chris v

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Vote Chris Valentine Vice President Faculty of Health Getting to the heart of health issues

Some Info about me! Hi, all For those of you who don’t know me I am a third year student nurse from Cohort 38. I have been actively involved in the student representative body since I arrived at Edge Hill University in 2008. This year I have been working hard as your Faculty of Health Student representative. I live within Ormskirk and take a full part in all of the activities that take place in and around the campus, being involved in the arranging and staging of many of the social functions that take place. I am approachable, broad minded and willing to provide support if that’s what you need. I am the type of person that sees that something is wrong and wants to do something about it. If that means I have to knock on doors and ruffle feathers then that’s what I do. Alternatively if I can get the same results by sitting down and having a calm discussion with senior academic staff then I can do that too.

What I’ve already done for you! I am also more than aware of the difficulties that students face throughout the academic year and have consistently worked with the student body and academic staff to try to make life easier for students. In particular I have sat on the faculty board and ensured that your views and voice were heard by senior faculty academic staff. I have consistently presented these views and given feedback to students on issues such as 1. Lobbying the faculty to improve clinical skill updates for critical processes to enhance knowledge and abilities. 2. Improve and reduce the time taken to get replacement, uniform and equipment. 3. Represented the views and needs of students on the ‘PUPP’ programme board to ensure that we are heard as a student body and are able to provide significant inputs. 4. Listened to what the students wanted to enhance the social life within the campus including opening discussions on events such as a winter ball. 5. Successfully persuaded the university to change the operating times of the campus bus to support student safety initiatives. It now runs for three hours more than previous.

6. Worked with the University to enhance safety and security both on and off campus, communicating the changes to the student body and wider community. 7. Worked with the local police to increase reporting of incidents and to provide a forum for students to make their views known. 8. Worked with minority groups to provide a wider and more diverse student body, engaging and communicating the positive benefits of an inclusive student body.

What I want to do for you So what will I do if you give me your backing and vote? I have some real ideas about what will enhance Edge Hill and give the students a better all round experience. This is based on my own time here and the fact that I have spoken with many of you. I have been passionate about the time I have spent here already and am still very keen to take this work further. In particular if elected I would seek to do the following. 1. Online submission of assignments to bring the process into the 21st Century 2. Text service by the University to let you know of changes to your week i.e. room changes, cancelled lectures etc. 3. Work with the University to guarantee work placements closer to home locations. 4. Improve the standard and availability of catering on campus, providing hot food throughout the day and later into the evening. 5. Work with the faculty to reduce the cost of printing work and materials. 6. Work closely with the students to produce a schedule of social events that fit their requirements and which will enhance their experience. 7. Encourage the Faculty to provide a greater spectrum of clinical skills training. 8. Increase the amount of anatomy and physiology training provided. 9. Encourage the Faculty to provide feedback on exams and assignments within an agreed timescale with support meetings for those students who have been unsuccessful.

If you have anymore questions please grab me around campus and don’t hesitate to tell me what you think our faculty needs So Get out and start voting! How to vote

Vote online via your Uni e-mail from 10am 24th March 2011 until 12 noon 31st March 2011

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