the cast of actors, for yourself. The talented cast includes actor/director Mark Polish and actors Dianna Agron, Andy Garcia, Justin Bartha, and Bar Paly. VALUE: Priceless DONOR: Benaroya Pictures


WHOLE NATURAL LAMB Your whole lamb, forty-five pounds, from Durgan Ranch in Paulina, Oregon, is ranch-grown, free of growth hormones and raised in a natural environment . Packages from a certified USDA butcher are available for pickup in Bellevue. Requires two cubic fe et of f r e eze r stora ge .

VALUE: $350 DONOR: Buchanan General Contracting Company

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LIVE FOR THE MOMENT AT INDULGENCE SALON AND SPA Pamper yourself from head to toe at the Indulgence Salon and Spa on Mercer Island. You will be treated to a hair wash and style, half-hour massage, and shellac manicure and spa pedicure as only Indulgence can do for you. VALUE: $180 DONOR: Indulgence Salon & Spa


GRAND PALMS HOTEL – SPA & GOLF RESORT – THREE-DAY/TWO-NIGHT STAY FOR TWO A golfing paradise awaits you at the Grand Palms Hotel - Spa & Golf Resort in Pembroke Pines, Florida. Located on 27 holes of an exquisite golf course, enjoy deluxe-suite accommodations and complimentary green fees, continental breakfast , and valet parking. Minutes from South Florida’s famed beaches and some of the best shopping in the country, relax at the resort while taking in all that South Florida has to offer. Includes two nights MasterPark Airport Valet Services. Pl e a se arran ge for a mut ua l l y a gr e e a bl e sta y b a se d u p o n a va i l a bi l i ty. Va l i d fr o m April 16 t hrough D e ce mb e r 1 , 2 0 1 5 .

VALUE: $760 DONOR: MasterPark Airport Valet Services, Grand Palms Hotel – Spa & Golf Resort


GREAT SMILE BASKET Just try not to smile when you look at this basket , chock full of the best products around for making your pearly whites their best and brightest . Includes a Sonicare Electric Toothbrush, Sonicare AirFloss, “Go” at-home whitening trays, Supersmile whitening toothpaste, and Pearly Wine Wipes that will brighten up your smile every day! VALUE: $330 DONOR: Spektor Dental Center


WESTIN DENVER DOWNTOWN HOTEL – TWO-NIGHT STAY FOR TWO The Mile-High City awaits you! During this two-night weekend getaway for two in downtown Denver, you’ll stay near the famous 16th Street Mall and Larimer Square, Colorado’s leading tourist destination. You’ll be within walking distance or a short drive from the Denver Art Museum, the Denver Center for Performing Arts, Buell Theater, and multiple sports arenas. Your stay includes parking. Includes two nights MasterPark Airport Valet Services. Pl ea se arran ge for a mut ua l l y a gre e a bl e sta y, Frid a y- Su n d a y, except fo r New Year’s Eve . Ba se d u p on a va il a bil ity.

VALUE: $910 DONOR: MasterPark Airport Valet Services, Westin Denver Downtown Hotel

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HEART FAN’S DELIGHT Crazy on You. Seattle’s own Heart — sisters Ann and Nancy Wilson — have been storming the charts since the 70s. Recently inducted into the Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Fame, they still found time to send a box of delightful band swag to JDRF to support our mission. Talk about heart! You’ll take home two t-shirts, a hoodie, an autographed copy of their new book Kicking and Dreaming, an autographed Blu-ray and CD/DVD and an autographed photo. VALUE: $200 DONOR: Heart


SHERATON STEAMBOAT RESORT & VILLAS – TWO-NIGHT STAY FOR TWO Ski the slopes or play the links at the Sheraton Steamboat Resort located in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. This ultimate winter and summer playground offers Champagne Powder® snow for world-class skiing and snowboarding in the winter and summertime-fun golf and mountain-bike trail adventures. Enjoy a two-night stay, with breakfast for two, at this premier Rocky Mountain vacation destination. Includes two nights MasterPark Airport Valet Services. Pl e a se arran ge for a mut ua l l y a gr e e a bl e sta y, exclu d i n g h ol i d a y s , b a sed u p o n a vail abil ity. Val id t hrough D e ce mb e r 1 , 2 0 1 5 .

VALUE: $860 DONOR: MasterPark Airport Valet Services, Sheraton Steamboat Resort & Villas


ALLISON INN & SPA WITH AN EQUESTRIAN WINE TOUR FOR TWO Saddle up and sip your way through the famous Red Hills of Dundee, Oregon, renowned for their excellent wine, especially Pinot Noir. You and a friend will mount gentle Tennessee Walking Horses—or opt instead for a carriage—and enjoy breathless scenery and sample wines. Afterwards, you’ll kick up your boots at the idyllic luxury resort , the Allison Inn & Spa, called “the new gold standard for Oregon wine country travel” by Seattle magazine. Package includes: • Two-hour guided tour with stops at White Rose Estate, Vista Hills Winery and Winters Hill Vineyard; • Two-night stay in deluxe view king room, with either a balcony or terrace and soaking tub. Wine ta st in g fees a re not incl ud e d.

VALUE: $1,060 DONOR: Allison Inn & Spa, Equestrian Wine Tours


ROB BRINSON PHOTOGRAPH This stunning photograph, Pearl, depicts black sheep, as shown in Better Homes and Gardens. Rob Brinson is a photographer, artist , and educator who, for the past 29 years, has traveled the world shooting for national magazines and on commission as a fine artist for major corporations and CEOs like Lowe’s Hotels, Ritz Carlton, Delta Air Lines, and Ted Turner. VALUE: $1,250 DONOR: Rob Brinson Photography

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SLS BEVERLY HILLS: TWO-NIGHT STAY FOR TWO Your Rodeo Drive dream awaits at a room in the boutique SLS Hotel at Beverly Hills located just blocks from the sparkling storefronts of this iconic Hollywood scene. Staying with SLS Hotels ensures you VIP treatment at many restaurants and nightclubs like Katsuya by Starck, The Sayers Club and Hyde Lounge. At once ultra-modern and classically elegant – it’s just what you’d expect from Beverly Hills. Includes two nights MasterPark Airport Valet Services. VALUE: $760 DONOR: MasterPark Airport Valet Services, SLS Hotel at Beverly Hills


BUTCH BLUM SHOPPING AND CLOSET CLEAN The tough love your closet’s been crying for is here. For the fashion- and quality-minded bidder, here’s a unique purchase opportunity, courtesy of the Northwest’s finest purveyor of men’s and women’s designer fashions, BUTCH BLUM. Delight in a thorough assessment of your current wardrobe, complete with a cleaning of your closet and creation of a “needs” list ($250 VALUE). Once you know what you need, enjoy the gift of a $500 merchandise certificate from BUTCH BLUM in downtown Seattle. No ca sh refund. No shoe p urcha ses . Cl oset Cl e a n l o ca ti o n m u st b e w i t h i n 1 5 mi l es of d own town Se a t tl e . Cl oset Cl e a n must b e sch ed u l ed 3 0 d a y s i n a dva n ce . Cl oset cl ean pre pa r a t ion must b e compl ete d by t he r ec i pi en t p r i o r to t h e a r r i va l of t he BUTCH BLUM s p e c ia l ist . Cl oset Cl e a n wil l n ot exceed two h o u rs .



HEIRLOOM CUSTOM PAINTING Capture favorite memories in a hand-painted art piece for your wall. Email your favorite photo, or let Thomas Fallon’s awardwinning photographer create an image. You’ll save $1,000 off the price of the final, 24-inch hand-painted portrait (from $1,800) that will be treasured for generations. VALUE: $1,000 DONOR: Thomas Fallon


EMP FAMILY MEMBERSHIP AND OPENING PARTY So Say We All! Your one-year family membership to EMP Museum includes two tickets to the opening party for the new exhibition, “ The Infinite Worlds of Science Fiction”, opening March 28, 2015. Your yearlong family membership includes: • Unlimited free admission for two adults and all children under 18 in the same household; • Discounts to all EMP summer camps; • Discounts at EMP Stores, EMP Museum Shop online, and POP Kitchen + Bar, and for On Stage commemorative items; • Invitations to exhibition previews and member-only events; • Advance notice, discounted, or free tickets for all EMP programs; • Free admission to Living Computer Museum and Flying Heritage Collection. VALUE: $145 DONOR: EMP Museum

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PORTRAIT SESSION WITH MICHAEL ROSENBERG More than a fleeting moment captured in time, a portrait of your child or family is an art form that lifts your spirits and touches your heart , time and again. Whether it is a large black and white work of art on the wall, or a collection of prints capturing the many faces and emotions you see every day in your beloved ones, or perhaps a “day in the life” session, let Michael create images that will stay with you for years to come. Good for one professional child, senior, couple or family studio or location portrait session. Mut ual l y a g re e abl e d a te . Not t ra n sfe ra bl e wit hout t h e p er m i s si o n of Mi ch a el Rose nb e rg; not re d e e ma bl e for ot he r ite m s . Pr int s m a y b e p u r ch a sed sep a r a tel y.

VALUE: $400 DONOR: Michael Rosenberg Photography


ALPACA COAT KNIT KIT There’s nothing like the feeling of wrapping yourself in your own hand-knit coat . This item includes the pattern and all the yarn you need to make a fabulous, easy-to-knit Alpaca blend blanket coat . VALUE: $225 DONOR: Tricoter Seattle


PUT A BIRD ON IT! Located in the heart of downtown Portlandia, The Westin Portland Hotel is located within a few blocks of amazing, taxfree shopping, Pioneer Courthouse Square, MAX light rail, the Portland Art Museum, and Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall. The trendy Pearl District and the quaint Nob Hill area, known for its great restaurants and stylish boutiques, are just a short stroll or streetcar away. Includes valet parking. VALUE: $600 DONOR: The Westin Portland


VERSATILE POMEGRANATE AND VINE-LEAF DESIGNS NECKLACE Lea Ben-Arye has crafted a stylish, versatile necklace, of 18-karat gold-plated pomegranate and vine-leaf designs. This versatile necklace, suitable for any occasion, may be worn long, doubled, or as a bracelet . VALUE: $200 DONOR: Jameson Babbitt Stites & Lombard, PLLC

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WEEKEND AT THE WESTIN BELLEVUE Tear up the Eastside’s hottest shopping strip with this 2-night weekend stay in the heart of downtown Bellevue!! Your traditional guest room at the Westin Bellevue puts you in the middle of the lively scene. Includes breakfast for two in the Cypress Lounge & Wine Bar. Subject to a vail abil ity; excl ud es a l cohol ic b eve r a ges a n d g r a tu i ty.

VALUE: $858 DONOR: Westin Bellevue


NINTENDO WII GAMING PACKAGE Next-gen Nintendo games in gorgeous HD! You’ll take home a Nintendo Wii U gaming console and two games: Super Smash Brothers and Mario Kart 8. Be a hero to a beloved tween – or discover a new guilty pleasure all your own! VALUE: $420 DONOR: Nintendo of America


SPACE NEEDLE FOR FOUR Experience the view from 520 feet above Seattle at the worldfamous Space Needle! You and three friends will use these admission tickets to visit the observation deck, take a virtual tour and snap some of the coolest photos around. VALUE: $85 DONOR: Space Needle


NORTH FACE DOWN CAR COAT Snug, warm and stylish, this awesome down-filled, waterproof car-length coat has a faux fur-lined hood for ski chalet chic. Coat size: large. Comfiness: off the charts. VALUE: $350 DONOR: Friend of JDRF


4 MARINER BASEBALL TICKETS FOR MAY 16 Your box seats behind home plate are the per fect place for you and three friends to watch the Seattle Mariners take on the Boston Red Sox! Game is the evening of Saturday, May 16; includes parking garage pass. VALUE: $285 DONOR: Teresa and Paul Casey

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VANCOUVER B.C. TWO-NIGHT STAY FOR TWO Your Harbor View room at the Westin Bayshore in downtown Vancouver will have you steps away from all the city’s activities and events, while providing a relaxing resort experience. Listed on Conde Nast Traveler’s Gold List , this property boasts stunning views from one of the world’s most specatular coastal locations. VALUE: $700 DONOR: The Westin Bayshore Vancouver


FISHERMEN ON THE SEA OF GALILEE LIMITED EDITION SILK SCREEN PRINT A founder of the celebrated artistic village of Ein Hod in Israel, painter Ben Zion Magal also founded the Haifa Association of Artists. Mainly impressionistic in style, his paintings often featured the Israeli landscape. This limited-edition silk screen print is from an original painting and is of Fishermen On The Sea Of Galilee as they appeared many years ago. Number 184 of 250, it is signed, matted, and framed. VALUE: $1,000 DONOR: Artisan Custom Framing, Jameson Babbitt Stites & Lombard, PLLC


DOE BAY GETAWAY A rustic paradise on Orcas Island, enjoy $100 towards accommodations at the Doe Bay Resort and Retreat . Visit the soaking tubs and saunas, dine at the water front café, sign up for a guided kayak trip, or hike the day away in Moran State Park. Not val id during D oe B a y Fest , Aug. 6 -1 0 , 2 0 1 5 .

VALUE: $100 DONOR: Doe Bay Resort and Retreat


TWO NIGHTS AT THE WESTIN MISSION HILLS IN RANCHO MIRAGE This AAA 4-diamond golf resort is recognized as one of G olf Digest’s “top 75 golf resorts in North America.” Enjoy your deluxe room for two as you soak up the sun and tons of amenities. Includes two night’s MasterPark Airport Valet Services. Bl a ckout d a tes appl y; not va l id on hol id a ys , b etwe en Ma r ch 1 -Ap r i l 2 9 ; a n d Frid a ys or Sa t urd a ys t hr ough Ma y 3 1 , 2 0 1 5 .

VALUE: $860 DONOR: MasterPark Airport Valet Services, Westin Mission Hills G olf Resort & Spa

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HEADING TO THE LANGAR BY MELISSA HANSEN In Sikh tradition, a langar is a free and open kitchen where all are welcome, regardless of faith or background. Photographer Melissa Hansen shot this 8x10” image outside a Sikh temple in New Delhi. VALUE: $220 DONOR: Melissa Hansen


SHOPPING PARTY AT THE BRIK Beloved Magnolia shopping mecca, The Brik Boutique, offers this shopping soiree for you and dozens of your friends! Enjoy refreshments as you peruse the racks of fine men’s and women’s clothing. • Shopping party for up to 50 people • Wine and food provided • Shoppers enjoy 20 percent off merchandise during the party • Includes a Bugatchi men’s shirt and two Michael Stars tank tops VALUE: $2,000 DONOR: The Brik Boutique


A YEAR OF SEASONAL FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS Filling Northwest homes with beauty for three decades, Martha E . Harris Flowers and G ifts is pleased to offer four fresh, seasonal flower arrangements, delivered to you throughout the year. Each is valued at $100, including delivery. VALUE: $400 DONOR: Martha E . Harris Flowers and G ifts


BLACK LEATHER VERSACE BAG Shrug on this terrific Versace bag for effortless chic any day. This very fine, Italian-made black leather bag features goldchain detail, with double chain and leather shoulder straps, and an internal zipper. Measures 12.5”L x 7”W x 9”H. Hey, you’re not purse shopping — you’re supporting JDRF! VALUE: $1,000 DONOR: Friend of JDRF

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FULL BAG CLUB FITTING AT GREGG ROGERS’ Being expertly fit for your golf equipment will help improve your game! You’ll experience a full bag club fitting with an assistant PGA professional at the Gregg Rogers’ G olf Per formance Centers in Bellevue, 3-time winner of Golf Digest’s “America’s Top 100 Club Fitter.” Your fitting will include the state-of-theart Trackman Launch Monitor. VALUE: $250 DONOR: Gregg Rogers’ Golf Performance Centers, LLC


AN EVENING OF LUXURY Made from the finest Italian fabrics, your new shirt by worldclass men’s shirt maker J Hilburn will be styled just for you by Annette Dresser. You and nine friends will be resplendent in your new shirts as you enjoy appetizers and wine tasting by Matthews Winery. VALUE: $3,000 DONOR: Annette Dresser, Matthews Winery


HAND-BLOWN GLASS VASE The round shape and polka dots make this piece irresistible! This hand-blown piece in lavender glass was created by Boyd Sugiki and Lisa Zerkowitz of Two Tone Studios, and measures 12.5” x 7.5”. VALUE: $400 DONOR: Two Tone Studios


GOLF FOR FOUR AT GLENDALE COUNTRY CLUB Some of the region’s finest golf in a quiet and beautiful setting is at G lendale Country Club, Bellevue’s premier private club. Your day for four includes carts and your choice of breakfast or lunch. You’ll also receive a full bag club fitting with an assistant PGA professional at the Gregg Rogers’ G olf Per formance Centers in Bellevue. VALUE: $1,250 DONOR: Gregg Rogers’ Golf Performance Centers, LLC, Tina and Bruce Kahn

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ELEVEIGHT SALON HAIRCUT & COLOR Elevate your look with a personalized color treatment and cut by designer and color expert Michelle Clifton at Seattle’s Eleveight salon. Michelle’s extensive experience will help create a personal style that is all your own. VALUE: $250 DONOR: Michelle Clifton, Eleveight Salon


GOLF FOR FOUR WITH ANNETTE DRESSER A glorious golf outing for you and three friends awaits at Overlake Golf & Country Club in Medina. Your package includes a round of golf with Annette Dresser, lunch and carts. VALUE: $600 DONOR: Annette Dresser, Overlake Golf & Country Club


ON-FIELD EXPERIENCE WITH SHANNON DRAYER AND THE MARINERS FOR TWO What goes on behind the scenes when you are watching a Mariners game? Here’s your chance to find out! Shannon Drayer, 710 ESPN Radio’s “behind the scenes and on the field” broadcaster, will provide you with a very special private tour of the Seattle Mariners press box and the Davie Niehaus Broadcast Center. After the tour, you’ll go down on the field to view the pregame activities. You never know who might come and say “hi!” Includes two quality game tickets. Mut ual l y a gre e abl e d a te .

VALUE: Priceless DONOR: Seattle Mariners


MATCHING POMEGRANATE & HEART EARRINGS AND POMEGRANATE & SEEDS PENDANT NECKLACE Lea Ben-Arye, of the Ein Hod Artists’ Village, has handcrafted a beautiful 18-karat set of gold-plated pomegranate and heart earrings coupled with a pomegranate and seeds necklace. VALUE: $250 DONOR: Jameson Babbitt Stites & Lombard, PLLC

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MONEYBALL: BE A BIGTIME BASEBALL SCOUT FOR A DAY Find out what it takes to play in the big show when 14-year and two-time All Star Jeff Cirillo shows you a day in the life of a big-league scout! You and a friend will enjoy behind-the-scenes access to Safeco Field, scouting with Cirillo behind home plate when the M’s play a Major League Baseball game. Includes game tickets, press-box access and popcorn! Mut ual l y a g re e abl e d a te dur ing t he 2 0 1 5 se a son .

VALUE: $500 DONOR: Jeffrey Cirillo


TWO HOUSE TICKETS TO MEMPHIS IN LONDON AND A GUEST MEMBERSHIP TO THE HOSPITAL CLUB Roof-raising rock ‘n’ roll. Journey to London’s West End, where you and a guest will be treated to an evening of explosive dancing, irresistible songs and a thrilling tale of fame and forbidden love. Lead producers Marleen and Kenny Alhadeff invite you to Memphis, the Seattle-born Tony Award-winning play, at the beautiful and historic Shaftesbury Theater. You’ll also enjoy exclusive access to Paul Allen and Dave Stewart’s private, members-only club, The Hospital Club, for the duration of your stay in London. • Two house tickets to Memphis • Backstage experience for two • Access for two to The Hospital Club for the duration of your stay in London • 3-course meal (including wine) for two people in the Club restaurant Mut ual l y a gre e abl e d a te b efore Ma rch 8 , 2 0 1 6 .

VALUE: $2,500 DONOR: Marleen and Kenny Alhadeff, The Hospital Club

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ROMANTIC WHIDBEY WEEKEND This magnificently remodeled waterfront home is yours for the weekend! Replete with the finest furnishings, elegant woodwork, amazing art , architectural serendipity, this 3-bedroom home has stunning views and a hot tub that overlooks the water. • 3-bedroom waterfront home, the Captain’s Cabin, for up to six guests • Fireplaces, hot tub, BBQ and gourmet kitchen • Romance basket featuring a wide array of chocolates and other treats, and a lush red throw Not val id durin g summe r mont h s or hol id a y we e ke n d s . No p et s a l l owed.

VALUE: $1,150 DONORS: Friend of JDRF, Rebecka and Bruce Milne, Whidbey Retreats


DOG LOVER’S PACKAGE Who’s a good dog? Your dog! Reward your pup with this special class and portrait package. First , fine-tune his manners – or teach him a few new tricks – with a group obedience class from Dog’s Day Out . Then put those good-dog skills to work at a one-hour pet portrait session. Your package includes: • One group obedience class series, your choice: Puppy, Basics, Beyond Basics, Tricks, Difficult Dog or K9 Nose Works; • A one-hour pet portrait session at Alyssa Rose Photography’s Greenlake studio; • One 8x10” print from your session. Expires Septem b e r 2 0 , 2 0 1 5 .

VALUE: $300 DONOR: Alyssa Rose Photography, Dog’s Day Out


URBAN GETAWAY AT W SEATTLE Steal away for a night downtown at the hip W Seattle Hotel. Your Wonderful room for two is your retreat for one night in the center of Seattle’s culture core, Within blocks of Pike Place Market , Seattle Center, Seattle Waterfront and Benaroya Symphony Hall. Frid a y or Sa t urd a y night , b a se d on a va il a bil ity.

VALUE: $500 DONOR: W Seattle Hotel

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ARMANI GLASS GLOBE AND DESIGN CONSULTATION This vintage, hand-blown Armani globe is hand-etched with striking patterns. At approximately 15” in diameter, it’s a perfect centerpiece. You’ll also enjoy an architecture or interior design consultation that includes two hours of review, and an additional eight hours of design development time that may include drawings, materials and color selections or furnishing recommendations. Li mite d to in- office con sul ta t ion s onl y; a d d it iona l t i m e w i l l b e bi l l ed a t d esigne r’s stan d ard ra tes .

VALUE: $3,500 DONOR: Garret Cord Werner Architects and Interior Designers


FAMILY PORTRAIT SESSION Create a family heirloom you’ll treasure for decades to come. G ifted and in-demand local photographer G ina Mazzaferro will capture your family – up to five people – in all your crazy glory at the Eastside location you choose with G ina. This certificate is good for a one-hour photo session. Pl e a se arran ge mut ua l l y a gr e e a bl e t ime we l l in a dva n ce ( a t h r ee- m o n t h wa i t i s comm on ); can’t be excha nge d for a ny ot he r se r vice o r p r o d u c t .

VALUE: $150 DONOR: G ina Mazzaferro Photography


SUMPTUOUS SALISH STAY Relax, rejuvenate and unwind in the tranquility of your luxuious deluxe guestroom at Salish Lodge & Spa, the iconic, historic Northwest resort overlooking Snoqualmie Falls. Your lovely room is complete with a fireplace, feather bedding, and a two-person jetted tub. Val id Sun d a y- Frid a y night s ; bl a ckout d a tes a p pl y. Not va l i d o n g r o u p b o oki n g s .

VALUE: $400 DONOR: Columbia Hospitality/Salish Lodge & Spa

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SERAFINA OSTERIA E ENOTECA AND WINE Serafina opened its doors in 1991 as an intimate neighborhood restaurant located on Eastlake. Its ochre walls, reminiscent of the Tuscan landscape, its intimate, sultry atmosphere, and its authentic Italian cuisine make it a favorite with diners from around the Puget Sound and beyond. • $75 G ift Certificate to Serafina Osteria e Enoteca • 2009 Casanove di Neri Brunello di Montalcino 92 points, The Wine Advocate VALUE: $130 DONOR: Andrea Myers, Serafina Osteria e Enoteca


BEAUTIFUL BORDEAUX This Chateau Dauzac Margaux Bordeaux has irresistible energy and a long finish, with mocha and black fruits. Enjoy this wine now, or cellar it for five to ten years for optimal enjoyment . • 2009 Chateaux Dauzac Margaux Bordeaux (2 bottles) 92 points, The Wine Advocate VALUE: $175 DONOR: Alan Bornstein


SEATTLE SURF ‘N TURF SAMPLER You love surf ‘n turf – now sample the best Seattle has to offer! This package includes $100 gift certificates to eight legendary spots: • Aqua by El Gaucho • Chandler’s Crabhouse • Daniel’s Broiler • El Gaucho • Elliott’s Oyster House • John Howie Steak • The Metropolitan Grill • Seastar Restaurant and Raw Bar VALUE: $800 DONOR: Lea and Larry Hamlin


ÀMAURICE DUO àMaurice, a family-owned and operated winery, is known for creating food-friendly wines. These two are excellent additions to your cellar. • 2010 àMaurice Malbec Estate Amparo 88 points, Wine Spectator • 2010 àMaurice Syrah Estate Fred 92 points, The Wine Advocate VALUE: $100 DONOR: Friend of JDRF

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4 COURSE VOLTERRA RESTAURANT CLASSICS TASTING MENU FOR TWO Volterra was hailed the “cities toughest reservation” by Bon Appetit magazine and features the bold-flavored, Tuscan-inspired cuisine of Chef Don Curtiss showcasing his innovative style applied to the bountiful harvest of the Pacific Northwest . You and a guest will enjoy dinner at either Volterra’s flagship location in historic Ballard or downtown Kirkland. Chef Don Curtiss, who was named one of America’s Most Innovative Chefs by the Wine Spectator, will create a 4 course tasting menu of Volterra signature dishes exclusively for you and will send you home with a jar of Volterra Fennel Salt which was been included in the Oscar gift bags since 2005. VALUE: $200 DONOR: Don Curtiss, Michelle Quisenberry, Volterra Restaraunt


A FLAIR FULL SERVICE TABLE DÉCOR Whether you are having a formal, informal, special occasion, or holiday dinner party, let A Flair give it the style you envision. Package includes: • Full service custom table décor and design for up to 12 guests; • Pre event consultation; • Complete table design and set up, including flowers, place cards, custom menu cards; linens, silverware and dishware; • Dismantling and pick up post event . Fi nal d esig n b a sed up on a va il a bil ity. Va l id t hrough Ma r ch 3 1 , 2 0 1 6

VALUE: $400 DONOR: A Flair, Janet Devereux


FIVE SUPERIOR WASHINGTON REDS • 2006 Covington Cellars Malbec, Columbia Valley • 2008 Olsen Estates Malbec, Yakima Valley • 2011 JM Cellars Longevity Red, Columbia Valley 91 points, Wine Spectator • 2012 Beringer Cabernet Sauvignon, Knights Valley 90 points, Wine Spectator • 2010 Garrison Creek Tempranillo VALUE: $200 DONOR: Michon and Scott Dowling, Drs. Barbara and Jerry Nepom, Cindy and Sandy Levy, Kat Uzzelle


LULLABY WINERY TASTING Having studied art in Japan, Virginie Bourgue of Lullaby Winery has applied the time-honored format of a traditional tea ceremony to wine tasting. You and nine guests are invited to experience a truly unique and intimate tasting at Lullaby’s Port Townsend winery. Through a thoughtful combination of art , poetry and floral arrangements, your tasting will be based on the season and appropriately paired with small bites. Pl ea se arran ge a mut ua l l y a gre e a bl e ta st ing. Va l id t h r o u gh Au g u st 3 1 , 2 0 1 5 .

VALUE: $500 DONOR: Lullaby Winery

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TEQUILA TASTING AND DINNER FOR EIGHT Five Restaurant Bistro in Edmonds invites eight of you to a tequila tasting and education session led by owner Tad Clark, where you’ll taste nine different exquisite tequilas ranging from $10 to $65 per shot . Your group will then enjoy appetizers, salads, entrees, and desserts either inside or outdoors on their fantastic patio. Pl e a se arran ge a mut ua l l y a gr e e a bl e d a te for ta st i n g a n d d i n n er i n a dva n ce , excl uding hol id a ys a nd Fr id a y eve nings . D oes not i n cl u d e ta x a n d g r a tu i ty.

VALUE: $2,500 DONOR: Five Restaurant Bistro


DINNER AT IL TERRAZZO CARMINE Il Terrazzo Carmine, established by the late Carmine Smeraldo has become a local institution and continues to be one of Seattle’s true dining anomalies. Carmines sets the bar with unfailingly high standards that have garnered a loyal clientele since it opened its doors in 1984. Find out why their cuisine has been acclaimed as Seattle’s best by the media and local diners. VALUE: $200 DONOR: Il Terrazzo Carmine, Intermezzo Carmine


LONG SHADOWS VINTNERS COLLECTION The Long Shadows Vintners Collection (6 bottles) is now sold out , but you’ll take one home tonight . Includes 6 bottles beautifully packaged in a fire-branded wood box: • 2011 Chester-Kidder Red Wine – G illes Nicault , winemaker • 2012 Sequel Syrah – John Duval, winemaker • 2012 Saggi Red Wine – Ambrogio & G iovanni Folonari, winemakers 92 points, Wine Enthusiast • 2012 Feather Cabernet Sauvignon – Randy Dunn, winemaker • 2012 Pedestal Merlot – Michel Rolland, winemaker • 2012 Pirouette Red Wine – Philippe Melka & Agustin Huneeus, Sr., winemakers VALUE: $350 DONOR: Colleen and Bill McAleer


FOUR UNIQUE SYRAHS The Helix Clonal Selections Collection is the result of a desire to share and educate through experience and adventure. It is comprised of four unique Syrah wines sourced from the Phinny Hill Vineyards own and managed by Dick and Cheryl Beightol. Three are 100% each from separate Syrah clones and the fourth is an equal blend of the three clones. • Clone 174 • Clone 470 • Clone Noire • The Helix Phinny Hill Syrah VALUE: $120 DONOR: Reininger Winery

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WINE TASTING FOR SIX FROM HAND OF GOD WINES Tasting for six at the Hand of God Wines’ downtown Seattle tasting room. • 2010 Hand of God Wines Old Vine Malbec 92 points, Wine Spectator VALUE: $200 DONOR: Hand of God Wines


ACCLAIMED CAYUSE RED “Cayuse is no longer a secret and it may be America’s toughest mailing list to crack … but do whatever it takes to get your hands on a few of these gems.” – Jay Miller, The Wine Advocate • 2006 Cayuse God Only Knows Grenache, Walla Walla Valley 97 points, The Wine Advocate VALUE: $325 DONOR: The Lombard Family


VA PIANO TASTING, TOUR AND LUNCH FOR SIX Your group of six is invited to a private tour and tasting of current and barreled wines led by Va Piano winemaker and owner Justin Wylie, who will also take you into the vineyard to share Va Piano’s growing philosophy and techniques. Your day concludes with lunch at Va Piano’s beautiful custom-built , Tuscan-style winery and tasting room. Pl ea se arran ge a mut ua l l y a gre e a bl e d a te for ta sti n g i n a dva n ce .

VALUE: $600 DONOR: Va Piano Vineyards


A FALL 2014 WINE CLUB PACKAGE FROM WALLA WALLA VINTNERS Walla Walla Vintners is one of Washington State’s most revered wineries, started by pioneering winemakers Myles Anderson and G ordy Venneri. Your Fall 2014 Wine Club package (a 12 bottle selection) includes: • 3 bottles of 2009 Walla Walla Cabernet Sauvignon • 3 bottles of 2012 Yakima Valley Cordon Grove Cuvée • 2 bottles of 2012 Walla Walla Valley Pepperbridge Malbec • 2 bottles of 2012 Walla Walla Estate Syrah • 2 bottles of 2012 Walla Walla Valley Merlot VALUE: $500 DONOR: Walla Walla Vintners

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AUCLAIR WINERY PRIVATE WINE TASTING FOR EIGHT Charlie Auclair was first touched by the wine bug when he took a trip to Napa in 1988. He moved to Washington State in 1992 and settled down in western Washington a few hours from one of the finest grape growing and wine making regions of the world. Celebrate the fruits of his labor by enjoying a private tasting event for eight people that includes light food pairings. Pl e a se arran ge a mut ua l l y a gr e e a bl e d a te for ta st i n g i n a dva n ce .

VALUE: $200 DONOR: Auclair Winery, Scott Hogan


JEROBOAM OF SPARKMAN CELLARS A well-crafted red wine displaying dark fruits, red pepper, plum, red currant , raspberries and cherries. • 2011 Sparkman Cellars Wilderness Red, Columbia Valley, 3L VALUE: $140 DONOR: Sparkman Cellars


CHATEAU ROLLAT DUO PAIRED WITH SPECTACULAR WINERIES OF WASHINGTON GUIDE • 2008 Chateau Rollat Edouard de Rollat Cabernet Sauvignon, Walla Walla Valley (2 bottles) 90 points, The Wine Advocate The Wineries of Washington Guide is full of vibrant color photographs and detailed writings, and the guide provides a comprehensive look at the burgeoning winemaking industry in Washington State, featuring more than 70 of its finest wineries and vineyards. VALUE: $160 DONOR: Buty Winery, Chateau Rollat


AMBASSADOR WINES’ AWARD-WINNING RED AND TOUR This special red won a Double Gold medal in the 2014 Seattle Wine Awards. Take home this lovely bottle, and then visit Ambassador’s Woodinville tasting room with three friends. • 2011 Ambassador Estate Diplomat , Red Mountain, 3L • Complimentary tasting for four VALUE: $315 DONOR: Ambassador Wines of Washington

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ACCLAIMED CAYUSE RED “Cayuse is no longer a secret and it may be America’s toughest mailing list to crack … but do whatever it takes to get your hands on a few of these gems.” – Jay Miller, The Wine Advocate • 2007 Cayuse Syrah “En Cerise” Syrah, Walla Walla Valley 98 points, The Wine Advocate VALUE: $366 DONOR: The Lombard Family


INDOMITABLE, COLUMBIA VALLEY VERTICAL Woodinville Wine Cellars flagship red wine blend. Three vintages of the best barrels in the winery, sourced from some of the finest vineyards in Washington. • 2009 –91 points, Wine Spectator • 2010 “Best Cabernet Blend” – Golden Grape Awards VALUE: $250 DONOR: Woodinville Wine Cellars


WHAT ARE WASHINGTON FOOD ARTISANS UP TO? Washington’s food producers have led the way in creating delicious, artisanal, and often super-sustainable foods — and their offerings are just getting better and better. Grab nine friends and come taste some of the fantastic artisan foods being made close to home and learn how to use them to make the food and drink you love even tastier. Pl ea se arran ge a mut ua l l y a gre e a bl e d a te for ta sti n g i n a dva n ce .

VALUE: $450 DONOR: Marx Foods


STAG’S LEAP CABERNET SAUVIGNON AND 4 HAND BLOWN CUPS BY BOYD SUGIKI • 2007 Stag’s Leap Wine Cellars SLV Cabernet Sauvignon 91 points, The Wine Advocate • Graceful cups hand blown by artist Boyd Sugiki VALUE: $625 DONOR: Phyllis and Doug Collins, Friend of JDRF

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WINE AND ROMANCE Enjoy a bottle of 2004 Corliss Estates Columbia Valley Red Estate by the warm glow of candle light . Take home the wine and this beautiful pair of 14” glass taper candlesticks featuring metal leaf detailing hand applied by gilder Tamara Childs. VALUE: $225 DONOR: Tamara Childs, Sue Lombard


DELILLE CELLARS AND 4 HAND BLOWN CUPS BY BOYD SUGIKI • 2012 DeLille Cellars Cabernet Sauvignon Four Flags • Graceful cups hand blown by artist Boyd Sugiki VALUE: $570 DONOR: Terry Bloom, Friend of JDRF


PATIT CREEK WINE AND CHEESE TASTING FOR EIGHT Enjoy a private party for eight in Patit Creek Cellars’ Woodinville tasting room, pairing divine wines with delectable cheese. VALUE: $160 DONOR: Patit Creek Cellars


MAGNUM OF CADARETTA CABERNET AND 4 HAND BLOWN CUPS BY BOYD SUGIKI This magnum comes to you picnic-ready, with corkscrew, plastic wine glasses, and a cedar plank. • 2009 Cadaretta Cabernet Sauvignon, Columbia Valley 89 points, Wine Spectator • Graceful cups hand blown by artist Boyd Sugiki VALUE: $600 DONOR: Cadaretta Winery, Friend of JDRF


WINE AND ROMANCE Enjoy a bottle of 2011 Cliff Lede Vineyards Estates Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon Stags Leap District . Candlelight provided by gilder Tamara Childs; you’ll take home a pair of 14” glass taper candle sticks with hand applied metal leaf detailing. VALUE: $225 DONOR: Tamara Childs, Barbara and Jon Zweig

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Dr eam o n , d r eam o n , d re a m on Dr eam yo u rself a d r eam co m e tr ue Dr eam o n , d r eam o n , d re a m on Dr eam u nti l yo u r d r eam s co m e tr u e

To geth er we will m a ke ou r dream of a cur e com e tru e .

super silent The Su p e r Si l e nt Auc t i on offe rs a sp e c t a cu l a r a r ray of i te m s to b i d o n , t h a n ks to m a ny ge n e ro u s auc t i o n don ors. En j oy b i d d i ng we l l i nto th e eveni ng; t h e Su p e r Si l e nt Au c tion is o p e n u nt i l j ust a f te r L ive # 1 0 !

When you enter your bid in the “guaranteed bid” box on a Super Silent Auction form, you own the item. Your guaranteed bid raises critical dollars for diabetes research, bringing us closer to a world without T1D. S U PER S ILENT AU CT IO N CLOSE S I M M E D IATELY A F TER L IV E AUCT ION # 1 0


SIX BOTTLES 2011 CLOS MOGADOR, PRIORAT Su p er b s pa n i s h r e d

“A superb effort and great value for the quality,” according to The Wine Advocate. Includes six bottles of this blend of garnacha, carinena, cabernet sauvignon and syrah. • 2011 Rene Barbier Clos Mogador, Priorat DOCa, Spain 96 points, The Wine Advocate VALUE: $400 DONOR: Alan Benaroya


STYLISH SAN FRANCISCO HOTEL FOR TWO An eclectic urban retreat with a refreshing vibe and extraordinary service, W San Francisco will be your home base for a two-day adventure in the Bay Area. You and a friend will enjoy a lovely room at this stylish hotel located in the heart of the SoMA district , with panoramic views of the Bay Bridge and city skyline. Your stay includes: • Two-night stay for two; • $200 for a sumptuous breakfast at TRACE Restaurant; • Two nights MasterPark Airport Valet Services. VALUE: $1,200 DONOR: , MasterPark Airport Valet Services, W San Francisco Hotel



surround this villa at the Westin Desert Willows Resort , which features exceptional amenities. Your visit includes: • Seven night stay for two people in a one-bedroom villa; • Well-equipped kitchenette, fireplace and whirlpool tub; • Entertainment center with 37” flat-screen TV; • Resort features swimming pools, lighted tennis courts, basketball and volleyball courts. VALUE: $2,450 DONOR: Marc Nemirow


SIX BOTTLES OF CLOS DES PAPES CHÂTEAUNEUF DU PAPE S ix bot t le s o f r e ma r ka b l e r hone red

“A stunner, with a gorgeous cassis aroma that soars from the glass.” –Wine Spectator • 2012 Clos Des Papes Châteauneuf Du Pape 97 points, Wine Spectator VALUE: $600 DONOR: Alan Benaroya



SUN VALLEY CONDO FOR SIX P er f ect ly lo cat e d

and beautifully decorated, the lovely Elkhorn condo will be your home base for all that Sun Valley has to offer, whether world-class skiing in winter, or hiking, biking and golf in summer. Your stay includes six nights for six in this 3-bedroom, 3-bath condo located near historic Sun Valley Lodge.

Mut ual l y a g re e abl e d a te ; hol id a ys excl ud e d.

VALUE: $3,000 DONOR: Lakeside Industries


THE OFFERING #3 BY VALERIE STUART Se r ene yet v i b ra n t s h a d e s on canvas by Valerie Stuart . VALUE: $3,500 DONOR: Artforte Gallery

create harmony in this oil


SIX VIP TICKETS TO JOE BONAMASSA CONCERT – MAY 14, 2015 A m er ican b lu e s r o c k r oya lt y

Joe Bonamassa opened for B.B. King when he was just 12 years old; today, he is hailed worldwide as one of the greatest guitar players of his generation. Now, this remarkably versatile musician, singer and songwriter brings his distinctive brand of blues to Seattle’s historic Paramount Theatre — and you and five friends will be there as VIP guests. Your evening includes: • Six VIP tickets for Joe Bonamassa’s May 14th concert at the Paramount Theatre; • Special seating in the Loge; • Private entrance; • Access to Paramount Club; • Hors d’oeuvres and parking.

Ti cket s are non - t ra n sfe r r a bl e .

VALUE: $850 DONOR: Seattle Theatre Group




and rarely available, you and three friends will enjoy this private tour of the world-class training facility in Colorado, used by our Olympic and Paralympic hopefuls. Your VIP experience at One Olympic Plaza includes: • Four Alaska Airlines coach-class round-trip tickets to Colorado Springs, Colorado; • Guided insider access to sports facilities; • Lunch in the private athlete dining hall with Team USA athletes; • Selection of Team USA swag; • Access to the Team USA shop; • Photo opportunities. Package does not include lodging. All Alaska Airlines travel rules and restrictions are outlined in the Auction Travel Rules and Restrictions section of this catalog.

VALUE: Priceless DONOR: Alaska Airlines, Team USA Olympic Experience


HAND-BLOWN CAKE STAND How can a n y ca ke

be as luscious as this delightful glass mint green cake stand, hand-blown by the artists at Seattle’s Two Tone Studios? Measuring 15.5” x 9.5”, it’s per fect for a stack of cookies or a petite cake. VALUE: $2,000 DONOR: Two Tone Studios


BASTA BOAT LIFT Th oro u g h ly u pl i f t i n g , this Basta aluminum hydraulic boat lift will be installed at your Seattle-area location. Basta Boatlifts are designed to be robust , reliable and elegant . Every component is scrutinized to achieve optimal per formance and engineered to be stronger than the industry standard. Lifts up to 5,500 pounds; includes solar charger and remote. VALUE: $7,990 DONOR: Sea and Shore Construction


ALASKA AIRLINES GETAWAY TO SCOTTSDALE FOR TWO S un- d renc h e d s pl e n d o r awaits you at Scottsdale’s premier luxury resort , The Phoenician. You’ll stay two nights in a deluxe room while you explore this beautiful property, a AAA Five Diamond resort which features seven sparkling pools, eight restaurants and lounges, and a glorious spa. Travel in comfort with two First Class Tickets from Alaska Airlines. • Two-night stay in a deluxe view room • Twosome for golf (Sunday-Thursday only) • Two first class round trip tickets to Scottsdale, AZ on Alaska Airlines • Two nights MasterPark Airport Valet Services B a sed on a vail abil ity; not va l id on hol id a ys or dur i n g Feb r u a r y, Ma r ch o r Ap r i l. Must be use d by Ma y 1 , 2 0 1 6 . Al l Al a ska Air l ines t r a vel r u l es a n d r estr i c ti o n s a re outl ine d in t he Auc t ion Tra ve l Rul es a nd Rest ri c ti o n s sec ti o n of t h i s ca ta l o g .

VALUE: $4,100 DONOR: Alaska Airlines, MasterPark Airport Valet Services, The Phoenician



SEATTLE SEAHAWKS VIP TRAINING CAMP FOR TEN Th e u lt im at e fo ot ba l l fa n

will love this package filled with exclusive access and up-close views of NFL Training Camp football. In August , come on over to Seahawks’ Training Camp in Renton, where you will see head coach Pete Carroll and his staff putting the players through intense drills in preparation for the 2015 season. As you watch from your exclusive vantage point , you’ll enjoy the scenic views from the VIP Hospitality Tent setting on the shores of Lake Washington. Experience includes: • VIP access for 10; • Snacks and beverages; • Meet and greet with two Seahawks players at the conclusion of practice.

Pl e a se sche dul e mu t ua l l y a gre e a bl e d a te ; sche d ul e w i l l b e r el ea sed i n Ju l y. Request for experie nce must b e ma d e by Jul y 3 1 , 2 0 1 5 . Va l i d fo r 2 0 1 5 o n l y.

VALUE: Priceless DONOR: Seattle Seahawks, Virginia Mason


IOUNIS VARIATION #5 BY JENNIFER TAZEWELL A moody s ky a n d mu t e d co lors 24” x 36” oil on canvas by Jennifer Tazewell. VALUE: $2,000 DONOR: Artforte Gallery

glow on this


SWEET SUNCADIA PENTHOUSE RETREAT Enj oy bre at h ta ki n g v i ews

from your balcony as you revel in luxury at the magnificent Suncadia lodge in Roslyn, Washington. Your two-night getaway puts you in prime position for golf, mountain biking, fly fishing, hiking, skiing – or simply relaxing by the fire. • Two nights in a two-bedroom penthouse • Full kitchen, vaulted ceilings and fireplace • Balcony opens to pool, river and mountain views VALUE: $1,100 DONOR: The Benaroya Company



A MASERATI WEEKEND GETAWAY A p ow erf u l , gl e a mi n g mas e rat i

is at your service for this weekend adventure! Maserati of Seattle will hand over the keys to the newly launched G hibli, Maserati’s first-ever mid-size four-door luxury sports sedan vehicle. You are on your way to the Alderbook Resort & Spa, a convenient two hours away from Seattle. Your package includes: • Use of the newly launched G hibli, powered by a Ferrari-built twin-turbo V6 engine, capable of 400 horsepower; • A luxurious waterfront king room for two nights at Hood Canal’s historic Alderbrook Resort & Spa; • Credit at the Restaurant at Alderbrook and the Spa at Alderbrook, for dinner, drinks and perhaps a couple’s massage. All drive rs m ust be a t l e a st 2 5 ye a rs of a ge wit h a va l i d Wa sh i n g to n d r i ver’s li cen se and proof of f ul l cove r a ge in sura nce . Limite d to a m a xi m u m of 2 5 0 m i l es o n publ ic roa d s , an d not on a t ra ck or simil a r ve nue . Any d a m a g e to t h e veh i cl e i ncurred whil e in t h e ca re a nd p os ses sion of t he wi n n i n g bi d d er w i l l b e r ep a i r ed and invoice d by Ma se ra t i of Se a t tl e to t he bid d e r. Mu st b e u sed i n co n j u n c ti o n wi t h t he sta y a t Al d e rb rook Resor t & Sp a on a d a te a g r eea bl e to bi d d ers , Ma se ra t i of Sea t tl e . a nd Al d e r b r ook Resor t & Sp a .

VALUE: $2,700 DONOR: Alderbrook Resort & Spa, Maserati of Seattle



of high style, high quality and good value await your perusal as you seek out that per fect piece to refresh a room. Use your $1,000 gift certificate to choose from a wide variety of products at the Seattle or Bellevue Schoenfeld Interiors showrooms, in all furniture categories, the vast majority of which are American-made. VALUE: $1,000 DONOR: Schoenfeld Interiors



“A pure and manifestly earthy and sauvage nose offers up notes of red and dark currant , humus and underbrush” –Allen Meadows, Burghound. These six bottles are ready for cellaring and worth the wait . • 2012 Domaine Faiveley Latricieres-Chambertin Grand Cru, Cote de Nuits, France (6 bottles) 92-95 points, International Wine Cellar VALUE: $950 DONOR: Alan Benaroya



SEATTLE SOUNDERS GETAWAY FOR FOUR IN LOS ANGELES, APRIL 12 OR AUGUST 9, INCLUDES TWO-NIGHTS AT SHERATON LOS ANGELES A rar e o p p o rt u n i t y fo r s o u nd ers fa ns : You’ll receive four tickets and four pre-match sideline passes to Seattle Sounders FC versus LA Galaxy at the StubHub Center in Los Angeles. You will stay for two nights at the Sheraton Los Angeles Downtown Hotel, situated at the epicenter of L . A . culture. Near the Frank Gehry-designed Walt Disney Concert Hall, the Museum of Contemporary Art , the Grammy Museum, the Staples Center, fabulous restaurants and more, you’ll enjoy the best LA has to offer. Your stay includes breakfast . Val id for April 12 or August 9 , 2 0 1 5 Sound e rs ga m es , pl ea se a r r a n g e fo r a mut ual l y a gre e abl e sta y b a se d up on a va il a bil ity.

VALUE: Priceless DONOR: Seattle Sounders FC, Sheraton Los Angeles Downtown Hotel, Virgina Mason


ALIZA OLMERT PHOTOGRAPH: TIKKUN Ut t erly be au t i f u l

and widely embraced, the award-winning art of Aliza Olmert explores the balance between the whole and the broken, and examines the futility of trying to repair flawed perfection. Born in Germany, Olmert served in the Israel Army before studying at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Tikkun, the Jewish charge to heal and restore balance in the world, is explored in her haunting works, including this unforgettable image. VALUE: $1,500 DONOR: Dena Rigby Fine Arts, LLC


CHEF’S TABLE AT CAFÉ JUANITA FOR SIX Put yo u rs e l f i n t h e h a n ds of a m ast er . You and five friends will experience the personal attention of Chef Holly Smith as she prepares a sumptuous meal just for you. Ross Mickel of Ross Andrew Winery and Mark Ryan of Mark Ryan Winery will be there to expertly pair their wines to your meal. Your party will be among the first to sit at the chef ’s table at the newly remodeled Café Juanita. D oes n ot in cl ud e beve ra ges , ta x or gra t uity.

VALUE: $1,600 DONOR: Cafe Juanita, Mark Ryan Winery, Ross Andrew Winery




and unparalleled sophistication await at this remarkable destination resort . Located in the resort community of Princeville at Hanalei, this luxury property on Kauai resides on the northern shore of the garden isle. Your stay includes three nights in an ocean view room for two, complete with daily Makana Terrace breakfast buffet . Travel in comfort with two First Class Tickets from Alaska Airlines.

Subject to a vail abil ity a nd bl a ck out d a tes . Al l Al a ska Ai r l i n es tr a vel r u l es a n d rest rict ion s are outl ine d in t he Auc t ion Tr a ve l Rul es a n d Restr i c ti o n s sec ti o n of t h is ca tal og .

VALUE: $8,200 DONOR: Alaska Airlines, St . Regis Princeville Resort , Kauai


GORGEOUS GUCCI BAG A n elegant u pdat e on a Gucci icon once carried by Jackie Onassis, the Jackie Soft Hobo is undeniably chic. Soft grain leather gives this bag a beautiful structure while maintaining a slouchy shape. Gucci Downtown Seattle will also treat the the winning bidder to a special shopping experience, catered by the Capital Grille. VALUE: $2,990 DONOR: Gucci Downtown Seattle


ESPN BEHIND THE SCENES FOR TEN Th e wo rld’s b i gge st s po rts fa n

couldn’t ask for more! Your party of 10 will tour the 710 ESPN studios and meet with former University of Washington and NFL quarterback and ESPN host of “ The Brock and Salk Show”, Brock Huard. Brock will answer your questions, and then you’ll enjoy breakfast and photos. You’ll leave with an autographed football for each of your guests. Mut ual l y a gre e abl e d a te b efore D e ce mb e r 3 1 , 2 0 1 5 .

VALUE: $4,000 DONOR: 710 ESPN/Bonneville Seattle Media Group


TWO-NIGHT STAY IN HOLLYWOOD S it uat e yo u rs e l f

on Hollywood Boulevard. Your spectacular room for two is in a trendy, eco-conscious luxe hotel that boasts a chic bistro and rooftop pool. Out the front door, you’re standing in the shadow of the iconic Hollywood sign, a few steps from the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Bring your shades! B a sed on a vail abil ity; expires on August 3 1 , 2 0 1 5 .

VALUE: $1,050 DONOR: W Hollywood Hotel and Residences



EXPERT LEGAL SERVICES P r ov id ing s ki l l e d l ega l co uns el in a range of practice areas, the law firm of Jameson Babbitt Stites and Lombard, PLLC handles work involving commercial real estate, development , construction, financing, and related business. Receive $4,000 in expert legal services from this Martindale Hubbell top AV firm. VALUE: $4,000 DONOR: Jameson Babbitt Stites & Lombard, PLLC


UMBER NIGHT BY SHARIKA ROLAND Ri ch colors a n d t e xt u r e s original by Sharika Roland. VALUE: $2,000 DONOR: Artforte Gallery

wash over this 36” x 24”



you’ll be talking about for years! Two couples will be wined and dined in the heart of Walla Walla wine country. Enjoy a two-night stay at Sleight of Hand Cellar’s guest house, the Magician’s Lair, located next to the winery and tasting room. You’ll be treated to a VIP tasting of current and future releases, including a barrel tasting with the winemakers. Tonight , you’ll take home a mixed case of the latest award-winning wine from Sleight of Hand Cellars.

Mut ual l y a gre e abl e d a te .

VALUE: $1,000 DONOR: Sleight of Hand Cellars



… You and a friend will enjoy VIP treatment and the best seats in the house for a taping of Late Night with Seth Meyers. Seth Meyers is a Saturday Night Live alum, comedian, writer, and producer. Winning bidder will receive tickets to attend a taping at NBC Television Studios at 30 Rockefeller Center in New York City. Mut ual l y a gre e abl e d a te ; must b e 1 6 or ol d e r. Ta pi n g o ccu rs Mo n d a y t h rough Thursd a y.

VALUE: Priceless DONOR: Late Night with Seth Meyers



SIX BOTTLES OF ANTINORI SOLAIA “ The bouquet here is very ripe with thick tones of strawberry and blackberry folded within tobacco, leather and sweet spice. Cabernet Sauvignon, Sangiovese and Cabernet Franc offer flavors of rum cake and candied fruit . There’s a good amount of tannic firmness surrounded by thick extract and fleshiness.” -Robert Parker • 2011 Marchesi Antinori Solaia Toscana IGT, Tuscany, Italy 91 Points, The Wine Advocate VALUE: $1,170 DONOR: Alan Benaroya


RESEARCHER FOR A WEEK Yo u’r e pas s i o n at e

about finding a cure — now find out what it’s really like to be a T1D researcher with this rare and unusual opportunity. One lucky winner will spend a week shadowing leading researchers at the Benaroya Research Institute, experiencing the ups and downs of scientific discovery and collaboration. It’s sure to be an eye-opening experience, perfect for a college student or anyone with a curious mind. Must b e a t l ea st 18 ; mut ua l l y a gre e a bl e d a te in 2 0 1 5 .

VALUE: Priceless DONOR: Benaroya Research Institute at Virginia Mason, Dr. Gerald Nepom


THREE NIGHTS IN OCEAN VIEW ROOM AT SHERATON WAIKIKI O f all wai ki ki b e ac h h ot e l s , one towers above the rest … the Sheraton Waikiki is a modern monument to traditional Hawaiian hospitality. This Oahu hotel is per fect for families seeking Hawaii activities, couples in search of romance, or wearly travelers seeking a rejuvenation escape. The Sheraton Waikiki is your gateway to Hawaii’s favorite playground, Waikiki Beach. Includes three nights parking at MasterPark Airport Valet Services. VALUE: $1,060 DONOR: MasterPark Airport Valet Services, Starwood Hotels


ELECTRIC GUITAR SIGNED BY JIM BELUSHI Tak e h om e t h e u lt i mat e s o u venir

from tonight’s event – an electric guitar signed by the frontman from the high energy rhythm & blues band, The Sacred Hearts. VALUE: $750 DONOR: Jim Belushi



NASCAR SONOMA VIP EXPERIENCE ON JUNE 28 Th r ill to n as ca r act i o n

with this rare, insider-access opportunity! You and three friends will have exclusive access to the garage and pit area with your special VIP credentials and race tickets for the June 28th NASCAR Sprint Cup Series race in Sonoma, CA . You’ll also meet and get a photo with Enumclaw’s own Sprint-car superstar Kasey Kahne. VALUE: $1,150 DONOR: The Kasey Kahne Foundation, on behalf of Kasey Kahne and Russell Wilson


SEATTLE WINE TOUR EXPERIENCE FOR 10 A n elegant me r c e de s b e n z s p rint er

will carry your group to three of Seattle’s finest wineries and tasting rooms in Georgetown. Your tour includes an exclusive VIP tasting at Charles Smith’s Jet City Winery, opening this June. Choose two others — or let us choose for you — O•S Winery, Bartholomew, Fall Line, Kerloo, Laurelhurst and more!

Mut ual l y a g re e abl e d a tes b e ginning in mid-June .

VALUE: $2,000 DONOR: Butler Seattle


SUMMER PLACE BY RHONDA HILL Evok ing summe rs by t h e s h ore , this 20” x 60” mixed media on canvas is a study in texture. VALUE: $2,500 DONOR: Artforte Gallery


SIX NIGHTS FOR FOUR AT LORETO BAY MEXICAN BAJA Th is aut h e n t i c t wo -b e dr o om hac ienda

at Loreto Bay features luxurious Mexican crafted furnishings and designs. Nestled between the Sierra de la G iganta Mountains and the Sea of Cortez, the property boasts four community pools, beautiful landscaping, sandy beach and expansive inner courtyard. Loreto is the ideal place for an adventurefilled getaway: The four of you can enjoy snorkeling, kayaking, whale watching, hiking, golf and sport fishing, or just lounge by the pool and feast on outstanding cuisine! Includes six nights parking at MasterPark Airport Valet Services.

Excl ud es al l hol id a ys ; va l id unt il D e ce mb e r 3 1 , 2 0 1 5 .

VALUE: $2,000 DONOR: MasterPark Airport Valet Services, Rebecca and Bruce Milne, Whidbey Retreats



SPECTACULAR CHIHULY STUDIO EDITION Rev ered no rt h w e st gl as s art ist dale chih u ly offers a remarkable hand blown Piccolo Venetian as part of the Studio Edition G lass series. Measuring 11” in height , the piece is signed by Chihuly and comes complete with certification. VALUE: $7,000 DONOR: Museum of G lass

Piccolo Venetian

3038 TESLA PARTY FOR EIGHT AND 24 HOURS WITH A TESLA Th e chanc e to t e st d r i v e a Te s l a!

You and seven friends will meet at the South Lake Union Tesla location, where you’ll spend 2.5 hours test driving these dream cars. Return to the showroom floor for a dinner designed especially for your party by McCracken + Tough. Taking a decidely modern approach to a timelss craft , Chefs Brian McCracken and Dana Tough honor and elevate their carefully sourced ingredients. Winning bidder also has the opportunity to enjoy the ultimate test drive experience — and make a big entrance at any event! — when you take temporary custody of a Tesla Model S for 24 hours! D rivers must b e a t l e a st 2 5 ye a rs of a ge (younge r p eo pl e a r e wel co m e to r i d e sh otgun !). Pl ea se a r r a nge a mut ua l l y a gre e a bl e d a te a t l ea st two weeks i n a dvance; sub je ct to a va il a bil ity.

VALUE: $2,200 DONOR: McCracken + Tough, Tesla Motors


QUEEN ANNE DINNER FOR EIGHT AND SHELBY EARL LIVING ROOM CONCERT Soak u p st u n n i n g s pac e n e ed l e views

at this beautiful home on Queen Anne hill, where you and 7 friends will gather for dinner created especially for you by chef Patrick Frank of Cochon Catering. Enjoy a Living Room Concert played by Shelby Earl, an American singer-songwriter with two critically acclaimed albums, Burn the Boats and Swift Arrows.

Mut ual l y a gre e abl e d a te .

VALUE: $4,000 DONOR: The Arntz family, Cochon Catering, Shelby Earl, Patrick Frank, Angela Rose


TODD REED DIAMOND PENDANT From fox’s s e at t l e , in their new boutique space in the Fairmont Olympic Hotel, is this elegant piece by cutting-edge designer Todd Reed. Using reclaimed metals and rough, unpolished and nontraditional diamonds, Todd Reed has jumped to the forefront of alternative high fashion jewelry. The designer’s jewelry can be worn for either casual or formal occasions. • Blackened sterling silver and gray diamonds and a raw cubed diamond ‘coin’ necklace. • Gray round brilliant cut diamonds weigh 0.113 carat total; raw cube diamonds weigh 0.10 carat total. • Chain: blackened sterling silver cable chain measures 16 inches in length. VALUE: $2,860 DONOR: Fox’s Seattle



EIGHT BOTTLES STAGLIN ESTATE CABERNET SAUVIGNON — 2002-2005 Stag lin fami ly v i n eya r ds , started in 1985 by the Staglin family, is undoubtedly within the top tier of California producers. Located in Rutherford, the Napa Valley property has ideal soils, microclimate and location. The certified organic estate includes 51 acres of vineyards and produces a Bordeauxstyle blend and Staglin’s flagship wines, chardonnay and cabernet sauvignon. Eight bottles of Staglin Estate Cabernet Sauvignon — two of each year: • 2002 “20th Anniversary Selection” 97 points Wine Enthusiast “there’s fantastic depth and complexity. The wine is rich, profound, even in the Rutherford stable of thoroughbreds.” • 2003 97 points Robert Parker, “offers a dense purple color, abundant aromas of crème de cassis, spice box, cedar, and Chinese black tea, velvety tannins, and full-bodied power. This complex cabernet can be drunk over the next 15+ years.” • 2004 92 points, Robert Parker, “notes of scorched earth, blueberries, blackberries, and heady cassis.” • 2005 93 points, Robert Parker, “ The wine has beautiful texture, lots of layers, depth, richness, and a long finish.” VALUE: $1,400 DONOR: Kathleen and Chris Kosmos


CHIC DOWNTOWN DOUBLE DATE NIGHT Yo u r ev en i n g fo r fo u r

begins with dinner and wine pairings at the Seattle restaurant with almost as much charming personality as its celebrity chef, Loulay Kitchen & Bar. After dinner, each couple will retire to a well-appointed suite at the hotel. Each suite comes with a comfortable living area, adorned with original artwork by Dale Chihuly. Did you spend the night on your king-size Sheraton Sweet Sleeper ® Bed dreaming about Loulay’s brunch menu? Fantastic – breakfast for the four of you awaits downstairs before you return to reality. • Dinner and wine pairings for four at Loulay Kitchen & Bar • Two guest suites for one night at the Sheraton Seattle Hotel • Brunch for four at Loulay VALUE: $1,300 DONOR: Loulay Kitchen + Bar, Sheraton Seattle Hotel



D o n’ t sto p beli ev i n g Hol d o n to t h e fe e l i n’

research rocks ROC K I N ’ RESEARCH NEWS

JDRF is committed to improving the lives of all people affected by type 1 diabetes (T1D), whether newly diagnosed or living with the disease for years. JDRF aims to accelerate the progress of life-changing research to provide treatments and ultimately a cure for T1D. In this section, you can read about some of the exciting and innovative JDRF-funded research that’s bringing us closer to our dream of a world without T1D.

JD R F l eve r a ges t he exp er ti se and innova t ion of d i stin g u ish ed researchers al l over t he wor l d in suppor t of t he d iscover y of l i fe- chang i ng t r ea t ment s and ultim a te l y a cu re for typ e 1 d i ab etes . Our mission aim s to se r ve eve r yb od y w i t h T 1D, a t all a ges and sta ges of t h e d isea se . And t he b ea t g oes on …

the most revolutionary development in diabete s care since the discovery of insulin A nnie S hult z watc h e d h e r fa t h e r st r u g g l e for years w i th co m pli cati o ns of T 1 D, s o w h en she was di agnosed at age 2 1 , s h e wa s determ i ned to fi ght . She’s n ow ta k i n g par t i n a gro u ndbreak i ng, J D R F-f u n d ed c li ni cal researc h tri al at t h e B e n a roya Researc h Insti tu te ( BR I ) te st i n g a n a r ti fi c i al panc reas that co u ld on e d a y re li eve adu lts, c hi ldren and thei r fa m i l i e s f ro m the ardu o u s 24/ 7 m anu al m a i nte n a n ce of thei r di abetes. Yo u’ ll s ee a v ideo of A n n i e’s j ou r n ey d u r i n g t he Fu nd A Cu re po r ti o n of to n ight’s pro gram ; i t’s a v i v i d a n d i n s p i r i n g i llu strati o n of the i nc redi ble power t hat res ea rc h h a s to a f fe c t l i ve s . In addit io n to f u n d i n g t h e B R I st u d y, J D R F h as desi gnated 15 centers i nter nat io nally to te st va r i ou s a p p roa c h e s to ar ti fi c i al panc reas devi ces. Si n ce s pear head i n g t h e A r t i f i c i a l Pa n c re a s Pro j ec t i n 2 0 0 5 , J DR F has ma de s ignif icant i nve st m e nt s i n re s e a rc h f u n di ng toward thi s i m po r tant tec hno lo gy. We b e l i eve t h e a r t i f i c i a l p a n c re as represents the m ost revo lut io nar y deve l op m e nt i n d i a b ete s ca re si nce the di scover y of i nsu li n.




The “Juvenile Research Foundation” is founded The first test to measure long-term blood sugar levels is developed JDRF-funded doctors create an early surgical technique to treat the progression of diabetic eye disease, vitrectomy




JDRF researchers develop the Edmonton Protocol for islet transplants, using less toxic immune-suppressing drugs and increasing the success rate

JDRF-funded science leads to the development of genetically engineered insulin An experimental insulin pump is developed

A JDRF-funded human clinical trial shows that treating a newly diagnosed patient with an anti-CD3 antibody can preserve the function of insulin-producing cells for several years

JDRF establishes the relationship between low blood sugar and brain metabolism JDRF researchers find that blood sugar control is paramount to fetal development, leading to new treatment standards for women with T1D

JDRF helps establish the Immune Tolerance Network, a $144 million project with the NIH

JDRF-funded human clinical trials show that people with T1D who regularly use a continuous glucose monitor experience significant improvement in their blood sugar control



The JDRF Center for Islet Transplantation at Harvard Medical School is established, the first of many centers to be launched JDRF research establishes the relationship between high blood sugar levels and increased risk of diabetic eye disease Scientists find a prototype drug, aminoguandine, which keeps glucose from blocking blood vessels The success rate of pancreatic transplants increases

JDRF collaborates with industry, academia, insurers and regulatory agencies to drive the development of an artificial pancreas JDRF launches a new strategic platform to accelerate the timeline for regenerative medicines

Research Plan JDRF research focuses on key therapies that hold significant promise in turning Type One into Type None: artificial pancreas A system that automates delivery of insulin, and progressively eliminates blood glucose testing

complications Therapies that progressively treat and reverse the complications of T1D

encapsul ation Implantable therapies that restore insulin independence

prevention Slow or halt the progression of T1D; long-term, eliminate the risk of developing the disease

re storation The body’s beta cell function is restored; in short, the biologic cure for T1D

smart insulin Insulin that turns on when it’s needed, and off when it’s not

Research Funding Breakdown

The JDRF Research Plan at Work Each year, JDRF funds millions of dollars in life-changing research. This research has led to breakthroughs such as artificial pancreas systems and encapsulated beta cell therapies, both of which have moved into clinical trials.

artificial pancreas


JDRF is proud to support the first successful real-world test of a revolutionary closed-loop artificial pancreas system, allowing those with T1D to live as normal a life as possible until there’s a cure.

JDRF-funded research led to the discovery of Lucentis — the first new therapy with the ability to reverse diabetes-related vision loss in 30 years — creating a brighter future for millions.


smart insulin

JDRF is funding clinical trials for encapsulated cell therapies, which will restore insulin independence in those with T1D for an incredible 18 months to two years. These therapies implant newly created insulin-producing beta cells into a protective capsule, so they can do their job, and those with T1D can enjoy a little freedom.

JDRF is funding the early development of smart insulin. A single daily dose of insulin circulates in the bloodstream — turning on when it’s needed and off when it’s not — giving those with T1D perfect blood-glucose control throughout the day.



A potential biological cure. JDRF is funding research on restoration, which taps into the body’s amazing power to heal itself, restoring beta cells’ ability to produce insulin while blocking the autoimmune attack that triggers T1D.

JDRF is currently supporting work on a vaccine to slow or stop the progression of T1D before insulin dependence occurs. For those at risk of T1D, prevention is powerful medicine.

ADVOCACY AND RESEARCH The support JDRF provides researchers is about more than just funds JDRF funds many of the leading type 1 diabetes researchers across the globe, but a discovery in the laboratory is only the first step in bringing lifechanging therapies to patients. JDRF’s robust advocacy program shepherds potential therapies through every stage of the development pipeline. Our internal research and advocacy staff — expert scientists, physicians and policy professionals — work closely with our funded investigators to make sure we reach established milestones. JDRF wields considerable influence in the industry, regulatory and policy arenas, and has played a central role in shaping the T1D research landscape.

researcher spotlight DR. GERALD NEPOM

Dr. G erald (Jer r y ) Ne p om h a s p l a ye d a l e a d ing ro le i n type 1 di abetes res earch fo r t hre e d e ca d e s . He i s t h e d i re c to r of Benaroya Researc h Inst it ute (B RI), a n d d i re c tor of t h e Im mu n e To lerance Netwo rk ( I TN ) . Dr. Nepo m receive d h i s b a c h e l or ’s d e g re e i n Bi o c hem i str y fro m Harvard i n 197 2 and do c to ra te s f rom t h e Un i ve rs i t y of Washi ngto n, recei vi ng hi s PhD i n B io chemist r y i n 1 9 7 7 a n d h i s M D i n 1 9 7 8 . Hi s researc h i nterests fo c u s o n t he immuno bi ol og y of hu m a n t y p e 1 d i a b etes and other au to i m mu ne di s eas es , and t he d eve l op m e nt of m et h od s to m o ni to r pati ents fo r ri sk ass es s ment and d i s e a s e p rog re s s i on . As l e a d er of the I TN , a large i nter nat io nal clin i ca l t r i a l s n et wor k f u n d e d by the N I H , Dr. Nepo m di rec t s co llabo ra t i ve ef for t s to d e s i g n a n d i m plem ent c li ni cal tri als fo r i mmune to lerance i n T 1 D, t ra n s p l a nta t i on , a llergy and au to i m mu ni ty. Hi s lab o rato r y is cre d i te d for s eve ra l m a j or d i s coveri es i n T1D researc h.

Dr. Nepom was the 1993 recipient of the JDRF Seattle Guild Living & Giving award, presented at the Fourth Annual Dream Gala .


We can be h eroes , ju st fo r o ne d a y

sponsors We a re g ratef ul to o u r spon sors w h o h ave p rov i d e d ge n e rou s u nd e r wr i t i ng fo r t h e Drea m G a la . Over the past 25 years, the JDRF Seattle Guild has raised more than $61 million for T1D research. T HA N K YO U !

sponsors $ 5 0 ,0 0 0 Jay & Ter r y Ac k l ey a n d K& H Pr i nt i n g The B enaroya Com p a ny | S h e r r y & La r r y Benaroya Delta Air L in e s Virginia Mas on

$ 2 5 ,0 0 0 Rebecca B en a roya Costco W ho l e s a l e Har ley Mar in e S e r v i ce s James o n B ab b i t t St i te s & Lom b a rd , P L LC Lakes ide Ind u st r i e s Legacy Ho me s of Wa s h i n g ton The Rita and He r b e r t Ros e n Fa m i l y Fou n dati o n S herato n S ea t t l e Hote l T-Mo bile Fo u n d a t i on

$ 1 2 ,5 0 0 The A r nt z Fa m i l y B ill & Laur ie B a r ret t Alan B enaroya Maureen & Joe l B e n ol i e l Mike B oy le Rebecca Cam p b e l l : Cu re 4 Ty p e 1 Char lie’s Pro d u ce The Dickey Fa m i l y B ro o ke & Jos h Di c ks on IP Callis o n & S on s J TM Co nst r u c t i on K L B Co nst r u c t i on L BA Realt y The Lot t Fo u n d a t i on B ar bara & Mi ke Mc Ke r n a n | Re a l Prop e r ty Investo rs Mo rgan Stan l ey Novo No rdis k Cat hy & To m O’ Ke efe a n d Th e O’ Ke efe co m pani es Papé Machin e r y Po e Co nst r uc t i on Pro liance Or t h op e d i c As s oc i a te s B o b Redd | US Oi l Tra d i n g L LC The S chuster G rou p S eat t le Child re n’s Vigo r Indust r i a l

sponsors continued $8,500 Alaska Air lines Cad ma n CalPo r t land Chi cag o Tit le of Wash i n g ton Co mmerce B ank of Wa s h i n g ton Dave & Elaine Eva a n d Dou g & B et h Wra y Elec troimpac t Fi deli t y Nat io nal Titl e Ki d der Mat hews — St u Ford , Ch r i s Moe, & Ma t t Wo o d Marsh & Mercer Meri wet her Par t ners, L LC Mo der n Machiner y NAI Pu get S o und Prop e r t i e s Omni Pro per t ies Parker S mit h & Feek Targ a S o und Ter mina l Turner Co nst r uc t io n & S e q u oya h El e c t r i c Uni vers al Ref r igerat i on Wells Fargo

$5,000 Alaska Nat io nal Bo b & Clo dagh As h Co rnersto ne Adv is o rs JP Morgan Chas e Mos s Adams , L L P R. Mi ller Inco r po rate d S eattle S eahawks Washi n gto n Tr ust B a n k

re s e a r c h pat ron s Eli as and Kar y l Alvo rd Lauri e Mins k and Jer r y Du n i et z S hutler Co nsult ing En g i n e e rs Tho mps o n Co nsult in g Washi n gto n RE Ho ld i n g s Zuri ch Insurance

Congratulations to Honorees Jim & Annette Alling and Thank You to Gala Co-Chairs Rebecca Campbell & Mark R. Schuster and the entire JDRF Seattle Guild community. We’d also like to thank Steve Hopp & Palmer Robinson for introducing K&H to the JDRF cause in 2010. As a result, we’ve discovered the families in our company with family members affected by T1 Diabetes.

Evan Fetro 9

Jay & Terry Ackley

Owen Miller 5

Believe in Abundance Live in Abundance Give in Abundance



Virginia Mason applauds JDRF for bringing us closer to the reality of a cure for type 1 diabetes. We are honored to be Rockin’ the Research with you. Special thanks to Gala Co-Chairs and Rock Stars Rebecca Campbell and Mark R. Schuster. Congratulations to Jim and Annette Alling, honorees of the Annual Living & Giving Award.






Jim and Annette Alling,

Congratulations to honorees of the 2015 Annual Living & Giving Award Special thanks to Gala Co-Chairs Rebecca Campbell and Mark R. Schuster


I am honored to support the JDRF Seattle Guild’s 26th Annual Dream Gala. Working together, we will find a cure.

r e b e cc a b e n a r oya

Costco Wholesale is proud to support the 26th Annual Dream Gala and the JDRF Seattle Guild. Congratulations on 26 years!

Harley Marine’s First ATB on her maiden voyage


Harley Marine Services is honored to support Jim and Annette Alling & JDRF at the 26th Annual Dream Gala. We join your efforts tonight and throughout the year as we continue “Rockin’ for Research”.


When darkness falls, like T1D help Dr. Nepom’s research cast a light Because no matter how dark the moments, we’ll rock and raise funds tonight Together, we’ll forever eclipse this darkness and prevail in this fight

Matt Adamson ∙ Bruce Babbitt ∙ Ian Babbitt ∙ Deborah Best ∙ Alan Bornstein ∙ Brad Brigham ∙ Callan Cobb ∙ Jennifer Cobb ∙ Sean Durbin ∙ Denise Hamel ∙ Henry Jameson ∙ Anne Lawler ∙ Brian Lawler 801 Second Avenue, Suite 1000 | Seattle, Washington 98104 206.292.1994 Tel. | 206.292.1995 Fax | www.jbsl.com

Congratulations to Jim and Annette Alling, and to the JDRF Seattle Guild for 26 years of funding great research!


2 1

Legacy Homes is a proud supporter of individuals and families with T1D.

www.legacyhomeswa.com 206-714-4539 jed@legacyhomeswa.com Legacy Homes of Washington, LLC

michele and s ta n r os e n

t h e r i ta a n d h e r b e r t r o s e n fa m i ly f o u n dat i o n

As we look to a bright future in diabetes research, we continue to dream of a comprehensive cure!

Sheraton Seattle Hotel joins JDRF in finding a cure For more information about Sheraton Seattle’s partnership with JDRF, visit sheratonseattle.com/gingerbread-village.

Š2015 Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Preferred Guest, SPG, Sheraton and their logos are the trademarks of Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc., or its affiliates.




To D r e a m To B e l i e v e To S u cc e e d

Betsy Arntz 1981-2010 “Forever In Our Hearts”

t h e a r n t z fa m i ly

Celebrating the passion and dedication of the JDRF Seattle Guild. Thank you for 26 years of commitment to finding a cure.

l au r i e and bill barrett

alan b e n a r oya


With your unfaltering support and commitment we will find a cure.

Thank you to our honorees, Jim & Annette Alling and our gala co-chairs Rebecca Campbell and Mark Schuster. We admire your leadership in the JDRF Seattle Guild community.

M au r e e n & Joel Benoliel together we will find a cure

JDRF Seattle Guild 26th Annual Dream Gala. Congratulations on 26 Years. Thank you for all you do!

t h e b oy l e fa m i ly find a cure for kiki and rose

For my gorgeous son Aiden, You are truly inspirational, and the bravest little man I know. I fight this disease for you with every breath that I take, and love you with every beat of my heart. It is a privilege to be your mommy xx

c4t1 is a proud sponsor o f t h e j d r f s e at t l e g u i l d 26th annual dream gala

Thank you JDRF for all you do!

t h e d i c k e y fa m i ly

Joining the JDRF Seattle Guild in the quest for a cure.

Brooke and J os h D i c k s o n

Callisons is a proud sponsor of JDRF.


K L B Co n s t r u c t i o n p r o u d ly supp orts JDRF

Thank you to all of our employees, customers, friends,and family who have made the last 30 years possible. www.klbconstruction.com



t h e lot t f o u n dat i o n

We are honored to lend our support to this year’s ROCKIN event! We are going to shake things up, rattle a few minds, and roll into the cure. Best of luck to all who have worked so hard to make this so special for all of us. Let’s make this year’s

DREAM GALA a dream come true.

Thank you to the 26th Annual Dream Gala honorees – Jim and Annette Alling and gala co-chairs Rebecca Campbell and Mark Schuster for your support and dedication to finding a cure.

BARBARA AND MIKE MCKERNAN real property investors, llc

Morgan Stanley private wealth ManageMent iS proud to Support the JdrF Seattle guild Doug Sharon Managing Director—Wealth Management Private Wealth Advisor 786-777-6966 doug.sharon@morganstanleypwm.com

Carey Bosch Executive Director Private Wealth Advisor 786-777-6965 carey.bosch@morganstanleypwm.com

© 2015 Morgan Stanley Private Wealth Management, a division of Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC. Member SIPC. 2012-PS-510 03/12 CS 8132044 PWM007 02/15

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JDRF Seattle Guild 26th Anniversary DREAM GALA March 7, 2015

Š 2010 Novo Nordisk. Printed in the U.S.A. 141933 August 2010 Changing DiabetesŽ is a registered trademark of Novo Nordisk A/S

Congratulations Jim and Annette Alling honorees of the 26th Annual Dream Gala. Together we will create a world without type 1 diabetes

T h e O ’ K e e f e Fa m i ly c at h y, t o m , c ava n , l a u r e n , caitlin and brody

p o e co n st r u c t i o n Poe Construction is proud to sponsor the JDRF Seattle Guild’s 26th Annual Dream Gala. Congratulations to this year’s honoree, Jim and Annette Alling!

“Personalized Orthopedic Care That Exceeds Your ExpectaƟons” Michael Allison, M.D.

B. Daniel Chilczuk, M.D.

Erik Novak, M.D., Ph.D.

Craig Arntz, M.D.

Christopher Howe, M.D.

Niket Shrivastava, M.D.

William Barre�, M.D.

John Howle�, M.D.

Jason Thompson, M.D.

Traci Barthel, M.D.

Fredrick Huang, M.D.

Mar�n Tullus, M.D.

Susan Cero, M.D.

Andrew Merri�, M.D.

Robert Veith, M.D.

Proliance Orthopedic Associates is proud to con�nue suppor�ng the JDRF Sea�le Guild in their efforts to nd a cure for diabetes.

425‐656‐5060 Renton / Covington A Service of Proliance Surgeons,

U s o i l t r a d i n g l lc is proud to be a continuing supporter of the JDRF Seattle Guild in their efforts in the search of a cure for type 1 diabetes.

Seattle Children’s is pleased to support JDRF Seattle Guild’s Dream Gala and the outstanding work of JDRF in their quest to find a cure for diabetes.


Vigor proudly supports the passion and determination of JDRF to build a world without diabetes. With love, progress is inevitable. VIGORINDUSTRIAL.COM

L O V E . T R U T H . R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y. E V O L U T I O N .

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1/29/15 1:11 PM

cadman Cadman is honored to support the JDRF Seattle Guild 26th Annual Dream Gala


JDRF Seattle Guild

Congratulations on 26 years of progress. Together we will create a world without type 1 diabetes.

C h i c ag o T i t l e o f Wa s h i n gto n is proud to support jdrf

The Bank for Business Committed to building long term relationships and delivering highly personalized and professional services.

We are honored to support the JDRF Seattle Guild 26th Annual Dream Gala

601 Union Street, Suite 3600 Seattle, WA 98101 (206)292-3900 www.tcbwa.com

Congratulations on the 26th Annual Dream Gala.

to g e t h e r we can find a cure! D AV E A N D E L A I N E E VA & D O U G A N D B E T H W R AY

I am Jack and I’m eleven. I was diagnosed with type one diabetes when I was five. Life was frustrating, and hard during that time. I had to deal with diabetes everywhere. At age six in first grade the nurse argued with my mom about how many carbs were in white milk. She tried to dose me for chocolate milk. When we have to adjust my pump I am on diets of not eating for 8 hours at a time and when I do eat I have roughly 20-30 carbohydrates(carbs) a meal. The worst of these is I have had 3 seizures due to diabetes. I can still do most other things that other kids can do, just as good or better like, I can read at college level and I swim and do Jiu-Jitsu. So I am so grateful that the JDRF is working to cure it, and that Electroimpact is supporting JDRF in their quest to cure type 1.

Congratulations on 26 years to the entire JDRF Seattle Guild community! We are proud supporters of JDRF and those living with type 1 diabetes. Dedicated partners in the search for a cure, together we will turn Type one into Type none.

MERIWETHER PA R T N E R S Meriwether Partners is a proud sponsor of the 26th Annual Dream Gala Thank you to JDRF for working towards a world without type 1 diabetes.

omni Properties

OMNI Properties is proud to support the JDRF Seattle Guild for their dedication in the fight against type 1 diabetes.

Parker, Smith & Feek proudly supports

JDRF Seattle Guild’s Rockin’ for Research Dream Gala

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We are proud to support JDRF in their mission to find a cure for type 1 diabetes.


ROCK ON! Alaska National Insurance Company is proud to support JDRF Seattle Guild in their ongoing efforts to achieve a world without T1D.

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In honor of all the families who have been affected by type 1 diabetes.

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We proudly support the JDRF Seattle Guild’s 26th Annual Dream Gala.

As you race toward a cure, we’re with you ever y step of the way.

We’re proud to sponsor JDRF and its mission to improve lives.

Thanks for giving generously. Together we can make great strides.

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Proud to sponsor the JDRF Seattle Guild’s 26th Annual Dream Gala. Together, we will find a cure.

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Keep sm i li n’ , keep shi n i n’ Knowi ng yo u can alwa y s co u nt o n m e fo r sure Th a t’s wh a t f r i end s a re for Fo r g o o d ti m es and b a d t i m es I’ ll be o n yo u r si d e foreve r m ore Th a t’s wh a t f r i end s a re for

wineries This evening, owners and vintners of many esteemed Northwest and California wineries have joined us to pair and pour their exceptional wines for table guests of our higher level sponsors. This collaboration with prestigious wineries has become a signature feature of the Dream Gala. Our patrons sample remarkable wines and the wine hosts share their knowledge and passion ‌ it’s a winning combination! WE TOAST OUR PARTICIPATING WIN E H OST S A N D T HAN K TH E M FO R T HE IR S UP P ORT.

Wine Hosts áMaurice Cellars Ambassador Wines Of Washington Andrew Will Winery Barons Barrister Winery Betz Family Winery Boudreaux Cellars Buty Winery Cadaretta Cave B Estate Winery Claar Cellars DeLille Cellars Dunham Cellars EFESTÉ Fidélitas Flying Dreams Forgeron Cellars Gamache Vintners Goose Ridge Estate Vineyards Isenhower Cellars Juslyn Vineyards Laz y River Vineyards Lobo Hills Wine Co. Matteo Wines Mark Ryan Winery Novelty Hill – Januik O•S Winery Owen Roe Patit Creek Cellars Robert Karl Cellars Ross Andrew Winery Sheridan Vineyards Sleight Of Hand Cellars Walla Walla Vintners Waters Winery Woodhouse Wine Estates Woodinville Wine Cellars

ÀMAURICE CELLARS Situated on 13 per fectly sloped acres in the Blue Mountains of Walla Walla, àMaurice Cellars is a family-owned boutique winery that creates extraordinary, food-friendly wines. Each wine is the living result of fervent dedication to sustainable viticulture and the passion and skill of expert winemaking—and the growing talents of more than 15,000 select vines. www.amaurice.com

AMBASSADOR WINES OF WASHINGTON Ambassador was founded on the simple belief that no other experience is quite as enchanting as drinking wine. We know that something magical happens when you drink wine with friends; good wine becomes great wine and good friends become better friends. Formed in 2004, and named after the mystical vineyard that has been so good to us, Ambassador’s vision is to become the top estate-producing winery on Washington state’s Red Mountain. ww w.ambassadorvineyard.com

ANDREW WILL WINERY Andrew Will is among Washington’s top producers making single vineyard red wines that express Washington state terroir from Columbia Valley Vineyards. Founded in 1989, originally located in an industrial space in Seattle, Andrew Will’s winery facilities are now housed on Vashon Island and produce about 4,500 cases of wine a year. Since the first vintage in 1989, we have tried to improve our artisanal skills as winemakers as well as to conform to the simple ideas with which we started. The most important of these has been the primacy of the vineyard. w w w.andrewwill.com

BARONS Barons was formed in 2001 by five partners who share an avid interest in fine wines. Our first vintage at Barons was made in 2001, and since day one we have been dedicated to producing world-class, premium wines from the finest vineyards in Washington state. We are committed to the classic red and white grape varietals of Bordeaux, and strive to make the best expressions of them possible. Barons’ state-of-the-art winery and barrel aging facility is located in the Woodinville Wine Country, and our vineyards are located in the dry, desert lands of Eastern Washington. w w w.baronsv.com

BARRISTER WINERY Barrister produces small quantities of Bordeaux varietal wines and Syrah. Their signature style—bold, intense, fruitforward wines with a soft , silky mouth feel—is best found in their Cabernet Franc, which has a cult-like following. Most of Barrister’s 2,500 case production is sold at the winery or through its mailing list . A limited amount of wine is available in Seattle and Spokane’s finest restaurants and wine shops. www.barristerwinery.com

BETZ FAMILY WINERY Since our first vintage in 1997, we’ve had a single goal of crafting compelling wines with individual character; wines that reflect our vineyard sources and our dedication to them. We’ve always had one way of making wine: Keep it small, keep it simple and keep it focused. We’ve limited ourselves to a quantity we can watch over. By working with selected, dedicated grape growers and employing methods that we believe craft superior wine, we create wines of individual character: richness, balance and pleasure. We do those things that a small winery has the luxury of doing: We know every barrel. ww w.betzfamily winer y.com

BOUDREAUX CELLARS Boudreaux Cellars is one of the most unique wineries in Washington state. Nestled in the Cascade Mountains near Leavenworth and totally off the grid, this small winery produces beautiful wines that adore food. Winemaker Rob Newsom produces hand-crafted wines with fruit sourced from some of the most coveted vineyards in the state. Rob’s focus on smooth, deeply complex reds produces ultra-premium wines that are nothing less than spectacular! It’s no wonder Rob and Boudreaux Cellars were awarded “Best New Winemaker” and “Best New Winery” 2007 by Seattle magazine. Once you’ve tasted Boudreaux Cellar wines, you’ll no doubt agree. w w w.boudreauxcellars.com

BUTY WINERY Owner Nina Buty founded Buty in 2000, inspired by a decade of vintages from Washington and overseas. An artisan producer, Buty creates vineyard-designated Chardonnay, a crisp white blend, and nuanced red blends—including Rediviva, Washington’s pioneering blend of Syrah and Cabernet Sauvignon. Our philosophy of winemaking reflects the old religious worldview of human growth from body to mind to soul to spirit , called “the great nest of being.” The all- inclusive nest of being grows over time as we reach for the spiritual levels of life. So too, Buty wines evolve, expanding their quality at each stage of their development . w ww.butywinery.com

CADARETTA Cadaretta is dedicated to small-lot production in the Walla Walla Valley. We specialize in Cabernet Sauvignon and Cab-based blends, Syrah and Rhone blends. For whites, we produce the crisp and mineral Cadaretta SBS, an unoaked Sauvignon Blanc and Semillon blend. Our small production allows us to focus attention on every detail of the wines, from their upbringing in the vineyard through their time with us in the cellar. ww w.cadaretta.com

CAVE B ESTATE WINERY Cave B Estate Winery is an award-winning boutique winery located in the Ancient Lakes of Columbia Valley AVA , in the center of Washington Wine Country. We grow a broad range of grape varieties, made possible in large part by the microclimates which exist in our distinctive cliff-side location, 900 feet above the Columbia River. Winemaker, Alfredo “Freddy” Arredondo selects the very best from our estate vineyards. A former chef, Freddy brings a deep understanding of the beauty of wine and food pairing to his winemaking process. His great passion is marrying Cave B wines in a dynamic way with foods. w w w.caveb.com

CLAAR CELLARS Claar Cellars is a family-owned Estate winery with 130 acres of vineyards on south facing hillsides atop the White Bluffs overlooking the Columbia River. Our vineyards and winery are LIVE , certified sustainable and Salmon Safe. In this distinct microclimate, ranked as one of the best winegrowing regions of the state, the unique terroir and Estate-quality grapes produce Premium wines. Claar Wine Group, our family of wines, includes Claar Cellars, Ridge Crest , Le Chateau, Chateau Walla Walla, Nicola’s redmark and Kelso. w w w.claarcellars.com

DELILLE CELLARS DeLille Cellars and its sister artisan wineries, Doyenne and Grand Ciel, are highly sought-after wines from this boutique winery located in Woodinville, originally founded in 1992. DeLille Cellars was the only winery in the world to be in the Robb Report, Wine Spectator and Wine Enthusiast’s “ Top 100 Wines” list for 2007, and the Wine Spectator and Wine Enthusiast’s “ Top 100 Wines” list for 2008. DeLille Cellars was also awarded the title of being the “Lafite Rothschild” of Washington state by the world’s most highly acclaimed wine critic, Robert Parker of The Wine Advocate. w w w.delillecellars.com

DUNHAM CELLARS Eric Dunham, together with his parents Mike and Joanne, set up operations in a remodeled World War II-era airplane hangar near the Walla Walla Regional Airport . This has been the home of Dunham Cellars since 1998. The Dunham Cellars brand was built upon the recognition and accolades heaped upon the first several vintages of Eric’s Cabernet Sauvignon, the cornerstone of Dunham wines. All of our wines are made with gentle treatment in all phases of the winemaking process. Eric’s goal is to bring something to the bottle he enjoys and is proud to hang the Dunham name on. w w w.dunhamcellars.com

EFESTÉ At EFESTÉ we believe that great wines are based on two simple principles: terroir and a minimal winemaking approach. We utilize native fermentation, which encourages more complexity and produces fuller, richer wines than those inoculated with commercial yeast . The natural yeast within the grapes creates flavors unique to each particular vineyard. We encourage character; great wines should have personality. www.efeste.com

FIDÉLITAS Fidélitas is a family-owned boutique winery, rooted on the slopes of Red Mountain. Fidélitas is faithful to Bordeaux grape varieties, loyal to modern craft winemaking techniques, and true to the terroir of Washington state’s Red Mountain AVA . Winemaker and owner Charlie Hoppes is an acclaimed Columbia Valley vintner whose first crush here was in 1988. He works in partnership with Washington’s finest growers to capture the distinct character of the vineyard and the purest expression of the fruit . Fidélitas wines are handcrafted and aged in small lots, showing exceptional character, varietal expression and structure. w w w.fidelitaswines.com

FLYING DREAMS The name Flying Dreams originated with the idea that in life we must take chances if we are to fulfill our deepest passions. “Leap and find your wings on the way down” embodies this concept and has become our mantra in the pursuit of creating the finest and most interesting ultra-premium wines found anywhere. Winemaker LeRoy Radford consistently strives to deepen his understanding of what it takes to make sublime wines of uniqueness and character. With a commitment to exploring Spanish varietals and Spanish-style blends, his focus is on the Iberian trinity: Tempranillo, Garnacha and Monastrell. w w w.f lyingdreams.com

FORGERON CELLARS Forgeron is French for “blacksmith”; our winery/ tasting room was the former site of a blacksmith shop. The word “forgeron” also refers to artisans who build with their hands, combining experience with an extensive knowledge of their trade. This is the vision that Marie-Eve Gilla, managing partner and winemaker, brings to the winery each day, crafting complex, foodfriendly wines from vineyards chosen for maturity and flavor profile. Forgeron Cellars focuses on producing true varietal wines. “My wines have a sense of place,” says Marie-Eve. “ They reflect their terroir, which is a composite of the vine location and the grower dedication.” w w w.forgeroncellars.com

GAMACHE VINTNERS Brothers Roger and Bob Gamache from the Yakima Valley decided in 1982 to establish their new roots in the Columbia Valley, near the White Bluffs. By focusing on the unique interaction of soil, climate and vines over the last 30 years, they have grown premium grapes for many highly acclaimed Washington state wineries. In 2002, the brothers decided to showcase their vineyard by opening Gamache Vintners in Prosser. Their mission is to take the pure expression of the fruit and the essence of the vineyard to create their Estate and Heritage series. w ww.gamachevintners.com

GOOSE RIDGE VINEYARDS AND ESTATE WINERY Goose Ridge Vineyards and Estate Winery is a familyowned and operated vineyard and winery dedicated to limited-production, handcrafted wines from select , estate-grown grapes. The Monson family’s vineyard was established in 1998 under the direction of Dr. Walter Clore, father of the Washington wine industry. The estate winery is dedicated to handcrafting exquisite Bordeaux and Rhone varietal wines. We are also proud to have been selected for the high honor of being in Wine Spectator’s Top 100 Wines of 2010. www.gooseridge.com

ISENHOWER CELLARS Denise and Brett Isenhower founded their winery in 1999. They are committed to sustainable winemaking through low-input farming, traditional wine-producing methods, native yeast fermentations, natural corks, no capsules, American-made bottles and recycled paper labels. The Isenhower wines are primarily sold through their wine club, and their Walla Walla winery and Woodinville tasting room. ww w.isenhowercellars.com

JUSLYN VINEYARDS In 1997, owners Perry and Carolyn Butler’s dream became a reality when they sold their computer business and founded Juslyn Vineyards on a site overlooking the renowned Spring Mountain Winery. In 2000, they produced their first 80 cases of Spring Mountain Cabernet Sauvignon. Since then, there has been no turning back . Perry and Carolyn have committed to making the best wine possible in the heart of Napa Valley, receiving 90+points from accredited publications like Robert Parker’s The Wine Advocate and Wine and Spirits magazine. In the cellar, we benefit from the experience and expertise of winemaker Craig MacLean, who has personally handcrafted each vintage. w w w.juslynvineyards.com

LAZY RIVER VINEYARD Laz y River Vineyard lies on the south flank of Mount Richmond, northwest of Yamhill, Oregon in the Willamette Valley. Its owners, Seattleites Kirsten and Ned Lumpkin, produce small lots of Pinot Noir, dry Riesling and Pinot Gris. The most common words used to describe the Pinot Noir are “elegant with notes of cherry and berry flavors, a smooth long finish.” Laz y River has been LIVE Certified for six years. LIVE uses international standards of sustainable viticulture and enological practices in both wine-grape and wine production. w w w.lazyrivervineyard.com

LOBO HILLS WINE CO. Lobo Hills Wine Co. is a small Seattle-based winery founded on a simple vision: Wine – Food – People. Wine and food are equal opposites, where harmony, not dominance, is cherished. We use craftsmanship and artistry to create food wines that seek expression in balance – a symmetry of fruit , terrior and natural acid. These wines encompass whites (Sauvignon Blancs, dry Rieslings and Alsatian blends) and reds (Bordeaux reds, blends and Syrahs). w w w.lobohills.com

MARK RYAN WINERY Founded in 1999 by Mark Ryan McNeilly, Mark Ryan Winery is a small winery located in Woodinville, Washington. Our goal is to produce handcrafted wines that represent the vineyard from which they come, the character of the varietal, and our style. From the vineyards to the winery, our uncompromising commitment to quality and our passion for producing the best wines possible inspire us to make these wines for you. w w w.ryanwiner y.com

MATTEO WINES This first release from winemaker, Matt Loso’s Napa Valley vineyard source in the Spring Mountain District is fashioned after the great St . Emilion wines in Bordeaux, France. This wine is balanced and approachable but built to age for more than 10 years. Matt shares this single barrel with gala guests this evening to give them a one of a kind gem to hold in their cellar for enjoyment at the finest occasions. Only 75 bottles were produced then carefully sand carved and hand painted to preserve the beauty of this work of art . w w w.matteowines.com

NOVELTY HILL – JANUIK Novelty Hill’s enviable combination of an acclaimed winemaker, estate vineyard, and state-of-the-art winery and tasting room has catapulted the winery from rising star to all-star status over the last decade. Celebrated winemaker Mike Januik handcrafts Novelty Hill wines for richness, mouth feel and balance to capture the finest expression of the winery’s estate vineyard, Stillwater Creek. Located on the Royal Slope of the Frenchman Hills in Washington state’s Columbia Valley, Washington wine critic and author Paul Gregutt recently named Stillwater Creek one of the “top 20 vineyards in the state.” The wines are made at a state-of-the-art winery designed to Mike’s exacting specifications to support small-lot production and gentle handling of the wine. w w w.noveltyhilljanuik.com

O•S WINERY The main focus of O•S Winery is to create wines of good value and expressive of the terroir from which they came. We use some of the finest fruit available in Washington State from Sheridan Vineyard and we are working with Scott Greer from Sheridan Vineyard for winemaking. This collaboration allows us to control every aspect of our wines from vine to glass. We focus on low impact winemaking to allow the grapes to express their full flavor and reflection of the terroir, then blend them to create well balanced, food friendly, complex wines pleasing in their youth yet possessing the structure and balance to reward cellaring. w ww.oswinery.com

OWEN ROE At Owen Roe, we are committed to practicing the highest standards of winemaking. Since our first vintage in 1999, our goal has been simple: to produce beautiful wines from superior sites in the Pacific Northwest . Please consider visiting us at either location in the Yakima Valley or Willamette Valley. For a private appointment , please call (503) 678-6514 or email patty@owenroe.com to schedule your visit . www.owenroe.com

PATIT CREEK CELLARS In the early 1800’s, French traders named the gently flowing stream near our winery “Petite Creek.” By midcentury, pioneers changed its name to “Patit Creek” (pronounced pat-it). Since 1999, Patit Creek Cellars has been hand-crafting elegant wines worthy of our European heritage, using only the finest grapes from select vines grown in the rich glacial soils of Washington state. We have tasting rooms at our production facility in Walla Walla, in the Hollywood Schoolhouse district in Woodinville, and in downtown Spokane, directly across from the Davenport Hotel. w w w.patitcreekcellars.com

ROBERT KARL CELLARS Robert Karl Cellars is a boutique Spokane winery producing handcrafted, premium Cabernet Sauvignon, Claret , Merlot , Sauvignon Blanc, Malbec and a dry Cabernet Franc Rosé. The grapes are from Horse Heaven Hills, an AVA of the Columbia Valley in Washington state by physician winemaker, Joseph Gunselman. w ww.robertkarl.com

ROSS ANDREW WINERY Ross Mickel, along with Sheila and Ned Nelson, opened the doors to Ross Andrew Winery in the fall of 1999. Ross Andrew Winery currently produces three red wines: their flagship Cabernet Sauvignon from Columbia Valley, Boushey Vineyard Syrah, and a red blend. They also produce two incredible, top-scoring white wines: a Celilo Vineyard Pinot Gris and a white blend from Oregon’s Willamette Valley. These wines are available directly from the winery through the mailing list , and in select restaurants and wine shops. ww w.rossandrewwinery.com

SHERIDAN VINEYARDS Sheridan Vineyard, planted in 1997 to ten acres of Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, and Syrah grapes, has grown to 110 acres with 80 under plant for the 2015 vintage. Our first harvest in 2000 released a Syrah and a Cabernet Sauvignon and Cabernet Franc blend now known as L’Orage. Today, with the property fully planted with many mature vines, we focus on sustainable farming practices and low yields to tame the wild nature of the site. Sheridan Vineyard: a true sense of place. w ww.sheridanvineyard.com

SLEIGHT OF HAND CELLARS Launched in 2007, Sleight of Hand Cellars has but one focus: to craft exceptional wines from exceptional vineyards here in the state of Washington. The winery has only been in operation for a short time, but in that time, Sleight of Hand Cellars was named by Seattle magazine as one of “ The Next Generation” of up-and-coming wineries in Washington state, as well as one of “ The Next Cult Wineries.” These accolades, along with some great scores along the way, only push us to strive to make even better wines, year in and year out . w w w.sof hcellars.com

WALLA WALLA VINTNERS Walla Walla Vintners is a limited-production winery dedicated to crafting premium red wines—Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Cuvée, Merlot and Sangiovese. Winemakers Myles Anderson, Gordon Venneri and William von Metzger employ labor-intensive, traditional techniques to ensure the integrity of the 5,000 cases produced each year. The unfiltered, unfined wine produced is nationally recognized as one of the best wines in Washington state; earning accolades from the Wine Spectator, Wine Enthusiast , Seattle Wine Awards and Wine Press Northwest . www.wallawallavintners.com

WATERS WINERY Waters is an artisanal boutique winery located in Walla Walla. We were founded in 2005 based on the indelible belief that the Walla Walla Valley terroir is capable of producing distinctive red wines that rival the finest of the Old World and New World regions alike. Waters produces just a few thousand cases of small lot bottlings each year, aimed at reflecting an underlying sense of time and place, and enhancing the food and wine experience. w w w.waterswiner y.com

WOODHOUSE WINE ESTATES Woodhouse Wine Estates is a boutique winery passionate about crafting high-quality, complex and age-worthy wines. Varietally correct , with Old World sensibility, their wines are released a bit later than most so that they have an opportunity to rest , integrate and show their fullest flavor complexities. ww w.thewoodhousewineestates.com

WOODINVILLE WINE CELLARS Woodinville Wine Cellars produces small quantities of handcrafted wines, meticulously monitored, from the moment the fruit is hand harvested to the day the wine is carefully bottled. This artisan approach allows us to preserve the delicate balance of aromas and unique characteristics of each wine. Woodinville Wine Cellars was established in 2002 by Stan Barrett , president and CEO of Art Culinaire, sole US distributor for Lacanche professional cooking ranges handcrafted in France. Living in Europe gave Stan a profound respect for fresh, seasonal cuisine and the family table. When Art Culinaire grew into its current building—for decades a licensed winery—Stan’s vision for pairing fine food with great wine became reality. w w w.woodinvillewinecellars.com


I get by w i t h a li t tl e h elp f r o m my f r i e n d s .

gala grams JDR F S eat t l e G ui l d fr ie n ds a n d m e mb e rs of fe r th e se

GALA GRAMS to h o n o r exce l l e n ce, g ive t h a n ks , ce l e b rate su cce ss, a n d of fe r l ove a n d su ppor t to t h e re m a r k a b l e p e ople in t h e i r l i ve s .




With love, Mom and Dad









“Everybody can be great because everybody can serve.” – Martin Luther King



Honoring my nephew, Jacob.







We proudly support

and congratulate the

J DR F Seattle Guild on

the 26thAnniversary!

We will always support the search for a cure.






W h o k nows wh a t m i ra cl es Yo u can a ch i eve W h en yo u beli eve So m eh ow yo u w i ll Yo u w i ll wh en yo u b e l i eve

Thank you for joining u s!

thank you The su cce s s of t h e Drea m G a la is d ue to t h e ext ra o rdin a r y su p p o r t of ma ny d e dicate d vo l unte e rs, co m m itte d s p o n s o rs, ge n e ro us don ors a n d wi n e h ost s , p a ssion ate gala patrons and JDRF staff ‌ a l l un i te d by t h e s a m e goa l: t ur n i ng t y p e o n e into TYPE NONE.


auction donors

The generosity of the following individuals and businesses made our auction possible tonight. We extend our heartfelt thanks for their dedication to helping us achieve our dream. The 5th Avenue Theatre 710 ESPN/Bonneville Seattle Media Group A Flair Design – Janet Devereux Alaska Airlines Alderbrook Resort & Spa Doreen and Joseph Alhadeff Marleen and Kenny Alhadeff All the Best Pet Care The Allison Inn & Spa Alyssa Rose Photography Ambassador Wines of Washington The Arntz Family Artforte Gallery Artisan Custom Framing Auclair Winery – Scott Hogan David Austin Ba Bar The Barking Frog The Benaroya Company Benaroya Pictures Benaroya Research Institute at Virginia Mason – Dr. Gerald Nepom Alan Benaroya Sherry and Larry Benaroya Maureen and Joel Benoliel Tom Black Chiara and Dr. John Blair Martin Blank Camille Bloom Terry Bloom Alan Bornstein The Brik Boutique Brimmer & Heeltap Buchanan General Contracting Company

BUTCH BLUM Butler Seattle Buty Winery Cadaretta Winery Café Juanita Caffe Vita Canlis Restaurant Cantinetta Restaurant Capelli’s Gentlemen’s Barbershop Capital Genealogy Vanessa and Roy Carroll Cascina Spinasse – Jason Stratton Teresa and Paul Casey Caspar Babypants Cave B Estate Winery and Resort Cayuse Vineyards Chavez Restaurant Chihuly Studio Tamara Childs Jeffrey Cirillo City Girl Dog Walking Cochon Catering-Patrick Frank Phyllis and Doug Collins Columbia Hospitality/ Salish Lodge & Spa Darlene and Lee Corkrum Corretto Trattoria and Bar CURE 4 TYPE 1 – Rebecca Campbell Delta Air Lines Dena Rigby Fine Arts, LLC Brooke and Josh Dickson Dimitirou’s Jazz Alley Doe Bay Resort and Retreat Dog’s Day Out

auction donors

co ntinu ed

Don’t Call Me Ma’am – Kathleen Spitzer Michon and Scott Dowling Annette Dresser Dunham Winery E.C. Wilson Meats Shelby Earl Eleveight Salon-Michelle Clifton Elite Fitness Training EMP Museum Equestrian Wine Tours Linda Eskenazi Thomas Fallon Five Restaurant Bistro Fox’s Seattle Friend of JDRF The Frustrations Garret Cord Werner Architects and Interior Designers Gina Mazzaferro Photography Grand Palms Hotel – Spa & Golf Resort Gregg Rogers’ Golf Performance Centers, LLC Gucci Downtown Seattle Dave Haldi Lea and Larry Hamlin Hand of God Wines Melissa Hansen Harley Marine Services Heart The Hospital Club Il Terrazzo Carmine-Intermezzo Carmine Indulgence Salon & Spa Jameson Babbitt Stites & Lombard, PLLC Victor Janusz Jim Belushi and The Sacred Hearts Tina and Bruce Kahn The Kasey Kahne Foundation, on behalf of Kasey Kahne and Russell Wilson Kathleen and Chris Kosmos

John Keister Kosta Browne Winery Lark-Jonathan Sundstrom Lakeside Industries Najma and Firoz Lalji Langunitas Brewery Late Night with Seth Meyers Cindy and Sandford Levy The Lombard Family Susan Lombard Loulay Restaurant – Thierry Rautureau Lullaby Winery Mark Ryan Winery Marsh Martha E. Harris Flowers and Gifts Marx Foods Maserati of Seattle MasterPark Airport Valet Parking Matthews Winery Colleen and Bill McAleer Beth McCaw and Yahn Bernier McCracken + Tough III, LLC Barbara and Mike McKernan Michael Rosenberg Photography Greg Miller Rebecka and Bruce Milne – Whidbey Retreats MOD Pizza Monsoon Bellevue Museum of Glass Andrea Myers Marc Nemirow Drs. Barbara and Gerald Nepom Nintendo of America Chris Nishiwaki Nordstrom Cathy and Tom O’Keefe Oola Distillery O·S Winery Overlake Golf & Country Club Patit Creek Cellars PEARL Bar + Dining – Bradley Dickinson

auction donors

co ntinu ed

The Phoenician Rosalind and Melvyn Poll ProFormance Racing School-Donna and Don Kitch, Jr. Derek Rapp Marty Reimer Reininger Winery Rob Brinson Photography Angela Rose Ross Andrew Winery SANCA School of Acrobatics & New Circus Acts Antonio Sanchez and Carolina Lucero Salish Lodge and Spa Sasquatch! Music Festival Schoenfeld Interiors The Schuster Group-Mark Schuster Sea and Shore Construction Sea Glass Fine Art Photography The Seattle-Eastside Bar Method Seattle Mariners/Safeco Field Events The Seattle Seahawks Seattle Sounders FC Seattle Sports Commission Seattle Theatre Group Serafina Osteria e Enoteca The Sheraton Los Angeles Downtown Hotel The Sheraton Seattle Hotel The Sheraton Steamboat Resort & Villas The Sheraton Waikiki Hotel Steve Shulman Sleight of Hand Cellars SLS Hotel at Beverly Hills The Space Needle, LLC Sparkman Cellars Spektor Dental Center – Dr. Wendy Spektor St. Regis Princeville Resort, Kauai Starwood Hotels Therman Statom

Jason Stratton-Cascina Spinasse Barbara and Stuart Sulman SYSCO Foodservice Tango Restaurant + Bar Team USA Olympic Experience Tesla Motors The Traver Gallery Tricoter Seattle Turgeon Raine Jewellers Tuxedos and Tennis Shoes Catering Two Tone Studios Kat Uzzelle Va Piano Vineyards Via Trinbunali Restaurant Virginia Mason Volterra Restaurant – Don Curtis and Michelle Quisenberry The W Hollywood Hotel and Residences The W San Diego The W San Francisco Hotel The W Seattle Hotel Walla Walla Vintners Peggy and Bruce Wanta West Coast Entertainment The Westin Bayshore Vancouver The Westin Bellevue The Westin Denver Downtown Hotel The Westin La Paloma Resort & Spa The Westin Mission Hills Golf Resort & Spa The Westin Portland The Westin San Diego Gaslamp Quarter The Westin Seattle The Willows Lodge Woodhouse Wine Estates – Bijal Shaw Woodinville Wine Cellars Andy Zweig Barbara and Jon Zweig


special thanks Deep and persistent dedication are what makes this event such a wonderful success! We offer sincere thanks to the following individuals and businesses who went above and beyond to help us create this evening. Alan Bornstein Kevin Bradford Browne Family Vineyards Chihuly Studio Dunham Cellars Jennifer Hopper Steve Martinez Leslie Morris Kristen Russell Gulten Satir

Stonewood Productions SuperGraphics Tamara Childs Collection Team Photogenic Anne Timms Tolo Productions Mine Tuncak Kutay Tuncak Sheila Van Nortwick Haylee Wendling

Our sincere thanks to K&H printing for their continued support of the JDRF Seattle Guild. Their generous donation of time, services and materials in producing the Dream Gala print materials is invaluable and most appreciated.

evening volunteers We are honored by the gracious generosity of more than 100 fantastic event volunteers who are here tonight to see to every detail of this wonderful event. We thank them for contributing their remarkable talents, time and enthusiasm to the Dream Gala. JDRF volunteers: You rock! Cindy B aker Julie B aker Elys e B loxham G race B o os Paula B o os Mo nica B rams ch e Je an B r igham G racie Canno n Theres e Canno n Bar bara A nn Carey Kev in Castellano S abr ina Castella n o S o phia Cero Sus ie Cero A nna Clay to n Jane Clay to n Henr iet ta Cot t in g h a m Je nnifer C r uze S amant ha Cunni n g h a m Li e m Dinh Heat her Duf f in Brit t Easter Janelle Easter Megan Empey Sus an Empey S pencer Fee Evan Fet ro A ngela Fet ro Kate Fletcher Maddy Fletcher Kately n Fo rsy t he Kelly Fo rsy t he Em ily G ant Kat hr y n G r uber Bro o ke Har mer Lynne Har mer S arah Har mo n

El i za b et h He a t h Mi c h e l l e He b n e r Ti m He n d on S a n n e He r m s e n A n g e l a Hi l l Ed Hi l l Wa n d a Hi l l Joe Hol l i d a y Ma r i s a Hu l l A n n i e Ja cobs e n Ja cq u e l i n e Ja cq u e s Kr i ste n Ja m e s Ca t hy Ke r n s Kor r y n Kou s s a Ca r r i e Kra u s e Ta y l or Kra u s e S a r i Kwe e Al i s on La i n g Jos h La n e Ma n d y La n e Phy l l i s La va l l e Da v i d Le Cl a i re Ja i m e L i p m a n Lindsay Lipman Mi c h e l l e Lu i Ma d i s on Ma l on ey Ma u re e n Ma n l ey Ke l l i Mc Ka y Me g a n Me n d oza A n g e l a Mi l l e r A m a l i e Mi l l e rd Ca r l y Mi l l e rd Le s l i e Mor r i s Jon a t h a n Ne d ve d Ca rol e Nord st rom Ti f fa ny Nord st rom Tr i s h a Qu i g l ey

Travi s Ro deri c k Brando n Ro gers Rac hel Ro gers Lau ren Rosen Mo lli e Ru i z-Ho pper Jac k Ryan Ro bi n Ryan Hannah Samu els Trac y Samu els Au drey Scott Savannah Scott Tam my Scott Sean Scott Kai lyn Sk j o nsby Randy Sm all Megan Sm o li c h Dave Sto lec k i Jo hanna Tho m as So phi a Ti sco rni a Su san Ti sco rni a Chari s Tu c ker Evi e Tu c ker Li ly Tu c ker Dani ela Tu do r Lynn Tu ttle Mari ssa Tu ttle-Ro ac he Kat Uz zelle Meghan Vo gel Amy Ward To ri Wehrle Rei na Westberg Li v Wi lso n Kelly Wo o dm ank Chri sti na Wo o dru ff Natali e Wo o dru ff Co ri nne Wu rden Ju li anne Wu rden

jdrf seattle guild dream gal a leadership Co -Ch a i rs Reb ecca Campbell Mark R. S chuster Do reen Alhadef f A nnette Alling Josi e Ar nt z S herr y B enaroya Jo el Beno liel Alan Bo r nstein S qui re B ro el A nna Schafer Co hen Do ug Co llins Darlene Co r k r um Bro o ke Dicks o n S cott Dowling A nnette Dres s er S haro n Fr iel Emi ly G ant Dave Haldi Davi d LeClaire Mi ke Lee Megan Lo mbard Sue Lo mbard Ci nd y Mas in Hughe s McLaughlin Ross Mickel G reg Miller A ndrea Myers To m T. O’ Keefe Alan Peters o n Bi ll Plaut z Brand o n Ro gers Judy Rus kell Kat Uzzelle Ji ll Was ko m Ji m Wa s ko m

jdrf se attle guild board of directors Jos i e A r ntz Joe l B e n oli el Re b e cca Cam pbell Dou g Col l i ns Da r l e n e Co rk ru m L i n d a Es ke naz i Da ve Ha l d i Mi ke Le e Ma r k R . S c hu ster S h e r r y B e n aroya, Lega cy Member

guild members Ka t h l e e n Albrec ht & Pete r McCo rm i c k Dore e n & Joseph Alhadeff Jef f A n d e rso n & Antho ny Ho r to n Jos i e & C rai g Arntz Cl od a g h & Ro ber t Ash Ste p h a n i e & Kalm an Axelro d De a n B a c k ho lm Pa m e l a & Dani el Baty Al a n B e n a roya Re b e cca Benaroya Mi c h a e l B enaroya S h e r r y & Larr y Benaroya Ma u re e n & Jo el Beno li el He a t h e r & Walter Blai r Te r r y B l oo m Ka t hy & La ne Bo c k m an Ros l y n & Alan Bo rnstei n Ka t h a r i n e & Ralph Bri ndley B ret t Ca mpbell Re b e cca Cam pbell Te re s a & Pau l Casey Vi c tor i a Casey Su m m e r Clark A n n a S c h afer Co hen Je r r y R . Co hen Phy l l i s & Do u g Co lli ns Da r l e n e & Lee Co rk ru m

guild members

co ntinu ed

Bro o ke & Jos h Di c ks on Mi cho n & S cot t Dow l i n g Li n da Es kenaz i Na ncy & Paul Et se ks on Li n da & G ar y Fel d m a n Kat hy & Mar k Fis h m a n Le la & Har ley Fra n co Mat t Frey Teres a & Lar r y Fr i e d m a n S haro n Fr iel Ter r i & Steve G a i n e s Vi rginia & Willia m G ol d b e rg Li sa G o o dman Kaye & Michael G or l i c k Da ve Haldi Caro l & A ndy Ha r r i s Candyce & Tim Hog a n Je nnifer Ho pper Ni cho le & Jef f Ja cobs on Wendy & G ar y Ka p l a n Mar y & Mike Lee Cindy & S andy Lev y Caro l & B r yan Ley ton Sus an Lo mbard S haro n & Mar t y Lot t Vi c ky Mar kus s en & G a r y Ha l p e r i n Mi a Mars hall & Da ve Vra n i za n Cindy & B o b Masi n Co lleen & B ill Mc Al e e r Bar bara & Mike Mc Ke r n a n Sue & Ro ber t Me c k l e n b u rg Ros s Mickel Le s lie & Michael Mor r i s A ndrea K . Myers Joyce & Marc Ne m i row Bar bara & Jer r y Ne p om A nnie M . & Steph e n F. Nor m a n Kat ina & Jo el Nor m a n Mar y No r r is Paige No r r is Lor i Noto & S ean B a r n e s Cait lin O’ Keefe Cat hy & To m O’ Ke efe Mar y Pat & Jo hn Oste r h a u s

Ma r y-Bri dget & To m Pehl Ka t hy & Alan Peterso n La u ra Pi erce & Stephen Zaru by Va l e r i e & Stan Pi ha Ros a l i nd B. & Melv yn Po ll L i s a Pr yde Ma rc Pr yde G i n n i e & G ene Ro egli n Mi c h e l e & Stan Rosen Di a n a & Steve Sc hi ro Ma r k R. Sc hu ster We n d y & Mi c hael Spekto r A my Spro u l & Jeff Parm enter Ol i v i a & Wi lli am Sro u fe Ci n d y & Bri en Staffo rd A n n & Davi d Sto u t B a r b a ra & Stu ar t Su lm an Mi c h e l e & Alan Tesler A n d re a & Bo b Watso n Vi c tori a Wo o darsk i & Mi c h ael A . G o ldfarb B a r b a ra & Jo n Zwei g

staff Ca te Nedved Gui l d D i rector S a m a ntha G otk i n D eve l o p ment Mana ger S a ra h Cu nni ngham In te r i m Staff La Ve rne Jo nes In te r i m Staff La Det ri a Upshaw In te r i m Staff De d e Knapp Eve n t Con sultant De n i z Sati r Asso c i a te Vi ce Presi d ent , Si g n a ture Event s

Mark your calendar! 27th annu al d ream g a l a Februar y 27, 2 016 | Sheraton Seattle Hotel

8 th annu al jd rf s eatt l e g uil d in vi tati onal go lf to urn a men t September 14, 2 015 | G lendale Countr y Club

1215 Fo u r th Avenu e, Su ite 1100 Sea ttl e, WA 98161 P: (206) 343-0873 | F: (206) 343- 7015 jdr fsea ttl egu il d@jdr f.org sea ttl egu il d. jdr f.o rg

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