September 2010
All Saints’ Episcopal Church
The Bell Tower
Reisterstown Parish
A Letter from Father David I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. (Ephesians 1:17) Dear All Saints’ family,
Volume 10,Number 9
Vision Statement: All Saints’ strives to be a place where people come to know Jesus Christ, are transformed to His glory, and become witnesses to God’s unchangeable word.
Inside this issue: Opportunities for Service
Parish Survey
Stewardship Corner
Time Pieces
Summer is almost over, school has started, and the football season is here. I am al‐ ways optimistic and excited this time of year. When I played high school and college football, the coach always reminded us that at the beginning of the season we were all tied for first place. Unfortunately, for some of the teams I played on our time at the top didn’t last very long. When that happened it was our collective goal to work hard and get better. I was thinking of this as I read over the various responses to our vestry survey. How can we get better? Make better decisions? Become better stewards? Serve better? Know God better? The survey questions were intentionally written to focus on God’s will for All Saints’ and not our personal desires. For many, these are hard questions to answer as the prophet Isaiah wrote; “Who has understood the mind of the LORD, or instructed him as his counselor?” For me it is a humbling statement especially when I am tempted to let God know how I think He should run the world. The truth is that God has and contin‐ ues to reveal His purposes through the Word and His Holy Spirit. Our task is to read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest the Word of God, and to diligently watch and listen to the Holy Spirit. No one individual should presume to know the whole mind of Christ and that is why we must strive to discern together. The survey did reveal a number of common themes that will assist us to be a better, more faithful church. It also identi‐ fied other areas where we can improve. Over the next weeks and months my hope is to seek ways to do a better job meeting the needs of our congregation. We will be asking for people to pray about becoming Pastoral Visitors, Eucharistic Ministers, and Hospitality Ministers to help newcomers and visitors find a home church. We also will offer the Experiencing God course on Wednesday evenings and Thursday mornings to help us learn to better discover God’s will. We will strive to open better lines of communication, honor one another, support and build up the body of Christ, and most of all that we all receive “the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that we may know Him better”. Your servant in Christ, Fr. David+
Get INvolved, ReachOUT
Highlighted Events
Calendar of Events
Opportunities for Service Imagine what it would be like to drive your car without some of the essential parts. Parts that allow the car to move about, but parts that affect its ultimate performance. I have driven some clunkers in my life. I re‐ member driving without an air
conditioning for two summers, and without the ability to roll down a window. It wasn’t fun. Another one of my clunkers ran on six cylinders instead of eight. It was not very efficient or de‐ pendable. The same principle applies to the church. We can
still be the church without some parts, but we aren’t as efficient and dependable as we should be. St. Paul used the metaphor in comparing the church to the human body. Just as each of us (continued on pg 5)
The Bell Tower Volume 10,Number 9
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2010 All Saints’ Parish Survey The 2010 All Saints’ Parish survey is fin‐ ished., and the Vestry would like to thank everyone who participated, both inter‐ viewers and interviewees. Fr. David and I have read the survey responses, and I am going to analytically report the primary to you here. We gleaned a lot of important informa‐ tion, most of it positive, some negative. This we will put to good use later at the fall Vestry retreat. Some felt the questions were too hard. They weren’t meant to be. As a small child one of the first things I learned in Sunday school was the first and second commandments: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two command‐ ments" (Matthew 22:36‐40). This answer would have sufficed for the first question. The second question then asked how you expected to accomplish the first. Allow me to summarize the areas most often mentioned in order of most often mentioned. Of most concern was that we have be‐ come divided, once again, into three dif‐ ferent congregations following the three different services with three different desires. The Experiencing God study re‐ veals that we can not accomplish God’s work if we aren’t of a one mind. Clearly we have work to do here. Next, a large number of people loved the youth pro‐ gram. A plus. Also, the activities of God’s Older Children and the Shawl ministry were mentioned many times, another plus. The attitude of the National Episco‐ pal church was thought to be a problem. An equal number felt we should be doing more evangelizing to increase our mem‐ bership. The next largest number of re‐ sponses liked the Bible studies. An equal number felt inspired by Fr. David ‘s ser‐ mons. Finally, quite a few people who wanted more fundraisers to help pay the bills since giving doesn’t equal expenses. Some of the above we have already ad‐ dressed, for instance we combining the last two services. This fall, the Vestry is planning a retreat to discuss these and other information the survey revealed.
We will be using this information to get everyone on the same page.
to see All Saints’ Church walk more closely with one another; whether we are in the garden or walking alone outside of it.
Before completing the survey, we asked, via e‐mail, if there were any members that we missed who still want to respond, What do you see or understand to be I want to share this response with you. your part in His accomplishing what He wants to do here at All Saints'? What do you think the Lord wants for All Saints' Church? When I was a kid during summer camp at Claggett, I remember poignantly a mo‐ I think the Lord simply wants a one‐on‐ ment I spent with an Episcopal nun who one relationship ‐‐ that "I come in the was serving as a camp counselor. I think I garden alone" moment with each of us was probably about 10 years old, so this individually and collectively as a parish was at least 45 years ago. I wasn't fitting while the dew is still on the roses. In this in well with the other kids. I was multi‐ age of technological connection, I think racial, shy, not "well‐off" and not finding God wants to see the "Facebook" of it all my niche among the other kids. I sneaked among our membership and the commu‐ away to the little pond one afternoon. nity at large. We are all walking so The nun was there fishing ‐‐ in full habit "alone" these days. Initially the prospect on that hot summer day. I plopped down saddened me because my work schedule beside her. She asked me why I wasn't has not allowed me to see the inside of swimming with the other kids. I told her I the church for months. How would I ever couldn't swim and they didn't like me manage to walk with my fellow parishion‐ anyway, so why bother. She never ers, fellowship with them, ever truly be a judged me, never corrected me, did not part of the congregation? And then a scoot me back to the pavilion for arts and silly Gatorade commercial song hit crafts. Instead she silently handed me me...sort of like the old John Lennon her homemade fishing pole, taught me "Revolution" song. God only wants to how to put bait on the hook safely and let commune with us, form a lasting relation‐ me fish. She dangled her feet from that ship, have the "LIKE" button chosen rickety little pier and began to sing about online and in‐heart. The Gatorade com‐ a boy, a very strange enchanted mercial says, "if you wanna a revolu‐ boy. They say he wandered very far, very tion, the only solution, evolve". I think far over land and sea. A little shy and sad the Lord simply wants to see us continue of eye, but very wise was he. The great‐ to evolve first by outreach to one an‐ est thing he ever learned was just to other, to the community, and to anyone love... Even now I believe that is our He sends daily into our path. When I greatest "part" on the planet. Simply to asked my family to call Father David be‐ love one another. Since I miss so much fore my heart surgery last February, he time in church, I carry church with me out came. No judgments, no condemnation, in my work. I look for the lonely, the sad, no sermon on stewardship (or lack the outsiders and like that nun did for me, thereof)...just love and communion. No I try to teach them to fish. Greater judgments on what constitutes a "good" love hath no man than this, that a man Christian. I believe All Saints’ is simply lay down his life for his friends... I think due for an internal revolution ‐‐ a spiritual that is what God wants for All Saints’, to renovation if you will. We need to accept love one another. Nothing fancy or high‐ a lot more outside our cloistered selves maintenance...just love. and evolve to a higher spirituality. Not sacrificing our core beliefs but embracing Sr Warden’s note: I wish I could write like with love those who have found God in that! We all need to have this person’s ways perhaps different from our own. attitude. Those who in their own walk have heard In His Service and yours, a voice so sweet that birds hush their singing. I may not be articulating this Erik Ewertz well, but I can tell you I feel it in my Sr Warden bones. Most of our daily stewardship goes unseen and unrewarded (as it should be). I think the Lord simply wants
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Stewardship Corner I’ve been beating my head against the proverbial wall for some time, trying to come up with a good subject for this column. Then, when I was looking at some of the raw data from the recent Parish Survey, it came to me: Stewardship and the current economy. First, let’s look at the word stewardship. My Unabridged Dictionary derives stewardship from Old English roots that mean manage‐ ment. It is roughly equivalent to economics, which derives from the Greek econos, which means “managing the household.” Stew‐ ardship, then, means managing and marshalling those resources you have at your disposal and for which you are responsible. How does this apply to us here, at All Saints’, now, in 2010 A.D.? As we all know, the national (not to mention global) economy is a mess. We’re all worried about our savings (if we’re lucky enough to have any), and our jobs, if we have one of those! Governments at all levels are in the same boat. And most of them (except nationally) cannot print money; they have to raise money in other ways. Same thing for us. We here at All Saints’ have our budget problems, too. Returns on our savings and investments have either fallen to, or been driven to, historically low levels. The income we have historically enjoyed from them has gone away. Until recently, we all enjoyed a good economy, one that afforded us an income that easily covered all the programs we supported and their attendant expenses. No longer. Right now, the Vestry is trying hard to keep all the staff we have. We are having to reduce the contributions we make to the programs that we can afford, and there are ever fewer of them. We have to scrape sometimes just to make our monthly obligations: BGE, phone, heating/air conditioning, diocesan obligation, and others. (I always forget a couple of them.) You get the picture. We used to have some parish members whose means allowed them to help us (sometimes to bail us out) when things got tight. Unfortunately, they have either moved away, or passed on. We are figuratively on our own. What do we do now? Well, there are a few things we can do. None is big, and none is spectacular. Little things, like putting a dollar, or an extra dollar in the basket for coffee hour. This helps cover the costs of the coffee and some (occasionally most) of the goodies. The remainders are donated. Some of us can also make small increases in our weekly offering. I, for one, looked at my finances, and saw that, by mak‐ ing some small adjustments in my household finances, I could make a small increase in what I give each week. Not much, but every little bit helps. Tithing is a challenge for a number of people in our congregation, but all of us can do it. I’m not suggesting that anybody make any big changes or sacrifices (Lord knows, we have to sacrifice enough just to pay our bills!). No. Nothing like that. Little stuff. Get one fewer soda, or coffee, and give some of the saving to All Saints’. Remember, one drop of water isn’t much, but the ocean is nothing more than drops of water together. All Saints’ is very important to me. It has become my family. In the absence of any nearby blood kin, it is my family. I’m not alone in this. Let’s all see what we can do to help the Parish do better financially. Fred Craven
ALSoTour 17; A Jonestown Junket The 17th excursion for ALL SAINTS’ ON Of special interest will be the special TOUR will visit four sites in Baltimore’s exhibit “Beyond Swastika and Jim historic Jonestown neighborhood – two Crow,” ending this month. museums and two charming new inns. Nearby is the 1840s Carrollton Inn and The Star Spangled Banner Flag House is Plaza which we have been invited to now a vastly expanded site connected to view. This is a three year old sister bed Mary Pickersgill’s home on Pratt Street. and breakfast to Gramercy Mansion in This museum is a must‐see as we ap‐ the Greenspring Valley. A lovely court‐ yard garden connects the inn to the old proach the 200th anniversary of The Carroll Mansion. Battle of Baltimore.
This tour involves walking, but all sites are within easy distance of one another. Tentative date for Tour 17 is Saturday, September 18 – but be sure to check for confirmation in the church Sunday ser‐ vice bulletins. A tour brochure will be available in Groff Hall in early Septem‐ ber. Fee: $20, includes admissions and park‐ ing. Drivers are discounted.
Next, the Reginald F. Lewis Museum will Finally, we will see the plush new Fair‐ Contact tour leader Neal Haynie: 410‐ amaze you with its superb architecture field Inn & Suites and have lunch there at 833‐4331 for reservations. Tavern 101. and exhibits.
The Bell Tower Volume 10,Number 9
Page 4
Time Pieces Fifteenth in a series on the history of the Reisterstown Parish 1958–1960: The Fast Food Generation It was 1958, just four years after McDonald’s appeared on the scene, and America was well on its way to a love affair with fast food. At All Saints’ the rector oversaw a year of rather typical concerns, upkeep, and repairs, including an overhaul of the organ. A church flag was gifted to us by a mem‐ ber of the parish.
while Fidel Castro assumed power in Cuba, bringing the Cold War almost to our doorstep. Nearer home, Interstate 83 brought us closer to downtown, although the Baltimore Beltway was still only a dream.
In 1960 John Kennedy defeated Rich‐ ard Nixon for President. The first “sit‐ ins” were staged in opposition to seg‐ regation, and the birth control pill was introduced ‐ both events presaged the opening of a fevered decade in Amer‐ ica. Our parish completed a survey of The following year Vestryman Edward property and buildings. The Altar Guild C. Lecarpentier declared his intention crafted new stoles for our clergy, the to become a candidate for Holy Or‐ Reverends Broadbent and Lecarpen‐ ders. The church celebrated as he suc‐ tier. In October, a milestone was ceeded in this endeavor. In March of reached in our drive for a new parish 1959 the Ushers Guild was initiated, hall when Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Groff and the Women’s Auxiliary reported presented the church with a major do‐ continued activity in sponsoring social nation. Groff Hall now had its name! events and in raising money for the In mid‐summer, Mr. Broadbent re‐ parish. That same fall, the Building ceived a letter dated August 13, 1960. Committee viewed preliminary It was sent by St. George L. Sioussat, sketches for a new Sunday School grandson of the Rev. George A. Leakin, building – a project long awaited but still a few years from reality. The con‐ former rector of Baltimore’s Trinity Church in Fells Point. The purpose of gregation also marked the 25th anni‐ versary of the ordination of the Rever‐ his letter was “to offer to All Saints’ Church, as a gift, a chancel chair over a end Scott Broadbent. hundred years old. It is mahogany, of Nationally, 1959 welcomed two new American design . . . used in the chan‐ states, Alaska and Hawaii. The USSR’s cel of Trinity Church.” Trinity Church Nikita Krushchev toured our country
Fall Festival is coming Saturday, October 16 from 9 am ‐ 2pm, and All Saints’ needs your help! This year we need lots of VOLUNTEERS to be placed where there is a need. Some examples are: Youth craft table, Scarecrow Contest, Santa’s workshop, Attic treasures, Auction, Crafts, etc. Sign up with Pat Reier! Donations, Donations, Donations
Baked Goods: Sign up for what you can donate. Due to County Food Regulations we are required to post ingredient information with the baked goods. Drop off your ingredient list with your baked good on Friday, October 15th. Those without ingredients can not be sold.
stood at the corner of Broadway and Pratt Streets from 1853 until its closing in 1904. Mr. Sioussat noted that “my life is coming to a close and I feel my grandfather would be pleased to have the chair in All Saints’ Church.” He died just eighteen days after posting his letter. (The Leakin and Sioussat families are interred at All Saints’ Cemetery.) In the years following, the story of Sioussat’s gift became clouded, and few people ‐ even today ‐ actually knew of its existence. In 1998, Janet Stenner found the chair, in the attic of the rectory, in disrepair. An arm was broken, the seat was busted through and the red fabric torn. She lovingly restored and reupholstered the chair. It is now resting quietly in the All Saints’ rectory.
Scarecrow Parts: We need old shirts, pants, hats, potato sacks and more for the Scarecrow Building Contest. We also need two or more bales of straw.
• • •
Attic Treasures: Drop off in Groff Hall. Crafts: If you are donating a craft, please contact Anne Pearsall. Lunch: Please donate bottled water, soda or monetary donations for the food.
For all monetary donations, please make checks payable to All Saints’ Church, and in the memo line write Fall Festival. If for a specific area, please write that in the memo as well.
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Opportunities for Service (continued from has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function. In Christ ,we who are many, form one body, and each mem‐ ber belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. (Romans 1:4‐5) Elsewhere St. Paul emphasized that to be healthy all the parts need to function properly. (See 1 Corinthians 12:12‐27). Paul ends this teaching with these words; if one part hurts, every part hurts with it; if one part flourishes, every other enters into exuberance. You are Christ’s body ‐ that is who you are! You must never
pg 1)
forget this. (From the Message)
groups. We are in dire need of aco‐ lytes, chalice bearers, ushers, and hos‐ We not only have to work together, we pitality workers. We always need all need to discover our place so we can voices to join the choir, readers, be the church that God calls us to be. prayers, and teachers. Below there is a list of opportunities to serve and use the gifts that God has Please consider joining one or more of given us. There are opportunities to these groups, and we will fully realize serve in our worship, fellowship, out‐ our potential as the ‘body of Christ’. reach, prayer life, music ministries, and Fr. David+ education of adults, youth, and chil‐ dren. On Homecoming Sunday we will have on display invitation sheets for all of our ministries to give everyone an opportunity to join one of our ministry
Acolytes’ Guild…………………………..……………………………………………………………………John Rogers Altar Guild…………………………………………………………………………………………………......Joan Haynie Archivist………………………………………………………………………………………………………....Neil Haynie Bell Tower Editors…………………………………………………………………....Jonathan and Tirzah Stenner Cemetery Committee……………………………………………………………………………………....Neil Haynie Chalice Bearers’ Guild………………………………………………………….....Fr. David Stenner/John Rogers Children’s Ministries…………………………………………………………………………………...Hilary Lutwyche Choir…………………………………………………………………………………………………………....Estele Daniel Christian Education & Formation………………………………………………………………..Fr. David Stenner Contemporary Music………………………………………………………………………………………Alden Phelps Craft Workshop……………………………………………………………………………………………………...Vacant God’s Older Children Ministries…………………………………………………………………..Fr. Melvin Turner Hospitality Group……………………………………………………………………………………………...Tres Quinn Lector’s Guild……………………………………………………………………………………………....Dawn Hemler Men’s Ministries……………………………………….…………………………………………………...Jerry Kalbach Newcomers’ Committee……………………………………………………….….Laura Bolgiano/Dawn Hemler Next Supper…………………………………………………………………………………………….…..Janet Stenner Outreach Committee………………………………………………………...….Kerry McNamara/Janet Stenner Prayer Ministries………………………………………………………………………….....Dan and Laura Bolgiano Single Parent Group……………………………………………………………………………………………….Vacant Ushers/Greeters’ Guild……………………………………………………………………..……………..Ray Leonard Women’s Ministries…………………………………………………………………………………….....Sally Kalbach Young Adults Group………………………………………………………………………………………….Terry Kratz Youth Group…………………………………………………………………………………………………..Heidi Conley
The Bell Tower is edited by Jonathan and Tirzah Stenner. The deadline for submissions will be the 15th of the prior month. Please email all submis‐ sions to and mention “The Bell Tower “ in the subject line of your email. Thanks
The Bell Tower
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Volume 10,Number 9
Merrill and Dorothy Sumey will celebrate their 53rd wedding anniversary on Tuesday, September 21, 2010 (414 Obrecht Road, Sykesville, MD 21784-7628) John and Debra Rogers will celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary on Monday, September 20, 2010 (45 Sacred Heart Lane Reisterstown, MD 21136-1122)
SEPTEMBER BIRTHDAYS Look for All Saints’ Event Photos and Videos on our Facebook Group Page: Friends of All Saints’
Malcolm Carrick will celebrate his 81st birthday on Wednesday, September 1, 2010 (3715 Butler Road Glyndon, MD 21071-4913)
Episcopal Church of Reisterstown
DEATH Bob McCray (Mary Thayer’s brother) died August 12, 2010 (Mary Thayer 4419 Klee Court Sykesville, MD 21784-9726)
Joseph Hulse will celebrate his 81st birthday on Wednesday, September 1, 2010 (Bethany Village 5225 Wilson Lane Mechanicsburg, PA 17055) Norman Shipley will celebrate his 86th birthday on Thursday, September 23, 2010 (4824 Hillock Lane, Hampstead, MD 21074-7251)
Thomas and Mary (Bonnie) Bajkowski will celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary on Tuesday, September 21, 2010 (12 Harden Avenue Owings Mills, MD 21117-4130) BELATED Joan and Neal Haynie celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary on Saturday, August 14, 2010 (120 Lamport Road Reisterstown, MD 21136-1422) Mae and Raymond Leonard celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary on Monday, August 16, 2010 (10214 Cascade Run Court P.O. Box 1016 Owings Mills, MD 21117)
Note from the Parish Office: If you know of anyone who will celebrate their 80th birthday or older– or who will have a milestone wedding anniversary, please call the parish office to make sure we are aware of the information. Thank you.
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September 2010 Sun
1 10:00a Craft Workshop 7:00p Youth Study
8 9:30a Cemetery Comm. 10:00a Craft Workshop
9 10:00a-3p Franklin Garden Club
7:00 Fall Festival Mtg. 7:00p Youth Study 8:00p Choir Rehearsal
7:00p Vestry Mtg.
7:00p Youth for Truth Outbreak! Sleepover! Parade!
14 10:00a Bible Study 7:00p Prayer for Fall Festival, Prayer Rm 7:00p Women/FH 7:00p Men’s Fellowship 8:30p A.A.
15 10:00a Craft Workshop
19 Homecoming Pot -luck Lunch 11:00a Young Adults 12:00p Youth for Truth 7:30p Alanon 8:30p A.A.
20 21 7:00p Prayer meeting, GH 10:00a Bible Study Prayer Room 7:00p Women/FH 7:00p Men’s Fellowship 8:30p A.A.
22 10:00a Craft Workshop
26 11:00a Young Adults 12:00p Youth for Truth 7:30p Alanon 8:30p A.A.
27 7:00p Prayer meeting, GH Prayer Room 7:30p Catonsville KC Board
28 10:00a Bible Study
29 10:00a Craft Workshop
7:00p Women/FH 7:00p Men’s Fellowship 8:30p A.A.
7:00p Youth Study 8:00p Choir Rehearsal
Pentecost 18 Pentecost 17 Pentecost 16
Pentecost 15
Regular Sunday Services Resume September 19th: 7:45 Holy Eucharist (Quiet) 9:00 Holy Eucharist (contemporary family) 10:15 Children’s School 11:00 Holy Eucharist (traditional) 5 9:00a Adult Bible Study 9:00a Youth for Truth 11:00a Young Adults 12:30p God’s Older Ch. 7:30p Alanon 8:30p A.A.
6 Parish Office Closed
7 10:00a Bible Study
Labor Day
7:00p Vestry Planning 7:00p Women/FH 7:00p Men’s Fellowship 8:30p A.A.
12 9:00a Adult Bible Study 9:00a Youth for Truth 11:00a Young Adults 7:30p Alanon 8:30p A.A.
13 7:00p Prayer meeting, GH Prayer Room 7:30p R.O.G./GH
Youth for Truth Continues
7:00p Youth Study 8:00p Choir Rehearsal
All Saints’ Open
18 ALSo Tour “A Jonestown Junket” 1p-3p Prayer Shawl Workshop, FH
Bell Tower Deadline
7:00p Youth Study 8:00p Choir Rehearsal
1st Day of Autumn 7:30p Catonsville Kennel Club
24 Wedding, Reception 25 Setup, Church/GH Wedding & Reception Youth for Truth guys Church & GH w/men @ Mr. D’s cabin Youth for Truth girls ocean Men’s Trip To weekend
Bolgiano’s Cabin
Men’s Trip To Bolgiano’s Cabin
Schedule of Special Events •
Sept 10: Youth for Truth, Outbreak!
Sept 11: Tenth Annual All Saint’s Open
Sept 25‐26: Men’s trip to Bolgiano’s cabin Coming in October!
Sept 14: Fall Festival Prayer Meeting
Sept 18: ALSo tour 17 “A • Jonestown Junket •
Sept 19: Homecoming Pot‐luck Lunch
Oct 10: Bishop Rabb’s last visitation to All Saints’ Oct 16: Fall Festival Oct 23: Men’s Fellow‐ ship Breakfast
Attn: Fall Festival Volunteers Please join us at the Fall Festival Prayer Meetings being held Tuesday Sept. 14 and Tuesday Oct. 5. We will be praying for God’s will to be done through this community event and in our lives. We want all festival volunteers to be of “one mind” and “one purpose” to serve and witness our Lord, Jesus Christ. Colossians 3:17 “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”
All Saints’ Episcopal Church
Non-Profit Org.
203 E. Chatsworth Ave. PO Box 279 Reisterstown, MD 21136-0279
Permit No. 45 Owings Mills, MD.
Phone: 410-833-0700 Fax: 410-833-2352 E-mail:
We’re on the web: www.allsaints.ang‐
Got Postcards? Do you own a collection of vintage postcards? Would you like to donate them to the FALL FESTIVAL for a fundraiser? One of our church mem‐ bers has already given us more than 100 old postcards to sell, and we would like to swell this collection for a fantastic display and sales table. Please contact Joan Haynie (Attic Treasures) “Your junk is our treasure!”
Before going to the cross, Jesus prayed this for us. John 17: 22-23 “I have given them the glory that you have given me, that they may be one as we are one: I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.”